xt7jdf6k3q1k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k3q1k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-06-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 20, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 20, 1975 1975 1975-06-20 2020 true xt7jdf6k3q1k section xt7jdf6k3q1k  

Vol. LXVII No. 1
Friday, June 20,, 1975


~(Jnuek Combs




an independent student newspaper J




. .4 m1 taunt—q n

Larry Skinner warmer"
Meade enjoy a game of
bar seshoes. Skinner
[left] pitches and
Meade closely inspects
the spike.



Journalism department to apply within year;


University of Kentucky
Lexington, Ky. 40506





Almost a dead ringer

‘professionallxmqualii ‘ied’ faculty to be added

Kernel Staff Writer

The ioumalism department plans to
apply for re-accreditation of its news-
editorial sequence during the next year
according to Lewis N. Cochran. vice
president of academic affairs.

Cochran "fi'éa‘defi"‘a' commISSion" which
studied the American Council on
Education for Journalism (ACEJ) report
which denied the sequence re-
accreditation last April.

"WE WENT through the report point by
point." Cochran said. Changes in the
department will be made to correct the
high student-faculty ratios in news writing
and reporting courses, he said.

Cochran disagreed with several of the
ACE.) evaluating team‘s observations.

“The full-time student-faculty ratio was
grossly inaccurate," he said, adding that
available part- t-ime funds were ignored in
the reports criticism of low faculty

THE accrediting team’s report also

w—uo—o-.. a... w“ .m.

include a lowering of the maximum
number of journalism hours a student may
take from 36 to 30. The ACE.) team felt too
many hours in the journalism department

. u- a-..”

would harm e. a stduéiit‘m u can :ibeiai

arts education.

USE OF spelling and grammar tests to

cited a faculty with littl'e‘" mamm- 1‘1‘1’a'1i‘1‘yi0r some courses wili be cat-pa ..

experience, and a curriculum which “does
not appear to be responsive to the
professional interests of the students.“

THERE WILL be two new journalism
faculty members this fall, Cochran said.

Candidates for_ the posts must be
professionally qualified with considerable
media experience, said Dr. Dwight Teeter,
joumalism department faculty.

Other efforts by the department to
comply With A(‘EJ recommendations

next year, Teeter said.

He said it was possible that the jour-
nalism department would establish its own
academic standards within Arts and

The Journalism departmentfs news-
editorial sequence was the only accredited
one at any college or university in the
state. It had been accredited since ACEJ
was formed in l946.

ASIDE FROM academic prestige. ac-
creditation is important for students with

scholarships and awards many of which

stipulate that the school’ 3 prngram must
be accredited. After graduation, however,
the importance of accreditation in getting,

”a job is marginal.

“I don’t think it matters." said Bill
Hanna, personnel director for the
ton Herald- Leader. “You look at

thex individual’s qualifications, ” he said.


“I’m sure that the school’s reputation
can suffer greatly from not being ac—
credited," said Rich Gimmel, news
director for WTVQ-TV. Gimmel agrees
with Hanna when hiring newspeople,

“Most broadcasters are moving away
from even hiring journalism graduates.
We’re looking for people with degrees in
political science and humanities,“ he said.


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Journalism plastic surgery
only goes skin deep

The only way to get money to
improve a department at UK, unless
it’s a department like medicine or
agriculture which has state-wide

- .- ..- . palitiraLcJ.o.t=~L,.i.s.to.da something. like



Provisions of the proposed
Federai Criminal Code cur-

rently under debate in Con-4
' “‘“aré'ésaaée an om'i‘rtousythreat ’

to press freedoms taken for
granted by American jour-

.The proposed code would in
effect legalize government
secrecy by making it a felony
for a reporter to write about
certain unclassified national
defense information during
peacetime. Anyone caught
leaking classified
information tothe press could
also be found guilty of a
federal offense.

In the wake of revelations
about Central intelligence
Agency involvement in for-
eign assassinations and dom-
estic spying, the value of a
vigilant, free press should be
evident to the public. The
journalists’ roles in uncov-
ering the Watergate scandal
and exposing the Pentagon
Papers and My Lai massacre
should also not be forgotten.

Unfortunately, Senate
leaders from both parties

Press freedom threatened

don’t see things that way.
Apparently. many legislators
don’t realize the potentila
impact of portions of the
massive criminal code, which
is the first attempt to codify
federal criminal laws. Only
recently has the press probed
some of its more repressive

Thousands of bureaucrats
are authorized to classify
government documents so
doubltlessthere is a degree of
over-cautiousness and self-
preservation involved in
stamping something “Top

The media has traditionally

behaved responsibly when
dealing with material that
poses a potential threat to
national security. A degree of
risk will always be inherent in
the practice of First Amend-
ment rights.

Sections of the criminal
code which deny the principle
that the people, and not the
government, own
government information
should be abolishedfi





Editor -ln—Chiot
Nancy Daly

Managing Editor
Susan Jones

Associate E dltor
Jack Koeneman

Arta Editor
Dona Rains

Barry Forbis


itN II‘CI‘fl


lose accreditation or get some bad
press coverage.

A perfect case in point is the
Department of Journalism, which did
both. Last April the department, in a
widely front-page publicized media
event, lost the accreditation it had
held for 29 years. Since then money
has been flowing like wine within the

Aiming at applying for re-accr-edi-
tation this fall, plans are underway to
hire new faculty, bring in modern
equipment, remodel parts of the .
journalism building and, in short, to
immediately doaway with everything
the American Council on the Educa-
tion of JournalismiACEJ) observing
team didn’t like about the Depart-
ment of Journalism.

There are good sides to this
mad-dog shopping spree, but there
are also a few bad side effects. The
positive results are obviously that the
department is finally getting some
sorely needed equipment. It's also
getting some faculty members, due to
ACEJ prodding, who will be trained
professionals rather than communi-
cations“scientists." It is sad, though,
that it takes loss of accreditation to
get them. in that case we should
probably pity the undergraduate de-
gree program in social work, which
has just been accredited, rather than
congratulate it.

On the other hand all of these
changes are being made now, while
most of us students aren’t in school.
Soeven though it's nice that we finally
got departmental student advisory
com m ittees( SAC’ 5) established to let
faculty members know what students
think about academic matters, it’s
obvious there’s no trusting these

benevolent dictators to act when

' students are present to ask questions

about actions.

‘When it comes to lack of student
participation journalism once again
serves as a perfect example. The
department offered a class called
practicum, wmcn was known to the
UK computer as Jou 241. The class
wasan opportunity for students to get
some credit, even if it was only one
hour at a time, through practical
journalism experience.

The ACEJ team didn't like practi-
cum because it wasn‘t closely super—
vim by a faculty member. There-
fore, next spring practicum will
disappear from the schedule book.

When journalism faculty involved
in concocting the department’s magic
formula for re-accreditation sit down
and catch their collective breath they
should consider that the whole world
does not live or die on the basis of
ACEJ accreditation. Not that it’s
necessarily bad, but UK journalism
students, and all UK students for that
matter, should be consulted often as
to what they want out of their

This may take some effort on the
part of faculty and administrators.
It’s no secret that it’s often hard to
find students to participate on faculty
committees which are usually boring
tasks for everyone. Last year’s
Student Senate, which lost a
quorum more often than it found one,
plainly spells out lack of student
participation on this campus.

However, there‘sanother side tothe
student apathy coin. Why should
students attempt to participate when
they constantly face over-educated
brick walls? Faculty and administa-
tors should make efforts to assure
real student participation rather than
sneaking around during the summer,
effectively assuring no student parti-

’1. "’ 1.. wm.MW . »




Photo Editor
Chuck Corn bes

Assistant Managing Editors
Walter Hixson
Byron West

Production Staff
Linda Carroll
Mary Pat Schumer
Gail Cohee
Judy Demery

Advertising Manager
John Ellis

The Kentucky Kernel, 114 Jour-
nalism Building, University of
Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky,
405%, is mailed five times weekly
during the year except during
holidays and exam periods, and
twice weekly during the summer
session. Third-class postage paid
at Lexington, Kentucky, «511.
Subscription rates are $12 per full

Published the Kernel Press, inc.

founded in 1971,'the Kernel began
as the Cadet in 1894 and has been
published continuously as the Ken-
tucky Kernel since 1915.

Advertising is intended only to help
the reader buy and any false or

misleading advertising should be
reported and will be investigated
by the editors. Advertising found
to be false or misleading will be
reported to the Better Business

Letters and Spectrum articles
should be addressed to the Editori-
al Page Editor, Room 114 Journal-
ism Building. They should be
typed, double-spaced and signed.
Classification, phone number and
address should be included. Let-
ters cannot exceed 250 words and
Spectrum articles should be no
longer than 750 words. Editors
reserve the right to edit lettersand
Spectrum articles.




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‘One Long'.

By Germaine Greer

New York Times News Service

LONDON — Despite the fact that all the
nations represented at the United Nations
oppress women in all degrees and in all
manners, many to the point of slavery and
mutilation, and are truculently uninter-
ested in forfeiting the privilege, some good
guys at the Secretariat decided that 1975
should be international Women's Year.

it is typical of the special brand of
United Nations Pollyannaism that they did
so regardless of the fact that Secretariat
hiring policies are grossly discriminatory.

The decision to have a women’s year
was simply a belated recognition of the
fashionableness of feminism in the West,
whose life-styles dominate the U.N. self-
image despite their manifest irrelevance
to most of the people living on the planet.

Thus women from countries where the
majority of the female population is
pregnant and performing unpaid hard
labor in the fields are quite happy to
discuss “marriage or a career" in terms
culled from McCall's. International
Women's Year is a simple extension of
Madison Avenue feminism: The agricul-
tural laborers of Asia and Africa might as
well lay down their hoes and light up a
Virginia Slim.

This year, like 1974, will be a time when
tens of thousands of girl babies will die
because of discriminatory feeding prac-
tices, when thousands of women will have
their external genitalia mutilated by
custom and hundreds of thousands will be
manipulated and medicated and castrated
in the service of population control.

Wars will' take their customary toll of
women by slaughter, rapine and prostitu-
tion. ln1975, the United States will manage
not to pass the Equal Rights Amendment.
Women‘s chances of controlling-their 3w
fertility will retreat instead of advancing.
Unperturbed, the U.N. will arrange hours
of chatter about “Women: Equality,
Devel0pment, Peace.“

This year of disgrace began willy—nilly;
half the United Nations members had
failed to give women‘s year even the
governments promised cash to the volun-
tary fund set up for women‘s year, and of
these only 13 have actually parted with the
money, in derisory sums -— $100,000 from
the United States, only 10tirnesasmuch as
Finland gave. The total pledged is
$1.350.000; the amount received Is

Next year ‘3 Hum: n Settlement COCiH‘l
mum in Vancouver already has r‘rrllrorrs; rrr
“(mg mp rrlrnlhullget of won‘lrrr a trulr In




expected to fund six regional conferences
and the international conference in
Mexico, from June 19to July 2. The failure
of the voluntary fund would have been less
of a disaster if the United Nations had not
“forgotten” women's year in drawing up
its own budget; 3258,06) was scraped up
out of petty cash.

Women control neither the United
Nations nor its member governments, nor
the multinational corporations, nor the
purse-strings of nations; nevertheless,
they will be blamed for the debacle of
women‘s year. The foolery and batching of
the United Nations Secretariat will be
taken as evidence that there is no public
concern for the plight of women.

The U.N. has no power to force
governments to cease oppressing the
helpless, and no amount of shop-window
funding will disguise that fact. The U.N. is
toofearful of the power of its various blocs
to risk offending individual governments
by so much as motions of censure.

Representatives of nations that deny
women the vote, shackle their legs and veil
their faces, where husbands have the right
to kill their wives, are not even requested
to explain these practices, especially if
they produce (as they always can) tame
women delegates skilled in the showy
pro-feminist verbiage of U.N. debate.

Maddeningly, women have not even the
option of ignoring the United Nations
muddle because there is a real possrbility
that antifeminist formulations wrll creep
into the United Nailons declarations of
girour: lilii‘iil and there ossrlv into irrrnrov~
.ltrlu .telrrrrlrorrs

Timr‘.i|*-:>r.~‘.'rr\<.ut»l i l-l w" t' R l"- l‘::.ltl'(n‘




attitude to half the population of the world,
and their last-ditch struggle to humanize
the linguistic slop-bucket that is the
diplomatic double-talk of the United
Nations was fruitless.

The resolution on “Women and Food"
sponsored by Bangladesh, Egypt, the
United Kingdom and the United States at
the World Food Conference in Rome last
year was principally concerned with
women as feeders of children, espeCially
by ”maximum lactation."

In a world beset by problems of food
supply and birth rate, the conviction that
women who are not feeding children might
as well starve was only lightly veiled.
Women all over the world are conditioned
to eat less than men, after men have had
their fill, but no United Nations utterance
betrays the least concern about differen-
tial nutrition.

Four of the regional conferences are on
women and population. Women, damn it,
are the poputation, but women’s year will
not recognize that fact. it simply carries
on where Population Year left off. As
Elizabeth Reid, the Australian Prime
Minister‘s special adviser on women's
issues, said in the March 7 seminar
sedulously ignored by all the news media
except the U.N.'s own back-slapping

brigade. women's year looks like it is “one
long Mother's Day.“

If women‘s year had been properly
planned. adequately funded. and research
materials prepared in good trnre women
might have had muse to bless the (lav that
Heir. Srrrrirr her .ww Assrst int Secre-
t]! , Goril“!.1" in! Sofia? Pt"Jl‘:il;\lT‘re”‘l til‘i‘l
N l"‘r.rrtrf,r' l'v Al‘rr'k‘ We "'ljr’“ ”we



Anita Sinai

population that is speechless — about its

health, its morale, its work load, its‘

contribution to national economics, its
work evaluation, the effects of social and
economic change upon its life-style and
social status — all the prerequisites for
realistic discussion that we do not have.

Follow—through studies of women in
population-planning programs. of women
as war casualties, of women as pressure
groups. might have been undertaken in
timetogivethose conferring inthe various
parts of the world some inkling of what the
women of the world need.

Perhaps some of theSOOmillion illiterate
women in the world could have been given
a voice. Some of the hundreds of millions
of unpaid family workers might have
readjusted our naive materialistic views
about the importance of being integrated
in the processes of production.

Notwithstanding that none of the neces-
sary conditions for a successful Interna-
tional Women‘s Year exist, women are
struggling to prevent the worst conse-
quences of unlimited discussion of
women‘s lives by the predominantly anti-
feminist United Nations.

The question is not now “What do you
women expect women‘s year to do for
you?“ but “What do you fear that it will do
against you?“

Our only way of controlling the situation
is. in the way of United Nations egregiOus-
ness itself. to work for women‘s year, and
to swallow our gall in appearrng to support

Germaine Greer is author of “The
Female Eunuch "



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Carry all this?

Georgia Skowlund looks at books and materials belonging to the
Honors Program. The program is moving from the second to the
11th floor of the Office Tower. The second floor was needed 'or the

College of Arts and Sciences as part of its internal reorganization


Construction to begin





on stadiumwaccess road .

Kernel Staff Writer

In an effort to reduce Cooper
Drive and adjacent area traffic
congestion, construction will
begin soon on an access road
linking Commonwealth Stadium
parking lots to Tates Creek Pike.

Clifton J. Marshall, UK design
and construction division
director, said the $454,000 project
is the result of a traffic study
conducted by a Memphis-based
engineering and planning firm.

EVEN THOUGH the project
contract has yet to be officially
awarded, the 1.1 mile, two-lane
road is expected to be completed
prior to the opening of the 1975
UK football season.

The access road will begin at
the stadium‘s southeast parking
lot and will intersect Tates Creek
just south of Cottage Grove Lane.

The road will not only expedite
traffic flow during home football
games, but will also help to

alleviate daily campus-area
traffic problems, Marshall said.

Lexington construction firm, was
the apparent low bidder for the
project, having submitted a
$387,000 bid. A Kentucky
Department for Administration
and Finance official said this and
other bids are still being

The contractor will have 10
days from the date the contract is
awarded to begin construction.

Engineering costs for the ac-
cess road were $44,000. Another
Lexington firm, LE. Gregg &
Associates, designed the access
road, which will include an ad-
joining paved eight-foot bicycle
and pedestrian lane.

Other specifications for the
project include a 650-foot south-
ward extension of University
Drive and resurfacing of ap-
proximately 1,400 feet of existing

Women's Year plans celebration

The intemational Women‘s Year Committee of Lexington-
Fayette County will meet Tuesday, June 24 to discuss plans for a

celebration in the fall.

The United Nations designated 1975 as International Women’s
Year with the general theme of equality, development and peace.

Pam Elam, chairwoman of the local group, said plans are un-
derway for a celebration the week of Oct. 19.

Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman (KB-NY.) will keynote a conference on
“Women In Law in 1975" sponsored by the Women’s law Caucus.
The Tuesday meeting will be heldat7 pm. at the YWCA at 161 N,

Mill St. ..

Teaching evaliiaution vvorkshop
to be conducted Wednesday

A workshop on the evaluation of teaching will be sponsored
Wednesday by the Dean of Undergraduate Studies. College of
Education. in cooperation with the Southern Regional Education


Dr Richard 'l'urncr. associate dean for research and develop
:m‘n' ,.: l.l(li;iil-‘l l mi ersit, vull give the keynote address at the
_, ,.i ‘. . . . ‘ '

.,m mhop mmh \\ .11 he held .it the ( arnahan House on {\ewtown


‘1 nc deadline for reservations is today;



w. \Wourgko-Mu- ». -








..... .. ...-..-..... . “v.4... c. ».

Kernel Staff Writer
L'nfortunately for University
professors, few have the
privilege to vacation during the
summer and enjoy their
backyards. Most are involved in
teaching or concentrate their
efforts on research projects.
The summer months are often
used as a time of “creative
renewal,” said Herbert Drennon,
arts and sciences dean.
Different research routes vary
from painting on an island, as
does a University art professor,
to editing a thirty-volume work
by John Locke, one UK
philosophy professor's task.
Dallas " High, philosophy
department chairman, said if
professors are not teaching
during the summer “we must
assume they are researching.”
Bruce Westley, UK journalism
department chairman said,

must research.-.

heavily in the summer to get any
chance at a promotion.”

“Since the University of
Kentucky is a major research
university professors are ex-
pected to research," said
Westley. “It is becoming in-
creasingly difficult to achieve

“I have noticed in past sum-
mers an upsurge of production
from professors who have
research in these months set
aside to do so,” he said. “It is
very difficult to teach and engage
in research projects at the same

UK professors stretch a 10—
month salary over 12 months,
consequently, many are willing
to teach in the summer. “The
limited summer budget doesn’t
allow us to use as many
professors as we’d like,"
Drennon said.

Summer course offerings are

....Tl$‘.3...iu22ied due to the limited

Trustees to decide fate


t is






of oil rich property




A* " .N -va’ up. "'up' '~‘ ”-1... ' va-"’~M~ W.“ N," n.‘ ‘ w -.."‘ “I, w". «F45 -wall"'m w. “1‘” I’MW.WI~(‘ ._ - 1-h-


[\SSESfanl Managing'isanor" ”‘"
The University Board of

Trustees must decide at today s

meeting whether to sell or hold on
to a piece of oil-rich Oklahoma

The profits from the 330 acres,
of which UK owns half interest,
were willed to the University by
the estate of Violette Renaker for
use in educating medical

BECAUSE ()F the closing of
Renaker‘s estate and tax com-
plications resulting from
property transfer, the property
has not yet been transferred to
the University.

In order to avoid going through
the process twice, should the
University sell the property, the
estate has now asked the
University to make a decision.

G.L. Tucker, a Cynthiana at-
torney representing the estate,
said the request of a clarification
from the University is “just a

property cannot be determined,
as it is not known how long the
wells will produce. However,
Tucker said the wells are now
producing about $20,000 monthly
in oil.

The ””Ui'iiversity"""hired” a '

petroleum engineer last fall to
work with Law School Dean
George Hardy, who has worked
with mineral law for 13 years, in

, detemtining... thematcdh- m- ..

property. Although the
engineer's report has not been
finalized, Hardy said indications
are that the property is "ver,
very valuable." ‘
Tucker agreed, saying he
thought the University should
keep the property. “If they (UK)
keep it, it will make a lot of
money for them," he said.

RENAKER ALSO willed the
University three-fourths interest
in an orange grove in Riverside,
t‘alif., and six houses in Fort
Worth, Texas.

in Tucker‘s opinion, the
University should sell these

holdings. He described their
‘Wéftfi‘a'scniike'fifiEd “' " "

The University has already

‘re'cei'ved szau-soomo in stocks

and bonds from the Renaker

Henaker, who did not attend
UK, willed the property for use in
educating medical students
because she noticed a need for
doctors in the Kentucky moun-
tains where she lived. Tucker


"”'Research not relaxation


budget. A Mi budget office
spokesman said summer school
is run solely on a self-supporting
basis. He said constraints on the
summer budget are set entirely
by student fees.

Drennon said summer
professors are paid according to
the size of class enrollment. “We
use the money the best way we
can," he said.

Drennon feels professors are
very generous with their time
during the summer. “It is not a
rare case when a professor will
be willing to tutor one or two
students who need a credit in the
summer for no payment," he
said. “Professors in deparmtents
that have few majors often share
teaching a class for a third of the
regular summer salary just to
keep some classes offered for
students," Drennon said. “This
may be contrary to what is
generally thought about


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Police report



t N onh Face

glows Alpine System

\ Ultima Thule


Assistant Managing Editor

Jerry Parks told UK police last
Saturday morning an armed
robber had stolen a beer from

Parks, 1814 Versailles Road,
told police a man had threatened
him with a hand grenade at
Aylesford Place and Rose Lane
and had taken a beer from him.

Upon investigation, Sgt. Tom
Saunders found a man answering
the description Parks had given
near Euclid Avenue and
Aylesford Place. As Saunders
approached the suspect, the man
revealed the hand grenade and
partially pulled the pin out.

Saunders grabbed the suspect

and held him until the Metro
Police demolition squad could be
_ The Metro bomb squad
E determined that the weapon was
a practice grenade. They said it
could not be distinguished from a
5 live grenade without careful
2 examination.

Jackie Lee Bruner, 19, 3467
King Arthur, was then arrested
by campus police and charged



as well as the experienced.
Come in to see a complete


”Barelyfllong enough

Bill Guess. left, and Charles Newton, employes of a painting contractor hired by the University,
measure the lines on a UK tennis court to make sure they came out right.

with first degree burglary in
connection with the theft of the

* 4*

Calvin Lewis Mynhier, 18, of
Midway, was picked up by
campus police officers for
loitering in a Rose Street parking

Mynhieradmitted to police that
he was going to expose himself to
females in the area. Upon
searching him, the officers
discovered a hunting knife with a
six-inch blade in his boot.

Mynhier said he was going to
use the knife to forcibly rape
someone. He said he had no other
reason to be at the University.

Police leamed Mynhier has
exposed himself to women at
various locations around
Lexington and in Morehead.

* at: a:

Two men were arrested June 8
in connection with a burglary at
Margaret 1. King Library.

Charles William Porter, 21, and
James William Daniel Stone, 22,
both of 176 Market St., apt. 3,
were seen by campus police
officer Robert Howard running


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m muons





—Chuck Combos

Grenadiers and exhibitionists
highlight campus crime scene

from the King Library.

He stopped the men on Rose
Street near Maxwell Place. They
were charged with third degree
burglary in connection with the
theft of 12 books from the
library‘s rare book collection.

The books, valued at several
thousand dollars, were recovered
at the time of the arrest.


A UK student, James Michael
Thomas, 23, 478 W. 2nd St., was
charged with indecent exposure
on May 20 following a complaint
that he had exposed himself to
students near Blazer Hall.

The complaint stated Thomas
was wearing only a shirt while
sitting in the car. The car was
spotted by campus police about
five minutes after the complaint,
and Thomas was arrested on a
warrant following identification.

He later entered a plea of guilty
and was fined $200 plus court
costs and received a 90-day
probated jail sentence.

* 3|:

Chester Ellery Salisbury, 21,
352 Clifton Ave., a technician for
Pharmacy Central Supply at the
UK Medical Center, was seen
leaving the med center on June 16
carrying a large unidentified box.
Office Danny Pules and Lt.
Donald Thornton investigated
and discovered that it contained
several articles belonging to
Pharmacy Central Supply, in-
cludinga small quantity of drugs.

Salisbury was charged with
theft by unlawful taking.

3|: *

One Royal typewriter, a
Homelite chainsaw, a Ski] saw, a
Powerlite chain saw, a Black and
Decker hand drill, a nut driver
drill, and a 1'4-inch drill, valued
ata total of $1,500, were reported
stolen from a barn at Coldstream
farm June 2.

Ricky Glenn Riley, 18, 1553
Bluebird Lane, a former Cold-
stream employe, was arrested by
UK Police detectives two days
later. He was charged with third
degree burglary.





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THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Friday. June 20, 1975—7



UK Theatre offers summer repertory of 3 plays

By norm mum's
Arts Editor

A summer repertory of theatre

with three plays will be presented

by the UK Theatre this summer.

The plays will be shown on

alternating nights from July 22 to
August 2.

The three plays scheduled for

summer presentation are “The
Hot L Baltimore," on July 22, 26,

28and 31; “Brechton Brecht," on