xt7jdf6k3q8p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k3q8p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-12-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 03, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 03, 1982 1982 1982-12-03 2020 true xt7jdf6k3q8p section xt7jdf6k3q8p 1
Lady Kate wln second game
Yr; Valerie Still tossed in 38 pomts last
\L « night in leading the Lady Kats over the
/ Ohio State Lady Buckeyes 73-60 Stilt
came three paints shy of the team s Sll‘i
‘ gle~game record of 41 pomts which she
set against the Florida Lady Gators last
‘ f season See page!)
Vol. txxxv. No.81 Friday. December 3. 1982 An independent student newspaper University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky
Vie S on dorm - .1: f0 d d t
_——__—__ dents. support extended visitation hours until 2 am. on of this question would have been different if a specific Burch to form a committee of students, administrators
By ANDREWOPPMANN lfi'idays and Saturdays. sum could have been included in the question. and reSidence-hall staff to determine the demand for
News Editor But 51.1 percent of those contacted do not favor in- And. according to the survey 56.08 percent — 281 stu- changes in visitation policies what changes. if any.
creased visitation if it would result in an increase in dents — favored the creation of a 24-hour visitation co- shouldbemade.
_ ______ housing costs. One hundred ninety-four students — or ed residence hall for upperclassmen and 61 88 percent During the early days of the committee. several pro-
38.72 percent — said they want increased visitation even — 310 students — favored weekday visitation for fresh- posals were brought up for discussion. including in-
Information for this story was also gathered by Special if it resulted in higher costs. men. creasing weekday and weekend visitation hours for up-
Proiects Editor Ur“ Kadaba and reporters Mickey University administrators have argued against ex- Students to be contacted were selected from the UK perclassmen. allowing freshmen to have weekday
Meece, Marty Heprier and Frank Salvino. tended visitation on the grounds it would significantly 1982-1983 Telephone Directory. Every student living in visitation and establishing a 24-hour open-visitation co-
increase residence hall administrativecosts. one of the University’s 18 residence halls was placed edresidence hallfor upperclassmen
The majority of students living in UK residence halls Currently, upperclassmen are permitted visitation in upon a master list (all residence hall rooms are Because the University committee had not publicly
favor a more liberal visitation policy but would be hesi- the residence balls from 7-11 pm. on weekdays, 6 p.m.-1 equipped with telephones). discussed some of the specific proposals when the Ker-
tant to accept the change if it resulted in significantly am. on Fridays, 12 p.m.-1 am. on Saturdays and 12 Out of this pool, every fifth student was selected and nel survey was designed on Nov. 3. some survey ques-
higher homingcosts, according toa Kernel survey. p.m.-11 pm. on Sundays. Freshmen have no weekday placed on one of five different contact lists. Pollsters tions were slightly ambiguous
The poll was conducted by telephone between Nov. 10 visitation; however, they have the same privileges as contacted students on this final list until a number over Timing was not considered a factor because the issue
and 30, excluding the University’s Thanksgiving hOIi- upperclassmen Friday through Sunday. 500 was reached within the amount of time allotted for has been in existence for several years, However, Ker-
days. A total of 737 students living in the residence halls Because the Kernel had no means of estimating the the survey. nel articles of Nov, 9 and 10 describing the issue of visi-
were selected by a systematic random sampling for the potential cost increases that might result from extended Seventy-three percent of the respondents said they tation hours were mentioned by some survey respon-
survey.Fivehundred onestudentswerecontacted. visitation, the question dealing with this matter was would be living in University residence halls during the dents in their interviews and may have influenced
Three hundred forty respondents - 67.86 percent of vague. next academic year. responses to some degree,
those surveyed — support increased weekday visitation Based upon individual telephone interviews conducted In late October. Robert Zumwinkle, vice chancellor Some of the Kernels survey results resemble a simi-
hours for upperclassmen, and 75.45 percent, or 378 stu- by each survey team member, it is believed the results for student affairs, authorized Dean of Students Joseph See pou, page 5
FRI Midwest, South see record highs
rmAssoa-mdpresmm Deadly snowstorm covers Wyoming
Man questioned in Tylenol deaths W _ ,.
(AP) A storm in the West that has I f 2”
DES PLAINES. III. — Kevin Masterson, a 35—year-old me- left 18Ipe0ple deadIor missing mired .
chanic, was questioned for more than two hours yesterday Wyoming communitiesin two feet or
b authorities investigatin the deaths of seven People who snon yesterday,I while Itornadoes “a...” . 3 ‘ r“ “at?
Y 9 _ , , splintered homes in the Midwest and ..- ,I,
took Extra-Strength Tylenol capsules laced With Cyanide. His December turned to spring in many ! i; ; .1, .
lawyer said he hopes his client will be publicly cleared now Northern cities. ' ~ I?" _\-I,,, I;
that he has answered investigators questions. The 40.000 residents _0fI Casper. ‘ WW” '" .. ’ 1
After the questioning, Mosterson was taken to Du Page Wyo.. awoke to fmd 22") inches 0f ' ' f ' "
C' , C t . Wh t f h . l t d l snow on the ground. four inches - j ,
ircmt our in ea on or a earing on an unre a e mor- short of the record for the month of . .2”
iiuono charge, and then was released on $1,000 bail. December in that city. Highways " . 9*
Masterson, who has not been charged with any crime were closed and schools shut down " m
in the Tylenol case, was flown back from Los Angeles eor- m manyareasaIcross thestate. _ 3)
“er yesterday Tornadoes hit southern Missouri, .,
' destroying or damaging 25 to 30 ’f p,
Gas-tax increase approved by committee ““95 "1 Mm‘ém Gm"? and at g
least two homes in rural Crawford . : a
County. At least 10 people were in- ,5,
jured, , , l .. ;
WASHINGTON — The House Ways and Means Committee A tornado destroyed one home and . . ‘ . I a z ' .
gave its approval last night to a nickeLa—gollon increase in damaged three others as a storm .. , ‘ ‘ 2 ' ' .. .-‘ .
the federal gasoline tax to finance a massive program of roared through Alma, Ark., “far . 6 ' . 1 ‘ "~va -',
. . . . Fort Smith. yesterday. downing we» .. i . .
highway and bridge repair. The committee also cleared power lines and washing out at least . . ', . . 2:; ’7-
what has become a bipartisan highway iobs bill by voice threebridges. . 'I’- 1}
vote. The storm that roared out of the - «" i. ""
The full House is expected to vote next week, and the Paelfic across California on IT'ues- ‘1“ 3M
. . day. dumping neckdeep snow in the .. , a, ..,-.-I "
bill is expected to clear Congress before the lame duck ses- . ’ .. by; , ...
, , , mountains, also spread heavy snow .w .. , _ , , - . . , r s ~ w I
Sion s scheduled odiournment Dec. 17. yesterday across the northern high i A. I .
Under the plan, the increase in the current tax of 4 plains into eastern Montana and 1”?
cents a gallon would take effect April 1, 1983. The prOpO- westernSouthDakota. . . . w ., I.
sal. backed by President Reagan as well as leaders of both ChrhiIstmas shoppers I!“ ClueSClSUCh ' ,3
parties in Congress, would raise an estimated $5.5 billion a as C cago, Minneapo ‘5 and eve- [I an: ' . ' "
. _ , , , land shed their coats and sweaters .,
year, Administration officials say that comes to about $30 a as the mercury climbed toward the ,. ' W :
year for the average motorist. 70-degree mark. setting records for . 4.. .. , ' I
this time of year. " ' I ’ ' 7 If" ., ‘ ‘ g a
EPA chief gets contempt citation Be”? "°°“ !‘ was already 69 1" . . ,- , , '
the Windy City. seven degress , g , ' ' . - ' _
I warmer than the record for Dec. 2. ‘ ‘ 1” f _.
WASHINGTON — A House subcommittee voted 92 yester- n also was wet. Heavy rams caused , , .: / , .h , ‘ . _ ,,
day to cite Anne M. Gorsuch, head of the Environmental power outages affecting 3,000 homes ‘ , "WI - f '
Protection Agency, for contempt of Congress for witholding angsbusinesses in the northern SUb' 3 r ‘ * " ‘ . ‘ M 5:14.
i t - ' . . w . -. a * w 1, ‘ .
documents dealing With Ihe EPA s tOXic was e cleanup pro Golfers in Des Momes. Iowa. were we L. I i ..... ;x I4 ‘
9mm 0" President R9090" 5 orde'S‘ out in their shirt sleeves on courses ' “k r h E a . . .- 33“” ~
The subcommittee had subpoenaed an estimated 787,000 that are usually closed by this time , . I \N ‘* § «1 ' . ,I h .1, . ”M.
items to examine how the EPA manages the $1.6 billion ofyealj. . . . _- I . _ ’ 3 3 é ' (I , .. .,
"Superfund" program to clean up abandoned chemical dump But ‘f It was warm m the North. ‘t J “‘ . ' l" . f . ~ . i
sites Gorsuch appearing before the panel in response to was sweltering m the South. The ». " g . f x
‘ ’ , ,, , _ ,, mercury hit 85 in Montgomery. Ala. f; k -» . ‘ , " - _ II = .. a -
the subpoena, said the vast moiority of documents would the hottest December day on record. ,/ «VII . . I I ,r e; ,. . .
be duplicated and shipped to the subcommittee, though it The 33 posted in Tallahassee. Fla. ”as to ~ -
will cost EPA at least $145,000 and could take six months. was one degree short of the all-time 3 1 ,ar' " - we ~
. _ . record for the month. . °""%‘.e.--?I- ' ‘13 r .. - w 32:3 5 :3 9......
Unemployment-pay recipients hit record Other cites posting record highs N t » E: Le—Je in
for the date included Detroit, Grand \ '-
WASHINGTON - A record 4.84 million Americans are Rapids and Muskegon m Michigan. i3 k x
, Indianapolis. St. Louis and Akron.
drawmg unemployment checks, but Labor Department ona- Ohio. j It
lysts said the statistic released yesterday merely reflects In Southern California. about 50' W” .ev...‘ ~., ' . '. "
substantial rises in the number of people insured against 000 people remained Without power .
the loss of work. after heavy wind and rain cut power '
. . to 1.5 million electric customers ‘3 K, _,,
On the eve of the governments release of the national Tuesday. but the waves pounding T I t k IINVANNOO"
unemployment rate for November, the departments Em- beachfrontpropertyhadsubsided. owe run
ployment and Training Administration reported a substan The blizzard in the West dropped .
tiol rise of 196,000 in the number of people drawing lobless Up to four feIet 0(fj snowgn theI moIiIin- lshzrriug::“:;a°£g “fix: C‘I'Ee’gI'o'heeoIg'ghzsfifU' °""I“°'5 I'll 'h: LerI'l‘gloo IOIJPCL 057k“: *I‘docms
> tains of Co ora 0. an ava anc es ' V' - US ' ' 55 l 05 O 0W9 ’0': ”1 '0”? O ‘3 5 ~00 09 OF I
checks under state unemployment insurance programs for closedseveral roads Wash, olth0ugh he admitted ”S mom use IS advertising .
the week ending Nov. 13. ' __—____—___—_____J
The total of 4,841,000 was the highest since the unem- I . . . '
“mm" ‘°“'"‘°"°"'“" "'°9’°'“ W“ We" "’35 “"d PUbllClZln 0T 88 l h TIT 0' I] am IBTB
was 156,000 higher than the previous record 4,685,000 for g xua arassme p |cy I c p
the week ending Oct. 16. Several private economists said
the unemployment claims report signaled further rises in ——-—?——— I006 of its primary goals was defi- Golfing cndIIperceivcs 1t as sexual rdssment, and the legal definition of
the overall jobless rate, which hit a post-Depression high of 3-" .l‘le‘KADM.“ “”18 sexual harassment. “'thh It did harassment harrasmcnt being used by Pival‘s
'0 4 ercent in October 5990131Pl‘°.1¢*0l51'3dlt0r as follows: "unwelcome sexual aid The conflict. as it crusts. is appar- committee does not lump voluntary
' p ‘ vances. requests for sexual favors ent in the reactions of various fac- dating under harassment.
\ / . . , and/or other Verbal or physical con» ulty members to a memorandum is- t‘lcarly. problems still must in the
The fOUOWWE IS on analySis grid duct or written communication of an sued Nov 11 by Nancy Ray. the proposed definition.
’ may reflt’c‘t "I!" writer's Vlewpolm intimidating hostile or offensive sex- L'niversny‘s Affirmative Action Confusion over meeting the com<
It is the last in a series of articles ualnature.“ coordinator mittec's other two goals _, recom-
WEATHE about sexual harassmentI in the _— The memo suggested that “Lit a mending a policy statement and pro-
work force and on university cam ger‘Ij‘l minimum faculty members. tcach- cedures and educating the UK
Plows ‘- 44 ‘ ‘ 1‘ ' ‘ mg assistants and others with coal community also may hamper the
. , . , lll‘l‘vI‘SSI‘ll‘ N l uation responsibility should not date proposed policy
UKIishon its way toIIestagllIshgig a k ‘ or attempt to drte students. current L‘ntil the policy is enacted. stu-
sexua arassmen p01cy. u 1 p0- 1y enrolled 1nd class he or he is l 1; bay llltl- r ‘urs- if h
Today wlll be wlndy and continued warm with varla- tential tobeeffective is debatable It adds that when such conduct at teaching " 3 $252,! Af‘ddelnlet‘ gmplaints afe
5'. "°""".“: 9 so P"“"' chance °' 'h“"d."'°"‘“ The 1-1“le is the work of a 14- tools aIstudent's status. academic or Some instructors. however. think channeled through ombudsman. who
and a high In "to low 10:. member Ad‘HOC AdVlSOl'y (ommit- educational experience or enViron» Ray is overstepping bounds by regu- can offer little adyice because no set
‘ A 70 percent chance of thunderstorms tonloht wlth tee 0" Sexual “3'85“?“ appomt‘ ment,it '5 sexual harassment lating PWSOHal lle‘ The) do “0‘ KUIdt‘lmt‘S 9305‘
a low around 60 ed by Prwident 0‘15 Singletary 1" 8}" as Jean PlVal- the commit- consrder dating between consenting “So everybody talks about it and
C ' d l'i f h d l it April. Early last month, the commit- tees chair. painted out. “Some of indii'iduals. even a student teacher they (mm “or, know what they‘re
ant nua c ance o t an antenna tomorrow in f tee presented its recommendations the faculty members do things that relationshipascxual imposition talking about.” Worell said. "We felt
a Mall In the MM 60:. on revisions in the Student and Face they d0“ really 59? as sexual ha The current Student lllltl Faculty it nmlstobcdefined “
ully codes rassment. and the person on the re codes do not ilctinc ‘t‘\lldl lid \99 poucv, page 5

[mull-n n wOppmnn u v n vn . w or
Editor I: Chmt A 1::vade Jtugdi'izl “.Szioriws Elhdomi". 59:12: :l::‘:::,t,i Iggxttgr... 0::hctt'123i'tfv ‘
0 an n III“! "I. . n v v.
‘”"”‘ " “" gimme $3:.‘..'.¥!:J.'.t?:..”.,, s...‘:.';.“.','..'?:"l':‘.“....., (3.2132323... ...,‘,“5':.f2”,.. .
eversa O GVI ence ru e may harm US all — ,.
. . n

Sixty-eight years ago. the Supreme Court constitute probable cause On an outside ' ___._..v > .57 hi
took a close look at the Fourth Amendment chance. they also asked the court to consider SO YOU FROMISE TO B£ Eh‘:€féi . " ’ it 7: a: -"
and decided citizens rights to privacy exempting the evidence from the exclusio- AGOODBOYtFI 557’ ~'::' .1: , fry/l, '- £2377 "
needed to bebetter defined. nary rule because, although illegal, it was You Mm ”"5? »‘==57 -512" :. '7 n', I $7222.}: ll

So the Justices. formulated something obtained in “good faith,” 3—.- ‘4';- ,1 ‘ , _. . f", _:. I; ,g A 7...; f‘ 1,1, :'—r_-§:
called the “excluSlonary rule," which said The court, over the years, has heard simi- .37 7 , ’77.:— 42’, OEWA‘ :17 S‘
that police cannot use eVidence against an lar requests dozens of times And always, it 5 SURE OPAL" as: ‘ *7 ""7 ,."//// 7 I; .
indiVidual in a court 01 law when it is ruled has turned them down. :4 g “”87 (4:; / I "I — " 7 / 77 ii
the eVldence has been obtained illegally But Monday, it honored the state’s re- a A '73" / /\;l//(:’/, L

' ' ' ' ' :1 i a . ,

Legal eVldence. in general. is evidence quest. saying it wants to hear a new round of §% . . ME". , 7 7),, / _ / ', //.,, / / z a
that has been obtained by search with a war— arguments to study “the question whether = " " .1 g 7/ A 7 I 71/ $‘P :4
ram. Vehicular searches and on_,he_stree, the rule . . . should to any extent be modified ago-é: 5 //,'/« a ,1 j ,1 y, /, c
it n . o -— , __ ____.—— , . ,.

pat downs. when pOIlce have probable so 8.5‘ for example ' - - "Ot to require the ex- .7— ”‘l"‘ .7 ’ A 3 "r I / 7¢ I /// b

. . . . ' ' ' . '/ 7W1- " —/ I
cause to believe an indiv1dua1 has com- cluSlonof eVidence obtained in the reasona- _,: ,4. ’3‘ / j” .\ ‘ *4 .U, l '. 4’”, a y
mitted, is committing or is about to commit ble belief that the search and seizure was :77 _—>/,,;——’-'="—7_ ’ " / /,i)lfl ' , 2:4 .‘ 77/775: ’
acrime, are also permissable. conSlstent with the Fourth Amendment.” 7;]. ’ ' ” (’7? on)“ 2’ f3; 4 {i ‘7, f,

T.he‘rule has since become a cornerstone Three Justices _ Thurgood Marshall, John 74 ’figé \ /l"' I $le '0 ’ :‘zz'l/ r a
of indiVidual rights _ sort of a Pure Food Paul Stevens and William J. Brennan — Q19 ‘ a é‘fiu’l. a: \9 ': : 2‘"! n
and Drug Act for the courts. Its use is com- Strongly dissented from the others’ decision ,. Com”: 0- ‘ ’ I ' 1:: s -113 _ ‘ I I,' . . 4 E
monplace. and police and many conserva- to reconSider the rule. if, ‘. ell—rs7s‘:r;s hr :74: “if 5775.4 » n
tives hate it with a passion. . Although it is true that criminals are walk- 55‘ :3 f: ’— i7 f l‘ 7: .~ ‘t / ,_, '3 1: h

A Bl . mg the streets today because police didn’t E 1 ”Ea-,3: 7%: g .7 <- 7/ 11'? r' o

oomlngdale.‘ Ill. couple. Lance and follow the rules when obtaining evidence a, :21 -‘fi _ 7 ‘ l’ "' /,/,;f; "- S
Susan Gates used it in 1978 when police, act- against them. that is part of the cost people =1" ..-. ' ’ ~"Li /—— t/ {1" ’ ,7 0
mg on an tip. searched their car and‘found pay for protection from an even greater aft“ " \féé‘g—f‘fig: “ fi'i;.' .7 i‘
350 pounds of marijuana. The Illmoxs Su- threat — the knock on the door in the middle 1?: Y-‘is 7:79 7—;‘777 ' 7‘ ~. 4/17 ' '5
preme Court. saying the tip — an anony- of the night. R0“ 3" r-n'm—«r by: _ - 1‘! E "2147/1? U

. . 7 . a". _ v. , 7—H ' ,

mous suggestion that a search of the Gates The prospect that individual rights may be if"‘~:‘n==¢e CF/flrf‘dff‘r‘i‘tl'i’ n ‘ r5 1-‘1"/-’ ' :
reSldence might turn up a large amount of sacrificed so that police will no longer have 5'62““ ,-. ,- WE“ my g. _.;Ii/ .&:.:tfif,jr . .- r:
gonnabis _ was too vague ‘0 JusuiV pFOba- the burden of being strictly held to the rules j; ffffftv’ ‘ [it 5"%/j/fl « "1:2- " g '7‘" 7‘ ~ 7 t

“25:33:: suppressed the eVidence and is no less frightening. It speaks of a society '\., tam?" fkéw‘r w’ »;.__,r“1 L: to”. / i ” _:.3,'~‘.‘(:' Jilll (

q But the setactaesetook ‘t t th S C so terrorized by crime and incapable of cop- " \‘ ’ ” ’17"""'"=:"—— _ , ' .. 7:32?" ' 5

. l o e upreme ourt. ing with its own problems that it will sacri- WW. ’ 7 7 F7 ' ‘ ‘——-—— 54:7? §
booing at least to establish that the tip did fice freedom for security. O". "mm _” " 7” "‘ " 7”" “’ 77 '
W c

PGUl cannot ClOS 1 . . . I . . . . er he’s (onshe’s) going to let the letter (Dec. 1), his mimicking of Joe be lackin , for what rea. ' 7;» l
e LOUlSV'HIOn 5 Spirit: fire: Pride other .one live in peace. The idea Paul was appropriate and befitting know — Serhaps apatthfgai‘ dgilast

. . V . . ~ here Is tolerance. If we could be Just because we are freshmen, how- —who knows. N ‘ r

On N0\:.29.1V1Slted LK and was ened “me children. I pray I am reotypos ofour homophobic society. more. tolerant of each other (as ever, does not mean our opinions I personally recognize the exis- ’
greatly disturbed by the letter to the wrong. l hope that Paul and his ref- Mr. Paul on sa 0 - Americans are 5“ ed t0 be), r- are less fo - ' V

. _ .. _ . .. , y y y u would rath ppos pe unded or should be sub tence of homosexuals — although I d ~
editor entitled‘ Anti-GALLS that erences to "socialist fags" and er not know 1 am here. But I am haps the world would be a happier jected to ridicule and unsubstan- rather not think about it I feel sex- a
mo m that day 5 edition of tho .Ker' “pseudo-humans" aro not represen- here. I am your brother, I am your place! . tiated abuse. ual preference is a matter of person- a
get}; :fslgie selclretgry gtf she‘LLnlven tative of an instututlon that claims colleague, I am your friend. 1 pass The Listener Registers comments outraged al choice; however I don‘t see het- t
Ifeel ”was! re ay ([11 en mom to be the flagship univerSity of the you on the sidewalk, I sit in class What is GALUS') those “freshmen stooges“ while si- erosexuals running around strutting .

o 1ga orespon . Stlteuigitegll UK st d t t ff Xian} gig, I interact with you every ' gilultaneously erasing any doubt of theirlove habitsin public. 1‘
_ ' u on s o 0 er y. me an name on like, but ‘ ' - eexistenceof“ raduatestoo es." I f 1 th ' ' '4

intIeiaiin Itrio}: quite sure of Joe Paul s their support and encouragement to you cannot closet my spirit, my fire meTl'lr‘illsiel-‘sttti‘fntilfLTlSeaed toward the Our opinions ofghomosexualigty dif- too nifch pfibligllteygfitsiglefhzlrved way
. ‘. e meant to be funny. on their gay friends in their efforts to or my pride, J t bec J ' fer somewhat and we deeply resent Someone said to d “thi " ll i

lightening or logical. he was not. He organize. pew straight le can us ause 0e Paul made a be’ . . , 5e“ .. em a

. . . peop cou le of tsh ts t mg associated With such a closed- away to a colle e s ‘lflC 11 f V

did. however, succeed in creating fu]]v t m k . p po 0 a y0ur group, . g p“ a y or
the impression that UK students are {0313;283:3113 fesbiafigulgggolfrieao: Jim Lunger, Secretary does that make it right for you to minded person as Joe Paul. But that “them," but I envision before long a f
intolerant. narrow-minded. fright- and publicly fight the myths and ste- ULGay Studle‘otuUnion throw potshots back at him? Stepha- :2: “Tingle 15519:: 0fl ourdletter; ours group 0f ”progressive. liberated" in- e
__—__.____—_____s_vlll_e me Hrkman stated (Dec. 2) that ex- tack (initials-33$ lift} in] not an 81- dmdilgf would try to form a t

. posure to your group might educate a lesyes “strai t“ club and foul up the

SC l U“ ng GAL U S vant as a motive behind sex between lifestyles around us, and they need some 0f “5 ignorant people about ho- The letters 0f Joe Paul and K' Ad. whole thing. i c

college students. How many college not affect you personally. All people mosexuals. vance do not belong m the Kernel. Darryl Cremeans '

To Joe Paul's now infamous women do you think would agree to need to think for themselves, and Why don't you educate us a little but rather on a bathroom wall. Any Forestry junior t
.. Anti-G AU 15.. letter. please allow have sex with a man who said his choosewhat's best for them. bit more? Respond to this letter and gaghgsZWSpffsr would Simply :00“ ""—
metooffer the following refutation. onlynmotlve was to make her preg- Sorry Joe, but you’re the one who tell‘l “5 .luSt what gays stand for, and print therip: grap w Views an not Since Monday, the Kernel has ,9.

Paul. when you said GALL'S was nanti. Be realistic. needs to come out Of the closet. A w y your gaygroup had to be orga- We ex ressed our it 1 ' ' ceived "early 30 ”'0‘“th ‘0 Joe
based upon the members‘ pride in It is an atrocity that y0u assert — sheltered life of conservative think- mzed. And While you are at it. tell us nd p lled p01 lca We“ Paul's letter. Although this section
their alternative lifestyle vou ap- on not one shred of evidence —— that ing has left your mind too inflexible some Of the 800d things your group a were ca stooges, but If we 0f Persuasion is devoted to you our
Parently had not read. the 'groups lesbians use "dildos.“ Paul. if you to deal with the new thoughts is going 10 do for this University and can convey our opinions (and not be 'eodefsv mid your r98p0nses to what
charter that clearly states the func- knew anything at all about lesbian around YOU- Open “P and relax; for the community. 'So far, all your zohgleciih‘eil’citiazleerisye stooges or we do and don't print' we feel the “1'
tion and purpose of the group is to sexuality or female sexuality, you we re all Just peoplelike yourself. ‘ 81'0“!) has done 15 Stir up a lot 0i ar- ' Jeff And location of the “Letters" space over

rov'de 'nfo t‘ ‘ . would realize phallic emphaSis is JamesPrentice guments. . erson thelastthreed ' t 15 —

p .1 ‘ rma '0" on gay “ng to nearly always created b' n t ‘ ' And one more thi — ' t h t PhySlcs freshman ay's 0 responses

:iheuhtedlategedsegderlt-Sv apd to pro- women I hate to hurt voyurmego. gilt Agronomy Junior exactly do you do atnygour rl'iugetihvgz’ if: otldthemtnlegatwe _ to Pllwl's m- r
. - ‘ e - ‘ e ‘ I

tiltion.a yn p01tlca represen leSblan. neither need nor give a Love Is beaUllfUI Who knows, there may be some A [Straight] CIUbO ofthe cglgrjuimejegezsziéseaxéeX: E

His comment on pride is irrele- damn about your phanusg more fags out there who want to join . ' cause.
vant. It is the oppression and har- . 1 do 3.7311“! your comments Joe Paul, 1 have no desire to de- your group. D3Vid Layne Ihave noticed as Of late the “Let- Our only hOpe is that Other sub. r
rassment from people such as your- :29 iii ed; keok terms, Having bate With you the merits of homo- Accounting sophomore ters section 0f the. Kernel has be‘ feds” "0 less impo'm'" i" Stature' l
self that forces homosexuals to than hruldelia' (gimments as well, sexual or heterosexual love. In order Freshman r I. come a print battlefield between ho— are capable of drawing the bulk of
defend themselves. to defend their Suec_hs 0 \8 en conSidered as :0 do that, I feel I would have to ep I65 ml’szl‘s:als 1mg“? Paul. f in written comment that addressed this 1
civil rights and—specifically in this . 0w“ myself to your level. This In res ns t ' ' no 1c responses rom e issue I
case _ to defend their First Amend- G rifl‘smits Coofifiiecléige ailliv {5531:1318 level] apparently includes many p0 e 0 Roger Registers heterosexual population seemed to The Editors (
men‘rights_ f ‘ 1 e - qua itim that I do not wish to call 3

You assert there is no need for so- 2;": of]? git‘ltngd thf strerLgthk. cour- my own — crudity, ignorance and ' ' a
cialist fags to be organized on cam- ' u e 0 em ar upon an abundance 0f insecurity, ‘0 name 0 p t I I Ch t, , p I I I
pus. It is just as libelous for you 10 such a badly needed and noble cam_ justafew. a a, rls as ’99 a V9 968 l
label all homosexuals at this univer- pa.gn Jam R B M!" faul, it is you i feel very . , l
sity as socialists: this is totally . 95 ‘ truner sorry or. Your children Will be th d th f th h . - l
false. That oppression creates a 'POllllcalSClence/ forced to grow up in a world satu- 9 ea 0 e O I a ys Sp, r I t
pressing and urgent need for the or- thOSOphy freshman ratetli W‘theiéngfar attitudes, a world (
ganization is a reality that you Sim sore y in n those very qualities Out of the cold winds of the comers. , '~ ' , E
ply ignore. Female homosexuals are Open Up, Joe that you lack — sensitivity, truth night lurks a jolly young man From their dark corners, these 2210;] 1:333:15: xiperfiftrétr mfilk I
lesbiansnot “dvkes,” and compasswn. Oh yes, and love —— seekin to bri t ' evil-doer ' ' ‘ i - . ' - g ' e

. g ng he yuletide 5 Will stop at nothing to Ch .
. . ' A ‘ . . that wh' his lw be t'ful . . | ‘ ristmas spirit eroded. Bah,

Paul. you re in college now ht, thi Dear Joe Paul. ‘c .a ays au ‘ ~ greetings to one and all. No, its prevent the holiday season from Humbugi
hum of attraction that is either sex Beware of those people who don‘t GOd forbid, Joe Paul, that your "0‘ Frosty the Snowman, nor is it arriving. How sly are their ways. .
ual passmn or emotional passion think like yourself. for they may be childrengrow up tobedlfferent. , Rudolph theRed NosedReideer. You‘veseen their work. ”Why‘ madam. Christmas has -
These work the same way for both dangerous to your mental health and DeidreC. Cain ...__—— They are the ones complaining never been better! All these Peo' -‘
heterosexuals and homosexuals personal well-being. Pre-law junior , about Christmas decorations ple buying pr wents for one anothi :

w Ch°°§ing a partner is based upon at» People who don‘t think as you do being hung the day after Hallow- er. My GOd‘ madam, "‘5 capital
traction that is a matter of personal are all around us every day. People TOlerance , 300" een. The people complaining that ism at its best! Sales mean
Preference. nOt logic To say hetero- who are homosexuals. bisexuals. WILHOIT Christmas has become ‘00 com- money. Money means jObS' JObS
sexual love is logical because it lulr vegetarians. people who practice As I read these editorials I feel " I mercialized! The peOple Who rc- meanaerounemployment
fills a need is to be obliviousto the meditation. read books on the occult sorrow for the authors. All of you ———————-—- fuse to put up their trees until f‘Critlcize Christmas and you
fact that homosexual love fills all and sunbathc m the nude. Why. it's are missing the entire point! The From the cold lands of the north Christmas Eve ”“5“" Amer'ca' 3’0“ mus" 00"“
the 5am: emotional] .and physical simply uncontrollable; they‘re all United States Constitution was writ- arrives - Captain Christmas But fear not 7- Captain mm
needsTo :zvefiosheiiu: sex. I l ‘ merihetmversity , . ten saying all men (and women) are Tree! Posing as a mild-mannered Christmas Tree is here! “In Russia, madam, they don't

l l , f , e e osexua etc is But how boring it would it be With— created equal! No single group is reporter for the Kentucky Kernel, By day, I work a meager life re- have all the Christmas sales No
so e y or procreation IS to deny the out them How creative and diverSi- better than the other. Joe Paul is not I dash into the nearest phone porting the news. When my spe- they don't have all the glitter and
Widespread use of contraception fled our soc'iety is with them. No one wrong. The gays are not wrong booth, slip on my long johns and cial detectoring sounds its alarm. colored lights If you don’t like all
Procreation is almost totally irrele- need: to accept all the alternative Each individual has to decide wheth- emerge as the avenger of the holi- I'm never far from righting the this commercialism why don't you

. . day season. wrongs of the holiday season go over there! '
DRABBLE by Kevm Fagan hOnkthe ftiirst day of plecemiber, I On weekends, I cruise the shop “American Christmas commer
' c uc am e my penci an pen. ping malls read to he] the inno- cialism l ' ' ' "'
gonad. HERLS SOMETHle ”“1ch “NW OOE‘yN'T l6 1W6 REALM 100, SONUuiNb Instead, I don a pair of warm cent buyer, Wheyn l heaF; someone Usually, (thgefvlild-dhtelrts see the

Miami FlNlélNléfaKESTth.“ “6’ mm 10 .. NORMAN? Hit! HES! Tow) Mi gloveS, thermal socks and a pint complain about how the real error of their ways. with a wink

M 6 BA ‘4 lchRE‘). I 00‘, m Flt/6‘, mm A CHUGB‘I I'M N ‘ ofKentucky sfinest. meaning of Christmas has been of my eye and a righteous nod of

{@‘Tflfjt _ UTTLE KlVll, H“. “M. 9‘5“” ‘ Bring on the cold weather! I am eroded, ldashirto action! my head, I go forth into the cold

,\\ fifi/ Y ' r 1 mm 100. ready to right the wrongs, protect l rush and give that person a December air Never far from the

I \ x .. y the innocent and. celebrate the goodscoldmg. cries of mercy from merchants
, V U? R (3 g 5» 3 m m1]; Agiotirci’caan Christmas spout. “Mciitoranli,” 15:31, 'I‘how dare you trying to sell their wares.

, 2 , , 4 f. , ' e l ys areaspeCia ime. say is mas s 05! its mean. “Up! Up, and Awa "'

?%/}l m? Zip? 1“. (:47 2,13? .\ / , LE Shoppers sally forth to buy their ing'.’ How dare you criticize com- y
m\,f€i‘f .. .6‘ . on ‘9 4 / . ,6 2/2 W 1 J presents. unaware 'of ‘the ewls mercxalism and aluminum Scott Wilhott is a journalism

: / -_,_ . m nL/ F “’ ‘ o . _ _l/' i; lurking to rum their Joy. .Come Christmas trees?“ and telecommununtlons suphn

.V A g d . . I , u , . N -4 /) \ o/ Ellis :52: of the; yeizr, :httzhsmldsate; h‘book ararolnd you look at all more and u Kt-mel staff writer
' . . 'fi/iflltlmliraiuleb noun the g e um craw ou o e r t e sa es. y, I even heard one and columnist.

 THE KENTUCKY KENNEL, ~Flkby, ms, nu - J

A t'f- - I I' b ' I. - her S GGGSS
_______ plied from a reservoir carried out development of radically new plas- using materials he had in the apari- vate company, Motion Control Inc, searchers are developing an artifi-
By PAUL RAEBURN sidetliebody. tics and other materials. m