xt7jdf6k3r4w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k3r4w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-10-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 27, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 27, 1987 1987 1987-10-27 2020 true xt7jdf6k3r4w section xt7jdf6k3r4w  






UK All-American doubles team together
again for fall season. SEE PAGE 3.



The new Yes album reaches
back. For review, SEE PAGE 6.



Today: Chance of rain
Tomorrow: Sunny



Kentucky Kernel

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

Vol. XCI. No. 52

Established 1894

independent since 1 971

Tuesday, October 27. 1987


Contest helps to select

opening act

Staff Writer

Julie Jenkins won't have to worry
about paying for the next few long
distance calls she makes.

Neither will Robert Cannon nor
Sarah Ware.

These talented college students
were named the top three winners of
AT&T‘s Record-A-Tune sponsored
last night in Commons Cafeteria by
the Student Activities Board and
WKQQ 98.1 FM.

They each won $100 gift certifi-
cates from A'HzT. the event’s pro-
moter, and will be featured as the
opening act in the upcoming College
Comedy Tour ‘87 to be held on cam-


The Record-A-Tune contest served
as a “teaser“ for the comedy tour
which will feature comedians Emo
Phillips, Rita Rudner and Larry
“Bud" Melman, said Jennifer Bal-
lard. SAB vice president and Tune

The comedy tour will be held in
the Student Center Ballroom on Nov.
l4at8p.m. Tickets are $7.50.

“It was a real honor for us (the
campus) to be selected to try this,"
Ballard said. UK was among only
eight universities in the midwest
chosen for the comedy tour, said
Rob Broms, a representative with
AT&T and Record-A-Tune. “This is
the ‘lip sync' of the 805," he said.
Last night's promotional gimmick
marked the beginning of the search
for opening acts for the tour.


for show

He and his troop of musical buffs
can normally be seen doing this
show in bars and restaurants in Chi-
cago “just for fun.”

But last night students competed
for money and a chance at stardom.

Record-A-Tune made each of the
35 students who entered a star of his
own recording session. Participants
sang impromptu on stage to a tune
of their choice which had the lead
vocals removed. Each act received
a free tape of his performance.

“I always have a good time in
front of a crowd," said freshman
Robert Cannon. His performance, a
rendition of “My Girl,” won him a
spot as part of the comedy tour‘s
opening act on Nov. 14. Another win-
ner, junior Sarah Ware, sang her
heart out with “Sweet Dreams."
Patsy Cline’s music was also a big
hit with senior Julie Jenkins who
won with her recording of “Crazy."

“It was a great way to blow off
studying." said Double Q disc jock-
ey Elaine Harris, who hosted last
night‘s warm-up audition. Harris is

The promotional gimmick drew a
large audience that seemed very re-
ceptive to the idea.

“I think it‘s kind of neat." said ju-
nior Jim Pauly. “I thought it was
very entertaining.“

“It was nice to listen to (the sing-
ers) while we were working," said
cafeteria employee Ginger Reeves.
Attendance at the Commons “was
more than usual“ she said.

Katrina Mattingly was the first to preform in the Record-A-Tune
contest last night. She sang “These Dreams," a song written by




the group Heart. The contest was sponsored SAB and WKOQ

and held in the Commons Cafeteria.


Poster children help
with raising funds

Staff Writer

Ashley Strickenburger. 5, is a kin-
dergartner at Huntertown Elemen-
tary School. Like most kindergartn-
ers, Ashley enjoys school. She
participates in class and is an above
average student.

But Ashley isn‘t totally new to
school like everyone else in her
class. She has already attended two
years at UK's Child Development
Center. Ashley has a muscle disease
known as arthrogryposis.

She is also one of the poster chil-
dren for this year’s UK United Way
Campaign. Jake Oxnard, also 5, is
the other poster personality.

Although there is no cure for ar-
throgryposis. normally therapy and
surgery can help, according to Ash-
ley‘s mother, Janis Strickenburger.

But last summer Ashley suffered
a stroke which would put her at hig'.
risk if any further surgery were per-
forrned. The stroke, which hau no
connection to the disease, le’t Ash-
ley paralyzed on her left side.

Despite her handicap, Ashley
plans on being a cheerleader and a
lap dancer when she grows up.

“She will try anything," said Mrs.
Strickenburger. “She says things
like ‘Let’s have a race, you can have
a head start.‘ “

At school Ashley is very popular.

“All the children want to walk
with her and hold her hand.“ said
Gndy Little, a teacher‘s aid. “She’s
always in a good mood.“

Ashley‘s teacher, Phillis Carey,
believes both Ashley and the other
children benefit from her attendance
at public school.

“The other children learn to see
anl adjust to people with hand-
icaps.“ said Carey. “They know her

UK student

Staff Writer

A UK student involved in a car ac-
cident Friday night died at UK‘s
Chandler Medical Center Sunday
morning after being hit by a car
while crossing the street in a wheel-

Randy Lewis, 25, was crossing
South Limestone toward McDonald‘s
when Noel Gifford, of 1555 George-
town Road, hit him while driving

The police report said the 16-year-
in front of her until her headlight:


“All the children want
to walk with her and
hold her hand.
(Ashley’s) always in a
good mood."
Cindy Little,
Teacher’s aid

limits, but it‘s not a big deal. When-
ever Ashley needs help, someone au-
tomatically hops up to help her. “

Ashley is the youngest of four chil-
dren, and according to Mrs. Strick-
enburger, she is Daddy's little girl.
Ashley‘s father, Tom Strickenburg-
er. is a credit supervisor at GMAC.

“It isn't hard being Ashley's moth-
er,“ said Mrs. Strickenburger. “I‘d
do it all over again, but there is a lot
of stress during surgery."

To help Ashley reach her poten-
tial, Ashley‘s parents enrolled her at
UK‘s child development center.
which is able to reduce its tuition
fees because of funding through the
United Way program.

According to Mrs. Strickenburger.
the Center does a complete evalua-
tion for children who are at least six
months delayed and who could bene-
fit from physical development.

“The people were really wonder-
ful," Mrs. Strickenburger said.
“They treat everyone as an individ-
ual and strive to make the children

Jake Oxnard‘s mother, Linda Ox-
nard, feels much the same way
about the Lexington Hearing and


Ashley Strickenburger. 5, of Versailles sits on the lap of a UK wild-

cat before the United Way dinner.

Speech Center, which is also funded
by United Way.

“The Lexington Hearing and
Speech Center is a remarkable Cen-
ter," said Mrs. Oxnard. “They have
taken care of Jake and given him a
well-rounded growth experience.“

Jake currently attends kindergart-
en at the Center and will be ready
for first grade at Christ the King EI-
ementary School next year.

But it hasn‘t been easy for Jake.
He was born with a posterior cleft
palate that was not diagnosed at

As a result of this birth defect,
Jake suffered intense dehydration as
an infant and almost died. according
to Mrs. Oxnard. He also had trouble
seeing and hearing. Because he

See CHILDREN. Page 5

dies after being hit by automobile

illuminated his wheelchair at which
point it was too late to stop.

Gifford was driving between 35 to
45 mph, the police report said. The
speed limit on S. Limestone is 35

Lewis‘ roommate, Timmy Scott,
believed Lewis misjudged how fast
the car was coming. ”He was in his
last year (in which) he could control
his chair and made awkward
movements, but that wouldn‘t have
called him to go out in the road,"
said Scott, who believed Lewis was
on hisway toConvenient Food Mart.

Lewis was talking normally (at
the hospital) until Friday night
when he had a stroke, said Scott.

From that point on, his blood pres-
sure went way down. On Saturday
afternoon, he went unconscious.

Due to medical complications, an
autopsy is being performed because
“they don’t really know for sure"
how Lewis died, said Jacob Karnes.
director of handicap services at UK.

Lewis, of Viper, Ky, was enrolled
in UK‘s attended care program lo-
cated in the handicap student office
in the Dwartment of Education 0f-
t'ice of Vocational Rehabilitation.

purpose,“Scott said.

Another friend. Sam Eden. said of
Lewis, “He wanted to see a little
something more of the world.“

The program provides a student
for handicap students who need as-
sistance in activities of daily livina.

“We take a handicapped person
and retrain them and get them back
to work," said Clive White. coordi-
nator cmnselor for attended care
programs. Lewis had been at UK for
six years and was in his senior year.

UK was chosen by Lewis “primar-
ily became of the attended care pro
gram and also of the accessibility of
dream,“ said Kama.

Grant to help UK
fight against drugs

Contributing Writer

With a recent grant of more than
$90,000, the Dean of Students Office
hopes to significantly decrease alco-
hol and drug consumption on UK's

The money, which was awarded
by the Department of Education‘s
Fund for the Improvement of Post-
Secondary Education (FIPSEi. was
granted as seed money to establish
an ongoing substance abuse pro-
gram at UK,

Through a survey conducted on
drug and alcohol use. UK Health Ed-
ucation Coordinator Mary Brinkman
found out some alarming statistics
about UK students.

“Our survey indicated over 20 per
cent of students here were heavy
users of alcohol and a great number
mixed alcohol with marijuana." she

"While heavy use doesn't nec-
essarily mean the student's an alco~
holic. many people just don't realize
the serious health hazards of heavy
drinking.“ she said

Brinkman then explained that stu-
dents involved in long-term heavy
drinking can expect to become male
nourished, suffer sexual dysfunction.
develop cognitive impairments
where the brain does not function at
its full capacity and have permanent
memory loss.

In addition to the physically deha—
bilitating effects of alcohol in later
stages, Brinkman said. alcohol will
cause blackouts in which a person
will be conscious. but have no ability
to recall what had just happened.

“A student can take a drink and
walk into a class to take a test feel-
ing less nervous. but it's been shown
that alcohol detrimentally affects a
person's mental ability,“ she said.

Sec (.‘RAVI‘. Past 3

UK helps in celebration
for higher education

Staff Writer

UK administration and faculty
will participate in several activities
this week to celebrate Higher Edu-
cation Week.

The Donovan (‘ouncil of Aging will
present a lecture titled “Kentucky:
What's Wrong? What's Right?" at 4
pm. Thursday in the New Student
Center. The speaker is Robert Bell.
chairman of the Kentucky Advo-
cates of Higher Education, said Ann
Garrity, assistant to the Chancellor
for the Lexington campus.

“I'll concentrate on the educatio-
nal problems we have in Kentucky.
Kentucky is at the bottom of the na-
tion in education," Bell said. “The

high school dropout rate is 49 per~
cent and the college enrollment rate

“America is a changing society.
from blue collar to communicative
service. We‘ll require more educa»
tion and literacy in the population.”

UK President David Roselle said
his participation in the week‘s activ-
ities will be primarily in Frankfort.

A twoday conference for comput-
er specialists of higher education
and state government is also part of
the state‘s celebration of Higher Ed-
ucation Week.

Roselle gave the address at the
conference banquet last night

The first joint conference, held

506 HIGHER. I‘agc.‘


The Museum of Zoology will
sponsor a program tommorrow
night from 6 to 9 pm. featurirg
differentprograms of the UK dc.

From 6 to 7:30 pm. a natural
history book sale and exhibit
which includes snakes and fish of
Kentucky. specimens for the mu-


Series tomorrow night

seum’s skeletal collection and re-
gional works by Kentucky natu~
ralists such as Audubon.
Rafinesque and UK faculty.

Horn 7:30 to 9 pm. a Hallow-
een lecture series titled the “Nat-
ural History of Creepy Crea-
tures“ will take place.

The lectures are free.




 2 — Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday. October 27. 1087



0Grant to help fight

(‘oniinucd from Page I

Heavy use in the survey was
defined as consuming at least
five drinks per day. four to five
days per week.

"When we found this out. we
felt there was significant enough
of a problem to submit a bid“ for
the grant, she said.

Working with Joe Crowder of
the UK Research Foundation,
Brinkman formulated a proposal
to submit to FIPSE. The propo-
sal’s main thrmt called for the
establishment of two full-time
professionals to address sub-
stance abuse at UK.

Prior to the grant, there has
only been the student organiza-
tion BACCHUS (Boost Alcohol
Consciousness Concerning Health
of l'niversity Students). which
Brinkman has worked with part

Dr. Mike Nichols. of the Coun‘
seling and Testing Center. is in
charge of the counseling side of
the program and is giant to see
the addition.

“We currently have a staff of
12 full- and part-time profession-
als who deal with all aspects of
student problems.

“We see this addition as an ex-
tension of our services and with
it, we hope to become better able
to address substance abme prob—
lems students are having,“ he

Vice Chancellor for Student Af-
fairs James Kuder. who is over-
seeing the selection process of
the substance abuse specialist,
said the characteristics of the
person will have an big effect on
who gets the position.



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Standards sought for day-care workers

FRANKFORT - New regulations
being drafted by the Cabinet for
Human Resources would establish
tougher education and training regu-
lations for daycare workers, offi-
cials said.

The state currently requires direc~
tors and workers in daycare centers
only to demonstrate they are liter-

“1 think, in the long run, this is
going to upgrade day care in Ken-
tucky," said Lydia Roberts, day-
care program specialist in the De-
partment of Social Services. “It's
not going to happen overnight. but I
think it will give a lot more credibil-
ity to daycare programs."

The new regulations would set
specific education and training stan-
darrb for directors and staff mem-

“We‘re trying to have more qual-
ity in the child-care program. With
these requirements we‘re trying to


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bring Kentucky's licensed day care
more in line with what other states
aredoing," Mrs. Roberts said.

The new educational requirements
would only to directors of day care
centers or programs that care for
children, includim nursery schools,
who are licensed after the law takes
effect, Mrs. Roberts said. All work-
ers. however. would be required to
complete the annual training re-

They would also apply to directors
and workers hired after the effective
date, no matter where they work.

The cabinet conducted a public
hearing on the new proposals last
week with about 100 childcare work-
ers and child advocates. Mrs. Rob-
erts said.

Some changes are being included
in the proposal based on comments
made at the hearing, she said.

The amended draft should be
ready to present to the Legislative



Research Commission by Nov. 5,
Mrs. Roberts said. She said the com-
mission probably will have another
public hearing before approving the
regulations or adopting further

Mrs. Roberts expects the new reg-
ulations to go into effect in January.
Under current state law, they would
have to be approved by the General
Assembly during its 1988 session to
stay in effect, said cabinet spokes-
man Brad Hughes.

The regulatiom call for
the director of a daycare center
outside of the home to have three
years of full-time paid experience in
a childcare facility or two years of
work experience in child care. The
director also would have to a child
development associate credential,
an associate of arts degree with an
emphasis in child development or a
bachelor‘s degree from an accred-
ited college or university.


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People who run (hycare centers
in their home would have to have
the equivalent of a high school diplo-
ma. They wuld have to complete at
least 12 Inn's a cum devetopment
training during the first six mantis

The new regulations would require
directors and all child-care staff to
participate in at least six hours of
childcare training annually. The
staff would be trained in pediatric
first-aid and cardiopulmonary resus-







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 Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday, October 27. 1987 - 3

Todd Jones
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Jim White
Assnstant Sports Editor

‘9 Benson, Van Emburgh team up for fall

UK senior tennis player Greg Van Emburgh suffered a broken
thumb at the beginning of the fall season.



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Contributing Writer

For UK men‘s tennis players
Richard Benson and Greg Van Em-
burgh the season was never ever.

“Tennis isn’t a seasonal sport be-
cause the season never ends.“ Ben-
son said. “You have to make some
sacrifices as to what you want to do
right now."

The All-American pair gained in-
ternational attention when they were
asked to represent the United States
in the World University Games this
summer in Yugoslavia.

They were the first UK players to
represent the United States in any
tournament and the first collegiate
doubles team to represent the Unit‘
ed States at the World games.

“It was a great experience and we
were flattered to be in it,“ Van Em-
burgh said.

Benson and Van Emburgh were
spotted by scouts at the NCAA Dou-
bles Tournament by reaching the
semifinals last spring. Soon after
they were invited to join the World

, University team.


“Tennis isn’t a
seasonal sport
because the season
never ends. You have
to make some
sacrifices as to what
y0u want to do right

Richard Benson,
UK tennis player

“Greg‘s strength is his yeat first
serve, his strong forehand and his
accurate net play," said UK coach
Dennis Emery, who describes the
two as one of the most talented dou-
bles teams he has ever coached at

“Rich‘s is his very strong first
serve, good service returns and his
smart thinking on the court. "

Now. Benson. a junior. and Van
Emburgh. a senior team captain.

are hoping to get back on track for
UK at the Volvo All American tour-
nament in Los Angeles this week.

last year the two reached the fi-
nals. but this year may be a differ-
ent story since Van Emburgh broke
his right thumb three weeks ago.

Van Emburgh injured the thumb
while warming up with Benson and
hopes the injury will not prevent
him from making the trip this week.

Benson said his teammates “ab-
sence would definitely be felt . "

Although the two work together
well on the court. Emery said each
has his individual strong points.

Benson is more of a “streak play-
er" than Van Emburgh who is a
more consistent player. Emery said.

This fall Van Emburgh. who com»
piled a IS~match winning streak last
season. said he is concentrating on
bouncing back from his injury and
improving his national ranking.

Benson said he hopes to devote
more of his attention to his singles
game, which has taken a backseat
to his success in doubles the past

But unlike the summer. the two
have more to think about than just

Benson and Van Emburgh agree
that one of the downfalls of compet-
ing on the collegiate level is the
stress it creates on their classwork.

And with an increased practice
schedule this season. the stress fac-
tor has increased — on the court, in
the classroom and other places too.

"Because of our competitiveness
on the court. we sometimes have
disagreements which make it tough
to play well together when that hap-
pens." Benson said.

“But I certainly respect Greg for
his talent and his leadership on and
off the court."



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Kentucky Kernel

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Advertising Manager

Dan Hassert

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The Kentucky Kernel IS published on class days during the academic
year and weekly during the summer session

Third-class postage paid at Lexrngton. KY 40511. Mailed subscrip-
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The Kernel is printed at Standard Publishing and Printing. 534 Buck-

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 4 — Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday, October 27. 1981



of Student Center
right direction to go

A new student center is a nice idea but let's face it, it‘s
on the five-year plan. which is essentially the University’s

wish list.

In other words. a new student center is still a dream at
this point. And even if construction on a new facility does
begin in a few years. what do we do until then with a cur-
rent Student Center that needs to offer more to students?

The answer: limited commercialization.

Students living on the campus depend on the Student
Center for many of their needs — the most obvious of
which is food. But there are other needs that simply aren‘t

being provided.

Allowing businesses to offer services to students in a
central location would provide easy access to on-campus
residents as well as of f—campus residents.

Things such as a dry cleaners. a drug store and a cloth-
ing shop would offer needed services to the UK commu-


()ne need only observe the area around the campus to
see the problem on-campus residents are faced with when
they need to get a prescription filled or an article of cloth-
ing dry-cleaned. None of those services are within reasona-

ble walking distance.

With the addition of a student-run radio station to the
residence of the Student Center. along with the Martin Lu-
ther King Jr. Cultural Center. commercialization would be
just one more step in the direction of furthering the use of

the facility.

The Student Activities Board‘s Cinema Committee has
even opened the Center Theater in the old Student Center
to handle the overflow of moviegoers looking for altema-
tive cinema since the fire at the Kentucky Theater.

In the last year. UK‘s Student Center has shown great
promise with expansion of food services and cultural offer-
ings. Commercialization would add to that bright future.

And if it turns out that the University has to shelve a
new student center for a few more years than the five-year
plan. we‘ll still have a Student Center that caters to stu-


Let's keep a new student center in mind. but do what
we can to improve the one we‘ve got.


tucky Kernel. .

Ky. 40506-0042.

typewritten. double-spaced.

from as many writers as possible.


Letters policy

Readers are encouraged to submit letters and opinions to the Ken-

People submitting material should address their comments to: Edi-
torial Editor. Kentucky Kernel. 035 Journalism Building. Lexington,

To be considered for publication. letters should be 350 words or less.
while guest opinions should be 850 words or less. All material must be

Frequent writers may be limited so that we may publish letters

Writers must include their name. address. telephone number and
major classification or connection with UK on all submitted material.

It letters and opinions have been sent by mail. telephone numbers
must be included so that verification of the writer may be obtained. No
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C.A. Duane Bonlter
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lilo knows DARUN, 11'



Policy in Nicaragua based on ignorance

“You might ash what it takes to
remember. when you know that
you’ve seen it before/ Where a gov-
ernment lies to ‘a’ people. and a
country is drifting to war. "

Jackson Browne

“Lives in the Balance"

Last week the US. delegation to
the United Nations walked out of the
General Assembly after Nicaraguan
president Daniel Ortega criticized
the Reagan administration’s “Ram-
boistic" policy toward Nicaragua.

“Typical revolutionary babble" is
how the delegation described Presi-
dent Ortega’s speech. The individu-
als of the delegation probably felt
very good about their “protest." but
in reality they looked like total mo-
rons as no other delegation followed
their lead and even applauded as
Ortega chided the departing diplo-

President Ortega most likely expe-
rienced a haunting case of deja vu.
because that’s exactly what hap-
pened a couple of years ago at the
World Court proceedings. The US.
representatives walked out. The
World Court eventually decided in
favor of Nicaragua and concluded
that US. support of the contras was
in direct violation of international



law. But of course the US. govern-
ment ignored the situation. Why?

Well. President Reagan claimed
that since the United States was not
represented at the proceedings. it
therefore was not obligated to com-
ply with the decision. What can I
say? Yet another fine example of
Reagan's profound logic.

Reagan has publicly vowed to
seek more contra-aid because he be-
lieves the Arias peace plan is “fatal-
ly flawed." How would he know? He
probably hasn‘t even read it. And
even if he has. so what. More than
likely he didn't understand it be-
cause he knows virtually nothing
about Central America.

Ortega openly invited Reagan to
visit Nicaragua last year. offering
him access to whomever he wished
and to live television and radio c0v-
erage. Needless to say. he refused.
Reagan refuses time after time to
talk to Ortega because he probably
wouldn‘t know what the hell to say.

This is why our foreign policy to-
ward Central America is inherently

repressive and counterproductive.
The members of our government
know relatively nothing about the
region. They don‘t understand the
culture. the history (they barely un—
derstand ours) or the political proc-
esses of the region. And this is be-
cause our government couldn’t care
less. I mean who are we trying to
fool. the US. government doesn‘t
care about democracy in Central
America any more than it cares
about democracy here in the United
States. And if any of you out there
think we have a democracy in the
United States. then you better think
again because we‘re far from it.

The only thing our government
cares about in Central America is
having dictators in power who are
able to suppress internal opposition
while at the same time continuing to
make decisions favorable to our gov-
ernment's interests. After that our
government doesn’t care what hap-
pens. You want proof? Look at El
Salvador and Guatemala. These
governments are cited year after
year as two of the worst human
rights violators in the world, yet we
support them nevertheless.

The Sandinistas on the other hand
have survived depending on Ameri-

can capital for over eight years now.
The Sandinistas inherited a dev-
astated economy after the revolution
in 1