xt7jh98zcz18 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jh98zcz18/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-09-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 07, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 07, 1982 1982 1982-09-07 2020 true xt7jh98zcz18 section xt7jh98zcz18 W
, ‘ Season‘s'reetlngs
t..- Included with this issue is the Kernel's
h \ Wool football tablotd, an in-depth
examination of the team's prospects
~ fl in the I982 season under new head
~ coach Jerry Claiborne. Included are
.1 player profiles, a team prospectus
andaprofile of Claiborne.
Vol. LXXXV, No. 20 Tuesday, September 7, l982 An Independent Ifudfll" newspaper University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky
1 x 1 ”we .'.:;'_‘ iii-i :>.-,,-::“ae" . i . . 1
.. htt .. = - may be cut back
,ge .. ’1 ,
i the . e -
at . ~~ unless all pay
f” ,- ‘ . 1' . 1 _ . ' . .3 1- ,1 1,” s
' h ». "b __.__—_____ administration-raw]ty-student-staff
' as. g = .. ._ . / . ‘2. 3y 3!” WIPE” Committee on University Health
l a.“ "“ ’ 1 . e " ‘ '-- Editor-mailer Services appointed by President Otis
. 3.3, 1 1,1. ._ . 3 a 1: ‘ t. ‘3 Singletary in Fall 1980. concluded
"‘" s 3 .2“; me ~ ___..__.__.._____.___ the program ”is in jeopardy“ and
f t .13, .1 4 as called for the immediate institution
as l " ‘ 1,, . " «ex Unlas the Student Health Serv- of a mandatory health fee “for full-

1' .. 3 ,4 a «ta, ices fee is made mandatory, health time students."

it, '- ‘ ,3 =33 , care for students will be reduced In April 1981, the Student Health

§ . 1 ‘3 1 drastically next fall, says Jean Cox, Advisory Committee also recom-
,t ,x ’ t Fae/pt health services administrator. mended the establishment of a man-
i ’ .i ' ‘ it The voluntary fist-semester fee datory fee.

.5. .2, _ currently covers general medical, “I strongly believe this service is
_ . @ gynecological and mental health something the University doesn’t
1 1 1 , 1t _ _ .. g," . - its} '“ care [roviibd by 10 full-time doctors want to lose,” said Health Services

,a- " 3 -. ‘5’ F . ti" at Medical Center Annex Four, as Director Dr. Frank Cascio, inter-

ljg”? a . _ W” .. ; / " . * be ethic had new visits in on “the eiteimtives for students,

,4”; .1_ " Q; _ f . ¥ 53 ' \ ,t‘ / Coxsaidanaverageof193a day. even if they have health insurance,

it :i gt Z " , ..... I ... a. 1‘“ S‘m‘ WWW“. “Sm“ ”9 "m“‘id- “‘e Med“ Cent"
”f” V” 3‘ a f." 1 f ' .h e; ,j‘fitw . tion Senate will meet tonight at 7 can’t handle the extra load efficient-
,- $1041.: , ' - . W ' ' W, 1. ~ g" P-m- 11! theStudent Center t0 discuss ly, and doctors in town generally
if! ’ 1.1""; t, x ‘1‘ -_ 9‘ 1 -' ‘ .' 8 ramble Milt referendum 0h a don’t like to see students because
. g- , t 11.. $1, 1;.” .. W . ,3.» W‘ _ 3W A 1%” i ‘_ .., 7 mamdatoryflf:e ngA manthun they’resotransient."
it 1. 3.2-: t t, a. my i 3 r» ‘ ' i "...-~-‘ Dinkle sat eren . i at» Cox said Singletary recommended
2;. . , 3“ ~ a.“ who gh$aéw~§$$f g, 1' “3%?“ .l “ems: .3“; say? .3“, x proveddmbitr mothsenfatemll be held in July that health services adminis-
coma WI 1'6 n senate trators hold a series of meetings
Red eye ”L" mums”. elections in October. The date 0f the with student leaders including

. . . . . _ . electionhssnotbeenset. Dinkle, to auge reaction to a man-
gh‘zgiipeL 2159:112231 etr'i:ierss :gshgei'ryugofzzwee; Taegdyégd as Sign: :hfih featured Lexmgton children 5 teams this weekend at Seaton Cox, in an intaview Friday, esti- datory fee? The meetings. Dinkle
one game while their father served as a referee in Yul; zve t 'e . mated the fee Md have to be m- said yesterday, led him to call a spe-

h , ceased to at least $40 a semester in cial session of the senate for tonight
1% if the service continues on a to hear Cox‘s arguments and discuss

actors sa sweetener safer for most new we .. ...... t... «we ameeieteenmmee-
“imprutical” because it would cut Although Singletary could not be
even figther the decliau‘eng number of reached for comment yesterday.
—-—-—-———-— e, however, has some sullen optingtouse service. Donald Clapp. vice [resident for ad-
By STACY SIZEMORE tmm as not being “am Fifty-two percent of the Universi- ministration, said he and the presi-
Reporter able for mein m_ “Until it can ty’s approidmately 23,500 students dent agree that the health service
be heated, it's not going to replace Paid the fee in the 131-82 SChOOl cannot survive in its present form

————————— mm,”mesaid_ year. she said. as compared to 75 withoutamandatoryfee.

Another sugar substitute is on the Also. aspartame loses its sweet- Wt when the voluntary fee was “The question. then, iS how 001“-
market in Lexington, and some feel ness after a time when mixed in liq— gated ‘h hm- The fee then was prehensive should the serVice be?"
itwillsoon acesaccharine. uidt, Forests said. It is an in' are - Clapp said. “At what point does the

mangrove Dmlaie Fa'ester MW Canadian. sort drinks, “1 think When it was ‘7‘ students University move from looking out
of the College of Home Economics, though. said. ‘Why not? You can't 80 for its own broader interests to
the sweetener, aspartame, is betta' Another drawback is some people mtg.’ ” Cox said. “But at $25, with looking out for Speeifie individu-
than saccharine because it has no don’t havetheenzymesneededtodi- 500* prices and tutti“! up. they als?"
bitlt‘firaf 0d :e. keted deg- tn 3e53,“! “she 33:31: has»; said 3:21.; services time he saiSSifietazdléast left that de-

e [r uc . mar on e not use aspar- - c1s10n s n s, as rep-
brand name Equal by 6D. Searle tame are children with a rare error tion mtially as a your health resented by SGA. and will probably
and Company, is also promising be- of metabolism called phenyllletonm- plan. The greater the number of stu- rely on their conclusions when malt-
cause it has not been linked to blad- ice or PKU's. Forester said phenyla- dent stibsu'ibers. the lower the fee. ins a recommendation to the Board
dsrcancerashassaccharine. lanine could some mental retarda- ‘ . Whieh is used t0 defray operating of 'l‘rlstees concerning the health
The amount of aspartame equal to tionorotherhealthproblems. - '1 costs beyaldwhat is provided by the fee.
two teaspoons of mgaéigontains four Became of this the FDA requires " gliding; Since 1971. allow COX said She disagrees With Sin-
calories, Forester . m tes- annoductscontaimng‘ ' aspartameto health services et. gletary’s reliance on student Opin-
spoonsofsugarhaveazcalories. include a warning for phenylketo- 3 ~'L “if _ totaling $1.1_3 million this year, has ion, however.

I‘Amspanamne is 1mg fimmm nmgmmm Mam-y ”m, Noble it: . m prowded through general “I drink it:l certali‘inlyhewfithin his
swee er. is a ow e - sai . e ast maker - ' <' .. " - power sim y ma 9 ee man-
ener," said Dr. Janet Noble, an as- Halfsia, which contains aspartame, '~ :1 ., , “Our only fat was a reserve fund datory." she said. “I wish he had
sistant professor in the department doe not have such a statement on * ‘. «(hi i; .l'w‘fi v {0" epidemies, Which we med UP this done that."
of nutrition and food sciences who itspackage. , [T ' ~j _ yearinstead ofralsmg the health fee She and Cascio said they are
has done research on aspartame. It Another drawback of aspen-tame is 'i e‘ - ,~ .332, »‘ '_3 888m.” she said. “It’s a (pestlon 0f afraid the students will “vote their
is mtgidered an artificial ewes; its price, higher than sugar substi- . £5.53, _ _3 . x; .r . are we going to have a health serv- pocketbooks," defeating the manda-
ener use it contains “natur tutu with saccharine. A box of 100 4-,.“ g” ' ’ r u ”1;" . iceorno -’ 3 toryfeeproposalbecauseofitscost.
occun'ingaminoacids.” packets of Equal costs about $4. , w’t‘» high": It 8 mandatory fee 15 “0t 39' Cox said she also believes the

Aspartame is made up of lactose “The price will probably go down, “ :’.. V, t' _’ h g "1‘ proved, she said the service Will number of students who will vote in
and two amino acids, phenylalanine when more people start wing it," 7 “ flfdéfh‘ ‘ probably ‘39“th ‘0 function on a the freshman elections will n0t be
andaspartic 83$ al be help! Fiestasaidio F t . .. -. y . 2:51:11: $121;le care of colds git-ge 11th “lg bebotdryly represen-

Aspartame so a or ccordmg oreser, aspartame 1' 7 - ., - lveo s en
dieters, Forester said. “I think this was discovered in 1965 but was not “It would be disgraceful t0? 3 Uni- Dinkle, however. defended the ref-
product is one of the biggest items approved by the Federal Drug Ad- varsity this size not to have a corn- erendum proposal. “1 know Jean is
for weight controlinalong time.” ministration untilme [$1. J.D.VANN°OSl/Komelsialt prehensive health service," she against it," he said, “but I think, be-

Frresta' said that it can also be It was also on the market for 8 Some experts predict Equal, a low-calorie “natural" sweetener said, adding UK is one Of the only cause students will be “’th their
lled by diabetics Wt mt M Short time in 1974 M0" the FDA will replace saccharine. It hasn't been connected to cancer but it state universities in the nation 8““ pocketbooks, the turnout will be sub-
should check with their physicians recalled it for further testing. Noble has "sdmwbacks ’ itsliisavolmtaryhealthfeesystan. stantial." adding he is “confident"
before using it. said. ' Cox said a study conducted by the studentswill vote for the health fee.

The woman appeared unharmed when she was freed ' ' '
MONDAY early today, said Ulrich Hubacher, a spokesman for the fed- Ch’nesa adapt new constitution
eral Justice and Police Ministry. He said her release was
MAWMM negotiated by members of the federal crisis management "KING - The Communist Party Congress OdOPied 0 new
team, which has conducted lengthy telephone negotiations. constitution yesterday that bans one—man rule, and heard
Hubacher said l3 hostages remained inside the two- warnings that there will be trouble unless reliable succes-
DOC‘O’S amputet‘e bomb victim’s I” story embassy. sors are found for aging leaders.
The leader of the terrorists, who identified himself only The L600 delegates also approved the work report of
LEXINGTON _ A Lexington coal broker who lost both legs as Col. Wysocki of the "Polish Revolutionary Home Army," Chairman Hu Yaobang, which called for continued modern~
in a letter-bomb explosion Sunday remained in "serious but mm The Assocuated Press m a telephone mtervnew that his ization and a purge Of party members Opposed '0 reform‘
stable" condition yesterday, according '0 a spokesman for group-was heavuly armed and had 55 pounds of dynamite. The delegates now are to begin selecting a new Central
the UK Medical Center. Exrled Solidarity spokesmen in Western Europe said they Committee, expected to include many younger members,
Jack Daniel, 5], an independent coal broker and former had never heard of the group, and Hubacher said. ”We and also will elect a newly created body of party elders ,
president of American National Coal Co., had his legs am- have no indication whatsoever about any liaison with Soli- the Central AdVISOf'y Commission.
putated Sunday, according '0 his doctor. clarity and the terrorists. The new constituélon :oehs ciwoy with the post of chair~
Daniel, of H29 Clarid e Drive, was in‘ured when a egg (on ' back “gen man, tong associate w" ' e ate Chairman Mao Tse-tung
package he was opening egpgoded' blowing dut a door and Arab 1' W '8'!de 8” and his one-man rule. The party will be headed by a gener-
tearing away part of the roof of the home. PEI. Morocco — Arab kings and presidents met here yes- 0| secretary, and the new Central Committee is eXpeded '0
Dennis Fail, a postal inspector from Louisville, said in- terday '0 discuss 0 POSSible l°inl peace initiative. and an 0'“, H” '0 that 'Ob' He has hold both posts 0‘ chairman
vestigators from the Washington crime lab of the U.S. Post- Arab news agency said most of them are tentatively back- and general secretary.
al Department collected samples for a reconstruction of the ing President Reagan's recent Middle East proposals.
parcel to see what it contained. Dynamite is the suspected The Bahrain-based GU“ News Agency, quoting Sources
blast 099m. Peil said. at the three-day Arab League summit herefsaid the leaders \ /
A police source said the U.S. Postal Service was investi- have some "minor reservations" ObOUt the proposals.
gating the blast because of the possibility that the explosive But it said they are expected to form a delegation “to W ’
device had been sent through the mail. undertake consultations in the United States and Europe -
We dont know who placed the device, or why, or what ObOUt the American plan and OhOUt PUShing the case for- mm“
their motive was," the source said. No arrests had been WOVd-H
made by yesterday evening. m OAficLal Moroccan so'urces told T39 Associated Press that \
e ra s are especia y concerne about lsrael's decision
Anfimmmmy Sunday approving new settlements in the occupied West
Bank and Gaza Strip _ despite Reagan's call for a freeze Today wlll be partly cloudy and mild with a high in
IIRN, Swltzerland — A band of anti-communist revolu- on new settlements there' the upper'IOs.
. ... tionaries seized the Polish Embassy yesterday and threat- b'lT'the officials, who asked not to be named. said Reagan's Tonight will be partly cloudy with a law in the
ened to "blow away this shack and everyone in it" within 48 f’hi'sldy tapersuol: the lSLOOll leaders to back away from upper 50s.
hours unless martial law is lifted in Poland. After about lb of hisscnlston a? h the“ 1: other .he can deliver on the rest Tomorrow wlll 5' partly ”"7 ”d ”'"h "h" h
hour, of the siege, they freed a pregnant hostage. Cabinetp °"' "3 as 9°" relected outright by Israel s chance of showers. The high will be around 00.

Illl Mellon A“ w John Oru'ln loom W. MUM MIDI ‘. ICC... J... VIII“... Don CIW‘
Editor in Chief News idilor Am Editor Spam Edtlo' Special Protects Editor Photo Editor Graphics Editor
P I Jomos Iduin N-nll Cindy 00*" W. e. sauce Mickey mom Kaehlo Mllllon I... v... null Club A...
B RSUAS ON Managing Editor EditortaIEditot IllllJlllono; Jr. AwuantSporu (duo! SpeciolProiecn Assistant Chief Photographer Ken Altlne
AumontArnE not: Copy Duh
I Freshman nights' was a worthy program
Because yesterday was Labor Day, we fail. Just ask the Wright Brothers.”
might do well to commemorate the work of Well, we’re not so phlegmatic on the topic.
one devoted University employee. He cre— Betts and the administration tried to do
ated an innovative series of events designed something a little out of character for a " TH Al
to celebrate the University and the opportu- place as big as UK — they tried to help the I BELIEVE E NAT'ON
nities it presents to the majority of its new- new kids on the block feel at home. And ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANl'l-lES ”i ,.
est residents — freshmen — and then stood their efforts failed. SHOULD BE ABOLISHED TOPREVENT / 73.
back and watchedit go down in flames. For some freshmen, UK is larger, popula- MY TAX DOLLARS FROM BEING a
The employee is Raymond Betts, history tion-wise, than their home counties. It’s a GWEN R O'COMMUNlST 4)‘ 20”
professor and chairman of the Honors Pro- tough place to relate to, and it’s easy to get To SUPPO T PR 6’? . . 7
gram. “Freshman Nights” was his creation. lost in the sea of humanity here. It’s worth PROPAGANDA, ANTI'FAMlLY FEMlNlST Q #3 ., "j
“Freshman Nights” was admittedly an noting that Betts and the administration MOVEMENTS AND ANTI-DEFENSE é - 82' Q3 :—
ambitious project. It was a highly-publicized tried diligently to educate freshmen about Nl lONS“ 3 Q Q .
symposium that included addresses from their new home. It’s also worth noting the deal ZAl ' ' a 25‘?
prominent student leaders and University time and effort they put into the program. "CONSERVATIVE W . Q Q
administrators, presentations of films and a The respect they got for the job they did, CAUCUS AMERlCAN a 1/ Q % .
one-act play, a peek at some of the materials however, borders on the disgraceful. A few I 1/ Q (i. 7
in UK’s archives and many other forums people who had a desire to extend a welcom- RlGHT'WlNG GROUP A % ® ,
and activities. ing hand to our community’s residents got in %&. //
Betts, in an interview two weeks ago, said the brush-off when they should have been ‘ a 7 5' §i ' . er '1 77
th . . ,. accorded thanks and undiVided attention. fi - a ,. . 3 Q /
e prOJect was designed to be an express- . . . , r ' 7) , .
. . . , . . Our sympathies go to Betts and the admm- . 3 \‘® '
1°“ 0f the UmverSlty S hospitality and a wel- istration Our scorn goes to on freshmen ., J "' 0 Q 1?-
come to the intellectual community in which ' y ’ ‘ ‘ ‘l’ at" N b /’/ :3
(freshmen)willbeapart.” . /. " —. . ‘1 v5 ,/// ll .7
Last Tuesday night, the inaugural event, Isn’t it funny what the Conservative Cau- % . CL 'i
“Welcome to UK,” was scheduled for 7 pm. cus has to say about the National Endow- “fa ’g’ \\j , K
at Memorial Hall. The participants, which ment for the Humanities? Postcards from its .191 15. £1 . \ / b- :51,
included Betts, President Otis Singletary and members and other “concerned” citizens , [-3933 . ‘ \;\\: 3
Jim Dinkle, Student Government Association have been arriving daily at offices of mem- 2 f /\ " ~, . ti“ ‘3‘:
president, assembled early at Memorial Hall bers of Congress. The postcards ask the Con- ,/ J \/ . §‘ 7*
and waited, hands in pockets, for the throng gressmen to abolish NEH “to prevent my / / n ‘
of eager freshmen to arrive for the program. tax dollars from being given to support pro- . . EVERY TIME I HEAR THE WORD
The expected throng, in true undergrad- Communist propaganda, anti-family feminist r URE‘ R THE
uate fashion, blew the program off. One stu- movements and anti-defense organizations.” WW“ CULT I I E SE “
dent was in the Memorial Hall audience, and That’s pretty strong language directed to- ,/ ’ SAFE | Y CATCH m REVOLVER. “
he was reportedly waiting for someone else. ward a group whose sole purpose appears to ‘1 'HERMANN GORlNG
The evening’s other event at the Student be rooted in educating and informing the 67 r
Center Theater met with the same fate. American people about their heritage, cul- J m H NAZl RElCHSMARSCHAl—L
Betts was stoic when asked for his ture and world. We wonder if the Caucus’ di- " "mu
thoughts on the turnout. “Some experiments atribe was translated—from Russian.
' E ' d 7 7 ' dd ' d f ' d
Wha t WIII rice 0 next. une In, a :0 ts, an In out
“Langley, you never talze me any- “Gosh, I’m sorry. Did I interrupt know Langley and Opal are on But I guess ol’ Langley doesn’t care questions. “Maybe this sounds stu- She says. “I can’t even believe you‘d .z.
where. I mean, you're real nice to anything important?” ‘AMC?’ ”Iask with disbelief. — she probably treats him better pid, but who are they?” ever watch this stuff, much less ac- 7;.
me and I appreciate it and all that, “Langley and Opal are having a “Wliat’s‘AMC?’ ” than Phoebe. Now, there’s goes one “Shhhh,” Ihiss. tually admittoit.” i
but we nevergoanywhere.” very serious conservation.” “ ‘All My Children’ It’s on ABC,” aging, nosy ex-debutante! Can you “The room falls into a deathly si- “There’s nothing wrong with
"Opal. my dear, you know very . I say impatiently. “You see, Lang~ believe she’s trying to keep her lence. watching daytime dramas. Ihappen E
well I'd love to take you to a restau- We, ley’s married to Phoebe, ’who’s a grandson — hes a doctor —- from "But, Brandon, you can’t just to enjoynthem. Why . shouldnt l . 7
rant as lovely as you look in that rich old bag. She thinks its a pro- marrylng Carrie because she thinks leave me. I love you, I really do. I adrnlt it? I say defensively. “Some :3;
dress. But, you also know why that Chdy fessor, hit he’s not. His real name is Carne’s not his type?" can't live without you," Erica walls people are really addicted, though. 7-7
cannot be.” wér DECKER Denny and he’s really after her “Wow, you really get into all this dramatically. I’m glad I’m. not. They actually
”Because of that old witch?” . matey.” stuff, don’t you?” she says uneasily. “Erica, you’ve never loved anyone schedule their classes around
"I’m afraid so, my dear." , ‘dgrs’l’anndl’néfimd says, not totally “I justli dont’t undiegsmnwhat you butdyouzself. Go 23c? to Kent Bo- theiin.”l ndered h f
———“——‘— un . seem ese ypes . gar an your m eing career as “ aways wo W y so ew
My eyes are intently following the “And you’re listening? Hey, isn't “Well, let me explain some more. _ “I really think they’re interest- an ‘American Beauty,’ " Brandon pegplehavevl:00classes,”shesays.
above conversation on the television that rude?" my friend says, obvious- Right now, Langley’s haVing an af- ing, ’ I explain. ”They . . . this con- says with a disgusted look on his . Besides,_ I add, “They re a lot
screen whenafriendwalks in. ly upset. “You just can’t go around fairwithOpal—she’s themaid. versation’s got to wait; Erica and face. “That’s all you'll ever care like real life. They let us know
“Hey.what’s goingon?”sheasks. doingthattopeople.” “Let me tell you, Opal’s voice is Brandon areon.” . n . about. 1"vehad itwi‘thyou.” ' what’s goingon.” ‘
“Quiet, lwhisper. “Where have you been? Don’t you enough to get on anybody's nerves. Brandon? Erica? my friend Y You re just {fabl‘s’ are'rli t nyiou? mgfimgpfivaliyge 'Ilcl‘ifaildflxgilii:
our career isn 801113 we a 80 rea e.
I I I now you hate mine," Erica snlps. a celebrity model who's five feet two
Political ads ex ose office seekers . 6° .. .. m .. .. G...
Hong Kong and stay there! " she yells.
And with that, Erica stomps off “Well, it’s close enough,” I say.
Last April 15, I confessed I didn’t nished look possible at what a candi- But the question is, is it going to that voters aren’t a collection of andacommerclal ‘3?"‘5 0“; _You just have to follow the story '
really mind paying taxes all that date thinks about himself — and work? Presumably, you and I are dummies. If they are being treated Wait a minute, my friend 53st l"??- 'I‘h' . la f
much. Since that did not result in aboutus. smart enough to see [recisely what as such, they will know it, and more confused "1‘“? ‘5‘?"- “hmt Here. 3'5 in); test 0(le 0
my death at the hands of an angry that candidate is doing. We are sooner or later they will reject poli- ”$3133 she loved h“?- t do ’t kn Soap 0:93;“ _lges '1 0“ re ilve cg“:
mob of readers, let me test your re- —-____ bright emugh to figure out that he ticianswhotreatthemthatway. , “9‘“ you 195 n ,, ow 1:155“, ‘ as ong as g
straint with another confession ap- has nothing of substance worth talk- Thus, instead of working to manip- EnFa-“She,5 always “Se that, .1 9“ “N. ha nks ,, sh “I . t
propriate to the start of the political ing about. We are clever enough to ulate voters, political ads actually glam." She 5 a really "‘3" ¢°an1n8 , 0. t . e 53x31. J“:
season. i" Jeff realize that this fellow wants us to work to expose candidates them- ‘th _ a?!” see boll 3'0“ can "‘le °
Ilike political commercials. ‘ GREENFlELD trust him with great power when he selves, for good or ill. A media cam- 3‘“ many)?!" ‘1“ he 5° for her I? toyourst; h" .. ,0 L‘ f
Yes, you read right. Those 30- and ' § hasn’t the least intention of telling paign in which a candidate tells his ”5:3 “’3‘“ ““33“ asks. Shit“), P55 “3315" , newt:
til-second spots in which politicians -—-———— us what he means to do with that audience that he is “against crun' e” ”will: 5 3:802] 18'1”]? almost Ito“ wiggling}: 05.“: «my :34: her
try to convince us 0f their nobility power. - really revealshe 1‘8 a fair-flushes: A mentarilyv’v‘l I 2a ymat‘tler-zfa-lacrtl: bibgst: Kat because it’sJ really Kat’s
”WWW, "me. mm.” m 9‘, °°' Take the politician whose media| splat]? d ‘t ”Ems: me that- When I med” campus" "5' we“ a and” “But in real lifey Susan Lucci 4 baby Karen and Marco switched
tionic snake-all peddling . campaign is nothing but a WCM' . to audl about this, same- date tells you. he will pass for more she’s the one who’plays Erica — is the babies when they were born he ~
threats to the_American Way of Life, sion a visual cliches: the Candidate one invariably stands“ up and assails money for pnsom, determinate sen- married to a man named Helmut cause ”
are, in _my View, a healthy part of walking on the beach with his fresh- political ads for fooling the vot- tences, the death penalty and gun and theyhavetwo children n The door closes my friend in front M
thepollticalpr ' - ly scrubbed family; the Candidate ers. But does that person asking the control 15 — whether you 8 mm “Where do you get your informa- of it I further invblve myself in Jen-
Nowaslongaslammaconfes- chuckinghischildrenunderthediin questioneverthlnkheorshewas hlmornot—suggestinghehas t' 9,, f‘ d ks ,'
sional mood, I should tell you that I and nuzzling his golden retriever; fooled? Not on your life. It’s always some specific notions about crime “ff‘whmli :2: S"; ‘0 ra D‘ est” ny ssorrow. ,
“PE"? several years creating and the Candidate With his 18de thrown the guy down ,the street who was insteadofseveralcartonsofhot air. [said 3“It has all th: st‘derylinesg in it Wait a minute -— I’m not addicted
writing political commercials. But over his shoulder, striding W_ bamboozled. Itsalways somebody Similarly, a candidate who says It even tells about their l reall I’m not' Oraml" .
that’s not why I like them. After all, fully up the stqas of a white marble else who got deceived into voting for he is for “Justice for the little peo- lives ,, persona C' dy Deck"- is a _o'umausm and
I also spent several years studying building; the Candidate gazing 0“ a candidate based on pretty plc- pl e ls telling you nothing at- all, un- “I can't believe this — you’re real- ul‘itlcal science junior and Kernel
French, andlwouldntdothat again intoheaven. tin-es. . less he means he is pro-midget. A l full-fledged into this aren’t 9" P; l l at w
for one month’s box office receipts I don’t buy that for a minute. My candidate who says he Will vote to y . Y°“- 9 ‘0' a 9 ‘0“
from “ET.” It’s just that political Is that candidate trying to manip assumption - when I was writing trim the defense budget by $3 billion N , ,
ads give is voters the most unvar- ulate you and me? Of come he is. ads and when I watch them now —is so a program of public works can be 7'"
inaugurated is — whether you agree
\‘ . withhimornot—tellingyouhowhe
.STAB TREK; A creation at Gene noeaenoen, By Ron Hams and Sherman DiVono m to translate “compassion and
. . ._ . . . r , justice” into legislative reality. ____________________— '
-.‘ . _ cggggggéwtaéséum. awféfigésgjg wzg’é'figgé ' or course political commercials ' I preserve that life at all times. ..
W EN“ " . emcee m ema— 105525 / oversmvhfyi almost a" mum“ Col lous column isg‘gf‘x-ziitheynm-
' _ ___._.. I) Wwwugoméu‘r mafia-lg. speech dos that. And yes, the im- . . 'g mea ey n-
. . ‘ § _ . , 7 g x . ~/ - balance of money available for oom- In reference to the Jim Hams ool- 19* “slip away
- " R. &g E“ £§ 7, ? w is mercials is a chronic pmoblem. and umn which appeared in the Kernel llh thLOVC—
1:5.” ' - ' ' 3 3‘: ,3 , , \\‘ A one which may need an sweepins onAug.30: e "iiinssun— j.
1-5;? . ” ~.- .__\7 2;} z; ‘, ‘f: .'.~”_ “A ? ”media as mblic “mine of con- mt W18 can In 30 cauom'a-nd shouldbedyi'ng, but it's
A a; N“ t j _ :1? Bit “’fi ” é gressmnal and gubernatorial cam- insensitive when talking or mung onlyjust begun. .. ,7
~' .5’ fl " Ace. 35% , /@ ' . , 7' paigns, or the compelling of free about the death of a fellow human 493155!me 3.;
‘ g . . (j y, I, . §~ Ii f ;‘ broadcast time for all qualified oan- being is almost totally incompre- '5:
,5?" /'.’ ‘ 33‘: -$\/A-‘-’lt l {gig didates hensible to me. I guess it is just a Jerry Belsak a;
$5559.. _ , //. . . . . , if \g I‘D \l ‘\ ll,“ 'W""ff?;f§i/ But these points do not negate the defense mechanism we all need to Lexmgton
1- MS? Mob 'f/ . . - 1’ . ;9 ‘i/OEVQEATO’ “L , 1‘ v’,l‘ i, value d political “d8 At a time use m “me to time, fa, me ”kc L'k d 1}
' ' ‘ ‘ "" " “ . when television news often seems in- of our sanity, but how can you write I 9 story
_______.______ . BY "an“: Sh'W‘an' capable of treating politics serious- about a person’s life being taken in
CAUGHI Min/[[NA HfRG/ANIS’ 50048815, m: ADM/RALWHAT’S ly, we should welcome a form of a tragic accident, and not feel the I won“ like to express "18 appre-
£N7£RPR/5£ #4105 #695le aim/e F/Rfo MOON. GOING ON up THERE? communication that lets the voters individual human loss? ciation of the Department of Resi- "
,, AU Off/(5, judge candidates as well as the com It's so easy to be objective about dence Halls Life for the recent arti-
/ ' ”[0 Alt-R7! mercials do — even if that isn’t death in a society that both exploits cle and editorial regarding
\ __. i. . what the candidate has in mind it (on television and in newspapers) vandalism in the halls This costly
*3. ~ , y “‘7' . when he jumps on his home and and denies it (at thesame time), but woblem merits the attention of all
\\ i V ; {\ . i, ' rides off into the setting sun. We this is a person, a human being — students residing on the campts.
. Ni ,1/ ~ . ”m ’ is I .‘H \ 7 know what that candidate is really not a statistic. I think the tragic loss Your coverage addressed the issues
A l " § ‘ - , E; \ saying. of this beautiful young lady speaks quitewell.
:/ l . 4 1... £1 ’75: \. t ‘ much, much more eloquently and Perhaps students will realize they
7 4 t ‘5 ‘ e l , .,‘ - A ‘ Jeff Greenfield appears on CBS profoundly than anything' I could ultimately P” for the immaturity Ol
‘ g \\ 7 ' . l l: {l ”g a" "Sunday Morning" and the CBS ever say on the picelmnm and afew.
’} ‘ / l [I 5' my ' “Morning" show and it a Universal sancity of each individual human Robert A. Clay _
‘ A ' ’ ,-.., —— Press syndicated columnist. lite, and how we should respect and AreaCoordinator :

 TI'IE KENTUCK Y KENNEL, Tuesday, September 7, 1982 - 3
- 7 . 2 2. .
0-4». ‘ 2 ., ~
Seekm a challen 9 travel . .. . s , , .. w.
l . . I \ ‘ g r .. ’ , 0- s ‘Q .
‘ he ‘ ’. ..- .. . t ‘I r , =
. ( . ~.» 5 2 .&' II 2 a ~I
Peace Corps may want you ""’” '- I - h " '* '- -
b ' ' .
'. - 'I 4 .1 l ,. A II I
By KATHY OSBORNE The other 248 are involved in forest- campesino (Spanish for country per- ’5 , 5' 5' ’ f "5 «55 a 5 "2
Reporter ry, fisheries, health or integrated som." , ~ ‘ ' w " , x i ,«.
__ rural development.hesaid. PeaceCorpsvolunteelsmustmeet . ‘4. , g " ~ ’ , " I" *' ~ 4'
. ,, _. ..-._-____— Forestry volunteers teach erosion the following requirements: 0 .9: ' * ’- Q
prevention, introduce new tree spe- oU.S. citizenship. y. I‘ . - . .. Q
'l‘wo Peace Corps members. 35- cies and aidin planning. Dowis said. 0 18 years of age or older. 81- I g . , r ' 2
signed to Ecuador. were on @um Wood is the primary source of fuel though few applicants under 20 have , _ ' 5 5 ‘ . I 5 0. ,. Q Q Q
Thursday and Friday to promote the and furniture for most villages in the necessary skills to qualify. ‘, , ,’ . t .0! . . '
international service organization. Ecuador. There is no upper age limit. a ' , ‘ § 5 5 ‘ s Q ,' ,
Doug and Cindy Dowis. assigned Fishery workers are mainly con- . Medical and legal requirements. ' W. ‘ ' . 5 , ' . '5 Q 5 Q
to Quito, Ecuador, are Peace Corps cemed with developing fish ponds in The program welcomes applications 3%? , e a “t. I Q , i s Q .
coordinators for Partners of the mountainous central Ecuador, from disabled persons. or ’ a 4- ‘ 0 I- ' .« Q Q Q "
Americas, a private non-profit orga- where protein sources are scarce, he . _ , 15f" ,s 't, 0 4‘. * 5 ’ ,
nization formed to formalize ties be- said. ° With mamed applicants. 4. 7’ I ‘ ' ' s / Q 2 ,
tween the United States and Latin Health work volunteers promote spouses must apply as well. Only in Y r" Q i i Q
American countries. food care and nutrition. build la- rare cases W1" the Peace Corps ac- fig ' .2 ~ » '-
Members of the organization are trines and assist with home treat- cept volunteers With young depen- ‘ 5‘ ' g: Q Q i .
- private citizens, educators, physi- ment of health problems. dents. . . I I? . 5' Q ~ g 1
- _ clans and engineers in the United Peace Corps stresses to volunteers Reasons for 191mm the Peace it ' f Q; "
_ States and Latin America. Ecuador the importance of blending into the Corps are as varied as the voluIn- Qt? * Q 2 5 i i ,'
. is in “partnership” with Kentucky community. teers themselves. The IDowrs said .:-.'~ in", . .x ( ., Q
. and Idaho, Dowis said. “The real challenge," one pamph- they were interested in traveling Q 4' Q Q ,I
. The variety of exchange programs let said, “is not to work with Ec- and leamms other lansuaefi and i‘ .- " Q Q