xt7jm61bmp24 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jm61bmp24/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1966 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs Vanderbilt University vs. University of Kentucky, November 5, 1966 text Vanderbilt University vs. University of Kentucky, November 5, 1966 1966 1966 2014 true xt7jm61bmp24 section xt7jm61bmp24 O
vunderbnlt vs kentucky
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it 4   I
* * * * * Game Story ..................,....................................................... 5 I
Governor Breathitt ................................................................ 6
l G       S Dollars For Scholars .............................................................. 8
    President Oswald .................................................................. 9
    Freshman Scores .................................................................. IO y
  Athletics At Kentucky .......................................................... I I l
[_, "_~_'\  Athletics Director Shively ...................................................... I2 ,
{__,   Varsity Schedule and Scores .................................................. I4
‘° “’°’“·°'$ FMR   iii?} Coaching Stott ...................................................................... I5
GRAND rmzas   .,   E
S Z8 ¤¤L¤ ME¤M-5 '   Head Coach Bradshaw .......................................................... I6  
_ · iw Kentucky Player Pictures .......,................ I8, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38 l
Longmes watches are V d b_| PI P_ 20 33 ;
. t T ............................................., , I
recognized as OFFICIAL Gm et I Gym IC was I
for timing world Statistically Speaking ...........,................................................ 24  
  and   ROSIEYS . ............................... . .................................................    
sports in an {jews Lineups ..................,............................................. Center Spread  
throughout the world. Depth Chart .......................................................................... 29 I
‘ Vanderbilt Administration ..,................................................. 37  
  "   The College Game ls Best .................................................... 40  
  What Opponents Are Doing .................................................. 42 l
      Ge,   Meet The lat·l~;. lingur Xlay; pnnclwrl his olnh tn 159 yarrls rnsh-
shaw lntt·sts tn np their and tai1hat·l< Dun Nnrth.
rt·t·nr<1 al>nyt· t1n· .500 level. On tap frillnwing Yantly arc l{t=ntnt·lnt11y_ the t'l{ Kittens prnyitltztl their
<1ay`s qarnw as a t1n*t·i<1<,·<1 nnclcrclng. \vlL‘1llllS nf tnn rnnuh "hig hrntlit·rs” an a~>;a1nplt· nt how yittnry <>y<·r \'annnt·ing thc Bally Cninnio-
slinws an at·c·nnnting nl only one win cillsvt hy Hur straight rlnros last Satnrclay night. 42-S.
st·that·l<· nyaininatinn ol the l`<,‘L‘4>1`(l i·¤;ycals that tht- way hack tn 1896 and tho rivalry stancls as nnv ol the <»lt1<·st
(I<»rnnin<1<>r<·s have taken nn snniv 01 the tnp powers ol the in thc Snntlr hath 1`rnni th¢· standpoint nl hrst inwvtinq and
t·nnntry—(1n1y t·nininr>n lima Virginia Tt~t·h_ hnth \'anr1y and l{t·ntnt·l4y tht; Cmnnint1nrt>s` faynr—2S wins tn l{¤~ntnt·lnar¤1 fnnr tiinos antl nnc st·nrt·1t·ss tie rv-
vwi; tho C(It11I11t)(1t\1'(‘S are praisucl hy most exports for sn1t<·n1in1$)5S.
BAYOU BENGAL CAGED—Louisian¤ State's Tigers, particularly fullback Gwain DiBetta, found the path to victory over the Wildcats
a difficult one to traverse. ln this action photo, DiBetta (21) comes face to face with Kentucky's sterling linebacker Mike McGraw
(40). Coming up to put on the finishing touches are Dicky Lyons (24) and Jerry Davis (25).
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Alumnus Governor Boosts Wildcat Gridders . . .
Edwcird T. Brecithitt, ot 4l , is the notion's second youngest Governor. A Hopkinsville ottorney,
he continues ci fornily record of distinguished public service thot dotes bock to pre-Civil Wor doys
when on oncestor, John Breothitt, served os the stote’s chief executive.
Governor Brecithitt, who in his copcicity os Governor, olso serves os choirmon of the University
of Kentucky Boord of Trustees, begon his coreer os o lowyer ond public servont immediotely upon
grocluotion from the University of Kentucky College of Lciw in l‘?50. At the cage of 27, he wos
elected to the Stote House of Representotives. Loter he wos Stote Personnel Commissioner ond ci
member of the Stote Public Service Commission before being elected to Kentucky’s highest office
in l963.
While o student ot the University of Kentucky, where he olso obtoined o degree in Commerce,
he roved his co ocit for leodershi . While there he wos resident of Lorn ond Cross senior
men's honorory, ond ODK, men's leoclership ond scholorship honorory froternity.
Hi; iliei;. iguisl reel bockgrouncl olso includes three yeclrs in the Army Air Force during World
Wor ll ond iiic stcite presidency of the Young Democrotic Clubs of Kentucky.
A ncitive of Hopkinsville, he is morried to the former Fronces Hollemon of Moyfield. They Q
. . . . l`
hove tour chilclroni/\/iory Fron, who is lo, Lindo, l5, Suson, 9; ond Edword lll, who is 7, in
Governor Breothitt continues to be one of the most enthusiostic boosters of his Almo Moter t
ond its footboll teom.  

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Current recipients of scholarships made possible by the University’s K-Men’s Association are shown above with Mr. James lngle (cen-
tcr), Director of UK's Office of Student Financial Aid. The students, from the left, ure Edmund Sutton, Jr., Patricia Correll, Beo-
trice Talley Mahan; and Hurold Bell.
Through the unique generosity of an organi- Bell, Cynthiana junior and Social Science major;
zation of former University of Kentucky ath- Patricia Correll, Ft. Thomas sophomore majoring
Ietes, known as the |<-/v\en's Association, deserv- in math, and Edmund Sutton a freshman from ,
ing young Kentuckians are now afforded the Lancaster who plans to major in electrical engi-
opportunity to gain a college education that neering.
nil ‘ ‘ hr th . , . .
O JGVWISE mlg FSCODG em The K-/\/lens Association plans to create at
The scholarship plan, begun three years ago . . .
. least one new scholarship each year with profits
by the ex-lettermen and financed through pro- . .
,, ,, derived from the benefit games allotted the i
ceeds from Dollars For Scholars games (one . . .
_ group by the UK Athletic Association. {
freshman football game and one in basketball),
is believed to be nationally unique. The scholar- James lngle, director of the University's Of-
ships are academic rather than athletic, based fice of Student Financial Aid, calls the generous
on need and are available to either a boy or a action of the former athletes in establishing the
girl who are residents of Kentucky. Grants are fund "a significant addition to the University’s
renewable anually provided the student recipient total scholarship program." l··le added that "it
makes satisfactory academic progress. is highly unusual that such an award is given en-
Current holders of l<-lv'len's Association schol- tirely on the basis of scholastic ability and need
arships are Beatrice Talley Mahan, a senior from for financial assistance by an athletics-oriented
Magnolia studying math and German, Harold Organization"

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r University s President Knows Value of An Athletic Program . . .
  When Dr. John W. Oswald became the sixth and later rose through the administrative ranks
  president ot the University ot Kentucky on Sept. to the position at \/ice—President for Administrar
ll . . . .
‘ l, l963, he brought to the position most unique tion.
qualifications that have since aided immeasur— Dr, Ogwcldrg Gthlehc GX Grigmcg thm WMV
bl ‘ h' d ‘ ‘ t t` t t th t ’ D '
il y In IS G rn'!/NS VO IOM   One O le ni _lOm_$ S`lCllWClS l'lllWT llW good stead OS l[)l'EZSlClGlWl' at Cl L1l`ll
Ol?mOSl Gnd l“Sl€Sl'9'OW""9 €‘d“'CGl'O"‘G '"Sl" versity boasting an ambitious athletic program,
t¤t·¤;S- I { H h came as a player in his collegiate clays at De
JO H OSW¤l<¤l S bclckgrgbmd re IQSTS The lg EST Pauw as he played guard on the toothall team
$T¤¤¤¤' et€i>¤i¤e ra retiree years me ima at ceirrirrms Davis
, NON Gnd GISO Includes Gxpérlgnce In Cth GHCS Gl COf`IWlDLlS~r·~\‘v‘l'l€‘l`G l'l€‘ l”l'l€Cl   l'lC]l'lCl Gl C<‘T<]ClWll"iQ
beth the i>l¤ve Gnd ¤<>¤<*t levels _ iijy avacationl rise grid team   O rmi rsmri
The 49—year-old educator, who was born in St. I 1962 I d b 5 M i
1 Paul, Minnesota, received his education in the ll Sl ’/LL V?/G5 mjmiw /3/ pldmh l"l‘“ll°ll°°
  public schools of La Grange, |ll_, ana at pppaaw Om lll? lfvil ¤nlV;€rS¤l;vH   rnerica} team', crrrni U
~· · - · ‘· ~ n sl itw;4
  University where he was a Phi Beta Kappa grgdr DOS? IO <>'*f”€i wl Oh l>¤i}§   ,, Numn g
,i· 1 \ kr ` [  
 i i   / ` . . . i
      KI NOISE IS a serious problem at many inter-  
T    J.  H ~ collegiate football games, and on some oc- E
   [  casions has prevented the quarterback’s sig-
  nals from being heard. Such a situation may
   {  be interpreted as “interference" with the con-  
 igvfi     - .
   égéyt _/( duct of the game, and penalized. We seek j
 '°" A ti 4;/ " , . . . . . l
~   your assistance in preventing excessive noise, e
'F which could cause a penalty. t
    Should unusual noise develop, the Referee  
d •|   h 9 will call "Time-Out" and instruct the Defensive l
mu 6     O   · Captain to request QUIET, which he Will do _
b ' t d th ` `th b th 5
Sure, the bays who go off the"pods" get the big, y movmg Owar _ 6 noise area W1 Of Q`
baldheadlines.Butifyauwantrotlynhebigoppor- mms we tmde i=¤eed— if neeeeemy the O -  
iuniiiesme situ with the Girererriimnere err and fensive Ceptem will make the Same request  
land on several thousand feet of runway. on the opposite side of the field. We shall  
VVh¤ ¤9€¤l$ Pll¤l$? TAC ¤l¤€$- And MAC- And SAC appreciate your respect for Sportsmanship in i
And ADC remaining quiet at this time. Please cooperate. V
There's a real future in Air Force flying. ln years to D ,t h 1 t d It _ , t _ Z
Come aircraft may fly higher, faster, and further than On Q P 0 HDV 3 Pena Y ag<1m$ YOUI L
we dare dream of. But they'l| be flying, with men team- 5
who've had Air Force flight training at the controls.  
Of course the Air Force also has plenty of {obs for Q
those who won’t be flying. As one of the world's  
largest andlmost advanced research and develop-           {
scientists and engineers.   D     `°
Young college graduates in these fields will find  
that they'll have the opportunity to do work that is Date Opponent site UK Opp.  
both interesting and important. The fact is, nowhere  
will you have greater latitude or responsibility right Oct. 7 T€I'Tl’t€SS€€ l:I‘OSl’T   ...... T4    
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ntereste o pace to in out more is at te Oct.   Clnclnnctl FrOSh        
office of the Professor of Aerospace Studies, if
there is an Air Force ROTC unit on your campus. Oct.   Vcnderbilt Frost,]       8
Ask about the new 2-year AFROTC program avail-
able at many colleges and {T \__
UTTIVCTSITTGS YOU DTE} El', fTTOll ll'TO l  I •t        
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l' __“——*‘**——_ — ————— at 7 Vanderbilt Frosh (A) O l
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l Artrsrm l -
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 |<—officio members, in Dr. Thomas Clark
addition to the president, include Vice Presidents Dr. Glen Creech
Robert Johnson and Glen Creech, Dr. W. L. Dr. John Douglas
Matthews in the ca acit of secretar to t