xt7jm61bkk8g_3 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jm61bkk8g/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jm61bkk8g/data/87m18.dao.xml Worster, Levi C., b.1841 0.45 Cubic feet 1 slim box The Levi C. Worster diaries and papers (.45 cubic feet, 1 box; dated 1863-1913) primarily comprise three diaries that provide an eyewitness account of life as a Union cavalry soldier during the Civil War, 1863-1865. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Levi C. Worster diaries and papers Chickamauga, Battle of, Ga., 1863 Soldiers--Kentucky. Stones River, Battle of, Murfreesboro, Tenn., 1862-1863. Planters & Merchants Insurance Co. diary and song lyric book text Planters & Merchants Insurance Co. diary and song lyric book 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jm61bkk8g/data/87m18/87m18_1/87m18_1_3/0623/0623.pdf 1865-1913 1913 1865-1913 section false xt7jm61bkk8g_3 xt7jm61bkk8g Addie Farmer
Greasy Bread
 America was discovered in 1492
1865 $188.00
By This Policy of Insurance
Louie  1880 1881
Planters and Merchants Insurace Comy
At Selma
1878 1878 1879
On Account of Worster
No make Insurance, and cause Merchandise to teh amount endorsed hereon, to be insured, lost or not lost, at and from Mobile or New Orleans, to
Landings on the Alabama River, and laden on board Steamboats, Safety Barges or Schooners as specified and endorsed hereon. Endorsement only binding
when made by the Secretary of this Company. Loss if any payable to 

Louisa Alyssa Worster
Hard Up
In the Days when I was hard up not many years ago
I suffered that which only can the sons of misry know
Relations Frineds Companions they all turned up their nose
And they rated me a vagabond for want of Better clothes
In the Days when I was hard up for want of food and fire
I use to tie my shoes up with Little Bits of wire
When hungry cold cast on a rock and could not get a meal
How oft ive Beat the Devil Down for tempting me to steal
In the Days when I was hard up for furniture Drugs
A many a summers night ive held commission with the Bugs
I never faced them with a pick or smashed them on the wall
said  I this world is wide enough thares room enough for all
In the Days when I was hard up I used to Lock my Door
for fere the Land Lord should come round saying you cant stay here no more
in my own back drawing room about ten feet by six
in the work house wall just opposite ive counted all the bricks
In the Days when I was hard up I [bowed ?] my spirits Down
And often have I sought a friend to Borrow half a crown
How many are there in this world whos evels I can scan
Their shabby suit of tuggry but cant see the man VI
In the Days when I was hard up I found a Blissfull hope
Tis all a poor mans heritage to keep him from the roap
Now ive found a good old maxim and this shall be my plan
Although I wear a ragged coat Il wear it Like a man
Chorus - - Hard up!
I never shall forget the Days when I 
was Better off I may Be well off yet
Copied July the 9th 1865
Levi C Worster co. G. 7th Ky. cav
May 3 1913
house boy Mary's eagle
loom wby wlnt clutcher
gramey Back English Bishop
privy from wayby placer
maere Indian wound
white eagle
[runnph ?] maker
golden Eagle
Levy Worster
Ellen Worster
Louisa alysse Worster- Ruby
Addie Mae Gardner

song . . .  You will not forget me mother

Just Before the Battle Mother
I am thinking most of you
While upon the filed Ime watching
With the Enemy in view
Commands brabe arround me Lying
Filled with thoughts of home and god
For Well we know that on the morrow
some will sleep beneath the sod

Farewell mother you may never never
Press me to your hear again
But oh youl not forget me me mother
If im numbered with the slain

Oh how Id Love to see you mother
And the Loving ones at home 
But Ill never Leave our Banner
Till in honor I can come 
Tell the traitors all around
That their cruel words we know
In every every Battle Kill us Soldiers
By the hel[ they give the foe
Farewell and so on Hark I here the Bugle sounding
Tis the signel for the fight
Now may God protect us Mother
As he ever did the right
Here the Battle cry of freedom
How it swells upon the air
Oh yes weel rally round our standard
Or weel nobely perish there

Farewell mother you may never never
Press me to your heart again
But Oh. . youl not forget me mother
if ime numbered with the slain
Copied By 
Levi Worster
at Atlanta Ga
June the 7th 1865
Copied by Levi Worster

Songs After the Battle Mother

still upon the field of Battle
I am Lying Mother Dear
With my wounded comrads waiting
For the morning to Appear
Many sleep to waken never
In this world of strife and Death
And many moor are faintly calling
With thire feeble dying breath

Mother Dear your Boy is Wounded
And the night is drear with pain
But still I feel that I will see you 
And the Dear old home again

Oh the first Great charge was fereful
and a thousant Brave men fell
Still amid the Dreadful carnage
I was saved from shot and shell
so amid the fatal shower
I had nearly passed the Day
When here the Dreaded Minie struck me
And I sunk amid the fray

Mother Dear your Boy is wound
And the night is Drear with [?] Oh the Glorious Chreers of triumph
When the forman turned and fled 
Leaving us the field of Battle
Strewnn with dying and the Dead
Oh the torture and the angusih
That I could not follow on
But here amid my fallen comrads
I must wait till morning comes

Mother Dear your Boy is wounded 
And the night is Drear with pain
But still I feel that I will see you 
And the Dear old home again

copied By Levi Worster
co. G. 
7th Ky. Vol. Cav.
June the 7th 1865

December 25th 1889
Louisa A. Worster
Amanda E. Edwards
Annie Edwards
Addie M. Worster

wet the hearts that were striking Below
Had God for their bulwork and truth for their four
And they stoped not to number the foe

We are many in one wher their glitters a stare
In the Blue of the heavens above
And tyrants shall quail min there Dungons afraid
When they gaze on our matter of Love
I shall gleam oew the sea mid Bolts of the st[storm]
Oer the tempest and Battle and wreck
And flame wher our guns with their thunder grow
Neath the Blood on the slippery deck
Then up with the flag Let it stream on the air
Through our fathers are cold in their graves
They had hands that could strike they had sould
could Dare
And their sons were not Born to Be slaves
up up with our Banner when ere it may call
Our millions shall rally arround
A nation of freeman that moment shall fa[fade ?]
When its stars shall be trailed on the ground
Copied By Levi Worster
June the 16th 65 A song of home
I have traveled over the spacious Earth
For many and many a year
I have Been in Lands wher art
And wealth their monuments uprear
Through sights undreamed of met my Eyes
Where ever I did roam
My thoughts Despite of all I saw
would wander back to home

I hav been in Kingly palaces
Where all that wealth could Buy
At every turn wher er I Looked
Lid meet my mildred Eye
But even there mid kings and peers
Beneath the golden Dome
unsatesfyed my prisoned soul
would wander Back to home

Iv sought for glory on the field
of fearce and Bloody strife
In search of fame so freely spent
The Best years of my Life
But even amid these stiring scenes
one thought to me would come 
And then my soul fancys wings
Would wander Back to home

Though poor and humble Be your home
And others Like it not
youll find as I have ever found
Youll Cling unto the spot
No Matter What the scenes you view
The Lands Wher you may roam
THe heart in every hour and place 
Will Wander Back to Home
(copiyed B
June the 25th)1865
(this was written when I 
thought or imagined that
I was at home I seemed
almost in a trance so 
vivid did everything appear
to my imagination)
written June the 26th
Levi C Worster

Title To Young him
When young I had a fortune I thought it nere would
I spent it all gambling one night when I got Drunkass
So early the next morning my head was [???] with pain
my heart was filled with sadness so I got Drunk again

I then took a trip to India thinking to gain by traid
I met with one I new there he was a Dashing Blade
We made up a party of Jolly fellows there
and Being all freeharted so I got Drunk again

I then returned to England my mind fixed on a wife
Resolved to stick to Buisness and Lead a sober life
I got a hansome wife sir how happy was I then
Tell Wes begin to fight sir so I got Drunk again Had this misfortune inded how happy would ben
But health with wealth Diclining the Doctor was called in 
he Looked at me so serious and answered me to plain
you have rocked your constitution by getting Drunk again

My friends with me grew angry unhappy was I then 
I tried all of their patience by getting drunk again
Now young men take warning reflect while you have time
Tis Folly to be Jolly and Drinking to much wine

You will bring yourselves to poverty
And your friends to grief and shame 
and all you will gain is sorrow
By getting Drunk again
Copied July the 8th 1865
Levi C. Worster

The Home Spun Dress
Oh yess I am a southern Girl
And glory in the name 
and Boast it with a greater pride
Than Glittering wealth or fame
I envy not the Northern Girl
her Robes of Beaut fare
Though Dimonds grace her snowy neck
and pearls bedeck her hair

This home spun Dress is plain I know
My hats palmetto to
But then it shows what Southern Girls
for Southern rights will do
We sent the Bravest of our Land
to Battle with the foe
But we will Lend a helping hand
We Love the south you know

Now Northern goods are out of Date
And since old Abes Blockade
We southern Girls can be content
With goods of southern made
We scorn to wear a Bit of silk
or a bit of Northern Lace
But we will make our home spun Dress
and wear it with good Grace

This southern Land is a glorious Land
and has a Glorious Cause
so here is three cheers for southern sights
and for our Southern Boys
Weve sent our sweet hearts to the War 
so its Dear Girls never mind
the soldier Lads will never forget
The Girl he Left Behind  And now a word to you young men
If you would win the fair 
Go to the place where Duty Calls
And win your Lady there
Remember that our Brightest smiles
Are for the true and brave
And that our tears falls for the ones 
That fills a soldiers Grave

Written and copied by
Myself Alone

America was discoverd 1492


Many men of many many
Many men of many many

America was Discoverd in 14

A memoranda for the year 1865
January the 1st

We are encamped in Edgefield
nere Nashville in a good camp and 
a healthy Locality
Jan the 9th We packed up with orders 
to go to Eastport Missisippi We Left early
it rained on us all Day the roads were
very muddy we camped at a small station
called Brentwood . . . .Distance
Jan the 10th we struck tents in the hardest
rain I have see for a Long time we passed 
through Franklin and over the Battle Ground
and went into camp one mile North of 
Thompson Station . . . Dist 20 miles 
Jan the 11th we moved at Daylight and 
crossed Duck River and passed through Columbia
it is a Beautiful place we camped 3 miles
south of town . . . Dist 18 miles
Jan the 12th still in camp the Bridge 
across the river washed away Before our 
command had all crossed over . . 
Jan the 13th Gray and I went to the 
country and messed 30 lbs Flour
and 2 or three hams ... Jan 14th Jan 15th had an inspection
Jan 16th we wer ordered to saddle up 
for a move all ready Order Counter [manead ?]
Jan 17th Left camp at [8 ?] A.M. passed 
through some Beautiful country passed 
through Mt. Pleasant and camped 9 miles
from town . . Dist traveled 23 ms.
Jan 18th we started quite early and 
passed over some of the ruffest country
I have yet seen our company was
Detailed to go for forage we went to 
48 creek camped for the night got our
forage . . . Dist. 26 miles
Jan 19th carried our forage to the command
we then moved on slow all Day
We passed through Waynsborough and 
camped on the Banks of Green River
2 miles from town . . . Dist tr. 20 miles
Jan 20th had a good mess of Biscit
for Breakfast and traveled on and 
and camped on Bear creek Dist 14 m
Jan 21 it Began to rain verry Early
and rained all Day the roads wer
awful Muddy But we moved slowly
. . . Dist. traveled 10 miles

January 22nd We Did not Leave camp 
untill 2 P.M. we only marched 7 miles
and went into camp about 12 M. it Began 
to snow and at Daylight we had a heavy snow
Jan 23d moved at 8 A.M. regardless of 
the cold and snow we reached Gravel 
springs and encamped on a small
stream . . . . Dist 12 m.
January 24 we struck out early and
passed through Watterloo Alabama
We camped 5 miles west of Town and opposite
Eastport Miss the 4th and 7th KY was transferred
to the 2nd Brigade 1st Division Dist 9 M.
Jan 25th We are now ordered to build 
winter qrs our camp is picked out and 
some of the Boys have gone to work . . .
Jan 26th we have been busy all Day 
cutting timbers for our house . . .
" 27th 
" 28th recd 4 letters some from home
" 29th it is still clear and 
cold we move down to camp
Jan the 30th We moved down this morning January 31st we are now swcurely established
in our new home so all is well . . .
Feb the 1st I hope we are now all right
for some time 
" 2nd
" 3rd
" 4th
" 5th
" 6th
" 7th
" 14th
" 16th
" 17th
" 28th Bids fare to Be Beautiful
weather again we were mustered for pay
March 1st Nothing of remark to Day the river
is rising and has Been for the Last few Days
March 5th the river is at high water mark
" 10th nice morning 10 A.M. We 
have orders to move at a moments warninig
4 P.M. we moved out and went to 
Waterloo and crossed the river to Chickasaw
March 11th we were up and ready to move
But we Did not Leave as we expected

March the 12th We had Breakfast early and 
Layed round until 2 P.M. when we 
mounted and moved our camp 1 mile
West of Chickasaw We pitched our tents in a 
Beautiful pine grove overlooking the surrounding
country. Wate plenty and good.
March 13th recd and wrote a Letter to 919932
" 14th recd 2 Letters one from M.E.M.
and James.M. Adams Answered
March 15th Nothing of remark more than 
James M. Woods and I got funny of Lager Beer
March 16th This is the Day that James M
and Bet [??] I hope they will have a 
good time it has Been raining all Day
March 17th We moved our camp some
3 hundred yds. and not fare from 
Cops. HeadQrs we have a Beautiful 
March 19 We Drew reations sharps 
carbines to Day Bill stephens and 
John Littrell and I Bought some 
Gin Coctail and had a regular mess
of Oysters fro supper
March 19th preparing to move
south in a few Days
   March 20th We were up and prepared to move
at 3 A.M. Orders Coutermand
March 21st I am 22 yrs of age We did not 
Leave as we expected so We Leave tomorrow
the Boys are nealy all inebriated and are raining
particular thunder my light is out so 
I must retire so good night
March 22nd We moved out our regt [regiment] was
train guard we had some awful roads 
to travail We went in to camp at 10 P.M.
We had a Bad camp and worse watter
so I shall retire for the night
March 23 we were up and moved out
we had the worst roads I ever seen
they were in some places almost impassible
We soon went into camp we had
a good camp our mess camped in 10 feet
of a good spring
March the 24th
We were up Be times and got an
early start we marched steadly all Day
we passed through Frankford a small
and once Beautiful Little place then 
to Rossville another of those place
where once people resided and were 
happy But now alas we camp 

(5) miles south East of town in a 
Beautiful Pine grove
March 25th We marched 
over a very ruff country and 
I thought I should play out 
Distance to Day is 25 miles
March the 26th 
We Left camp early and had
gon some 10 miles when 
half of the regement was Detailed
to go for forage gray and Sam 
and I struck off and Left 
the command we soon got
plenty of corn and hams and 
honey we went on to camp 
some (12) miles
March 27th
our Battallion guarded the train
to Day We had teh ruffest roads
imaginable We marched 26 miles
and passed the town of Jasper
and went some 8 miles further
and camped on whats called Black 
Warrier a very ruff and Dangerous
Stream March the 28th 1865
We did not Leave camp so Early
on account of the officers having
first to examine the stream
we crossed with some Difaculty
some few of the Boys got in and
had to Be Draged out by other me
We went some 8 miles furter 
where we had to cross another
quite as Bad as the first called
Little Warrier we went in 
to camp soon after crossing
March 29th
We marched over good
roads to Day we only went
20 miles and went in camp 
on an old mans farm he owned
(200) negroes and had some (12000)
Bushels of corn we took all his
corn and some 20 mules and 
report says some of the Boys took
30,000) Dollars in gold We had a 
good camp I cooked an old
Rooster and a ham and the 
consequence was we had
a good Brakfast

March the 30
it rained some Last night But
it has Been quite pleasant to Day
we passed the the vilage of
Elilon and also the red Mountain
Iron Works which was Burning
it had worked 1200 hands we 
soon encamped for the night
March the 31st
We marched Early as usual and
after passing over some ruff roads
We soon struck the south East
and North Western railroad
We crossed the Cababa River
on the railroad Bridge which was
some 60 feet high we went
a short Distance Wher we Burned
a Large rolling Mille nere By
a Large pile of coal We then
passed through Hillsborough and
on to Montevallo [Monticello] we could see
the Iron Works at Columbiania
We burned the Depot and foundry
and another Lot of coal it was once
a Beautiful place But Different now
we camped south of town Aprile the 1st 1865
We Lef camp quite early and had proceded But 
a short Distance when the pack train was Left
Back I was Leading to Day our Div moved to the 
right of the Selma road the 2nd Div kept the 
main road they soon engaged the enemy nere what 
is called Ebinezer Church there was heavy skirmishing
all Day the rebs were Lying thick on the road the
2nd Division lost heavy we did not get up 
with our Division We went in camp at
plantersville about 1 Oclock in the night Dist 35
April the 2nd We moved very Early 
and in 4 Columns I am still Leading the mule
I had a Devel of a time at times running through
the woods we got in the vicinity of Selma 2 hour
By sun the attack was made By the 2nd Division 
our men Dismounted and charged they gained 
the first Line of works the rebels pored volly
after volly into our ranks But they wavered
not But rallied and went for the next they 
soon gained it and the Day was ours I was 
where I could see all But was not Directly in 
it we Lost heavy we moved on inside of
the works and encamped I was over the Battlefield
about 1 oclock in the night I carried 
teh poor wounded Boys on Both sides water
our Loss so far as can yet be Learned is so [awful]  

Bettween 150 and 200 the rebels loss was as great
as ours the fources of the rebels wer estimated
at or nere 5 thousand Well it is nere Day and
I shall catch a few momnets rest
Aprile the 3rd after eating a chick
I sauntered around and viewed their works
the works were to extencive for so small a 
force that accounts for us gaining the inside
of them so Quick the rebs had 31 peaces [pieces] in 
position and some of them quite Large they
also had (as I hav just Learned from a 
prisoner who was well informed on the (I say)
106 peaces [pieces] that were not mounted they wer
of the Largest size I went Down in town
Where the wholesale plundering was going
on the Boys and negroes were taking 
everything of any account to them I got a 
5 pound Bale of smoking tobacco a good coffee
mill and a good skillet and Lid and an 
endless variety of trinkets and other things
the town is on fire some of the Buildings 
have got shells in them and they are making
a terable noise when they Burst our Division
was not engaged in the attack at all it was away
on the right somewhere report says that ten 
was 400 of old Lyons men captured today the town of Selma is most Beautifully situated
on the North Bank of the Alabama River
the town is now nearly all Destroyed now
I must retire as it is Late
April the 4th I was up 
By Daylight I mad a good fire and shark
got Brakfast I collected my things together
and just about the time I got through
the Bugle sounded to Boots and saddles
we then mounted and moved Back 
on the same road we came in on we 
went Back as far as plantersville
wher we wer oredered By Mccook to find
and get supper we then saddled and 
moved on untill 10 oclock in the night
We then went into camp with our 
wagon train have rode 4 miles since 10 A.M.
April the 5th
we retraced our steps towards Selma
went some 30 miles went into camp
plenty of forage and watter
Aprile the 6th 1865 We Left camp 
and soon reached Selma we went 
into camp in a Beautiful place 
we pitched them in a hurry for a heavy rain 
was coming up

Aprile the 7th 1865
it rained as hard as I ever seen rain
fall we got compleatly Drenched I did
not sleep much We rolled up and
had a good Brekfast of ham coffe and 
Buiscit. We were then ordered to go for 
forage whice we Did we had some 
ruff and swollen streams we soon 
got plenty of corn and fodder returned 
to camp Milliner had a good Dinner
ready we ate hearty and I sat down
to enjoy my pipe . . .
April 8th Gray and I 
visited the Arsenel which was Burned
Last night while it rained so hard
I see some of the Largest Cannon that
was ever Manufactured some of them 
were 4 feet in Diamater and a man
could crowl in and almost turn round
in them they 200 hundred pounders
and they carried shells that I could 
not roll over we returned to camp
and I was Detailed for picket we 
are having a good time of it out here I went to camp got a good cup of coffee
and I am now Back to my post here is a
plan of the many embrazures that are 
placed along the entire Line of works
The first Line of Blackmans
is earth works and tose sharp 
marks on the edge of it are sharp
sticks set firmly in the ground about
3 inches apart those other marks are other sharp 
sticks set firmly in the ground about 
3 inches apart those other marks are other sharp
posts set in the ground some 30 yds in 
advance of the earth works it is fixed this 
way around the entire city

1g have the soft vivid sighing through
Every bush and thee Where my dear Mother
lying away from home and me tears
my eyes are are starting and sorrows
shade my brow

Alice Snodgrass
Alice Snodgrass
Lowey Menefee M
written by my self this July the 3rd 1868
Cornerlius Skiven Oct 3 1870 Descent
I hear the soft wind sighing
through every Burn and tree
When my dear mother lying 
away from home and me
Tears from my 

Mamma do you know where 
that bunch of white gloves is that
aunt Mandy Seut up her the 
last time I have looked
in the other house in the 
bundle and found meghan
but I count fiend the other one

Did you look down in the Box?
Then I dont know Title the yankee man of War
Down in yonders valley I cautiously did stray
I overheard a sailor unto his Love did say
Oh susey Lovely suzy I soon must Leave the shore
TO fight Against Jefferson Davis on the yanky man 
of war

Oh Johny Dearest Johny dont go away from me
for the rebels are as treacherous as any Portugn
And By some fatal weapon you might recieve a scar
Oh Johny do not venture on the Yankee man of war

Oh susan Oh susan the truth to you Ill tell
Our flag has Been insulted and the yankees know it well
I may Be crowned with victory just Like some gallant
A fighting the ports of Davison the Yankee man of war

He took out his Hankerchief and tearing it in two
saying here is one half of it the same Ill give to you
The Bullets round me whistel and the rebels cannon roar
Ill fight Against Jefferson Davi on the Yankee man of war

A few more words together and he let go her hand
As the Jolly Crew surround the Boat they Meark road from land
the sailor waved his handkercheif when fare away from shore
Oh susy Blessed the sailer on the Yankee Man of War
Copied By Levi Worster
A private Citizen

The starspangled Banner
O say can you see By the dawns Early Light
What so proudly we hailed at the twighlights Last gleaming
Whos Broad stripes and Bright stars through the perilous fight
Oer the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming
And the rockets red glare Bombs Bursting in Air
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there
Oh say does that star spangled Banner yet wave
Oer the land of the free and the home of the Brave

On the shores dimly seen through the mists of the Deep
Wher the foes haughty hosts in Dread silence reposes
What is that which the Breeze Oer the towering steep
As it fitfully blows half conceals half Discloses
Now it catches the Gleam of the mornings first Beam 
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream
tis the Star Spangled Banner up oh Long
May it wave or the Land of the free and the 
home of the Brave
And wher is that fam who so vantingly swore
that the havock of war and the Battles confusion
A home and a country should Leave us no more
her Blood has washed out their four footsteps pollution
No refuge can save the hirelingand and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave
And the Star spangled Banner in tryumps shall
Wave ore the Land of the free or the home of the  Oh this Be it ever when freeman shall stand
Between their Loved home and the wars Desolation
Blessed with victory and peace may the heaven rescue land
prais the power that hath made and preserved us a nation
they conquer we must when our cause it is just
And this Be our motto in God is our trust
And the star spangled Banner
in triumph shall wave or the Land
of the free and the home of the Brave
Copied By me July 13th 65
at Edgefied Tenn

The Rebel prison
Dear friends and fellow soldiers brav
Come Listen to my song
About the Rebel prison our serving thar so long
our wreched state and hardships great
No one can understand but those who have 
Endured the fate in Dixies sunny land

When captured by the chivalry they striped us to 
the skin And failed to give us Back again the 
value of a pin Except some fithy rags
of Gray Discarded By the Band
And thus commenced our prison Life in 
Dixies sunny Land
With a host of Guards surrounding us 
Each with a loaded gun we were stationed
in an open field exposed to rain and sun 
no tent or tree to shelter us, we lay upon
the sand this side by side great numbers 
Died in DIxes sunny Land

This was the Daily Bill of fare in that
sesesh Saloon no shugarm team nor 
coffee there at Morning night or 
noon but a pint of meal ground cob 
and all was served to every man and
for want of fire we eat it raw in Dixies sun We wer by those poor rations soon
Redused to skin and Bone lingering
starving worse than Dath you can but town
Wher hurndereds lay both night and Day
By fare, to weak to stand till Death relieves 
our suferings in Dixes sunny Land

We poor survivors oft wer tried
with many a threatening frown
to Desert the glorious union cause
and join the rebel tribe
so fain we were to leave the place
we Let them understant we would rather
Die than thus Disgrace our flag in
Dixies sunny Land
Thus dreary nights and days rolled by
yes weeks and months untold until
that happy time arrived when 
wer all parowled we Landed at 
Anapolis a reched looking band
But glad to be alive and free
from dixies sunny land
Oh how like a Dream those Days 
now seamed in that respective view
as we regained our wasted strength
All drest in union blue

The Debt we owe our Bitter foe
Weve not got long to stand
Weel pay them with a vengence soon
in Dixies Sunny
Copied Aprile the 1st 1866

the night was dark the sun was hid
Beneath the mountain gray
And not a single star appeared
to shoot a silver ray

Across the heath the owlet flew
And screamed along the blast
And onward With a quickend step
Benighted Harry passed

Now in thickest darkest plunged
He groped his way to find
America was discovered in 1492
He thought he saw beyond him near
America was discovered in 1492
A form of horrid kind Addie Worster
We the members of Star
Grange No. 424 charge that our
worthy master has violated his 
obligation both morally and otherwise
first morally he stated to a member
that he did not cast on of the 
black balls that rejected Brother
Morehead and then at our Feb
Meetin stated in open grange 
that he did cast a black ball 
against Brother Morehead and 
was not ashamed of it which 
in itself was a violation to the
rules our order We further
charge that he is using powers
not Delegated to him in that 
he declared the procedings of our
February meeting Null and void 
in which the minutes of that 
meeting will show the election
and installation of brother
Myers for gatekeeper and also
the election of the three trustees
and the appointing of the 
Relief committies

I Last nite Dreamed of my two Loves
my arms were all around her
Ane when I [???] she was not there
and I had to go with out her

here hair it hung in chances of gold
hang Dangling over my [?????]
that pretty little girl I love so [??]
they [Gave ll ?] here reign [????]

I [????]
they answered me theres more
and it set my least to [??]

How faint How fait I
ever should be Louisa A Worster
How hard is the Fortune
How hard is the fortune of all femail kind
They are always contolled they are alway confined
They are alwas controlled by their parence until they made wives
And they are then slaves for their Husbands the rest of their Lives
The boys will go courting they will Dress up so fine
To cheat some poor Girl is all their Design
they will hug court and kiss them they will flatter and llie
and they will keep up those Girls till they are ready to Die
the Girls will get angry and they will arise
saying I wish you would go home
Before I would go home I would Lye in your Barn
Like some false hearted Lover all in Lifes scorn
So early the next morning the Boys will arise
they will Brush off the strains the will rub their Eyes
They will saddle up their horses and off they will ride
Like some fals hearted Lover all puffed up with pride
Its all the next Day they will stagger and reel
Confound all those Girls how sleepy I feel
If I was a young man I would cour non at all
I would single my Days Keep Bachelors hall

Bachelors hall I vow is the Best
Be Drunk or Be sober Lie Down and take your rest
no wife to controll you no Children to Brawl
how happy is the man who has no wife at all
Oh now they are married they Live at their Ease
go away when thy want to come back when thy pleas
and when they are together they will Laugh about the fun
how she hunted up [tur?] sailor with her dog and her gun
Copied July The 10th 
By Levi Worster

Farewell Darling
Oh Farewell My Darling
Oh Farewell My Dear
Dont Grieve for my Lon [Long] Absence
While Im a volunteer

Since tis my misfortune
A soldier for to Be
Oh be contented Darling
and Dont you give for me
for Im going to pensecola
to tarry for a while
so fare from my Darling
about five hundred mile its colors Wel establish
for the old Banner is unfolding
it COlors sweetly flie
its Colors we wice establish
or in this war well Die
so Fare you well my Darling
and dont you shed a tear
Its for the Love of freedom
That Keeps your Loved one here
see here she rung her Lilly White hands
how mournful she Doth cry
you will go and join the Army
and in this war youl DIe
your friends youl leave Behind your
your Loved ones