xt7jh98z9w87 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jh98z9w87/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1944-11-03  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November  3, 1944 text The Kentucky Kernel, November  3, 1944 1944 1944-11-03 2013 true xt7jh98z9w87 section xt7jh98z9w87 Best Copy Available

The ECentucky Kernel

Grab Yourself
A Man Gals!

Kentucky Editors
Voice Salary Views





Students May
Underdog Wildcats Tackle Home Vote
Unbeaten Mississippi State
At 2 p.m. Today In Memphis

'Cats Could Upset
Maroons Chances

University students who wish
to return to their homes to vote
in the presidential election next
Tuesday, will be permitted to
do so. President H. L. Donovan
stated Thursday.
While the day will not be a
holiday, absence from classes
will be accepted without prejudice, with the student responsible for the work he misses, Dr.

By Betty Tevis
When the underdog Wildcats from
Kentucky tackle Mississippi State's
legaue-leadin- g
Maroons tonight in
Memphis, they will be attempting
their second Southeastern Conference win against a team slated to
remain undefeated in conference
Practice this week has remained
dosed and local writers expect Ab
Kirwan to spring something new on
Quarterback Bill
the Maroons.
Chambers is back in the game,
Klein's leg injury is healed, and
halfback Jim Howe is out of his
shoulder cast, so injuries will not

present their usual cramp on the

Big Blue's offensive style.
The 'Cats left yesterday for Memphis after four days of practice,
and will return tomorrow.
Tes Scorer
The Maroons' stellar back is Tom
"Shorty" Mc Williams, who has
crossed more goal lines than any
other man in the conference. Built
around McWilliams' triple threat
skill Js a powerhouse offensive
which has slashed through every op-

ponent this year.
McWilliams has completed 17 out
of 83 passes for 317 yards, and has
dragged the ball accross rivals' goals
10 tunes for 60 points. His punt re
turns and average gains per carry
are equally impressive; Bernie
Moore of LSU comments that the
nly way to stop McWilliams is not
to schedule Mississippi State.
Cats Lag ia SEC
After Friday's performance of both
teams, the report give Miss, a 48
point edge on Kentucky. LStJ tied
Alabama but was defeated by 7
points by the Maroons, while the
Crimson Tide swallowed Kentucky
41-- 0.

Leading the SBC race, in addition
to the Maroons, are Georgia Tech
and Tulane each with one victory
and no losses. Tennessee, with four
victories and no losses, but with one
tie, is close behind the leaders.
S landings fa conference , games
Georgia Tech


.. t "





,27,-- .






























Kyian Queen Contest
Set For November 14
To Be Chosen


Sweater Swing . . .
. . . from 6 to 7:30 tonight in the
Union ballroom, to welcome the
new AST men on the campus. Students, as well as soldiers are invited.


Phi Beta
. . . tryouts at 4 p.m. Wednesday in
the Music room of the Union building.
Fox and Honnd chase
at 4 pjn. Saturday by the Out
ing club. The group will leave the
Union at 4:15 pan. and the chase
will begin at 4:30 pan. Interested
students are asked to sign up in
the Outing club booth from 9 a.m.
to 5 pjn. today. The charge will be
30 cents per person.
Dutch Lonch Club
. . . will meet at noon today in the




Football room.
Kentacky Archaeological society
. . . will meet at 7:30 Monday night
in Room 201 of the Physics building.
Mr. Glenn A. Black, state archaeol
oglst of Indiana, will lecture on the
Adena finds in Indiana. Students
are Invited.
Chi Delta Phi . . .
. . . will meet at 5 pm. Wednesday
in the Union building.
Inter-Fait- h
council . . .
. . . open house from 3 to 5 pm. this
Sunday in the Union building. All
Lexington churches and their ministers are invited. The date, November 5, was omitted in last week's
announcement of the open house.


I'pnerelass IM-T. . . party at 6:45 pm. Tuesday in
the Union ballroom. The theme will
be Sadie Hawkins week, and students and soldiers are invited to attend.


"Parson of Panamlnt" with
Charlie Ruggles, Ellen Drew, and
Phillip Terry, will be shown at 5:45
and at 7:30 pm. Monday In the
Union theatre. Aiiss!cr ! 16c.

students of
voting age may cast votes for
Dewey or Roosevelt by obtaining absentee ballots from their
home states.

and entertainment. Plans for the
program are still tentative, but a
skit, a dance, and music are in order.
A string ensemble will furnish the
music during the presentation of

A. O.

is truly tragic that the poli
ticians and the diplomats, with
minds of yesterday and not of tomorrow, are today losing the great
peace by defeatist attempts to revive the hopeless leagues of the past
age simply because they are unable
to grasp the revolutionary impli
'cations and the scientific certainty
of the Total Peace system," said
Ely Culbertson in presenting his
peace plan for world peace before
the University student body and
faculty members at convocation

Mr. and Mrs. A. Owsley Stanley
of Washington, D. C, will arrive
Thursday, November 9, for a short
visit with Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Donovan.
Mr. Stanley, alumnus of the University, is a former governor of
Kentucky and was a United States
He is now
senator from
on the International Joint Commission authorized to settle disputes
over boundary waters between the
United States and Canada.
Friday, November ID at II a.m.,
Mr. Stanley will address a group of
Three new members were elected students in certain classes of social
to the Student Union Board in an studies and the AST men on the
election Monday, with students vot campus.
ing at the booth in the Great hall
of the Union building.
Of the six candidates, the three
who were elected to fill the existing
1919-192- 5.

SUB Elects

Three Members

lor, A&S Junior from Lexington,
with 185 votes; Maurice Leach, A&S
junior from Lexington, with 146
votes; and Reginald Bowen, A&S
sophomore from Elizabeth town,
with 125 votes.
To be eligible to serve on the
Student Union Board, a student
must be a junior, have at least a
1.5 standing, should have served on
some of the SUB committees, must
be nominated by members of the
board and elected by the student
Officers for this year are: Gwen
Pace, president; Marian Yates, vice- president; Doris Smith, secretary;
and Ruth Dimock, treasurer. Other
student members are Elizabeth
Craps ter and Mar t h a Ringo.

Ir addition to the nine student

members, Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes,
Dr. W. S. White, Dr. T. T. Jones,
and Dr. M. M. White serve on the
board, with Mrs. Dorothy Evans,
and Miss Mackie Ransdall as

Outing Club
Vrnia OfTiofc

Winnie Roy Lewis, Agriculture
senior from Wildie, has been elected
president of the Outing club. Other
officers chosen are: Gene Whicker,
A&S sophomore from Lexington,
Ann Buntin, A&S
freshman from Carlisle, secretary;
and Mary Lillian Davis, A&S Jun
ior from Shelbyvllle, publicity



At the second convocation of the
year, Mr. Culbertson, widely known
system" for
for his "Culbertson
playing bridge, presented another
"system" one for the organization
world. Also an expert
of a post-won international politics, Mr. Culbertson claims that his peace plan
is Just as workable and much less
complicated than his method of
playing bridge.
Fnlfills Requirements
According to Mr. Culbertson his
is the one international system yet
presented which fulfills the two primary requirements for a world settlement, that is, effectiveness in its
basic goal of collective defense
against aggressors and political acceptability. Through his addresses
and a book he has written detailing his plan, he hopes to obtain the
support of the American public as
warm reception
an assurance of
in Washington.
From liiere lie
seems certain the movement will
successfully spread to foreign
Proposes Council
Mr. Culbertson proposes a Council of thirteen world trustees with
delegated power limited to the enforcement of a world quota limitation of heavy armaments and the
prohibition of wars of aggression.
All countries will be represented
either directly or Indirectly In the
council which will enforce its majority vote decisions by highly
trained and highly paid special
armed forces. This army of peace
will be composed of volunteers from
the smaller countries.
The expenses of the council will
be shared by the various member-stataccording to their limitation
quotas. Other than the limitation
of armaments Mr. Culbertson 's plan
apparently does not interfere with
the functions or conflict with the
laws of any country.
Mr. Culbertson emphasized the
fact that the Total Peace system
makes it impossible for future war
lords of Asia and Europe even to
start rearming, let alone conduct a
successful war of aggression.
Solves Problems

Saturday nite in the Union
and stags will be auctioned
off to the highest female bidder as
her date for the evening. The dance
will be held from 9 to 12 midnight,
and music will be furnished by the
Kampus Knights. You is in danger
in danger of being carried off by
a beautiful Daisy Mae. or reason
able facsimile. Proceeds of the auction will be donated to the Athletic
Alumni association, for they want
to place a plaque on the football
field in honor of University athletes.

All right, all right, who IS going
to be elected next Tuesday Roosevelt or Dewey?
True to its tradition of serving
the campus dwellers, The Kernel
sent its reportorial whizzes out
along the campus walks with the
$64 question.
After looking over
the data collected the conclusion
is this:
If you happen to interview a hotbed of Roosevelt supporters, FDR
is sure to win going away.
If you amble into a collection of
Dewev admirers, TD is going to
breeze in under wraps.
So if you can hold on until Tues
day night or better still, wait until
The Kernel comes out next Friday,
you may be fairly sure of having
a straight answer. Meanwhile, some


Choose Daisy Mae
Daisy Mae of 1944 will be chosen
during the dance, with Judgm"
based on physical resemblance, cos-

tume, or lack of It. and general




A chase, like

the traditional one, will be held to
find partners for each dance.
Tickets for the dance will be on
sale In the Union building or can
be bought from any member or "try-siis 50c for each person what
wants to come.
Remember, for a week It win be
perfectly legal for any gal to ask
any man on the campus for a date.
This also means opening doors, and
buying cokes and fudge cakes.
Shoes are necessary for the dance,
but pigtails are essential, and if
you don't come in costume youll

English Violist Expresses
His Impressions Of America

Hyar Am
Yo' Rules

By Casey Goman


William Primrose, the English
violist who opened the 1944-4- 5 Sunday afternoon musicale series at
Memorial hall, presents a personality as intriguing as his music.
rush of
After the
appreciative music lovers thinned,
and Mr. Primrose had carefully
wrapped Bnd put away his Stradi-varlone of the few fine examples
of the viola made by the master-- he
began to tell me something of
his impressions of America, and of
The country surrounding Lexington, said Mr. Primrose, is very like
the rolling landscape of England,
especially the middle and southern
counties. Little clumps of woodland,
a suggestion of a stream running
through a green field he feels
quite at home.
Last year Mr. Primrose arrived
in Lexington during the March ice
storm, and his audience was composed of those who would allow not
even ice to keep them from one of
the finest concerts of the year. This
season Memorial hall was packed
hv, a most appreciative crowd.
Mr. Primrose explained, after commenting upon the graciousness of
his audience, that the difference
between European and American
concert goers lies in their attitude.
Europeans seem bored, as if nothing
new could be presented to them
they know it all. Americans, he
said, are alive. Interested, eager to
receive the thoughts and impressions of the artist. It is a tremendous challenge to the performer,
commented Mr. Primrose.




"For the first time in history,"
said Mr. Culbertson, ' "the Total
Peace Formula has solved the three
hitherto unsolvable problems of
sovereignty in an effective International organization: the problem of
representation; the problem of delegated powers; and the problem of
an international police force. This
(Continued on Page Three)

Philosophy Club
Elects Officers,
Names Committees
Elizabeth McNeal, Lexington, was
elected president of the Philosophy
club at the second meeting of the
year Monday night. Other officers
elected were: Lucy Meyer, Lexington,
and Ann Stephenson, Pikeville, secretary.
Miss McNeal appointed the following committees: John Cutler and
Virginia Baskett, program: Lucy
Meyer, membership; Doris Singleton, publicity; and Hughette Balzola
and Elizabeth Street, activities.
The following students were elected to membership at the meeting,
according to Miss McNeal:
Newland, Ann Herndon, Lucy Meyer, Ann Stephenson, Frances Street,
Elizabeth Street, Helen York, Sue B.
McClannahan, Wanda Lee Spears,
Doris Singleton, Mildred Cooper,
Virginia Walton, Richard Baker and
Richard Howard.
The next meeting of the club will
be held at 7:30 p.m. Monday, No
vember 13 in Frazee hall.

Betty Sue Capen
Wins Chio Award
The annual presentation of the

Chi Omega award to the university
woman with the highest standing in
economics was made Tuesday, October 24, to Betty Sue Capen, Commerce senior from Fort Knox.
Chi Omega sorority presented the
winner with a $25 war bond, following a formal dinner in her honor.

Whereas: Some young men atnt
havta' the social life they oughter,
Whereas: Some young ladies
ditto, and
Whereas: Male pocketbooks need
a rest.
Be It resolved and proclaimed
The University of Kentucky's Sadie
Hawkln's week, November 1,
the year of our Lord one thousand
will be
nine hundred forty-fogoverned by the following:
1. It's the gals who pay the bills,
pay the cashier and tip the waiter
with the water, during the week.
2. Gentlemun must sit by the
phone and wait for her to call for
a date and wait and wait.
3. Now about doors. Girts open
'em, men go out 'em foist, see.
Girls also pull out chairs.
4. When walking across the campus, it's the girls who have to
carry books; big or little books, big
or little girls makes no difference.
5. Boys, when escorted by pretty
things, must keep to the inside of
the sidewalk so as run-awand things won't endanger them.
6. When it is dark and scary
night outside, the powers that be
rule that boys are still the ones to
see their dates home. No ladles out
after dark. Lil' Abner can get home
by himself, but Daisy Mae can't
Hamfat McGoon might get her.


In AST Program
Arrive On Campus

Who Will Be Our Next President???
By Maud Keller


SnKy Sponsor
SuKy, the sponsor of the event.
has made a set of rules which must
be observed or the Monster will get
you. These rules, which even Pappy
Yokum could understand, are printed not very fur away on this page.
Stags Auctioned
And that ain't all! You are Invited to come to a big costume dance

Aggressive Wars

Visits Donovans


and last til next Saturday.
vember 11.

To Prohibit


Committees are: Mary Martha
Presley and Doris Smith, menu;
Emily Hunt and Sara Bogan, tickets
and programs; Bit McCowan and
Eloise Williams, publicity; Jeanette
Reynolds, publicity; Ethel Blanton,
invitations; Mary Martha Presley,
music; Penny Abbett and Peggy
Ward, program.

The second sorority bid day
of the fall quarter will be held
tomorrow from 10 am. to 12
noon in the dean of women's
office, the Panhellenic council
has announced.

Men look out! What with the
gals on the askin' end of da tin' and
you all on the receiving end of
phone calls, vegetable corsages and
stch, you is in danger. These goings
on are a part of Sadie Hawkln's
week which will begin on Monday

Proposes Council

Panhellenic Banquet
Scheduled In Union
For November 29

Second Bid Day

By Adele Denman

SGA Adopts
'44.45 Budget Offers Plans
Total Expenditures
Placed At
For Peace

"Miss Kentuckian" and her three
attendants will be chosen in the
beauty queen contest sponsored by
the Kentuckian which will be held
at 7:45 p.m. Tuesday, November 14,
in Memorial hall After the queen
and her attendants have been cho1944-4- 5
sen, the three women receiving the
budget of the Student
next highest number of votes will Government Association, providing
be given honorable mention.
for total expenditures of $1540, was
adopted in the Monday, October 30
Fifty Entries
There will be approximately 60 meeting. As Chairman Brewster
entries from various campus organi- Phelps of the finance committee
zations since each group is allowed was absent. President Bill Embry
to enter one candidate for every 10 iresented the budget which had
Kentuckians sold in the advance been suggested by the committee.
Budget Approved
Before the budget was voted upon
June Baker, editor, stated that Chairmen Marvin Churney of the
each organization had been notified
committee investigating the Kenas to the number of candidates it
tuckian appropriation, read his recould enter and that the names of port proposing a sliding scale which
all candidates must be brought" to
would determine the per capita cost
the Kentuckian office by Tuesday, of producing the annual as the StuNovember 7.
dent enrollment increases or deFive Judges, three men and two creases each year. The committee
women, will be chosen by a Ken- suggested that the yearly approprituckian committee composed of ation of the SGA to the Kentuckian
June Baker, editor; ,Merl Baker, could be determined from this scale.
managing editor, and Jean Crabb An open discussion of the scale and
and Eleanor Bach, business man- appropriation was held and Norman
agers. Names of the judges and the Chrisman made a motion which was
contestant will not be published carried unanimously that the reuntil after the contest.
port of the committee be approved.
Increases Social Fund
The seven winning girls will be
presented at a formal dance, the
Voting against appropriating $100
date of which will be announced to the House President's council,
SGA added the sum to the social
fund with the specification that the
needs of the council will be investigated and the necessary sum will be
assigned to the organization after
the investigation.
John Hopkins made a motion that
the budget be accepted and the vote
The annual Panhellenic banquet of acceptance was unanimous.
1944-4- 5
will be held at 6:30 p.m. Thursday,
November 9, in the Bluegrass room "The 1944-4- 5 budget Is as follows:
student directory fund, $265; Kenof the Union building.
The annual dinner, sponsored and tuckian, $420; stenographic service
planned by the Panhellenic associa and committee expenses, $90; election, honors the new pledge Of the tion expenses', $40; social fund, $300;
victory committee, $25; SGA forum.
presents each chapter's pledges to $200; miscellaneous, $200.
The election of members was post
the members of the other groups. .
The theme this year is Greek poned until the next SGA meeting
programs, decorations Monday, November 6.


Week Of Chasin'
Will Precede
Dance In Union

Donovan said.

Three Attendants


Lil Aimer, TocLarj Am IJo' Last
IDax TJo1 Shoes 'N Run Em Fast
The Qals Is Out, De Die Is Cast 111



Out Of SEC Race


3, 1944

of the arguments put up by the
rooters of the two candidates may
provide food for some thought, or
help you make up your mind in the
event that you are undecided on
your choice so far.
Roosevelt supporters assert that
we should not change political parties during war. "We should not
change horses in the middle of the
stream," is the key word of the
Democrats. "Roosevelt should stay
in office to make the peace terms
after World War II," some contend.

On the other hand, the Republican enthusiasts say we need some
new blood in Washington. A fourth
term is too long for any president
to hold office, they say. "Dewey is
capable and sincere in his ways and
thoughts. He will do what is best
and will lead our country Into greet'

r peace," say the Republicans
These persons feel that Roosevelt
Is wearing out and that we need
some new ideas and methods in
our government.
"Mr. Roosevelt Is experienced at
being president and managing the
war," says one donkey standard
bearer. "He has done a good Job
and should be allowed to present
the rest of his war and peace plans."
One native New Yorker says that
if she were voting age she would
put her X after Mr. Roosevelt's
name, because she does not approve
of Governor Dewey's administration
in New York State.
Many of the Dewey supporters
are firm against the New Deal and
"We should
Its administrators.
clean Washington of such leaders
and establish a Republican regime."

rhese supporters believe that if this
administration is allowed to remain
n office. Uncle Sam will become a
And another student
idded, "If the horse is going to
break down in the middle of the
stream, why ride him at all?"
One coed said that she would
vote for Mr. Roosevelt because she
thinks he looks more the part of a
president. She objects strongly to
Mr. Dewey's mustache. On the other
hand, some campus women prefer
Mr. Dewey because he has the vitality of a younger man.
However, these opinions will have
no effect on the final returns, so
come next Tuesday night, we will
all hang by our radios to find out
who WILL be our next president of
the United States, Mr. Roosevelt or
Mr. Dewey.


One hundred and fifteen advanced engineers arrived here this
week to begin the new Army Specialized Training Program term, it
has been announced by Lt James
Duggan of the Military department.
These men, third, fourth or fifth
term engineers, have been transferred to the University from some
fifteen camps. The majority however, are from Camp Blanding, Fla.
Quartered in Breckinridge hall,
these 115 new students and the 98
Army Specialized Training Reserve
men already on the campus, bring
the total of army men at the University to 2 IX
Thirty-nin- e
of the 57 AST sol
diers stationed here during the
preceding term were graduated on
October 27, and all were ordered to
other posts.
Contrary to the previous belief
that 600 advanced engineers would
arrive, Lt Duggan said that the
number which arrived this week
will be the only new additions to
the program at tie University.

be sorry.

G. A. Black Speaks

To Archeology Society
A. Black, state areheol-ogl- st
of Indiana, will speak at the
archeology society meeting at 7:30
pjn. Monday, in the physics lec
ture room. Physics building.
Mr. Black, who is also lecturer
in American archeology at Indiana
university, will give an illustrated
lecture with colored slides on
of the Angel Mounds in
Vanderburgh county, Indiana.
All persons interested in archeol
ogy are invited to attend.


Farquhar Improving
Prof. E. F. Farquhar. University
of English, is improving
rapidly after his serious illness. At
the Good Samaritan hospital. Professor Farquhar is not yet receiving


By Blyrtle Weathers
Question: What did yon do Hal
lowe'en night?
Wallace Williamson, fresh, Williamson, w. Va.: I got drunk.
Betty Tevis, Junior. Richmond: I
threw rocks in Dr. Donovan's window.
Johnny Violette. frosh. Lebanon:
Nothing! The cops caught me.
Dan Pope, frosh, Harlan: Raised
Jean Crabb, Junior. Horse Cave: I
had a date with a broom.
Betty Harris KusselL Junior. St
Louis: Painted Roosevelt signs all
over Jewell halL
Bud Jacobs, frosh, Independence:
I had a date with an Alpha XL
Mary Lillian Davis, Junior. Shelbyvllle: I studied, believe it or not
Mary Leoise Fatten, Junior,
I had a date with a devil.
George Campbell, fresh. Franklin:
I took In the refreshment part of a


Franks, frosh. Silver Grove:
went to a Hallowe'en dance.
Elsie Dotson. senior, Harlan: Me
and all the other goblins went out
fox a bl ole



� Best Copy Available

The Kernel Editorial Page



Entered at the Port Offire

t Lexington, Kentucky,


ess mH









On Quarter






articles and columns are to be considered thw
of the writers tkrmtrlv!, ant to not neressariln
reflect the ostatoa o The Kernel.


Limitation Is Crippling UK
the $fni(i
Within the past few rrerhs the p, .?., in
minis tnmlntiim has caused a gient deal of discussion
fiitintii alumni, fantltv members, and I'tiircisitx officials.
that students at the t'nk'eisitx trill he ajearr of the
i ,, pin tanee of the problem and u ill Incc a bi tter
of iehat is ahead unless mi ni t ement ran he
tnnde. 1 he k'ernet vill print a series t i ditoi uih, written
editors leho ' have taken a detim'e stand throughout
state. J lie first appeared in the I'.imiUin I eader ,on

sired" from





l'loMeim of i he ITnivcisiiv
(iiHie-r,- '
l lit-- handicap




a s.il.ny


in (l89. cl;iiiiiel ;iitcntitii
.isl week, focusing interest iijkhi a inaiit-- r iof
iii;4 neglected and now dt mainline jiiouipi and
x l maiiem remedy.
I lie salary limitation is
H. I Donovan, who is himself alloi-irS1.00 more from fundi donated ly the
keciitland racetrack, sas mam lopnoidi men



arid women have

lost lo ilie



Thr suit


to- -

the, UniVersijy w ill result in'it hfttif "in immea-"siifajbl- y
improved financial conditioiift when he
war ends than it has ever leen before, as result,
of Army training there.- Dean Graham is credited with having prepared and sponsored the bill in Congress which
made possible this Army, training in. many
schools throughout the nation. Without it, we
lielieve our own University might have been
forced to close for the duration; certainly would
have been severely crippled, lioih during the
war and for years afterward.

limiia-iin- i

iniiry-d- ;


the University.

create a false impression concerning the value
of services rendered to the University by Dean
Graham, of its Engineering College, on loan to
the federal government for the war emergency.
As one who was reasonably close to the Johnson administration, and therefore in a position
to know the facts, the writer of this piece, is
aware that Dean Graham's wartime service to


i. .he,

O Gossip


Mar,aging EditQT
.News Editor




M Oi



Adele Denman, Betty Lee Fleishman, Catherine
Shirley Mei-te- r,
Frances Keller, Dora Lee Robertson,
Mitchell. Martha Yates. William Wrench, John
Laura Headley. Edna Crawford, Marjorie Wyant,
Hgao, Mary Louise Pattern. Jane Hunt Clark, Patsy
Jane Hammersley. Frances Jenkins. Maud Keller,
Jones. Carol Rauch, Martha Jones, Rclhard Lowe,

hnuun n


'' '

.....Sports Editor
Society Editor
Marv Lu i ian Davjs
Maroarft Jui ia Wharton. . .Business Manager
Circulation Manager
Marcia Draddv
Mary 'Jane Dorsfy. .Assistant Managing Editor

luf- -

ne vo
Uf aau.ti -


Ode to Mayhem
By Don Lail
Although the ratio was about six
to one. the battle was on. The
room was dimly lit, the cards were
on the table, the players were all
tenderly waiting the starting play.
The clock ticked close to the hour
when trie fame would start the
players were tense as the clock
struck the hour and the cards were
slowly dealt The play had begun.
The race of two had started. The
first card was a king, the second
a nine, the third a deuce, and the
fourth the ace of spades. The
death card. He had won and the
prize was his. He reached madly
for the phone, called a flumber and
the answe rcame through, "This Is
Patt Hall!" HE HAD A DATE
FRIEND Friendship is grand and
all over a game of cards he had
all this and heaven too!

Fan Mail
There are a few times in the life
of a columnist that he or she gets
a letter from a true Phi Beta Kappa.
However, we received a request from
one or it's readers which said:
"deer sir;
1 have Red your
to others
so wud u pleeze give me some? i
am a sopmore at uk and while i wuz
going to a Class some goil tried to
ad-vi- se

Keetch me about
week, wut is it?




tiouliles alreadv were aware.
In i he same newspajxr whih tarried the
iioied alxve a j k;i i il an ailitle fixing
ntws of action by boards nl nusiees of I he two
Li am Ik s of ihe Universiiv ol N011I1 Carolina
pioviding for the payment ol $12,000 salaries to
athletic coaches. The president of that state's
university receives S8,.r00 a year, should le
vonh more, and prohahly is.
Reiently the Universiiv has ieeied consid-uahl- e
had publicity growing out ol a lawsuit
filed bv a Iexington man, who was an under-fiadnai- e
of the instiuition lor a brii f lime, and
individual, reoiied ti be a disgruntled
contractor who failed to obtain business he de

served under him. Dean Graham won signal
honors in the other war and achieved high rank
in Washington. He was recalled to emergency
duty when World War II began and has served
both at Washington and on the University's
By Dora Lee Robertson
campus at Lexington, working days and nights, Sadie's Day
or Not It's the same
since then. The University has been and is ex' ole story.
A hundred years ago today
tremely fortunate in having so powerful a
A wilderness was here.
friend and servant at home and in the Nation's
A man with powder in his gun
capitol, and has profited very materially through
Went forth to hunt a deer.
But now the times have changed
Kentucky has not done better by her
Along a different plan. . .
A deer with powder on her nose
University in the past is a crying shame, now
Goes forth to hunt a man.
known to too many to permit of very ninth
more suc h complacent neglect.
Ced at BaU State: "Don't mind
the crutches, the cane, and the sling
. . . Mom sent me a box from home
and I got mobbed."
Student opinion is necessary
for the success of a truly demoThere are always a few freshmen
cratic college publication; yet,
who do not seem to have the studieven though six issues of The
ous and thoughtful attitude towards
already history, there
Kernel are
work and higher learning that is so
have been no comments either
generally characteristic of their
pro or con. Does everything at
group. One freshman girl at the
the University meet your approUniversity of Toronto went to regval? Do you find the news covister in economics and with what
erage you hope for in each issue?
appeared to be true scholastic seal
Letters to the editor are expectasked the professor just exactly
ed and welcomed.
what the course was about.
"Economics, said he learnedly, "is
the study fit money and men."
"Ah," said Agie, "That's for me!"


Of The Week






Any type you like
from quotes to humor

By John Bartlett


This week's -- Colonel of the Week" is Janet
Arts and Science senior from RockfOrd. 111.
A journalism majir Janet is
ihe Kentucky Kernel and lormerly was managing
editor. She is a member of Theta Sigma Phi.
national journalism honorary for women, and has
chosen tor V.'lio'.s Who in American Clleges
She is publicity chairman for
and Universities.



U-e- n

Bv Carl Van Doren


member of YWCA, and

Delta Delta Delta sorority, a
k former member ol
For these achievements, the Cedar Village
vites Janet to enjoy two of its delicious meals.


Juliette Jones. Chairman, Alpha Gam

hi Omepai
Sue Fenimiire.
iMtrothy Synipsun. Kappa Kappa Gamma
Doiis SiiiRlrt'in, Independent

Lunch 11:15 lo 1:30
Dinner 5:15-7:3Sunday Dinner 11:45-2:00

Complete Works of
By America's best loved

Bv Elizabeth Goudge



Cedar Village

Best of American Humor
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Edited by
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liest, on beds that have been
made, in clean rooms, wilh our
feet on the floor, with shoes on
our feet, and with Oh, well, it
was fun. anyway. We can'