xt7jh98z9f82 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jh98z9f82/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1918-01-jan9-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1918-01-jan9-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1918-01-jan9-ec. 1918 1918-01-jan9-ec. 2011 true xt7jh98z9f82 section xt7jh98z9f82 


                  OF THE VAVRSITY OF .MTUC"Y

                      OANUARY 9, 1918.

       The Executive Conmittee of the University of Kentueky

met on above nagd date in the office of President McVey with

the following members present;. Chairman C.B.Nachols, R.C.Stoll,

Frank MeKee, Johh Brown, and P.P.Johnston 3r., Dr. S.B.Marks

and Mr. Claude B. Terrell being absent.

       Under the heading of hAppointments" President McVey

announced that he had procured the servic4d of Wellington

Patrick of Washington City, formerly a student of the University

of Kentucky from Magoffin County, to act as his private

secretary. The President said that Mr. Patrick was a student

in this University for two years beginning 1905; that he went

to Washington where he served as filing clerk in the War

Department then took a head clerkship in the Burear of Markets;

that he is an expert stenographer and typist, a graduate of

George Washington University with the degree of A.B. 1916 and

the degret of A.M. 1917, and that' Mr. Patrick was in position

to take up the work in case he was appointed JanUary 16, 1918.

President McVey said further that Mr. Patrick was interested

in school work and had been superintendent of schools ih Okla-

homa. Mr. Stoll moved that President McdVey's recommendation of

Mr. Patrick as private secretary to the President at a salary of

$1800 a year be ratified. Seconded by Mr. Brown, on the call of

the roll, this mot:.ion was adcpted unanirnously.



      Under the heading, "Superintendent of Buildings and

Grounds", President McVey recommended that A.O.Thipple from

the University of North Dakota be appointed to this position.

Dr. MicVey told briefly of the qualifications of Mr. Whipple

and said that he was satisfied that.t-ith the record of good

work done at the University of North Dakota and elsewhere, his

services will be valuable to the University of Kentucky. He

said he had discussed the matter with Mr. Whipple on the basis

of a salary of $1800 a year, appointment to take effect April 1,


       On motion of Mr. Stoll, seconded by Mr. Brovm, Dr. McVey's

recommendation of A.O.Whipple for Superintendent of Buildings

and Grounds at a salary of $1800 a year, the same to begin

April 1, 1918, was adopted on call of the roll by unanimous vote.

       Under the heading "Head of Food and Drug Work" President

McVey informed the Board that he had written to Robert M. Allen

of New York City relative to this work but that up to this

time he had received no reply from Mr. Allen.

       He reported to the Board that Dean Cooper of the College

of Agriculture had recommended, af ter careful investigation of

his qualifications, that Professor 5.O.LaBach be appointed to

this position at his present salary.

       On motion of Mr. McKee, seconded by Mr. Johnston, the

recommendation made by Dean Cooper and approved by President

McVey that Professor LaBach be made head of Food and Drug Work

at his present salary, was adopted on call of the roll by

unanimous vote.



       Under the head l'AdJtstment of Salaries", President

MtcVey reported that Miss Susan Kidd, bookkeeper in the

Agricultural Extension Division had opportunity to enter

another field at an increased salary and had asked that her

salary be increased. It was the sense of the Board that

President McVey be given full power to act in this matter.

       President McVey reported that Professor William I.

Carrel, College Civil Engineering, had entered the army

January 1, and that acting Dean Terrell had recommended that

the work done by Professor Carrel be so appitodut.-that it

be handled by Professor W.A.Newman with an increase of $60

a month in the salary of csaid Newman making his salary $180o

a year, the same to begin as of January 1, 1918, with the

title of Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering. President

McVey said that Dean Terrell considered that in view of a

shortage of available teaching material the economical thing

to do was to take $60 a month out of the $200 previously paid

to Professor Carrel, pay it to Professor Newman and increase

Professor tzewman's teaching hours.

       On approval by the President, Mr. Stoll moved that this

recommendation of Dean Terrell be ratified. Seconded by Mr.

Johnston, Mr. Stoll's motion was adopted by unanimous vote on

call of the roll.

       In this connection President McVey recommended also an

increase of $100 a year in the salary of Dean Terrell who is

acting dean of the College of Civil Engineering, Thisv recom-

mendationi, on motion duly seconded, was adopted on call of

the rmll by unanimou:s vote.



      In this connection Presidett M*Vey "ecome#ded also n

increaee of $100 a year ix the salary of bean Terrell who ia

acting dean of the College of Civil 3ngireering*  This recom-

mendation, on motion duly seconded, was adopted o6 Call of

the roll by unanimous vote.

       Under the heading "Wages of 1anitors", Prespdent McVey

said that some of the janitors of the University were not re-

ceiving sufficient wages and that some scheme should be worked

out affording adequate compensation for such of them as are

doing satisfactory work. The President suggested tentatively

something like a merit basis of payment for janitorial service.

       On motion of which Mr. Stoll, duly seconded, a resolution

giving President McVey full power to act in the handling of

the wage situation was adopted'.

       Under the heading "Fees of Law College" President.Mc1ey

reported to the Board that Dean Lafferty of the College of Law

had interposed an objection to the fee of $25 a semester

charged Law students as fixed by the Board of Trustees in its

meeting December 10, 1917. The President said his own opinion

at that time was that this fee should be not more than $20

a semester and that he favored this amount. He therefore

recommended that a change affecting the Law fee be made.

       Mr. Stoll moved that the fees decided upon by the

Board of Trustees in session December 10, 1917 be changed as

to the Law College and that the revised schedule of fees be

as follows:



1. College of Arts and Science.
         $12.50 per semester.

2. Engineering College.
         t15.00 per semester.

3. Law College
         $20.00 per semester.

4. Student Activities
         $ 4.50 per semester.

5. Abolish Diploma. fee
    Law Library fee.

6. Breakage fee returnable
         $ 2.50 per semester.

7. Dormitory
         $ 1.00 per week, University to furnish sheets, towels,
                and pillow cases and launder them.

           78% of student activities fee to go to athletics
           12% to Kernel
           6% to Y.W.C.A. and Y.M.C.A.
           4% to Lecture Fund.

    A laboratory deposit fee in Chemistry.

       Duly seconded, on roll call, Mr. Stoll's motion was

adopted by unanimous vote.

       In this connection Dean Lafferty appeared before, the
Board  nd made a statement concerning the Law fee in which he
said that the fee of $25 would, in a large measure, make
entrance into the College of Law prohibitive; that the College
of Law was endeavoring to induce men who have hitherto been
reading Law in offices to take advantage of College work in
this profession; that it was the hope of the.College by this
means to raise the standards of the practice of Law in the
state of Kentucky, and that in his Judgment, prohibitive fees
militated '.against that to the direct detriment to the State.
3udge *Lafferty favored a fee of about $15 but said he would
be satisfied with any action the Board took in the matter of
diminishing this fee.   Judge Lafferty retired.

       At this point the President's report- to the Legislature,

to be made dueinig the present session of that body, was read

to the Board by the Secretary



       Oft motion of Mr. MeKee seconded by Mr. Browns tAh

President's report waas accepted, approved by unanimous vote

and directed to be printed.

       President Mcvey submitted to the Board a recommendation

from Thomas Cooper Dean of tXe College of Agriculture, relative

to certain repairs on the Scovell, home which is to be occupied

by Dean Cooper. These repairs entail additional expenses to

that already incurred in appointing the house for Dean Coopervs

recommendation to President MnVey, which is on file.

       Mr, Stoll moved that the matter of improvements referred

to in Dean Cooper's communication be left in the hands of

President McVey with power to act. Seconded by Mr. Johnston

this motion was adopted by unanimous vote.

       President McVey made a verbal report on the Smith-Hughes

bill along with suggestions how to meet its requirements. This

bill provides for the training of teachers for Vocational Educa-

tion. President McVey said that money was available to the

University for 1918 for this purpose and that courses that had

been worked out for such teacher's training work have been

approved. He said-that to meet the requirements of this act

it would be necessary to appoint someone to have charge of the

work. The President said he was not ready at this time to

recommend such a one but that he was considering the matter and

would act later.

       Thereupon Mr. Stoll moved that the President of the

University be authorized to procure the services of such teacher

in Vocational teacher Training work as will meet the requirements



of the Smith-Hughes acti. Seconded by Mr. McKee this rmoL,:.cin was

adopted by unanimous vo te.

       In a communication from Dean Cooper of the College of'

An, rculture t.he following appointments resomrnended by hirn nmin-3

enldorsed by President McVey were approved by the Board:

       alies Catherine Meier, stenographer in the Extension
Division, salary $6o a month, effective December 20, 1917 to
be paid out of funds of Extension Division.

       Charles L. Taylor, county agent Nelson County, salary
$2400 a year to begin January 1, 1918.

       Guerney C. Baker, emergency county agent Lawrence Cournty,
salary $900 for six months effective January 1, 1918.

       Miss Gertrude Sommer clerk for district agent, F.E.
Mierrimnan; and Mrs. MI.D.Jonas. Increase from $607 a year to be
paid by the Extension Division (Under this arrangement proposes
salary will be paid $360 annually by Extension Division and
$247 annually by the Fiscal Court of Jefferson County.)

       Dean Cooper recommended that the salary of Miss Susar.
Kidd be increased from $75 to 4100 a month effective January 1,
19.8. In this connection Dean Cooper said that Miss Kidd was
employed by the Extension Division as accountant, that she had
been offered a similar position in Virginia at $1400 a year and
had been later offered $1500 if she would accept that position;
that Dr. Mlutchler had asked that if possible her salary be made
retroactive'and effective as of July 1, 1917. (The matter of
action of Miss Kidd's salary is disposed of elsewhere in these

       Mr. Stoll offered the following resolution:

       Be it resolved by the Executive Committee of the Universi-
 ty of Kentucky that the action taken at the meeting of the
 Board of Trustees December 10, 1917, electing Thomas P. Cooper
 dean of the College of Agriculture and Director of the Experiment
 Station unon the terms that appear in the minutes of said meet-
 ing, is ratified and approved; and be it further resolved that
 Thomms P. Cooper be and he is hereby elected Dean of the College
 of Agriculture and Directo- of the Kentucky Agricultural Experi-
 rment Station. Seconded by Mr. Johnston, on call of the roll
 this motion was adopted by unanimous tote.

        A communication to D.H.Peak, Business Agent of the

University, from Dr. A.M. Peter Acting Director of the Experiment



S t;2tion incorporating an account rendered by Combs Luinle:-: %-rnp .c

i'or work, material etc_ on- the Mulligan property, was presantcd

tc the Ccnmni.-tee by President MoVey and ordered filed.  ).n th:..

^,5ztu1 cation Dr. Peter stated that he had received a requaafe

:oG't:.'.. Peak to make out a check for $3500 covering the Combs

Yuniber cmpa-ny account; that upon examination of the minutes of

the Board of! Trustees and its Executive Committee he found no

authorization to nay this account out of Experiment Station funds

andc;.that.)nasmuch as there was no Experiment Station fund from

which a payment like this could be made without specific order

from the Executive Co-mnittee or the Board of Trustees, he was

returning the account to Mr. Peak for further instructions before.

making payment.

       Concerning Dr. Peter's communication of December 18 Mr.

Stoll moved, Mr. Johnston seconding, that payment be made from

thle Fertilizers Fees Funds as follows: For insurance, $23.70;

foyr fees of Law Firm of Allen & Duncan; $250.00;  for care of

.5u'.}igan grouands, 864.90; for interest on balance, $600.00

paypble to Phoenix Third National Bank, and $2500.00 to Combs

umber Company for construction.  This motion was adopted on

call of the roll by unanimous vote.

       At this point Dean Thomas P. Cooper of the College of

Agriculture came into the room and was introduced to the members

of tle Executive Committee.

       Under date of January 8th Dean C.J.Norwood of the College

of dines and Metallurgy, made a report to President McVey of

recent fire damage in the Mining Building which report was ordered



:r'i.ed.  Concerning the future protectior. of t-his build ng and:

other buildings on the cam-pus President TcMVey was askecd to s0bi2tI-G

a olan by which adequate protection might hereafter be vouchsafed-

       A co nunication bearing date, December 20, 1917 arcd !-'gfned

b", rPi. &ves K. Patterson contai-ning an account oL salary due hin

as Presidzenl h-meri-us o. the University under a former agremerent

betw-een the said Doctor Patterson and the Board of Trustees. was

filed w,7ith the Boarld. The account was ordered turned over to the

Business Agent and the Secretary ras instructed to comaunicate

vith Dr. Patterson acknowledging receipt of the same, which was


                    REPORT OF BUSIMESS AGENT

                        January 9th, 1918;

To President P.L.IdcVey
The Executive Committee:

                        FIMAiJCIAL REPORT

       Filed herewi th, Exhibit No. 1., is the financial report of
the University of K;entucky, for December 1917.

                  STREET 'MPRO'3Esl3NT STATEMIENT

       Commissioner of Finance, City of Lexington, has mailed
s atement of amount claimed to be due for street improvement on
WVinsloow Street. Exhibi t No. 2.  filed for your action.

                        SCOVELL HOUSE

        This property is being repaired, papered and painted,
preparatory to occupcncr by ;-r. Cooper, Dean of College of Agri-
culture. The expense will be about $300, for work ordered and
cumpleted, this does not take into consideration the changes
wn.ich Mr. Cooper recom-mer.ns. Request filed. Exhibit No. 3. I
.iudgest that in your order relative to this work you name the
funcd out of -wihich bills may be paid.



       Exhibit No. 4, Bills to Dr. W.R.PinneAl for expense n_'
tLoing $15.00 and construction of Garage $114A1.  On inqu'hry Loc-,
i-f'rms.d me that the charges for materials are the aetua' anm..
       The labor was performed in the most part by Dr. Pinne'L.l
anG Mi. Snyder, cash not being paid out for it.  He says that th.
,7ali  of the labor is under-estimated.
'-otered paid out of Experiment Station funds).


       You heretofore directed that cost of the construction of
'Daut in Business Office be paid, in equal amounts from each,
frorm General Fund,.Extension Fund and Experiment Station Fund. It
ieveloped that this could not be done from Extension Fund.  The
bill has been paid in part, the payment being made from General
FLund and Experiment Station Fund. Will you please make an order
directing out of what fund the balance $458.00 shall be paid.
       Exhibit No. 5.
       (Ordered paid, two thirds out of Experiment Station funds
and one third out of University funds).

                    1IVIULLIGAN PROPLRTY

       The Contractor, Combs Dumber Company, has requested payment
of $3500.00 on work completed. I examined charges on books of
Contractor at its office and found that they correspond to state-
ment rendered. I file account together with letter of Dr. Peter
concerning it and other expenses.
       Exhibit No. 6 (Note - Acted upon in connection with
       Dr. Peter's communication).  -

       There is $3.00 unpaid expense for work on grounds.

       A policy for an additional $5,000.00 fire insurance has
been taken out by the Trust Company. An order should be made for
payment of premium.
       (Ordered paid out of Experiment Station funds).

       Please take action on bill of Allen and Duncan, Attorneys
for $250O0Q. .Exhibit No. 7.
        (Ordered paid out of Experiment Station funds).

        The Attorneys, Allen and Duncan, state that it is necessary
 to give notice that a continuance of lease is desired.   It is
 doubtless proper that this be done by order of the Executive
        (Ordered referred to President for action).



                         LINING BUILDING FIRE

       3ore .veeks ago Professor Norwood informed me of a
 . -;.: the LIir.ing Building. He attributed it to a caresez,
 : IcA_,  The damage was small.

       AooUt LO:30 o'clock Thursday night fire was discover-d in
- vtuildihrg by Er. Win m. Belt, a student, who was returning fiom a
C- a male on Linden Walk. He gave aalarrm at once, and the f:rc was
e ,..r.guished with comparcdtively small loss, the amount of which ha:-
y  ; yet been determined. It is fully covered by insurance agd tht-e
;..iLrance Agencies took up question of adjustment at once.

       However, the building narrowly escaped total destruction
 t. is thought that the fire was due to an incendiary, but the motive
 ,s not apparent. Thaere vere three distinct fires, one in the
 ;asemen-t, w:lhere the use of coal oil was evident, and twio in the
 atti c. The State Fire Marshall has the matter in hand.

       For a few nights we have deemed it necessary to have a
.wvatchman stay in the building.

       Sormietime ago the J.-.Stoll Insurance Agency called my
attention to insurance against explosions. I referred it to your
CReittee, but no action was taken. Dr. Norwood fears explosions.
       (President asked to make reconmmendation concerning system
of fire protection andtnight watch).


       I file Ebxhibit No. 8., request of Dr. Healy for an
appropriation of $1,75.00 to Bacteriology Department of Agriculture.
Jeast year that department had a balance of about 4160.00 which was
expected to have been used for payment of certain orders which were
no Wfilled until this year. The balance could not be carried over,
how-ever. This seems to have handicapped the work of the Department,
hence the request. I recommend an appropriation.
       (Referred to President with power to act).

       The following Tanitors are asking a raise in salary; Pier
n.tman, waho now has charge of the New Dormitory and receives 025.0O
*-per month. George Davis, who has charge of the Civil and Physics
building and received ;30 per month.
       (Action noted elsewshere in these minutes).

       The amounts appropriated for supplies for Dormitories,
secritary of Board and Executive are not sufficient.   Additional
c.llo.xance should be made. Dormitories will need at least .4-100.00,
p-robably more.

       I t.irnk a1l3 +tat Ea division of appropriation for supplies in
budget of Education should be made so as to sho0'.w what may be used
by _education, Professor Noe; Secondary &ducation, Mr. Rhoads;
Philosophy, Dry Tigert.



                         SAFETY BCX

       Lest year I was directed to rent a safety box at t"il
-nr'; ty Trust Company. This I did at a cost of 48.oo per year.
: .1 -ysl kindly reconsider the necessity of such a box.
       (Nlo actionl}  

                      DR. PATTERSUN'S ACCOUNT

       I file for your action Exhibit 9, account of Dr. Jamres.)
Pat terson.
       (Action noted elsewhere in these minutes).

                     BENNETT  AND  CRUM  FUNDS

       I file for your consideration and action Exhibit No. 10;
reports and correspondence relative to above named funds.-
       (President uecVey reported that these funds were properly
invested and serving the ends for which they were established).


       Total appropriation ..................... $11,000.00
       Spent to date including December bills .0. 608. 38
                    Balance .  ....................  4,691.62

       The above statement is for University not including
Patterson Hall and Experiment Station. Wle have on hand three or
more car loads of coal.

                      BILLS FOR APPROVAL

       The following bills presented for payment will not be paid
hy the State Auditor, the traveling expense, bills because they
-.re not accompanied by receipts for amounts exceeding $1.00. I
think it- proper for you to pass on these and order them to be
paid out of funds other than State Appropriations.


       V.J. Harris, Traveling expenses ............... 7.86
       Tibbis Carpenter, Traveling expenses ....   ...... 16.76
       J.I.Lyle, Traveling expenses ......   ............. 66.10
       B.J.Treacy, bond for lr. Lyons .....    ........... 5.00

       (Ordered paid out of Trustee Meetings Fund)

       (The detailed financial statement submitted in connection
with this report was ordered filed).

                            Respectfully submitted,

                                  I' .H.Peak

Business Agent.



       It was the sense of the Board that the called meet;irnc ^

tbi.s date would obviate the regular meeting scheduled for tie

Lhtird Wedneeiday in January and that the next regular meeting of

'hi; Board should not be held until the third VWednesday in

F ebruary.

The Board adjourned.

                           Respectfully submitted,

                                   Enoch Grehan
