xt7jm61bp519 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jm61bp519/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-02-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 28, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 28, 1979 1979 1979-02-28 2020 true xt7jm61bp519 section xt7jm61bp519 i
Vol. LXXI. No. "5 Ker ! 2 2] University of Kentucky '
Wednesday. February 28. I979 an independent student newspaper Lexington. Kgmucgy
Relocation funds wanted ' "-' 1 “' . a ‘ . .- ,
: 4: N ._ . .
. . X . .. _ . «g... . ”A .
Tenants fight serwces cut a 1 - - -:
. ‘ By JAY FOSSETT A Last night the group: met withthe to light several cases which it said :4 a, 1’." :s. : :. ' i ., 4: ..““ . .
. . usttn Simms. the housmg authority 5 SUpported its posmon- .. .. “1‘s - 311». .
Staff Wm" executive director. and Joe B. Turner. One such case is the federal Group ‘13"1'fisn":"i"""">‘ K “fit" was? 1% & 11-.“ W " ' -
another housing official. to express for Relocation Act of l970.which said ggmgwg “ “is a». has. 1%.: , .-
When Ken Jeffers. a UK political their dissatisfaction about the way the “if federal money is used to buy real sesw$”*,\$ a“ =_ ' H " -
science professor moved into the authority has handled the sitiiation. property in whole or in part for a at" ‘Viw 4_ _ , : I
_ Pimlico Park Apartments on Centre For instance. Jeffers and thetenants project. the individual whose property g£;MN%,"3§: . . W»"fi* * m.wiv"4§ :‘“
Parkway he had use of laundry of his building. which is stillowned by was purchased is eligible for relocation wgfiw13§xwwamw.s _ ”Wafifiegv3fifgwm..j
facilities. a swimming pool, a William B. and Ben Moore. were told payments.“ "islets ”*“£::':3“«:e:§yy"wmfiw \. ,g- “,fififisgw
clubhouse for parties, and other by their landlords that services such Jeffers said additional research led gisszigfi::9e\w¥w:§“ws§§"s i fiwwswsis§;v '
niceties of apartment living. as the laundry and swimming pool him to a Louisiana case in which the 2;»;m~sfits§§§3w""wfij*s" figsVW"f«x
Today. however. those luxuries are would be provided as before. phrase “whole or in part" was *a"sit> s§®&::.« .. ° 1‘5" "r" . ”sai.safisfis~et;.“§:§§§g ,
- off limits for Jeffers and the other But Jeffers said they haven‘t been interpreted to include “people who f » e N 'f ’"Nvfiiit H 2 ”Wflewf‘wwwaawfiuiéé"
‘ tenants of his building. And residents - becausethe housing authority said the were not physically displaced from "" i i 3 "I "1.": 'gi" 1%".3‘ " s35“ ,Nfiis3s " *g:%§a
. say that if Lexington‘s Housing facilities belonged to the residents of their dwelling unit. but rather had part "' 1,. ; ..‘M f1‘7w"‘»§" 1 "'5 "a: 2;" . «steak.
. - Authority doesn‘t take some sort of the new housing program. not the of their property acquired." "nude .~ “"5““°"""‘w"", : s “5:” ”ext”- was: ' .
'j action about that and the increase in tenants of his building. ln addition. Jeffers researched the f ’1 ‘5’ g: .3 "1"“.."WJ‘V I " --’-.; 32 h 3.. is. 3'11"" s3»: _ '
" __ crime in the area. they may file a court Meanwhile. Jeffers said. the leases Landlord Tenant Actand foundthat it 4" °":~°°v°" .- ~ "i 1 { i " " v" «"3“ “ix" £23945...” , "
j" action. have been continued , at the same defined leased premises as “facilities to? 2. .M ' . «13"; 1... .4 2t, M “.'1"‘" - \ " """fwfiwgwesiJQ‘";
The tenants claim the loss of rent. And residents of his building held out for the use of tenants.“ “1': __ a, "'i'"T"";’e"Ifi"».; , - . . : »“" Awiifigw ‘
. facilities and the alleged increased aren‘t eligible for relocation funds the Jeffers said he got the impression " " " . "1" .- Kai“ “IV-1'1““, :aww" ._ "- t"... mflufiézrk
' 3. crime rate began with the Nov. 28. people whose units are now low- through newspaper articles that ’{g .g :3 4: :2» “’ 4:: 1. . 4 "i ""‘"g'""""‘ §*:.»S£§f§eww-“¥wfi“e I
. I978 purchase of six of the complex‘s income were given. Simms and the housing authority ‘ " ‘ ;°":»(:,i .' ..«_ -- ""9"“ -'__.._';v? ..J‘M‘ ""w'"." "2%
' 4 seven buildings by the Urban County Simms refused to comment on the thought the group did not have a valid ‘sf ":3 a»... .3 1: ,4. .w ..,... a. .1 "“3 “in" ’m: is. X‘s?“ "4"""5'
4 Housing Authority for use as low-rent. complaints. but said the Urban claim. aye {fr _'4'_‘4435,e‘4-.T>f 3:“; 4:;- _. "511» 4ss"§a.§ft”:’i ""w1'1-°=».~:;..:- :: wwatgt’”: "21w,
subsidized housing. County Housing Authority will review “Hopefully." said Jeffers. "with the a”: __ "T " jaw séjlfgflfiegiwfiag,fixgv£$';w\§W>t§§§g§ky 3&6; Wish". 4
As such. l7 of the building‘s 27 the leases of the l7 persons in the new evidence. they (the local housing ‘5",M‘ “"2"; ""3"" «""®"@¥$”§"€jmem Wimwm
' tenants have formed a group seeking group. and reach a policy decision in authority will realize they violated ngw .4. -;_'"" :;...~§’§mwe*iiwflisfig “@315 ‘11:“; “was."
the relocation benefits that were given the next 30 days. which is required by federal regulations. If not. we'll just fiwk‘fgfilffizfiw ". sggfid“”“"%"$" mé"w gs;
to those whose buildings were turned law. take our argument to the federal ." yWW,. ’Sym gwiiwg“ ""%::%--1 " "1:02;; .
1 into low-income housing. At the meeting. the group brought housing authority.“ -- ngigwmgfifigwmkwk " “*"meat’: -
”Massey-sax... .- s11~ a e» 1
I . :“:&:~s a 33 f "figfifi" :g' Twat
we" .-. ° «1- g Ma: r.“ 1: as J3... ."'--=...i:' .51.. ‘/ ’-".1""q:~"":W‘-z 1,.- -. -: ,_ iii-"t. " .--“’. 5;.
SGWI ce area expa "SI 0 n called 1- .. ii» , 11s “3e -
‘11- - 157‘?" . i1“ - . - v .. " r ‘ - g .3. {gear '
iv“! a "-e ». . Wis ~ 1 1 .= it) e . fig - t -
Wis.» i’ - “"T‘k‘a~ ”in” we. 1 "berm“. - 1x9»: - ~°M¢a .-::.. one“. . «at .. -x..-
costly, unpopular, unnecessary »
. S f r
' BY TERESA YOUNG community are against an increase of The report by consultants Tichler. prlng eve
1 Staff Writer size in the (it).“ Marcou said an increase in the service Sophomore Tina (‘arpenter took advantage of decided on a major. Temperatures are expected
.. He said the task force had received area would increase the cost of the warm weather yesterday by passingasoftball to get into the 50s today. but expected showers . '
A Better Goals for Lexington petitions. bearing more than 1.000 Lexington‘s transit line and decrease with friends on the (‘omplex lawn. Tina has not should put a damper on things. -
-;. spokesman yesterday argued for signatures. asking to retainthecurrent public access. ltwillmake housing less ' _
.; maintaining the present size of the boundaries of the service area. Also. affordable. have an impact on historic ~.'
" . urban service area. instead of he said. the majority of those who preservation. urban design and . '~
" increasing It by five square miles. as is attended the public hearing conducted reinvestment in existing neighbor- H baCk tries for WKU s at f 1 .
1 suggested in a proposal he claimed the by the task force spoke out against hoods. according to the report. or" 1"
4s Fayette County Growth Task Force increasing the size ofthe service area. _ . , "i " I
favors. The task force is considering two "The statement made by Freilich By SAIT TARHAN presidency. He refused to say who top academic designation, 4 '
4 Martin Solomon Jr.. a group growth proposals. Trend development and the report be'ChleL Marcou are Stat‘t Writer nominated mm 4 4 _ He was vice preSIdent 0' universuy .1 ‘
member and director of the UK calls for limiting the size ofthe service promptly being ignored by the task Hornback hasan A.B.in_Iournalism relations at Morehead State
computing cgnler‘ supported his area. whilethe capital induced pattern force. Solomon said. UK Vice President of University and political science from UK. and a University before coming to UK five
argument against expansion of the proposes a five~square-mile Healso pointed tothefinancialcost Relations Ray Hornback is amonng Ph'D' ill higher education from years 389 : : ‘ : _
_ service area bysayingitwasexpensive. expansion. ,0 Fayette County taxpayers. The candidates from an original 150 Indiana-l WWW”)? “9 '5 an: Indiana The criteria for WKU S PTCSldCUCY -
unnecessary. unpopular with the Population and population density Tichler. Marcou report estimated that nominees being considered to replace l “"9”“3' ””0“ that university 5 states a preference for doctorates with
public and opposed by consultants constituted another reason for halting the cost of the municipal government Dero Downing as president of . 32.; g :- teaching and administrative
Freilich and Tichler. Marcou. development. he said. Four different would increase 57:7 million and the Western Kentucky L'niversity.sources g 34% experience. Among others 333”}? 4 4 -
He presented these five reasons for population levels have been estimated public school system cost would there said yesterday. Downing. who i»; if conSIdered are Paul Cook. WKUS .
holding to the present boundaries for Fayette County by the year 2000- increased $28.7 million if the capital was president 0‘" WKU for '0 years. . i , " ’ budget director. James DBVIS.WK[/ S .
during a United Campus Ministry The largest one 329.160 - was induced method is inStituted. “The resigned last September for health ; 5g, g . :4 Vice preSIdent of academic affairs and : .
luncheon at the UK Koinonia House. _ estimated by the Urban County taxpayers will pay for the increased reasons. 5 1._ - i 3 Kern-Davis who is conSIdered the J.
_1 Better Goals for Lexington. a Government’s Planning Division. cost "said Solomon. The College Heights Herald. i} i 4"“ . / favorite - a naIIVC Kentuckian and
: ~ :1: citzens organization. polled Fayette “Fayette Countycan comfortablytake " WKU‘s student newspaper. said last " _ “” ._ Centre COHCSC graduate .Wh") '5 .' _
' County residents concerning growth any_ponulation increase estimated in “The task force will vote again in week the school's Board of Regents‘ ‘9‘ .3 ., ; director of the: Interdisciplinary ': .
1 and development inthe area. Solomon the next 20 years without April on their recommendation to be screening committee will release the i ", ' “‘5“th 3‘ the Universuy Of Florida.
7.! said the opinion survey showed that development" in the service area." sent to the Planning Commission.The names of the top four or five ‘" x - I i" Alan JUdd‘ a reporter for the . " 1
. ‘1" only 49 percent 0f the PCople were Solomon said. public needs to let their opinion be candidates in about a month. The 1-;.. J / _ :(‘ollege‘Heighrr Herald. said rumors . '
.‘w aware that Lexington is currently He accused the task force of known.“ he said. He suggested that paper said some sources have " " 4, 1’1"... I 'n Bowling Green have n that "he new ‘-‘ 1 '
updating its comprehensive land use ignoring the two consultant reports. people write their council member. indicated Hornback will be among ,.--_.,," a prCSIdent w'" "0‘ comelfrom: the "~
. i -plan. He quoted Robert H. Freilich, one one of the members-at-large. the them. ' g -;' {if present WKU administration. .34,- . :
. “The poll also showed that 96 consultant, as saying that if any mayor orthe members oftheplanning These candidates will be asked to " l - a" 3". at: iiTraditionaliYi WFS‘CW has stayed ""
percent of the responses wanted to substantial supply of agricultural and committee to help keep the service come to WKU to meet with students 1' fifty; mm? ”mm: its. boundaries. but m ”"5 case. " " ‘ '
_ ' , maintain the country and ,rural horse farm properties was converted area from being expanded. He said it and faculty. 4 "" " "" - the opinion ‘5 ”lift 1‘ WOUId be 800d .: '
characteristics of the land outside of to urban development it would cause would be beneficial to ask the present Hornback said yesterday he ' ‘i ‘5.“ I ’ 4? "JUSlfOT a change 1:0 “10959 someone 53 ‘
the: (service area)." he said. “The irreparableinjury to remaining owners council members hard questions about received a letter several months ago outs1deuthe universny. “5 really hard 3;} .
f majority of the people in the and to the public at large. their opinions ofplanningand growth. saying he had been nominated for the RAY "ORNBACK '0 say. "i " .
; .- s - ‘
:3 .
‘ . are beneficial. but “many are unnecessary and can be others in the party were charged with failure to leave when cents. thus reduced consumption would cut revenue. Tanner g . I
eliminated." officers requested. officer Davis said. said. : 4 1‘: 1 ' ,"
- 1 It urged dOCTOTS to be cautious in ordering X.rays and Some observers in the gas indliéstry hivegireldlcted gasoline i ‘ ».
encoura ed atients to kee their own rsonal records of X- prices 0' UP ‘0 one a gallon In entuc y Y a C summer 0' :3 ' , ,
.‘ rays andgtak"; X-rays with "ihem when "ifiey switch doctors. PRESIDENT CARTER REVEALED A STANDBY early fall i
,_ N : :. The government should work with the medical profession GASOUNE PLAN yesterday as a last-resort emergency However Tanner feels consumption would rise again after . .
4 . and use its Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement clout as measureand other fuel-saving actions. stating that he has no an intial drop. : 4 4 . .
4' Q Stata needed to bring about “a comprehensive radiation reduction present '""~‘_"“°“ of putting them ”“0 effect. 4 l - '
: t 3 : ."' progran for the healing arts.“ the task force said. Carter said at a news conference-he does not wanttoimpose world . . .
- - 3 A BILL ro STIFFEN ABORTION REQUIREMENTS The reeport on low-level radiation exposure was issued by $133an ""52""; on "m" use "me" mu“ 'm".°‘"“°"°”".° 1' 1 ' '~ ‘ . i
.1 has been pre_filed for the l980 General Assembly. the lnteragcncy Task Force on Ionizing Radiation. which was _ 3" :5 :Pshan ”:8 "I" uncmgltiymtfnt on the nation.butthat it “COSTA" (‘l'STOMS AGENTS in [)imitrovgrad at the ’ ._
' . The measure would prohibit abortion after the sixth month formed by President Carter last May in response ‘0 "P0"? 0f ‘5 "Ti?" 0 ""3" e ""3": rea yyust m casethey are evertneeded Bulgarian border discovered more than a half~ton of hashish . .
" 5 0f pregnancy unless a woman‘s health is endangered. hlgh cancer rates among ”105‘ near nuclear bomb "5t Sites e prest enft 8"" ewould send(ongress proposals early in a" truck driven by a West German. the Yugoslav news _ ". '
5 Certification in writing by two physicians would berequired. “d atomic facilities. next mom" or additional measures. presumably ""5" a encv Tanjug reported. - '2 '"‘ -. .4
- ' Where a h sician is considerin rformin an abortion stringent. which he might use to ease the impact of shortages g . ' . . _ , 1h h from the Middle 1 -: -
- . I} p y . g pe _ g . . resulting from the current loss of Iranian oil production. . ""30““ ”mm" "an" the has "" was . - ~ . .t‘. -
1 ' 4 , after the second trimester. he would be required to certify in Th l . , b b . t df l . , . last and was bound for Western Europe. Sunday s Taniung ._ » -
. writing that the fetus Is not “Viable" and cite the medical , 4 . e p an Is 0 esu ml" e orma lytomorrowto( ongress. report said thetruckdn‘ver. Burgard Hening. 37. was arrested 1 . . ' ‘
. - . reasons. The bill defines viable as more than 24 weeks old. PRESIDENT CARTERS SISTER' Gloria Spann. rs free Wh'Ch then has 60 days to approve 0-" disapprove them. They and the truck confiscated. It did "01 8|“? 3 value for ”‘9 1- l l - -
'. . , on personal recognizance bond after being accused of illegal would not take effect unless the president declared a national h h'1h A . .' .
‘ ' . harmonica playing. “Obviously. I have less talent than I "‘"BY emergency and they 00““ be blocked by a "€83!“ "" I" ' " » "‘ "7 "
. _ , - thought.” Mrs. Spann commented. vote of either house of Congress. : i. {1.3.
nat‘on She. her husband Walter. and two other persons were '" ‘". ".
4 --. .. . arrested Saturday night at the McWafl'le restaurant. said . : weather ; " .
1 . CONCERNED ABOUT WHAT IT rERMED the small Americus. 0a.. police. Mrs. Spann said she and a dozen A SHARP RISE IN GASOLINE PRICES could initialy . -_'§ . -.
. j . but unresolved threat to health posed by radiation in low friends had gone to the restaurant and one ofthe group dared hurt state tax receipts. a state revenue official warned '1 . 4 ‘
n , \ A1 '. doses. a White House task force yesterday called for at her to play the harmonica. yesterday. MOSTLY CLOlTDY AND WARMER TODAY Wllh i 3-31
. 1 ‘ reduction in Americans' exposure to man-made radiation. Police got a complaint from the restaurant‘s ”Sign“ “If the prices go up drastically. it will hurt consumption.“ highs in the low 505. Showers likely with thundershowers . . .1‘. 3-:
. .4 ; particularly medical X-rays. manager. who said patrons couldn‘t hear the jukebox. said Paul Tanner. director of research in the state revenue ‘ possible tonight. Low in the lowAOs. Showers and fifi‘f
.: -- 4: The task force. in an BOO—page series of draft reports. said according to police officer Mae Davis. department. thundershowers diminishing to occasional light rain and f "1.4.? j".
- ,1 I most of the 240 million X-rays given to Americans annually Mrs. Spann was charged with disorderly conduct and The state gasoline-tax is onaper-gallon basis. currently nine turning cooler tomorrow. High in the upper 40s. i a :x H _: ':
h I .1; “.
. - - . ‘ s- "‘3-
, I l : 4 : miti:"""i""’"'“m-"Y’"“ ..~ {I “7'" : '. : , : . W“. "fir: _I. ‘. .3 .. : . ......s.-. W~~o~~m . , : 4.
- "i ‘ . '. .‘"""’ ."*"""i?‘;fi""‘*~.t» I i‘ 1‘ "-"r‘" . " -" 1'" i- " ' ""~ ‘1". "“1“ '"' "152' "" ~ 3 '" " I \ , . i " . " . " O " I ‘ ' "1
, 11.11» 1 . 1’1 fist: 3 - -~ 1». 2-1 a . - .3 w . , .3 . . - \ . - - ; .- -~ 1 . , .4 . -

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:29 i
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i.‘ I—-—--_—-—‘ , '
- 5“" ““5“!" “WM" “"3 5"" Massey Walter Tunh Junie Vaught Tom Morin i
Editor in (hit! Miiorial Editor Ruth Muttlngly AA}; MW, 311W“ Edna, ”mm” of Photograph- ~
. Dabble McDaniel . ..
. Gnu Held: I". Jenny 1-.“ (Icy Willis . . I.
. Richard M cDonIld Jeanne Wclum J.“ Wainwright .4.i.ii.itani Adl. lidllul John (1., UM. CHIP” If; t
MflMRinR Milt" 4i.\‘m‘lall’ luiiori COP" NIH"! Irlun Rlcknd Photo Manager .3
' dit 0 & c ‘Asmlam Sports Editors i
2 male. ommeots I,
I i
i_____., _
‘ at“ . ‘ . t ' N ‘ . 5‘ f
«M \ ~ ~ , . . .
e o 32‘ \ \./ , ; ,, 5,- . II /. *3
l l . . . / ‘ //I I. ‘i. . a
' n ' i ‘ ‘\ K I ' ‘- "in tilt-‘1 ‘
- I . . Q \ ht ’ A sgft .
4 I I‘ / \ h '\ R‘ k\')'X\\
fans should stay out ‘ 9 ”‘53 ‘7 ‘
t , ‘ ' / ‘ ' ‘\ ~ [0" ‘v . ti.
lhe announcement of Derrick Hord‘s scholarships for the last two years. and the \_ I\ I/ ‘ Mt / ~ . K :
intentionto attend l'Kisarcminderthatone of football team was barred from post-season \I \\ ,t /. ‘ \ , . t T) I
the most intense hunting seasonsinAmericais competition. If the UniverSity had not \\\\ \: , V ‘\' /.’ a t i
now reaching its peak: the courting of high cooperated withthe NCAA and runathorough \ \ . I" \\ \ \a ,/ \ I, ‘th Io . J .
\Chooi basketball stars by the many self-investigation. the penalties would have In \, \ {My \ 0
min ei'sities w ho would like dearly to seethese been much worse. ’0. "sf: \ \ x / ‘ I \.\t ItI . I
\oung men at their schools next year. That investigation found, among other %; 9’.‘ / .\ . \I ,II I
ltisalsoareminderto both schools andtheir things. that over-enthusiastic fans are often ~‘ 1’“ / - I 3. *
"loyal" tans that the NCAA has strict rules on responsible for putting a school in trouble. M 67’ t / ( ( ’ -
how lcc‘t'tllill‘ig. should be done. and enforces Without any official connection to the school. \L y' K.\ .' .
them .1\ w eil as it can. If l‘K is to get more fans were guilty of making illegal offers to RN I . (IQ. . \‘ \‘I..‘\ / 1‘73»
players of national-class caliber like Hord. athletes.Violationsthatrangedfrom givingfree \ ,, I" . . I I ‘3 \\\.
they‘re goingto haie to be careful. mealsto offeringathoroughbred forapresent ‘ ‘ ‘ '
In some cases. punishment can be swift. The may all be committed without a school‘s _ TRE WiNomm (“Vim "r
l Itl\L‘r\ll_\ of Cincinnati was recently warned knowledge or consent. but the athletic .
not to sign one high school playerit had heavily programs will still beat the consequencesifthe Letters 2'1
recruited. There was already information that actions are discovered. I , If
~ ; ' n ' 4 x ' ' . lt‘s a cor UK booster who would ut the * “"“""“_ __““_“"““A , 9‘2“
nil}: hdqllhhihhifflhtfd‘ [th‘dt the P14) 6F had Universitpv in ‘eo ard ' b takin ille apl risks Opposition to the Student (‘enter studentsxSZO .V'eafxwxeafslilflsm ti:
TLLLHL i ega in ithcImen s. _ I J PI y y. 8 8 - A“ agreed expansion and the W1!) h passed least be sure most of us are in 0‘3
lwo years ago. [k got burnecf‘whenfl're Unless their aSSistance is requested. fans though the Student Senate. l agreement on how to spend it. '3;
\(‘AA imposed two-year penalties for shouldleavetherIecruitinguptothe schools.” After reading the editorial teamed that "1} major point had Steve Locke {g j
recruitingiiolations. both inside and outside of UK were to get hit With another probation. the entitled “SO M ed senator‘s been misunderstood. 1 he fault is Second year Medical student :53 ‘
the athletic department talents of super players like Hord would go for Charges“08111119181010h9‘3|ld~“ my own. and one of semantics. If}:
. . - n , r h 7 ‘ n i y . “9'
l k was limited to three basketball naught. Lets play by the rules. ”\‘WHL 395- ~3l Contemms m) When speaking to [he Mme/II tit;
l ' consistently argued that there had RGQI‘etS .I.{- -
. not been enough discussion onthe 5‘3" '
floor of the Senate to make The Committee to Defend the 3%; ‘
passage of the SC expansion IElCVCn announces with regretthat If“ i
. I endorsement valid. Indeed. it hascanceledits showingsofThe 4:: i
SG ress 3 ant answers Fields column
presentationstothe Senate byVice Wednesday. I?
I I I I _ President for BusinessAffairsJack We especially regret that we I;
With his own portrayal of Kernel office .. t ,
Denny and members of the notice of this cancellation before 3'6
Student Center Board were thetilm was shownattheKentucky {'5’
. . . . . . " . ' . . The'tril'.t ‘ . 3
B\ Ml(HALL BRLEN in a corner. people were banging porntedto hisleft.“l.ook.l‘vegotto Lark handed hitn the bottle and [Mimi-fl n chuizIocah and hthIIe thatdatleiitser “:6: WI6 CIIXpeCItIed .i
away at typewriters. A guy with 0 and misreview . th , II question perio a ter t ei Ig i gIsuc no ice é
. _ . g ano er Jan hetook along pull . . , . . , , w ld b b h d '
h “M J dim and “Mn“ night. glasses sat at a desk tearing at his album " He calmed some presentation was adequate. My I ou e pu ps e in the kernel é
. ..m~ . i. . ' - ‘ f ‘ . ‘ ' - ‘. , " a.'twc*k.bt h' ‘ ‘

IIIIh‘dhw‘UJFIidm 1-“th “10““ m hair. a book flew through the air. I saw Lark seated. his feet “I swear to (iod.“(iooke panted. flaigzltthgzwilfgw people It I it :IeIIcrtappgarte);Ww:t:v:rI(:c:tzs:In(; 3

It IiIrIt Ilt’t_L sheets. thunder and Itust missingGIene.Another person propped up onthe desk.He pulled “This business gets to you. I‘m p i ' anyone who iasseti) ug the g

.igtening cracked and boomed. was setting fire to a wastepaper the cork out of a bottle of Wild starting to run out of warped and Correctly stated.mycomplaintis d - . >h pr‘i ,- p 3?
Stupid Blubbermint President basket. . .~ - ~. - I- I . l]. . . “WWW" 5 0“”‘25 “Hit the .

. . )..~. . - . 3 . .. Turkey with his teeth and took a twisted things to write. I havent 1' ‘1‘ ”W155”? “45 0'11} OMhLHOOF intention of seein ours t
(thL } “rid“ And I It” ”16 ISHXant “()0 0n tn. lyelled at Gene. W'C long punI had a nightmare in two days!“ for OHC half hour of [)EBATF “lh h K g k I ~ 2
(crater We had iUst finished a waded intothe melee "E v . ' - - a l 4. ., , If , . . , , « en I e entuc y Theatres 1

_ . . eahhh. he said.squ1nting his Who gives a damn? I asked. among the senators. and mm halt ‘t h d t 5
si‘mmrmdr.‘ tor the M'muvki' A uy with a moustache trott d , “T‘ ' " ‘ » , .~ . t‘ h" ' . .. - - , 5' , m.“ recent SC e h e appeared

c. h. ., . ' g ' f e eyes. ”he to get the 5"""00‘h- (00“5100k‘7d ‘1‘ me. A“ CHI grin 0 t ‘5 mm was “he"! arguing “h Wllh the announcement that they

“.tImtiI [dL campus newspaper. by. andl grabbed him. . I looked at Gene. and we both cam over hisface and a little foam amendment considering 56 would be showing The Battle of

III': Im:t i». OILrI “Idy through . ”HQ.“ 1 said. “Where do I find walked over. trickled fromthe side ofhis mouth. ‘supervision ofthe expansion. and Chile a week before we had {J

Id‘iLr‘I‘h lhi/dldd'nd arrived “h the ( heese MaIyme.theMinorities and “Whaddaya need?“ Lark asked. He ran back to his typewriter and then the debate was limited to the scheduled it we felt we had no

»0II“\ITIY‘IIAI|~Im d U1 mg. Isoakcd. . Martyrs editor? “We‘ve got a commentary from started banging, amendment topic only. There was choices but [‘0 cancel Thou h we V'.’

\1 tIIrIItII I oIII 3? Itind ( heesc 0h. he s not hereI He 5 out Stupid Blubberment.“ Gene said. Suddenly.the noise grewlouder. plenty oftime betweentheDec. It did not expect to raise fundfwith
iiihnik- 3‘ t , lijhkk coveringtheCampusleaithHealers “Oh, you‘re from SB.“Lark said. People started throwing more meeting ofthe SiUdcm Senate and the film series we could not afford
midttuliritl it” “p dd(r*' "l . hrftem' “Lemme see it". hOOkS and paper. , - Lark‘s head the Rh 5 meeting “for the to lose any arid we were afraid we 9i"

E“ th'itnw' \mtntrn liege; ‘9‘ ” IIVIVho are you .’I He looked it over. was tilted straight back. gurlling senators to gather opinions from simply would be unable to

> ~ \ d I * flhh‘I: 1: Y-_ I l in Walter Tuna. the Farts “Well. hyeh. hyeugh. it‘ll need Turkey. . . a funny smell creeped “Udell”? bl" becausethe debate compete with the Kentucky’s " i

., I. IcIIwe apprItIuItc c t r- light. a eIditor. That 5 short for fine arts. some editing. Hey Space. c‘mere.“ into the room. Five people started was ended so quickly (ov er my showings é .

\ id“? I» UImII:tItd h) EIWI“I1”I0 dIEOd- You can call me half-baked. all my Athin guy,whomlrecogni7ed as dancing a fertility. voiced objections) these opinions The Bottle 0/ Chile is an :-

d Ut “L U 'I lit thdI 0i lht‘ friends do. .Space Derringer. Slerno Editor. I looked at Gene. He looked at were ”0‘ expressed 3‘ the timel ' 1. v‘ i ' 3‘

corridor. we turned left into the "1 00k " said G n - ‘i . - , tntensey moving CXPCT'CUCC as 1

8‘ I I . . _ ene. weve gotIa walked over. me. “’0“ the opportunity 0f the he)“ well as an educational one as '

i 1:73“, mhf‘m’m’ . commentary from the Stupid “Yeah?" he asked. A girl ran up. “Tom. listentothis meeting of the Senate to convey th h h - '1] '-f i

(taaah satd (tene. “Let‘s Blubbernment for the S," .. .. . ~. II . . ose w o ave seen it w testi y.
teat .. Y b T 'd H no. Space. this here is a SB filler for the back page. Reading the feelings ofImy college. lt tg a powerful document of the -
9 “ ea una sat ow‘d you commentar . and it needs ' m ' .- ._ . ~ , ‘I . . . ‘

I couldn‘t “new II either. The likethat snazrvarticleAce Shields ‘editin . h 32h h cu h“ so e the IISterno is good for constipd Bun Engish. senator from (the consCiqusness and dedication of ‘ '

.Siernii newsroom looked like ran on . “I,“ .. g. .y ‘ y g .‘ I "O“I II I I College of) Business and Economics. the Chilean people‘s movement it‘

I I . you a . That night class in remedial “(treatl Lark satd.“Wc can putit s 0kg in fa fth SC ' ‘ d fth h f l l CIA h

Halioween at Bellevue s mental l'm it was oka' l k 'h d ' ‘ ' - .p vor 0 e ‘ expansmn. an 0 e S amc u r0 6 our '
I I I , ~ y... 00 Vt 0 0 English has done a greattob this nexttothe ad forthe campus-wide He said that Oh gt d tC - . I , d - b t' h f - 5 ,

ward lhe room “I“ packed with we iye this article to"" I I _ . I II . . . r . u en enter isa p aye In a ct tng t c ascrst p. .

, . _ , . g - year. i ii take it right ov er. plasma festival at Commonwealth " oke"in x h , h l' k - h l - -

WONG. {“0 girls were screaming Give it to Tom Iark .. Tuna “H IIIII ell d b t't l . .. )I comparison toot ersc 00 s. ta covertnt at country. tisafilm

. . - S 93- y”: . u i wastoo ate. Stadium. . The same argument may be made for that every American should see.
l . ~IIP3C°Tan0 ownthe hall. wavtng I pulled 3109“} Seaton Center or the Coliseum pool. and we will do what we can to see
‘gkrg I IeIHcomIptentaryII G . “Let 5 go. I said. I .,.. The proposed Student Center that it returns to Lexington in the ~
V7 ' \n {7}“: B :y (hm ' ' .ld Iene said.I “Bl" Wh?‘ about Wharf“? expansion offers no facilities that are near future. '4
y '- '4 a e ore e cou say anything. a Forget it. lets beat it. notalreadyavailable on campus. lfwe Submitted by Laura 3.“
.. a? W” must spend in excess of 5m million on behalf otthe «1;
- , l a i 0 Inlon overthe next 3t)yearstl7.000futltime Committee to Defend the Eleven . .
, " /M ~ . a,

: I” 5 fl’; I‘ \ u“ ,3" I II ......____—__I I I I _ _ I

«35‘ - was 'I 1%.!" II ‘ ' If girl shaking With excitement ran “HEY EVERYBODYY! CHINA ‘ .7
157$ .21 a “”1 329%” up. JUST INVADED VIETNAM!“ e te rs O l‘ :

. ..t” “I a “W II . ,3! . “Tom! Listen to this great front A frilly-haired girl ran around : .

. , , I M -- ' ts page article. ‘Man drowns in the room. waving a dispatch. ’5'

I“ ‘— . rII I I. I . . pudding vat‘ by Sue Titter.“ “Tomorrow's headline!" Lark The Kenlucki' Kernel welcomes and encourages contributions from
- "I II “Great.“ Lark said. “Did you yelled. “Let‘s blow it up into . . the UK community for publication onthe editorialand opinion pages. "
‘ ... I I .‘“’. ‘ ' ' I check Y?“ sources and Set SOmC I dragged Gene out ”130”“ hall. letters. opinions and commentaries must betyped and triple-spaced. ‘
.‘ ta) 5 ' ' - I quIIotes? .. I :‘C{|PCS~ that place '5 out Of and include the writer‘s signature. address and phone number. UK
- . ' ' r» IIOhh'HNSOL .. 10”“! . I II I students should includetheir yearand major.and Universityemployees
. . $9 Make some up. I offered. “That 5 their problem. I said. . should list their department and position. I
I .: , " Her eyes became 5'1‘5- Ychhh. We headed down ”“3 ICOYT'dOIT at Letters. opinions and commentaries may be delivered personally to
. 9.. --.. -~ V . she said, and ran Off' ’atrot.l C°hld heartheratnoutside. the Kernel newsroom. ”4 Journalism Building. Some form of ,
. a... . I II Gene looked at me. Suddenly a A dark figure S‘OOd 3‘ the door. identification is requiredContributions mayalsobcmailcd to Editorial
. ”WI , . .... W shadow loomed out of the shaking the water off. It was Ace Editor. Kentucky Kernel. 114 Journalism Building. University of
is ‘ ”a. ' . ”gay i ' periphery. Sh'elds- I Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky. 40506. For submissions mailed on -
fl 6:! 2:43 . ' t. . ., .. «r . .. ' “Duck Gene!“ I yelled. A “IHey Gene,“ he said. “How ya campus, our sort code is 042le . .
I 3: iii; ""1? M" 3‘ j .v ' lprer‘Cl’ “CW across thI l'OOITI dOIH'? Whadta lhlnk of that SB The foflowing requirements "re “'50 enforced; I a
3.: I! I , g ' ' ~ and crashed through the Window. article ?“ . ¥
fl ' n Splinters and pieces of lass flew “Ahhh it was oka You kind Letters. . . . -
. . . ’3' } ... eve h g . d f y a Should be 250 words or less and concern particular issues. problems.
i ' $3 ' , c . “3w l: re. d'“ ll d diIsItorte some acts. or events relevant to the UK commuinilIv. or remarks regarding the ‘
“ff 3% I ‘ aaa gaw . er e I the guy I Part of the busmess.I palI. Hey operation 0“,,” newspaper.
at I / \ . h who had been tearing his hair. He listento what my next articleis on. 0 , . .
. i. 0 am V stood there ant'n ' " ‘ ..Human sacrificesinthe Catholic ptmons. ,. . . . . . i
' > .» 4.5M " . - p | g hcaVily. Itust .. Should he800 Words orlcss. (liveandexplamaposttionpertammgto .
II . III/II I . II 1’ . cant think of another way to say Church . - - -. I ~ . h UK . ' -
I . ‘L I .1 I _: I‘m not writing another columnthis Gene and I took off running, into topira issues of interest to t e rommuntti.
.I "" week.“ the rainy. windswept night. COMM'WI‘“: I
i. ' i . t a,” It was Yon Gook c. the Sterno's Should be 800 words or less, unless previous agreement is reached
’ ' ' ... ., TOM Mon'hN/Itm SM, syndi cated columnist and Michell Brccn Is an Arts Ind with the Editorial Editor. These pieces are reserved/or thoseInI'rtters -
.s . .' neurotic. Sciences junior Ind is pr", who the editors feel have special credentials. experience, training or
.I‘. , .: ~ THE KERNEL NEWSROOM “Tom. give me a bit." he Secretary for Student Govern- other qualifications to address a particular subject. I
if. .. , . _ (In this really be the some place? whimpcrch ment.
3‘ .' :23," I.
(I 1 £1,183”? ‘ .(l'
chief‘s »“i- ‘ i ' ‘- “ ~31 . . ‘ ‘ W . . V - ' . i'.‘ . I‘ . . .‘ , , , ".~ .‘ " ' " a. .._._.._____4 ......
2W; . .‘wflfi" -.' e'v“"r..‘-i'.'