xt7jh98zb70k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jh98zb70k/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1993 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 68, No. 3, Winter 1993 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 68, No. 3, Winter 1993 1993 1993 2014 true xt7jh98zb70k section xt7jh98zb70k '1
V   Volumc 68 Number 3 Winter 1993 Q    
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 US ISSN 0016-2116 p
Table of Contents l
Carol Crowe-Carraco portrays Y
Mary Breckinridge - Barb Gibson 1 _~
Dedication Ceremony of the "Big House" - Barb Gibson 3  
My Experience as a Courier - Rachel Garber 4 W
FNS Employees - Barb Gibson , 6 I
Former Midwives and Practitioners - Barb Gibson 8
An FNS Fantasy - Josephine Smith 11
Beyond the Mountains - Deanna Severance 13
Notes from the School- Judith Treistman 16
Courier News - Susie Hudgins 20
Tidbit from Molly Lee - Barb Gibson 22
Field Notes - Susie Hudgins 23 Y
FNS Awards Scholarships - Barb Gibson 24
In Memoriam - Barb Gibson 25 I
In Honor Of - Barb Gibson 27 é
Urgent Needs — Barb Gibson Inside back cover
COVER: FNS Couriers. These are just a few of the many people who have
volunteered their time at the Frontier Nursing Service.
Us ISSN 0016-2116
Published at the end of each quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.
Wendover, Kentucky 41775
Subscription Price $$.00 a Year  
Editor'; Office, Wendover, Kentucky 41775 pi;
VOLUME 68 NUMBER 3 Winter 1993 ii
Second-class postage paid at Wendover, KY 41775 and at additional mailing offices.  
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover, KY 41775.
Copyright 1986, Fmntier Nursing Service, Inc. I

ll Carol Crowe-Carraco portrays Mary Breckinridge
t- f`
  gl In the late 70’s Mrs. Carol Crowe-Carraco was teaching
  ll History at the Westem Kentucky University when a lady from Clay
”-:_ County mentioned Mary Breckinridge to her. After reading @
  Neighborhoods, she became very interested in the history of the
Frontier Nursing Sewice.
Carol is originally from Georgia (her Sunday School teacher
, ` was an FNS nurse) but moved to Bowling Green, Kentucky a number
Q of years ago. She is a graduate of Phi Kappa Phi at the University
y of Georgia. She also obtained her Ph.D. in English History, M.A. in
J U. S. and French History and an A.B. in U. S. History.
· While working on one of her publications at Pippa Passes,
l Kentucky, Carol decided to stop by Wendover and talk to someone
A   about her interest in writing an article on Mary Breckinridge, and
_ % tl1at’s how it all began.
` N After spending several weeks at Wendover in 1978 gather-
ing information, she sent her article to the Kentucky Historical
< Society and it was published. Since then, Carol has given presenta-
tions about Mrs. Breckinridge in many different states. She spoke of
3 Mrs. Breckinridge aboard the Queen Mary while working with the
’ National Oral History Association. She also went to England and
j  interviewed several fonner FNS midwives, including Nora Kelly.Carol
' currently works with the Kentucky Humanties Council and has done
J 36 presentations on FNS history in the state of Kentucky.
{ There is no doubt that this lady has spent more time doing
t research and is more knowledgeable about the life of Mary
y   Breckinridge than anyone else at this time.
  j Deanna Severance invited Carol to be our guest speaker at
Y l the annual Louisville Luncheon this year, and it was a great success.
l { People liked her performance so well that she and Deanna later
_ attended a luncheon in Philadelphia at the Merion Cricket Club.
I ’  There were several people in the audience who knew Mrs. Breckinrid ge
it  personally, and they all said she did a fantastic portrayal of her. Carol
yr E  plans to attend more of our committee luncheons this summer
Q { introducing our history to those who may not be familiar with the
    Frontier Nursing Service.
it p Carol has 2l publications along with a list of scholarly
1   papers and professional activities. She has been the guest speaker at
sl I

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Carol Crowe-Carraco i
numerous seminars and has spoken for at least 100 local organiza- i
tions. At this time she is in the process of writing Q Qry for thc Q Qhilgrcn,
a full-length biography of Mary Breckinridge, (1881-1965), sched-
uled for completion in early 1994. Also, in the works are 200 years
cf Q Qourage, Qompassicn gc Qcnvicticn - - A Pictorial History of
Kentucky Woman, scheduled for completion in 1995, and §Qlic’s k `
Characters and Heyer’s Harvest - - A Historical Novelist Lccks at I
Regency England.
While interviewing Carol, I wondered what inspired her to
take so much time to become this familiar with Mrs. Breckinridge and
the FNS. She said it was because of her own problems with infertility
I and her interest in children. [most of you know that Mrs. Breckinridge A
had two children die, Breckie and Polly]. Carol and her husband ~
Robert have two children, Sarah Beth and Will. Carol said that she
has found Mrs. Breckinridge to be an inspiring woman, very human .
as well as humane.
I have had the opportunity to spend a little time with Carol,
and I am impressed with her love and loyal support for the Frontier [
Nursing Service. We are looking forward to having her share the _
history of FNS and Mrs. Breckinridge with many of our friends and _
supporters this summer. - Barb Gibson V

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T Carol Crowe-Carraco and Dr. Anne Wasson
k Dedication Ceremony - Big House
. It was on one of my rides alone that I jirst saw Wendover, Of
course it wasn ’t Wendover then, but I knew it would be. It was purely
by accident that I happened to be riding along the Middle Fork ofthe
Kentucky River. F or the first of many thousands of time, I rode down
Muncy Creek, forded the Middle Fork and rode slowly along its
. banks. I thought I had never seen anything lovelier than the lay ofthe
land with its southern exposure facing the great North Mountain.
I When I raised my eyes to towering forest trees, and then let them fall
on a cleared place where one might have a garden, when I passed
I some jutting rocks, I fell in love. To myseb’ and to my horse I said,
"Someday I ’m going to build me a log house right there. " Two years
. later I did. —M ary Breckinridge
· On July 17, 1991 the "Big House" was designated a National
 · Historic Landmark. The Frontier Nursing Service Board of
_ Governors cordially invite you to attend our Dedication Cer-
` emony to be held at Wendover, KY April 16, 1993 3:30-5:30 p.m.

My Experience as a Courier  
I had heard about the  
I Frontier Nursing Service for
years before I actually managed _ _  
to get there myself. Each fall, for   ti
i the past six years, one of my Y     s·  `
friends has set out for Kentucky R   S.
to become a courier. I left my '     T J '
I home in Vermont and arrived at    ;, 
Wendover remembering all the `S    V?  
. stories and visual images my ·
friends had shared with me over 0 .
‘ the years.
A My stay at Wendover V
has been too short. I find that I’m Rachel Garber f
p leaving just when faces are be-  A
coming familiar, when the stitches on the pillow I’ve been quilting are  i
getting straighter, and I have now figured out where all the "pot holes"
are on the Wendover road. However, I haven’t left too soon to collect
I my own stories. i
K Since the beginning of January I have spent most of my days ` Q.
working at the Stinnett Elementary School. I came to Leslie Coimty ¤
specifically interested in working in the schools and to try my hand ~
at teaching. While working in an ungraded primary class taught by  
Connie Adams, I tutored individual students, worked with reading
groups, played games, and observed the workings of the school. I also »
I had the opportunity to teach special units on Martin Luther King, I r.
Vermont, Health and Nutrition and the Presidential Inauguration.
Several aftemoons a week I worked at the Hyden Clinic j
helping the triage team "work-up" patients. Having been trained as ’
an EMT several years ago, I was glad to have the opportunity to I
sharpen some of my patient assessment skills. Both working at I
Stinnett and at the clinic provided me with great opportunities to do  
"hands on" work.
Among the memories and stories that I will take back with  ,v
me will be the nights spent going up to Alabam Morgan's to quilt.  .
From my first days at Wendover, Alabam opened her heart and home

  patiently teaching me to quilt while listening to country music, eating
.·· fried apple pies, drinking camip tea and listening to Alabam share her
y memories of Mary Breckinridge and the old days at Wendover.
I will also take with me memories of working with fellow
{ couriers. I helped Emily and Courmay weave bark for the seat and
L? backrest of one of Shennan Wooton’s rocking chairs. We worked
` while Sherman kept one eye and ear to the radio broadcasting the
Kentucky vs.Vanderbilt basketball game and the other eye on our
unskilled hands trying to thread one piece of bark under another.
One of my most humorous memories is finding out the
definition of a "holler". When I came here I heard people always
· using the expression "up the holler" or something similar. Especially
. in the school, when I asked the kids where they live they would say
some "holler" name. I received several different opinions explaining
V a "holler" but the day that Bessie, one of my students, came to school
i with a map will remain in my mind. Unfolding the map and spreading
it out on the table, Bessie told me she had brought the map in so she
  could show me where all the "hollers" were. I’d like to say that I’m
leaving Wendover with a clearer grasp on "hollers" but like so many
other things here I know that I have much left to learn and experience.
l However, my time with FNS has been very full and I’m hoping to
S 2 have the opportunity to retum someday. - Rachel Garber
Rachel was another one of those couriers that you don’t just forget.
‘ She has a great sense of humor that I really enjoyed. We had some
real good laughs and good times together, trying to teach her how to
» say words "Kentucky style". She was definitely a "model" courier,
and we all wish she could have stayed longer.
- Barb Gibson

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p FNS Employees l
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I Wanda Hacker Virginia Whitehead
  Wanda Hacker began working at the Frontier Nursing Ser-
2 vice February 10, 1969 as a nurse aide in the clinic at the old hospital.
t Now, she is the EKG, Holter Monitor and EEG Technician and also
i the casting therapist at the Mary Breckinridge Hospital.
Wanda wasn’t plarming to start work when she did 24 years
5 ago, but she went to visit her sister in the Hyden Hospital and Valarie
Jewell, Supervisor of the Medical Surgical ward, asked her if she
; wanted a job. Wanda had justrecently finished a three month nurse ’s T
t aide training program so she was already qualified. She started
* working in the clinic on the following Monday. I
p Wanda was bom in Harlan County and moved to Leslie
T County when she was very young. She has lived in Leslie Cotmty for ’
most of her life with the exception of living in Bristol, Tennessee and
Williamsburg, Kentucky for short periods of time.She and Matrend ,
i (Doc) Hacker have been married for 33 years and they live at Stinnett,
Kentucky. Doc works at the hospital in the Maintenance Department. `
They have two children, Tony and Wayne and one grandson, Cory.
Wanda says FNS has meant a great deal to her family. S
p Because of this job both of her children were able to graduate from T `

i college. She feels that the people of Leslie County are fortunate to
  have the Mary Breckinridge Hospital to provide jobs and health care.
I I worked at the hospital with Wanda for several years and
observed that she always took her job seriously and was always very
M t caring of her patients. She says she loves her job and hopes to always
be a part of the Frontier Nursing Service.
Virginia Whitehead
Virginia Whitehead started working in the dietary depart-
ment at the old hospital February I4, 1969 and has given FNS 24 years
of dedicated service. She was hired by Mrs. Butcher, who was the
supervisor of housekeeping at that time. Virginia had the opportunity
l to work with wonderful people like Eniree Napier, Juanita Smith, Etta
I Mae Collett, Doshia Bowling, and Jean and Jane Muncy.
. Virginia is a native of Leslie County and has lived at Grassy
Y Branch of Stinnett, Kentucky all of her life. She is married to Clifford
. Whitehead who works in the security department at the Mary
Breckinridge Hospital. They have five children: Roy Lee, a contrac-
tor at Winchester; Roger Wade, a miner at Shamrock Coal Company;
I Diane, payroll clerk at FNS; Gena, clerk at K-Mart Stores in
I Richmond and Randy, employee at Begley Lumber Company in
_ Hyden. They have six grandchildren.
p Virginia says that "FNS is home away from home." During
~ my years of working at the hospital, I cannot ever recall going to the
dietary department and finding Virginia anything but helpful or
· pleasant. She has always been ready to assist or be of help in any way
I she can. Thank you Virginia!
—Barb Gibson

I Former Midwives and Practitioners
I As a result of excellent training at the Frontier Nursing
I Service, many lives are being saved through the FNS model of
healthcare across the United States and in other countries.
p I recently contacted several FNS Alumni for assistance with ,
A a projectI'm doing, and it caused me to think about the many lives that 1
Q FNS is still touching today. Q
I talked to Valarie (Chaplain) Arcement in San Antonio, Q
Texas who is working part time in an indigent care clinic. Gail {
I Alexander in Portland, Oregon just started working at a new medical }
clinic located in the high school. It is becoming a requirement for 1
I the state of Oregon to have medical clinics in all of their high schools.  
§ Laurie Snead is practicing midwifery and teaching in Cleveland,  
Georgia. Phyliss Long is also teaching and doing midwifery in  
Hanover, New Hampshire. Mona Lydon-Rochelle is doing mid- E
I wifery and research at the University of New Mexico. Sharon
; (Leaman) Trani and Marsena Howard have had opportunities to
’ use their expert nursing skills in Paraguay, South America.  
Sharon and Marsena became familiar with Paraguay through  
  the church they both attend in Pennsylvania, which sponsors a l
I medical clinic, a school and a church there. Sharon went to Paraguay {
i in March of 1989 for five months and again during October, 1991 for
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L Phyliss Long, New Hamphire ;
seven months. Marsena is inParaguay now until March, 1993.There  
I are approximately six families from their church living there now [
operating the mission program and trying to establish churches. {
The medical clinic is a small building consisting of a {
pharmacy, an examining room, a delivery room and an obser-  
vation facility. No home births are done due to the poor living {
conditions there. They have no running water or electricity. At the §
clinic they do have a generator and can have running water most of the
time. Sharon said the living conditions there are similiar to the earlier
days of Mary Breckinridge in Leslie County. She shared with me
some of her experiences since she has been in Paraguay, and they  
certainly sounded challenging. She said her good training at FNS,  C
along with praying to God, was the only way she handled some of  =
those situations.  —
Marsena plans to retum soon to her private midwifery `
practice in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and Sharon is currently working Q
at the Welsh Medical Center near Lancaster.
These are just a few examples of the unique and inspiring  .
experiences former FNS employees are having nation and world- l `
wide. We hope that those we've not heard from are finding as much g
success and happiness as the ones we've mentioned here.  _
- Barb Gibson _»

S An FNS Fantasy
{ I began corresponding with Josephine Smith who resides in C alyfor-
_ nia about eighteen months ago. So many things in ly‘e happen as
  serendipity. Mrs. Smith continues to be a prolyic writer and has a
i column on aging published in her local newspaper. Asking her to
I write an article about her introduction to Mrs. Breckinridge and how
[ she fantasized about becoming a Frontier Nurse was a natural
{ outgrowth of our long distance relationship! Many nurses I have met
[ have said how they heard about the FNS in the "early days".
Although marriage, education, children, and the like prohibited their
coming, these women still reserve the fantasy that one day they too
. will be nurses on horseback. Many thanks, Mrs. Smith, for the
E. deli ghyul article! -Deanna Severance
l I’ve read the Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin for
{ more years than most of you are old. Always I’ve tumed first to the
I letters from departed nurses, departed couriers because I counted
{ them my friends; some I got to know by name (frequent letters) and
  I began to think we’d worked together.
* Let me be more specific. In the Fall 1992 Quarterly Bulletin
lg the dedication of the issue was given over to Dr. Anne Wasson who,
bless her, was bom in 1920. She was three years old when I met Mary
Morrison Breckinridge founder and patron saint of FNS. I was a
, student nurse in training at St. Luke’s Hospital, New York City, in the
Q class of 1924, and Mrs. Breckinridge, a St. Luke’s nurse in the class
 , of 1910, came frequently to the city. You can guess why; the tragic
; experience of the loss of her two young children, (due, it is said, to
° inadequate medical care in the wasteland of medical resources in rural
_; Arkansas) created the idea of the Frontier Nursing Service. She
i needed backing, she needed funds, she needed help and one great
source of support came from the splendid people in New York City
 ` » who caught her dedication; and she also needed nurses. So she came
to her old school and prowled around for help there.
 _ The nursing school administrators were enthusiastic and did
 .` what they could to present various students who just might make the
2 Frontier Nursing Service their goal. I was one of three such students
 . assigned to meet with Mrs. Breckinridge. You just can't guess what

I vitality poured out of that woman, as she cast her net around the three
of us. She had every lure, every fact, every dismal problem, and every ‘
challenge, and we listened. I’m not sure how many if any, nurses she
i inspired to join her, but I can say that every nurse who heard her talk _
about Wendover never, never forgot her or forgot the expanded bright [
horizon of what it meant to be a nurse, where a nurse counted. l
~ Nurses on horseback! It said it all. Skill, vigor, profession- ·
alism. Glamor, pioneering-—Mrs. Breckinridge personified all of it.
I I don’t know how many of us responded. I didn’t. I clumped off to
_ the AmericanHospital at Neuilly (outside Paris) forawhile. Dullsville, ,
no horses. I came back to teach at the Yale School of Nursing (under  
I Annie W. Goodrich, another St. Luke’s nurse, another fire-eater). No §
f horse, but New Haven had other wasteland to conquer, on foot. i
But don’t think for a minute I forgot FNS. It was, and often  
still is, my favorite fantasy. Like this; I’m at a sort of logging camp  
setup at Wendover; I’m a super-nurse (of course); it’s late at night and I
i word comes that Sarah Ann is in labor, having a hard time, no  
supplies, no nothing. I toss my kit on my horse and off we go into the E
pitch-black night. The little stream that had so lazily twinkled by had  
become a rushing torrent from a flash flood. The side of the mountain I
was a glop of mud. On we went, with the speed of light (skillful E
s horsemanship, stout horse) to the rickety cabin where Sarah Ann was  
with her husband and four young children milling around. One
I glance, and the husband had made a fire in the decrepit stove, put on ;
a kettle of water, gave the children pieces of bread (which I’d brought) ,
and put them on a pile of bedding in the comer. Meanwhile, I’d been Z
A seeing what’s what with Sarah Ami and getting her into the spirit of i
working at the birthing; delivered triplets (smallest was 7 pounds), got `
her fixed, cleaned up, drinking tea, baby nursing already; and with a
cheery "see you in the moming!" I leapt on my steed and skidded _
down the mountain again. `
Nurses on horseback. You can’t beat it, I don’t care how »
many jeeps you have. One more thing, and this time not a fantasy. I  
kept in modest touch with Mrs. Breckinridge for years, and I remem-
ber once beseeching her not to die before I did, for I wanted her to
write my obituary. Do any of you remember those obituaries she ~
wrote and published in the Quarterly Bulletin? They were/are I
masterpieces. So gentle, so compassionate, so loving; they gave a gift ‘

A of peace and fulfillment, or a soft sorrow. Just remembering them, I
{ feel a warm shawl of grace comforting me for my own losses.
It’s a great game to play: "What if .... ?" Would I have had my
60 years with my dear husband, my four children, my "other"
, professional life, which has been so rewarding? Obviously not. But
i there are unfulfilled wishes that I will never be able to complete in this
I life, for I’m now 94. One is to learn to play the cello, and the other
p is to be a Frontier Nurse Midwife. They aren’t incompatible.
f Would you be good enough to put me down for the Class of
"199 .... " Please? I’ll be there in spirit, I assure you.
i Josephine Smith
E Beyond the Mountains
  Fall is always such a busy time at Wendover. Within the
T mountains so many generous gifts are received from our friends
  beyond the mountains. I wish all of you could feast at our Thanksgiv-
E ing table at the "Big House". The staff has a break from cooking while
  the couriers and management prepare the meal. Then the Christmas
  holidays are upon us. Many of you enable us to bring Christmas to
{ children and families in a way otherwise impossible for many. The
{ Daughters of Colonial Wars have for many years provided funding
A for children's Christmas items. I watched with misty eyes and a lump
? in my throat as children were brought to the Community Health
t Center at Big Creek, Kentucky. Santa had arrived and distributed
P books, a toy and fruit to the little ones. I sometimes take for granted
  the shopping malls, glittering snow houses with Santa seated inside,
. and pictures for $5.00. For these children, this was their Christmas
visit with Santa. Thank you, dear supporters, for making this
g possible.
’__ November 6, the Executive Finance Committee of the Board
of Governors met in Lexington. Many thanks to Leigh Powell,
’ William Hall, Ken Tuggle, Nancy Hines and Jolm Foley for giving
~ their personal time so generously. As our country continues to
I struggle with health insurance at the national level, our Board of
Govemors struggle with reducing costs where possible. The Board

has adopted a self-funding health insurance and long—tenn disability
programs to reduce costs. We are considering the same for worker's I
compensation. ‘
Board of Governors member Ken 'I`uggle, FNS Chief Finan— Y
cial Officer Clark Myers, Ernst & Young auditors John Yeager, Joe
Smith and Mark Harder and I traveled to the state capital in Frankfort,
Kentucky on November 16, to appeal Medicaid reimbursement for
rural health clinics. Our CFO uncovered funding for which FNS was
eligible. Working with the auditors, our case was prepared. I am
happy to say the appeal ruling was in our favor. Many thanks to Mr.
Myers for his diligence, and many thanks to Mr. Yeager, Mr. Smith,
and Mr. Harder for the excellent written appeal!
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Deanna Severance, Carol Crowe-Carraco and Mary Hodge at the
Philadelphia Luncheon. I
As mentioned elsewhere in the Bullezin, Carol Crowe-Carraco  
and I traveled to Philadelphia for a luncheon at the Merion Crickett p
Club featuring Mrs. Crowe—Carraco's presentation of Mary i
Breckinridge. Imagine my surprise when Carol told me that Mrs. I
Breckinridge had the Philadelphia Committee meeting at the Cricket g
Club in 1939. I wish to thank those attending: Carole Springer,  
Elizabeth Taylor, Mrs. Ernest von Starck, Helen Shoeber, Laura {
Kalenbach, Louise Mae, Polly Pease, Ame Farr, Bubbles Moore,  
Chris Canino, Jane Moore, Betsy Wilkins, Barbara Chimicles, Suzanne  
. E

Lammers, Bomiie Harkins, Hannah Randolph, Mary G. Hodge,
_ Anne Sinclair, Edith Mungall, Olive Young, Geanor Helm, Anna
8 Lewis and Lucy Hom.A personal message to Mary Hodge: Thank
you so much! You are marvelous. Retuming from Philadelphia I ran
_ into Kitty Emst at the airport. Small world!
5 The Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing
  Executive Committee of the Board met in Lexington January 15. The
  Board invited the administrative council to brief them on the status
i of the Community-Based Nurse Midwifery Education Program.
i Penny Annstrong from Gordonville, Pennsylvania, Kate McHugh
Q from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Kathy Carr from Seattle, Wash-
1 ington joined Dr. Treistman in the presentation. The rapid growth of
  the program has placed many demands on the school. This council
provided meaningful information and launched the strategic planning
` process.
Chief Operating Officer David Southem, Board member
  Ken Tuggle and I traveled to the American Hospital Attomey's
F conference in St. Petersburg, Florida on February 15 and 16. A
tremendous amount of information was packed into this two day
t conference. The sessions on bylaws and credentialling resulted in
i immediate work. The sessions on managed competition and inte-
i grated health care delivery systems were thought provoking. All
t . . . .
t around the mountains the health care delivery system IS changing.
I Thinking of the national planning and the FNS system reminded me
` of the saying: the more we change, the more we stay the same.
E Congratulations to Kate Ireland, the newly elected chairman
of the board of trustees for Archbold Medical Center in Thomasville,
_ Georgia. She was elected a trustee of John D. Archbold Memorial
M Hospital in 1980 and joined the Archbold Medical Center and
g Archbold Health Services boards in 1983. Kate was also recently
I 1 recognized by the Thomas County Chamber of Commerce by receiv-
1 ing the "Pinnacle" award. This award is presented periodically, and
- Kate is the sixth individual to receive the honor since the Chamber 's

inception in 1921. Members of the Chamber of Commerce
complimented Kate with these words; " Tonight's recipient has never
demanded respect, but earns it and earns it in a totally gracious manner A
- - a marmer that encourages those about her to do more and do better."
- Deanna Severance _
Notes from the School: Starting the New Year
It gives me great pleasure to introduce an important new group of
faculty. The members ofthe FSMFN Administrative Council.
Kate McHugh, CNM,
  MSN, is a native Philadelphian. . e . I  
I She lives in the middle of the I `xl   l  i  _
I city, on a tiny side street of
. closely knit neighbors and      
‘ family members. She and her  A H  a  I
physician husband, who directs “   ‘ it.y 
a medical residency have a son (   j ·»»· ~,
and three daughters aged 11, 9,   "'C."j`C$’x ,
5 and 3. Kate is a graduate of ` A
1 the University of Pennsylvania  
and St. Louis University.
After midwifery school Kate McHugh
Kate practiced and taught at Yale University for two years. In 1982
the family returned to Philadelphia, where she joined the nurse-
midwifery practice of The Birth Center of Bryn Mawr. Kate McHugh
is very active in professional organizations and became the Chair-
person of the Pemisylvania Chapter of the American College of Nurse
Midwives. She has served on the Mayor’s Public-Task Force on
V Infant Mortality while continuing to practice and teach at the
University of Pennsylvania, and is presently principal investigator in
a federally-funded project involving work with substance abuse. ~
I Kate became acquainted with CNEP while working with
Permy Armstrong (see below) on our Preceptor Training Workshop.
Since its beginnings in 1991, the CNEP Preceptor Workshop has ·
been presented all over the country and has been attended by over two
hundred nurse-midwiveslln the fall of 1992 Kate left her position at

the University of Pennsylvania and came on board for CNEP,
, working full-time as Academic Director while still living in Philadel-
phia. Kate works very closely with our far-flung academic faculty,
making sure that they feel part of our CNEP community. She
— provides gu