xt7jm61bp834 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jm61bp834/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-02-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 01, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 01, 2007 2007 2007-02-01 2020 true xt7jm61bp834 section xt7jm61bp834 5‘}



\NW/W’. KY KERN E l. .(‘()M



(LELEBRATINU it) Yl'ARS ()l lNlMl’lNltl \tl


Study: Ky. students staying in state after graduation

By Juliann Vachon
,vachonflkykernet com

The inaiorit) ot Kentuek) .stu
dents are starting their post-graduate
eai'eers iii the Bluegrass state. aeeord-
ing to a stud) b} the state‘s (‘ouneil
oit l’ostseeoitdat‘) lidueation.

Ntnet} lHC pereent of resident
graduates tiom publie eolleges and
nnnersities remained in Kentuek} at-
ter eonipletmg their degree. up l3
pereent from a similar stud) in 200i).
tteeording to the new study

(‘hailes MeUre“. director ot~ ln'

torination and t'eseareh at the CPR.

said the results pronde hope that
Kentuek} “ill eontinue inereasing the

amount of degree-holding residents.
but the state should moxe t'orisard
\\ ith “eautious optimism."

"lt' Kentuek) is going to moxe
forward. we're going to ha\ e to be at~
traetne to good businesses." Me(1re\\
said. "lzdueation is the ke) to that."

The stud) e\antitted htm man}
Kentuek} students eompletmg their
degree at a ptiblie eollege or unnersi
t_\ in lttttl were still li\ing iit Kenr
link) in Elmo.

The number of nonresident Ken
tuck‘y graduates staying in state at'tei'
graduation also inereased to V per
eeitt. up l3 pereent trom llttttt.

liightysix pereent ot resident and
nonresident Kenttiek} students is"

tnaiited in Kentuek) .it'ter giaduatton.
up trom 7? pei‘eeni in 300“

.\ national deeltiie in biitlts led
some to eonelude that Kentuek} \\ as
e\perieneing a “brain drain" in the
last se\eial )ears. e\pi.\rting more stii
dents than it aetuall} did. said l'ls
President Lee lodd in an e‘rttttttl to the

Keiituekt ts aetuall_\ keeping
more students iii state attei giadiia
tioit. and Todd attributed that to multi
ple laetors. ineltidtng tlte dualit} o1
higher edtieatton iii Ketttuek) and a
grim mg eeonom}

"I think out eeonoin}, generall}.
has grtmtt tit ieeettt _\e.ii's. and it's
started to gio\\ iii tlte right \\a_\s

mote lngli teeh. high skill iobs so
that out best and brightest don't ll.t\ e
[U lx'.t\t‘ ltittttt' lt‘ t‘tlt'stte eutttttttttt Hit
poitunitt.” Todd said

\\ hile tlte etonom} has tnipio\ ed.
Kentuekt still laeks a \\oi'ktoi‘ee big
enough to sitteesstttll\ tompete iii a
Ilst eenttn} eeoitont}. l’odd said

”I‘llk' ttlL'tt ls llt.tl .t liti‘t'L‘ CLlUCdT‘Ckl
populate “Ill be a mote pi‘ospeiotis
one as “ell." lodd said “l.dtitatioii
and tit\estment in our gio\\th and
stieeess is. I am \Ull\lllLCtl. the titost
impoitant tlttng \\e eatt do to gioit
Ketttttek} ‘s etoitont) "

littltl sattl l'K.s ittt‘ ill ellttt'ls
deitionstiate hon serious Kentuek} is
about being .i piogiessne state eeo


nomitall}. tiilttiiallx and \‘xllltttlit‘ild‘

l l\ ttL‘t‘tls :lllllllll ttttttt I".ttlt.“.
\lt'fjtet' lts‘ltlt'h l‘§ :‘lll‘ ti' Natl, 'tie
national .txeiage. lodd said

'lt \\e titatittaitt tltts toizimttiixent
lit t‘\tL'll\‘lls\' lll \‘tlllsdl‘i‘H, \\'.' \‘stll l
.im toitxtttted. li.i\e e\ett iiiote \tlt
eess tit .tttiaetittg the kinds ot iobs
tli.it \sdl keep tttott ot otit best and
bitghtest in l\e‘llltt\l\\ .ts nei .i\ .tl
taettitg ntoie people to oin .oiiinton
\\e.tltlt tton: outside the state lodd

l ls alum .\ai.t (ll\t\lt'll giaduatett
tit .\l.i} ftltlh and said she dettded to

st.i\ tn the state \si'lt t.tt'.ti‘\ .ttid

~ Grads :::v 5

S( } committee

1 , . e in.
t atiitv hatt't as it:

rot-.7.“ "it.
‘u‘ at! ..\(Lil\tt._.it


Admits, a ,


Hangin’ m‘ound

UK Outdoor Pursuits club hosts its first rock-climbing
competition at Johnson Center for students, employees

By John Crowell

news @kyke' "e (.tt'tt

The Johnson ('eitter's e limb
iitg “all got a bit more attention
than tisual last night .is met (tll
people partittpated tit .t roek
elimbing eompetittoit at the lit
ness eoinple\.

l'lx ()utdoor l’ursuits. an or
gaiii/ation tltrotiglt \xliieh sIU'
dents. taeult} and stall eait atr
tend group otitdoor sporting
trips. sponsored tlte e\ent.

John (iillispie. a eommunir
eations graduate student. orga~
ni/es e\ents tor l'K Outdoor
Pursuits. inelttdmg the roek
elimbing eompetition The
eliinbing holds on the “all into
38 ditl‘erent numbered and eol
or eoded routes liaeh ol‘ the (it)

elimbet's took a run at tlte \iall
\\ hile stayng \\lllll!1 their route

-\s soon as the \‘lllttl‘L‘l‘s teet
\\ ere oil the ground. the rttit t‘ve
gait Judges determined tlte
sutres based on l‘ittU. man} tiies
it took tlte athletes to elimb the
\\ all \ersUs hon ditt'ieult the
route \\as It the elimber didn‘t
tall. the} got ltltl points It the)
tell onee. the} got 00 Tune oi
more. and the} onl) retened '7‘
l2aeh elimber totaled the lttprlHC
\eores ot his or her night. and
tudges then determined the
night‘s \\ inners based on poiitts.

The eompetition had “in,
hers ti'ont three «littet‘eitt eate~
gories' John Shrader non tirst
plat e in the men‘s admin ed eat-
egort. lirie Ruppel “on the
men‘s beginner eategor) and

Rh ltelle ( ripe “as the is lllllt‘l in
the \Htltle'ito t .ttegot)

In pt‘epaiaitoii tor the e\ent.
(tillispte and the othei tttembets
took doon e\ei'§ Itandltold on
the u all and t leaited then: iittlt
\idttalb llte
lttttls e‘\t‘t) .t\ttll.tltli‘ litttlt' it'int‘.
Sunda} night until shoi'tl} be
tore the \Ullilk'lllll‘ll. he said

“lhe idea is making it .is ll
no one ltas t limbed on the holds
betore." (itllispie said

The tompetttois took ptitle
not onl} in their personal peitoi
manee. but in the entire espeii
eitt e ol elttn't‘iitg

"The best part ot t liinbtng ts
the people _\i‘ll get to meet." satd
geolog) ittntoi .\litltael larneti
"There is a gieat tll'\Cl\t‘ giotm

NAvClimbing ' : t:» S

‘.\ hote pi‘ot ess




pl‘( )pt )ses

By Blair Thomas


\ttttlettt (imetttit'ent’s lli‘m‘lnlltt'w

ltiattoits .ittd \l‘g‘litg‘ltdltt'tts .;t:.: l\'.’ .

totttittittees met last ingttt tot \lttltl ttt'.l‘tt"s



”This is quite dittetettt Ito.“ "is. .s‘
ot tseitate' itieettta's.“ so: t Ml
t \atri (iatites ”\\-."
lit‘llt titeetmgs xtztl. .t.} ttt

bent}; made l‘etote 'lt. emf»:-


(tat .tpt‘towtf one piete

itdtitg the . titis'tttt tn -'

ntemoital dedi. atetl to students


l K

.ttllti'lti\'tti'-'t . .sf.w‘

”This .. sv‘l'ti\"l'i?"r"‘

tb. t‘»\".b\ " ‘.1wl

lu‘itt'u'ix l


o~ .



.italtl'e- .:\ ...

.- it

lion. inn. lt'

being t.\oil.e-_l



2‘. k'



'ltt i.


\t'l ...


\lst‘ He‘d

tktott li'I iti.

'lit‘ t.tl‘1't‘l

Hlltt‘ A

n- i-..

lt.it.l t t't\


tts .tl-.‘ ,t

\\tlde.t' fl: 'l‘
(:.t‘.‘ ‘

Five to be
inducted into
Ky. Journalism
Hall of Fame

By Tyler Montgomery

t d .xttti. "


I 'I I I I ' I \x‘”
llm.‘ li‘ti‘ 'ottinatis's ..l ' ..
Film looks at lflVlSlble children in Uganda
lhe ttf'li :s (i‘ett Kit-zit ‘l'w ,t
eitt Kettttitk\ l lll‘st‘l‘sth .
tllll tetittd l..ii wt 'l'et ‘
and leebtt: ti‘_'\

By Jill Luster
:laster@kykeme| com

lt‘ Ltt'g't‘l tssttt‘s ill \l‘k'tlll‘e .tleas «tl lltt' ‘.\ttrltl like
the ttisis in l gaittla l ls's ltt's'sll“<' ('ltiidien
tlttb \\lll ha\e its ttist titeettite in tottaititttott
\Hlli \l \(i Ht‘\l \xeel.

(lite ol the goals ot the ttt‘“ lll\1\ll‘lt‘(>lll.

old enough to hold a gitn being torted into tom
ing the Lord‘s Resistanee t\rm_\. a l'gandan rebel
group "ltnisible ('hildren" used tootage along
Vtith pietures to shout lite tor thildren torted to
sleep in the streets. man) lisiitg iit hiding trom
the LRA. ()ne ho) that the three men spoke
“llll. .laeob. uept as he deseribed his brother.
saying he would prefer death

More than 350 [K students and members oi
the eommunit) tame to “ateh the dotiimentan.
an inerease from about 5“ people last _\ear

"I can't e\en explain to you ho“ ltapp) I am
at the turnout." said l_e\ie l)ressniaii. toundei
and direetor oi Students Taking ‘\klltln (ilobally
one of the organizations supporting the e\ent

Dressman said she httpCs STAG “Ill be able

l llv‘i‘o‘l.‘.l ti‘i‘s'
Man) are starung. some are \C\tlttll_\ aetite

and all are ehtldren li\ing in .t eountr) dnided
by nar.

The problems ehildren l'aee in ['ganda is the
subject of “lm‘istble Children Rough ('ut." a
doeiimentar} shown last night in Memorial Hall.

"ln\l\lhl(‘ Children" follows three young
men as the} trmeled to Sudan to make their lirst
doeumentary, After arming in Sudan. Jason
Russell. Bohb} Bailey and Laren Poole diseo»
ered that man) southern Sudanese had to flee to
Northem l'ganda.

In Uganda. the filmmakers diseoiered boys

l. 1 kms llt.‘ lott-J ":ntt ct. tt:
lleitde'sott iv ll‘ be. _~t.

- t't"1l;' t this xist Ite ‘tt‘lkt
\thools tttogiam. “htth paitnets .t tolleee i‘l ‘ l .H '
' ‘ leitkttts has "eett .» .1 \

high sthool iii the l titted \tates utth .l l gandan ’ '
‘ .. . tonmtimm ioiimatzsts .n l\t’t‘ldt r.
sthool in need l ls s paitnet sthool uilt be l.: ‘l ‘ , 1 l K k I y K
. , :: eta. \ itt no :“ex ‘1.
tor \t‘tt‘tttlttfl \\ ltitttl tit (ittllt l gantla t .
. . . I has amused me to be amend. n o'ttntn: tt\
lhe ln\isible( hildien t llll‘ \sttl lt.t\e its tits? . t y
s is l i I W. t "‘llllliltt\tt:. eiikins sait.
y - v v H I ".\ .l i‘
dueling at t tit t it e tit lthlTl - . \l‘“ lettkttts “Ith I] eeko Jul," if

. II t ‘., .
ll“ :1l"l"" ( ‘ ”‘l‘ K I ll / . “hit it liltlllll‘s tottises ott ttt\ ind tottttW :fi‘\
. t‘. \ t ‘ t a . . ‘
m RM‘ ‘ 'l N ‘ l l" ‘1'“1 “MM einment. but at times titids an opening tot a i'

dren tlub is to raise tiiotte\ tot lllt st hools litt

1 -> Children ~- Journalism :; 5

First tau mo. 8mm issues 25 com. Newsroom: 257 ’915. Adv-fitting: 257287:



 ,.E&E.2.Lfliusgér fewer. i... 200/

yourdaily dose of entertainment, pop culture aridfun kernel ‘ Ql
























1, .





E Horoscopes?

By Linda C Black

To get the advantage t‘het'ti ttw
days tattttg 70ts‘ttteeastestttat it
the most aha/lengthy]

Aries (March 21 — April 19) ’t.
day ts a 5 Start in tuttytutt w“:
your ptorntsns for thc New ‘ttuit
Prttterts (lttV‘. out tatthct thin m

Taurus (April 20 — May 20) 'tdtt
is a 5 You t got i toutih tlt’l
Ston to make ’hon’zs no who: 7
hurry (n‘ttt'nation you not lti i
run makes a tun tittitztt‘ntc


Gemini (May 21 — June 21) '
day is .it’ it y'l‘ii tam ,i tot
lot»: you (t’ haunt; till l.‘i‘tt~
(i you rich t yin; 't‘ 't'tist‘t ll
ititt out the? L'Ulvt‘d-r‘flw 0.: ti

l i
t’ .3


Cancer (June 22 ~ July 22) Tom
ts it 6 i" ”into .t tidy (trot
it it you iikt‘ : t. i'h ti omit: (Lift
up thttsc tctks who (‘VH' 'yl'tt t'ttl
'tnn'ttt ti t?" ts" "t .

Leo (July Z3—Aug. 22)
a . . .

"'tr‘ti (1' ‘wlfit‘w


(in t~

t 1t ‘it
titty isti
Vint’ (ism.
0, n t, t t.
“ UV it i‘.
it H; lkyls 'i
l n, ,
y .

tMt V.

Virgo (Aug. 232 Sept. 22) '

Libra (Sept. 23 Oct. 22) ' 't.
t 1' ', . Hti "-

.t-..v . ., ~ t

"it y 1'

‘ 1


Scorpio (Oct. 23 Nov. 21') '

. t



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lit st.iiit.iiit .iiid loitiigt

\‘lrt l iit’lid \\l‘.




inittton or raise7 it not, ask (or one
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
lotlziy ts a 6 You have plunty of
(nouns that's not the problem
Wot! on second thought ((lerllC it
is 2i you (hp ti rotn intiko son: you
ttct tho torn back

Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) it.
titty ts ti / Rnsrst the unto to titty
«it the shelf own if you it have it
so: lit" On a htoh ttt‘kot (it"l‘t you it
._ l'.|‘ t tot t‘ you t‘t'il‘t got it whole-
\.i‘t‘ Kcup Sittttlttttttt

Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) 7n-
’ ‘Wi' tritium has lots
Ititlt‘tfui whats well thought
«at thttittutin Money ts not the
tttwmty tonstdottittoit h-t this put

“ intt‘h I id a N


s 'st,‘i3"'ltt‘{t
g ,t..

Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) V»

:t i‘, w it} You it.‘

' I»? "i t 'ittiliiu til * :t‘ "it“:

9 l‘t It with to? (toot .ttsitttiy

. t
(innit nits ttl


'I‘I'le DiSl-l

After years of club-
hopping, heavy drink-
ing and embarrassing
public pratfalls, Lohan
checks into a rehab
center to finally curb
her wild ways

l.inds.i_\ l.ohan had nothing
spccitic to celebrate on the night
oi the (‘ioldcn (ilobc .'\\\;ll'\i\
she didn't c\cn attcnd thc .lanur
ar} (5 ccrcnion) but at a
bash hosted h) Best Original
Song \\'inncr Prince at the Hex-
crl} Wilshirc Hotcl in Bcwrl)
Hills. shc sccnicd to bc partxing
enough (or thc casts ot’ (lrc_\'s
Anatom) and Bahcl combined.
"She \ias .I nicss."
close to thc actrcss tclls L’s.
"Shc \\as stumbling and silll'*
ring; hci‘ tricnds had to talsc carc
ill. llCI‘ U

T\\U dass latcr. l.oh;in zit
thc urging ot hci‘ niothci'. Dina.
and |a\\_\ci' .\li|\c llcllci'
madc a inmc toward clcaning
up hcr .ict -\s l'sniaga/inccoin
tii'st rcportcd. on thc .iltcinoon
0t .lanttar) l7, tiic Hohlt} star.
I“. clicilcd in to thc “ondci
land (‘ciitci in l. :\ to battlc hcr
addiction to drugs and alcohol.

”Silk'.\ hccn out or control."
s;i_\s a l.oh.ni pal. "Shc \\ as do
ing tons oi pills. drinking exci'}
night." ()riginall). thc actress
had planncd to admit hcrscll in
i‘L'ltl'llill} attci tiliiiing \siappcd
on hci citricnt pioicct. tlic
thriller 1 Knoo \Vho Killcd \lc
But in rcccnt d.i_\s. licr P.ll‘l}lllf.‘
rcachcd ncis highs or. rathcr

ll sulll'L‘L'


Hours after ilitYlllg licr ap—
pcndn rcmmcd on Junuar} 4.
die hit the LA club sccnc. Secs
ing criticism of her post»op out-
ing in the press ga\c l.ohan a
“akcup call. says the source.
“Shc took a stcp hack and “as
lilsc. ‘Wow this is l lscdrup
ot inc

In a statciiicnt rclcascd h}
lici publicist. Lolian announccd.
"I ha\c made a proactisc dcct~
sion to iakc care oi my personal
hcalth." .-\ccording to sources.
the actrcss \\ ill spend 38 da)s .it
thc tacilit). “It “as a \Cl') hrtuc
thing tor hcr to do." Dina l.o~
han. tclls l’s. And. s:l_\'.s anothet
l.ohan insidcr. trcatmcnt is go-
ing \\cll so tar: “Shc has never
tclt bcttcr"

Out of Control

()t coursc. it was more than
one night ol’ partying that
pushed licr into rehab. (Insiders
tcll [is that hct'ore shc an-
nounccd shc “as sccking sup
port. l.ohan “hit had bccn ar
tcnding *\iU\i10ilC\ Anonymous
incctings tor a _\car had bccn
unilcrgoing outpatient trcatmcni
.tt Wonderland for scvcral

Not only was her health in
icopard). but so “as her carccr.
l‘hc troubled star had caused
man} pi’icc) dclass while shoot—
ing (icoigia Rulc last year. and
as .i rcsult. the producers ol~ her
citricnt lilm had to pa) a high
iiisuiancc premium. On top (ii
that. an insidcr s.i)s. l.oh;iii had
hccn t.ii'd_\ during the MN week
ot tilniing in Deccnilwr and “as
on thin ice \iith licr ltosscs. \\ ho

\scrc torccd to dcla) shooting
bccatisc ot' hcr appcndi\ surgcr).
t'l‘hc ino\ ic is no“ on hold until
lhc) l‘L‘L‘CHC hL‘i‘ doctor's UK.)
"Shc had to gel hct‘ s 7* t tit
gcthcr and gct sohcr or clsc. lil-
crally. the girl could not work
again.” sa_\s the source.

l'hough shc rcpcatcdl} dc?
nicd liming a problem (“I don‘t
drink \i‘hcn I go to clubs." shc
said last )cai‘t. thc trip to rehab
sccincd inc\ itablc tor the tormcr
[ch1 star. “Shc \sas going out
c\cr) night till 5 a.m.. acting
ci;i/_\." sa}s the close sourcc.
”(ioing to AA mcctings wasn‘t
doing athing tor her," thc lil‘
sidei‘ tells l's. "She “as still
drinking "

.\'o\\ clcan and sohcr (shc
gcts tcstcd I\s icc a da} t. l.ohan
is commitch to shcdding hcr
taincd part} girl persona once
and (or all. “Hcr spirits arc up.
and shc wants to gci healthy." a
sotircc tclls l's. “Shc is trying.~~

Joey Bartolomeo

Her Mom's Role

"lt \\ as a toint decision
\sc'w been \iorlsing on (or a
\sliilc." lohan‘s niotlicr. l)in.i.
tclls l's oi her daughter‘s rcv
solxc to get clcan. But does
Mom really know host'.’ While
Dina tells l's she‘s "in constant
coniiiiunication" With Lindsay. a
source closc to the actress say
the hard-partyng mom “prw
\idcs Icro guidancc." adding
that shc “doesn‘t hasc Lindsay‘s
hcst inicrcsts at hcart It‘s

Mark Ctr t





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(.. li‘.t

NOt‘VllN/Xl (ON
lttz‘ .t': in t '1‘. " ‘ ‘iti.l'ltit't litt’lttilttllitt'lv’iti

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rt . wrnmcndatittn IE1: found
of tin titimmpttshrtirizts lllii it'tuli‘itw. it. it malt 'hr littltllltt't‘ .i

it 't .tt .‘it:t,;t

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”atrina survivor discusses polities ofdisaster response

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Making a name, career after 'Idol'

By Rachel Abramovvitz
Los Angeles Times

recent 'l'uexda} at'ternoon.
Katharine ML‘Phee \MI‘ sashay
ing through a coffee shop in a
red crystal—covered mini-dress.
The leggy singer mth the eas
cade of brown hair knocked
her hips from side to \ItlL‘ the—
atrically "I feel like I'm doing
what Beyonee does." she gig~
gled. to a small but .ippi‘ecia»
ti\e audience that includes hei'
ho) friend. her publicist. a rep
resentatiw I'rom Suiil'tnskl
IWhiL‘h made the dress) and the
harista and kitchen crew

"'l'hi\ dress harel) L'o\ei‘\
in) hutt." she \itltl. \\\|ll}llllg ll
\igorousl}. “Baht. ll I'm going
to be wearing Ilil\ I'm going
to haxe to get to the gym." \he
\Illtl ;1\ she nodded to
hoyl'riend Nick ('okas.

Mel’hee l\ at the \ei‘tigi-
nous moment ot her career
“hen she can \llll change in
the hathi‘ooiiix ot' L‘ol'tee shop».
and not create it iitaioi‘ L‘oiitiiio~
tioii. She's tamous as .i iealit_\
star the “IIIMHIIL‘ runner up
ITO!“ last season's “.\iiiei‘ic.iii
Idol" hut \ltL‘\ riot _\et a
genuine i‘oLk star ill hei‘ onn
right. and her neu .ilhiim.

Katharine Mcl’hee” Ii‘eleaxed
lhh ueek). ‘.\Ill largel) deter
mine \\ hethei' Mcl’hee ascends
into the \xiniier‘x circle oi Kel
l)‘ (‘larkson .iiid ('ari‘ie l'ndei
“00d or litilh the Lie“
"ldol" hayheeiix such as .lIhlIIi

She .trri\ed


ill llit\ L'UIIL‘L‘
a local thIliI \l‘tk‘.\
li‘equenting \IIILL‘ high
alter a long Il.l_\ ot


I .;

\oimilx likL R rd




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lx’tifiix ‘~\.iii'i\\iiglit

lI‘I!‘t \lL‘It

\iiis'ir" \1.‘. /' 1"».

PAGE4 | Thursday, Februaryl 2007

publicity Her l'tll'lllrl'l‘t‘sh leaf
lures had been meticulousl)
lacquered tor photo shoots and
interuevu. and the tamed
mane now included hair exten-
sions. Decked out in a slouch)
brown sweater and Jeans. she
toted a “hllL‘ paper William»
Sonoma shopping bag I'illed
“llli shirts and cowboy boots
that enabled her to change her

look between \ai‘iom inter»
\ IL‘\\\.
So often on ”lLlUl ML‘i’hL‘L‘

seemed a beautit’ul girl mth ti
heaiitit'ul \oiL‘e in search oI~ an
ideiitit). “I think the hardest
ihiiig about that shim is find
ing “ho _\oii are in front ot~
e\er_\'hod} else in the “hole
world." she \Llld. Especitill) for
her because. “and I don't mean
lllh egotisticall). I am .i little
bit \ei‘satile. 1 can sound like
the \lllg'L‘T who sings Jan. I
could do in) little Roth}.
made it Llll'l'lCLlll tor people to
pinpoint me."

In person. Mcl’hee 13. ap-
pears more distiiicme and
\L‘l'ill‘p) she did. alter all , do
some stai‘nngatetrexx )Cilr\.
hung at home \xith her pai‘~
ents. tailing on auditiom and
making iiione_\ h) singing in
local liill\lk‘ttl~lliCi|IL‘r produc~
trons. She thinks her best per—
Ioi‘iiiaiice on “Idol" came at the
beginning ot the season. “when
l \\.t\ the most calm and \Illl
ktitd ot' iii real”). I \\;i\ri't ah?
\Itl'lk‘tl m Ilih huhhle."

She got rattled It} ner\e\ iii
the context. expeLiiill) .I\ it
“C!“ on. “W hen I got into the
top rue l\ “hen l i'eall) started
.ltist getting like L‘lilt‘r
'ilttllill during I'L‘liL‘.it\.il\ Just
doubting _\our-ell' a lot. ll.i\iiig
IIL'I\L‘\ you can't ieall} control.

\0 it

to low it.

For the week of
Feb. I Feb. 7


\t‘llllLl\ like

-‘~ ~
.. ,


\niizul. like

\I|=.ilttl\ 'let


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\I\llll\l\ Irk

\I‘ltiltlx like


‘ ‘« 'i.v ' 1t

"'w'iift‘ ’7 loht‘ NEVIILV.’
\\ll\13.i)\‘\ll'0lilk' lion

th \Le. loiiio'i ipllL“l\ ()I \loit

lliL' I all oi l'i'oy.

l did the best that I could. but it
was the best I could do in that
moment. I don‘t think it “as
necessaril) in) best."

The new album appears to
be a snapshot ol’ McPhee at
this point in time recorded
in the fen months since the
"Idol" tour ended last summer.
Her image and sound haxe
gone a little more sultry. 'l'he
L'o\ er features Mcl’hee in a
loose but cling) goldund-
black striped sweater dress. her
legs provocatixel) \plil) ed. en—
cased in foreboding thigh-high
black leather boots. and her
thatch ol~ hair doing ll\ requie
site tumbling.

The songs alternate he-
meeii poner ballads and up-
tempo girlvpower tunes. She
and her record company
part oI' the Son} BM“ empire.
like all the ldols had intend-
ed to Just sit hack LillLl see \\ hat
songs “ere sent to them h)
song“ riters. but Mel‘hee nas-
n't happy “It was stuff that I
wasn‘t identifying oith." so the
record company packed her oil
to Virginia Beach \'a.. for It)
days to “ork \\ith\ i ate Dan
.I Hills. the reLorLl producer
who L'o—produeed (with Timbu-
land) Nell} Furtado's hit single
"Promiscuous" and Justin Time
herlake's "SewBack."

Indeed. “hllL‘ Mel’hee
cops to \llll being in de\elopi

merit both 1h 1! person and
an artist she seems to ha\e a
mantra that's guiding her

through the thicket oI' grouing
up in .i \\orld head} with other
people's expectations. She
l'l'illllc\ it as ad\'iL‘e to the crop
ul' “Idol" oaniiabes dominating
the 'l \' season.

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