xt7jh98zct12 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jh98zct12/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2005-07 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, July 2005 text GLSO News, July 2005 2005 2005-07 2019 true xt7jh98zct12 section xt7jh98zct12 h._ .
\ ,,__' ‘ GAY and «g _
7 News
- Lexlngton, Kentucky July 2005
A Publication of the Lexington tiny and Eeshian Services Uruzmization
Volume 20 Number7
ActOUT Presents: . . .
“LOST Sun d CV in Jun 9,, Jamie McDaniel WIIIS WflSSllll
It is not too late to see ActOUT’s Jamie McDaniel was presented with
_ the Wasson Award for OUTstanding
latest play, Last Sunday In June, written volunteer work forthe GLBT Community at
by Jonathan Tolins and directed by the Pride Banquet this year. Jamie has
Homer Tracy. On Fr'dey1 July 1 and accomplishedalot. He worked with others
35$?an gleilitfalaliigrsm'fim us at the in. founding SoulForce in Kentucky and
' ‘ _ 'ry eater. Free Within a year became the leader of the
- parking '5 availablebehmdthe library. group. V\fith SoulForce Jamie has studied

“Last Sunday '” June” '5“ a farce that and taught the principles of non-violence,
izngonpslade: Stifiregtzplcaaeagiarxeprfiy'o: planned and executed demonstrations,
Christopher St., Greenwich Village, New :anfi): :?r::smrcfgzr:1:t;nnog:l_ being OUt
York City where a group 0f friends gather In 2005, Jamie traveled to Colorado
to watch the Pride Parade. Michael (Marc Springs with SoulForce to protest atJames
Roland) and Tom (Brian Rollins) are the Dobson's Focus on the Family
happy couple whose apartment serves headquarters. ...continued on page 4
as a meeting place fortheirfriends.

The” friends are m””"ge“e"a”°”a' Rainbow UommuniivServiceilward
which helps give perspective on the gay " .
community including how time has The young people Of the Gay Straight
changed us as individuals as well as Alliance forYouth (GSA)won the Rainbow
changed our community. As our culture Community SerVIce Award. These young
becomes more mainstream are we menand women, 3995 14thr°99i1211 are
assimilating and losing something of making a real difference Within the”
value? The characters have a variety of schools and communities. Over the last
opinions on that issue, ranging from four and a haifyears, 80 to .90 youth have
celebration to cynicism. attended meetings at the Pride Center. It is

We get to know these men and their
opinions as they watch the cross-section
of gay life parading by. The friends are Sponsor 0f the Month
played by Darrell Maines, Ken Waibel,

Bill Chandler, Nathan Henegan and

Bradford Spears. There is one female '
character, Susan (Heather Adkins), who ”’r
gives her own perspective.

This play has received great reviews
and ActOUT is doing an excellent job of café & coffee
presenting it for out enjoyment. ActOut PJIYMJJSfi’eef— MWW KY
will also be holding auditions for its next ’
play, Southern Baptist Sissies, starting
July 6. See page 2.

 , ActOUT TYyouts
’ LE; and Southern Baptist Sissies
SERV'CES ActOUT’s next production will be Southern
ORGANIZAHON Baptist Sissies, by Del Shore. The director will be
Lexmgion/ Kenmcw David Senatore. The characters have a variety of
opinions on that issue, ranging from celebration to
5“. News cynicism. This is a heart rending and controversial
Vol 20 NO 7 play, concerning young men battling between
. ' ' , their fear of damnation and their true sense of
PUbIIShed Monthly by. sexual identity. Each character follows a different
GLSO path to find self—acceptance.
Auditions will be on July 7th and 8th at 7 pm at
ITSQM/Blgzgéigfifgégzozgfig the Pride Center or by appointment. To schedule
www.webspawneroom/users/gisooxnet an audition time call 859 338-2874 or Email
_______ dsenatore@bankofthebluegrass.co
News Editor | tFjehelrilrzalshwiii be sate: onntqluiy 1|1.Actoll"ls vgiii
ony ecae wenneee. e pay wr e
m presented September 2-3, and 9-10, with two
shows on Saturdays. ActOUT is a group of
GLSO Board professionals & amateurs open to anyone with the
. . willingness to present works by and for the gay
Thomas Collins, lPresrdent community
Sarah martln’ Vice Pres- For Information, or to arrange an audition
Ben Salyers, Secretary time contact David by phone at 859 338-2874 or
Joan Brannon email dsenatore@bankofthebiuegrass.com
Tom Collins
Mary Crone Congratulations To
Lindsay Mattingiy .
my M”'”"s Pride Idol 2005
Pride Center Office Manager . .
B’”°”"""’e’ Virginia (Mamas
GLSO Membership and i
_ . Newsletten First Runner Up
Indrvrduals or Couples $20. __ " -
For One Year Subscription. .%w. %l qflW
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News are .
those of the authors and don‘tnecessariiy Second Runner Up
represent those of the GLSO Board.
Submissions received afterthe deadline, which jmgm flag/fig?" »
is the 15th of each month, may be out ornot ‘
printed when space is limited. The staff
reserves the right to edit or reject submissions
and advertisements Cgmmunlfly News page 4

 Wasson Award: Continued from front page Other exam les of his erson to
Lastdyear he fwas one Of the national person educatiopnal work: Jansie bought _
girthtgrfioé:pjisfhgosgfiit; figs/rig): frame in a Christian store and discussed
' 'thth lk‘ftf lther
youth curriculum concerning GLBT issues :vltstoer: ertfial? r22“ vianigd/erhhiso for
adth b'bltht " . '. . .
He ,
, ' also came out to two door to door
Ealrness 0'” the! No on the Amendment Christians and when they invited him to
agtfiitghwae: :rte of the leaders of the their Southern Baptist Church he said
es, he would vis't. So he ut on a bi
Rally and protest organized when Fred éay Christian button and Vlhent to Reg.
:hgltfiecaigevtgrggtggto? rsfeveral yetars Fugate's Clays Mills Baptist Church. The
PhlZL A G group in Lexingtgnaalrho? :ansabcetel: same Rev. Fugate that did the “patriotic”
4l H I II | .
an advisor for the Gay StraightAlliance for Ohm/Graig 216:3; 3:83:51: personal
Youth. He put together information about courage and kindness who has
Egg?“ $11225?“aézzgiisoumhoongfhpgg continually made it a point of talking to
on Margin Luthsr King Jr Day thus people he knows are notyet“with us.” He
’ ' ‘ h d b' d'ff t
reaching some peoplethat may rarely hear as ma e a lg I erence 0 our
from us progress.
Rainbow Award ,,,from fronfpage An Englishclass was asked to write a
their energy and commitment that creates romantic story. A GSA member wrote his
and maintains this group of diverse and story about tW0 young men and read it
welcoming young people, aloud to the class. (Avery quiet class.)
The GSAincludes gay, straight, lesbian, Durlng ”15h! a freshman 'h college
and bisexual self-identified youth as well talkefj to members 0f 930*! fratem'ty he
as some that do notwantalabel. And what was interested in about their acceptance
have these young people done to help our of gay members. He wanted to be honest
community? Many of them are Out and ebOUt who he was and wanted a QFOUP
Proud in some of the most homophobic thatwaswelcomlng. Hefound several.
places in ourcountry-public high schools. . A htgh school senior dI'd an
When I sa “out” I am includin those who independent writing/acting prolect in
y 9 . . .
are out as allies, speaking up for their Wh'Ch he came °Ut to the audience. H's
BLGT friends even in uncomfortable thehd» a straight young man wrote .an
situations. These young people are article for the hlgh school paper in which
changing the minds of their peers and the he included e gay reference. ( tt t was
professionals that work in their schools. gay... )The prlnClpaI objected, saying that
Here arejust some ofthe examples oftheir gay students. could be offended. The
courage: young man in the preVIous example,
One male sophomore requested that he spoke “P to say that he was gay and that
be allowed to take PE - gym class with the he found the commentto be SUPPOWVG- tt
girls instead ofthe boys. Girls and boys are dtdh t get. 'hto phht» hUt that prlnCIpal got
occasionally brought together for PE units hlsgfinsrclougaréepss ralsehd. k'
such as volleyball. He felt more athome in . t e yout 3“? ma mg a
th t 't t' k d th t h t | t dlfference by not trying to hide who they
'a 5' ”a to” so as e e eac er 0 e are, by being themselves, whatever
h'm stay when the groups separated, the orientation that might be, and by speaking
boys to tackle football and the girls to flag truth to power.
I football. Andtheteacher agreed.
GLSO Page 3

tommunrtu News
l I

l .. e . QUIrk oofe & coffee
Congratulatlons to all Just fifteen mi. away from Lexington,
“Wasson Award Nominees Quirk café & coffee, owned by Laura
Joans and Sherry Patys can be found on
Jim Dickinson Railroad St. in Midway, KY. Initially created
9: Larry Collins as a small tea room in.The cafe started in a
boutique mall on the north side of our

Jane Minder ~ downtown railroad tracks.
Last Sept, after a great article in
And to Southern Living Magazine, we outgrew
Jamie McDaniel, 5? that location and moved to our beautifully
, 5 g restored early 1900's building with original
797A» ' A ""L ‘43“ tin ceilings, brick and wood interior and a
July 4th -l-'airness Charm“?! Pat'O- '

The Bluegrass Chapter of KFA is The cafe atmosphere ls filled with
planning to be in the 4th of July parade in Midway charm and history along With an
downtown Lexington again this year. You eclectic collection of abstract art and local
canjointhem at1 pm on MidlandAve, beside PnOtOQI’aPnyi gifts, handcrafted pottery,
the Herald-Leader building. They need cards, Elmwood Inn teas, whole bean
volunteers to help build the float and to help coffee, and coffee and tea ware. We adjoin
staff the information booth downtown on the Odyssey Books, owned by Walt Mates, an
4 t h. C 0 n ta Gt 8 C 0 t t y at independent bookseller, and the
Wforinformation Thoroughbred Theatre which seats up to

150 and has featured great local groups
Garage Sale including Beleza and The Batsll.

GLSO is planning a Garage Sale for We feature avariety oflive music in the
Saturday, August 6. We need donations so Gafé every Tue. night from 5330 P-8 p.The
clean outaclosetand bringitems to the Pride ever Changing musical talent includes
Center on Saturday, July 30 or during the jazz, f0|ki P0P: classical Galloi dulcimer,
following week. Call to be sure a volunteeris the blues and more. We serve our full
here. Ifyou have large items to donate you menu on Tue. evenings and Odyssey
can call Cheryl at859 523-3083. The sale remains open with a contemporary and
will be from 8am to 2 pm so at the Pride often edgy selection.

Centeron Sunday,Aug 6. Our menu offers a variety of salads ,
, , , soups, sandwiches and wraps. We serve
Ralnbow Famlhes 23 different gourmet press pot coffees &

Rainbow Families of Lexington (RFOL) v--Connnued 0'7 Page 6
is an organization for gay and lesbian ””1 1’1" ,
parents and their children in the Lexington ‘DDlnl'rflfll'ifllilllJlllvfililiilD|lil§
area. Our mission is to show our children
thatthere are otherfamilies like theirs. fim M .

We have three events planned for July. . 5,
On Sunday, July 10 there will be a RFOL % MESS 'BIEBV lU§'DifA\ 5.
Party. Call Jen at 533-6260 for time and . iv:
location. On Wednesdays, See page 6 ._--_;' ‘Cll'al§§li'c 2005' g;

f} Jae/3490, 10 35;
.3321; “mafia“! flgwi‘ - Hg 6 P11“ ggmgl'flfiws 9g 8 Fairness News pg 14-16

 I y . ,1? ~ ‘
’“fi fist-{v
café & coffee it}
Gourmet pref-jot coffees & teas
Great sa wishes & soups
Luscious desserts & scones
Live Music in Midway!
Every Tuesday Night * 5:30-8 pm.
Medley of Musical Artists
Full menu * No cover ' Shop Odyssey Books
Check our web site . wwwkygalleryaam/quirk
Tuesday * 10 a.m.- 8 p.m.
Wednesday - Saturday . 10 a.m.- 5 pm.
Sunday' 11a.m.- 4 pm.
Patio . Box lunches * Catering
Railroad Street ~ Midway, KY
(359) 846-4688 - venukygalleryeam/quirk

 ° ' . Teas along with fresh baked scones.

Lommunuu NBW8 Dropping in for one of our luscious

continued from page 4 desserts, a cup of coffee and a long talk

July 6 and July 20 we will get together at with a friend or a good book is the perfect
Shillito Park for Play Date, at7 pm. afternoon!

We invite parents as well as those who The cafe is open Tues 10a — 8 p, Wed -
arejust starting theirjourney to parenthood Sat 103 - 5 p and Sun 11a - 4 p. Carryout,
to join RFOL. To become a member call large party seating and catering available.
Jen at 533 3083 or join (859)846-4688.

Biversiiy in Gender Alliance A""°"fi§lk%$0filg§m Gr°"p
The Lexington Diversity in Gender Alliance What’s That?
(LDGA) will be meeting the second A Gay Mens Social
Saturday night in July at 7:30. Call for & Support Group
location. We will return to meeting on the First meeting Friday July 1st.
firstSaturday next month. Place: Pride Center

LDGA is open to all people who Time: 7:30 p.m.
trans?” gender norms or who are Let’s talk and meal. new Friends.
questioning their gender identity including
transsexuals, effeminate men, masculine
women, gender queers and more. Family
and supportive friends are welcome. This “ACT KY
i5 ”Ct a therapy QFOUP- Men of All Colors Together

There are two articles on lntersex MACT is a chapter of the National
'dentity 0“ Pages 20'“ Association of Black and White Men

. . . To ether. We have social et—to ethers
W'Shmg Chg” regularly. For more llnfo gemail

Wishing Chair has a number of MACTKY@ao|.com.

”Pcéming summer levents- They W“! P9 The NationalAssociation willhold it’s 25th
hOId'“9 a Recording and Songwriting annual convention, "Building Bridges... in
Workshop for Teens on Monday, July 25, at Our Communities and in Our Lives," on
the Carnegie Center for Literacy and July6-9,2005 in Pittsburgh,Pa.

Learning from 1'4 pm. _ http://www.nationalconvention.info/

On Saturday, AUQUSt 5’ they W'“ be To talkto local members who are planning
performing at The Alternative, 1032 Story to attend this milestone event contact
Ave., Louisville at 9 pm. Call 502-561-7613 Owen228445@aol.com

And finally, on Saturday, August 27. CW. , -,

The will be inLexin ton to artici ate in ,, .

Surrilmer Sounds bitween p7—9 Em at Keep the love you f'm}

Cheapside Park, 215 w. Main St. . This is a Get the '°Ve Y0” want!

free event and is outside so we suggest you ‘

bring a lawn chair. Jessica Bollinger LCSW

Lyons Levi/Leather Club Imago Relationship Therapist

The Lexington Lyons meet every third month at EMDR Trauma Work

the Pride Center. Contact Paul at 312-9346 for couples, Family, Individual

more information aboutthe club. imao oconnectioncom 859-6533

— I

GlSOPageb ~

 Richar Hazza rd
Come and Experience
’Fagku u *3 Mustang . -7 .3? ‘
aim minim sea credit _W Guaranteed?
No credit Bankruptcy Wk’ CreditAfiprmtél
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Real Estate Service With
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if, Blasu I.1's .
LB g
Scott. Ackerman Illsmcn'rlon
Mobile: 859-338-8483 E
Voice Mail: 859-294-2055 “T""S'ASM
Office: 859-269-7331 Serving Lexington 8.
E-Mail: SAcker4224@aol.com All of Central Kentucky
Call me With all your Real Estate Needs
I —
GLSO Poge7

 380 Walter Ave. 859 253-3233 .th. - .711. 10:00 - 3:00
Volunteers keep the Center open after3 and on Saturdays. Call to be sure someone is here.
save “IE “we “mel- campaign Pride Center Library Highlights:

Thanks to everyone that helped make d. .
tPrlde Month a success. GLSO made Recent Ad .IUODS
more of a profit this year than in past years By Jane Minder
andthat money will gotowards our rentand Here are some of the latest books that
other expenses. have been donated to the Pride Library.

What can you do to help save the Pride Fiction
Center this month? We have sent out a Finale; Short Stories of Mystery and
letter requesting donations and would Suspense edited by Michael Nava (Can
appreciate any help you can give us. ' number: P8648.H57 F491)

We are planning a garage sale on Aug. 6 Franny the Queen of Provincetown by
and would love for you to clean our your John Preston (CallnumberzFPres F834)
closets and bring us your stuff- We start Holy Hell: A Lillian Byrd Crime Story by
accepting donations on Saturday, JUly 30- Elizabeth Sims (Callnumber: F Sims H761)

We alsoneed additional volunteers to OtherGirls by DianeAyreS(call#FAyre087)
keep the Pride Center open on a Saturday . .

. Non-Fiction
or one evening a week. And, we need . .. . . .
Amazon Spirit. Dally Meditations for
new board members. Call 253-3233 . .
Lesbians in Recovery by Eleanor Nealy
. (Call number: HV 5139.N43A489)
Save The Pride Center Benefit at Gay and Gray: The Older Homosexual
Man, 2nd ed. by Raymond M. Berger
”as (Call number: HQ 76.8475 B496 2nd ed.)
CROSS ' Gomorrah & the Rise of Homophobia
‘ b Arthur Frederick lde 0 Il# : BS sooner
tflflarsi-gigggigg eXIng on 32/3) ( a r
_ Trials of Oscar Vlfilde by H. Montgomery
Friday, July 29, 2005 Hyde (Call number: KD 372.W54T821)
- $3.00 door cover includes a A—_9_P_lut?bi° Fa h .
chance to win one Of these Except for One Little Problem: Mem0lr
. _ of a Life in Hiding by Joan Denson (Call#:
great prize raffles. HQ 754.046 A3)
To All the Girls I've Loved Before: An AIDS
* One of two 26“ Huffy Diary by J.W. Money (Ca|l#: RC 607.A26M742)
Cranbrook Cruiser Bikes These and many other books can be
* D. f M d . checked out from the Pride Center
* inner or 0,3" a movre Library. at 389 WallerAvenue, Suite 100. l
The complete f’rSt season or If you have new or gently used books,
WiII & Grace on DVD videos, DVDs, audio recordings, or CD5 ’
* TWO tickets to the up-coming on GLBT subjects or by GLBT writers or
ActOut production Of performers the Pride Center Library
_ , , gladly accepts donations. Any materials
SOUthem BaPtISt SISSleS donated are tax deductible. Donations
And more. can be left atthe Pride Center.
GLSO Pade8

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 5!” mm
The Imperial Court of Kentucky.......................252—3914
A Charity Organization
Scott Ackerman.
For all your real estate needs......... ( voice) 294-2055 (mobile) 338-8483
Club Liquid .
2331 Woodhill Drive............................................266-0911
SisterSound 2430243
Diverse music for all women
Richardson Vision Center
1757 Alexandria Drive Gardenside...............................................278-4201
Ernesto Scorsone
Attorney At Law 2545766
Unitarian Universalist Church
Seeking a Diverse Congregation...............................................223-1448
Kentucky Fairness Alliance
Bluegrass Chapter8064114
Windy Knoll Farm
Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding.....................................299-7410
Quirt Café and Coffee .859 846-4688
Railroad Street in Midway
Debra Hensley lnsurance.............................................................276-3244
1513 Nicholasville Rd.
Laura Wigglesworth
Long Term Care Insurance specialist................1 866-582-2426 ext 4212.

 0“. "mlefler flglgndgp To schedule events at the Pride Center, call Bill at 253-3233 W ___ . .
J u I-Y 2005 Visit us on the web at: www.webspawner.comluserslglsoqxnet 7
Sunda Manda Tuesda Wednesda 'I'hursda Frida Saturday \
. 7:30 p Ga /Lesbian AA 8p ActOut resents Last
More information about man of the events are 5:30 0”“ Cafe 8‘ call for Sunda
in this newsletter. You may want/to call or email Coffee Live Mus“: (8p Actg ms Last Pub/i “.0”, ”MI”:
the group to confirm the date and time, see the in Midway Every Sunday In @
directory on back page. Tuesday Public Lib Mondays:
Pride Center ma be abbreviated - PC 7'30 Lexin ' y 8pm ' AA
Call for Place ma); be abbreviated- Call First ””9 ‘5... 5 Disc ussion/ Speaker [CON for
, _ . .. . .. W W. . .. , Location]
1 9-15 & 11a uu Church INDEPEN DAY D ' - - ' ' - ' - Tues‘hys‘
. . , rago Bingo @ Club 7p GLSO Discussmn Pride tII 7.30 p Gay/Lesbian AA 7- 30 P LeXDGA 7 m _ GSA [Ga Strai ht
10330 a St- MYChat .. .. , Liquid every Tuesday. Group-PC 6pm (call for place) (03“ W Place) AI? y g
,r (proceeds t0 benefit 8p Gay/Lesbian AA 7p Ac one for 7p ActOutAuditions for wla‘rlice] d .
. "‘ the Pride Center) Souther st Southern Baptist e nes ays. ,
Join ‘ A ' ~.1200 n 7p GSA (call for place Sissies Sissies 7pm ' GLSO D'SCUSS'On
Midland AWErch 255.5904) Gr out)
in the para e. 8pm - Gay/Lesbian AA [Ca/l
pWWW--_WWW_WWW. WW WWW; for Locat/on)
10a UU Church 7p Bluegrass Fairness-PC 7p GSA (call for place 7P GLSO DiSCUSSiOD Pride Center open til Newssem Dead‘tin‘e Eggugggfifigfgvfgfiis
10:30 a St. Mychal's 8p AA Open 255-5904) Group-PC 6pm ay/L Fridu 5'
2P Women's 40 +Gr0UPPC Discussion/Speakers 8p Gay/Lesbian AA place y ° .
4p integrity @ St. Michael's (call for place) 8pm - Gay/Lesbian AA
6p imperial Court Mtg-PC (Call for Location]
Qam — Frontrunners/Walkers @
W‘m*____m %fi%__i___fi‘fi*fi_ . UK Arboretum
7 fi—_H—mfi—_Hfifim Sundays:
13ng gthtluchh r $ng gLSO Boarthgn 7p GSA (call for place 7p GL3: Discussion Pride Center open til 7:30 p Gay/Lesbian AA Ljfdfifmfxgfifld 9:15 & i lam - uu Church
I a . YO a S p 'pen 255.5904) Group- C _ 6pm (call for place) Worshi Services.
Egggome (call Jamie 230- [scussion/Speakers . 8p Gay/Lesbi an AA , - Theater 233-0663 1 0:30 PMass, St. Mychal The
‘ (callfor place) ' Martyr.
6pm - SisterSouna Rehearsal
' @ Landsdowne Presby,
" Church.
7pm - LMC Rehearsal @ St.
108 UU Church 8P AA Open 7p GSA (call for place 7p GLSO Discussion Pride Center open til 7- y/Le ' t l Michael’s Epicopal Church.
10:30 a St. Mychal Discussion/Speakers 266-5904) Group-PC 6pm 0
p Imperial Court Mtg-PC (Callrfor place) 8p Gay/L esbi an AA r a II- I I
Be 6pm - The Imperial Court
G ' . SoulForce -
, Call Jamie 230-5625
Monthly Adlvilias:
Mondays: Tuesdays: Wednesdays: Thursdays: Fridays: Saturdays: Sundays:
7pm - GLSO Board Mtg. [3rd Mon. } 8pm- LexDGA [tst Sat.) 2pm -Women 40+[2nd Sun}
7:30pm - Fairness {2nd Mon. ] 4pm- Integrity [2nd Sun]
8pm- Lexington Lyons [2nd Mon-Every 3 months}
GLSO Page l2 GLSO Page 13

 Court Dismisses Challenge lhishCourt is nlot pjarticularly [Eersuaded
. . y t e genera ize response to t ese
AgGInSt Marriage Amendment issues, as exemplified, 'the amendment
On May 26, 2005, the Franklin Circuit dees ”0t thtbtt emP'OYe‘fS W" 9M”9
Court issued and opinion and Order domestic partner benefits lf that is what
dismissingthe case thathad been filed by they feel is 'h the” best ilnterestfn. _T°
two members of the Bluegrass Chapter borrow a phrase from LouISIana District
and KFA, VWlie Boddie and Charlotte 00“”, JUdge W'”'am A -M°"Va“tr "says
Wood, along with the Reverend Albert WhO?’
Pennybacker of the Interfaith Alliance. in However thh respect to the narrow
their complaint they contested the validity issue before the Court as to whether the
of the Constitutional Amendment on the language 0f the amendment had been
grounds that it violated the Kentucky properly framed in the ballot, the Court
Constitution because the language dismissed this allegation, noting that with
purportedly banning civil unions was so minor exceptions