xt7jh98zct60_48 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jh98zct60/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jh98zct60/data/2015ms086.dao.xml Bevins, Martha 0.05 Cubic Feet 55 items archival material 2015ms086 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Martha Bevins letters to Tom McCarthy Radio broadcasting. Agriculture -- Kentucky. Birds Women air pilots. 1958 November 26 text 1958 November 26 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jh98zct60/data/2015ms086/Box_ms_42/Folder_1/Item_48/1958_11_26_Bevins_too_warm_weather_p1.pdf 1958 November 26 1958 1958 November 26 section false xt7jh98zct60_48 xt7jh98zct60 V' j _ _ as f a in. f
V Morning View Kentucky
26 November 1958 v
I am sorry, Mr. McCarthy, f V
that I have been unable to write for so long, but the critical
illness of an ancient aunt living alone in a distant city has
complicated things considerably in recent weeks. _
I had never expected to welcome winter cold, however this year
3 I have eagerly looked forward to its arrival, hoping it would

, dispel the astounding confusion brought about by our unseasonable

Throughout tree patch and pond-field, animal and plant life alike
greeted the recent week end of 80 degree weather as though it Were
the advent of spring. - _.

buds, particularly those of black oak and hickory, swelled gaily
and were rapidly appanaching that point of expansion which would
have resulted in their freezing at the first touch of cold. A
thoroughly befuddled peach tree proudly flaunted one lone, pathetic
bloom which qmidkyy shrivclled into blackness on the next frosty

' night. My oyster log, equally confused, assumed the high temperatures
to be those of mid-summer, and put forth a bountiful crop of the
luscious, pearly, terraced mushrooms.

Insects, only briefly dormant in egg or cocoon, emerged to crawl
, and fly about as in springtime, until icy blasts terminated their
abbreviated and dislocated lives. Perhaps there will be fewer

; insects next year because of this strange mishap to their schedule.

Birds who should have been long since enjoying the comfortable
safety of the southlands, remained in this area by the hundreds and

‘— brightened the days with practice of their spring songs, rather than
sounding only their subdued autumn call notes as is customary on
southward migration.

’ Responding to danger signals of which they alone were aware, they
resumed their Journey in flocks and little groups throughout the day
and far into the night Tuesday. It is my guess that Wednesday's
blustering cold found nearly a thousand less birds in tree patch
and pond-field than had been there twenty-four hours earlier.

In the pond itself life was perhaps the most completely disrupted
by our summer-autumn. Sustained throughout actual summer by a
superabundance of fresh water and food, the large-mouth bass were

 rw _ *'’’I“_________“_________“‘______"‘
-2- ’
most scornful of such lures as I could offer them. I even descended M
to angling for them with minnows, Which places me in approximately ‘K

_ the same category as the unloved soul who fishes for trout with -
worms. In the cooler days of early November, my catch was considerably
improved, and I anticipated several weeks of excellent fishing, as
a tunnel-mouth, like a bear, stuffs himself to the bursting point
before hibernating.

Suddenly, Just as I was expecting this outburst of activity, they
stopped biting entirely. I was thoroughly puzzled until I finally
hooked one, and, upon cleaning it, discovered it to be a female

full of eggs. Apparently the unusual warmth had convinced the base
it was May, and the ladies were going around laying eggs all over

i the place, under which circumstances, the males stand guard over
chosen areas in shallow water and refuse all bait.
when I investigated some extraordinary animation amid the roots of
the sandbar willows, I found swarms of inky, wriggling, little
tadpoles. The frOgs apparently had also assumed a premature spring.

I have never seen young tadpoles in November before.

Coons, instead of sleepily contemplating the approach of winter,
have been merrily working along the shores of the pond at night,
thriving on the unexpectedly bountiful feast therein, and liberally
spangling the soft earth with their star—like footprints.

1 Normal winter weather, with wildlife settled in its habitual cold
weather pattern of life, will be almost a relief after this strange
period of summery confusion.

‘ Best wishes to all

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