xt7jh98zb66j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jh98zb66j/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1973-07-13 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean Bulletin, July 13, 1973, no. 8 text Bulletin, July 13, 1973, no. 8 1973 1973-07-13 2014 true xt7jh98zb66j section xt7jh98zb66j -, --   r  I _ Ml; ~ §- ans
_ RIthARDscN: Qne Kentucky Department of Educa- Q __é JQ §n¤ . »§ w
~-···-·;--···—·—-—~·—·— _ _ , _ wumrr Rgy gums Camas.; t-J v
.tion has recently published John Bicharcspn I
Jr.'s “A Checklist of Articles in the Educa;
ti2nE£;§nllc;in_of the Kentucky Department*of UNIVERSITY CF KENTUCKY
Education, Volume l~40, l933—l972." Because no LIBRARIES
annual nor cumulative index had been published
for this monthly series, John's compilation July 13, 1973 No. 8
should aid librarians as well as researchers - · -- __________
in education. __ _
BEQWE: "The Library: A Key to Improved Vocational Agriculture Programs"
is the title of the article to appear in the August, 1973 issue of the
  Magazine. Ms. Mary Ruth Brown authored the article.
POSITION OFENINGS: Map Dept., classified, open now, see Jim Minton;
Biological Sciences, new professional, open now, see Bill Lee; Circulation,
professional, open now, see Mr. Gordon; Cataloging, classified III and
classified V, open now, see Ms. E.V. Emith.
MEMO: A note from the VP for Business Affairs and Treasurer states that
effective June 22, 1973 all state owned vehicles will not exceed 60 mph in
a 70 mph zone and not exceed 50 mph in a 60 mph zone. All this has to do
with Governor Wendell H. Ford*s effort to reduce gasoline consumption in
state vehicles by lO%. -
NQ_QOMM§NT: A special New York state commission headed by Robben W. Eleming,
president of the University of Michigan called for "... banning all current
and proposed Ph.D. programs that do not pass a new test of ‘high quality‘
and clear need". Quality, not quantity. (College & University Business,
55:15, July l973)
AQ§U§T_l0: Make an attempt to find a copy of the memo circulating from the
Director's Office concerning this date. The essentials are: King Library and
Fine Arts Library will be shut down to have the electrical service up~graded;
the library will be open again on the llth; payday for biweekly will move U
to August i3. Again, please find that memo for all details.
MEDLINE: "State University of New York and the federal government will
virtually double the capacity of Medline, nationwide computer medical inior»
mation system used by researchers in the U.S. and abroad. Under terms of a
$240,000—a~year contract with the National Library of Medicine, the Univer-
sity's computer headquarters in Albany becomes the second center in the
largest bibliographic retrieval service of its type in the world: The system
now offers physicians and researchers instantaneous search of a list of ’
400,000 titles indexed from 1,200 major medical journals. Some l£0 medical
libraries in major U.S. cities and four medical libraries in France and
Canada use the system." (EDUCOM, 8:23, Summer l973)_
EDlTORIAL: When faculty salaries were made openly available to everyone
fecenflyi some people seemed to have something to hide. They voiced their
opposition. We are, however, state employees and the taxpayer has every
right to know where his money goes. We as librarians supposedly support the
Freedom of Information Act. Lest the resultant furor obscure the real
reason for publishing salaries, remember it was the possibility of discrim~
ination. And I maintain that if one wants tc see discrimination, let's see
the classified and student salaries published where the real inequities
occur. (J.R.) '
154 days to the BIG MOVE