xt7jh98zd23m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jh98zd23m/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1991-10 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, October 1991, volume 14 number 6 text Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, October 1991, volume 14 number 6 1991 1991-10 2020 true xt7jh98zd23m section xt7jh98zd23m Central


Volume IX

October 1 99]

Number 6


Community Relations Committee
Launches New Institute

The CKJF Community Relations
Committee, which is Co—chaired by Bill
Leffler and David Kaplan, is sponsoring
what we hope will become an annual
event for us - an Institute on Judaism for
Christian Clergy. It will be held at
Temple Adath Israel on Wednesday
morning, October 16, from 9:30 until
noon. There will be a deli luncheon
following the lecture.

The speaker for this Institute will be
Rabbi Michael Cook, Professor of
Intertestamental and Early Christian
Literature at the Hebrew Union College ~
Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati.

We are hoping for a large turnout for this

For many years the rabbis of
Lexington and volunteers from the Jewish
community have spoken to church groups
throughout the Bluegrass, and realized
that there is a great deal of interest in
Judaism and the Jewish roots of
Christianity. This Institute will enable
many of the clergy to hear a rabbi talk
about the New Testament from a
scholarly and a Jewish perspective. We
think this will be a significant addition to
the process of inter-religious
understanding in our community.



Shalom —

As the High Holiday season draws to a
close, one can feel a heightened sense of
movement in the Jewish community. Our work
never stops, but the hiatus we experience
creates, of necessity, a slower pace.

While I write this, during the intermediate
days of Sukkot, I realize that my pace actually
quickened. On September 12, Gail Cohen and
I flew to Washington, DC. We participated in
the nationwide effort mounted by the American
Jewish community on behalf of Israel’s request
for a $10 billion loan guarantee. Gathered
together with 1200 volunteers like ourselves, we
heard once again about the urgent need for
funds. Israel is not asking for a donation, or
even interest-free loans. She is seeking a
sponsor, a guarantor for borrowed funds that
will enable her to create the infrastructure -
roads, schools, utilities - that will enable her to
absorb the tens of thousands of Russian Jews
arriving every month.

Gail and I, together with two
representatives of the Louisville Jewish
community, visited Senators Ford and
McConnell, and met with Representative Larry
Hopkins’ aide. We also met with an aide to
Representative Hal Rogers. The Louisville team
met with Representatives Bunning and Mazzoli.
We were buoyed by the positive stand taken by
our Senators. Both men are knowledgeable and
supportive. Their concern, like ours, is that the
President has come down so strongly on the side
of delay. The Representatives and their aides,
with the exception of Mr. Bunning, were not as
positive and we came away feeling considerable

It is vitally important that each of you
write to at least one of our Congressmen,
whether to acknowledge and thank them for
their support, or to urge the rest to consider the
merits of Israel’s request. The United States


President’s Message

played a crucial role in winning a more open
emigration policy from the Soviet Union. Can
our government, can we, pull back our support
now? We believe this is a humanitarian cause
and should be dealt with on that basis.

Immediately following the first two days
of Sukkot, the Social Services Committee held a
series of meetings with Bert Goldberg, Director
of the Association of Jewish Family Services
and Children’s Agencies. The increasing
number of requests for all kinds of assistance -
social and psychological, as well as financial —
has led the Committee to explore options for
developing a more professional and structured
approach to meeting these needs. The
discussions were an education for all of us, and
the Social Services Committee will be sharing
much of the information with the community in
the months to come.

As part of Mr. Goldberg’s visit, Mike
Ades, Chair of the CKJF Long Range Planning
Committee, convened a meeting of this
committee. As part of our ongoing efforts to
define and prioritize needs, a questionnaire will
be sent to the entire Central Kentucky Jewish
Community. When the time comes, we hope
you will assist us by completing the
questionnaire and returning it to us.

A Federation such as ours reaches out to
each and every one of you in many ways. It is
my fervent hope that you will respond by
participating, contributing, and volunteering.
Our greatest strength is our energy and

Judith Saxe,
President, CKJF

 Excerpts from Rabbi Adland’s Sermon,
Erev Rosh Hashanah 1991

We know the story of Israel and we retell it often
because it is an emotional, successful story bringing
to a climax two thousand years of Jewish
wandering, suffering, landlessness, and poverty.
With the establishment of the Jewish State in 1948,
the most recent chapter of Jewish history was

Despite all the successes over the last forty year,
including assimilation and integration of such a
diverse community of people onto one land, this
last year for Israel was a roller coaster ride of
emotions and circumstances unlike any previous
year, testing my resolve and commitment to Israel.
Each year we say at the CKJF/UJA Fund drive that
Israel needs us now more than ever. There is no
question in the truth of that statement today. Just
look back over the year beginning in January.
Maybe it is just me, but Israel’s pain is my pain
because it is Jewish pain. The thought of Scud
missiles raining down of Tel Aviv last January left
me feeling vulnerable and scared and sad.

When Operation desert Storm came to a conclusion
in February, Israel, who displayed restraint at
tremendous physical and psychological cost,
returned immediately to the task she had set her
resolve to over the last two years: rescuing and
resettling Soviet Jews. The numbers are staggering.
Up to 20,000 Soviet Jews arrive each month seeking
freedom from oppression, persecution, pursuing
religious and personal freedom. They are housed in
apartments, hotels, and temporary shelters, waiting
for homes to be built.

Many of these recent immigrants are extremely
well-qualified in the area of high technology. A
recent publication stated that over forty percent of
the Soviet immigrants hold at least one university
degree, and more than twenty-five percent of those
degrees are in engineering and architecture. Overall
the proportion of scientists, engineers, and doctors
among the arriving Soviets is five to seven times
greater than that found in the general population of
Israel or developed Western countries. With the
expected arrival of nearly 200,000 scientists,
engineers, and technicians over the next three to
four years, private high-tech commercial companies
are surfacing throughout Israel. The immigration of
Soviet Jews to Israel is changing the face of the
Holy Land in ways no one could have ever

imagined. But highly qualified scientists and

engineers aren’t the only recent arrivals into Israel.
Near the end of May, Israel’s magic carpet worked
again, when, within a 36 hour period, 14,000
Ethiopian Jews were put on board jumbo jets and
taken from the jaws of certain extinction to the
fulfillment of a dream of a thousand years.
Operation Solomon was a complete success. The
Ethiopian Jewish community had dwindled from a
once mighty population of one million people to
only twenty-five thousand remaining souls at the
beginning of the last decade. Operation Moses in
the early 1980’s had rescued some, but in doing 50,
families were divided, children left without parents,
husbands without wives. As part of the world
wide Jewish community, we must be proud of this
rescue. Israel didn’t ask how much and debate the
economics of the rescue of Beta Yisrael, nor do they
worry about how they will house each Soviet
immigrant. First, let us save Jewish souls from
destruction, then we’ll worry.

These rescue operations will cost Israel dearly
though. They are seeking a $10 billion loan
guarantee to help in the absorption. This is only
20% of the estimated cost of $50 billion. Israel's
population increase will be 20% over five years.
That is like America absorbing 50 million new
immigrants in five years. $1 billion will build
12,000 new classrooms to hold over 300,000 new
students. Eleven billion dollars to build 260,000
homes. And so on. Our Congress should be told
that this aid is critical and should not be used to
pressure Israel. This money is not Foreign Aid, but
a guarantee that banks will make the money
available for Israel to borrow. Israel has repaid
every guaranteed loan before, and there is no
reason to think that this time will be any different.
If we in the American Jewish community fail in
helping Israel to obtain this loan guarantee, then all
we have worked for in securing freedom for Soviet
Jews and Ethiopian Jews will be in serious trouble.
Without the guarantee, resettlement in Israel is in
jeopardy. Please contact Senators Ford and
McConnell, or your Representative, and urge them
to vote in favor of this guarantee.








Homeco K ming

For over 2,000 years
it has Been the prayer of Ethiopian Jewry.
At fast that prcgyer has Beenfuifiifecf.


in} g


The thousands Operation Moses could not
bring out have come home—to Israel.

Their days as Falashas—strangers in exile——
are past, dimmed by the joyous moment of
aliyah. And now their fiiture in the Jewish
Homeland is just beginning.

The transition of these new Ethiopian immi-
grants into the fabric of Israeli life requires

enormous resources, and Israel bears most of
the burden.

We can, indeed we must, help through our
generous contributions to Operation Exodus,
the UJA/ Federation Campaign to rescue Soviet
and Ethiopian Jews and to resettle them in
Israel. The need is urgent. Please send your
check today to your local federation.

We Are One

Iieqm pieuoia Au $010lid


Prepared by the National United Jewish Appeal as a Jewish lifeline partnership service tor American Jewish communities.




 A Portrait

Our Families


The Cen’rral Kenfucky Jewish communiTy has welcomed inTo ifs hearls five new SovieT
families who have arrived since April. For Those of you who haven’f had The pleasure of
meeTing These families, you can read abouT Them. For Those members of CKJF who have

meT The families, This is an updaTe.

Local Resettlement



The Rozenzhak family arrived nexT, a
family of five. Zena is The moTher and
Misha is The faTher. Sofya, l3, aTTends
Morlon Middle School, and her broTher,
Will, aTTends Breckinridge ElemenTary
School. Genya Kremer is Zena’s moTher
and she speaks Yiddish. Zena is employed
of ST. Joseph’s HospiTal in Their day care
cenTer, and is planning on going To school
for nursing or radiaTion Technology in The
near fuTure. Misha was a barber in The
SovieT Union.


Our firsT family is The Orlovs, who arrived in
April. Sasha and Zoya are The husband
and wife. VikTor, 14, and Lev, 3 U2, are
Their children. Zoya is employed of The

MarrioTT in The housekeeping deparTmenT,

and Sasha is employed aT Galls Inc.
Sasha is by Trade a phoTographer and
developer. VikTor aTTends Henry Clay High


The CenTral KenTucky Jewish FederaTion
would like To officially Thank Jon Adland,
former Co—chair of The ReseTTlemenT
CommiTTee. He has done a greaT job.
Also, we would like To Thank Kaye and
Harold Frankel who donaTed counTless
hours as volunTeer coordinafors. They
spenT much of This spring and summer
organizing volunTeers To do The many jobs
involved wiTh reseTTlemenT. Thank you,
Kaye and Harold.




The Shur family consisTs of Boris, Olga, and
Their daughTer Maya, who is ll years old
and aTTends MorTon Middle School. The

Shur family comes from Kiev originally.

Boris is now employed of The Jockey club

as a sysTems analysT, and Olga is looking
for employmenT as a compuTer


Our newesT family, The Kaganovs are
Jacob, NaTalie and Dan. Jacob’s
background is as a journalisT, and he is
now employed aT Geno’s Formal Wear.

NaTalie has been Trained as a food
inspecTor, and she is Taking English classes
and looking for employmenT. Dan is a
sTudenT along wiTh Sasha Slepak and
VikTor Orlov aT Henry Clay High School.

Dan enjoys deep sea fishing.


The Slepak family consisTs of Marina.
Mikhail and Sasha, l4. Mikhail is currenle
employed Of The UniversiTy of KenTucky in
The Civil Engineering DeparlmenT. Marina

has jusT obTained a parT-Time job in her
field. She is a research assisTanT in The
College of EnvironmenTal Sciences aT The
UniversiTy of KenTucky. Sasha aTTends
Henry Clay High School.

We are si‘ill very much in need of
voiunTeers. Please call The CKJF office, or
reTurn This form To The CKJF office aT 333
Waller Avenue, SuiTe 5, if you have any
Time To:

_donaTe for driving.

_pick up furniTure,

__inviTe families To your home for dinner,
(especially ShabbaT dinner)

_or any oTher ideas you may











Elar and Bat Mitzvah

.‘Mancy and TfiiHip Ho n
invite you to join in worship
on this joyous occasion, as their son
{Mark Richard
wiff 5e ca[[ec£ to the Torah
as a gar Mitzvafi

Saturday, Novemfier 9, 1991
10:00 am.
Ofiavay Zion Synagogue
kicfifusfi luncheon following the service.
{Mark wiff [emf the [Friday Night service at 8:00 pm.
flease join us for the service and the Oneg ShaEEat

Q3 ’nai 13 'ritfi Meeting

B’nai B’rith Lexington - Stanley Rose Lodge
will have an open meeting on Sunday,
October 27, at 7:30 pm. The meeting will be
held a Ohavay Zion Synagogue.

The speaker will be Col. Edward R.
Bridgeman, Chief, University of Cincinnati
Police. He is an expert on terrorism, anti—
terrorism management, and mass violence.

Chief Bridgeman has traveled to several
European countries to meet with police and
military officials. Recently he Visited Israel as
a member of a mission to study means of
handling conflict in the Middle East. He has
also traveled nationwide for ADL to speak on
counter-terrorism as it relates to anti-Jewish

Everyone is welcome. Refreshments will be
served. For information about this meeting,
and about membership for men and women
in B’nai B’rith, call Martin Kaplan at 277-3992

or Stephen Kesten at 277-7726.

Our daughter
Kimberlie Ellen
will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah
Saturday morning, October 26, 1991, at 10:00 am
Ohavay Zion Synagogue
2048 Edgewater Court

We invite you to join us in worship
on this joyous occasion

and to be our guest at a Kiddush Luncheon
following the service

Alice and David Weinberg


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170 YOU FIT “ SCR|QT|0M?

A program to help elementary school children
reach an understanding of themselves and others.
Volunteers are needed for this creative,
stimulating, and rewarding experience.
Time required: 2 hours per week,
after 9 hours of NCC] training.
Contact SUE EZRINE, the Green Circle
Coordinator at 299-4404 or 277-4434, ASAP,to
volunteer or for further information. A new
training session begins October 11!




A Shared Tradition of ’Aliyah’

Like the United States, Israel is a society based on
’Aliyah’ or immigration. In the same way that the
Statue of Liberty has beckoned the oppressed to
America’s shores, Israel has been a haven for
millions of Jewish refugees worldwide. Most
recently, Israel dramatically airlifted 15,000 Jewish
refugees from war-tom Ethiopia. However, Jews
are not the only refugees to immigrate to Israel. In
the 1980’s nearly 1000 Vietnamese boat people
found freedom in Israel.

Today Israel faces her largest immigration
challenge. After a two-decade campaign by the
United States government and the American people,
Jews are finally able to leave the Soviet Union. One
million will immigrate to Israel over the next
several years—the largest single migration of Jews in

Fears of a resurgence of violent anti-
Semitism and a cutoff of immigration are rising as
the political and economic decay of the Soviet
Union continues. Anti-Semitic demonstrations have
percolated throughout the country. Quickening the
pace of immigration depends on the ability of Israel
to absorb the immigrants. While Israel has the will,
acquiring the means is a staggering task.

In September, Israel will ask the United
States to ’guarantee’ or ’co-sign’ a loan to help pay
for the costs of absorbing Soviet Jews. This will be
in the form of a $10 billion loan distributed over
five years. Many organizations are participating in
a national letter-writing campaign to educate
Members of Congress on the urgency of this

Please participate and write a letter now. In
your letters, emphasize that Israel is asking the US.
to co-sign a loan, not give her a grant, and that
Israel has never defaulted on a loan.

Suggested recipients of letters include, but
are not limited to:

Rep. Larry Hopkins

333 W. Vine Street, Room 207
Lexington, Ky 40507

Sen. Wendell H. Ford

600 Federal Place, Room 172—C
Louisville, Ky 40202
Sen.Mitch McConnell

600 Federal Place, Room 136-C
Louisville, Ky 40202



Rep. Hal Rogers

216 Poplar Avenue
Somerset, Ky 42501
Rep. Carl C. Perkins
P.O. Box 127

Ashland, Ky 41105
Rep. Carroll Hubbard
PO. Box 1457
Henderson, Ky 42420


Ambassador’s Message
for. the New Year

As we enter the Jewish New Year,we reflect
upon the two events in the life of our nation that
will have a profound bearing upon our future: the
peace process and mass immigration to Israel.

We are proceeding along a path that we
hope will lead to peace with our Arab neighbors
and coexistence with the Palestinian Arabs. This
has been our dream from the very inception of the
State when our Fo unding Fathers extended the
hand of peace to the peoples of the region.

The current peace process is the result of the
initiative presented by the Government of Israel in
its May, 1989 Peace Plan and in talks with the US.
Secretary of State in the wake of the Gulf War.
Israel and the United States share a common goal of
peace, as well as the responsibility for leading the
present efforts.

No doubt we will encounter difficulties
along this path. But if the Arab states believe, as
we do, that the future lies in ever-increasing
cooperation between the nations of the world then
the chances for a resolution of the Arab—Israeli
conflict are very good indeed.

The historic challenge of immigration from
the Soviet Union continues to play a dominant role
in our daily lives. In the space of a single US.
presidential term, we are expecting a more than
20% increase in our population.

We have a duty to ensure that the
newcomers from the Soviet Union, as well as from
Ethiopia and other countries, will be successfully
absorbed. Most importantly, we must provide them
with jobs that best suit their skills and talents. We
are mobilizing the resources of the nation and
adapting reforms in the economy in a grand effort
to make this massive undertaking possible.

We hope and pray that we will meet the
challenges that face us and that the New Year will
bring peace to our region.

Zalman Shoval
Israeli Ambassador to the US.



News from Camp Shalom l

CKJF is now acceptina Employment

for Summer T992 [June 9 — 2o)
Positions Available:

Camp Director
Assistant Camp Director
Head Counselor
3 Senior Counselors
3 Junior Junior Counselors
3 Counselors in Training (ClT’s)

For Job Description Information,
please contact CKJF at 252—7600,
or Jessica Ross (Chair, Camp Shalom
Committee) at 273-423l

Send resume to CKJF office:
333 Waller Avenue, Suite 5
Lexington, Kentucky 40504—2901


Workshop on Spirituality

A workshop with be held exploring interest
in music, study, prayer, meditation,
milzvot, and special women’s issues.

The workshop will be held Sunday,
November 17, from 7 until 9 pm,
at Ohavay Zion Synagogue
2048 Edgewater Court
For information, please contact
Steve Caller at 2oo—l3i4

St. Louis Jewish Community Centers
Association presents its

8th Annual Nationwide Jewish
Singles Supercruise!

February 9 — February 16, T992

Set Sail on Royal Carribean’s ’Song of
America’ as we head to the ports of:

Playa Del Carmen Cozumel
George Town Ocho Rios

Prices Si595 to $1695
based on double occupancy
prices include all meals, activities,
port taxes and gratituties


iViemphis Jewish Singles Present
a Winter Weekend Bash

January 17 — 20, T992
Stay at the Omni Hotel, Memphis
There will be fabulous food, parties,

seminats, sports, and great entertainment!

Over 200 Singles expected to attend from
the Southeast and Southwest.


December Missions

Dec 22—Jan l, ’92
National Winter Family Mission
Dec23-Jan 2, ’92
Winter Student Leadership Mission
Dec25—Jan 2, ’92


Central Kentucky Jewish
Federation Newsletter
333 Waller Avenue, Suite 5
Lexington, Kentucky 40504-2901
Judith Saxe, President
Linda Rawin, Executive Director
Sharyn Sharer, Program Coordinator
Becca Hamrin, Office Manager
Member of Council of Jewish Federations



Winter Student Outreach Mission

Contact Steve Caller
at 266—1314


For information on any of the activities
listed here, contact Becca at the CKJF
office: 252—7622252-7600


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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
13 14 15 lnsmune {or 17 18 19
CKJF Clergy
Pre-Sohool _______
3:30 - 5 pm CKJF PasL
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
' Tm -
Hadassah CKJF Board Sisterhood Bamgfigh
Donor MeeLing Newcomers Weinberg
Phonathan 7:30 pm Night, OZS
7 pm
27 28 29 3O 31
. . . . Super
13 nal B rlth
Meeting figg‘gifig NOVEMBER.
OZS office
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Mark Hof‘fl’nan
Bar Miszah
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
TAI Book
Fair Hadassah
9:30 an — Major Gifts
12:30 pm
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
General TAI and 025
025 Adult. Assembly Joint,
Education of‘ Council Sisterhood
Horshop _on of‘ Jewish Meeting
Splrltuality Federations
7-9 pm begins in 6:309:11
Baltimore at TAI
24 25 26 27 i8 29 395 Kiddush
£22m 359“?) at
In onor
Ends of‘ Krislov/











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’Strengthening One Another’

The 1991 CJF General Assembly
Will be held in Baltimore from
Tuesday, November 19 through
Sunday, November 24. It will be
organized around major issues
reflecting the GA’s theme: ’Be Strong,
Be Strong and Let Us Strengthen Each

Speakers Will include Prime
Minister Yitzhak Shamir of Israel, and
Rabbi David Hartman of Israel.


Volunteers Needed

The CKJF office is seeking
volunteers to assist in preparing items
for mailing, filing, copying documents
and typing. If interested, please
contact Becca at the CKIF office: 252-
7600 \ 252-7622. Your assistance is








Non-Prom Org.
Permit No. 719
Lexnngton. Ky