xt7jm61bp30m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jm61bp30m/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1968 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 1968 Vol.34 No.7 text The Kentucky Press, July 1968 Vol.34 No.7 1968 1968 2019 true xt7jm61bp30m section xt7jm61bp30m . I i V
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I . Natural Bridge State Park
Natural Bridge State Park is the Gibson, formerly of the Frank— tant postal session there will be papers, or on some timely and
‘ scene of the Fall meetin of the fort State Journal, and now of the 5 a section devoted to circulation effective romotions aimed at in-' .
.. . P
53:1 Circulation division of the Ken— Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle, is plan- promotions. A'nyone who is inter— creasing circulation, had better
«I tucky Press Association. Another nmg to return to Kentucky for the ested in keeping up—to—date on make plans to attend this meeting.
—_;_.":‘I. good crowd of circulation men and meetmg. activities in the post office de- Dates to remember are September 5
.... . ' weekly publishers is expected.Bill In addition to the always impor- partment, as they affect news» 13-15. _ ’ '

 PAGE 2, THE KENTUCKY PRESS, JULY 1968 ' _ -, . ' 1“ ,E
. ____________________________.____————————————-—————'——-—————.—- ,, " f r
> THE KENTUCKY PRESS Weafley appomted , - 1 N . 7 . ~ 1,,
Official Publication 7 ac {F OtBS 7 . . , * ;‘ ’
Kentucky Press Association, inc. . ‘ , , <2 ‘ g
203 W. 2nd. St. ' Chalrman at “K _ ' By A. J.Viehman,Jr. i. , \ j n a; ‘1
Lexmgton, Ky. 40507 ’ As many of you know, seven Ken- have. We can make people believe .- ‘ .-
Voice ofigghfijgfhéws’mc' . tucky editors and publishers, as that we want to have the-“best v ‘
St.Matthews,Ky.40207 Journal'sm Department well as your Secretary-Manager damn press assoc1ation 1n the 1 .,
A_J_ Viehman,Jr.-, Editor .had the opportpnlty to judge the Country, 18 and ml-y frilendds, all:
- - - ,. Geor ia Press Association neWS- that it ta‘ es is a Vittle ar wor , - ‘ ‘ v
Florida ha'iiifi'igi‘ht Editor A professor Wlth more than a paperg contest this past May. We .and enthusiasm. Let’s: cite some' . t3 .
. Kentucky Chamber of Commerce dechde 0t coneCttve neWSpa‘per ex— have reported earlier that we points. The Georgian people had ,_';:;;'?-f.i§« ' V
Newspaper Association M'anagers . . per1ence has been named profes- learned a great deal from the a Hawaiian type party one evening ‘ if: \ .
Infernaiicnaifl::::g::ei;e:;oné::ieo:u_Assocmnon sor an? chairman of the Depart— ‘ papers which we judged and we also and darn near everyone inthe place , ,
Kentucky Press Association, Inc. gift“ of I‘LwrhatShS‘ 1,? the Uhlver' ‘ made mention of the fact that the made some attempt to wearabright ; /
Howard Og'es President ~ 1 Y.0 _ entuc Y C 00 0f Com- papers we saw seemed to be quite costumeiatleast'a Hawaiian shirt). V 11:1,} ,
GeorgeM Wilson’Vice President munications. progressive. They Used a lot Of‘ 'We had a WeStel‘n Party Wthh .
- ' ' The appomtment 0f Bruce H- lor were full of adv rt' in ' would have re uired a difficult to
A'J'V'et‘mahlJh'sec-‘MW-‘T'S- ~Westley currentl rofes f co ’ ' - - e ls h’ - - - q - a '
_ Executive Committee _ _i Y P. s_01' 0 and showed an inventiveness in find item like a pa1r of blue , ,-; . _.
JamesT Norris Jr Chairman (Ninth Dist) Journalism at the therSHY 0t their promotions. jeans,- and the People Who dressed ' -- "

- ' " - ’- ' Wisconstn was approved by the I should like to-re ort on an- for the event could be counted . '
wiiiiam NelsoniFirst Dist.) UK Board of Trustees on Jul P _ ,
E.C.Ca|man(Second Dis“ - 19 Y other phase of our deallngs with on one hand. The Georgia people ‘ sag- ,
AlSchansberg (Third Dist.) A. c. 1. t . h h the good _folks mthe Georgia Press seem to be able to make it out « _ .‘

Ben E. Boone,ll| (Fourth Dist.) spe 1a is. In researc met ods Assoc1at1on. Maurice Henry, along in large numbers for breakfast
oiayton‘aoiand (Fifth Dist) and theory In the _Sthd_y 0f 500131 with wife, Pat, and Kay and I Were meetings and we can’t get enough ;
Thomas M.Bucknér(Sixth Dist.) :nddmass communication, he W111 invited to attend the Georgia Press for two tables of bridge. _The - /> . .
Warren R. Fisher (Seventh Dist.) ea _a diVIStOh 0f the recently. Association conventionatCalloway Georgia people pay for their, ,,;;i_‘»’*§;. r
. Jam's, Lerawford (Eighth Dist) organized 50.11001 0f Communica- Gardens last month. The purpose rooms wherevertheyhave the con- ‘ t ,
R. Springer Hoskins (Tenth Dist.) tlonS—heStathhed by the UK 0f Maurice’s VlSlt was to tell the 'vention and manyt’fourfeuOWKen' 7 L '
Tommy Preston(At'Large) Trustees. on September l, 1966- Georgians what the Kentucky tuckians have said that they 2“ ‘
ponaid B‘Towlesmt Large) . His appomtment is effective next judges thought about their papers. wouldn’t attend a .meeting if the ’
, Jan. 1' ._ . The hard part of this assignment rooms Weren’t on a due bill ar— "" it ,
filigfligeatrllegeizftillvgfdhtggtil-115Bt was to find some critical points rangement. What does all’of this v “) *—
a- to brin u without ivin awa lead up to? Simplythat it s time . 1'
W kota (19.38) and the MS degree from the nargespef the actéal pgersons, ta}: get going. ’We’ve already made 3-_
The Kentucky Standard 0101“??? Unlversuy (1941)- He being criticized. This event is one progress in the organization of ' ,1.“ .
h so 1. advance graduate work of the “awaited” events at the GPA KPA. This year for the first time, , 3 ,
. ”1.50“?“ psychology at the ' convention and is set up to show the you will have the opportunity to _
. . { UanerSItY 01° Mlehlgan- _ _ Georgia publishers what they can choose your own representative on '31.} .7
P r mCIpie 0 He has served on the ed1toria1 do tohavebetternewspapers..Well, the KPA board. It'll be done by ' - 7
staff 0f newspapers in North Da- Maurice did a beautiful job with vote. This year you’ll have the .7 he); ‘
II . .l kota, 1933—34 and 19_38—40; was this task, but that’s not what I ‘ chance toattend theNationalNeWS- ' . '
CO eChVe gUi t a reporter on the Prov1dence,R..I., wantvto talk about today. paper Association convention in , 1' v-
v . Journal and Evening. Bulletm, I want to talk about attitude. , , Cincinnati. You can find out what’s . ,
We have just learned of this in- ' 1941-42’. and a COPY editoron the the attitudes of the Georgia pub- happening on the natiOnal level as ' , ,
cident in the Washington, D.C. Wisconsm State Journal, Madison, ' lishers as opposed to the attitudes Well as what’s happening in modern 2,,“ 37:35; .973"
area. 1948-51 and 1954-55- He was m the of many of our own Kentucky pub- , equipment and you only have to; a
Army, 1942746' lishers. I might also point out driVe as far as Cincinnati to do ;.: 2‘ f» -
A grade school teacher had a _The founding editor 0f Journal- that this difference inattitudeswas these things. This year you have I ,
disciplinary problem in her class. 15m Monographs, Prof. Westley not noticed only by yours truely, the opportunity to attend a' few ‘ _‘
» A young tough threatened her with has been a member 0f the COUh' but also by the Henrys. KPA meetings and learn some a. 7
a knife. at on Communications Researchof There is an old saying that Once things in circulation and advertise i "
the Assoc1at1_on for Education in a person gets to be the president ing. Starting in- January you can 5:31;:{7‘
The teacher ordered that every. Journalism smce 1956 and served“ of any organization, be it Civitan, participate in the grandest cele- sgx
pupil in the class would return to as chairman, 1957-59; member 0f Rotary, or a trade association,- bration in the last hundred years, " igggvih -
her room at the end of the school ‘ the research committee 0f the Na- you can pretty well figure that you ' the KPA centennial- ’ ‘ r 7-H” Jess
‘ ' day and sit in silent meditationfor tional Association Of Educational . won’t see much more of him after We’ve said that ;all it takes to :th; {fit
one hour everyafternoon that Week. Broadcasters since l9_59: and his term of office. Why? Because .enjoy these things is a little hard  f 4’ '
Before the end of the second day chairman, 1962} an associate ed- he gets burned out on the organ- work and some enthusiasm. If you a - ' , .
parent protests were shrill and the 1t01‘ 0f Journalism Quarterly and ization after all the years of work 'have a complaint about some phase 7.1;; , ,
principal was on her back. ' former member 0t 1ts editorial ‘he puts into the blooming thing to of the association let us know what ' I 5;...“
adv1sorIy board, and a member 0f ‘ reach the point of presidency. Not the complaint is and then work like i ; '
, , the Soc1al Sc1enc.e Research COUh- so in Georgia. I don’t know hell to change Whatever is bug- t "
tgétpeatglleerpigcggil 12th:? veggie, C11 Summer Seminar ink/[ass Com— whether that state down South ging you. If you .want on the KPA 7 .. .V'
1 to her student pthat hs w - musrpcations Researc at Stanford, grows people differently than Executive Comm1ttee let your fel— rig »
yl d _ S I: e :5 l9 - _ _ they’re grown up here. I doubt low publishers know. If you want r 7
on.y . emonfstratlplg t9 t em .t ,e He lectured 1h Ecuador 11" 1965 it, but a comment, that we heard to know more about a new adver_- .2 ,
prhiirécgp fheoPregijdeen‘ttlsviiotgctgtiti— if” the Stage rilDepartment. Ih_1967 from past presidents down there tising account or why you’re not \W ”ti ,
mission announced and which the reseztuclhne t ere to tshupelVlse a: was we,“ .got. the best damn getting the business your neigh-’ at I " '
politicians memorihlized after the Gua ar .1 prcagram in e s ums .0 press assoc1at1on 1n the country.” bor IS getting, let us, know and _ é
assassination of Dr Martin Lu- vergitqudf lit/Ir} Quito for the Unl- In fact, that seemed to be the at- we ll get some answers. If you ~ ‘ -
ther Kin ' fy W 11nnesota.h t1tudes of everyone in attendence see a publisher who 1s napping,
g. ”Pro - ee eyflis t e author Ct at the convention. This even in— wake him up and let’s get a little twig-ii: :
News Edltlhg: (l953);co—author cluded the suppliers and as- lifeinto the action. . . ‘ '
Thereupon, she polled the class Of The Dynamics 0f Planned sociate members of GPA. I guess the whole thing boils down , '
to inquire if each student under- ghange, (l958);andcontr1butorto Now I’m not trying to make any— to this. . .if you want an active, ' :fhfi
stood the principle of “collective Introduction to Niess Commum- one believe that we have the “best aggressive and wealthy press 123% ' ..
guilt.” Each student did, the “stay catie‘ns Research, (1958): _ and damn press association in the association in Kentucky, then you, t V I
afterschool” order was rescinded, to The Impact Of Educational country” here in Kentucky. I’m not Mr. Publisher, are going to have. - t: a
and the young tough expelled from TeleV1s1on, (1960)- He has writ- trying to make anyone believe it to do something about it. This is ' .33? I
school. Continued to page 3 because it just isn’t true. We don’t Continued to page 5 2 1% - '7.
- 2 " -
. Tape recorders are poor substitute 3 ,
' ’ 73?}?
' Efforts to cut costs in any area ment sensitive enough to pick up and errors that may affect the transcribing from a machine,_it f
of government activity are ad— the voices of. judge, jury, attor- meaning of testimony in the event is often impossible to determine a. . _
mirable, and welcome.But We want neys, and witnesses may also of an appeal. Surely no one will . unerringly who is actually speak- p Y i
to register a strong dissent on record private and privileged contend that justice can be served - ing in court if street noise, a if - '
one effort at allegedly saving mon— conservations between a lawyer by a recording that is speckled cough, or a throat being cleared 77517??? '
ey, currently being pushed on and his client. This warning has with inaudible passages and con— ‘ drowns out intonations. Persons . F
‘ both coasts. This is the business been raised by the Judicial Con- tains phrases that are ambigu- have been known to rattle papers -
of replacing the court reporter ference of the State of New York. ous or nonsensical. or intentionally to obscure electri- ‘ » 1.311%"
with tape recording devices. Poor V “Many attorneys,” it said in its », cal recording. , _ s.
‘ economy and poor justice are too report, “fear that sound record-r Accurately transcribing what is The ‘ tape record can extract t‘t ‘ _
apt to result. ing, as the means of making an heard on tape may be impossible sounds, but to extract'meaning it ‘ggEi
official record in trial courts, if words or phrases are slurred, takes a man or woman with ex-_ fit
In the first place, there is to WOUld inadvertently violate the , indistinct, or unheard. In fact, a tensive knowledge of the language, %“
. date no valid evidence that sig— confidentiality of the lawyer - 1967 report of tests conducted the ability to punctuate, and the ‘v v-:
nificant savings could be achieved client relationship.” in the New York City Civil Co‘urt, ‘ ' perserverance to grasp cross- ”hi
‘ by electrically recording all that stated that in transcripts made talk, ungrammatical utterances, '
is said in a courtroom. And even That prospect is reason enough from tape recordings, “the re— and differing accents. _ . i- '
if it should prove to be a few for ruling out court recordings. corded words of the witness were In short, you can’t really expect a 7 -‘
cents cheaper, the cost to the But there are others. In ‘many slurred and indistinct.” But, the to replace the judgementand skills Q; .-
cause of justice may be consider— recent cases, the use of tape has report said, the same testimony of a court reporter with a ma— we» 7
able. resulted in a record of the pro- was “properly transcribed by the chine. And it would be poor .7 if j V.
For example, recording equip— ceedings that contains deviations ’ court reporter... presentfif .When economy and poor~justice to try. .33 ;
' ‘ c- our. .,. 5“ is... »« ' sire. «.s -<:.n“3’13r!:-":"(L‘£}M2u¥x ' :_s‘*"" . ' hw“aé~’” Leif-MU. samenesssusss: Axiésjsmsnhsiu'm' ".i‘. -.:.,.._ .,

 giltffl'i ‘3ng 3’1“”...a1z v “t“:-“fii‘imeéifi-mkdlzlah—xuéfiaeewlfigéieivLornelane-«rarttd’d'e—*ver‘7',"~e~‘-e~~ :r."j:-'—i.<:...‘:"-e_.r.‘“‘:..:,:.';r:.‘:r::>f.':f.‘l'2:1:.‘.’::.."'.Lr:'_:_,,.1.7. ::...'.'..'i _ ,. .. . . .‘ . -1.‘...".' .3113”? ' ’ " _ '_ ' ’ 5' ' " ' ‘;
.: . - _: ‘ , JULY 1933, THE KENTUCKY PRESS, PAGE 3 -
'5.' .. _ ,yj. .' 5 ‘ ——-—-—-———-——————-—-———-——' ,|
. ' I I; ' I L, . ' . s.5:5.5.:5.»;s5...:5:a:53;33.55....5....555..-»5» . . .. 5 '~' .s .. . ..; . . "an: -.. is. 5. -. . . 5 Imy;I;:av-.";.;‘_.y5‘.f:;I-:::3:>.~‘.t:1.i:-:3:-}.:;:.~'<-i7‘233511¥.3.':'51:3.-L3‘“13:=:i.35-‘i'x'1332:.“353'53‘:5§53§5giiiiiflffé‘fi"?.2.;515‘»:23'1:::3555}I§f§{5?“ (
_‘ 5 Gov Nunn . ' " - ”ea.“ ’se§§ °""- ogrdxrf‘d ,s’ilifisgfl‘fl‘hsrsswi‘
5 . . ' . . 4 it. s 49% a? étingfiwfif
. ' . . '- . . “as, ‘9“ "5.3a“ . ' . ' -r“ ' via-2% senev‘ws‘he ‘
» . 5 _- ~ -.> ' é;i25:55;a;2:25:55;gratis;igigéigégigiégégiiisis2252::is:agisgegégégiégzigsggigégégé;;.:5e“5:5..:5Eg53;;:2;z;s§s€=;z:s;.;;.;:...i‘fttgags;_“ , ” cg. 3.5.5 y~§m§ nfl?‘
' to (I fess :«“". first "~.ee§‘*e,.§
.5 _.._ ' . - . 5; 3%.,» eggs ‘. rapt...“
: . . 5itséit5=25=ais;si=2saseiziiziiiéiisé;éa"itiii:552:5éiééizéééé-fisi5:35;é.iti:Isé;é;€.s::s~.f;ézieéizéiis:2é5:52:..;..i:s‘:2::2é3:3:1é5%}ii:2a2522;253:5323;:diz.Ire-=-..eve-H‘s 4;- ':~ "35;. "
' _ 0- ' Governor Louie 3- Nunn; has siifi“”§-‘$‘K¢ if: “grit."éf f§§i§i§iiffie
.. agreed to speak for a brealttast L1:3 . ' nee .
» ~ . .p‘meeting of the National Newspaper ..‘s,~‘n s page: ..
‘ _ . . Association during the NNA con- “chanted” M . '
.; « i '4 ’ 'vention in Cincinnati, October 9- V~$m~1§x§~'1u2€4'$94)‘f$s§§¢ ‘t‘
- . _ - i:33:35355E535I3535EE5535‘5:123:5iIiif53353E55;35553552555555S§i§3§£§E53555?5333335523§3EEEIE'::E51::55153§§‘SJ“'~‘:':?EZSE\‘§:§5%?;-.fiziiliigfiiiiiféiiiii.i33%?$253335E25:E5555255533:535E5E5E31:355:53:5:E53:5:E{£5552:;Egiggigiglfiér‘fififs:gfi-lW Wé'isfiisi» Eggs-,5 “V r;’(‘F§:;’-‘$3‘.?:.zfig:-.é\i;}i.>?5.;;;.':jzzf;;3 .
12- GOV- Nun" W111 Speak 0“ F11“ ~ii§h~is§s ‘3’”. side: i
day the 11 at the Sheraton Gib- were... renewed .
‘ . ’ ’, '1;_»;:_:;i;.’=::§;.;:'ijigi;5;‘:£5E5:533-53=E:15:35:???“E:::3:5:E:5:35:33:32533332555;55E“5:255E;:‘3E5I:33555:;25.351555:E-I:E:::E:E:::Zh=:jn:E.;:§=E;:§E§$§i\::‘g>1jjék\§§iur;ts:r :E-Ei sI""£35335355?:E5;E5:iii;555313}5EiE155E1535i3:31ElEiiiiiEIi:E:E'E'1:Z.%_'3w - 1153-. fie». ”35313325: is 3‘35,th 532g “*3“ °: ..:.;\ 1-1.”- yfigg‘gn“? igfivt’fi‘tfis'fisa‘sfi i
Department Of P “b1“: Worm" . is sateen"
' ~:~;- .tion heed» Jemee Host. 1s plan- e.eiiiip.n§e edit :
. nine to have a display of Kentucky Enemies .as - '
' play attended .by uniformed Public essdwiisifiesietfrts '
tit" Information employeeS- The NNA . isessiilaéf‘;diii*e§a‘
.. . ; convention also features a trade. ‘ sfgsldégjiitt“ads*“s$
:. it; ‘ -. . ‘ ’ 12.5IESE€33:EE315533:?EE55525i325l5§5§5§5§§§5§§5iESEE§3§E§E§E§5§E§E§E§EiEEEESEEEEEE553355E523333‘25?‘555155355l$53555§E§E§5§E§3§5§E§E§£§EiE§E§E§E§E§E53323Eight:=:-:-.-.5§‘3§3§§5§'~"{E§ExvAr‘z‘e$5555_"":':’:?3¢35?E§5§§3533 .‘.‘.3:35523?:i=5'i‘iiiiiéiééiéiéfiéié-5555‘§§i:'§1335f‘:‘iéiésa:rig-<3? sn\‘..«t\x:
45.. . 5 show and attracts all Of the tOP ‘e‘e&\“‘e3\§=i=lt . :‘W‘ea‘§~an“n“§§
. ' equipment manufactuers in the US. needs West-ism ses‘d
play, the Department of Public p.‘wesed '
-» . _.~ ‘ Information also plans to decorate eases“-\eeessse‘~ss
. z . . ‘ . :=:=:::=-::::2:::::;:;:::::::::;:::::E:==@”§k$zr§éfsisn=:=:¢§§§§’3"\\§s\“¢.w‘t\’vs§4’b§&z,39“ " ‘Fe mes-5:}; ~“““«‘*'.““\x‘:’.”\~§\§§ag ti‘sfififiéfi. 5:31:at:.:-:$56.:i3‘53?first::=:diaeresis};:53:53:35::5:3:3:32:53:55:Es::'e';$:=:-:-.-;-ssgz;..“S'..:-E: 52314233535: $2.:
‘. j‘j . . the room In WhICh GOV. Nunn W111 ’V‘teezrtx“"“"?tew .r;::sei€se\~%svesiéestss
. . . . . . am”3\\‘tfi§§%§“&%&§§%&ssfi~e “*e\\?~“°ve&.zmfieov>xesma‘\"“§
* l‘ 5 speak, With various scenes in Ken- s\§\“§%«tmngks§fl”issk
. . tucky. A token of Kentucky hos— assesdhnsne ;
* . . pttaltty will also be presented to “satesnerssessnes p
’ » lively affair and a crowd of from e"n»ee5~1‘s.éie§m% s v“.
. . . . :5;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:§::3=:§:"-1:§:;:‘.§:1;1:1:‘:'o5“j' . ..'»355::=’-:\.:>_;s.::-::-~5=‘-1~."-=-:.z:._::;-._5.gas. as, 'treaties:.:tt5;3;e‘. s5;::===:=.:=:=:32:5:55-5%3£->...::52523:.. --....- '-15:;53:;5:isa:5555:52245:33:355593252535555:5afiisizsgsiaifiz532:5safesdist-«122:;sates25?:$515953:3&5‘izfiifadiia23352525555?"'"f‘=:553s555zizf=5
. 3 three to five hundred PerSQHS are sexiest .. wégeideesi‘eiiie‘sei ‘“
:7 "' expected to. attend the breakfast XWA%&§‘%§W 5.,»
' ' , session.‘ ee’eipfisssesge- ..s -. .5
. 5. tucky press Association Execu- firngeifimswse s \ :"1‘ ' “ 1 "digigigiaéd’
' ‘ . * ' -‘ - swsfigiws‘a “W e
. - . ; tive Committee Will be held on Sat— v~3~*”‘*“e&xm-asegvgmkeh‘snfisess ‘es s ~ . .
z _. ‘ - “urday morning, October 12, at the- * ’ , ' ‘
1 :2» Sheraton Gibson Hotel in Cincin- - . . . . . . . . .
f _ p nati. Awblock of rooms have been This is the beautiful lodge at Natural Bridge‘State Park, Site of the Circulation DiViSion meeting Sept 13 5 5 5
‘, ‘5 ' set aside for the board members. __________________________5 "‘“""'
1 0' . Those who should attend. will want ‘ _ _
, 5 to contact the KPA office to specify Wh 1| 0 t d Carroll Knicely,:publisher of the Mrs. Helen C. Stanley, mother
‘ g ' preferences'for accomodationS. ea ey (IPPOIII 3 Glasgow Daily Times, has been of publisher Frank L. Stanley, S.r.,
. __— , elected National President of the of the Louisv111e Defender, died
‘ ' 5. I : ' 3 ' . Continued from page 2 . Travelers Protective Association. July 5 at Louisv1lle.
5. w- 7- Insurance program _ 5 5
5,; -- ..’ gm; egg,- 5 . - , . , _ ten numerous monographs and ar— ;
;gfgxust.» '1". in??? ~ - ” ' ticles in the field of mass com- , 5 5 5 . ~ ..‘;
5'35: -5 5 , , 90mg great guns munications research for various .
A. 5 .51 5 -‘ _ 7' 5 . _ professional publications.
, . ..‘». 3 {a _ .5 Bill Sellers, of American Fidel- The Cooperstown, N.D., native
. { FY Assurance. Company, is keep- joined the Wisconsin faculty in
F mg the central Offlce posted on 1946 as an instructor. In/ 1947- ' ,
' V ' the progress that is being made he was promoted to assistant pro '
5. t . _ ,' N W
“ ‘5; 7 . . wfth the KPA Insurance Program. fess'or, to assoc1ate professor 1n w‘o—
. .- B111 has moved to Kentucky from 1955, and to professor in 1964.
i * Oklahoma Clty and will head 9P . He served as visiting lecturer in
5E the association program in this journalism at the University of o o
\_ 5;: state. ‘ . , . Michigan in 1951—53, and as a ; 10 re a1
5 1‘ \ A? last count, Wlth only less than research assistant in the Research _
.' ' two weeks gone by, there W31}? Center for Group Dynamics . o
over eleven papers enrolled an . at Michigan, 1953-54. He is mar— r m l n mak v r
[1118 program. BY the t1me th1s ried and the father of five children. '
g issue is off the press there will _ »
' 3 5 robably be thirty - ~ ' -
".2 p . . ' . The Louisville Defender received ‘ ,
. , ‘ “,i ‘ In addltion to Bill, American six awards for outstandin e l 5
-, :5 Fidelity is supplying the associa- . g 0
. . 5r .5 . . achievement at a recent meeting
‘1 mom with two more men, one in of the NNP A in New York
.:"5 .. Eastern Kentucky and one in the ' - , '
' _ 5 . ' West? We urge that youtglve ttlhe ‘ 5 S]. AMPS 'CONHAIM . It’s that small wonder among promotions: Trading Stamps. 5
“I 5. ‘gen emen your co-opera