xt7jh98zct2n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jh98zct2n/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1977 2013ua031 booklets  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Fact Books University of Kentucky Facts, 1977 text University of Kentucky Facts, 1977 1977 1977 2019 true xt7jh98zct2n section xt7jh98zct2n LL11; 1. Bil-111411.111};1.51111;'31-): 21111—311; ‘3-J131.110*111’111111'1111111113J >111111111.771.1710!)111111351512 '3331110311110311111111 ”11111791101 151111-3111 UIUUHQHOH URL]!
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The University of Kentucky has 13 commun— Kentucky residents normally are admitted as beginning freshmen if they graduate from an . Research grants and projects at UK have
ity colleges scattered across the state at Ashland accredited high school and submit the results of the American College Test (ACT). However, doubled in less than 10 years and the University
. . . Henderson . . . Cumberland (Southeast) . .. there are selective admission requirements for freshmen entering the Colleges of Architecture has ranked among the top research and doctoral
Elizabethtown . . . Pi'cstonsburg . . . Hopkins- and Allied Health. Non-residents of the state whose records indicate a reasonable probability of granting universities in the nation.
ville . . . Somerset . . . Louisville (Jefferson) . .. academic success at the University also are admitted. . Cancer-related research funding at the Uni-
Paducah . . . Hazard ;. . Maysville . . . Madison- Deadlines for applying for admission to the University are: Fall semester —— june 1; Spring versity of Kentucky has doubled to more than
ville . . . and Lexington (Lexington Technical semester - Oct. 15; Summer school — April 1. $4 million since 1974 and the incorporation of
Institute). Information for students on admission to the University may be obtained from 8 am. to 5 the Ephraim McDowell Community Cancer

The Community Colleges error students the p.m., Monday through Friday in Room 206 of the Administration Annex, or by writing Network, Inc, in 1975.
opportunity or taking the first two years of (Admissions Office, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506) or telephoning (257-1606). . The UK Library and its 14 branches now
their undergraduate work at home or working house more than 1.5 million volumes along
toward an associate degree in a two-year tech- TUITION , with one of the nation’s largest microtext col-
nical-vocational program to qualify them for Tuition for ful|~time (12 hours or more of classwork per semester) undergraduate students Iections and an extensive body of serial hold-
job opportunities. The colleges also Sponsor who are residents of Kentucky is $275 per semester; for graduate school $310; Law $350; ings.
numerous continuing education and adult edu- Medicine and Dentistry $1200 per year. Q The Tobacco and Health Research Institute
cation programs to meet the educational needs Non-resident tuition for full—time undergraduate students is $750 per semester; graduate at UK is a worldwide leader in the amount of
of their communities. school $800; Law $8753 and Medicine and Dentistry $2500 per year. research on the problems of tobacco and

Current enrollment in the community col- RESlDENCE HALLS health. .
leges '5 abOUt 17’000’ a”? the colleges granted a The University has 18 undergraduate residence halls which can accommodate 4,735 students . The UK Debate Team consrstently ranks
tom Of 1949 degrees m the 1.976‘77 “mm on campus. In addition, the 22 fraternities and 15 sororities house another 1,432 students. among the best college teams m the country m
year. Enrollment 1," the commumty COHCgCS has Apartment buildings on campus can accommodate 542 single graduate students. There are aiso national compet'tlo.n‘ _ .
more Eh?" mpICd m, the pa“ IO yc‘m‘ 386 units for married students and 32 spaces for undergraduate international students. . The UK Alumn',ASS°c'at'°,n now ha? about

TUItion for re5idcnts of Kentucky at the 18,000 members With 27 active clubs in Ken-
community colleges is $195 per semester ROOM AND BOARD RATES tucky and 13 outside the state from Los An-
($240 at the Lexington Technical 'hStltUtcl- Room and board rates for undergraduate students range from $1,292 to $1,556 per year, geles to New York.

depending on the meal pian selected. There is a choice of four meal plans. . Eighty percent 0f the burley tObaCCO varie-
MEDICAL CENTER ties grown anywhere in the world were devel-
The Albert B. Chandler Medical Center, EVENING CLASS PROGRAM , oped by the UK College of Agriculture.
through its wide range of programs in educa- This program includes credit and non-crediticlasses in the evening. Tuition is $23 per credit . In the 1976-77 academic year, more than
tion, patient care and research, is committed to hour. For information on current class schedule and registration call 257-2659 or write Evening 78,000 persons attended musical and theatrical
meeting the health needs of Kentuckians. C1355 Program, “2 Frazee H3”. performances and art CXhibitS on the UK
There are five colleges in the Medical Center campus.
— Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Pharmacy and INDEPENDENT STUDY PROGRAM
Allied Health with more than 1,700 students This program offers more than 150 University courses for credit by correspondence. The NICKNAME: “WILDCATS”
enrolled. program also offers noncredit courses designed to meet specific vocational needs and 40 "Wildcats" a name

The University Hospital serves some 16,000 courses at the high school level. For information on program offerings and registration call that has become synon- H7.» ‘2
patients annually and accommodates more than 257‘2955 or write Independent SIUdY ngrami] Frazee Hali. ymous with national 13> r3;
35,000 emergency room visits. Outpatient visits OFF-CAMPUS PROGRAM champions, is one of the \if“: 2,}.
total more than 235,000 annually. - ~ q , AL» \

The University offers a number of courses each year at various locations throughout the OldeSt traditions at th” "’ ‘
state based on the educational needs of the local communities. Tuition for these extension UniverSIty.The name was

DR- OTIS A- SINGLETARY programs is $23 per undergraduate credit hour and $35 per graduate credit hour. There is also a 3““th t0 the University Of Kentucky athletic

Dr. Otis Singletary _ $2 service fee for each course. For information on class offerings cail 257-2877 or write teams in 1909 When the head 0f the military
was named the eighth *‘1, Off-Campus Class Program, 114 Frazee Hall. depdartinent commented; “T20; fought lite

. - ~ ~ “ ._ WI ca 5,” in re erence 0 a - win over e
gyfjnfgggfhg 3,326,; w CONTINUING EDUCATION . . . _ _ ' University of Illinois.
scholar, and a nationally 2-: a», g) One of the. fastest growmg serVIces of the UniverSIty, continuing education programs are
recognized university ad- ‘ fi . destgned to bring people up to date with the latest techniques and Information in their fields of COLORS: BLUE AND WHITE
ministrator, he came to f - work. Numerous colleges of theUnwersrty — Including Medicine, Dentistry, Nursmg, Law, Blue and white are the colors of the Univer-
UK from Texas where he ,7 ‘Businessand Economics and Engineering — new sponsor a year-long series of programs. For sity of Kentucky. A group of Kentucky foot-
served as Executive Vice , «a Information on continuing education programs in your field of interest, call 257~2881. ball stalwarts who met to choose their colors in
Chancellor for Academic Affairs of the Univer— DONOVAN PROGRAM the 18905 were responsible for the famed blue
Sity Of Texas System. Under his "?ad?i5hlp 9K Named in honor of the fourth president of the University, the Herman L. Donovan Senior and White 0] (the University. Someone su’ggested
has mad'e tremendous progress m improvmg Citizens Fellowship program provides an opportunity for persons 65 years of age or older, re- 13.1”: and Whlte. _ blue ['ke Dmk Stoll S neck-
thc, qual'ty 0f the educat'onal ngrams Of the gardless of whether they are a resident of the state, to enroll in University courses tuition-free. t'e' .1”ng R'Chard C“ Sto” later became a
UniverSIty and its 13 Community Colleges and Some 200 senior citizens t‘ . t . th‘ l ue ll prominent alumnus and trustee of the Univer-

, par IClpa e in is un q program annua y. _
Medical Center. Sity.