xt7jdf6k3x2g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k3x2g/data/mets.xml  Kentucky  1969 newsletters  English Eddyville, Ky.: Kentucky State Penitentiary  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Please go to https://exploreuk.uky.edu for more information. Castle on the Cumberland Kentucky State Penitentiary -- Periodicals Journalism, Prison -- Kentucky Castle on the Cumberland, September 1969 text Kentucky State Penitentiary v.: ill. 28 cm. Call Numbers HV8301 .C37 and 17-C817 20:C279 Castle on the Cumberland, September 1969 1969 1969 2021 true xt7jdf6k3x2g section xt7jdf6k3x2g ._______ i {n h,



“a m?




Hon. Louie B. Nunn


John C. Taylor
Harold E. Black
Billy R. Howard
Weldon Welch

W. Parker Hurley
William Lyon
Robert Perry


Hon. Wendell Ford
Lieutenant Governor

of Corrections


Deputy Commissioner
Director of Education
DireCtor of Farm Management

.Director of Probation & Parole

Director of Staff Services
Superintendent of Industries



John W.
John W. Drennon
William H. Lasley
William M. Egbert
Robert J. Grubbs
Jerry L. Wilson
Robert Hopkins
Raymond Powell

Max C. Salb, MD'

W. 0. Long' '

Wu G o Herndon

Rev. H. E. Inman
Father Thomas Clark

C. Clapp


Associate Warden Custody
Associate Warden-Administration
Associate Wardeanreatment
Supervisor of Education
Supervisor of Industries
Chief Counselor ‘

Institutional Parole Officer
Medical Director
CaptainSCorrectional Officers
Personnel Training Officer
Protestant Chaplain

Catholic Chaplain

Kentucky State Parole Board.

Glenn Wade, Chairman

Mrs. Lucille Robuck
Sewell C. Harlin

H. R. Dunbar

H. E. Rob
Ted Lewis

Jim McKinney
Charles Barmes‘

G. W. Gil

CASTLE — is published monthly at th

Kentucky, under the
Advisor to Castle is J.



Glynn V. McMinoway
David L. Davis_

Circulation & Production Manager

Art Director

Staff Artist

es Reporter


e Kentucky State Penitentiary, Eddyville,
of the Vocational Training CenterQ The

R. Hubbard, Vocational Instructor.




CASTLE, a monthly 'publication by and for the residents of Kentucky
State Penitentiary, Eddyville, Kentucky. The views and comments ex-
pressed herein are not those of the administration. The Purpose of
CASTLE is the creative expression of the population in the hope
that it will bring about a better understanding between ourselves
and society. Permission to reprint all original materials is grant-
ed, provided the source is acknowledged. "We will print and welcome
pertinent rebuttal to articles in our magazine. CASTLE is a member
of the International Institutional Press Association.

A.W. Custody News and New Medico aide ----- Page 1
Old Hospital Bites The Dust --------------- Page 2
Things I See By Chuck Barmes -------------- Page 3
From The Editor --------------------------- Page 4
Dr. James H. Burton ----------------------- Page 5
Author Calls on Budding Author ------------ Page 7
Citizen of the Month— Fellowship Club ------ Page 8
Parole Board and Fortune Society ------- Page 9
Penal Press and From The Farm Dorm ----- Page 10
Cartoons of the Month ------------------ Page 12
Industries Report ---------------------- Page 13
Movies in Review ----------------------- Page 14
Elsewhere ------------------------------ Page 15
School News ---------------------------- Page 16
Sports ------------------------------- Page 18
Narcotics Addiction.by C. Lyons— ————— Page 19
Reverend Inman and Father Clark ------ Page 20
Poetry for the Month-w-m-A ~~~~~~~~~~~ Page 21
Reflections of a'Prison Chaplain ----- Page 22
Chapel Activities -------------------- Page 25
Reverend Al Grounds. ----------------- Page 27
Low Number---4144 High Numbere—-27165
Death Row-—1h Total Count--1,056



Our Cover- Art Director, Ted Lewis, takes a photo-
graph of the Chapel by resident-photographer, Rud-
.olph Hamilton, and turns it into .another one of
of the ever superb examples of his Silk- -screen
work. D. E. Barnes is now assisting in the operat-
‘ ion of the process work.




Regular features which are missing this month mill.he back
next month. Our most popular-cat reportawill be one ofa the main
articles to return.



Associate Warden for Custody, Mr. K. C. Clapp, continuing his
program of innovation in the areas of his responsibility announced,
on July 30th, an important change in Institutional Policy.

The announcement read as follows:

" On Saturdays, Sundays, and yholidays, inmates may have
the option of staying in their cells or on the compound.
After either the breakfast or noon meals on these days, in-
mates may go back to their cells. It is directed that if‘a
person elects to go back to his cell, he will be locked in.
No one will be turned Out except for meals, emergencies, or
on authorized call-out° Anyone anticipating being involved
in visits, recreation, or any other activity should not be
locked in his cell.

Inmates on day-shift work assignments on these days will
not be permitted to go back in their cells."

This new privilege means that long weekends with nothing to do
but roam the hill can now be broken up and a man now has a chance to
really 'cool—it' when he has nothing to do° This should help re-
lieve some of the crowded conditions that exist in the shops on the


Dr. Max C. Salb, Medical Director of the new hospital facility
here announced the appointment of Mr. W. J. Chapman, #0, a native of
Illinoisfand former first Sergeant, retired from 'the Army ’Medical
Service. Mr. Chapman, with over 21 years service, took his retire-
‘hent’frdm’Fort Campbeil,’recently.

Former First Sergeant Chapman has seen service overseas includ-
ing: 26 months in Okinawa, 13 months in Korea, 30 months ‘in"Alaska
and as he put it, "numerous posts in the United States." All of his
military career has been centered in the medical service iincldd—
ing 15 years in psychiatric centers, mental hygiene clinics and in
Medical companies and battalions. He has served as chief clerk for
the Divisional Surgeon in an infantry division.

Commenting on the medical unit here,he said, "This is a excelle
ent facility. It is as well equipped as that of a modern community,
moderate in size, and one that all should be quite proud of. Cert-

' ainly all men will receive much better treatment.m '

Mr. Chapman‘s position will be a coordinating operation, handl-
ing administration of the facility and personnel. He said, "FMany
of the 'bugs' that are normal to a new building are being worked
out. We have now set-up a physiotherapy unit and hope soon to have
a smoothly flowing sick call and pill room operation."

He concluded,'"The hospital is new and we would like to keep it
that way but we know we can't. It's there to be used and we intend

to use iF°" (Continued on Page 2 .)



Mr, Chapman, his wife and five children reside at Overlook Sta--
tion, Old Eddyville, Kentuckyo


Dr, Salb also announced that the new operating room was LUSéd
for the first time this montho The first operation in the major op-
eratory was a right inguinal hernia performed under local anesthesia
upon resident Donald Sosho Resident Nurse, Roy Rickard, who is re-
gistered as a surgical technician, assisted the Doctor. Charles Wa-
lker, resident, was circulating nurseo The fifty minute operation--
a successful one-=patient doing wello


Down she comes, the oldest structure within the walls of Eddy~
villeo The resident workers ’on the job will just about'bevable to
meet their prediction as to the length of time it would take to get
it downo Getting loaders and trucks held up the work for awhile,
but the State Highway Department in drivers, Harvey Hubbard and Jim
Jackson came to the rescue° They helped haul away all of the stone
and concrete from the building to hold in storage for fill work by
the Lyon COunty Highway Garage,

Several old relics turned up, so far two old shoes of about 80
to 100 years of ageo Not matching, we determined the age of these
young boys shoes by conferring with our resident Cobblers; Donnie.
White and Dickie Oliver as well as Correctional Officer Kevil Sell-
ers, who worked for International Shoe Company before joining Ken-
tucky State Penitentiaryvs staff,

Mr, Vickery, demolition crew officer, turned over to us an old
cork from a demijoh‘nubottleo The bottle and contents weren't found!
At his suggestion, we measured the depression on the main step lead-
ing into the old part of the buildingo It was found that time and
almost 28,000 convicts had worn the step down by two inches.

Since the News Office has become the unofficial Museum of non-
lethal historical relics from the demolition site, Officer Stanley
3. Stokes offered to deliver the step to us° We declined as it was
felt that it might become lethal if anyone tripped over it.

The section of wood with Brindley's name was still the major i-
tem in the museum as we go to press, The new Correctional Officer,
Mr. W. F° Miller, assigned to the Vocational Training Center is tak-
ing a real interest in our collection of memorabilia and has been
serving as judge to see if the items could be used for anything be-
yond as he so succinctly put itmanything but a dust collector.


GOVERNOR LOUIE Bo NUNN— " Make an investment in your future and the
United States, Join the UOSo Savings Bond Driveo Employees can use
the Payroll Savings Plan° Residents can arrange to have bonds pur-
.chased for them by the Chief Clerk's Office,"



by Chuck Barmes

‘ OVERHEARD - A fellow who had just made parole then transferred to the
farm sat down like every fbone in his body was arthritico “I'm as
bout to tell them to forget'parolei", he moanedo' "Why?",someone‘ask-
ed. "Who in the world wants to hire a cripple?",was the reply. These
potatoes afie rought '


Did you hear this one? After years of nagging by a pious wife,a
whiskey'drinking,.card,plhying‘ old_reprobate finally decided to sile
ence her by joining the'dhurch. on baptism day the congregation gate
hered at the creek bankg sang a few hymns, then ”watched as the old
man was led into the water= As the water Came up to his waist, an Ace
of Spades floated out of his back pocket.' He Waded deeper 'and out
floated a King of Spades, then the Queang the Jack, and finally the
Ten. His wife oculd bear it no longer "Stop itL" she shieked, "He's
lest, He's lost“° Her son standing beside her said "Hold on there Ma; ’
Paw ain't lost. If he cain¥t win with that handoain't nobody averages
nna winFLl .- - ,m ' -


“' ALB year old on Art Linkletter's show said " A hurricane is us~I
ually followed by high winds”o A


A woman on a jury panel said she could not serve because she
did not believe in capital punishment. The judge eXplained to her, In
the case to be decided a wife is suing her husband because, in a
game of cards, he lost $900 that was to go toward the purchase of a

fur coat for her birthdayo" _
”In that case, I will be able to‘serveg" the woman said. “ I co-

uld be wrong about capital punishment.",

g "The worst sin toward our fellow creature is not to hate them,--
but to be indifferent to them: that's the essence of inhumanity,"

(George Bernard ShaW)




To: Chief Clerk's Office Check or money order for
CASTLE SUBSCRIPTION $2000 for each yearly
Box 128, Eddyville, Ky° - subscription.

Send Castle to: (Name)



(City) . . (State)



' —-~__.___.._. Wm"? - '1-":,L_,-—.—






If you remember, gentle reader, that question was left hanging
when we ended our August issue of CASTLE. Brindley's name and the
date, March 20, 1890, was found carved on a rafter in the old hos-
pital building now being torn down.

Bill Powell, Roving RepOrter for the Padudah Sun-Democrat did
us a favor and took up the question. He also suggested that the Ed-
itor of Castle would like to know, " Who was W. B. Brindley?

It wasn't-long before Powell's clarion call was answered. The
first to offer an answer was Mr. Ilalcom Z. Tanner, our Data Proces-
-sing Supervisor in Industries. He conferred with his parents, long
Eddyville residents- Judge and Mrs. Frank Tanner. He offered that
W. B. Brindley was a carpenter, plumber and a general handy man of,
that period.

: Mr. Tanner said Brindley was remembered, " as extrem-
ely intelligent, well mannered, but a intermittent-
'\ imbiber of corn products."
/ " “y The very next day, we were called by the Warden,

‘ to meet one of Eddyville's historians, Mr. Amb-

rus Miller, a 30 year steamboat captain for the

':_.- . Hogan Barge Line. Mr. Miller,aalong with
__ .s Dr. M. H. Mosley, has gathered about all


f\_ the history that can be ,gainéd of
A/§, r~\\\\ ‘ the inhabitants of the old city of
‘ ‘ \§ ' ‘ Eddyville, Kentucky.
g \\ ‘ Here is Mr.'Miller's report on

'n- ” Brindley, 3 His father WESJJ.T.
'%.\( Brindley who was on the city -
'fi" _ board during the time that the
'* land was sold to the state to
build the priSon." The rest
\' of the report is the same was
the Tanners. W. B. Was a carp-
enter, a painter, a widoWer. He
' was a tall man who could do just
about anything he set his hands
upon. He was a regular customer
of Luther Dukes' combined saloon
and barber shop. While there in
1912, by error, he consumed a bot-
tle of bay rum and expired the
same day. This does not~
‘Q/n\\\ necessarily have any
/f;4.122>\ bearing on the fact that
‘ Lyon County is bone-dry
v and even more so here
423$“. .within the walls.


(Continued on
Page 5 )







Staff and residents, both, were saddened by the sudden death
on Tuesday, August 12th, of our Dental Services Director, James H.
Burton, DDS. The Doctor passed away in Caldwell County Hospital
as the result of injuries received in a two car collision, on his
way to the prison to begin his morning activities,

A native of Carlisle County, Kentucky, Dro Burton received
his degree at Washington University, St. Louis,.Missouri, in 1929;
He moved to Lyon County from Morganfield about eight years a o and
set—up private practice in New Eddyville. From April 22,19g8,'he
served in the morining hours as the Dentist at the Penitentiaryo '


Dr. and Mrs° Burton celebrated their Silver Wedding Annivere
ary on August 22,1967» In addition to his wife, he is survived
y a married daughter. He was active in the Lyon County Lions

' lub and a member of the Eddyville Methodist Church For the past
_hirteen years, Dro Burton, a 32nd Degree Mason was interested in
hrine work. .

‘ The condolences of all of us, are extended to his family and

is many friends.



FROM THE EDITOR 2 (Continued)

Mr° Miller also had with him the town plat map that some of the
early city planners envisioned the city of Eddyville might become
someday° However, the' opportunity to sell to the state, in 1884,
this section of rocky, hilly ground was too good to miss and the
fine citizens turned loose of ten and a half acreso One site NOOZA,
the old hospital building, was located the Eddyville Male and Female
Academyo Records do not show General Hylan B Lyon, C S A,, or his
grandfather, Matthew, ever lived on the property located on site No,
24. Records do show that this General H B Lyon was related to
most of the people who conveyed deeds to him as agent,for the Com»
monwealth, buying the property, He also owned the farm where all of
the stone used for the building and walls came from, History-rwould
now have it that he was the first Warden of the Penitentiary°

At the time of the purchase of the land by the state several
buildings stood on the grounds, The sales contract gave 90 days to
remove the buildings and contents of the buildings, many were torn
down° 'From plat 24, all the equipment of pedagogy were removed to
another site and a new academy was opened by Ho Po Carson of Evansa
ville, Indiana,

80 now our search goes on as to the exact age of the original
part of the house. 'Who built it and who lived there before it be-
came a school? But, please, Bill Powell, let us do this ourselveso
Our mail and visiting rooms are just not setmup to handle all the
traffic that your column will generate,

It is our hope in the months to come to bring you some of the
history, romance and intrigue surrounding the founder of Lyon County
and his equally intrepid grandson, General H“o B, Lyon° ( From The
Editor continues on page 6 °)



'Names such as Ethan Allen, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Aaron
Burr, Robert E. Lee, Nathan B. Forrest and numerous c0unty~and city
court houses burned by the good General as he ifit the Yankees' in
a new series called," The Lions of Lion COunty."

IN OUR MAIL BAGLMrs. Mary’ Lou Brown ”of California Writes tearenew
her subscription and to send One toAUTHOR CALLS ON AUTHOR Continued:

Of late,'Ghosting' has been his writing line with payments rang-
ing from $ 15,00 to $h5, 00 per book. The book with Preston will be
the fiftieth one that he has published, It will take the 1'.aSalfiold
to' form. 0n the title, it hasn't been worked out yet, but several of
the working titles are: Prison, Anyone? Conwise Always say Sir to
the Warden. ,

Our interview time was limited as it was nearing shift change,
but I am sure that had we had more time a more lengthy article on
this polished American writer would have resulted. Dapper, full of
life, with eys that glittered as he related but part of his stdry,
Ralph Hancock's visit will long be remembered by this Editor. He has
all the bounce and verve of a thirty year old and the steelutrap mind
of a diligent researcher and reporter. He has promised us that our
resident library will receive copies of some of his other books. We
will advise you when they arrive.



On the 29th and 30th of July the Kentucky State Parole Board
met here and granted 24 paroles, deferred 18, from periods ranging
from six months to four years° Parole was denied to 18 men.

The high percentage figure of men granted parole were in the
group of men doing long sentences: One man doing Life and 3 years;
h—Life Sentences; BaTwentyéone years; 1=ZO years; 1=fifteen years;
A-ten years; 2=seven'years;"1=eight yearso The remainder were sens
tences five years and under. Three men with one year 'sentences,
were granted parole» with condition of close supervisiOn.'

The CORRECTIONS CANDLE informs that the Parole Board has dis=
COntinUed the use of the term "Servemout"9 and is using the word
"denied", with the understanding that someone denied parole may have
a rehearing at any time there has been a change in his accomplish»
ment or attitude sufficient to warrant a new hearing°

No guidelines of further information about the above has been
made available to CASTLE at this time.

Last July the Boardvs average was only 29 percent paroles
granted. All five members of the board were present at this meets
ing on the last week of Julyp 19699 including the Chairman9 Mr.Glen
Wade, Mrs.,Lucille Rebuck9 Mr. Sewell Harlin» Mr. David L° Davis and
Mr. Glynn McMinnoway.

in)?“ a 1:3 aOmm =4

The clerks wear prison clothes; they sell articles made by exa ,
convicts and a jutajawed J. Egar Hoover glares from a poster in the
window of a new little shop in Greenwich Village. -

The Fortune Store is operated in association with The Fortune
Society, a national organization of 29000 execonvicts who try to
keep each other out of jail and who seek penal reform.

The Society hopes the shop will train exmconvicts in retail
skills as well as provide an outlet for merchandise from exaconvicts
trying to go straight.

Articles offered for sale includes moderately priced jewelry.
made by'a moviemtheater janitor who spent 20 years in{ half a:Cdozen
prisons, leather handbags produced by a A6=year=old Brooklyn man who
spent 18 years in a Georgia prison9 and crocheted dresses made by a
21-year old female former heroin addict while in Manhattan Rehabili~
tation Center. '

The Society also is trying to convince state correction depart-
ments to allow inmates to send their products to the store for sale.
Existing state laws will not allow out—of-state shipments of fiinmate
produced goods to be sent to such a store from the penitentiary here,
according to a spokesman from the Chief Clersz office. Thus we are
ruled out of sending any Kentucky produced products to this store at
the present time. we do send our best wishes for all the success in
the world with the enterprise.




Wemfl Press

PENDLETON REFLECTOR: If Ju1y issue is an example of new editor's
fabilities'uoa you've no sweat; Good Job; (course being a native Hosea
ier), I could be prejudice.

2 THE ENCHANTED NEWS: Really enchantingl Tremendous job on "Origin“
*development;ahd PhilosOphy of parole." ‘

INSIDE WORLD: Good job all around. Particulary liked ”The Crack
In The Wall“ by Bill Arnold as it applies to ever iinstitution. Note
your inmate councils minutes especially proposal” *u.'If”you're’pr0p-
osing a maximunn 12 hour day 5% day week, one wendens‘how. .;,many hours
and days you work now? Think I'll detour Mississippi.

INTERPRETER: Man, that's what I call pregresslmfieyyactually,létW
college girls in to hold a seminar, yOur outside -entertéinment ain't
bad either; Then L.K. Price's "The Poor In Prisonwman you Oughtitb be
here; You ain't seen poor folks.like us po'folks. Seriously-good‘show
all around.

= ISLAND LANTERN: L.K. Price sure gets around “ Legalized Crime“
Well it is an idea. "The Last Night“ by George Fraleigh-exellont---1t‘
could not be said better--unfortunately by anyone here ( Sorry"-bout
that Odo , ,

EAIEORD RECORD: Your editoral was top drawert.The only approp--
riate comment Amen, brother Amen,


by: Carl

Just like you city slikers up there on the hill, we have various
sports in which we can participate in after our work day is over, And
there are a majority_of the men here who take part in acme sort of sp-
ort. Shuffleboard is enjoyed by a good number of the guys; Wheeler,--
Taylor, Givens, and Smock leading the way. In BaSketball, (Dust-.Bowl
Variety), Mattingly, Schroeder, and Peterson proved too much for 4the
talent of McClellan, G.Green, and Ford in the best h but of 7 for the
Dorm Championship.

If you are ever out this way, and hear a guy holler four, heistf
nt showing that he knows how to count. You'd better duck, because awe—
have a regular 9 hole golf course out here. Of ecurse we play the same
3 holes 3 times to get it, but still it's nine holes. our "club pros“
are Ray Cummings, and Fred Shekell. But learning very quickly is Gene '
Kirby, (who by the way holds the record on distance). On one shot hhe
missed he threw his club a total of 187 feet. A record which isn't --
likely to be beaten in the near future. (Continued on page 11)


 FROM THE FARM (Continued) 2

Although Jack Baldwin is right behind with a distance of loh feet.As
for myself; Golfing has increased my vocabulary. You'd be surprised
at the cute expressions that are coined on a missed two foot putt.

Horseshoes, in my opinion, are put to better use when worn on a
horse, but there are some who will disagree with.me, namely " Jive a
Bill" Davis, James "SnOOpy“ Cook, D. Bumpus, and of .course the 01d
pro himself, Ray Cummins. They claim they look better on an iron eta

Softball: now we are in the'fibfit vof the sports program here at
— the Dorm. We enjoy a game or,two every night. We have a varsity team
-that has played 6 games against outside teams, and we have brbken
even, winning 3 and losing 3. The.highlight of our season so far has ‘
been a game played b