xt7jh98z9g1h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jh98z9g1h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1967-11-nov10. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1967-11-nov10. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1967-11-nov10. 1967 1967-11-nov10. 2011 true xt7jh98z9g1h section xt7jh98z9g1h 

        Minutes of the Called Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky, Friday, November 10, 1967

        The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met on call by the
Chairman of the Board at 10:00 o'clock, Eastern Standard Time, on Friday,
November 10, 1967, in the Board Room of the Administration Building on the
campus with the following members present: Dr. Ralph Angelucci, Vice Chairman,
Mr. Sam Ezelle, Secretary, Mr. William R. Black, Mrs. Rexford Blazer,
Mr. Richard Cooper, Dr. Harry Denhamn, Mr. Robert Hillenmeyer, Mr. Charles
Landrum, and the two non-voting faculty members, Dr. Stephen Diachun and
Professor Paul Oberst. Absent were Governor Edward T. Breathitt, Mr. Henry
Besuden, Mr. Smith Broadbent, Dr. R. W. Bushart, Mr. Wendell Butler, Mr.
Hudson Milner, and Dr. Harry Sparks. Dr. Oswald, President, and Vice
Presidents, Albright, Kerley, Johnson, and Cochran were present as were members
of the news media.

        A. Meeting Opened

        Following the taking of official pictures of the Board by University pho-
tographers, Dr. Angelucci called the meeting to order and asked that the meeting
open with a moment of silent prayer for guidance and peace in Vietnam.

        Mr. Ezelle called the roll and reported a quorum present. Dr. Angelucci
then declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of business at 10:20 a. m.

        B. Minutes Approved

        On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Dr. Denham, and passed the
reading of the Minutes of the September 19, 1967, Statutory Meeting of the Board
of Trustees was dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as published.

        C. President's Report to the Trustees

        Dr. Oswald briefly reviewed the items in his Report to the Trustees and
closed by saying that the report did not attempt to give a complete coverage but
merely high lighted the variety of activities which are carried on by University
personnel all the time.

        Dr. Angelucci asked if there were any additions to be made to the report
and then accepted it on behalf of the Board and ordered it filed.



        D. Recommendations of the President and Supplemental Recommendations
of the President (PR 2 and PR 3)

        Since copies of PR 2, Recommendations of the President, had been in the
hands of the Board members prior to the meeting, Dr. Oswald said he had no
special comments to make and recommended that PR 2 be approved as a whole.

        Mr. Kerley explained that it had not been possible for the financial report
covering the period from July 1, 1967 through October 31, 1967, to be published in
time for prior distribution to the members but that copies were now available for
those present and would be mailed to those absent. He suggested, however, that
action on the report be deferred until the next meeting in order that the Board
members might have an opportunity to study it prior to taking action.

        Dr. Angelucci suggested that action on PR 2 be deferred and that PR 2 and
PR 3 be acted upon at the same time. This being agreeable, Mr. Kerley called
attention to Item I in PR 3 which involved a correction in the description of the
property which was leased to the Council of State Governments at the August 18,
1967 meeting of the Board of Trustees.

        On motion by Mrs. Blazer, seconded by Mr. Cooper, PR 2 and PR 3 were
approved as a whole and ordered made an official part of the Minutes of the
November 10, 1967 Called Meeting of the Board of Trustees and the secretary was
orderedto note the correction in the Minutes of the August 18, 1967 meeting. (See
PR 2 and PR 3 at the end of the Minutes. )

        E. Revision of University of Kentucky Motor Vehicle, Traffic and
Parking Regulations (PR 4)

        Dr. Oswald said that inasmuch as the Board members had had an oppor-,
tunity to study the recommended revisions in the University of Kentucky Motor
Vehicle, Traffic and Parking Regulations, he merely wished to indicate that this
was the first revision since 1964 when the Board of Trustees initiated a pay parking
program. The revision represents primarily a clarification and expansion of
present regulations. He added that the revisions had the concurrence of the
President's Parking and Traffic Control Committee composed of seven faculty
members, two staff members, and one student member.

        Dr. Denham asked for a report on the parking structures previously
authorized and Mr. Kerley replied that plans were coming along rapidly. He said
that three facilities will be built-. -one on University Drive near Cooper Drive,
another on Rose Street across from the Chemistry-Physics Building, and the third
on Euclid across from the west end of Stoll Field. These facilities will provide
parking for approximately 2, 000 cars and will give some relief to the present
parking situation; however, some of the present spaces will be lost because of new



construction projects. He estimated that it would require approximately a year to
fourteen months to build each facility.

        In answer to a question relative to funds available from parking fees, Mr.
Kerley stated that the balance was something under $300, 000 and noted that some
of the money from fees had been used to construct temporary parking lots.

        On motion by Mr. Landrum, seconded by Mr. Black, and approved the
Board of Trustees authorized the Revision of the University of Kentucky Motor
Vehicle, Traffic and Parking Regulations as set forth in PR 4 to be effective De-
cember 1, 1967. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes. )

        F. Approval in Principle of the Hazard Community College Preliminary
Development Plans (PR 5)

        Copies of the preliminary development plan for the Hazard Community
College were distributed to the members of the Board and the representatives of
the news media. The Board members had also received copies in advance of the
meeting. Dr. Oswald indicated that plans were developing rapidly for the opening
of the college in temporary quarters in the fall of 1968 and that Dr. Henry
Campbell, Director of the Prestonsburg Community College, would work closely
with Dr. Hartford in developing plans and programs until such time as a permanent
director may be named.

        Mr. Kerley indicated that the preliminary plans for Hazard represented
the tenth such plan presented to the Board for approval. He said that all the neces-
sary land had been made available and the need for the acquisition of the property
now used by the Hazard Golf Club has been recognized if the campus is to develop
with sufficient open space, free from danger of encroachment by undesirable uses.
The ultimate allowable area is 125, 000 square feet to provide for a total enrollment
of 1, 000 students.

         On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Mr. Ezelle, and passed the
Hazard Community College Preliminary Development plan was approved in
principle with the understanding that the plan will be periodically revised as the
program requirements of the college become more fully expressed. (See PR 5 at
the end of the Minutes.)

         G. Recommendations from the Finance Committee Relative to
Appropriation for Minor Construction and Renovation Projects and Resolution
Relative to Consolidated Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds (PR 6)

         Mr. Kerley explained that PR 6 consisted of two parts--a recommendation
for the appropriation of general funds to cover minor construction and renovation



projects as listed and a resolution deleting Schedules I and 2 from the January 20,
1967 Resolution and attaching thereto a revised schedule to be denominated as
Schedule 1.

        Mr. Kerley said that he had discussed with the Finance Committee the
possibility of caring for some minor construction and renovation costs from
general funds thereby eliminating interest charges which would result if these
projects remained as a part of the projects to be financed through the sale of the
revenue bonds previously authorized. All items listed, with the exception of the
Center Motel renovation, had received prior approval by the Board as part of the
January 20, 1967 Resolution.

        Dr. Denham, as chairman of the Finance Committee, concurred in Mr.
Kerley's statements and moved that the recommendation in PR 6 be approved.
Mr. Black seconded the motion and it passed without dissent.

        Mr. Kerley next called attention to the Resolution which was a part of
PR 6 and which, if adopted, would delete Schedules 1 and 2 from the Resolution
adopted by the Board of Trustees on January 20, 1967 relating to capital con-
struction financing and would authorize a revised schedule to be known as Schedule 1
to be attached thereto. A copy of the revised schedule was a part of the Resolution

        Dr. Denham stated that the Finance Committee was of the opinion that the
market was still not right for the sale of the Consolidated Educational Buildings
Revenue Bonds and that interim financing was going to be necessary. Mr. Kerley
and his staff, with the approval of the Finance Committee, are working toward the
issuance of Revenue Bond Anticipation Notes and would ask for approval from the
Executive Conmmitee at such time as it was felt that a desirable rate of interest
might be obtained. These notes would be issued for one year and would be renewa-

        On motion by Dr. Denham, seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer, the Resolution
was adopted unanimously and ordered made a part of the Minutes of the November
10, 1967 Called Meeting of the Board of Trustees. (See PR 6 and Resolution at the
end of the Minutes.)

        H. Recommendation from the Finance Committee Relative to Siting of
Library Addition and Provision of Temporary Housing for the President (PR 6A)

        Mr. Kerley read the recommendation contained in PR 6A, which consisted
of six parts, and explained that with the completion of the Classroom-Office
Building, 110, 000 square feet of space would be released in other buildings on the
campus. It would, therefore, be appropriate to cause the demolition of Miller Hall
to permit the opening up of space in the heart of the academic core of the campus.



        He continued that careful study has been given to the possible sites for the
addition to the Library which is scheduled for the immediate future. He pointed out
on a map the four possible locations for such an addition and explained that for the
following reasons the recormmended site was on land now occupied by Maxwell Place
and its surrounding grounds: (1) the site is located on the intersection of two major
pedestrian movements; (2) the site covers an area of two acres and is rectangular
in shape, which is ideal for a major library facility; (3) the site adjoins the existing
King Library; and (4) the combination of the existing library and the Maxwell Place
site will allow for further expansion toward the south. He then discussed the other
possible sites for the library addition and gave the following reasons why each had
been rejected:

        1. The Lafferty Hall site does not adjoin the major north-south pedestrian
axis; it consists of only 1. 4 acres and is trapezoid in shape which does not lend
itself to an efficient library structure; it is physically separated from the King
Library; and it is locked between the Fine Arts Building and the new Classroom-
Office Building thus ruling out any reasonable expansion.

        2. The site west of the King Library is removed from the main north-west
pedestrian axis and any structure on this site would destroy the existing major open
space. The area consists of only one acre and is too small for the accommodation
of the proposed Central Library.

        3. The site south of the King Library does not adjoin either of the two major
pedestrian axes., it covers only 1. 2 acres, is an unsuitable shape for a library
facility, and would involve the demolition of both Pence Hall and Kastle Hall which
have just recently undergone extensive renovation.

        After considering the alternatives as given by Mr. Kerley, the members of
the Board expressed agreement that the site of Maxwell Place was the most desirable
and the only possible choice. They recognized the historical and sentimental
significance of Maxwell Place but felt that the future development of the University
must take precedence.

        Dr. Denham pointed out that with the siting of the Library addition on the
Maxwell Place site, it would be necessary for interim housing to be provided for the
President and his family; therefore, certain of the recommendations in PR 6A were
concerned with the provision of such housing for the President and the expenditure of
the necessary funds to provide, improve, and maintain such a residence. It was
agreed that until such time as Maxwell Place is demolished, it should be made
available for King Library purposes.

         On motion by Mr. Ezelle, seconded by Mrs. Blazer and passed unanimously
the six recommendations contained in PR 6A were approved and ordered made a part
of the Minutes. (See PR 6A at the end of the Minutes.)



        I. Executive Committee Authorized to Review and Approve Biennial
Budget Request (PR 7)

        Dr. Oswald said that each institution of higher education in the state would
present its biennial budget request to the Council on Public Higher Education. This
body would review these requests in terms of functions assigned by Statute to the
various institutions and would forward the requests to the Governor and the De-
partment of Finance with its comments and recommendations. The budget requests
are being prepared in accordance with a budget format and guidelines established
by a committee of the Council which take into account the different missions of each

        Although the meeting today had been called for the purpose of reviewing
the University's budget request, some last minute changes had necessitated the
extension of the deadline for submission to the Council and the budget request was
not ready for final approval by the Board. Rather than have another meeting of the
full membership, it was suggested that the Executive Committee be authorized to
review and approve the budget request on behalf of the Board of Trustees.

        On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Mr. Black, and approved
unanimously the appropriate University officials were authorized to prepare the
final estimates of receipts and expenditures and submit them to the Executive
Committee for approval prior to submission to the Council on Public. Higher Edu-
cation. (See PR 7 at the end of the Minutes.)

        J. Committee Reports

        Dr. Angelucci asked the chairmen of the Finance Committee, the Hospital
Committee, and the Committee on the Codification of the Governing Regulations if
they wished to make a report. Dr. Denbam indicated that the Finance Committee
had no report other than those already presented for action. The other two com-
mittees had no reports.

        K. Old Business

        Dr. Angelucci asked Mr. Kerley if he was in a position to report on the
study which had been requested at the September meeting on liability insurance
coverage for students and the University's program for employing handicapped
persons. Mr. Kerley said that the report was being prepared and should be ready
for presentation at the December meeting.

         L. Land Made Available to University by UKRF for Agricultural Research

Dr. Oswald said that at the October 17 meeting he was directed to request



the University of Kentucky Research Foundation to make available the 720 acre
Maine Chance Farm and approximately 550 acres of the northeast section of
Spindletop Farm to the University for the purpose of agricultural research. He
was further directed to request the dean of the College of Agriculture to develop
a detailed allocation of this total acreage for agricultural needs subject to the
approval of the President. As a follow-up to this meeting, he wished to report
that the University of Kentucky Research Foundation at a meeting on November 9
adopted the following Resolution:


           WHEREAS, the Foundation is the owner of certain lands in
     Fayette County, Kentucky, known generally as the Spindletop and
     Maine Chance Farms, and,

            WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the University of
     Kentucky, at its meeting held on October 17, 1967, directed the
     President of the University to request the Foundation to make
     available the Maine Chance Farm and approximately five hundred
     and fifty acres of the northeast section of Spindletop Farm to the
     University for the purposes of agricultural research, and,

            WHEREAS, the Foundation was incorporated and organized
     for the purpose of furnishing the means of conducting investigations,
     research, and study at the University of Kentucky, and,

            WHEREAS, pursuant to the direction of the said Board of
     Trustees, the President of the University has requested the
     Foundation to make the said land available to the University, and,

            WHEREAS, it appears that the purposes of the Foundation
     will be furthered by compliance with the aforementioned request of
     the President of the University.


      1.    That the Foundation, in accordance with the request of the
      President of the University made at the direction of the Board of
      Trustees of the University, hereby declares that its lands lying in
      Fayette County, Kentucky, and known as Maine Chance Farm,
      together with the remaining land not otherwise committed on
      Spindletop Farm are available, without charge, to the University
      of Kentucky, for the purposes of agricultural research and other
      appropriate University uses.



     2.    The University and its employees and agents may enter upon
     the aforementioned premises and perform thereon those things
     reasonably necessary for the conduct of the University programs
     being carried on.

     3.    This resolution shall remain in force and effect until modified
     or rescinded by this Board upon the request of the Board of Trustees
     of the University of Kentucky.

        Dr. Oswald indicated that he had requested from Dean Seay a detailed
allocation of this land and had been assured by him that such would be available by
January first.

        Dr. Angelucci thanked the President for his report and expressed gratifi-
cation that the University of Kentucky Research Foundation had made available the
land requested.

        M. Report on Northern Community College

        In presenting the preliminary development plan for the Hazard Community
College it was noted that it was the tenth such plan to be presented, leaving only
the Northern Community College without a plan. Dr. Oswald said that at this time
he would like to comment on this and to share a letter he had received from the
Advisory Board of the Northern Community College with the University of Kentucky
Board of Trustees.

        Dr. Oswald said that the present site of the Northern Community College
had been an excellent one up to this point; however, it now poses a problem as to
whether or not it will be able to meet the long range purposes. The problem has
been further complicated by the request which has been made to the Council on
Public Higher Education to establish a four-year college in the northern Kentucky
area. The need for space for the rapidly expanding student body plus the request
for a four-year college have been discussed with the Advisory Board in some
detail and the chairman of the Board, Judge Carroll Cropper, has written a letter
which is in the form of advice to the President and to the Board of Trustees. His
letter follows:



Dr. John W. Oswald
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

Dear Dr. Oswald:

The Advisory Board of the University of Kentucky Northern Community
College met on Tuesday, October 31, to consider both immediate and
long-range problems facing our institution. This letter is to report to
you our counsel and recommendations and to ask that the Board of
Trustees, through you, be given the benefit of our lengthy deliberations.

Weighing most heavily in our discussions were two major factors--the
increasing number of students enrolled in the college and the request
from many of our leading citizens, students and educators for a four-
year institution.

We scrutinized carefully the student-population increase of the past
several years; we examined the need for new programs to better serve
our growing community, and we reviewed figures indicating future

Two conclusions were obvious in view of the above factors:

     1.  The present site is inadequate to meet the needs of
          the future, be it a two-year or four-year institution.

     2. It would be unwise to expend additional funds to construct
          permanent facilities in view of the uncertain future.

With those conclusions drawn, the Advisory Board then attempted to
construct a timetable to determine when definite action might be taken to
meet community needs and aspirations.

These factors then were considered:

      1. A consulting firm is presently preparing for the Council
          on Public Higher Education a report on educational needs
          for the entire state, including the possibility of a four-
          year institution serving the Northern Kentucky area.



Dr. John W. Oswald               -2-

     2. This report is expected to be submitted soon to the
         Council on Public Higher Education.

     3.  The Council, in turn, must submit its recommendations
         to the Governor and the General Assembly.

     4.  The General Assembly then must take such action as it
         deems best for the Commonwealth.

ln reviewing this schedule, the Advisory Board then approved two recommen-
dations to be transmitted to the University's Board of Trustees:

     1. That every appropriate effort be made to meet enroll-
         ment demands on the present site by housing the student
         body and faculty in temporary structures.

     2.  That the Board of Trustees await whatever action might occur
          in the next General Assembly relative to higher education in
          Northern Kentucky before seeking actively a new site for
          the Community College.

This report has the full approval of the Advisory Board of the Northern
Kentucky Community College and we respectfully submit it to you and the
members of the University's Board of Trustees.

Additionally, the Advisory Board has asked me to convey to you and Dr.
Ellis F. Hartford, Dean of the Community College System, and his staff
its appreciation for the assistance you have given all of us in the discharge
of our duties. We have enjoyed our relationship and look forward to many
more years of cooperation with our University in its dedicated service to
the cause of higher education and academic excellence.


Carroll Cropper, Chairman
University of Kentucky
Northern Community College
Covington, Kentucky



        The University has attempted to meet current enrollment demands by
providing six temporary facilities providing offices for twenty-one or twenty-two
faculty and four classrooms for thirty students each. Surveys are currently
being made to determine how many more temporary facilities can be placed on
the present site. Although McLoney and Tune were employed to prepare prelimi-
nary development plans for the Northern Community College and did make some
rather careful studies of the site, further action relative to this site or a new site
has been delayed pending action by the next General Assembly relative to higher
education in northern Kentucky.

        Mr. Landrum, a former member of the Advisory Board of the Northern
Community College, commented that Judge Croppers letter put the situation quite
well. He added that the Chamber of Commerce and other local groups have been
quite active in studying other possible sites for the college and, in the process of
up-dating the master plan for the Greater Cincinnati Airport, it is conceivable
that some land may become available in conjunction with major land use develop-
ment for use by the college. The community is alive and enthusiastic but positive
action cannot be taken at this particular time.

        Dr. Angelucci thanked Dr. Oswald and Mr. Landrum for their reports
and it was agreed that the advice contained in Judge Cropper's letter was good and
should be followed.

        N. Resolution on the Death of Mr. James Stephen Watkins

        Dr. Oswald read the following resolution on the death of Mr. James
Stephen Watkins, a member of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees from
1955 through 1961:

                      RESOLUTION ON THE DEATH
                     MR. JAMES STEPHEN WATKINS

           The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky notes with
    sorrow the death of

                     MR. JAMES STEPHEN WATKINS

    on Thursday, Novemnber 2, 1967. Engineer, public servant, civic leader,
    friend of education, he had served the University in many capacities,
    including noteworthy service as a member of the Board of Trustees.

           Widely known throughout the Commonwealth and the nation, many
    public facilities will stand as a memorial to his abilities. Here, on the
    campus of the University of Kentucky, the Medical Center similarly will



    serve to remind all Kentuckians of his presidency of the Kentucky
    Medical Foundation.

          On several occasions the University paid tribute to his service
    and ability. He was elected president of the University Alumni Associ-
    ation, serving with distinction during 1949. He was selected alumnus
    of the year in 1958. In 1964 the University itself awarded him the Doctor
    of Laws honorary degree. During that same period he was elected to the
    University's Hall of Distinguished Alumni.

          Mr. Watkins had many interests, serving as founder of the
    Kentucky Society of Professional Engineers, as president of the Kentucky
    Mountain Laurel Festival, as a member of the board of what is now the
    Lexington Theological Seminary, as a member of Spindletop Research
    and as a leader in engineering societies with national membership.

          He was a native of London, Kentucky, and received his civil
    engineering degree in 1930. From that moment he moved forward in
    his profession, first as county engineer, and, finally, as Kentucky High-
    way Commissioner. With the formation of his own engineering firm, his
    contributions increased steadily and he was widely hailed for his many

           In view of all the foregoing accomplishments, the Board of
    Trustees, recalling his excellence and humility, officially mourns his
    passing and directs that copies of this resolution be spread upon the
    Minutes of the November 1967 meeting and transmitted to the family of
    its departed friend, James Stephen Watkins.

      Mr. Cooper moved the adoption of the resolution. His motion was seconded
by Mr. Landrum and it was so ordered.

       0. Luncheon Guests Announced

       Dr. Oswald said he wished to remind the Board members that luncheon
would be served in the President's Room of the Student Center immediately follow-
ing adjournment. Guests at the luncheon would be graduate deans from the four
state universities--Eastern, Western, Morehead, and Murray--who were attending
a meeting on the University of Kentucky campus.

       P. Meeting Adjourned

       Dr. Angelucci asked if there was any further business to come before the
meeting and Mr. Ezelle said that he would like to refer back to PR 1 and the item



relative to the Safety Council's Award of Merit given to the University recently.
He said that the University should be proud of the record it has made in this area
and he commended Mr. Kerley and his staff for the leadership which they have
given to the safety program.

       There being no further business, on motion duly made, seconded, and
carried the meeting adjourned at 11:50 a.m.

                                           Respectfully submitted,

                                           Sam Ezelle, Secretary
                                           Board of Trustees

PR 2, PR 3, PR 4, PR 5, PR 6 and Resolution, PR 6A, and PR 7 which follow are
official parts of the Minutes of the November 10, 1967 Called Meeting of the Board
of Trustees.



                            November 10, 1967


       The Greg Page Memorial Scholarship Fund reached $4,105 by
last weekend, Charles Dooley, Middlesboro, chairman of the fund,
said. A collection taken at the Kentucky-Georgia football game
brought in $2,665, and $1,440 already had been deposited in the
special fund. The fund is expected to reach $5,000 soon, Dooley
said, when contributions from several University dormitories are
mailed to Middlesboro. At least eight dormitories have reported
collection of about $100 each. The Page Fund is in memory of
Greg Page, sophomore defensive end from Middlesboro, who died
September 29 as a result of a spinal injury suffered on August
22 in a pre-season football practice session. A memorial scholar-
ship fund was set up by Middlesboro civic leaders, businessmen,
educators, and other interested persons, to benefit Middlesboro
High School students. Contributions may be sent to the Greg
Page Memorial Scholarship Fund, Middlesboro, Ky.


       Thirty-three alumni and friends of the University have
committed more than $2 million in support of programs for which
state funds are not available. The figures were provided in a
report to the University Development Council last Friday by C.
Robert Yeager, chairman. Yeager, president of the L. G. Balfour
Company of Attleboro, Mass., said the total commitment of
$2,202,406 includes $1,959,000 in deferred gifts such as be-
quests, life insurance, trusts, annuities, and life income con-
tracts. Current gifts to the program, he added, total $243,406.
The University recognizes as a Fellow any person who makes an
outright gift to the University of $10,000 or more, payable
over a period of ten years, or a deferred gift of $15,000.
Participants in the program since its beginning last December
include 22 alumni and 11 non-alumni. Eighteen of the bene-
factors live outside the state; 15 are Kentucky residents.
Yeager observed that state funds currently finance only 59 per
cent of the University's annual operating budget.


- 2 -


       The National Safetv Council has presented its Award of Honor
to the University, through its National College and University
Safety Award Program. The top award of the council was presented
during the National Safety Congress and Exnosition in Chicago to
Frederick G. Dempsey, director of safety and security, and Steve
Logan, safety officer. The citation was based on safety methods
and results at the University during the last six months of last
year, when accidents were reduced 63 Der cent among employees,
resulting in savings of approximately $8,000 in workmen's conipen-
sation payments.

       Col. Dempsey said the citation also enumerated lower acci-
dent rates among students and visitors to the campus.  Las. year
the University received an award of merit, its second highest
award, from the National Safety Council, base