xt7jm61bp41r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jm61bp41r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-10-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 26, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 26, 1971 1971 1971-10-26 2020 true xt7jm61bp41r section xt7jm61bp41r EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the second in a Perhaps to anyone but a member of Matrix
four-part series of articles written about House, the signs WOUtd be unusual. 1" Matrix , i
Matrix House, a treatment modality used by however, it is all a part Of the Philosophy Of ' I 54 -
the Federal Government for the change. A philosophy that draws ideas from Ralph . ,
rehabilitation and re-education of drug Waldo Emerson’s writings such as “Self Reliance”. O '4 1
dependent individuals. Matrix House is A philosophy that says life is 11 progress and “0t 8 ' , -
located on the grounds of the National station and rests trust with man’s instinct. earn 1 I]. ' ; -4
institute of Mental Health, Clinical Research Matrix House is comprised of former drug ' -
Center in Lexington. addicts who now live together in a life style of j ' 4
Emerson’s philosophy as well as their own ‘ ‘ " ‘4
By JERRY W. LEWIS programs which stress self-help. t l . ' ' - '
Associate Editor “No one can work us damage except ourselves,” O ear n 9
4‘ 4 _ . 3 Matrix position paper reads. “A man must accept .
They are blunt m saying what they thinlc, himself without complaint, fear or reluctance. The s4
sparing of promrses, and they require plain supreme vice is shallowness. Whatever is realized is '
dealings With others. ” right.” .
Ralph Waldo Emerson Joe wears the signs everyday at Matrix since he Philosophy Of Change j'
Joe works quietly in the corridors of Matrix broke his “ban", only one word 0t. a vocabulary
House, one moment pausing to empty an ashtray, corlisistingwpf words thht take on spelcial meaning . r
another minute swee in , mo in and waxini a ony at atrix. “1 t is instance, 0e WOW 8 h l t l ".
long hallway Two girdlgoard psri)gn§’ tled togctfier speaking ban With another newcomer l0 Matrix. 8 apes lfe S y e I‘
with string and slung over his shoulders like the 30th Joe and the other member recently came to 2
sandwich poster one sees in the cartoons, dangle in Matrix from the Lexington area and 115 it “110, '
plain view for everyone to read. being from the same area is an automatic ban. 0f Matrlx House A.
“I’m a dumbass for not observing my ban” the H . Ban on the past .
signs read. One cannot help but stare at seeing the The only thing they CCU“ pOSSXbly talk about
‘ signs for the first time, but Joe continues working would be the” past experiences on the street. l
as if nothing around him is out of the unusual. Continued on Page 5, Col. 1
C ' ° m “
ould ease graduation require ents
. '1' .4 S: 14“
A818 faculty counell passes l 20-hour proposal
By WENDY L. WRIGHT not” act on the proposal before students from taking advantage said Smith. “What I foresee if Selective application ' ‘ I
Assistant Managing Editor semester’s end. of the relaxed requirement, but the student must have 45 After an antcndmcnt to lower 4‘
A proposal to lower from 128 An allied proposal, to raise the it was defeated. upper-division hours. is all sorts the proposed requirement 1mm 4
to 120 the number of hours College requirement from 24 to An amendment was then of machinations by the 45 to 35 upper—division hm”.
required to graduate from the 45 upper-division hours, was substituted which would clear department to meet this was passed. Dr. lrvin “Sh” U3
College of Arts and Sciences tabled for further study. the way for the reduction to be requirement." geology introduced 3 no“
cleared that College’s Faculty All students will benefit “effective immediately (for all Dr. Michael Adelstein of the motion‘asking that 35 hours be '-
Council Monday. Some discussion at the students) upon approval by the English Department said, “l’m applied to the 8th}0r or A”, .’ ,' l
The only hurdle left before Council meeting centered University Senate." That afraid requiring this would not but not the Bachelor h' gymhw
the proposal becomes a around the question of whether amendment was passed with allow a breadth ofeducation for degree. Several phhhmm then
reality—for all present UK anyone other than next year’s only one dissenting vote. the student. Let's not add any ”Sud gm 4; “Whhdchmflh , 4
students as well as next year’s freshmen would be allowed to The sister proposal to the more requirements there are the 354mm,. “Wm,”
freshman class»is approval by benefit by passage of the hours-relaxation motionrrrtlic already so m any at the
the University Senate. Arts and hours-reduction motion. All stiffening of upper-division departmental level." Continued on Page 3. (701. 1 ;
Sciences Dean Wimberly Royster amendment was introduced h o u rs requirements .— drew 'V‘ "
said the Senate “may or may which would have barred present extensive discussion by the .4
Council. This motion probably 7
will not apply to students who
would benefit from the new i '
graduation requirement this
year, as most Council members '
lug. expressed doubts the motion 4‘ , 4
“ :4 could be satisfactorally dealt -' ‘ 1
9 : with by one day’s discussion and U‘ = f'
- vote. . 9
4 ;_ .54.... —- ,_ Proposed increase " ' '
.,,f~ a .4 Problems surrounding the _.4 4
. I i I _ 4 .. i . , - ' - p r o p o s c d in c r c a s c of
-. “3“ .. 4. .5: ‘ upper-division requirements ’l
'V . 9f 9. i .f’;::.= . from 24 to 45. are found within .'
t, -. 9. 4 m ' ,4 4. 'V departmental programs, said Dr. 4 4 4 4 4 4 _ y _ _ 4
"'2. ,' i . ‘5- 4 4 f Stan Smith. 0“ the Chemistry LEXIN(-T()i\, REX—Fl (ik\ ~lll3lll) I‘
w ~ ‘ ;; - 4. ' .' Department. 2 it" ..
W " § , . “It takes as lowcr-diVisioi‘. rut-stint. (in. an. m7! \la. l.\lll. \o. no 'r'
4 .. 9 .4 44 hours to graduate in thcniistr} —————_—_—————" t, .t r" '
. r ' 9...», i . t . ' ' . " . '.
-- - nteworthy " -
if ~- 7 . Free U. to res ume note sales , ~‘
1 as service to t e stu ent
-. 9...;=;;-¥?I:: , l. '
t 'F- . By DAN BY RUM and GAYLE MCGUIRE to the recent cancellation had been as i‘ 7
.. Kernel Staff Writers diverse as the courses for which the notes
.4g:ii::;-I The Free U.’s class note project. were published. 13
gs discontinued last week. will resume sales Among several UK tifletllty members . '*
A? Wednesday. according to Free University contacted on the subject. Dr. S. [5. Con“.
3"? Coordinating Committee spokesman Dan chairman of the biology department. 5'
t Mohn_ commented, “Some students have indicated "
6 The note project. which was organized by to me that the note PFOJCCl was a useful _
5 & QUEST (Questioning University Education learning tool. If so, I‘m sorry to we ll go.“ ' -
44w ‘ by Students and Teachers) of the Free U. Check accuracv 4'_ 4
4 Wa$,d_‘sc‘)nt”_IUCd because the ”of“ “wercn t (‘onti said. however, in prcyioiis semesters, ’ ~.
4" fulfilling the” (1951er purpose. which was the notes contained some inaccuracies. llc
.; fl to bring about some types of action and suggested in the event the protect 45 “My“! . -
‘ § response to overcrowded classes. in the future. note—takers have the notes ', ‘
is f Th notc sglpselwlll) EOTTufiiilitsd by tht l‘r L'lt‘urcll with the iiidiVldulil instructors, " 9» i
e e a A e: c c: e _' ‘ - cc , ~ , . . , ~ - ' -.
of» H 3‘ University Coordinating Committee as a Dr ,4 W 1,] I i am k} n l“ 1' "Wk “‘1‘?“ ‘. H» ~. .‘
4 departmental chairman. disagrccd \Kllll ._ _-
i; to. “73”“ to the students. ()Ul‘Sl sl‘okcsman Mark Pastci's comment ‘ ~ '
' We feel that the ”Ofeffl‘q the StUdSan that the faculty had ignored the DUI SI .. ~ . ’
., too'much to bk dropped. said Mohn “‘ attempt to “pomt out the absurdity of large ' . .
realize the notes have failed to fulfill the lecture classes.“ ' ». -, 3'
.1 desired purpose, but we hope there are other He said the sociology department is 'I >
' ways in which the overcrowded classes can “attempting to reduce class SI“, Already 4 .' ‘~
MV (10,1.ng baCh! be reducedf We reh open for ff’mmems and some sections of SOC 101 are being taught ‘ - .
V suggestions romt e students. , on a lecture/discussion basis." . ' '_ .
Ballerina Marilyn Burr seems to have something on her mind. According to Mohn, a survey W1“ be This fall almost one-fourth of SOC l01 .
She could be worrying about a world crisis, but then again conducted in the next two weeks so the sections are based on the new fonnat “In ‘ »‘
partner Luis Fuente may be squeezing too hard. For a story on StUdehtS Will be able to mice their opinions. the spring places for 500 students will be , '-
the Washington National Ballet Company, see page 6. (Staff Before word or reestablishment Of the ‘ K ‘ ' . i ‘
photo by Jim Wight.) note project. student and faculty reactions Continued on Page 2. Col. 3 .

 2—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday. Oct. 26. 1971 _—______________________——————————-— '
. J i
t h It P P I t ° g th moc election
A - It seems students will be able to voice their
' The New Party of Kentucky “WW” and contraceptive “In fact,” he said, “there preference in the gubernatorial race With a mock
- adopted a population plank last “XI“; available to all Wh? need should be at least 500 (NP election after all. .
night as it met to organize tor ”)- T] e plank alIsotcalled for ”I“ members) here on campus.”I A mock election which was to be held Monday
the upcoming congressional In?” 01‘ J“ 5N“ and federal Much of the ineeting’s was called off Sunday night by student
election m File Mb dlsmu'. , , I312“; lat ”Strut family discussion centered on timd government administrative assistant Tim Guilfoile
.' . The additional plank 0‘ NP 5 p E“ raismg. “‘9 most popular idea because there weren’t enough workers to man the
' . I Platform advocates “the NP steering _“"’”ml[tcc was a lecture by Dr. Benjamin Polls
. . - - establishment of a national member 10““ (frump, who Spock, one of New Party5 According to Carl Brown president of the UK
-. I; ' population stabilization policy, PICSIdCd over “W meeting, national coordinators. Although Forensics Union, that student organization Voted
:~ With tree family planning '3 m PI I1 {1 5 1 1 C d 5 C V C r 1’ 1 several members thought that Monday night to hold a mock election Wednesday
’ . ‘ orgdmlfltmmi] in)” WhICh he the id” 0f havmg Dr. SPOCk (in if they could get student government to go along
. I .- felt were essential to the group s campus might alienate people m with the proposal
V ' ' ABORTION success, the community, Crump thought . ' .
.‘ - ‘ . “We have to get busy 0“ VUts‘r that it was a good idea, and he SC PICSident Scott Wendelsdorf said Monday
_ VI QUESTIONS . registration. fund raising and rated the chances Of attracting night he would agree to the mock election and
. .' F l t t' d public relations if we are going Spock aq “excellent”. provide the ballot boxes.
'. I I or n orma ran an ' . I .. ,. - . . I .

- ' . ' Referral Assistance Call ‘0 gitoanlywshsertl. d d I Voting rights plank Student Government will sponsor the election

' Abortion Information Am, myh Ni) 6 [get "(I)“ l . 1” ”damn?” to "1.3ng .plfms and UKFU will provide the workers. The election
' ' I ' C I ' V" g ‘ cw ar 3 his on 3 for registration and lurid ”‘Smg- will be held Wednesday from 9 a.ni. to 3 p.m. in

U ‘ enter, nc. 35 people pledged to register to NP 3150 adopted a resolution the Classroom Building ‘md on the first floor of

, ' I (201) 868-3745 vote under its banner, Crump calling for “student voting rights th‘ Student Center

. v. - ' I I -. 868-3746 said that prospects t‘orIreaching in theii school community." L . ' . .

i 'v 9:00 AM. to 7:00 PM. ”19 1.000 required tor state In response to various Brown said the forenSics union voted to host the
, Monday to Saturday recognition are “really very inquiries. Crump noted that Np election as “a public service to students to allow ‘
' . . ‘ good. now has a permanent mailing them to express their chOicc tor the next govemor. C

. . . " 1. ‘ address. That address is: New The forensics union is composed of the members

” . g . . The MEDICAL COMMITTEE for HUMAN RIGHTS Party of Kentucky. Box 453 of the UK debate team who have represented the
. I - .1 IS hOIdlng its NATIONAL CONVENTION In Lex— UIIiVCrSin Station, Lexington. University in at least one intercollegiate debate, 2
A - f . ington on Oct. 29-3I. Housing is needed for sev- “emu“‘ky 40506’ Brownsald- t
~ . - eral hundred peOpIe. Please call 254-9855 if you 5
.. . . - . can provrde bed or floor space. ‘ ree t0 res e 0 es 8 le r

, . , . ., P D . um n t a

' i' -. Continued from Page 1 anonymous, said, “The mal0fity 0f the C

I " ‘. I '- people I’ve talked to feel they have to go to V

. ,' m . I re- aw available for the new Lecture/discussion class now. Before, you could just read the (
. . , classes,” he said. notes and get just as good a grade as if you’d
‘. . O ' Free U. over-optimistic gone to class. a
, one ISCUSSIOn Psychology instructor Minor Chamblin “I . th I ‘t h' h S
, - I' ' said, “I feel that the stated reasons given for . wils lgoing to gcd to Fe echuresfiw 1C1 1
-' , , 1 ~ the discontinuation were well-founded. The particuIar y iraterestle me. .Or t g of IersI,
'. _ I TueSday, Oct. 26 — 7:30 p.m. Free U. was overly optimistic in expecting “gas golilnghto uyftlel: notes ”1“? 0, Slttmg
. x . _, ' , . students to View the purpose of the notes in t roug t 056 aw u ectures, S e 531d: ..
I I’ 1 ' ’_ LAW COURTROOM thIeIsame manner they did-" Luanne Azevedo said, “I wish they’d
4 i i Sponsored by Societas l‘ro liegibus , t Tdhet Free U tapréarentfty waéus continued them because they were great :
j - _ - "1 To “C ory courses 0 e 3 orum or back-up notes I can see the ‘philosophical’
. . ; 91150115151031, and) more interacéion. DiscuSSion reasons for the discontinuation, however.” I
- . . is va ua e, ut an intro uctory course . 1
-. -. .v . - . . , should be a base, a framework, from which Other students contacted said they were
-. I TKO presents: further exploration can take place,” unaffected by the discontinuation because i
' . ; Chamblin continued. they had relied on their own notes rather ‘
. '. ' ‘. . I' . I. The St. John’s Ensemble of Cincinnati Several students who were polled about than those published by the Free U- a
“-7 ‘ - the discontinuation expressed Stillotherstudentswereunabletoreactto I
I» _v «v, in a concert erformance of th R k - - - - .
s , p 8 0C disappomtment. the discontinuation because they had i
5 I ‘ T . ' ‘ Opera G00d grade pIossrbIe _ previously been unaware of the existence of '
a r.— . ‘ . . ' -. ; One coed, who Wished to remain the note project itself. ‘
'. " t .- LI J . :
~ ESUS l‘lSt '
. . i Superstar .
. ,- II . , 5| m—
. . . . ‘u . . . ‘:, e ea e or announcementsis Women’s Center. Call: 252-9358
' . ' . 1 ,- ' (the some performance as presented with the 7‘30 pm- .‘w". “’“kdaYS ”1"“ ‘0 “‘e “0'“ 7 P-“‘- Monday through c itmzi’cncim pdsems mete Tsiiurr‘i:
‘ . .- ' . . . first publication of items in this Wednesday and 2 p.m. to 5 p_m on . 0 “do" 0 un eIrgroun . 0 ‘
- i ' Cmcmnotl Symphony Orchestra and Of the Ohio column. All anouncements will be Sunday. If emergency during othe "101“de such Old time favorites as ‘
‘ -. ' a run the j - ' . . I “I feel a Draft," “L.A. Life” and
. . . r e t. mes. twrce before the day hours call Patti L ~ '
.. ~ ’ ' St t F ) 0' ““8 at th Th in b t b
. . I . , a e air of the event and on the day of the 253-2284 0 "s- “9 W 9 “7° ‘8
. ' ' 'I . event ' showings at 7:30 p.m. and 9 p.m.
. 1 ' TOP VALUE STAMPS needed by Wednesday. Oct. 27, Student Center .
.. ' - . _ ' TODAY the end of October for a raffle to Theatre. Tickets are $.75. 1
._ '. 'I' , '. FRIDAY OCTOBER 29 T H E LE XIN G TON raise funds for the North End THE UK STUDENT
i v“ I ' l ASSOCIATION FOR PARENT gommtunitt Center Volunteer PRODUCTION ”The Birthday
': . -I _ EDUCATION is sponsoring a series ecrea Ion rogram. Contact Dan Party” opens 8:30 p.m. Wednesday
I -. , . . TWO Performances 7 P°m° and 9:30 p.m. 2f zigfidcéallsffis tor thetILambazeI method gogegtlgg3254-O791 or John Rotter Oct. 27‘ Fine Arts Building ‘
' 'j '_ -. " . 8 pm Tuegfiigmdzi] (ageinniéiggdt ' Laboratory Theatre. Tickets are $2 .
" ‘. . . . ' '- ‘ . 'I ‘ TOMORROW for non-students, $1 for students and
. t o Samaritan Hospital. 8 p.m. 1
. ,. .2 at Lafayette High School weanesaay. UK M... .53: V ’ R 0 N M E N T A L *1 °W°"”S°‘m
~. I .. . .. Center; 8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 28. St. IRENESS SOCIETY open THE FRIENDS OF THE
I' E . . . Joseph’s Hogpita]. 12,17eeltgggn3'23405 DS-It'n-dwedé‘lesday, Oct. LEXINGTON PUBL‘C LIBRARY
.I - I '_ . . u ent enter. presents Mr. and Ms. Bill Cohen in a ‘
. ‘ ' UK AMATEUR RADIO C . . . 'l
' . Tickets $4.00 on sale 0" WOIIOCGIS 800k meeting 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. Oath}: 012K .Cl‘t’IL “LIBERTIES UNION 31:31-11:38 paltgmmdon Aggtlac3$
_' ‘ .. - ‘ aniza ion meet‘n 7 . . i - - nes 83’. - ~
I .. . . _I . SP d B M." d h . '1 Room 453 F. Anderson Hall. Wednesday, Oct. 27 i 1500 30': Public Library Gallery.

, v .. . ore an arney I ers, an of I' e mg I‘ PRE-LAW PANEL mscussron St ' .m ~ . .
_ .' . . . .. . 7:30 pm Tuesday Oct 26 Law udent Center. Speakers Will be Bob ETA KAPPA NU, electrical l
'. .f . . I -. Of the erformance Courtroom. . - - Sedler and AI Goldman of the UK engineering honorary,sponsors a film

. ,I , . .. ,, p College 01' Law and John Rabum, series every Wednesday at noon in
. . z . - . - ' A 5%oggfigNPRgg%A§§§L IIVND II‘ixbecutive Director of Kentucky Civil Room 255. Anderson Hall. .
.r , '. -. I I G. i eraties Union.
' . . Th P f 0 II b P lé‘gréow VISUALIZATION" a film. ‘
.' U; ' . 1 p.m. Thursday. Oct. 28. Room ‘
. . . 9 er WI 0 Y OPEI'S by Don Rosa and Ron Weinberg 259. Anderson mu.
, 2' 1.. ‘,I ' ‘ 7' f" --’ s ’ ' 1 . /7 700k 4A, [Ra/v aw .v’yM W l, ’, v, . w <
‘ ' ' I " . 2. - i . . , , 4 v I, , , , , I , , I . A I ‘ \ i ‘ i ' ~ A I M—
' . -- . ' - ~ : . . , ~ . - x mm 575mm J.- m new 2 w .- -. . TIi H k H I -
, - ‘ . r i - x . . . . . .‘ . I I. ,II ' a,” ' ., . r ' .‘ l ‘.‘ ‘i’ i - - ¢ Cfl'UC 9 ¢ffl¢ ‘
. v . .. I -4, -r . , ,' 1/2,: ,I .I“ .) Ail" ,I‘ ,'f) I I ,/id : v.' r ’?,'.‘ t I 1.“ . .i n ‘ ._ ‘I .
. ) .‘ : , ‘ ' I . —‘ I , ,' . v u . l ,v , , : :vvl M \ y M Z .77 i L . l ‘ I ‘I 4 i. ,1 1' I Y , I “L 711’ U ' ”I it " W i‘ 0 Ktrfiiiii,Klfi‘i‘iliti‘ldrksft\'fifrfizlntug£;xo£:litr3—
. , , . .I . . . , . ,vi 2 I) . .' / I 4 . it ~. ', . ‘ ~ GEM A :jt'f/ ‘ Hf}, t 4,1, ,"Itv‘t/ i‘.1_ I; iziginii. Kentucky‘ 40506. Second class ‘
II . .- . I, , ., "i L ‘ ., “(I/,2" «‘ I', i /‘ ‘- v’,’ . g «A! , 1‘1' . .,,,( . . Dmtv’lue paid at Lexmgton. Kentuiky.
.' . . ' '” “~ ”59 ‘. i ~ ._ " 41‘ wry: hg.’ ' ‘r-A‘ m \ltllmIl five times weekly during the ;
r. -- . -—-’ ,/ ' t -- ir - , ,, . WW» war - “thl‘:I‘s; ».
'. . ' I I . , . Got DEN 3/75“ ’ 'Z/1¢\%/‘)Vtijl I i ‘ V‘” ' ' ‘w‘ if *x i' ,4, 7,; 24/1. 49A n periods. (and. hid: drilriliiznthemsdur‘nfrfg

.-_' v. : .. , r 'r c l! ‘ 7" , ‘zi'i ' A .1 - '94" ' i r / sessmn
.- I I . I ‘. I I '_ ‘x- . L ', tin, /4/M[ . . (.""L HEW» I 0 JI III I "II . f ‘ J '4“— \ fi ‘I'ubilSIIOd by the Board of Student
. ' I . t - r ' ‘ ’ ' 1 'L '“ . . \ \\ ’-\\/éh:7 $0 5 ._ 41.3 £53.} "1‘?! .: _ i; . ~. \ r) I tiltilicntmna UhK Post Office Box 4986.

. I , {x _ I _ . . . , t . I :. I -. :-;.. p u ;,< . . .
' , I .v ' ' -' I _ .:< 4' "i ‘\ (7m f» h V “QM ’4 l“- , ' 3' i i ' “-3 3 o Imblihgd ‘COnttireiud'uasfli:t adnthhagltefrirl ‘
. * ' ' ' ~.~ ' 4 T ( §I\ /}:§ I \“ ‘ g! 6; ’ 37‘. ,4," ' 5:1:\\ 1‘“ inf J ‘1, SI MIR”? 1915. ~ ‘

.' ' ‘ . 'Y . ;i 5 I , . ~ , , ,l x. * \s 3,212; I ; y} \\\\\\ \t ,.. ' dvertising published herein is in- ‘

.. ' . W . ‘ /~ 2 L K \ 4/4/44 ’/ t, Ck 4‘1‘ (x Q 3 -\ ‘ \ _ \T , 1. . . . / - 2, y 41/ 4 .I‘. i, ' " \\ iv, ;‘ SUBSCRIPTION RATES I

I I in (I 3: x , I, I, t T\ ”so. I , I I ., \/ 1,2 %/%,I’I » /I \V\\\ O Yearly, by mail « 310.50 .
Q ) I) we». I, ,‘ ,\ 1(9) I . I f: //4/ It, I I Jared" \\\ ;:;_, » . Per copy. from files — 3.10 .
o i. _ c. v "C‘s l\.. 4: . ' . — g " V ”-7: . s v s ' ,« : . mm. museums
, V) S Vi $./ \ / 4/7/75! | ~\ / 4/ \ ‘ :‘N / . Edltor- Managing Editor 257-1755
\ c § 2-" “ \ "’ ’ 2"” g 1 ’ 2.: , ‘3 ~ l . , . st Ifi Editorial Page Editor.
a] if if (to . t, a f . I; ' é 'c a f . —. . 3, . \_\I,\,I\" \ ‘ 4 \ \ ii l Atarsgfiiz‘tate Egttors. Sports .. 257-1'Mo
. ' I. I,,,, 2. t I- . ' ,// a . . I» \. , $\ In I I _
I ‘ J ‘ NI 4 .\ -’ . i , . m l *’ ’ 4/fl/a $4., \ 1‘. \ . j\\\'\\~\. t l. . tlon “Nnmmrwlam4m "

 ' THE KENTI'CKY KERNEL, Tuesday, ()(t. 26. l97l —.‘t ‘
* ° Ph ° . ' = a
2 UK $1,000 richer One issue BEN SNYDER DEP r STORES - , ,
i . ()0 9118 For Your Complete One Stop Shopping ‘ ‘ ‘ .
- "‘19 l8 r . p d l -
/ , / n The Ben Ali Gore 0
thanks to SAE s I-HOUR FREE PARKING. . ~°.. ._ :
Dorm residents may be able to "Kb 53 Purchgnm ' ' ‘7 ,f ' I .
Th J h M dial “long distance" from their a ' ' ” '_
e osep anciiii Public Service Award was room phones, though no one yet . ‘ .
presented to the UK chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon knows how 300,141“ ever. Shop DOWNTOWN - - -
recently at a banquet at King Alumni House. The award The possibility of issuing where the FOSthfl Action is! .
includes a trophy and a check for $1,000 which goes to phone aceounts to the residents ' -.
the U’lwemtX- has been re-opened according to '
Pre51d‘ent Singletary accepted the award on behalf of University and phone company 4/
the University. The award is given annually by the sources. Proposals of this nature
nationa SAE chapter to the local chapter of SAF. which have appeared “for the last two ' ' ' l
is “most distinguished in public service... years“? said Bob Reed of Complete Third Floor of Collegiate Fashions ,.
The Kentucky chapter of SAE has received the award General Telephone, and are now 2 Hours FREE PARKING . . . 5.
three times in the last tour years. According to Jim being “restated” among phone l1 B Al. G .
Chandler, chairman of community service for the UK company, housing and business (if t e en ' aroge ’
chapter, SAE’s programs last year included working for affairs officials. just behind Embry's -—- with purchase!
Kentucky Village, the Heart Fund, the Arthritis No formal negotiating has H__ 7 r“ I
Foundation, and raising $6800 for the Marshall occured, noted Business Services
Foundation, formed to aid children of those killed in the Director Paul Nestor. who said "
Marshall football team plane crash last year. he received the proposal only ' F L I c K N I G H T 1
last‘ week. . _ . TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26 at the FIREPLACE ‘
120 h l maternarssyii $3.236: ‘ ..... mo 12:30
. our P an Passes bit more Opti’migtic_ He HALLOWEEN SPEC;AL;—Monster Movies featuring _
speculated that the accounts '8" 8' one" ‘. _
0 would be set up “in the very FREE POPCORN
acult councrl fume" :
Officials hesitate to initiate WEDNESDAY! OCTOBER 27 ‘_, -' 2
, the accounts due to “quite a * NO COVER HAR " ; ' '
Continued from Page 1 In other action, the A&S f e w , . p r o b 1e m 5 said M . b C h GE * .f '. V. 3 f'. ..
‘ ‘ T h is is a d e e p Faculty Council passed a Pelfrey_chiefly7 potential usuc Y t e " _' ,. ‘
question—whether the guy in proposal to replace a presently “abuse of the system”. He noted EDDIE EVERETTE GROUP
science is less liberally educated tabled motion in the University that Michigan State lost a '- ' ‘ "
than the guy in humanities,’ Senate asking the removal of million dollars during the THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28 :-
said Dr. Edward Ordman 0f ROTC from campus. The new system’s first year of use there. EXILES
mathematics. “We really “68d t0 proposal would make ROTC a .
study this further." program rather than a F I 825 E led . .1
Mail vote called department of the UniverSity. BRING RESULTS' 'rep ace "C I .-
Dr. Steve Langston, assistant ' . ..;-'
dean for curriculum, asked for a '.
vote by mail “to catch those . ’.
Council members who didn’t
attend today” after a committee 4 ,. ”W m. _
study of the issue. 7 . [A ,
. a . ocimic CAMP . ..
0 O > J: I DEM I, T, .
l ‘3 at «l 5,0,8 Headquarters -
. w . 1 f
855' le figth“ ’0! People . g _ -.- 213 St. Clair Stree .
Classified advertising will be accepted . k ' Franklorl, Kentuc Y 0 .»
on o pro-paid basis only. Ads mny be ‘ _ 502 875- 408
placed in person Mondny through Telephone-
Friday or by mail, payment inclosed. ~ . . 1'
ill, Journalism Bldg. '.
Rates are $1.50 for 20 words; $3.75
for three consecutive insertions oi the . ,
some od oi 20 words, Ind $5.00 per
week for 20 words. 10 cents per word , . .,
over 20 words. per insertion. 2 5 19 7 l . ,
The‘dendblli‘neuls 1;: man. an dni OctOber I . .t
i .
3.?" clie’nncc; guns; «in?! i333; WENDELL FDRD
origin on n qualification {or renting GoVERNOR .. .-
rooms or for employment. t
ran an: JUUGZVERNOR - ersity of Kentucky _ the '-
'gopoNTiAdc Lemaiis corR/illert. 350 LT' Dear Uan 011 will vote 1D 2 . I,
was: 76§p§2ifib¥lecr§ (253331516. “£083? ”a.“ L- sworn-LE It iS our hope that yTueSday I November 11,01:
_—_—'__— f‘fl‘ 0' T‘T I O V . . ,
TV~——Sears 16 inch.. model year 68-69. SEC“ - b lng held on absentee ba 4 -. .- '
Bl - t on e r by . . . .
ack 8: white. $45. Call weekends K 1 Elec l e town 0 . r. ,
and weekday after 5 p.m. 254-8680. so I.HANC°CE“L Genera _ in your hom l ,
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1968 FIREBIRD c . t’bl . S' 'l- .. -- Is Ia - ' , .
inder, 3-speed. 1.')((:$v‘¢§‘rstegrin:t fizst DREXELL 02:: DAV Ve proposed prog 1th durlng the _' ' . ' ,
offer. Call 273-2510 or see at 3372 “new-“5” we ha . Commonwea d nt trustee ‘
Keithshire. Afternoons. 25029 ST . Crises 11') our a voting Stu e osal . ‘ . ', .
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WANT THE BLUES? Hard to find “m" Lo::SpEUgLicAccou~rs developing We endorse (1 support a prop , .
blues/jazz recordings discounted 'to women four years - tucky an f Trustees . y- . .
25';. Catalog $1.00 trefunded with next ' 'ty Of Ken UK Board 0 ‘t . . ' ,,
orderl. Blues PO. Box 7068 Lexmg- \LGINGEH UnlverSl the _ 1 Ouall y ,‘ . ,
new the f 1:01T1 nta
ton 40502. 26028 supflmfldoear or at the Governor f an Env1ronme if .
WHITE Buick Special convertible. Re— "J5“: ‘NSYNU'O to remove ' tablishment Q d water and a e-
built engine and transmisswn. Ex- I the eS t our 1am I - t enforc '. ..
cellent condition. Must sell $350. ‘ENDELLPIBUTLE‘1-ULYURE We faVO_ assure tha ledge str 1C t .
266-2003. 6-8 p.m. 260-Nl Cow‘ssw“. o.- Agni. Commiss 1011 to 1' protected . We P where land canno
WWWAN'“ “was new“. will be Propié 6% Strip Mine Law be stripped? Where ‘.
, A IDEAL . .
'rwo UK basketball season tickets. um cov'*° ' merit Of the it Wlll not dards Wlll be ' 2
Will pay reasonable price. Call 254- ' med fUlly I ' Ct stan g ‘
7318 days; 266-0817 nights. Ask for LesTON be reclal _ sible strl _ , of state ,
________———w°bb' 2°°2° 55... ”use "056' "”0 lamation 15 PCS reorg anlzatlon the people «- , =
No ROOMMATES—Male. :55 month 5,,“ Oman“ rec d We propose a r serViCeS to but 3 -_
apt; female 2 rooms $37 month. Pre- Observe . re greate _ W industry , . ,
fer upper graduate or graduate stu- [O‘CHMRMEN t to £15511 deSlre ne avage ‘. ,
dents. 253-2026 or 255-8105. 21027 sine governmen dollars . We t ollUte or r _ q ion _ .
.———-————-———-——-———"‘—‘ |RE . - . .
FRENCH TUTOR for Intermediate “Nixon memo raw for their tax that W111 no p t ranS' Commls- '; .
French Course. Very good pay. — ' dustry a V8 8 g .-
JOLLY be 1n - reate t or _
266-1998 after 8 pm 25027 JUDGE ANDRE“ it must t We Will1 c f ' rid efiploymen - 11 '0
WW "BlLL" REVNOLUS environmen O ' terans to l - 1 1y we Wl «.
JOB OPPORTUNITIES gap. «.1. our returnlng ve . ties and f 11151 ears .
STUDENTS—Students’ wives. Part or N (”Dawn-n to 885151: _ l Opportunl next four y ,
. “40%" . . tiona the .
full time jobs. Hours to suit your 9” tall-n eduCa W hOW for . State
schedule. 252-0833. Ask tor Mrs. ob d aS we kno . bill ty to
Love. 22028 rk as har ' and credl _ We make to .‘
FOB BENT WO tore Confldence the promlses .
12 k;d bl $7 per me - ,_-
53:331.: gnepeglo‘zlie from:u vex Med govern le of Ken tUCkY . f r .
Center. Private entrance. Refriger- the peop L1 port 0. . .
ator. Gentlemen. 269-2834. 22026 1 solicit your S P t CkY -. '
W u n . ‘
msCILLANlous We earnisiafit Governor Of Ken " . .‘ '
WW I e . _ . _ . 2
NEW LIFE—~Hear ED BECK, former vernOr and L 1eu , . .
UK basketball star and evangelist. GO Sincerely r
Park Methodist. Clay and High streets , . .
7:30 nightly thru Thursday. 26028 . .
0 o l
3 FAMILY 3 ,e‘ - %’ if ;..Q;..— cw (‘11 , _.
'w an 1‘ V ‘-
° COUNSELING . as, Jul“ . , . ,
3 . : “I’lfl / dell Ford ‘
0 Health SerVice . ; Wen - . 9
O - .
0 233-5823 3 . w s g
o o e . ,
: Counseling and Testing 3 .
0 258.870] 3 Paid for h} UK l)t‘l‘l()('l‘.lll( (limit-Han (Viiiiiiiillvv. in'k Nicholson (‘liaiimaii h. »
O o ,
to . .

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~ orporate responm 1 fly t‘ ~ :. I»
W ° ° d h ldd i3 I ”4/ ‘
. ‘ j . I, //
- ., hat a U nwersrty can an 3 cu 0 I. . y;
. - .. The notion Of corporate Similar action, the administration special favors; it is part1c1pat1ng in \f‘ I /..'
. . . “ , responsibility is a relatively new and the Board of Trustees would the democratic process. . I. .. .
- ‘ I ‘ -‘ and radical OHS. MOSt Americans throw up their hands in horror over The initiative taken by Wesleyan \\\ ‘ I ‘4
_ _' and almost all corporate heads the “neutrality” of the University is a radical new departure from the i
_. ~ . _ _ _ . a uni".
' _ think the only function of a being Violated. They would say that past hypocritical policies that lIII
. . . .' corporation is to make money, it is not the proper function of a cloaked support for the status quo \ . I g ,
f I ' a _- I. ,- period. University to meddle in politics, as in “neutrality.” \ .\\ ‘\ III '.
A I ' _ . But hopefully that is changing. they WOUld invariably call it. We urge UK to f0]]0w the lead of , . \ \ \ ll'llll‘lII/V/
A I. V 5 ~ and it is heartening to note that That assertion is patently Wesleyan. We urge all interested . '71:“? ,.
. ' . V . 50m? university administrations are ridiculous since what Wesleyan st u d e n ts . fa e u l t y, an d . -- , -. I . ~‘ "’ _; III II
_ . ,I ‘I in the forefront of this change. University is doing in this case is administrators to investigate what '» film":
_ _ The President of Wesleyan merely exercising the legitimate companies this University has I] “ 1' . I .-
1 . , . UniverSity of Middletown. Conn, right that every stockholder has, at invested in and, if any of those «,-‘ .I LIII
: ., . . Colin C. Campbell. says that his least in theory: the right to have a companies maintain policies that , x Q Ilii‘IlIail
_ . _ univerSity Will now enter voice in determining the policy of are not in the public interest, we l\\\'_W .ifiI-ifif,.,_ \ l9 , ifl IIIIIIIII?
. . . .. ' . . . . i ’l,‘ l ,‘, I. I, -‘. ,1
, . j ; _ corporation proxy lights when the company he has invested in. urge proxy fights by the UiiiverSity w I‘\ ‘ t I IIIIIJIIII f.
. ' . companies in which it holds stock The University is not asking any to change those policies. \ \ Sic”. ‘, \ LIIIIII'IR *f .
. fI follow policies that “appear to \ ”37,-. A. t Il‘lll'ilili ;" l
' ‘ - - conflict with the public interest.” \‘ @4613, villi: / I
_ g . He says that Wesleyan now .f\ @“@;~ Jilin” , l.)
- ‘ ~ I e Henluc cum 2
. ' ' ' ‘ A , . . . . s . - .xe'.-‘.€~-‘i‘-.:‘-.~. "fir-.5: iliin‘l iv '
.~ . respons1bility tor all our financial \\ 3"~'-- I‘IIIl "
'I _