xt7jm61bp58d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jm61bp58d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-01-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 14, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 14, 1985 1985 1985-01-14 2020 true xt7jm61bp58d section xt7jm61bp58d (like
~.' . “a: t’WW' ".421. 5? ‘ ‘“ f. i‘“ iv- 15 55‘5" ' 1‘ - ' , '
5 . 3-4 ' 131““ 7', Va" . £3?“ " ' ' ‘.e\ ."’o 5. ‘ ,'_
55 . 5 5 ”5 ~ M‘”"“’“"""’“ W 1 W“ "’l mam “- "'5 ..
e e germane 55 .
r0 trou e 18 av Oidable r ~ ~ .-. 5.5 ~ w
5“"*"‘"‘ l. .5. . tw’i‘,“ 55%;?" 1 ' - ’
. . . w . ”WY-7‘ ' ‘ h; 5;: g; g... l :3 >va . f i' 5 '1‘" I “i‘ 5 '1'. .
K nowm rocedures and Instruction h 555 15 5- '5‘ r - .
, g p s elps cut red tape 5 ‘ . , . : ,. ,,, J 2e55, ;. _ _ ; _
s nymh,phwmo printing, said Margey McQuilkin, di- 10 am. at Memorial Coliseum and as will members of the registrar's éje5425¢W$r 551* w fr;l ‘ 1‘1; ; ’ -. '1 ,. 1 1 =
Staff Writer rector of student records. She sug- will last until 5:30 pm. To make the staff. 353:? 21‘s g ‘1- ‘ . -. 1 4-5;"- M M” '3 T . $4.3: ' I T 1 ' , .
gested that students compare the process easier, there are some When going through add/drop, al- git/LEWAW‘ ‘13,},5,’ "1" .1 "PS." r_.55'-5‘~'~.;.;.;;€$.59,” 5151,21,; ' ,‘ '. 1' ~
For students who go amigh schedule card withthelistingsinthe thingstoremember. ways add a class before dropping *étrft’ , . 9.. ' 3“ ‘ f 1' “it .‘11 _ ; . ' ' , ,
Odd/drop MW. WWW “WM“WCWk- First of all times will be outlined °ne3° “academic credithwrsta- $5.2.“ it?” 1-51—5—1 5- ~15’ 91:3 5 .1.5 x55:- “ 1‘ 1 ‘ '- , '
' the statement “patience is a virtue" All new and re-admitted under- according to‘ alphabetical distribu- tis will not he accidently altered. It Mt? “1 5.5 c- . ' ll~ ' . :5 m '5 :' . - ; ‘ ; '-
p eanmakealong day much easier. graduate and graduate students reg- tion. George Dexter acting regis- is always easier to drop a class than ”3,5,5; ; 1 Q . ..;. $1; , r y > . , 1 " ;' ;
While it's (I'll that there are 1018 ISteI'mS today must wait until trar said it takes approximately 20 it is to try and pick one up_ ”Stu- t???” 'y “a , am ”W 5 1' , ' , '4
’ lino and closed classes involved in Wednesday to add or drop a course. minutes to check in a group so there dents need to have ’an idea of what 52$ , .. .‘ , . . , _ ‘ 1 '5. 1 - - f ‘.
the process, most students' stories Today’s late registration will begin is no point getting there an hour their shopping for before they come $5515.25;ng ,1 .. 5 1 _ , . 1 . '5 .' - . - _ ;
about add/drop are unrealistic. at noon at Memorial Coliseum. early and waiting outside. in,"Dexter said. 1 ' ; '
Mac to Ann Fists, directu' 0‘ Those Widelyaduate students who ; When changing sections of a class. in order to receive a full refund of All reassessment of fees will be .5 '1 1
advlsirgconfm. have been accepted for the Spring .Next, carefully read all '“SFWC' remember to sign up for the new registration fees paid or to get done in the Gillis Building. not in the 1 , ‘ -
“The states are like the fish story 1%5 semester Will need to attend an tlons, ”Fem?” those on page 5" Of section and also drop the other sec- cancellation of the amount owed for Student Center Students can. of " 1 , . ~ ‘ ’
— they get bigger and bigger — but advising conference at 8 am. in the the “B5 59”"8 Schedule 9‘ Clam~ tion in order to be removed from a theterm. course, pay their fees at Student ml 1
for some We it is 1' bfid experi- Classroom BlllldillS- If students read instructiors. there previous class list. This will create After tomorrow, they will only re- lings located in 257 Student Center. 1 ,. ' ‘ _ -
ence,"l'-‘isteraaid. Also, anyone who failed to pay the “Wild" be 90 percent fewer PTOb‘ an opening for someone else. ceive a partial refund. From Jan. 16 Add/drop will continue through ’ - ‘ ‘
Only those students who advanced ‘50 advance registration fee will not lems, “Stet said. Students who are dTOPPlUS a class to Jan. 22, students withdrawing or January m. The College of Arts and ‘ ; ‘ ' 1 ; _ '
registered in November are eligible be able to go through add/drop be- Also. remember to bring your offi- that does not change their full-time dropping courses that change their Sciences will continue to hold its ad- ‘ ~ . 1 ‘ '
to go W mtralized add/drop cause their schedule of classes has cial schedule of classes. The regis- academic status may want to wait status will receive 80 percent of d/drop from 9 am. to 5:30 p m at ‘ 5~ ' . ' ‘
tuna-row. been cancelled. These students must trar will have c0pies available at the until Wednesday or Thursday to do their entitled refund. From Jan. 22 the Coliseum, on Wednesday Ad- ' ' '
snidentswho received their sched- re-resistcr beginning Wednesday. coliseum. Perhaps the most impor- so, thus eliminatingthewait in line. to March 7, so percent will be re» d/drop for late registering students _ . .1 ;
ulee last semester thrush distribu- Undergraduates must go to 204 Mill- tant thing to remember is that bare- But, if students are changing from funded. In order to receive these re- will also be held there, From Jan ; I 1 ,
tion in the Student Centa- Ballroom er Hall and graduate students must st of necessities—a No.2pencil. full-time to part-time status. or re- funds; students must officially drop 17.22; add/drop will be held m the -' . 1; . '
or the mail should check for errors gotossl PattersonTower. If students do have questions, ducing their part-time hours, they the course by notifying the regis- academic department and dean‘s of- f . 5 ‘
that mulled from faulty computer Centralized add/drop will begin at ROTC students will be there to help, must drop these courses tomorrow trar‘s office ofthereduction. {ices ‘ ;
UK Squad 1 ~ ~ , Offices 0 en lon r =1 -:
Cheerleader .   to les 11 d' ”
. ,, , se crow lng . -.
champions : . 1 5 1 5 ' ‘ ,
ég -: 1 ,1 5 By SACHA DEVROOMEN dents receive from the government .
i -; f’ _, "5'5” , Senior Staff Writer will be credited to the student‘s ac-
Staffreports l ‘9’: it? ' V ‘_ / 1 count according to David Stockham. ' . '

The UK cheerleaders have I ,~ - "‘1' 5 ,. ,V ”‘ i" . Each semester brings with it bills director of financial aid. Students .
cheered their way to the top 0‘ the l 5:1 ~ fl t; 3.5; f to pay, [D‘s- to validate, financial aid can pick up financial aid checks if ‘
national college cheerleading 5 :5 .3 . 5% 5 d ' checks to pick up and meal plans to the amount exceeds the cost of m ; '
championship. - 1% change. "‘0” . '

A total of 105 teams entered the , r” Many University services have ex Students who late registered can-
nationwide competition and the six 7%??? fit " . ; ,5. tended their hours to accommodate not receive their finanCial aid .
regional winners competed in the fi- it; "it/at): k , studentsthefirst few weeksofclass. checks until registration is over be» - ‘ -
nails in Honolulu, Hawaii Dec. 15 to . , " ( The office of Student Billings in cause their student account is not .
Dec. 17. UK advanced to the finals - g " 257 Student Center has been open eStabl‘Shed until that time. 5‘0““ ' ' I

., . alter willnllu; its nation in Novem— , é , 1 it since Jan. 2 and will extend its hamsalde . .
her. 1 - , 5, t ., ‘ 5;?“ hours the first two weeks of school. Jan. 28 will be the first da) these

Scott Hallrlckson. a marketing 5 * :. 1f " if according toTammie Boggs, an ac- students can pick up financnal aid ’ ,
and pkheyrmcsl edthiécation gullior and a ' 5 -’ j a 5.2,; count clerk attheoffice checks. "1 wish we could do :i . '
mem squa . sai be it? .; ‘ '_ 30888 - sooner,“ Stockham said. “it‘s our '
thought their chances were really ”a; i j ,. ' . “at. * mailed msgirssilfiegatsymch whiz: biggest problem. We advise students ;
good whenthey went tollawaii. “It M "' ' i 5 g ’ . ; : ‘ University last month, but now the to come to campus with some ‘
was )‘5‘ hitting the routine and get- . \ . - . .. ‘ only alternative is to stand in line at money," -

“'39"°'°‘“1. . . u ”52“.. . ~, the Student Billings office to make If students change their status 1 .
The national championship was 5 .53; ,. the ents. “There is no gas from full-time to part-time status or . . ‘ '
. . ., paym y 1
g 3.038;?“ the Whoxthsebfon- All :.- ”jg...“ way,"shesaid. from part-time to full-time status. ' 5
. ICC W85 W I now. ‘1 ’ M, __ .12{.;‘ ' ‘ Student Billings will be n from they need to have their fees reas- , " 1 . . '
Hendrlclfsonsaid. . ' ”a. "1 is 8 am. to 6 pm. for olefin two sessed. Boggs said these students . .. 1' ‘

The squad beganiprepanng for the ; 5.55. " weeks, except on Friday, when it should first go to the registrar's of- ‘
national competition in October, ' ' .5 ' willbeopenuntil4:3op.m_ {ice in the Gillis Building. ; ' '. . .
900mm to adViser T. Lynn .W‘l‘ ' ,fb ; , The last day to pay few will be If students wish to change their 1 z - ;
liamson. Because the competition . 1 ;/ Jan; 29 and Boggs said the office meal plan, they can do so until Jan. , ’
took place during finals week. Wil- ’ fig, 4.1% f ' will stay open until 3 pm. “We try 25 according to Allen Rieman, direc- “ 1.
gm 0:110: to the 53:33: ;- .. ., e to be as accessible to students as to: of Food Servli‘ces. There if a l$25 . ' _ . ' . . _

- ensure 5 1 . ible,"shesaid. c arge or ma ing a mea pan 1 ; ..
sponsibilities could be completed be- a ; \ e 9 i . polish student has paid through the change. 1 , .' ‘. . .
forethecomvetltlon. ' 55 . ’ 1 mail but has not had his or her D To change their meal plan. stu- 5 , 5' ' ,

Williamson ““1 the squads “V0 g 55‘ ;. :54“. ,flggzaigm , validated, it will be done the first dents who live in residence balls 1 . 1
strongest areas of the four scored .2 tit ;“ 1 111 '1 two weeks of class in the Student must do so through the housing of- 1 . ' 1 '
were fundamentals and “(Md 3P' 5i -f_:;i' has“ ‘ g; ‘ Center Ballroom Students who have fice in the Service Building or in ES " 1 ' ' ' V
veal/image- . " 1 :55“ MM 3 “it; not had their [D's returned by Stu- Student Center. Rieman said. Stu- ' \1 ' ‘ .
; Other areas scoredby the Judges .. 1 __ s 1‘ 5. 5.. dent Billings can pick them up in the dents who have meal plans but do . . . ' 1
We!“ communication and prolec- ._ .. ,. 5.5a“ ' ; '“ 5., , 1 ballroom. The ballroom will also be not live in residence halls can make r '
ummdsmptechmque- '1 ; She ’ 1 . ' .; f4 theplace topick up financial aid. changes the first week of classes in ~ .

Williamson said the squad scored . sf- 11 . - ‘ . 1 . .

- - - 1’ " m ”a Students who have lost the1r ms 206 Student Center or the second 1 5
high in crowd appeal and image cats ,. , , . ‘3 it - week in the Food Stora e Center be- - - '
080'! became the members pro . . git; W can have one remade in 206 Student hind K-Lair ill 8 ; . ;
motean“all-American image." «it: 95.5;- ; _ ' « ,. i?" 5 : Center from 9 am. to 6 pm. during 8" 5 . 5; .

Dawn Man, an undecided soph- ”i 5- 3‘} J} :5 a“): . 52' the first week of school. A replace- Students must pay for meal plan . 5 , ,
omtre and a “”5”” member of . ; .5: $.- -5 merit wtll cost $5. The [D serVice changes before Jan. 29, Rieman .
the mil said the most mm"; . , will move to its permanent location said. Students who do not live in ms , , .
m was that the team members _ c . - ~ . in 106 Student Center during thesec- idence halls mist make a 8100 de5 , . ' .5 , ‘
m able to wk mem as a . .  3 ondweekofschool and will beopen posltforthecardtobevalid, ;
squad. “We all worked real hard «I. 551‘ " 1 " ‘mmWa-m-m‘mp-mmhday- Refunds for meal plan changes In ' '
and when it worked, it was a great , _, g g The ballroom will be open from 9 which the number of meals is re- 5 '
feelingforus. ‘ . ”' am. to 3pm. for the first week and duced will be given after Jan 29. , .

“This year we had confidence we _ “a __ -' the second week the financial aid Rieman said. . ' .
coulddoit,"shesaid. & ‘ 1* 15; checks and ID validation will be A meal card will be valid even if . ‘

Diaican said the cheerleaders is .5: . i moved to 206 Student Center. After the student's fees have not been paid 5
lave alreadymddiecmed next year‘s B . . msuA-mmsmr the second week the service will be in full, he said. But. “there is al: . ‘ 5 ‘
competition are planning on de- continuedinStudent Billings. ways a few that slip by because of '
fending their title. No school has ; OIIIICIIIg Bennett , . , _ If a student‘s account is credited human error." Students should ask
won it twice. The last time a UK Winston Bennett snags a rebound in a home game against Auburn earlier this month. UK won the with {m aid he or she will not a food service employee to call the
squad won the national competition game. 68-61. The Cats will face Mississippi State at Rupp Arena at 7:30 pm. Wednesday. have to stand in line at Student Bil. office and check if they have al» .
waslnlm. lingo. financial aid money that stu- ready paldtheSlOOdePOSll-

Planning ahead '
Little Kentucky Derby erI highlight spring semester full of events scheduled by the Student Actlvmes Board
- , aynMJomisON really big bash before problems dent “It's been a UK event for over “We‘d like to make the cele-
.:.e§f.~‘1 5;": Salim-Staffwl'iter arose and the students got out of so years. It’s pretty much a tradi- bration big with possibly two or
"; . “ . UK int horn maid. he sai't‘ld. “Adrninistrvzltion tion. three dances and outdoor parties."
" ’ .; .. lumlna 0 8 9 PW” CPI down a camp. in ve- «- course, the 1 Straubsaid.
from borne, rather than a “suitcase merit started going downhill. We “mum is to $3.533! “We also plan to have a UK day at
1 ~ school"iathemaingoalofthe8tu~ haveacidedthisyeartobulldit W"baald.“l.ntyearwe Keeneland,"heaaid.“Wehopethat
dent Activitla Board this semester, back up into a fun, student-(I'lented v. 0’“; a... .500 mm student discounts will be given. but
. acca'dlmtoPraidentmnaStnub event " ll pa. ' '
- - nib year we want to be able to give mainly It Will be held to promote
1 “If muting is goim on during the The them for this year's ”CD is out four widch may include a little Keenelgndf‘ ,
weekend. then the students pack “ATradltimRenewed.” mm" SAB la slat: paminhidhmazz cor:
. . Mwmhudmforthe “We‘remmhaveabigpubllc- mmllflpcunefronlun m~m 9° "°‘.‘
‘ . ‘ '- “9 Man," mub a” “1" m1“; ity m“ fa. “‘n m I.” “we!" um mm m kmhmp NCAA mmt time m artlst-S
‘ 1_ . lWfiWstmmbm' Mu-wm.mm«nt- m.uoiieynoulntouietuidfmn memenm-n..mtkm5
. l??? trio—mile radii- from letdngtonnolta pi- party, a triathalon. the bike menu; events, inchidlrg the but Miltllnnfl‘tlmses it will be a
, ,1: easy togohome. We (SAB) want to race, the balloon race; we're 1‘" Alumni Golf Tail-nament and the “WW3“
1 1' “— mmmmfi’mi“ Colletou'ytomakeltblaaa'tlnn balloonrace.'l‘helnta'eatmthe we““”""’°m°"°'..‘°b°.‘
evuinnthome.” the Fall hector-All was last my.” fa- Ml great 0" ‘0' "'9 Sam‘s» he sald-
aemater. It will be a futival atmo- “We want u” «talents t° 3“ more
- mwmttwwmw mutuammn umanotthcailycvuiuched- involved,wewantthem to enjoy
- 1 will be the Little MW Derby- . ‘ ' old it! till senate, howevu'. UK school life, and most importantly.
V'l'earereallylookir'fwwardto "Itathallomecomlngolm." iamyeanold.andSABplamto wcwantthemtodevelopschool
M ‘ , ; w it, Straub said. “It mail to be a said Scott Mistlan. SAB vice ll-i- maul-Mylnl‘ebrmry. pridewithlnthemaelves.“
. ~ 5 .. --—---v anm-a—on‘“ . 5 - - - v~ ~
- a

 _ It's in the bag at


" BeeK STeRE R
_ ‘ EDY

KMTWYKM My, m 144 1“ -.T
For courses related to Homen's Studies. see appropriate departmental listings. ,
This Schedule of Classes Supplement lists all of the OPEN
classes for tfie 1965 Spring Semester which are available for Coliseum
Registration on January 14. 1985. Some of the courses listed have very
few spaces available. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE
The Supplement must be used in conjunction with the regular
Schedule of Classes since the days when classes meet, times, and rooms
are ONE? listed Tor those courses (or sections) which have been added W _
or where there has been a change in the original information. '
The format of th1s Supp1mnt 15 the saw as the regular Schedule. AEC 301 001 AEC 312 001 AEC 399 001 AEC 470 001 AEC 532 001 REC 660 001 REC 699 001 V
Le” the colleges are listed alphabetically. AEC 301 002 AEC 314 001 AEC 411 001 AEC 480 001 AEC 533 001 AEC 661 001 AEC 768 001 '
AEC 302 001 AEC 315 001 AEC 4416001 AEC 502 001 AEC 580 001 tAEC 662 001 AEC 769 001 , ' '
AEC 302 002 tAEC 322 001 AEC 4456001 AEC 516 001 AEC 606 0C1 AEC 670 001 AEC 780 001 . V
NOTE 1: Advance registration dates for the 1985 Sumner Sessions AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING '1’ 1 l ‘
and Fall Semester are April 10—17. 1985. Advance regis- . 4
tration is required for all continuing students. ”EN 220 001 AEC 252 002 AEN 345 001 ‘ ; ..
NOTE 2: University Senate regulations give faculty members the AGRONOMY _ -» ’ ' ‘ 4'
option of dropping students who do not attend the first —— , , . ' 4.
“'0 ““5 “atlngs- MGR 360 001 AGR 367 002 AGR 406 001 AGR 510 001 AGR 599 01:1 AGR 637 021 AGR. 759 :1: 4 .4, ' ‘ ‘ '
AGR 360 002 AGR 386 001 AGR 4686001 AGR SS7 001 AGR 654 (301 AGR 712 031 AGR 77CA=LI1 . 4 - : . - / '
AGR 360 003 AGR 386 002 AGR 4706001 AGR 575 001 IlAGR 664 QUE "AGR. 72‘. 9421 AGR 77.11.) I ." ' 4 ’.
SPECIAL PROGRAMS AND COURSES AGR 366 001 AGR 395 001 AGR 501 001 tAGR 576 001 AGR 681 02; AGR 75; ;;1 AGR 793 3.; " . ' ' . . ‘
AGR 367 001 #AGR 399 001 ‘- 7 _ .
APPALACHIAN STUDIES 1'427707 AGR 721 001 SOIL GENESIS 4 TR 02093313?“ :6“ A7 FARA'~S‘1LZIS . I .- .. I
LAB R 0336—1533?“ ALT. A? , 4 - _
APP 200N401 . . . .-
For other courses'being offered as part of the program in Appalachian Studies, see appropriate ANIMAL SCIENCES 4 A y .’ ‘
departmental listings. ——~—~ , _ 1 - .
OASC 300 001 ASC 306 001 ASC 362 001 ASC 399 001 ASC 550 01.1 ABC 6” 3.1 ASC 7-1 L .1 ' ’ ‘5
ASC 300 002 ASC 321 001 ASC 364 001 tASC 4046001 ASC 564 0431 ASC 72: 631 ASC L - _
w ASC 301 001 tASC 360 001 ASC 378 001 4ASC 4066001 ASC 650 13-21 ASE 759 04-1 ASC w . .
, , , ASC 303 001 tASC 360 002 9A56 380 001 RASC 4106001 ASC EB” L21 ASC 77‘. 34-. '41 . , . j . 4 .
For courses related to Black Studies, see appropriate departmental llStlngS. ASC 304 001 ASC 360 003 ASC 395 001 “ASC 470 001 ASC 58:: 1: E430 j, : 3;!“ ~‘ 2 1 1 ‘ ‘ 1 .-
ASC 304 002 ' . .. . 4
COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Food Science _ 9‘ ‘ .1
RD 500 001 FSC 306 001 #FSC 399 001 #FSC 470 001 FSC 532 001 «FSC 53.: ::1 =F:: 1:; 4c 1 . ’ ‘ ".5 -
#FSC 395 001 FSC 4306001 RFSC 470 002 FSC 534 001 , . g "- .
4 CEX 501 001 - ' _. ‘.
EXP 396 001 ENT 310 001 ENT 399 001 ENT 626 001 ENT 768 001 =ENT 773 L 1 £37 7- LI. E17 7'1, I . ‘ 1" .
#ENT 395 001 [MT 564 001 ENT 635 001 RENT 769 001 ~ - .
n For other Experiential Education courses, see appropriate departmental listings. .‘ ' ‘
FOR 221 001 FOR 350 001 FOR 420 001 FOR 460 001 FOR 631 0‘1 F119 E“ :1". 7;: ":2 I ' ' .
RS 101 001 RS 395 001 FOR 305 001 FOR 399 001 FOR 455 001 FOR 599 001 FOR 662 CS: F05 7:3 .T‘, FOR. ‘9'. .1 . '
FOR 310 001 FOR 410 001
For other courses being offered as part of the program in Religious Studies, see appropriate '
departmental listings. ‘ I
STUDIES IN TECHNOLOGY. SCIENCE, AND CULTURE GEN 100 001 GEN 101 002 GEN 102 001 GEN 104 001 PGEN 136 OC‘. =6i'l 3'; 0*): 3?. 3f: 1 J
GEN 101 001 ~ . ~
Foztcgzgses related to Studies in Technology. Science. and Culture, see appropriate departmental ‘ V
TELEVISION COURSES HOR 203 001 HOR 341 001 RHOR 350 001 HOR 399 001 H0n 524 {I‘ll 4.4100 592 SC: ~09 ‘. . .
HOR 245 001 HOR 345 001 HOR 402 001 HOR 5.32 001 HOR ,‘L‘E 001 ~0R T33 WI ’
For Television Courses. see appropriate departmental listings. #HOR 329 001 .
—E—‘§L—S§‘E-S +Added course _
F r H k d I ‘ ‘ ' *Changed course . .
. o ee en C asses, see appropriate departmental listings. #Five or fewer vacaocies
i V MOT soiN suslNEss MANAGEMENT ANT ‘1‘" "'"°‘"f“ "W ‘°"'P°"" ’ . 4 . '
‘ emphasizes an INTEIDISCIPLINARY "'0 Itudv 0* men I CULTURAL end _
. approach to planning, organlzlng SOCIAL institutions. FACES OF CUL- . ‘ , .
;: and controlling the IUSINESS OR. TURE features unl‘IU' "'"l‘l°“ ,
19'- OANIZATION. It combines actual programs from around the world ~
0 0 decision-making CASES Wlfl‘ TELE- that will allow students to EXPEII- ' ‘ ' - 1
Evening - Weekend College Universlty of Kentucky; ............... .. m. .41... .......... , . _.
sentialmana ment skills. . - 1
w ' 4
FOLLOWING THE NORMAL ADD- DROP PROCEDURE. w...t.o...............m ”m -_ .
. w *w0.xPMVFuntIhou vloa . , - 4 .
We add NEW TELEVISION COURSES each semester to make lt CONVENIENT for students 40.3w " $34111: $521233;31276621....6m , , y ._ _ -

. wl tor the tin 1m on Wed an I '00!“ ‘ , ' , ‘ '1
to work toward degrees and for protesslonal growth and personal development. A firm: ""‘“"'°“ " ' ’ thmam c... .14. m y . , ._
TELEVISION COURSE is a fully accredited college level course which combines tele- mw' jg:1:’3g"'m""'°“‘°'"“"""""°"““" ’°" . ’ ,v '
vision programs, repeated a variety of times|, relote|cl textbook and study gwde :zsngn- glcsrgzmnmus mums ”IMO” . . . . J .

. . ' o . . .- TVTii TheAm rlcanSa ' .
merits and examinations, and, appTOleatey six coss meetlngs on campus w1 unl Mvvzmtma‘cmmflw imMIMMWW. . . ,_,.
vars.” ins'ruc'ors. Stulmts will meet class tor the tint time on Mon Jan» 2.82:1?“ . . _ 4 ‘

. 00'7"" TV TV”. Understandmg Human aehuvlov ‘ . .
“‘1. mm M 630530 PM Mame" I Etonom-u aldg .' ‘_'
K'may touCAT'ON ffln-“hmm “W #524“! onolt‘ M 3:12:34“ Nisol U S thu ”65. 2356;,“ will meal {lass lor the tun men on Mon Jan ‘ ~ I _ .
. Educati syc ow. 3C edi nary 2‘s! , 4
“RVIS'ON (Km wstlrnrfigfusflz.” ‘ ics 300d"! WTItIe'EThe American Story , -' '
Oldewm ”n“;'"""‘”°"”“"'°"c°"‘m'"'“‘s"‘°°" s comma AM Bun»... B Etonolmu Ildg 50.91 . . . .
ItoedoestDoteu:Jenuotle-May4 "as T1‘1“}.JWM.kalIeyNall155 307 Lyon PSVlmN-mlni'odunlm‘lo \ ‘. »
WV Mulim:wl.3;oom ' M” . swam will meet clot! tar m. tmv mm on Sol W‘- Psychology _ ' '
”1" Sonjzfifld Students will meetclauiotthellut timeon‘lues. Jan- uarlettl. ACTedm ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘
AmiziNaollnmculoml Iopeetlraed:ests:$at. llmm “"m' Tv 1.41. um4416na.ng ”when - - >
Alum. Icredlts W-"NN‘ m5" “717 limo-«loom McVeyZil Sta” ‘ . 1 . .