xt7jdf6k3s4f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k3s4f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-11-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 12, 1996 1996 1996-11-12 2020 true xt7jdf6k3s4f section xt7jdf6k3s4f  

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lSlABLlSHED 1894



mllllflfl THE The UK women’s soccer

team begin: NCAA tournament play against
eonfereneefoe Vanderbilt. Spam, Page 2

Ahmad.“ m» a... ..

WEATHER Partly runny, high

3 0:. Partly cloudy tonight, low
20. Partly sunny tomorrow,
high around 40.



November 12, 1996

Classifieds 5 Campus 0
Crossword 5 Spam 2
Diversions 3 Viewpoint 4






By James ltltchlo
Senior Staff Writer

The University Senate Council rejected a propos-
al yesterday that would have combined the College
of Dentistry’s two existing departments into one.

The proposal would have appointed the dean of
the college as chair of the remaining department.
Functionally, two groups still would have existed
within the department.

The College Council would have planned and
conducted academic programs, while the Council of
Division Chiefs would have been responsible for fac-
ulty concerns, such as recruitment and development.

The plan was originally proposed in January 1994
by David Nash, dean of the college. The plan first
went to the Senate floor in June 1995. The senate
forwarded the proposal to the Senate Committee on
Academic Organization and Structure for review and

The Senate Committee found a divided faculty.

“There was a lack of communication and a lack of


Proposal shot down by Senate

trust” between faculty and administration in the col-
lege, said Bill Griffith, chair of the Senate Commit-

The Senate Committee recommended that the
proposal be sent back to the committee for clearer
articulation of division chiefs, mechanisms for
appointment and removal of chiefs, lines of authority
and systems of checks and balances. ,

In November 1995, the Senate Council voted
down the proposal and suggested that the parties
involved follow the Senate Committee’s recommen-

James Holsinger, chancellor of the Medical Cen—
ter, appointed a committee to develop a proposal
that would conform to the Senate Committee on
Academic Organization and Structures recommen-
dations. The committee forwarded the new proposal
to the College of Dentistry faculty, which narrowly
rejected the plan in a sealed ballot vote.

Despite the proposal’s lack of popularity among
college faculty, Holsinger forwarded it to the Senate

Daniel Reedy, dean of the graduate school,
addressed the Senate on the state of graduate educa-

“Graduate enrollment seems to have reached a
plateau for the time being,” Reedy said.

The clean said the graduate school has exceeded
strategic indicators of success in several categories,
including the numbers of doctoral degrees awarded,
total graduate degrees awarded and black enroll—

Reedy also spoke in defense of the use of teaching
assistants as instructors for undergraduate courses.

“TA is not a four-letter word,” he said.

He said the University’s use of TAs is not
prompted by a need for cheap labor, but by graduate
students’ need for teaching experience to prepare
them for academic careers.

TAs are typically well-trained in their discipline
and highly dedicated, he said.

A discussion of plus/minus grading scale issues
was postponed until December’s meeting because
the meeting ran late.


ll Siull 0| reliel

The UK women’s soccer team finds
out that they will be participating in
the NCAA Tournament. A fier a
first-round lot: in the Southeastern
Con erente Tournament to Auburn
on riday, there was some doubt a: to
whether or not UK would make the
field of 3 2. The Cat: will take on
arch—rival Vanderbilt at the new yet
to be named UK soccer stadium on

Sunday. See story, page 2.



out HARLOW! Kernel naff


Consultant hired
to review report

opinion about Alexander’s criti-
cism of state funding at UK, but
he did say Alexander s criticism of
the community college system was

“I think that (separation of the
community colle es from UK)
would be one of tEe worse things
that could hap en to the commu-

By Kathy Bsdlng
Arnlrtant New: Editor

The state Council on Higher
Education hired a consultant at
the request of Governor Paul Pat-
ton to conduct an analysis of a
report made by the president of
Murray State University about
Kentucky’s postsecondary educa—
tion system.

Kern Alexander, in his “Notes
on Postsecondary and Hi her
Education in Kentucky,” ana yzes
state funding of education. He
accuses UK of misusing state
funds and says UK receives state
money per student than other
Kentucky universities.

Alexander oes on to say UK’s
community co lege system is inef-

ficient, often duplicating pro-
grams offered at the state’s other

Alexander agreed at yesterday’s
CHE meeting that all of the infor-
mation, both his and UK’s fund-
ing reports, needs to be submitted
to the the consultant for analysis.

He said his notes were not
intended as a report that reforms
Kentucky higher education but
rather as a subject for discussion
with Patton.

“It’s a different way of looking
at the funding,” he said of his
notes. “It bears scrutiny.”

UK President Charles
Wethington said he thinks the
council wants to et an “objective
outside look” at exander’s notes.

Wethington would not give his

nity colleges, ethington said.

He said he had just come from
a Govemor’s Task Force meeting
where community college stu—
dents said they wanted to stay a
part of UK and that having an
affiliation with UK meant a lot in
their degrees.

“The real push (to maintain the
system) is goin to come from the
community col eges and their stu-
dents and teachers,” said

Edward Carter, vice president
for mana ement and budget at
UK, sai Alexander’s funding
analysis is “naive and amateur.”

“Statistically, they are kind of
misleading,” Carter said.

Carter explained that it appears

See CHE on I

construction to conclude in spring

embankments,” Burchett said.

By Mat Manon


Stafl' Writer

Perched atop the new five-lane brid e, a crane
reminds nearby businesses that a new an improved
V' ' 'a Avenue awaits.

e April 1998 finish date still stands for the $4.8
million e ansion, said Joe Hodskins, president of
JM. Cra rd and Associates, the contractors for the

gigws will work on the small drainage structures
at Virginia, Press and rt avenues through the
winter, Hodskins said, wi full-blown construction
' ' in the spring.
“It's satisfacto ," he said of the progress made,
“butit’sbeenali eslowerthanwewouldlike.”

' ' Burchett said the bulldoz-
ersan cranescannotbeusedinthewinoerforfearof
su'uctural .

'We can’t get the compaction percentage on the


If the heavy machinery is brought out on wet soil,
and the pro r percentage is not achieved, he said
the road willpdevelop ruts.

When completed, the road will have two sets of
opposing traffic lanes with a turning lane in between.

Such a major makeover for the road has 'ven
drivers and apartment residents a ma' headgldie.
Jay Stubblefield, on-site manager for arden Court
Apartments, said his tenants and their families have
com lained about the lack of on-street parking.

“Guests and tenants’ families come over and
there's just nowhere for them to park,” he said. “Just
getting out of our parking lot to go back to Lime-
stone Street) is a problem at lunch time. Anytime
aroun 4 or 5 o’clock, it's almost impossible to go

Stubblefield said the R ' spamem
complex experiences the 0.3:: as Garden
See new as 0


Student service
otters financing

By Llndsay Hendrix

Features Editor

Most students eligible for help from Student
Support Services probably don’t even know it

Student Support Services offers a wide range
of services to students who are first—generation
college students, are from low-income families or
have physical or learning disabilities.

“It’s a good way for students to find out about
the resources that are available on campus,” said
Cate Pearson, academic counselor for SSS.

The service offers free tutoring, help with
choosing a major or career, a resource library, a
small computer lab and social culture activities.

Occasionally the service offers workshops.

“The topics are based on what the students
express an interest in,” Pearson said. “We did one
on relaxation recently, and next semester we’re
goin to do one on designing a fitness plan.”

T e service usuall accepts about 150 stu—
dents, but they are a ways takin applications.
Students who think they may be e igible for SSS
have a number of options when it comes to
checking out the service.

“They’re welcome to come by, and if they
can’t come by we can send them an application,”
Pearson said.

“And, if the have questions before they actu-
all a ply, we’ l be glad to meet with them indi-
vi uall

After students' applications have been com-
pleted, they will be notified of their statuasoon.

“We let them know if they’ve been placed on a
waiting list, or if we need additional information,
or if they've been accepted or rejected,” Pearson

She said that now is a d time to come in
and apply if students thin they are eligible, so
she encourages them to pay SSS a visit soon.

“We have some students on our list that tech-
nically haven’t been in to receive services,
because the robabl no longer need them,”
Pearson sai . 'K’Ve’re efinitely interested in tak-
ing a lioations."

ose students who wish to speak directly
withsomeonefromtheservioeesn tothesec-
and floor ofAlumni Gym, looat next to the
Student Center on the corner of Euclid Avenue
and South IJmeame.




m Guest tickets

90 on sale this IIIIII‘IIlllfl

Students will be able to buy guest tickets for
two men’s basketball games beginning today at 9
a.m. at Memorial Coliseum. Guest tickets cost
$13 each; only cash and checks are accepted. Stu-
dents are limited to four guest tickets.

Tickets are available at the Memorial Coliseum
box office for the Dec. 9 Wright State and Dec.
14 Notre Dame matchups as well.

Great lakes states hurled

CLEVELAND —— A storm made the Great
Lakes states look like a Christmas card not even
two weeks past Halloween, leaving up to 2 1/2
feet of snow estcrday and catching some people
off ard wit out shovels or other winter survival

Leaves weren’t even off all the trees yet, and
that combined with the heavy, wet snow to drag
down power lines over the weekend. Tens of
thousands of people were still without electricity

“It’s really rou h, this early in the season,” said
Dianne Strasshofgcr, as she brushed snow off her
coat in a mall where Christmas decorations have
been up since before Halloween.

The “lake effect” storm, feeding on moisture
from the Great Lakes, dumped more than 2 feet
of snow on northeastern Ohio beginning Satur-
day. Chardon, about 20 miles east of the city, had
2 l/2 feet by noon yesterday.

Flakes continued falling in Cleveland, and
forecasters said an additional 20 inches were pos—
sible in parts of northeastern Ohio by this morn—

Munising, on Michigan’s Upper Peninsula,
had 27 inches by midday and Hurley, Wis., had
29 inches. At the eastern end of Lake Ontario, up
to 18 inches fell on northern New York.

smr Suspects arrested in murder

BARBOURVILLE — Kentucky State Police
yesterday reported the arrest of a woman and man
on charges stemming from the death of her hus-
band in a fire more than 10 years ago.

State Police Detective Dee Hu hes identified
them as Pearly Sue Mills GambreF, 35, and Jerry
Wayne Sizemore, 29, both of Scalf.

They were arrested Friday after a Knox Coun—
ty grand jury indicted them four days earlier on
char es ofmurder and arson.

T e body of Larryjoe Mills, who was married
then to Gambrel, was found May 25, 1986, in a
burned out trailer that they occupied.

jerry Garland, who was coroner at the time,
said the wife told him that there had been a
domestic quarrel and Mills put her out of the

Garland uoted her as saying that kerosene had
been stored neath the vehicle.

Gambrel and Sizemore are still lodged in the
Knox County Detention Center in lieu of $50,000
bond each.

my honor! allows high child labor

GENEVA — From the brothels of
Asia to the construction sites of E t, nearly
twice as many children are working ull time in
developing countries as previously thought, the
International Labor Organization said yesterday.

The latest calculations from the U.N. labor
agency show that 250 million 5-to-14-year-olds
are employed — half of them full time — u
sharpl from earlier estimates of 73 million ful -
time child workers.

The new figures come after in-depth surveys
and interviews in numerous countries.

Previous estimates were based almost solely on
official statistics.

The ILO report found nearly 153 million chil—
dren are working in Asia, 80 million in Africa and
17.5 million in Latin America.

It called for a new international accord ban-
ning the harshest forms of child labor: slavery,
prostitution and work in hazardous industries.

Only 49 U.N. members ratified a 1976 child
labor convention; some nations said its limits on
paid work were too broad.


frlsnls recall mach Illlsrsst Isaac

ATLANTA — The real Tupac Shakur wasn’t
anything like the guy who kept makin headlines
for getting arrested, friends said at a tin ute to the
slain rap star.

“When I told in mom he was comin to my
reception, she joke and said something hie, ‘Are
you goin to have gun detectors?” said Shock G
of Digits Underground, one of Shakur’s former

oups. “And after it was over, everyone was like,
Tie was such a tlernan. He was so nice.”

The Civic enter was nearly filled Sunday
night for “Keep Ya Head Up! The Celebration of
Tupac Shakur,” three hours of poetry reading,
dance, music and speeches. l

Shakur died Se t. 13 in Las Vegas, six days I
after he was shot while riding in a car. No arrests
have been made.

He is remembered by many as a musician who
died in the gaggsta culture he glorified, ha



Councilman chael Bond and Shahr ,. .45;
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2 Tuesday, November 12, 1996, Kentucky Kernel

Wildcats renew
tourney rivalry

Iv Bob HIM
Ashram Spam Editor
and Jail Vinson
Senior Sufi” Writer

That huge wind gust yesterday
was a big si h of relief coming
from the K women’s soccer

It was “Selection Monda ” for
the Cats as they foun out
whether or not the would partici-
pate in the NCAA Tournament.

UK looked to be in great shape
for the tourney until it was upset
in the first round of the Southeast-
ern Conference Tournament by
Auburn on Friday.

The loss raised some question
as to the Cats’ fate but it was
erased when Kathy Lindahl, chair-
woman of the NCAA Women’s
Soccer Selection Committee,
announced the Wildcats as one of
the 32 invited teams.

The Cats will take on Vander-
bilt this Sunday afternoon at the
new, still yet to be named, UK
soccer stadium.

“Being able to play the first
round at home is exciting,” Coach
Warren Lipka said. “It’s exciting
for us for our kids to have eight
of our seniors playing at home.
That’s definitely what we’re look-
ing forward to."

To call this weekend tense for
the Cats would be an understate—

ment. Some UK players had to
wait three days to see if they
would ever play collegiate soccer

“I can vouch for every senior on
this team when I say it was so ago-
nizing just thinking that we had no
clue if we were going to play soc-
cer again in our lives,” said UK
senior midfielder Carrie Lan-

In all reali the Cats had noth-
ing to worry a out.

Lindahl said UK’s invitation
was never in doubt.

“Kentucky was considered
probably at about the middle of
the process,” she said via telecon-

“(They were) considered one of
the top 32 teams.”

This is the first year for the 32-
team championship. The tourna-
ment expanded from last season’s

This Sunday will be a rematch
of last season’s first round NCAA

ame. Last year Vandy avenged a
055 to UK in the SEC Tourna-
ment semifinals by defeating the
Cats in Lexington 2-0.

“You can look in our players
eyes and see they have a different
look in them,” Lipka said.

“It’s not like ‘Oh my gosh we’re
in the tournament.’ Now we’re in
the tournament and we’re ready to
play now.”


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BlLl. mmwr Kmulrufl
"If I" lillllct The No. I 5 UK women’s soccer team will play bait to Vanderbilt this Satur-

day at the new soccer stadium off Alumni Drive.

Assoa‘ated Press

ing in 34 years.


llll ranked lilo. 3
in preseason llllll

By Jim O'Connell

Cincinnati, returning three starters from a team
that fell one step shy of the Final Four last season,
was No. 1 in The Associated Press preseason college
basketball poll yesterday, the school’s first top ran —

UK was ranked third.
The Bearcats were a runaway choice of the

national media



talus Iaslistlial's 34
ion 10

panel, receiving
votes and 1,641
points. Kansas,
which will have

Here are the Top 10 teams in the to play at least
Associated Press Top 25 men's the early part of
basketball poll, which was the season with-
released yesterday. out injured

ard Jacque
1. Cinc'imati 6. Utah aughn, was
2. Kansas 7. Villanova second with 15
3. Ksrduclty 8. N. Carolina No. 1 votes and
4. Wake Forest 9. Michigan 1,548 points, six
5. UCLA 10. Duke more than the





national champi-
on Wildcats,

who had 13 first-place votes.

Wake Forest, which has the only returning All-
America in center Tim Duncan, was fourth with six
No. 1 votes and 1,524 oints.

UCLA, which wil enter the season under 32-
year—old interim head coach Steve Lavin, was fifth
and was followed in the Top 10 by Utah, Villanova,
North Carolina, Michigan and Duke.

Iowa State was No. 11 followed by Syracuse,
Arkansas, Fresno State, Massachusetts, Texas, New
Mexico, Stanford, Arizona and Clemson. The last
five teams were Boston College, Minnesota, Iowa,
George Washington and Marquette.

The No. l reseason ranking wasn’t bad for UK
last year as t e Wildcats went on to their sixth
national championship. All but two schools in last
year’s preseason Top 25 — No. 14 Missouri and No.
19 Virginia -— advanced to the NCAA tournament.

Endicott takes road not
easily travelled to Bats

By Jill Erwin
Stafl’ Writer

Sean Endicott’s road to his final
year at UK was not one easily

The Midway native graduated
from Woodford County Hi h
School in 1993 and was told y
then-UK coach Sam Wooten that
the Cats would be glad to have
him. However, he would not get
much playing time his first two

That didn’t sit well with Endi-
cott, who never doubted his ability
to play colle e soccer. His senior
quote in higfi school: “To be the
man, you have to beat the man,
and I’m the man.”

So Endicott’s path led north to
the University of Cincinnati.
Redemption was his when he
scored the winning goal against
UK his freshman year in a game
where Endicott’s fans outnum-
bered the Wildcats’. Family,
friends and former teammates
cheered his triumphant return to

Circumstances at Cincinnati
changed and Endicott brought his
skills back to the Bluegrass. His
interest in engineering waned, and
coupled with the out—of—state
tuition and a new coach here at
UK, it brought him to wear the
blue and white.

“I knew they wanted me and I
didn’t have to go through the
recruiting process again,” Endi-
cott said. “just to be associated
with UK is a stigma you love to

That new coach was Ian
Collins, the current head coach,
and he has played a role in Endi-
cott's growth at the collegiate

“He’s made me a stronger,
more aggressive player,” Endicott
said. “I in one of the smallest lay-
ers, but I’ve always been abl)e to
get in hard.”

Endicott has achieved many
thin s in his two cars as a Wild-
cat. e has tied t e sin le-season
assist record (nine) held y his for-
mer roommate, 1995 graduate
Brian Dausman.

Endicott, who is affectionately
nicknamed “Endo” b his team-
mates, has no plans 0 letting this
be the end of his soccer career. He
plans on trying his luck profes-
sionally in one of the leagues,
indoor or outdoor.

If that doesn’t work out, Endi-
cott will continue his current job
as coach. He and Dausman coach
the Kentucky Kickers soccer club
Thunder. It is widely regarded as
the premier under—16 team in
Lexin ton, and 60 interested ath-
letes s owed u at the tryouts.

“A lot of t ese kids wouldn’t
even get up to a sprint, they were
just jogging around,” he said. “I
just tried to teach them that no
matter how much skill you have,
as long as you work hard, it will
make up for a lot.”

As much as he loves soccer,
Endicott also finds time in his life
for other things. He sings often at
his church and also performs in
the offseason.

Fellow Wildcats Danny Baker


IlLl. MARLOVIE Kernel staff

IllE inllllll lllllll Sean Endicott bar tome full-circle from the start of his
collegiate career at Cincinnati to the end of it at UK.

and Jamie Schuer, along with
Jamie’s brother Kevin, formed an
acoustic guitar group named “The
Schuers.” They sing at Steakfest in
the offseason, and Endicott often
joins them on stage for the show.
While he will probably be here
for an extra semester to finish his
studies, he is having a hard time
believing that his soccer career is

coming to a close. Endicott takes
solace in knowing he has achieved
at least one goal he set for himself
this year.

“Every game I go out on the
field with the feeling that I'm
going to be the best player on the
field,” Endicott said. “I think I’ve
done that a couple times this








. t.‘ w-wumu flung”... - '

undivu6‘rWu «7" .— - _

Packers' lewis denies that he has been interviewed lor coaching position

By Chris Easterling
Spam Editor

The Fox television network reported in its
NFL pregame show on Sunday that Green Bay
Packers offensive coordinator Sherman Lewis
has interviewed for the coaching vacancy at
UK. However, Lewis has gone on record as
saying he has not been interviewed by Athletics
Director C.M. Newton.

Lewis did say, however, that UK contacted
him about the job.

Another candidate for the job, ESPN ana-
lyst Mike Gottfried has been contacted by
Newton. According the Associated Press, the
former Pittsburgh and Murray State coach will
interview this week for the job.

Tennessee offensive coordinator David
Cutcliffe and San Francisco 49ers wide
receivers coach Larry Kirksey have both been
contacted about the sition.

Other coaches w 0 have expressed interest
include a air of Ohio State assistants, offen-
sive coor inator Joe Hollis and quarterback
coach Walt Harris; Auburn ofi'ensive coordina-

" tor Tommy Bowden; and former Miami (Fla),


" ‘r‘u-mww-hr ~ ‘~ " ‘ ' ’

Louisville and Oklahoma coach Howard


It's time again for the UK football team to
attempt to scale one of the tallest mountains
for them in recent years. No, it’s not Ten-
nessee, nor is it Florida.

It’s Vanderbilt.

Five straight years. Five straight losses.

If on want one stat that sums up in a nut-
shell ow bad the program has been in the Bill
Curry era, check out the Cats' record against
the Commodores: 1-5.

The last time UK beat Vandy was in 1990,
when UK won 28-21 at Commonwealth Stadi-
um. Since then, the Cats have not just lost;
they‘ve lost by some pretty lopsided scores.

Try 1994, when UK out ined Vandy 308-
289, yet fell 24-6. Then t ere was the 1993
game, when the Cats carried a 5-3 record down
to Nashville to face 2-5 Vanderbilt. The result:
a 12-7 defeat.

Only twice during the five years have the
Commodores had a better record than the
Cats. in 1991 and 1994.

' - mam,” 4"

“Vanderbilt has been a very difficult chal-
lenge for Kentucky in recent years,” UK
Coach Bill Curry said. “They’ve played with
great enthusiasm against us —- perhaps a notch
up from how they play against other people.”

But Curry had no ideas as to just what it is
that has made Vandy such a thorn in the side of
the Wildcats. He will get an opportunity this
Saturday to finally pull that thorn out when the
Commodores (2-7 overall, 0-6 in the South-
eastern Conference) visit UK (3—6, 2-4) at 1:30

as selects II class

CBS has chosen UK‘s Nov. 23 road game
a inst Tennessee to be televised national] .

e game will kickoff at 3:30 pm. at 102, -
seat N and Stadium in Knoxville.

It Will be the Cats‘ second game to be
broadcast by the network, which also carried
the 65-0 loss to Florida on Sept. 28. The only
other mes that were on network television
were e opener against Louisville, which was
carried by ESPNZ, and the Cincinnati game,
which was televised by the Fox Sports Net-


. a .,,.__..=. TT








to n






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By 0. Jason Slaplalon
Senior Sufi Critic

So many of today’s bands seem
to have absolute] no self-esteem.
They whine an cry about how
they ve been treated badly by the
world and they’re not gonna take
it any more, etc., etc.

Darlahood is the kind of band
that kicks that perception right in
the head.

Darlahood plays rock music.
That’s it. Nothing fancy, no frills,
and in that they are very self-con-

That self-confidence shines
through in every song on the
album Big Fine Thin .

There s no underfiying message
to most of the songs; the band just
plays good rock music that is easy
to listen to.

The closest cup I can com—
flare Darlahoocflo would be the

lack Crows. There are some songs
on it that I could almost swear
belong on Shake Your Money Maker.

“Grow Your Own” is the first
release from Big Fine Thing , and
rightly so. The song features great
guitar riffs, nice percussions and
catchy lyrics that will have you
singing catch a ride on a dragon-
fly ...” all day long.

But what is the song about, you
ask? What is the inner meaning?
Well, it’s about growin your own
marijuana. No specia meaning;
just ood music.

“ 9% Bulletproof” gives
“Grow Your Own” a run for its
money, though. The same great
guitars are there —_]oe Magisto is
one of the better new drummers
to come around in a while — and
yet again there are very singable

Most of the album contains this
general feel, with some notable

One of the better ones is “Sis-
ter Dementia.” In this tune Darla-
hood has a much more psychedel-
ic sound. This is one of those
songs that harkens back to the

..,--~.o~o~~.-, . . V._


BllllETPlllltlf Darlahood has gained considerable radio airplay in New York City and is coming our way very soon.

Black Crows.

The only major problem with
the album is also one of the
aspects that makes me like it, and
that is the absense of deeper
meaning to the various songs.

“New York City” is a good
example. The majority of the song

Even morons can defeat
‘Fightins Vinors’ in loss
than ten quick minutes

ega’s 32-bit game machine,

the Saturn, is well known for

its thrilling arcade conver-
sions. Most of these have been
developed by AMZ, the
most respected develop-
ment team in the business.

Headed by the imagina-
tion of producer Yu Suzu-
ki, AMZ is res onsible for
such hit arca c games as
Virtua Racing, Daytona
USA, and the sensational
3-D fighting games Virtua
Fighter I and 2.

All of these games have
been huge hits on the Sat-
urn as well. In fact, AMZ’s
games are the main reason
that the Saturn is still competing
with the Sony Playstation and the
Nintendo 64. Another arcade
blockbuster, Fightin Vipers, is the
latest of AMZ ’s arcade games to be
ported over to the Saturn.

Like most of AMZ's products,
Fighting Vipers features flashy, col—
orful graphics, li htning-fast
game play, and soun s that over-



whelm your senses. All of these
make for a very attractive arcade
game, but as far as lasting playa—
bility goes, F V falls way short.

In order for this game
to be considered a break—
through in the fighting
game genre, it must be
compared to Virtua Fighter
2, quite possibly the best
' fighting game ever created.
Sadly, there are many rea-
. sons why Fighting Vipers
never quite matches up to
the fantastic VFZ.

While the graphics in
FV can hang with any
other fighting game cur-
rently on the market, the
visuals made me want to hang

Forget about the well-struc-
tured characters featured in VFZ
and the Street Fi hter series. Fight-
ing Vipers is fu of trendy teens
donned in the most ridiculous
outfits I have ever seen.

Maybe about ten years ago
these fighters would have consid-

consists of Luke Janklow singing
the phrase “I wish I was in New
York City” over and over.

While the song remains listen-
able, it could very easily get
annoying after about the 12,000th
time Janklow says that he would
rather be in New York City.

If you’re the type of person
who likes music for the meaning
behind the songs, you might as
well stay away from this one.

If, however, you just like good
music to rock to, it might be
worth your time to go out and
give Big Fine Thing a listen.

ered “cool.” As it is, they look like
horrible rejects from the 805.

For instance, there’s Picky, a
little twer who carries a skate—
board on is back. There’s also
Raxel, who looks like the lead gui-
tarist from Twisted Sister. He
even has an ugly warlock-s le
electric guitar strapped to is
back. Grace, Bahn, Tokio, San-
man, Jane, Candy and B.M. (what
does that stand for?) round out the
list. This is quite possibly the
worst collection of names ever
assembled for a bunch of street.I

And wh are these kids called
Fighting PERS? The on] one