xt7jh98zcz7s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jh98zcz7s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-11-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 29, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 29, 1988 1988 1988-11-29 2020 true xt7jh98zcz7s section xt7jh98zcz7s  

Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCll. No. 76


Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1 971

Wilkinson tells lawmakers lottery would be a boon to state

Associated Press

— Gov. Wallace Wil-
kinson thanked the
General Assembly
yesterday for helping
fulfill his No. 1 cam-
paign promise: The
creation of a state lot-
tery that would be
“an industry in its
own right.”

Wilkinson, in a
speech to a joint session of the Kentucky
House and Senate, also appealed for appro-
val of his plan to appropriate lottery prof-
its for specific uses instead of allowing
them to flow into the state‘s General Fund.

“I do not believe lottery proceeds should


supplant our commitment to basic pro‘
grams and services, but. instead. should
be used to take care of special needs," Wit
kinson said.

Legislative sentiment, however, was run-
ning against quick appropriation or care
marking of lottery funds. House Demo-
crats, who hold a 71»29 majority in their
chamber, voted in a caucus shortly alter
Wilkinson's speech to delay appropriating
lottery money until 1990,

The speech came on the opening day iii a
Special legislative session to enact en»
abling legislation for a lottery. Voters ap
proved a constitutional amendment Not H
to lift a ban on state lotteries.

The centerpiece of Wilkinson's guheriia
torial campaign last year was a proposal
for a lottery to fund early childhood educa
tion, programs for senior citizens- and a
one-time bonus for Vietnam veterans

The administration has estimated that
iirst-year profits would he at least $83 iiiii

Wilkinson noted that yesterday was his
third speech to a ioint legislativesession.

“it is by tar the most pleasant because.
today, we begin the final steps in fulfilling
a promise l made to the people ot Ken-
tucky. to give them a lottery," \N'ilkins‘on

In creating a Kentucky lottci‘i. "we are
starting from scratch a $250 ‘lllllillltll to
Siioo million a year business. one oi the
largest iii the state." Wilkinson said.

it would create more state Jobs and a
network oi lottery retailers earning coin
missions on lottery ticket \(ti(‘\. Wilkinson

"It is an industry in its own right with
tremendous eioiioniic iinpact. ‘he \tlld

il‘l’hiitllvdl proposed il‘. the .iiliiiiiiistia


Halt Classroom Building yesterday.


. a

ALAN NAWSE'Kemet Stat“

Copies of the University's AIDS policy lie scattered on the floor of the White

tion would i-i‘vate a quawpuhlw iotterx
corporation \\ilkiiisoii said ileinocratii‘
leaders oi tlii House and Senate had
agreed to introduci- three hills «iiiluulune
the adiiiiiiisti‘atioii s L'Ulll i-pts 7
“llkilbtlll proposed ll'xl! a a itlit‘ 'lliltl il
the llt\' year pi'utils to pa'. lid .idai’ iia.
i‘al't'. noiiie i'aie tor the elderly and fill
si'i‘iptioiidriiestorlow illllllllt't‘iiit'li}
Another thir-t would iiiiid an expaii oi.
oi Mediiaid seruii'es to iiitaiits and pie;
iiaiil woiiien. ‘At‘ii't laid health progiaiiis
.iiid estatiiisliiiu-iit oi additional pi‘i'..i‘tioi.
\iiiiteai'ly l'lliill’i‘l'ltil‘tiUl a'aii. liltlt‘litllm
\i'ilkihswi «Mine rate
‘l.il'l ti? llit' llllltt‘t‘ti\ titliil .il.',i- 'l‘tt
itwkt‘il ilit


proposed ole


‘. ("L’i .ilis Itttl‘til‘

aux-lain: e to titll'li


aniu- in. -...

Students react favorably
to UK AIDS publication

Some students say more education on Txllili recdcd'


'i..- in :iei'ai \,~\\‘llil«l'». -




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\!tli?t‘l‘il.t\ 't’t'.lll"' iiii‘K \‘t'lt' s,;‘. t,..‘

Arabs pressure U.S. to reverse move

Associated Press

States doesn‘t reverse itself in 48 hours
and grant PLO chief Yasser Arafat a visa
so he can address the General Assembly.
the body will convene in Geneva to hear
him, Arab nations said yesterday.

“We have a message of peace that we
want to bring to the General Assembly
through Chairman Arafat.“ said Zuhdi
Labib Terzi, UN. observer for the Palcsl
tine Liberation Organization.

“The United States is imposing some
obstacles that would impede easy access.

so we have to do it soiiiewhei'e else. )li'
told reporters

The Arab nations. outraged by the i \
decision to deny Aratat a visa. iiiet it-sti-i
day and decided that a planned session on
the Middle East should be lllil\t‘tl to (it‘lit'
ya. probably next month

Diplomatic sources said the nations had
agreed they would tirst call on the lit‘llt‘l'lli
Assembly to condemn the l S llltiH' and
appeal to Washington to rccoiisidci i \
officials in \l’ashington hai e said the
decision is irreversible.


Arab [A‘dgtlt’ .\inhassadoi i‘loiis \lim
soud told a news ionlereiicc that it
34. 36 or 48 hours at the latest. it their

no reversal. we will liaie no option itii'

an to e iiitiiitiw .‘liii'ti l!‘.\lll'ti‘\ 12mg...
'ioiis lv- tiiel iated \.lllilll.\
\lso )i‘sti'i‘din 'lie l \
Relations with "tie
hear :'~iiiipl;iiiits ti'oiii
other =lllllilll'n --iii.ii
. hiiia .aid the Monet l iiioi.
l .\ .ttl\l‘ .Itltl

iiiioiii. :host- -.l}_“lll}.’ the illtlt'tl Matt-s ‘

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Bush keeps Reagan spokesman Fitzwater

Associated Press

George Bush announced yesterday that
Marlin Fitzwater. President Reagan's
spokesman for the past two years, would
keep his job in an example of “continuity
in the best sense."

Bush also sought to make peace with a
former rival, Senate Minority Leader Bob
Dole. inviting the Kansas Republican to a
private lunch and declaring “the focus is
properly on looking to the future. "

Dole. who lost the GOP presidential
nomination to Bush, agreed to set any past
animosities aside. “The election is over

and we both have obligations and "vi tuna}
mine is to help him hecoiiie .i great pres.
dent and I intend to do that.” he said

The naming oi’ Fitzwater represented ye:
another Bush selection from the ranks ot
veterans of previous adniinistrations
Asked when the new laces he has pi'oiiiiscd
would begin to appear, Bush said. “Stay
tuned for the changes We‘ll be th‘lllllt: to
them soon . "

Transition sources said they expect llll‘
naming of former Sen. John Tow er :is 'lt'
tense secretary and Texas oiliiiaii ltoheri
Mosbacher as coiiinierce secretary latei
this week. The vice president. htMt‘H'l.
gave no clue as to when he‘d naiiie additio
nal cabinet choices.





Today; Snow hurries
Tomorrow; Sunny





't'l 's ll\il.li ii

“il(“s\‘li iii iitit‘xpi'i'lt-di} .13 iii/xiii
:ii a iii lil‘lt‘llllg in the \\iii1i-
”HUM“ to .tlill-ltilltt' his decision
'llt' ioymi old itii’i-iii emci‘iiiiii-iit \tlllkt“~
man. who had been his press sun-tam it;

Hid.) iii

to Ivtain



i think he s the best. liiish said
lt'lil't'M‘lllS The old and the new lle
resents the lteagaii .idiiiinistratioii and ill
also represents the Rush adiiiiiiisti'atmn

'l his is continuity iii thi- best sens.-

hit/water with his own brand ot \i‘ll di-
pit-eating liuiiioi‘. called the l‘llt'l '.i won
di-rl‘ul opportunity. ' but added.
represent the old and the older


i‘ltll i‘ics catch wine s- it

my; 'i\ltll\i-‘i\l~

’l tliiiikl L'ii




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it, .tiit i'lil‘lli illt‘



4 mild



Tuesday, November 29. 1988

bonus and
‘ v spw. il‘. aiiiuaii's would he presented at

~l'\~ t'ill ill

t i






‘li Hilii‘ ' Ltllit‘l".



'u‘-’ (1:

1 el




Volleyball team captures
second consecutive SEC
tournament title.



‘Cocooii‘ returns. ..




See Pogo D








2 — Km Kernel. Tuudly, November 2.. 1m



Rob Song
Arts Editor


‘Cocoon’ is an unnecessary return
to mushy sentiments of the season

Staff (‘ritlc

They're back. Yes, that's right
You thought muse fun-loving old
timers had left for good in “(o
coon." But suddenly , . there’s a

The main question in my mind
while watching this film was why
did they come back'.’ They had
their Utopia. Never getting any
older and never dying sounds pret-
ty good to me. Maybe all the com«
forts of home aren‘t found on Anta-
rea, but heck. think about this for a

They’re old. they‘re going to die
If they leave they won't ever the.
Sounds great to me Book my flight
for tomorrow.

0K, 0K. There is a plot to this
film The "cocoons“ left in the first
movie on the bottom of the bay
floor have been discovered by a
team of oceanographers. Like any
good scientists. the oceanographers
are disturbing and investigating
these mysterious pods It's aliens
tothe rescue.

Again we see the skipper who fell


in love with an alien. Steve Gutten-
berg is back and he is still tooling
around in his little glass boat.
thinking about the she-alien (Tah-
nee Welch), who left him behind.
Take heart (luttenberg, she's com-
ing back along with Brian Denne-
hey to save her friends.

Dennehey. Guttenberg and Welch
aren‘t the only original cast mem»
bers back, Every cast member in
the first film returns. It is sort of
like a class reunion without the
principal. Ron Howard, the origi-
nal's director. did not return for
the sequel.

l guess these senior citizens are
sitting on Antarea enjoying the
good life and they hear of the re-
turn to Earth. Hey. wouldn‘t it be
great to go back, visit our loved
ones and scare the willies out of

Once back on Earth, all the se-
nior citizens begin to examine their
lives. Many decide it's better to die
on Earth with friends and family
than to live amoung the stars for-

Directing “Cocoon: The Return"
is Dan Petrie. Petrie brings much
of the same energy to the film that
Ron Howard did, but it‘s not the
same. Howard‘s touch is missed in
this movie.

This film is decent and it will
make you feel all warm and mushy
inside 7~ something the producers
hope to accomplish in the
Christmas season. it is very inter-
esting to observe the vitality the
actors and actresses protrayed in
the first film carried over to the se—

For $5.50, though, I can wait and
get warm and mushy with my VCR
and the videotape of “Cocoon: The
Return." Maybe this time those
that left will stay where they are.

"Cocoon: The Return," Rated

PG. is now playing at North Park
and South Park cinemas










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planet Antarea in the overly sentimental sequel,

”Cocoon: The Return."

Don Ameche, Hume Cronyn and Wilford Brimley
check out the beach babes they can't find on


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Kentucky Kernel. Tucsday,Novombor20.1066 - 3

House Democrats vote to delay spending lottery proceeds

Associated Press

FRANKFORT. Ky. — House
Democrats voted unanimously yes
terday to delay the appropriation
of any proceeds of a lottery until at
least 1990.

The secret vote put the chamber
at odds with Gov. Wallace Wilkin-
son. who opened the special session
of the General Assembly with a
plea to legislators to spend lottery
proceeds beginning next fiscal year
as he has requested for senior citi—
zen and early childhood programs
and a bonus for Vietnam era veter-

House Speaker Don Blandford
said the decision made in a closed
caucus to delay any spending deci-
sion does not mean House Demo-
crats disagree with Wilkinson on
how to spend lottery proceeds.
Democrats enjoy a 71.29 majority
in the lower chamber.

Blandford. I)~Phiipot. said House

Democrats favor a bonus for veter-
ans even larger than the one envi-
sioned by Wilkinson and may go
along with his other proposals But
no decision should be made until
the state knows how much money
might come from a lottery.

“We feel it‘s just the responsible
thing to do, to put the money in a
trust fund drawing interest.“
Blandford said.

The vote is not binding and is not
set in concrete. but Blandford said
feelings are strong.

"As long as we‘re here . . . the
governor's still got an opportunity
to have his input." Blandford said.

Wilkinson said after his speech to
a joint session that he is willing to
compromise with legislators. but
he believes his version will ultima
teiy prevail.

“I think there's a spirit on both
sides of cooperation and determin-
ation to get it done." Wilkinson
said. “I‘m very optimistic it will
emerge as is ”

Soviets sign extension
of the U.S. grain pact

Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Soviet and
American trade negotiators agreed
yesterday to extend through 1990
an agreement calling for the Sov1et
Union to buy at least 9 million met-
ric tons of grain a year from the
l'nited States.

The 27-month extension signed in
Moscow revived a five—year pact
that expired Sept. 30 and appeared
designed in part to synchronize the
purchases with Soviet Prestdent
Mikhail Gorbachevs blueprints to

“The extension will continut to
stabilize grain trade between the
two countries. benefiting American
farmers.” Agriculture Secretary
Richard E Lyng and 1'.S Trade
Representative (‘layton K Yeutter
said in a joint statement.

l'nder the plan. the Soviets
pledged to buy at least 4 million
metric tons each of wheat and corn
annually as well as 1 million inel-
ric tons of additional wheat. corn.
soybeans and soybean meal. or any
combination of those commodities
It also allows them to purchase up
to it million metric tons of additio-
nal wheat and corn annually with
out further discussions

:\ metric ton is equal to about 2
2413 pounds

-\ feature of the plan also con
tained in the expired version. air
lows to the Soviets to count two
bushels of soybeans or soybean
meal as one bushel and thus round
out their purchase obligation by
buying 3oo.ooo tons of those corri-
modities rather than a million tons
of wheat or corn

initial reaction from farm
groups. which have been expecting
something similar for more than a
week. was positive

"in general our impression is fa-
vorable," American Farm Bureau
Federation spokesman .ioe Fields
said “it's a continuation of what





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Aquariums, Bookshelves. Displays
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we had before. which worked fairly

Barry Jenkins. a spokesman for
the National Association of Wheat
Growers, said his “understanding.
in talking with our folks this morn-
ing. is that we are pleased that we
have a new agreement ”

He said. however. the extension
was likely to affect wheat prices
less than lingering problems
caused by the drought and that
markets mainly would be relieved
to get some assurance that Sonet
demand would remain undimi

"It's like a security blanket for
some people." Jenkins said

(‘riticism of the deal. however.
came from Rep. Dan tilickman.
DAKan. chairman of the House Ag
riculture subcommittee on wheat
soybeans and feed grains

"We've done nothing more than
maintain the current agreement
This administration has driven
down the price of grain in order to
export more. but they don‘t seem
to be able to close the deal.“ (llick
man said in a statement

“This was an historic opportunity
With one of our most important
grain clients and all we can say is
we didn‘t lose any ground That
simply isn't good enough "

()n the ('hicago Board of Trade.
grain futures prices declined as
traders who had bought contracts
in anticipation of the agreement
took profits on the news

Alan F ilolmer. the deputy 1' s"
trade representative who led the
l‘ S delegation at the Moscow
meetings. said in a statement that
the "agreement stabilizes grain
trade between our two countries by
ensuring a secure source of supply
for Soviet grain imports and secure
market for t' S. grain exports.‘

He said the plan would keep alive
and smooth out "the excellent tech»
nical working relationship between
our two countries” in the realm of




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The Kentucky Kernel
We Are Students

Three bills were introduced in
the House yesterday to accomplish
Wilkinson’s goals. House Bill 1
would create the bureaucracy to
actually operate a lottery. H82
would appropriate the proceeds of
a lottery in fiscal 1990 based on an
assumption of $70 million would be
taken in before June 30. 1990. H84
would establish a bonus for Viet-
namera veterans.

Wilkinson‘s proposal is for one-
third of the first year‘s proceeds of
a lottery would go to the veterans
bonus, or $23 million.

Blandford said House Democrats
are more inclined to provide a set
bonus of $500 for veterans who
served in Vietnam and $300 for vet-
erans who did not. The cost of such
a program has been estimated to
be as much as $50 million.

The session will also appropriate
money to identify the veterans who
would be eligible for a bonus.
though not the $1.5 million request
ed by the Wilkinson bill.

Legislators would decide how to
spend other proceeds after the
bonus issue is resolved. Blandford

Other issues relating to the lot«
tery were also discussed during the
caucus. but no decisions were
made. Blandford said

Among the issues to be resolved
are legislative oversight of a lot»
tery. whether to make a lottery
corporation subject to state em-
ployment purchasing and reporting
laws and Senate confirmation of
boa rd members.

Consideration of the lottery legis-
lation will follow two tracks.

The House State Government
Committee began things yesterday
afternoon with a presentation by
staff members of questions raised
in lottery legislation. The commit-
tee will meet every day this week
to hear testimony from experts.
lottery officials from other states
and others With no vote scheduled
before Friday.


.\ssociated Press

FRANKFURT. Ky. —— Bills to
repair, equip and decorate the
74-year-old Governor‘s Mansion
since Wallace Wilkinson became
the state's chief executive last
year have totaled more than
$40,000. The (‘ourier-Journal re

Comparisons to spending in
previous administrations are
difficult. the newspaper said
adding there is no budget for
manston expenses or a single of»
lice in state government to mon
itor mansion bills.

Doug Alexander.
press secretary. said he could
not say whether the mansion
bills in the past year seemed

“1 would have to go over the
bills.‘ hesaid "idon‘tknow.“

The Historic Properties Advr
sory Commission now oversees
renovation work at the mansion.
the Lieutenant Governor's Manv
sion. the (‘apitol and the Did (a
pitol in Frankfort



Bills total more than
$40,000 for mansion

Jolene (ireenwell. the com~
mission‘s executive director.
said the commission must ap~
prove any significant changes in
the mansion. although first fam-
ilies are generally free to redece
(irate the private areas of the
mansion in the basement.
second and third floors.

Greenwell said that the bills
may seem high but that they zip
pear about normal to her.

”livery new lirst family has
different needs and tastes." she

The semi-public building‘s
dining room has been stocked
with new silver. china and line
us at a cost of 811.755. while
about 2.3 pieces of furniture have
been reupholstered and refi-
rushed at a cost of $131158 the
newspaper said

tither bills include about St}:
kit": for miscellaneous redecorat-
ing. about $7,719 for furniture
and appliances. about $1.279 for
i. ideo and stereo equipment. and
31.323 for carpet. the newspaper
reported Sunday




Wilkinson addresses
lawmakers on lottery

( oniiniicd from Page i centive bonuses for school

employees. creation of a net-
Kentueky The exception is edu work of "benchmark" showcase
cation."\t'ilkinsonsaid schools. and suspension or re-

peal of regulations determined
to be impediments to instruc»

“1 know that the members of
the General Assembly are as
anXious as i am to work out a
plan for improving Kentucky
schools and for landing them
Early next year. we are going to
dothat. 'liesaid

His legislation died Without a
hearing in the House. and Wil~
kinson invited compromise yes-

Wilkinson offered legislation
to the 1988 General Assembly to
carry out the tiireopronged r-du-
cation plan on whict; he cant
paigned it l for t..\l;ir.

‘l have never claimed to have
every good idea. nor have I said
no only my ideas should be

t.iili't .‘tiiisv‘it‘i't‘tl lit-said




Review may be sought
in the Mahoney case

obviously: i’ really changed
when he was released. ’ Richwals-
it s an issue that we have
aware of for some time and
'~.\i- had planned to bring it to
"‘t' court 5. éil't(’!:‘ Hi". f‘li‘ rm 16'“ and
'A. iflri'lt illltll

lift motivation has nothing to

\ssociatcd I’ress
t'Altitttl.l.'l’lt.\. by said
prosecutor may set-k
Larry \iahoneys eii:rin;'y for
legal representatiwn at
pense now that 11.21 1
turned to work

.\ \iwmti. it.

ti i’t‘Ntl'Vt ti.’ tutu-i.

xiti't' t".

Special Prov-t ritoi l‘au: i;.-. i. 1‘ am: his attorneys: The motiva-
walsky sarrl 1.11 nia' i.lt .i ' 1' mi. is 'o ensure in 'his case. as in.
asking tarroli titliiu'} t i.' .:: \ case. that state funds are
.iudge thai‘les fitillt'i‘Rlifi: v".“gpropert. spent
\iew Mulroney sviigfiri‘itr ’dl‘i‘rli tourity District Judge






Amendments approved to strengthen Kremlin

lh .\I. \RKJ. I’ORl H( .\\SK\
\sstx iated Press

MOSCOW The t'ommunist
Party (‘entral ("ommittee endorsed
constitutional changes yesterday
that critics say give the Kremlin
too much power. setting the stage
for approval over the objection of
several restive republics

Officials in Estonia. the tiny italv
tic republic that led the challenge
to Kremlin authority by declaring
its sovereignty in internal policy
and its right to review all new Stivlr
et legislation. said they would
stand firm despite a ruling the

move was unconstitutional,


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'ilit more than ‘ioo mtmbris oi
the party s polity-making body.
meeting on the eve of an (‘Xli‘éltli‘tllr
nary meeting of the Supreme Sovi
t‘i. or national parliament. tie
clared the amendments “will mean
a major step along the road oi
denitx'rzitization of Soviet society]
the official 'I'as's' news agency said

it instructed President and tom-
munist Party chiei Mikhail S lior
bacliev to make a report on the
amendments to the Supreme Sovi

The ('entral t'ommittee promised
election campaigns ”unlike all the
previous ones as real competitive
ness of candidates is introduced 11‘.



Procedure for Recommending
Revisions of


Editor in Chief
Executive Editor

The Kentucky Kernel

Jay Blanton
Thomas J. Sullivan


Pursuant to the Code of Student Conduct, Article
VII. the Student Code Committee will accept and
review recommendations from UK students, facul-
ty and staff regarding proposed revisions of the
Code. Such recommendations must be in writing.
shOuld be as explicit as possible, and should be
addressed to the Committee, c/o Office of Vice
Chancellor for Student Affairs, Lexington Campus.
529 Patterson Office Tower, 00273. Recommenda-
tions should indicate the name of the proposing
individual or organization, mailing address, and
telephone number. Recommended revisions
should be submitted by December 6, 1988. and
preferably earlier than that date. The Code is pub~
lished as Part I (pages 1~30) of the document enti-
tled “Student Rights and Responsibilities” dated

August 16, 1988.






Associate Editor Jim White
Editorial Editor CA. Duane Boniter
Arts Editor Rob Seng

Sports Editor
Photo Editor


Advertising Director
Assistant Advertising Director
Production Manager

Tom Spalding
Randal Williamson

Mike Agin
Linda Collins
Jett Kuerzi
Scott Ward

The Kentucky Kernel is published on class days during the academic
year and weekly during the summer session.

Third-class postage paid at Lexington. KY 40511. Mailed subscription
rates are $30 per year.

The Kernel is printed at Standard Publishing and Printing. 534 Buck-
man St. Shepherdsville. KY 40165.

Correspondence should be addressed to the Kentucky Kernel. Room
035 Journalism Building. University of Kentucky. Lexington. KY
40506-0042 Phone (606) 257-2671.





liicliwaiskj stir/f la' an .~ in “an ihlungslef. declared Mahoney
searching 4.1»- iau. it air-ii; in . girlie zoi puiiilc' defenders a' an
whether a lit.‘.ti:liL would ir.:.t- "Taignnien‘ ii. lia} State Publit
been ht-lti ‘1 ill-termini. \lalm'ag. . ‘i ica'e Paul isaacs assigned Vi i
need for Pill/iii deft-rain *1 7 iii. Siiiniriers iiil'i :. ~ Irv rig'wr.
ills arraigniimi“ .r: \1.:. ‘ it 'n. he

\lttlltitit'} '.th" :I..:i!i: ‘L Willi amt 2m: law It?
sault. wanton in. its ' t :meiaitd igrietl f; Lake
drunker drn 1.; rtsw v ,.-. .w-tr'i ‘.1 Bot; glusi-xpenses
tion will. .1 Mix ‘.1 i. it '...~ si t moi :(ittei’whrle would
wreck 1i. 0 kill-.1 prupli ~.‘,‘ t‘ ‘It‘t‘illr' ‘whc‘l‘it-r To Y't‘L‘Ul’bld
mg 271 t'illitlii'.’ ‘21 ohm" : it ~ ,‘tiahriic; ~ t‘llililtliII} For public
leased or. bowl 1.. ‘ '.t i'n‘ ~ I» fi‘iult "\ .1 hit hwalskg seeks a re
turned to work .i‘ ‘.ts'l‘ it . 3 '«ie!‘ stair law a range car.
Int intlrr'roit'wi ‘ . ‘-""r.~..:l i it i "‘ ': "Hie irtvt‘e

ltichw ilskx , \s .- ' risiniiiirse ‘ht sfatt
a‘toi‘nct at no." -3 ~ In ' our. 3. ”"313“? st"".ftt“- ' his
didn‘t rm.» '.‘,r ‘ '.‘v ‘ 1 ~ ' r "ia'tgv
(tillst’ \l.tl‘.