xt7jdf6k3t7r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k3t7r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-11-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 09, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 09, 2007 2007 2007-11-09 2020 true xt7jdf6k3t7r section xt7jdf6k3t7r VISITOR

Grade School Throwback

UK Dodgeball club still having fun

with playground classic

Page I



_ _\ ll }/\Y



I UK HepKats hosting swing-era dance this weekend
I Local church to host annual Jesus Prom
I FramexFreme: This week’s box office hits and misses






Local advocates want licenses for illegal immigrants


Members of various Kentucky or-
ganizations met yesterday aftemoon
and discussed concems about Lexing-
ton‘s Commission on Immigration re-
port. which was released on Tuesday.

The commission presented a list of
seven recommendations earlier this week
to address immigration issues in Lexing
ton. but most of yesterday‘s discussion
focused on two recommendations May-
or Jim Newbeny said he opposed: giv-
ing illegal immigrants ID cards and al-
lowing them to obtain driver's licenses.

Kerby Neill. a representative from

and Justice. said allowing immigrants
to have driver‘s licenses makes the city
safer for all citizens

"We have many persons driving
without licenses who need to drive for
all the reasons the rest of us drive.
Neill said. “They need to be trained.
understand the rules of the road and in-
sured. That does not grant them legal
status in our country. It makes our
roads rriuch safer for all of us."

Neill spoke at the Lexington—Fayette
Govemment Center and commended the
commission and Newberry. saying they
tackled a controversial issue and have
made more progress than Congress on
topics concerning immigration.

ly good. but their details are out of
touch with reality." Neill said. “1 ap—
plaud the commission's spirit to remain
a welcoming community until national
legislation brings more clarity to our
immigration issues."

The commission also heard from 12
other speakers on behalf of organiza-
tions. including a representative of Lex-
ington’s Catholic community.

Sister Sandra Delgado spoke on be-
half of the Roman Catholic Diocese of
Lexington and said the recommenda-
tions reflected the principle of respect
for all people.

"The commission has studied the
issue from all aspects and has made

and safety of all who live in Lexing»
ton." she said. "While this commission
was not driven by religious values. their
recommendations recognize the respect
and dignity due to all persons as chil-
dren of God."

Many of the groups at yesterday‘s
meeting pledged their cooperation to
the recommendations. including the
Community Action Council.

Marissa Castellanos, the council‘s
center manager. said the organization
would welcome collaboration with the
Lexington-Fayette Urban County Gov-

“These recommendations provide
insightful guidance as Lexington con-

coming city." Castellanos said. “Com-
niunity Action Council will continue to
advocate for fair and equal treatment of
our immigrants and refugees as the
LFUCG considers action on the coni-
mission's recommendations.“

The next step for the commission is
to start educating people about the rec-
ommendations. said Bnan Rich. a mem-
ber of the Commission on Immigration.

“The plan is to move ahead. get peo—
ple to buy in and get these recommenda—
tions implemented into reality." he said.

Continuing the discussion on immi-
gration is vital for Lexington. Rich said.

“The worst thing that could happen
to our community is to shut down this

the Central Kentucky Council for Peace

"Our immigration laws are general—

R-vrero Ti 11*: BAR

recommendations that are for the good

tinues to define itself as a fair and wel~ discussion." he said.





|5iah Young, a marketing sophomore, competes in the clean and press segment, the second of four segments during the "Strongest Man. on Campus" finals Onioo‘xers gathered at the

intramural fields behind the Johnson Center yesterday to watch as the eight competitors wed for the title

? sharedlove
of bluegrass

ilaster@kykernel com

David "Uncle Dave" Kiser had a passion for inu—
sic. but it wasn‘t until he reached his fifties. after
working iriost of his adult life in the Fayette County
jail. that he got to showcase his love and talent for
singing and playing bluegrass music.

"He loved the music. there‘s no doubt about
that." said friend Zeke Buttons. ”He had a real pas-
sion about bluegrass music."

But his musical career was cut short. Kiser died in
his sleep yesterday after battling cancer. He was 62.

Kiser began as a DJ for WRFL. UK‘s indepen»
dent radio station. in November 2002. Every other
Saturday he hosted “Blue Yodel #9." which features
the music of local bands as well as live performances
and interviews with bluegrass musicians.

He was also the leader of the band ”Uncle Dave
and the Dixre Drifters." He had a talent for playing
jam sessions and .i Sun» of time “just like a
metronome.“ said Bob (ircgor'y. a local musician
who played with Kiscr.

When Kisei' began playing live shows. he loved
the experience.

"He couldn't believe it was all happening .. he
w .is on stage." (iregory said.

He had looked forward to playing the mUsic he
loved after rctirrrig in January. (iregory said. but one
month later he was diagnosed with cancer. Which
eventually prevented him from talking and playing
the gurtar.




"He .in ays loved music brit never got the chance


Eight sets of bulging muscles.

more than 1.000 pounds in sandbags
and a brand new Honda Ridgeline
could all be found in the Picratt Stu-
dent Recreation Fields behind the
Johnson Center yesterday aftenioon as
eight UK students competed for the ti-
tle “Strongest Man on Campus.”

The students were chosen in a
qualifying round Wednesday. Male
students interested in the compeii»
tron completed two lifting activities.
and at the end of the day the top
eight. along with two alternates.
were selected to return yesterday for

the finals.

During the competition. partici—
pants had to press weights. lift 125
pound sandbags and pull a Honda
Ridgeline truck. donated by Honda
specifically for the event.

The competition was pan of a pi-
lot run for a new series that [ESPN is
planning for the summer of 2008.
The idea was created by Barry Frank.
who is also credited with creating 50
other shows. including the World‘s
Strongest Man and Survival of the

The competition will return to
UK in the spring to name an official

to do anything."

said (iregoiy. an industry extension

specialist in the LR Center for Manufacturing. “But
he was so natural."

Iivcri after he was diagnosed with cancer. friends
said Kiscr was a soft-spoken. easygoing man dorng

See Kiser or page 6

Author to ShOW



Freshman Drew Eckman Struggles to get a Honda Ridgeline rolling yesterday


during the truck-pulling segment of the "Strongest Man on Campus’ finals

of women
coal miners

8y Kristin Stock

nestkykernel corn

3 Annual Circle Of Love
gift drive starts today


UK celebrates
100th anniversary ,
of federal library artistes"

news@kykernel com

lior Su1anne Tallichet. coal mines are a symbol
of womanhood and the strength that comes front
within females

Tallichet. author of “Daughters of the Mountain."
is looking to convey that strength and empower thosc
who still work in Appalachian coal mines through
her lecture today at 3 pm. in the President's Room at
the Singletary Center for the Arts. A reception will
follow the lecture.

Tallichel. a professor at Morehcad State l'niver»
sity. examines in her book the empowerment of
women who worked in central Appalachia coal
mines in the 1970s.

Rural Appalachian women should continue chal-
lenging the forces of patriarchy. capitalism. racism
and regionalism to find the dignity they deserve. TaIA
lichet said in an e-niail.

“I would like my audience to remember that Ap-
palachia is America. and the experiences of people
there. particularly women coal miners. are instruc-
tive." she said.

Kate Black. a manuscripts archivist in special
collections and digital programs division at UK. said
that three important factors led to more women
working in coal mines; the women's liberation move—
ment in the 1970s. the federal govemmcnt's imple-
mentation of affirmative action policies for women
and the 1970s coal boom spurred by the Organization

See Author on page 0

My resource center at Julia R. I.wrin Ele-
mentary School. said the best part of the
program is when the schools come and
pick up the gifts for the children The
(‘entcr for Community Outreach does not
deliver the gifts directly to families. but
Recsor said the organization typically
hears back from the families.

“I wish everyone who is involved
could see the looks ofyoy on their faces."
Reesor said. “The schools bring vans and
trucks to load the gifts. and they are al-
ways overwhelmed with the generosity of
our staff and students at UK."

Circle of Love started in 1986. and
the Center for Community Outreach
joined the program last year.

Megan Tolley. an integrated strategic
communications and English senior and
the student director of Circle of Love.
said students should get involved with the
program because it is a reminder of how
truly fortunate one is.

“Many of us are lucky enough to be
able to make a children‘s holiday wish
come true. and there truly is nothing more

The Center for Community Outreach
will kick off the 21st annual Circle of
Love gift-giving event today from 11 am
to 2 pm. in the Student Center Great Hall.

‘ Students. faculty and staff can pick
up names of children in need of Christ—
mas gifts during distributions today.
Monday and Tuesday.

Those wanting to participate can also
pick up names from 9 arm. to 2 pm. at
529 Patterson Office Tower. the Student
Center bridge lounge. the front entrance of
Anderson Hall. the Peterson Service
Burlding pedway entrance and the Agri-
culture Science Center North lower lobby.

Participants bave until Dec. 4 to shop
and should return presents to room 206 of
the Student Center. said Laura Hatfield.
assistant director of student involvement.

The Center for Community Outreach
Circle of Love committee will then son
the packages by schools. and school
counselors will pick up the presents on
Dec. 7. Hatfield said.

Linda Reesor. coordinator of the fam-

From card catalogs to computers. libraries on campus
have changed over the past century nearly as much as the
students have.

UK Libraries is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the
establishment of a federal depository library at UK with a
celebration and plaque dedication tomorrow at 2 pm. in the
auditorium of the W.T. Young Library.

The 15 libraries on [IK‘s campus house nearly three mil-
lion books. maps. microforms. posters. CDs and videotapes
that have all been provided free of charge by the govemment.

As the regional depository of the state. UK receives one
of each of the publications that the govemment produces.
Twenty other libraries throughout Kentucky are federal de-
positon'es‘. but they choose what publications they receive.
As the regional library. UK plays a special role.

Tomorrow. following the plaque dedication. UK history
professor Tracy Campbell will present a speech entitled
“Democracy's Archive The Importance of Government
Documents to the Historical Record."

“We are responsible for managing the entire system
across the state." said Sandra McAninch. UK‘s regional deA


See. Libraries on page 6 See Gilt: on page 6

Flu! hue lroo. token-out m 15 com. Newsroom: 257-1915; Advertising: 257-2872

O D l 0


 PAGEZI Frdai day NovemberB 2007

(your daily dose of entertainment, popcultureiandfifunriggemel ‘ 0|






















the rent solve other people's prob»
lems and they'll help you solve your

Cancer (June 22 — July 22) Today
is a 9 e You're eager to get start~
ed, but don't get reckless Don't for-
get your shopping lists and your
common sense Hesrst temptation
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22) Today is a
5 — Conditions are good for private
conversations in your own home Be
with a person that you can trust to
keep your secrets safe

Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept 22) Today IS
an 8 M Don't be too embarrassed if
VLU should realize you've been do

a momma"

By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day’s rating: 70 is the easies.‘ day, 0
the most cha//eng/'ng,

Aries (March 21 — April 19) Toda ,i
is a 7 —- If others are involved in
your finances be careful at this
point. Gather ideas. but be aware a
'01 Of them aren't 90ng I0 WOII‘ ing something the hard way It's bet
DON'T FUSh "110 anything ter that you ‘ound out Your life WIII
Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Today get easier.

is a 7 ~ No need to confront the Libra (Sept. 23 — Oct. 22) Today is
dragon, let somebody else do it for a 7 77 There's plenty of money to
you. Meanwhile, hide out in a place be made, if you can do what’s re.
where YOU can WEiYCll the action guired. Unfortunately, you'll have to
Figure out what you should do next do it quickly Don't take ail day mak
Gemini (May 21 -June 21) Today ing up your mind

is a 6 —— Start by doing whatever's Scorpio (Oct. 23 — Nov. 21) Today
required to make sure you can pay is at. 8 ~ There's no fun in simply

Happy Hour all Doy & Night!



overpowering a weak opponent. You
don’t learn anything that way, ei-
ther Resist the temptation.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
Today is a S 2-. There‘s no avording
this deadline, don't even bother to
try Concentrate instead on produc-
ing the expected results. Earlier is
Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) To
day is an 8. You've just about had
it Wlili doing things you'd rather put
oft until later Turn that around Par-
ty now and let the unfinished chores
Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) To-
day is a 5 —— Quick action on your
part :eaus to an unexpected bonus.
Provide what's needed immediately,
much to the other person's relief.
Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) To
day is a 9 H You can see what you
want to accomplish and where you
want to go, but the paths not quite
as clear Proceed with determination
and watch out tor hidden dangers

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Kate Hudson speed dating!

file DiSI-I

Her latest flirtation?
Costar Dane Cook

Kate Hudson may havc
added a third I'tinnymaii to hcr
recent string of Ilings. A source
tclls Us that while making Bach
clor No. 2 this .summcr. the ac-
tress. 28, got any with costar
Dane Cook. 35. "It w as casual."
says thc insider. (“Not tiuc. 'l‘hcy
arcn‘t romantically involved."
countcrs .i dil‘fcrcnt soui‘cc.)
Complicating matters; She was
also seeing Dax Shcpard. 32. at
tho timc. though she has cooled
to him Icitcly. says a source. At
her Hallow ccn patty ()ctobcr 27
in l-..»\.. shc dodgcd Shepard
most ol thc night. "Kate was thc
life of thc party. but l)a\ sccmcd
heartbroken." an obscrvcr says.
(A Shcpard source dismisses any
drama. saying. "He was thcrc
with I‘i'iciids. Everything was
finch”) Finally. Hudson is still in
touch with a third comic actor:
Owen Wilson. 38. "But Just to bc
thcrc li'll him." notes the iiisidcr
"I don‘t \L‘k thciii gcttiiig back

Sophia And Tony _,
Heating Up Fast

ls l‘ootballcr Tony Romo
making a play for Sophia Bush"
Ncarly Iour months after split»-
ting with Carrie Undcrwood. 24.
thc Dallas Cowboys quarter»
hick. 27. w is spottcd dining
with Bush on October 22. and
he introduccd her to his part tits
thc ncxt night! “She can't be»
how it‘s happening so last?"

says a Bush friend. adding that
the actress. 25. already has plans
to fly cast to attend —Roino's
game against the New York (ii-
ants on November II. But will
the union Iast‘.’ Rotiio was seen
hanging out with none other
than Britney Spears. 25. at Hol—
Iyw'ood hot spot Lcs Dcux on
October 26. when they wci'c in—
troduccd by Spcars sidekick Alli
Sims. 26 la Romo “girlfriend.
says a source).

Ryan and Shana:
Dating Again!

Ai'tcr splitting two years
ago. Ryan Scacrcst. 32. and
Ama/ing Race contestant Shana
Wall arc back on. And they still
have one tic that binds: their ap-
pctiICs' "All we care about is
cating." Wall. 32. told Us at
l Afs Murak imi exhibit open-
ing October ZS. "We talk about
lunch at breakfast?"

Prince Harry: Ready to Wed

PI'IITCL‘ Harry wants Chclsy
Days to bc his princess? Hot
Stutl has learned the royal. 2?.
plans to pop thc question. "He‘s
told friends hc's ready." a source
says. But advisers convinced
him to hold off until Davy. 22.
finishcs hcr postgrad degree.
The sourcc says his aides "want
to soc how shc handles the at

Gossip Girl's Real Rivalry!
Think the backstabbing on

Gossip Girl is bad'.‘ An insider

on the CW tccn soup tells Us the

trcncniy tension hctwccn Blake
Livcly and Lcighton Mccstc‘i
gets cvcn worsc whcii the cam-
cras stop rolling! “Lcighton is a
diva. and shc‘s jealous of thc at-
tention Blake is gcttmg." thc
source says. “frankly. shc's rudc
to pcoplc oii-sct. Blake is much
more mcIIow, Shc ncicr com—
plains." And c\cn though
Mccstcr, 2|. .sw'cars to Us of her
costars. “We gct along famous—
IyI Wc‘rc Iikc family.” and Live-
Iy. 2t). echoes. ”Wc'rc very
lucky that we all mcsli. and w'c
hang out all the time." thosc
closc to the castniatc‘s thI a that
matically different story. At one
rcccnt cvcnt. organi/cis wcrc
alcrtcd that thc actrcsscs wcrc
going to sit at dit'icrcnt tablcs
because oi their animosity. Says
the sourcc. "We were told not to
bc surprised it they don't inter—
act." ((‘oiintcrs Mec‘stcr's rep.
"This is not truc at all. Leighton
is \cry closc to Blakc and her
other costars")

J. Lo: Looking for a New

leniflcr Lopc/ is sccing doti—
blcl Hot Stuff has Ic‘amcd that
thc singer. 38 ~ whom sotrrcCs
say is having twins ~ has been
buying her baby supplies in du—
plicatc. including cribs and
clothes. She‘s also looking to
hirc a sccond assistant. thn in-
tcrvicwing candidates. “it‘s clear
that the assistant is cxpcctcd to
shop for baby stuff.“ an insider
say s. "And they must have expe-
rience with kids."

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November 9,


JD. Williams
Asst. Sports Editor
jwilliams®kykernelt om


Students race to the center of the court to' grab dodgeballs yesterday even

Dodgeball club playing

By Ryan Kennedy


The kids picked last in elementary school
dodgeball games now have a chance to redeem

The UK Dodgeball team is playing the same old
game. just in a larger gym.
Errol Strauss. the club's leader and one of the
founders. said the group started from simple bore-
dom and the love of childhood dodgeball.

“We just wanted something to do." said Strauss.
an economics senior. “We watched the movie ‘Dodge~
ball‘ and felt that it was something that we could do.“

That something Strauss and his friends began is

now a club that includes about 100 players. 35 of

which are due-paying members.

At the beginning of each meeting. players line up
on the baseline of Alumni Gym. and the team captains
pick their team members one by one. It's a throw back
to grade school for those who want to yield to their in-
ner Child and launch a rubber ball at a classmate.

The UK Dodgeball team doesn't just compete
against itself: they also have a co-ed team that comv
petes in tournaments against other schools. Tomor-
row. the team will host a five-team tournament in the
Seaton Center.

The tournament features teams representing Mar-
shall University. Western Kentucky University. Sagi-
naw Valley State University and Grand Valley State

To prepare for the tournament. players have been
diving for catches and dipping and lunging to steer
clear of being hit during practice sessions.
This game is not exactly for the weak and those not
very fleet of foot.

“This game is not easy. you‘ll bust a nose every



Zane Stauoach a clinical lab soience Junior, left, and Tyler Sexton, a landscape architecture lUlllOT, are plotting on who
they Will double team next Wednesday night at Alumni Gym

once in awhile." said Michael Poplin. an cnginccring

From these practices. l5 players are selected as
the team that will compete in toumaments throughout
the year. But the others participants aren‘t necessarily
left against the wall defenseless, They still play in
open tournaments like the (bun—(t toumament that's

He's great. He's poised. His fundamentals are so
good. His passing, his poise, his dribbling. He's just

excellent at every phase.”

—— Chris Mooney, University of Richmond head coach, on
University of Memphis freshman phenom Derrick Rose
after he led the Tigers to a victory over the Spiders



ing at the Alumni Gym. The UK Dodgebali club meets every Wednesday to play and have a good time.

same old game


., 'w



scheduled for this spring and are able to come back
every week to play.

The club hosts an open practice eyery Wednes-
day at 6 pm. in Alumni Gym for anyone interested
in joining the team. For more information. visit the
Web site for UK Dodgcball thttp://www‘.uky.edu/Stu-
dent()rgs/Dodgeball/ l.

Downed cheering squad looks to rise again

By B_rien Tucker


There are 15 national championships

not for the UK cheerleading squad.

“We are standing on the shoulders of
those who came before us and we have
a reputation to preserve."

The sour taste oi dcfcat has bccn
just the right mix to get this year’s team
foctiscd on reclaiming the champi»

onship. The squad practices

has led to UK being put on the level of
other nationally recognized cheerleading

“They (ESPN analysts: compared


credited to the UK cheerleading team.
eight of which were consecutive wins
between 1995 and 2002. The banner that
displays them hangs from the Rupp Arc-
na rafters and serves as a reminder of
the team‘s goals.

On the team's last campaign.
though. the Cats lost their first national
championship in four years. placing
third in the Universal Cheerleaders As-
sociation Championship in Orlando. Flat.

For most teams. receiving a third
place trophy and national recognition in
front of fellow cheerleaders and fans
would be a crowning achievement. but


senior Sarah Reagin said.

For the UK checrlead»
ing squad. practicing is
different this season. They
are not in the shadows of
another towering first-
placc trophy and they will
not receive the automatic
bid to the championship
that reigning champions

They‘ll return to thc
toumament in January try-

ing to gain what was once theirs for


our checrlcading program to the New
England Patriots on Cold Pizza and said
that we were the better program because
of our bigger dynasty." Thompson said.

That reputation is held up by fresh-
man when they come into the program.

“Being a part of the UK cheerlead-
ing team takes a lot of hard work. espe-
cially (at firstl." freshman Kristen Mulc-
ahy said. “You've constantly got that
pressure to prove yourself as worthy of
being a part of such a big tradition."

“But I believe it will all be worth it
when we win our loth national title."
she said.

Sunday through Friday. and
cheers at football and basket-
ball gamcs The squad works
to bring new talent willing to
put in long hours.

"It is definitely the rum”-
mg. We are known around the
world. I have trmclcd to I‘m—
land. Chile. etc. to look for
cheerleaders." said (‘oach
.lomo Thompson, “The [K
reputation is not only national—
ly but intcmationally. and the
exposure we get definitely helps."

Thompson said media recognition

"They compare
our cheerleading
program to the
New England


”a at} t ‘31,’


still high
Cats fall

I‘m sorry. I didn‘t get the

No one informed me of the
new trend in college basketball.
You know.
the one
where the
from basket-
ball country
loses to the


other team

from A

well I don’t

JD e x a c t l y
WILLIAMS know where
Kernel these teams
columnist sprout from.

I‘m guess-
ing a few
miles outside the boondocks.

It happened to Michigan
State last week when the Spar-
tans lost to Grand Valley State. a
Divisiondl school. And there is
Ohio State. runner-up for the na-
tional championship eight
months ago that ran into Find-
lay. also a D—ll school. and lost
earlier this week.

But all is forgiven for the
Buckeyes and Spartans. those
were exhibitions. a college pre-
season. if you will. What UK
did Wednesday night was not.

It was a loss in the second
game of the season that will be
a reminder in future halftime
sermons from Billy Clyde. I
suppose. Maybe it will be a les-
son of how anybody can be
beaten. It could be one of those
“good losses." if there is such a

Really. the loss only means
that the Cats won‘t travel to the
next round in New York City.
and senior guard Ramel Bradley
won‘t receive the proper home-
coming in Madison Square Gar-
den. There‘s no need for worries
to pour from the Big Blue faith—
ful and turning away from bas«
ketball and back to football
hopes. That‘s robbing Billy to
pay Rich.

Don‘t turn away from the
basketball Cats. they‘ll be OK.

Sometimes the teams that
play well in February and
March take time to mash after
the molding and gelling that
only real game situations can
bring. not practices. As a result
teams lose games that they
would win later in the season.
Those early blemishes just show
areas that need to be improved.
If they are improved then by the
season's end. the team‘s mission
will be accomplished. If not. the
season will feel endless.

Anything is possible in UK
athletics. as the fall sports re—
vealed. And for those still in
football mode. a fall on the
hardwood doesn‘t hurt as much
as a loss on the green lawn.

So don‘t despair over the
basketball (‘ats‘ lb-point embar-
rassment because the slide
won't last long, UK will start a
new winning trend against the
next three cupcake-games com,
ing up. But if they can't. don‘t
worry about mailing out the
memos. You should ready your
pen to send the old S.().S.

.I.I). Williams is a journal
ism tenirir. E-mai/
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November 9, 2007
Page 4


KEMEL Eonomnouro

Keith Slim. editor rn chref
Bum Konkol. managing editor
Sun loco. managing edrtor
Limo Li, opinions editor

But! Not... asst oprnrorrs edllOf
m Cain. features editor
Conic Bus. columnist

Bryn Kennedy, columns!

The UpllllOtlS page provrdes a forum for the exchange of ideas Unlike news stories the Kemel's
unsigned editorials represent the views of a majority of the editorial bcard Letters to the editor columns cartoons and
other features on the opinions page reflect the Views of that authors and not necessarily those of the Kernel



Low election turnout
shows insufficient
political awareness

The opportunity to vote is one that
UK students should never allow to
pass up, no matter how big or small
the election might be.

Many students were given this op-
portunity on Tuesday when Kentucky
held its statewide elections. Unfortu—
nately. low voter tumout across the
commonwealth. including right here in
Fayette County. showed that many
people had little interest in exercising
this fundamental right.

elections. UK students should be proud
of the active role they have taken in
both campus and local politics.

Many students actively engaged in
a variety of events that encouraged
others to participate in the state elec-
tions. and the 50 percent turnout for
the freshmen elections shows that stu-
dents do care about the future of their

But student involvement should not
end here.


Only 37.1 per-
cent of registered
voters across the
state voted in
Tuesday ’s election.
according to the
Kentucky State
Board of Elec-
tions. This is the

Voting is a privilege that
should never be taken
for granted, and UK
students should proudly
exercise that right.

More opportuni-
ties for students to
become engaged in
both local and cam-
pus politics are ap—
proaching quickly.
General SO elections
will kick off during
the spring semester.
and the council scat


turnout that Ken-

tucky has seen for a gubematorial race
in the past 24 years. It's a disturbing
reminder that many people feel disen-
chanted with the current political sys-

Voting. however. is a privilege that
should never be taken for granted. and
UK students should proudly exercise
this right.

Last week. freshmen at UK were
given the opportunity to participate in
their first Student Govemment election
by voting for this year's freshman seri-

About 2,000 students. or roughly
50 percent of the 2007-08 freshmen
class. participated in the election. ac-
cording to a Nov. 5 Kernel article.

This number is encouraging. as
only 3.27} total ballots were cast in the
last SG elections. which were open to
all students at LI'K. not just freshmen.
If this trend continues. we could expect
higher voter turnout for this spring's
S(i race.

Despite lovv voting numbers across
the commonwealth for the .statcw idc

for Lexington‘s 3rd
District. which includes UK. will be up
for election in 2008. These are both
great opportunities for UK students to
turn out in droves as participants of the
political process.

If UK students make statewide and
local politics important to themselves,
this campus can have an active role in
shaping the community. Tuesday's
elections saw voter tumout for Fayette
County at 41 .4 percent. or 71 .758 vot—
ers. With a campus of over 26.000 stu—
dents. UK can have a major influence
in local gov emment.

Low voter tumout statewide
should not make students more apa-
thctic toward politics than they might
already be. The freshman class has al-
ready shown its willingness to partici-
pate in campus elections. and the rest
of the university should follow its

As more elections approach. there
are more opportunities for student
voices to be heard. These are opportu»
nities that everyone at UK should be
eager to take advantage of.

Daylight-saving time
experiment causes more
inconvenience than good

This r'r/inurul (Ill/N rll'i’r/ irr !/rr' Sour/r
I lor'rrlrt Sror-Sr'rrlrnr’l on Mort/(iv. Nor: 4

Finally. day light-say ing trmc cndcd
Sunday morning. and .»\rrrcrrcans rc~
coupcd the hour of slccp lost back in

The drftcr'cncc bctwccn the t hang
ing of thc clocks this tall \crsus prcvri
ous years is one \ycck. but just that
much w as enough to sct sonic pcoplc
and technology off course

.-\ week ago. many prcrpro,
grairimcd computers and T\' rccordrng
devices. as vicll as sy