xt7jh98zbf5t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jh98zbf5t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1973 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs University of Kentucky vs. Virginia Polytechnic Institute, September 15, 1973 text University of Kentucky vs. Virginia Polytechnic Institute, September 15, 1973 1973 1973 2014 true xt7jh98zbf5t section xt7jh98zbf5t I 4,   `*   ·   W ¤ {hx     Ab,
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Kentucky vs. Virginici Tech — September l5, l973 Learn Football
UK Football Program: Official University of Kentucky football magazine; Mail' ad-
dress——Memoria| Coliseum, Lexington, Ky. 40506. mg    
Editorial Staff: Russell Rice, editor; Ed Swift and Ellsworth Taylor, advisors; Jack Perry, ,
Asst. SID; Anna bruce Neal, secretary.    
Photographers: John Mitchell, Ken Goad, Bill Wells, Jim Laughead.
National Advertising Representative: Spencer Marketing Services, 320 Lexington Avenue,  
New York, N. Y. lOOl7
contents   q»
Governor Ford .......................................................................................................... 3     ,/`, l ‘
Wildcat Athletic Staff Members ...................,.......................,,.,_.._._,,,.,,__,_,_____,,,,__,_, __ 4 ,1-    ‘l   i  
Scouting Report ..................................,...........................,........................,................ 5 if   ' I .2  
\ Kentucky Advance Schedules ......,................................................,.....,...................... 7 li   .;      
Y Commonwealth Stadium ............................................................................................ 8  
" President Singletary ...........................,...................................................................... 9 -
i Athletics Director Lancaster ..................,................................,.................................. 9 ‘ I
l Coach Fran Curci 4... . ..........,..4...........................................,.............................,......... l2
What Opponents Are Doing ...........,...................................,...,.................................. l3   8 '  
UK Assistant Coaches ........,.....................,.........................................................,..... l5
Visitors Pages ..............................,..............................,........................,............... l6-l7 June     6
Rosters .........,.................... . ............................,.....................,.................................. 20   II "    
Lineups ............................... , ......................,.............................................,.,.,....... 22-23     _    
Leaves From The Past ................,............,............,............,....,................................. 25
All ln The Game .....................,............................................................................ 28-29 STAFF INCLUDES;
UK Team Pictures ......... , ....................... , ,........... . ..,.........,.............................. 30-3l-32 , Pmfessionul Players
UK Blue-White Fund ................................................................l..... 33-34-35-36-37-38
nc/vt Aiiicie ...............................................,..,..........,.......................................,.... 40 lm"` N‘F‘L‘
otiiciaia signais ..,....,........................................................................,..................... 43 ° €¤ll¤9¤ €<>¤¤h¤S
Including —
_ U. of Kentucky
A Message From The President . . . Ohio State
On behalf of the entire University of Kentucky Community, and Michigan
the U.K. Athletics Association, we extend to all friends of the • High Schggl couches
1 University who are gathered here today . . . and equally to our visi-
· tors from Virginia . . . a most cordial welcome to Commonwealth EVEQZ/_Iw1%S€ gf Foogbull
Stadium. ' 8 °V€'€
As all of you who have ever moved into a new home will readily ° BON CG"Y'“9
understand, it takes a while to get everything in place and in proper • Blockmg _
working order. We hope, therefore, that you will have an under- • POSS Cutchlrig
standing attitude with respect to any temporary inconvenience you • Qlrlcfterbgclwrlg
might encounter here today. VVhen this new stadium is finally com- • Klckmg
. . . - . •
pleted . . . as it will be within a few weeks . . . we are confident you PGSS Defense
. . . . . • ·
will find it to be a comfortable and convenient facility. Cemlérmg
\Ve at the University are understandably proud of this new facil- Lme PIOY
l ity, and we are grateful to you who are here today and to all others l·'"€ Bcckmg
i whose support and encouragement have made it . . . at long last . . . Tccklmg
1 I `
l a reality. The name, Commonwealth Stadium, was chosen quite • Pulllllg
deliberately as evidence of our recognition that it belongs not just • Runmng _
fi to this University but, rather, to all the people of the Common- COnilp_l€l€ Welghl
wealth of Kentucky. Tmmmg
VV`e will have an appropriate ceremony of dedication here at some For Information Write Or CG":
future date, when all of the finishing touches have been applied. 326] -I-isdule
Meanwhile, we hope that all of you will enjoy today’s game. And we Lexington Ky
cordially invite vou to return often for many more pleasant after- ' l
‘ . . · . . Phone 276—l357
noons . . . and evenings . . . of Kentucky football here in Common-
wealth Stadium. We do more than instruct
Thank you very much.    
l .

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I Gume One I
I I At Lexington, September I5, I973, I:3O p.m. I
l l VIRGINIA TECH—-Blacksburg, Va. Gobblers. Orange As a freshman, Collins gained 502 yards in l28 at- I
· and Maroon. Campus enrollment; I4,500. President T, tempts in IO games for a 3.9 average per carry and I
I Marshall Hahn. Athletic Director Frank Moseley. Coach three TDS, with a Ierro ruri ef 33 yards te set up a TD
I Charlie Coffey. Publicity Director Wendell Weisend (703) HQZIFISIH Igtdialta. t|·le ha;OI)0St approximately I5 pounds
I   BFI Wl 98 IUS OV€|’ . I
I Running with Collins will be senior Doug Kotar, who
l THE GOBBLERS_Wllh the nalionrs leading paSS€i,_ was third leading rusher last season and has yet to live up  
Don SlrOCl<_and five Ol his Seven mp receivers gone] to his potential as alrunner. The back·up men are sopho-
I cisarira Coffey definitely is in a rebuilding phase of a rnere $t_eve€e_rn¤e$$· and treehrnen Gree Weeds I
Gobbler offense that ranked No, I nationally last year. Erme Lewlsr *3 Iu"'°'I_wh° Surfed the Tennessee gamc
I Wide receiver Ricky Scales, figured to rate in the super and went ell the way agamst the VOISIIBSI Seasunr gels lh? I
l Category] got OH TO 3 fine Start with 8 65_yai,d TD r€_ starting nod at quarterback, ahead of junior Mike Fanuzzi, l
i ception against William & Mary last week. James Barber, wuh freshman Nuke Kypnss In the background Y
I a senior, ran ie rrraas rar isi yards, scored on a one- Annes enrrentlv ·S bn<*<-ed bv tresnrnnn Fred Benen
I yard run and Caught B nin€_yai,d pass for a TD while and sophomore Keith Bryant.- Ray Barga, No, 2 receiver,
_ saarsarraara piari Rogers raa iv times for as yards, caught end Eneene Gnnneheen n Send nent end· beth ret¤in~ -
raor passes for ll yards add unloaded rira 65-yard scor— WithT;;ajCI;ec$;Iiy Iiliuhtnsajd*;·;rj;¤;;;rg*a;;¤j;;=l3;; I
lng pass to SCaI€SI Rich Allen and Dave Margavage returning from last year I
THE SERlEs___—l-he Wildcats hold 8 5_3_2 Edge in a Rick Nuzum, a junior switched from offensive guard, I
I series which began Oct. 30, I926, with a I3—l3 standoff Could be en °uISIa'Id"II'§I cent? °I the lulu'9 _ I
I between Coach Fred Murphy’s charges and the visiting OI" §I€I€*'I$9/I IJIQH Bubba. McCollum is potentially  
  Virginians. Another meeting the following season, in the Outstandmg ilrs neie guard 'III A twe man nent that '"` I
I heyday of storied Wildcat John (Shipwreck) Kelly, saw dudes Ends Om E ters and ‘I'm HOVEY and II‘°°kI_€$ Fred I
the Wildcats emerge on the long end of a 20-6 score. Ijeaarrbelg and Pat DOnI€Y* all Of when Saw acuon het  
i$I§IE.gIifr.QIZail;tyIQLnr;li;aaIdIia frrgkyii gdiisiiiulzii Cure teen defensive eerneln Frank Letneeter eenle I
I and l942, yrrrr risa Wildcats winning and at Iaarsyriia be eintétnnrnne et *·neI>¤¤ke_r— Ned L·dve*_I has edeegt Tern I
I and then settling for a 2I-2I tie at Roanoke. After an- Ranl:Er'_ ter en LB Beet Whug Nuke Cassuy 'S the mu"` I
I other intermission——2l years this time——the series re- Star D;;I:$ib';i§:gID in his third year Sho id k Sto
. . . - . , , U TUB C 3 I" YIQ
We inn UK Wnnner 33 ‘4» at Le<·n¤*nn· ara rar arimarraaa add Alissa   ar sarary ysrrs
I Coach Jerry Claiborne, a UK alumnus now the head Ben Thomas and Jeff Woodcock complete an experienced I
coach at Maryland, brought his Gobbler team back to Sgr;Om;|ary_  
I Lexington three years later and beat the Wildcats of his While Wildcat fans don't know exactly what to ex- l
I old UK teammate Charlie Bradshaw, 7-O. Tech W0rt, pect, Tech boosters were shocked by a 3l—24 upset loss I
, 24—I4, the following year in Lexington to tie the series, to William Br Mary last Saturday at Blacksburg. Although I
I and UK went ahead with a 7-6 victory at Blacksburg in they outgained the Indians 438 yards to 296, the Gob-
.& I969. The Wildcats won, 33-27, two years ago in Lex- blers coughed up the ball four times on fumbles in the I
, ington. first half, with one setting up a W&M TD and the two
others—-on the lndians' IO and I9—possibly denyin
TODAYIS GAME--Fran CUFCIIS Wildcats are an Tech two scores. ln the second half, Tech handed thi I
unknown factor as they open with a complete new coach- Indians a TD on a 33-yard pass interference penalty and I
ing staff and a new stadium. However, there will be drew two major infractions.
many familiar names in the lineup, including l973 team It is safe to assume that Coach Coffey has worked
leaders Sonny Collins, rushing; Jack Alvarez, receiving; hard on correcting those mistakes during the past week
John Tatterson, punting; Steve Campassi, kickoff returns, and that the Gobblers come to Lexington with fire in
and Darryl Bishop, interceptions and tackles. their eyes.
{ _ ...._ 2.a- .... i
I .

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The Officiol Trovel      
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1974 1976
Sept. 14 VPI at Blacksburg Sept. ll Oregon State at Lexington
` Sept. 21 YV. Va. at Morgantown Sept. 18 U. of Kansas at Lawrence
Sept. 28 Indiana at Lexington Sept. 25 `West Virginia at Lexington
A Oct. 5 Miami (O.) at Lexington Oct. 2 Penn. State at Lexington
T Oct. 12 Auburn at Aubum Oct. 9 Mississippi St. at jackson
  Oct. 19 LSU at Lexington Oct. 16 LSU at Lexington
  Oct. 26 Georgia at Lexington Oct. 23 Georgia at Lexington .
§ Nov. 2 Tulane at New Orleans Oct. 30 Maryland at College Park
l Nov. 9 Vanderbilt at Lexington Nov. 6 Vanderbilt at Lexington
· Nov. 16 Florida at Lexington Nov. 13 Florida at Lexington
K Nov. 23 Tennessee at Knoxville Nov. 20 Tennessee at Knoxville
1975 1977
Sept. 13 VPI at Lexington Sept. 10 North Carolina at Lexington
Sept. 20 Kansas at Lexington Sept. 17 Baylor at `Waco
Sept. 27 Maryland at Lexington Sept. 24 W' est Virginia at Lexington
' Oct. 4 Penn. St. at University Park Oct, 1 Penn St. at University Park
Oct. ll Auburn at Lexington Oct. 8 Mississippi St. at Lexington
Oct. 18 LSU at Baton Rouge Oct. 15 Louisiana St. at Baton Rouge
Oct. 25 Georgia at Athens Oct. 22 Georgia at Athens
Nov. l Tulane at Lexington Oct. 29 Virginia Tech at Lexington
Nov. 8 Vanderbilt at Nashville Nov. 5 Vanderbilt at Nashville
Nov. 15 Florida at Gainesville Nov. 12 Florida at Gainesville
Nov. 22 Tennessee at Lexington Nov. 19 Tennessee at Lexington
`:»·:...    · . " it "_ ·  i·     ‘ ' 2 ·  ‘·T Q .
  it · A   .. 2 ii? U K Sh` {-
24 Y€¤ *5  "     K ?   i’t‘   ‘;§,' " S
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U K .   N       =       _ .-iv?   UK Pennants
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· i I A  K .‘_°.*.i‘-    
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at U.K. 22 years and baseball coach lo years. MT '   __ J
fi .     T ;  M  57

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  __. '?r; lj) 7 g H
We're proud to have had a major part in financing the  
CROWD PLEASER . . . The Wildcat’s great new Commonwealth Stadium.   _
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Ifurnvlri & Knight Incorporated
INVESTMENT BANKERS • 425 So, Fifth St., Louisville, Ky. 40202 · (502) 587-1246 I

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There are First Security Banks all over Lexing- Theres a First Security Bank near you. At }?[RS’]"_;`f;_
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places that are convenient. lvlany are in shop- Eastland - Chevy Chase · Northland · South-
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even know theyre there. Until you need a B_ _ rt I _ I [ B t_t_ ’
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handy bank. And look around, and there we are. g _ y p
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     Head Football Coach  t
Fran Curci brings to the University of Kentucky a new dynamic look —~  ‘  
that has resulted in a winning atmosphere throughout his playing and   F ·  
coaching career. Known as one of the most imaginative and exciting      
young football coaches in the country, he has proved that he has the     ‘
tools, the spirit and the desire to conquer seemingly impossible grid-     Z
iron situations.   __   `ii  Pri  
He came to U.K. in December l972 from his alma mater, the .  .     _ ‘  
University of Miami, Fla., where he was he`ad coach two years. He     { .
started his career as freshman coach there in l962 after making All-     .     ii gf `_ ·
America and playing as a 5—foot-9, l53 lb. quarterback for the old A  -l'..‘i     F ‘ " ‘
Dallas Texans of the AFL. ,1      l
In four years, his Hurricane freshman teams won l2 and     ;
lost two games. He then served as a varsity assistant two . _ i g
. years (l966-l967), and the Hurricanes participated  
in bowl games both those years. , V  ‘i`'   i
i Curci was tapped by the University of T.am- `N
pa in l968 to see what he could do about a
faltering football program, in three com-   y
paigns, he wrote one of the most amazing °
success stories in college football.
In his first year, he put together a 7-3 i
season, including victories over Missis— · . i
sippi State and Tulane. That earned . `
him the Florida Sports Writers /\ssoci— l' 5
ation "Coach of th