xt7jdf6k3r7n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k3r7n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-03-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 26, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 26, 1991 1991 1991-03-26 2020 true xt7jdf6k3r7n section xt7jdf6k3r7n SGA ELECTIONS: MARCH 27, 28



Racial tensions still exist, black students say

This is the first part of a three-day

Senior Staff Writer

Although UK is more racially in-
tegrated now than ever, some ten-
sions still run high between black
students and their white counter-



In a recent interview at the Mar-

tin Luther King, Jr. Cultural Cen-
ter, several black students ex-
pressed their opinions about the
state of race relations at UK, and
shared experiences about being
black on a predominantly white

“One of the problems I see is
that when people say integrated
they expect you to leave your cul~
ture behind and conform to what
they're doing,” said Eboni Neal.

Daryle Cobb. president of the
Black Student Union, talked about
being the only black person in a

“It’s a big shock and it’s fright-
ening, to be honest with you, to
walk into a classroom for the first
time and know that you are the
only minority in the whole room
and everyone’s staring at you."

During the course of the inter-
view, a changing group of five to

15 black students gathered, many
of them listening and agreeing with
the stories a few of the students
had to tell. They all agreed that
giving up black culture seems to be
a condition for acceptance on the
UK campus, socially and in the

Ramonda James, a resident ad-
visor at Boyd Hall, agreed there is
an attitude among white students
that a black person must “act


Junico Boyd, 3 business and office technology junior, and Nathan Mack, a finance and marketing sophomore, dlSCUSS notes yesterday
at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Cultural Center in the Student Center.

white” to be accepted.

“You’re still a black person, but
if you talk white or if you act white
or dress white, then they’ll accept
you," James said. “But if you try to
promote your African culture, they
have a problem.“

Some students disagreed on
what “acting white" is.

James said that talking white
means talking properly, without us«
ing slang. “I don’t understand how

that means you’re talking white,
but that‘s one of the big ones I’ve
always heard," she said.

“Some people buy into that and
say I‘m going to act this way' and
not be true to themselves," Cobb
said in an earlier interview.

He said many black students
can‘t accept givmg up their culture
to fit in on campus. “You have to

See STUDENTS . Page 6

Reform, new courses
key to improvement

Senior Staff Writer

Countering a growing perception
that college course work is ground-

ed in a white, Eurocentric perspece »


tive, UK has made moves to add .

courses to its curriculum that tocus
more on blacks.

Some students. faculty and ad-
ministrators say the efforts don‘t
go far enough, while others claim
that black experiences and cortlrie
butioris are already covered in ex
tsting courses.

"If we're going to take a special
i/ed approach tin higher educa-
IIOIll, then certainly the African-
American tradition has to be dealt
with tn the same way." said Chesv
ter Grundy, assistant director of
Minority Student Affairs. “But we
can’t doyustice to such a rich tradir
lion lUSl devoting a portion of a
survey course to it. We’re talk~
mg multiculturalism. but it has to
be reflected in terms of the educae
iional system."

However, Chancellor tor the
Lexington Campus Robert Hemcn-
way said that “faculty are quite
properly conservative about re-
form. The key is for individual
faculty members to be open."

Several departments now offer
courses that specrfically address

black concerns For IIl‘=l.tIlCC. List
year the history department hired a
black professor who now teaches a
course in African :\lll‘sTlc;lll histo-
r}. The i:n_L'll\Il dcparttiient o fan
on .\la_ior Black Writer.
and Studies in Blagk \itzeri,.’in l at

'llie politi,;il science
has brought to :antpu-
Hanks. from the ltl\l‘.t'.'t‘c‘ Ei‘. "
lute, to teach a course on Ititk
Polittu. Null th: ant tropology .Ll
partinent offers courses on sub
Saharan African tolleec t-t‘
fine arts plans on offering a courw
soon on African-Ainerican tlieatn

Numerous other courses lht‘llltl..‘
African \mcrican issues or iontr:
butions. tor instance.
American literature that look at the
writings of 'l'oni \lorr'son or Ralph



i .:w rcii ,

l he

t'i‘llflCS (W.



Robertson visits UK
as search continues

Staff Writer

The third candidate for UK dean
of students met with the President’s
Board Roundtable last night for the
first in a series of interviews for the

Don Robertson, one of four final-

1, Bernard Shaw. Cable
i News Network‘s principal
Washington anchor,
gives the 14th annual
Joe Creason lecture at
the Otis A. Singletary
Center for the Arts to-
night at 8 pm. It is free
and open to the public.


leads Ten-
nis Cats
into action.

Page 7.

Diversions...,...., ...........,...3
Sports ............................. 7
Viewpoint. . ., ..8
Classifieds ........................ 9





ists for the position, said it was “sig-
nificant that this first interview was
with a student group. That says that
the Dean of Students Office is held
in the proper perspective."

Robertson will spend today in
scheduled interviews with faculty,
administrators and other student
leaders. He will spend tomorrow
viewing the campus and “dropping
in“ on campus organizations, he

Robertson is now associate dean
of student affairs at Marshall Uni-
versity in Huntington, W.Va.

The two other finalists to have
met with students and administra-
tors are George Jones, dean of stu»
dents of Livingstone College at Rut-
gers University, and Charlotte
Davis, director of University Un-
ions and Student Activities at Vir-
ginia Polytechnic Institute and State

David Stockham, acting dean of
students at UK, will be interviewed
tomorrow and Thursday. The new
dean of students will begin working
July I. If Robertson is chosen for
the position, he said he will bring
with him a “diverse backgrOund."

“I think my background is impor-
tant.” he said. “I work well with stu-
dents of all types, from the most ac-
tive students to the most
conservative. I can build bridges be-
tween (different people) and I‘m
good at planning and accessing pro-

Robertson's vision of the Dean of
Students Office is a “very pro-
active, open office where students
are very confident, a place they
know they can come to and feel
welcome," he said.







Collins’ desire:
serve students

Assistant News Editor

Exhibiting a sincere interest in
servmg her fellow students, Chris-
ta Collins will be one of the first to
tell you that there is room for
change in UK‘s Student Govem-
ment Association.

Collins. a speech pathology jun-
ior, has been very active in SGA
since she was a freshman, but that
hasn't blinded her to flaws in stu-
dent government. She said her ex-
tensive SGA experience makes her
the most qualified of this spring's
presidential candidates to bring
that change.

From budget reform to stream-
lining of the executive branch,
Collins offers several ideas for im-
proving SGA.

“Student government has a lot
of good programs and it‘s got even
greater potential. We recognize
that We want it to be even greater
than it is,“ she said.

But after talking to the Villa
Hills, Ky., native for any length of
time, it becomes clear that her
biggest concern is the welfare of
UK’s students. It is apparent not
only in her reasons for running for
SGA president but also in the rea-
sons shc became involved in stu-
dent government three years ago.

“I enjoy working with the stu-
dents. I like to be around my class-
mates," said Collins, a member of



Helping stu-
dents has been
her priority at UK, and in the pro-
cess the students have helped her.

“I've enjoyed this (SGA) expe-
rience a lot. The neatcst thing I've
found at the University is Just be
ing opened up to so many differ-
ent people, types of personalities.
Cultures, religions and back-
grounds," she said. “That's really
the number one thing that I can
see that I’ve gotten from the Uni-
versity atmos-

Collins. 20.
said she made
the decision to
run for SGA's
top spot -~— not
Sean Lehman,
SGA president
for almost two
years and, ad-
mittedly, one of her mentors.

As the only candidate among
the four with the label SGA “in-
sider," Collins has not criticized
SGA as heavily as her opponents.
Instead, she prefers to build on
what already exists. changing only
what she knows needs impmvc-

a s.


See COLLINS. Page 4



Clark’s pledge:
listen to voices

Ser‘tor Sta“ Writer

‘\s a lctinglon ('oriinttinitx
College student. Keith (‘lark .1
candidate for Student (.itwernment
Association president, carries a
stigma of sorts.

.»\t Sunday‘s debate between the
four presidential candidates. (‘lark
was separated front the other three
main campus candidates. Their
iiameplates had bright blue “I iK‘K
on them. Clark‘s had a red “H‘C”

indeed. Clark. a sophomore.
said one of his hopes in this candi-
dacy is to 'IICVIZIIC this kind of
separation and
give LCC stti«
dents a voice in
lian't‘l'HI)‘ .tl-

But, Clark
said he would
be “unbiased to-
wards all organ-
iiations" as
SGA president.

In Clark's SGA administration.
“majority niles," he said. What the
students want is what Clark wrll
suppon A, regardless of which
campus students come from. he

Being in the majority was not
something Clark knew a lot about
growtng up in Detmit.

“Back home. no one talked
about politics.“ Clark said. “Eve-



\ :tl. ‘

(‘lark said
‘he reason he
suntved. beyond intangibles like
luck. was his religious beliefs

(irowmg tip in Detroit Clark
~-.ttd people told him that he would
not survive

littl llt‘ did.

Clark. 3.8.
He and ferona Clark were mar-
ried Nov. to He plans M enroll
on the main campus in HM MIT.
and inaior in business administra-

He now works tor tl‘t‘tmrlox‘s
as a waiter. but he \illtl he would
resign there ll he were elected

When he came to l (‘(‘ two
years ago, he was encouraged to
run for SGA senator because he
was told he is a good listener. but
he said he thought there was “no
way in hell someone would vote
for me for senator.“

\fter being elected. Clark asked
his advisers “please educate me“
on how to be a senator He now
believes that. With vice presiden-
tial ninning mate Brandon Smith.
he has the ability to represent
lIK‘s student body as president

"ll I feel that I cannot do the iob
effectively then I wouldn‘t run


is .i former \l.trtne

See CLARK. Page 5








 2 - Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday, March 26, 1991

Better than Bo:

Staff Writer

The late Robert Kennedy once
said, “If I wanted to be president,
which of course I don‘t, I‘d still
rather be George Plimpton."

Kennedy may have fibbed a bit
about his political aspirations. but it
is hard to imagine anyone who
wouldn‘t want to spend at least a
moment in the shoes of a man who
has dabbled in enough professions

to make Bo Jackson feel intimidat-

Among some of his more famous
exploits, Plimpton, a self-
proclaimed “participatory journal-
ist,” has pitched for the New York
Yankees; played for the Detroit Li-
ons and Baltimore Colts as a back-
up quarterback; and in 1959 fought
three rounds with light heavyweight
champion Archie Moore. In addi-
tion, he has acted on television and
in movies, conducted the Cincinnati


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Plimpton on writing, wrestling

Symphony Orchestra and fought in
a bullfight.

Plimpton was at UK to speak at
last night’s annual meeting of the
Library Associates. The author/
dabbler said his experiences on the
various playing fields had given
him an appreciation for the men and
women who play the games.

“These guys down on the field
wearing the numbers are fascinat-
ing, unique people," he said.


One of those people he met was
UK head football coach Bill Curry,
who played on the Baltimore Colts
during Plimpton‘s return to the NFL
in 1971. Plimpton is a guest of the
Currys while in Lexington.

Plimpton said the future of col-
lege spons depends on the NCAA
to make rules that will help the ath-
lete and on “great coaches like Bill

Although Plimpton has dabbled
in many professions, he considers


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himself first and foremost as a writ-
er. His adventures have been the ba-
sis for numerous books and articles.
One of his most famous articles
was a piece he wrote as an April
Fool's joke for Sports Illustrated
titled “The Curious Case of Sidd
Finch." The article created a stir in
the baseball world by telling the
story of a ficticious pitcher who
threw a 160 mile-per-hour fastball.
“Probably, the question 1 am
asked most on college campuses



around the country is ‘What ever
happened to Sidd?m Plimpton said.

“I tell them he is in London."

As for his future plans, Plimpton
seems content to stay out of the par-
ticapatory side of spons and on the
managing side.

“I'm thinking of managing a
wrestler who quotes Shakespeare
and Keats," said Plimpton, “but I
haven‘t found him yet."

Curry recalled the amazement of
the young team at meeting the then
43-year-old Plimpton who was try—
ing out for quarterback during the
‘7] Colts training camp.

“Reading the roster you can ima-
gine our surprise when we saw
‘George Plimpton, Cambridge Uni—
versity, class of ‘53,” said Curry.
"And you can imagine our further
surprise when he actually showed



FBI questioning
police officers

in motorist case

Associated Press

terday began questioning officers
from the police division where four
lawmen charged with beating a
black motorist were stationed. and a
grand jury reconvened to probe the
videotaped attack.

FBI agents were expected to in-
terview more than 200 officers as-
signed to the Foothill Division, 20
miles northwest of downtown, to
see if a pattern of civil rights abuses
exists there, said police spokesman
Lt. Fred Nixon.

Four officers have been charged
with assault in the March 3 beating
of Rodney King and several other
officers who stood by are being in-

The FBI and the Police Depart-
ment said interviews with the offi-
cers had begun, but they wouldn’t
provide details.

Lt. George Aliano, president of
the Los Angeles Police Protective
League, a police union, said investi-
gators will want to know “what
kind of talk goes on in the locker
room at the station, what they know
about the officers at the scene.”

The interviews should be com-
pleted by the end of the week, he

“I believe they’re going to find
there is no pattern of excessive
force. because if there was the pub-
lic would have been outraged a long
time ago," Aliano said.

At the suburban station, boosters
hung a hand-painted placard pledg-
ing support for Police Chief Daryl
F. Gates and the Foothill Division.
It was the only evidence of the con-
troversy that has caught nationwide
attention and prompted calls for
Gates to resign.

Mayor Tom Bradley again called
for Gates to step down, saying his
departure is essential for the city to
recover from the embarrassment.

“I believe that the healing process
would be better advanced if he were
not there at the center of this
storm," Bradley said.

A Los Angeles County grand
Jury, meeting for the first time in
nearly a week, heard more evidence
about officers at the scene who
failed to stop the attack.

Besides the four white policemen
indicted on felony charges, 23 other
law enforcement officers were
present: 17 LAPD officers, four
Califomia Highway Patrol officers
and two Los Angeles Unified
School District officers.



9) Microwave popcorn

8) Figure out what your T.A. just said
7) Watch Rick Pitino get two technicals
6) Get money from the Quest machine
5) Read the graffiti on the bathroom stalls
4) Read your economics book before you fall asleep

3)Convince the bouncer at the
Keys that that's your real ID

2) Watch how long LSU lasts
in the NCAA Tournament

Things you can do at UK in

l0) Watch a video on MTV

1) VOTE.









Aeeoeleted Preee

Goldberg, the fake psychic who sur-
prises herself by contacting the
dead in “Ghost," and Joe Pesci, the
maniacal mobster of “GoodFellas,”
won Academy Awards for support-
ing performances last night.

Goldberg beat out Mary McDon-
nell of “Dances With Wolves,”
which with 12 nominations began
the night as the favorite to domi-
nate. Pesci's competition included
Graham Greene, also for “Wolves."
Kevin Cosmer's epic Western
picked up one early award, for best

“Ever since I was a little kid I
wanted this," said an emotional
Goldberg, who had struggled since
receiving a best actress nomination
for her screen debut in the 1985
film “The Color Purple.”

“When I was a little kid, I lived
in the projects. You are the people I
watched. The people who made me
want to be an actor," she told the
star-packed crowd.

The actress became only the sec-
ond black woman to win an Oscar
and the first since Hattie McDaniel
was honored for the l939 film
“Gone With the Wind."

Pesci was much more subdued,
saying “It‘s my privilege, thank
you," and walking off.

Emcee Billy Crystal began the
show in style, performing a hilari~
ous musical tribute to the five best
picture nominees for the 63rd annu-
al ceremonies, which took place at
the Shrine Auditorium and was tele-
vised by ABC—TV.

“Dick Tracy,” Warren Beatty’s
bigbudget detective adventure,
won the prize for makeup. The best
costume award went to the French
period drama, “Cyrano dc Berge-

“Dances With Wolves” seemed
likely to bring Costner the best pic-
ture prize and best director trophy
for his directorial debut.

The three-hour Westem’s chanc-
es were bolstered recently by the
Directors Guild award to Costner
and the Writers Guild selection of
Michael Blake for best screenplay
adaptation. In January “Dances
With Wolves" won Golden Globe
awards for best dramatic picture, di-
rection and screenplay.

“GoodFellas,” Martin Scorsese’s
searing gangster epic, dominated
the critics' awards this season and
was nominated for six Oscars, in-
cluding best picture and direction.
Scorsese, who received a best direc-
tor nomination for 1980’s “Raging
Bull," has never won the prize.

Other best picture nominees were
”The Godfather Pan III," “Awaken-
ings" and “Ghost." The awards had
not been presented by press time
last night.

While Costner was expected to
win as director and co-producer
(With Jim Wilson), he was not the

favorite for his third personal nomi-
nation —~ as best actor. The leading
contender was considered to be Jer-
emy lrons, the silky Claus von Bu-
low of “Reversal of Fortune."

Other nominees for best actor
were Richard Harris for “The
Field"; Gerard Dcpardicu, “Cyrano
de Bergerac"; turd Robert De Niro,


Kentucky Kernel


call 257-2872










Depardieu, making a movie in
Mauritius, was staying away from
the ceremonies amid controversy
over a magazine interview that
quoted him as saying he had partici-
pated in rapes as a youth. He said
the statement was untrue, and cate-
gorically denied saying that he had
participated in rape.

For the ninth time in a dozen
years, Meryl Streep was nominated
as best actress, this time for “Post-
cards From the Edge." Other best
actress nominees: Kathy Bates,
“Misery”; Anjelica Huston, “The
Griftcrs"; Julia Roberts, “Pretty

Woman”; and Joanne Woodward,
“Mr. and Mrs. Bridge."

Several special Academy nods
were to be presented: the Irving G.
Thalberg award to producers Rich-
ard Zanuck and David Brown, an
honorary award to actress Myrna
Loy and a special achievement Os-
car to actress Sophia Loren.

Loren was on hand to receive her
award, but the 85-year-old Loy has
been ill and had to accept the honor
via satellite from her apartment in

Presentation of the best original
song had a tragic overtone.

Country singer Reba McEntire
was scheduled to sing one nominat-
ed song, “I’m Checkin’ Out" from
“Postcards From the Edge." She
withdrew from the show after seven
members of her band and her road

manager were killed in a private .

plane crash on March 16.

But the widow of her road man—
ager, Jim Hammon, persuaded the
singer to perform as scheduled, rea-
soning, “Jim worked all these years
to get you where you would sing on
the Oscars.”

Reacting to terrorism jitters in the
wake of the Persian Gulf War, the
Academy of Motion Picture Arts &
Sciences invoked stringent security
inside and outside the Shrine Audi-
torium. Fans in the bleachers out-
side were not allowed to bring cams

Whoopi Goldberg Wins best supporting actress for ‘Ghost’ role

Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday, March 26, 1901 - 3




ies Of the“ Field,” LOuis Gunter: 3r.

g‘Wflffl WE?” actor,“ she told the .
Academy Awards. audienceat the ,
._Shrine Auditixium last night. ‘ .
_" "frat so proud robe here. I’m“ .
~ _ Md “the an actor. And "Ifmigw :
'ing to keep on acting,” she 'said.'
. ;,; Goldberg-became the second »»
; iblaCk woman and the fifth black .
performer to win an Academy
Aware. ’Previoris winners -were
HattieMchniel for “Gone With}
tire~Wind,”»Sidney Poitier for‘fLih ,


certs Purple


andpenut wash . store-who won



the awardtoGoldberg, ' ' .

lathe. Superb “Ghostf’ooldm
berg 'piayed a bargainebasement.
psychic. who acts as communicator
between the deadPatnekSwayze
and his lover, Berni Moore.

tionfor' best, actress .in:.1985 for her
rolej inf: Steven Spielberg's “The


eras, binoculars or electronic equip-
ment. They also were kept away
from the bleachers until 8 am.
About 50 die-hard fans endured a
steady downpour overnight waiting
for the bleachers to open.

For nominations, each of the
Academy’s branches votes for its
peers. Actors nominate actors, di-
rectors nominate directors, and so
on. All members vote for best pic-
ture nominations.

After the nominations, a final bal-
lot is sent to the entire voting mem-
bership to vote for final awards in
every category except documentary,
short and foreign language films.
Voting in those categories is done
immediately after screenings.







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and Seniors
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and fall classes begins
TODAY, March 26






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 " KNmmky Kernel, Tuesday, March 26, 1991




Collins, Cooper offer 6 years of experience

Assistant News Editor

In this year‘s Student Govem-
ment Association election, presiden-
tial candidate Christa Collins and
her vice presidential running mate
Amy Cooper offer something that
other candidates don't —— six years
combined experience in student

They bring insiders‘ perspectives
into the election, a knowledge of
SGA that other candidates can‘t
boast. And they offer changes in the
SGA infrastructure that they, as
SGA insiders, think will work.

“We know what works and what
doesn’t work within our organiza-
tion," Collins and Cooper said in
their platform.

Pan of their plan is to make SGA
receptive to everyone — not just to
open the doors of the organization
but to actually reach out and pull
people into student government.

“Every student on this campus is
a member of student government.
You might not be on a committee or
be a chairman, but we are your
voice to the administration and to
other organizations,“ Cooper said.
“We can get things done for you if
you will let us. Christa and I want to
make it a question not of what SGA
has done or what our programs are:
we want to make it a question of
what can we do for you'.‘

“Do you have a complaint? We'll
fix it or find somebody who can. Do
you have an idea? We‘ll try it. Do
you have a problem? We'll help
you. And if you don‘t want to come
and tell us, we will come and find
you and ask you."

State of the University address

The Collins/Cooper ticket propos-
es that the University president, the
Faculty Senate chairperson and the
student government president give a
joint address on the state of the Uni-
versity. The address would outline
“the annual goals and agenda of our
University" and would take place in
the beginning of the fall semester. A
questioning period would follow the
address. According to the platform,
the “intent is to achieve a common
understanding and unified goals to
proceed into the 1991-1992 school

Restructuring of special con-
cerns division

Collins and Cooper propose to re-
structure one of the three divisions
of the executive branch of student
government, the special concerns
division. Currently, the special con-
cerns division is composed of sever-
al committees representing various
campus groups, including greeks,
international students, non-





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traditional student and several other

They propose abolishing the spe-
cial concerns committees — with
the exception of the National Issues
Forum — and replacing them with a
special concerns board. The board
would be composed of two repre-
sentatives from each of many cam-
pus organizations and groups.

According to the platform,
“Board members would bring con-
cerns, needs and ideas from their
specific group to the attention of
representatives from other groups.
They would be in a position to work
together in a unified, and therefore,
more productive manner to achieve
the desired results.

Senate orientation

“As a senator, it took me a while
to have a grasp of what my job was.
It seemed so broad to me. We want
guidelines for the senators so they
have a good idea about what their
jobs entail,” Collins said.

The Collins-Cooper ticket propos-
es to continue the senate retreat
which has been held for two years
and that the senators have their re-
sponsibilities explained to them.

Collins and Cooper propose as-
signing a residence hall to each sen-
ator at large. According to the plat-
form, each senator would be
responsible for “maintaining an up
dated bulletin board, or section of,
so that residents would be aware of
current student government topics."

Likewise, college senators would
be responsible for maintaining a
bulletin board in their respective

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Enforce a system of checks and

According to the platform, Col-
lins and Cooper propose “a rigid
system of checks and balances to
monitor the monetary transactions
of the Student Govemment Associa-

In their system, the SGA senate
pro tem would co—sign checks with
the student government president
All senators would be required to
attend a budget workshop at the be-
ginning of the semester to learn to
understand the budget.

“(The senators will) know how to
read the budget —— day one. Before
we pass the budget, before we have
our first meeting, before we start
giving money to different causes,
they'll know how to read that bud-
get," Collins said.

The Chairpersons of the SGA op-
erations and evaluations committee
and the appropriations and revenue
committee would “review the bud-
get monthly with the president to
ensure that transactions are being
handled properly."

The Chairpersons and the comp—
troller would make a monthly repon
to the full senate.

Also under the proposal, a de-
tailed listing of monthly budget
transactions would be given to each
senator and to the Kentucky Kernel.
The Kernel would have the option
to publish the information.



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Continued from page 1

Her work on many important
University committees has given
her much-needed connections to
the University administration, she

“I believe I‘ve gained the respect
of the faculty and administration
these past three years, and I will
have their respect when I start on
the Board of Trustees,” she said.

Difficult situations have arisen
quite frequently for the student
trustee in recent years. Collins said
she is prepared to stand firm on is-
sues and not back down from her
powerful colleagues on the board.

“I will have no qualms about
standing up for student rights and
what I think is right. And if it is
disagreeing (with other trustees)
then it is disagreeing — because I
don't have a problem with that,"
she said. “If it’s in the best interest
of the students, I will do it.”

Asked which of the president’s
duties she thinks will be the most
important, sh