xt7jdf6k3k92 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k3k92/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2012-06 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, June 2012 text GLSO News, June 2012 2012 2012-06 2019 true xt7jdf6k3k92 section xt7jdf6k3k92 fil GAY AND LESBIAN SERVICES ORGANIZA'HON
1 A Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization June 2012 Vol 34 No. 6
i .‘7’,
‘ t0
_ '1
Letter from "‘5: f3,
Festival Chair -' '2'
‘\ Fairness
,1 Awards
'29 * "
_ Sponsored by _
Lexmgton Pride Festivai

tion and filed a complaint with the Hu- i I
Op?“ Latte! from 5.th man Rights Commission on behalf of r -
Pride Festival Chair the Fairness Ordinance. We thank you ‘
for tile support. While tt‘he complaint I
. is un er investigation, t e Committee
Dear Community, Eashrszceivefd wleat seems likel ajn earlzjl
. . irt ay gi 2 incy Appare ecide
81MB agaui1n getha‘gmved fit Jfine' to print our shirts for free. We thank
f3? t sta d .Q 29095 f age them for reminding us that there are
se elde do 3|“. ”RI!" ron d9, We allies in the world who are finished '
wor an proc aim,. m prou ' 8 with discrimination. We would like to I
who compose the Pride Festival Com- take a moment to thank those busi-
mittee have worked hard to ensure nesses in the community like UK and I
that We again we W'" declare our Fayette County Public Schools who .
{’“de rrwittéfarfi. “weaggwsfig‘lfgewfi‘: voiced their opposition to discrimina-
0 ca e pe e dce ‘th m h tion in the face of this complaint. Our
Ver a? [agapna‘ren vrvr: r tggéheguof mayor, Jim Gray, also deserves thanks
0 wor a a .Y 0 e for not shying away from a topic that
careand love. It is for you, the com- has hurt many politicians before. ,
mfimity, thjat wehput farth a year-loag y
e ort, an I in t e en r it is Y9” w 0 Another huge success is inaugurat— 1'
make the effort worth every minute. ing the first Mr. LexPride: Clayton .
uu-rsuearorrrruueeuurc uus surrereu rarest-mg: metastasis“: r
trials, and it has enioyed successes. round of applause for being the first
First of all, the Committee inherited Mr. LexPride. He and Georgia Peach 1
fatlfigiulail ghgrtuiggg eflgflorrat‘ijinzct’gte Miss LexPride 2012, have done great l
,g - ' - . y, work to bolster the name of Lexington ‘.
last years festival, while fun, did not Pride Please shout out props to them u
make any money and left this year’s when. ou see them l
Committge to start :‘rorrtij scratch. I y ' '
am prou to report t at ue to an in- ~ _ .
credible team, tough decisions, and 2:06:03? wtgepuilgtr ofoffattsileccleiggfil ‘
tremendous work, we_ have bounced Very Fairy, Christmas. Thanks go out j
back. The Festival W'" have enough to Shotz with a Z and Fred Worsham
$032: as??? 'tiuc‘fit: biggie :23 for their help on that event. While
. ' . . p . I it was a jolly time, our biggest fund- 1
there M“ be profit ““5 year, w'“ 9° to raising venture came from the Bach-
support the ever expanding program- elor/Bachelorette auction. Thanks to
ming 9f Kentuckys only Pride Center. JoDee Monroe aka Chad Hundley for ‘
Here is where I need to thank all of his leadershi there ‘
our sponsorcs. I want tohmralae spgcial p ' i
mention 0 rossings, w ic ug eep _ ‘
rurhus merge so suuruoruuuu resuuau 53:22:23???straws:5r; E
feghatovr: lggirgzsl: 'rxmgflseg‘guargg accomplishment. I feel like a parent i
that sgt r eet banners'han ed throu h- sending his child to kindergarten. You u
out downtown for June 9 9 will see on the street banners that our 3
' themedfor 2012 is ahsimple 5 designed l
t _ y An rew Tan. e 5 represents 5 s
MOSt 0f you know that Hands On 0'19 years of Pride Festivals, which feels
inals_refused to honor a quote toward like a dream When we started five
Bunting our t-shirts due to Christian years ago Wé couldn't have imagined
elief. At times, great stress ensued. what ear’five would look like
Readliéig thg hostille comments onhthe y ' .
Hera -Lea er we site among ot ers When I came to Lexin _
. . _ gton, we cel r
dampened our spirits, bl“ they re ebrated Pride with a picnic at Jennifer l
minded us that events like the Pride
Festival are all the more necessary to Crossen’s and Joan Callahan’s farm.
show the world that we are good and Some of us referred to the occasion
proud people. You the community lovingly as the Pride ‘
stood behind us and never wavered i
as we took a stand against discrimina- (continued on Page 15)

 l Issue 6 2012 Feature Story
‘ Letter from Pride Festival
1 CONTENTS chair Page 2
l Fairness Ayvards GSA Meeting
‘ K'Ck Off Pride 5 Every Tuesday, 7 pm.
l Pride Center
‘ Proud to be Christian Trans_ Kentucky
I and Gay Meetlng
, 6 Saturday, June 2, 6:30 pm.
1- Pride Center
- - GLSO Board Meeting
{ 3:562:35: Ion 8 Thursday, June 7, 6:30 pm.
‘ Pride Center
f proud Greetings Imperial Court of Kentucky Meeting
1‘ from ICK 13 Sunday, June 10 & 24, 6 pm.
l Pride Center
, Pride Prom 14 Lexington Pride Festival Meeting
Thursday, June 14 & 28, 7 pm.
Pride Center
l Pride Festival Volunteer
glLassgifieds 14 orientation
, Saturday, June 23, 3 pm.
‘ Woodland Christian Church
530 E. Main, Lexington

 GLSO News Issue 6 2012
— ‘

_ _ Aaron Baker, President
The GLSO News '5 Pupl'Shed Vice President, Ginger Moore-
monthly by and for the Lexrngton Minder .
Gay and Lesbian Services Organi- Paul Brown Secretary 1
zation members and community. Tommy Brodbeck, Treasurer
The mission of the Lexington Gay GLSO DIRECTORS
and Lesbian Services Organization ‘
is to provide support and services
. Mary Crone, GSA

to the GLBTQQIA community. Jeremy Law, At Large
The vision of the Lexington Gay Don Lowe, At Large
and Lesbian Services Organiza—
tion is to empower the GLBTQQIA GLSO STAFF
community through voice.

Chad Hundley, Office Manager
The Lexington GLSO is founded
upon the core values of fun, in-
clusion, respect, integrity, dignity, EDITORIAL NOTES
servrce and competence. The GLSO is currently looking for ‘
GLSO Pride Center “tevgfngggbugotrsdagnfdiona'
389 Waller Avenue 5:1. @ l er s e ’ 6"
Suite 100 e Ior Ig so.org.
Lexington, Ky. 40504 Pride Center Hours :
859.253.3233 aprg Mo3n &5TuesTr; Clgsed,

e nes m- m urs m-

Www'glso'org 7pm, Fri -p 11afi1-5pm andpSat

11am-5pm. ‘
"Views expressed in this newsletter are solely those of the contributor and
do not necessarily reflect the views of the GLSO."
— I

 I Fairnlgsilmlfards
Pride Weekend EXIN TON
I l by Craig Cammack, ,
l h Contributor E: I I
, Eac year, Lexington Fair— , -
I ‘ ness is honored to kick off a f G l r n e S S
' weekend full of Pride activi-
ties! This year, on Friday, June
29th, lfiexingrton Fairr‘iess pres-
ents t e 5t Annua Fairness . . .
‘ Awards at the Hilton Lexington ngecvgr,_ the mtglg ls ndot JW’t
1 Downtown Hotel! This year's a‘ O” h eing en e 6'06 -‘ de-
fundraiser is dedicated to our 255% onfexifiotrornwggnessa is
Bully/lags Drag/98“?" program, prougto honorgthose who work
I r01e pea u ' gay in ‘and rday out making life
- etter or t e LGBT communi-
There are too many in our ty. NOW is your opportunity to
schools that_face unrelenting make a nomination You can
Rtéllvyirlisg,tt‘eaastiirr11géatrgdsttgrr‘rrci‘entF; find out more by visiting our
u . .
and make a change. Lexington event dwebpage. www.fairnes-
Fairness is pleased to partner sawar s.org.
Wlth Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Tickets are available now so
EdgicgteiogRléEtigolrlkfiGLgEN) to make sure you reserve "your
r Vl u ying reven- . . .
tion trainings for our schoolsd, Eggtintgdaarzld wghfigentiigimigig
communi groups, an
events. The initial training will zgfitewgwoflfitilhat’lsiea Elsisfififif
take place on AUQUSt 3’ 4’ and utell. This year seating is first
5. We Will make a difference come first serve unless you
| r I
and we hope you can help. reserve a fullh table. Aga‘ln,
- you can purc ase your tic et
{he d 5th Annualt Fairnress by visiting our event webpage:
war 5 are a grea oppo u www fairnessawards or
nitydtodhelp kus raise the funds ' ' 9'
nee e to eep_t e program . .
90mg SW9- ““5 year‘s. event ill”; $8221?” nial‘tlfill‘ecl‘swléll
features THE .VOICE finalist, entertainmegit 51% d honor All
" StreamnayndNORWBl/lnEelEI’CElaoaggoaK gflthis, while raising funds rfor
- ’ - - u in revention... w at
Diva MS' Frenchie DaVIs! You could be bgtter?! Make sure to
. Wll-l be Wgwfid _by her fimazéflg check out the event webpage
voucedanucaarisrtnaé - Sg’b e (www.fairnessawards.org) and
[Caramevxwfronei ethee 263313 Suzi: thank our amazing .“St 0f. SPP'
merFest cast production of Le- pogerst who :‘i‘pi-Ening ”“5 'm'
gally Blonge, the rRusfifialj.l It irs‘ po an even 0 '3
oin to eani t'e wit . .
gntegtainment. 9 We ll see you Friday, June 29th!

 PI’OUd 120 be Christian Each year we as a community find
ourselves in a more acceptable en-
AND Gay vironment. Each year we get a stehi ‘
By Pastor Karen Taylor closer to equal rights, even thoug
they may bht sma l |steps, it is still a .
Gay Pride Month is rapidly becom- step. e aye a ong way to go,
ing one of my favorite times of year. but oy worklgg together as gdcorr!‘
It’s a time I enjoy setting aside to munity, stan ‘hg ta asgo Gt"
recognize it isn’t shameful to be zens, I do believe we w'" one day '
gay. I look forward to the Lexing- see echial treatments m marriage, ,
ton Pride Festival each year whereI Job's, c urch membership, rahofgtert‘" l
meet some fantastic people and go- era acceptance as a pa 0 e ‘
ing to other festivals close by. One community. r
I hope to visit is the Cincinnati Fes— h . . f O A f G d
tival. After I went to Louisville Pride Te. mIS$|°n o pen rms o 0
last year I realized what a wonder— Ministry is to get the word out there
ful festival we have in Lexington. that Jefsushloves yol'liJ andb me. t 1‘3
Much kudos are due to our Lexing- spite o w at you ave . een 0
ton Pride Committee as these are m the Past, God '5 reaching out to
the people that spend many hours, you, deSIring a. personal and mt"
days and months to make this mate relationship With you. .All we
event so special. So what exactly have to do is turn toward Him and
am I proud of? say yes Lord.
For one, I’m proud of the fact that One of my goals m the heXt year
I can hold my head up as a lesbian is to unite the. ministers in Lex-
because I know that I am fearfully mgtoh who believe as we do. I
and wonderfully made in the image firmly'believe we are all the booy
of Christ. The Bible has a lot to say of Cht‘St and we should be working
about who we are. It says that as together to further the K'hgoom-
a born again believer and follower The fact that we may be meeting
of Jesus Christ I am a new creation, 'h separate locations doesn t mean
old things have passed away, be— we cant work together. I hope. to
hold new things have come. I’m see us collectively hosting Christian
a child of the King with inherited concerts (Jennifer Knapp being one
rights. I could go on but the point of the first Id love to see come to
is I have nothing to hang my head Lexmgton), semmatsr workshops,
about. I know God loves me ac— retreats! and being a beacon 0t
cepts me and walks with me every light in the City for all to see the glo-
day ’ ry of our God. How can you deny
' the fact God loves us and works
I’m also proud of the fact that I through us whehyou see first-hand
can worship my God in spite of the H's glory Sh'h'hg m how we “ye?
jabs, ridicule, and condemnation I .
receive from some in the body of It you sense some excitement and
Christ. Their opinions do not trump enthusiasm, you are “out .w'th 7
my experience. It brings me much th‘S being my last yeataS a Middle l
by to see so many Christ centered School teaohetr Im tet't'hg; I plan l
hooths at the festival. Two years on devoting all_my attention to the 5
ago Open Arms of God Ministry growth of the Kingdom of God. The I,
was one of the first area churches harvest is many but the workers are
to have a presence at the festival. few, Pray _for the harvest. .It you
Last year there was several and have a Similar dream, come 30in us.
hopefully even more this year. I we heeo you, Goo needs you, and
can hol my head up and declare I the Citizens [of LeXington need you.
am a Christian who happens to be I pray .Gods richest blessmgs on
a lesbian. you. Enjoy the month.
_ I

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Call today to schedule an assessment of your needs.
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 There Is No Place Senior Soual Group i
Else i
The Senior Social Group (I
There is no place else that you Wish we could find another
can meet people face to face and name that is Identifiable as a
have a discussion with them about group over 55+ age, but I can’t
anything you’d like to talk about. ink of one! Not everybody ‘
So often these days the way you over 55 wants _to be described f
meet people is online. You can as a senior!) is meeting this ‘
only tell so much about the per- month for the Gallery Hop on l
son. They may be lying to you, June 15th at the Main Library ‘
and you certainly have no idea lo_bby at 5:45PM. The boy:
what they look like. The immedi- Will 30 from bUIldlng to bUIl -
ate goal of this may be to “hook inrg owntown for some great
up”. The discussion group gives a. and sculpture. Each Place
you a place to meet others outside Will have maps to the gal erles
of the bars in a safe environment so if you miss .us at one, you
just to get to know people. Nearly can catch up With us at anoth-
any topic may be brought up dur- er. The trolley is free, so we
ing the two hour session; politics, won’t have to o a tremendous
religion, jobs, family, friends, exes, amount of walking. _
joys, sadness, anger, happiness, The other place we will meet
sex, children, marriage or health each other is the Pride Festi-
among other topics. Right now, val, Saturday, June 30 at the
the group is mostly men, and that Courthouse on Main Street.
changes from week to week. It However we will be all over the
is so much better to come to the festival, so you’ll have to look
Pride Center on Wednesday night for us. I am working the Ac-
at 7PM and meet some welcom— tiVities for the children for half
ing new friends. Everyone walk— a day, and then working/‘at the
ing through the door is accepted Open Arms of God inistry
just as they are. Confidentiality, booth. Some of us will be a
respect and listening are practiced the TransKentucky booth and
here. There is no advice or thera- some at the Moveable Feast
py. Please join us. Booth. Anglone ovgr 515'c0télld
.. eamemensoerieny
Come 10'“ “5 Qt our and ask. Tell them to si%n ”8
PFLAG meeting! for this newsletter at the LS .
booth if they would like to join
Tuesday, June 12 6:30 t0 8:30 us. The more, the merrier!
Speaker: Jessica Bollinger, LCSW We are here to have compan-
l'Ralsing Children in a GLBT Fam- ionship for events and outings
ily" . that we all ENJOY. So far, we ‘9
After our speaker will be Q and have accomplished that with
A, support group discu55ion, and a pot luck, seminar, dance,
then some refreshments] social art, horse outings and mu—
time. Family members, allies, and sic. There is something for r
GLBT individuals of all ages are everyone and if you want to
welcome. do something else, gust ask.
_ ' _ We are a bright, in eresting,
St Michaels Episcopal Chruch friendly and welcoming group
2025 Bellefonte Drive, Lexington of ga men and women. We
. _ have the Pride Center reserved
For further information, go to for the third Friday of evebr/y
WWW-pflaglex-Org month for a ot-luck at 7P .
_ I

 ‘ WWW-MM» #14? xwx-ifltjfflrt- Riki/n. ~ ' . '
/€:€s fllrfi Pastry, (VT 3:30 3934]? 51/14“, “Z. é/I 30
Miss amid I 7; 1.113 ffitrlijfl‘n FE/Ucf
Puli‘s‘; , "

 The 201 2 Lexington Pride
is presented by:
@ G L S O l
Gamnssam Saawcss Onsmmcx
Our Platinum Sponsors are:
cm: ~65
‘ axing 0n
\:—_-: .
Our Gold Sponsors are:
/& .Kentucw WH?)LE
£34.92 K9 Nasal?“
Our Silver Sponsors are:
TH I C X l fa) T (LA) [‘4
Our Bronze Sponsors are: :-
Our Rainbow Sponsors are:
Tate Hill Jacobs Hung in the Middle Soundbar

‘ 15 am Welcome/Proclamation/E
§Presentation of Miss/ M r. LexPride
I 1 am Faces of Pride — communl
:29; member
1200 pm Starlight Singers - Lexmgt
“ Child ren’s Theatre Produi‘: '
pm Reel World String Band "
EKU Dance Troupe
Faces of Pride — Local LGBT o
3 DJ Xenergy
3 Drag Show 1
I 1 Faces of Pride
Drag Show 2 “3
.gpm Robbie Bartlett Band ‘

If you or someone you know, wants to be part of the volunteers for the
Pride Festival, we would love to have you!
There are many time slots and jobs that are needing to be filled such
as: security, hospitality, merchandising, concessions, first aid, services,
activities and many more! All volunteers at the end of their 2 hour shift
will receive a special gift as a small “Thank You” for helping to pull of
yet another great year for LexPride!
We are having an orientation as part of the training and signup for all
the individuals who wish to assist us this year on Saturday, June 23th
at Woodland Christian Church, 530 E. Main Street in Lexington from
3-5pm. All of the chairs of each subcommittee for the Festival will have
a table and signup sheets for each job description. Time slots will be
for 2 hours blocks but you are more than welcome to sign up for more
time as well. If you are unable to attend the orientation and still wish
to volunteer for a certain job and time slot, please email us at volun-
teers@lexpridefest.org. We hope to see you all therell
Chad Hundley and Adam Imparato - LexPride Fest Volunteer Chairs
””9! Thlslsvllemynuwantmbeforaltbmm
(m °h Mmhdayoffllefiidehiival!
66% ii. min-23.2912 3-5pm
Q _> “(00th am ndmmh
, 14,? 530E. Manama, wagon"
FGStival If you are unable to attend and still wish to volunteer, plm anal
Wnt‘eer @rnentrat.'0n US atvolunteerseletpridefesmrg.
i \% i g} s .2: ,' ‘V .
7 . g) . .

 ' ' Race and special performances by
Pride Grelgtizngs from the Imperial Court of Kentucky all
. on the lovely Conoid Farm located
BY ShOtZ, Contributor at 2492 N. Cleveland Road here in
, Lexington. Call 252—2867 for ad-
HAPPY_ PRIDE! Summer iS here vance ticket purchase discounts.
g and with it comes a month long
0f Pride celebrations. Lexmgton ls Later in the month Lexington Fair-
3 very lUCkY CltY ,lh that-organiza- ness will kick-off Pride weekend
‘ tl0hs across the Clty PrOVlde plenty here in Lexington with their annual
0f outlets for showmg your Pride In Fairness Awards. The Awards will
i yourself, your City, and your com- be held at the Lexington Downtown
1 munity. Hilton on Friday, June 29 with cock-
? . , tails at 6 pm and the Dinner and
The annual kick-off to Pride month Awards show at 7pm,
is our very own Coronation Ball.
| Thls year Coronation 31: A Red Enjoy performances from Kentucky
1 Carpet Affair, A nght wlth the Sll' Conservatory Theatre’s upcoming
l verScreen Academy Will be held production of “Legally Blonde” and
I Suhdayi June 3 at 5139 Pm in the American Idol Diva and recording
- LeXington Downtown Hiltons Grand artist, Frenchie Davis. During this
5 Ballroom. We l00k forward to see- evening Lexington Fairness will
5 lhg You all there as we present and honor those in our community that
i evening 0f Crowns and Gowns that have devoted a part of themselves
. always promismg _to be a_decadent in some way to promoting Fairness
and daZlehQ evening! Thls year we in our community. Go to www.fair-
are the proud hosts 0f the Interna- nessawards.org for advance ticket
. tional Court CounCIl and our Inter- purchase (discounts until June 22)
’ national spokesperson, NlCOle the so you can see one of the first out-
Great, Queen Mother Of the Amer l' ings of our new Emperor and Em-
cas. We encourage YOU t010lh us press! Please introduce yourself
and meet our friends from nearly to them and get to know your new
72 courts across Canada, the Unit— Monarchs.
ed States and Mexico. This is the
evening when we elect the next Saturday, June 30 wiii be Lexing—
Emperor and Empress to take ceh- ton’s only Pride Festival produced
ter stage as the titular figureheads by the GLSO. They have a day fuii
of the ICK for one year. That’s of events planned for us including
right, we elect them. , Qualifying music, dancing, performances by
members of the Imperial Court Of the Imperial Court of Kentucky and
Kentucky Wlll place their Votes and much more. Vendors typically are
by the evenings end we Wl“ have lined down Limestone in the Court-
crowned a hew Emperor and Em- house plazas just waiting to help
PreSS- Qualifying voting members us all celebrate! Please visit www.
Will have maintained membership glso.org for more information and
tenure in good standing Since at scheduling of events.
least November 30, 2011. If you
would like to 'oin the Imperial Lastly, Reign xxx of the Impe-
Courtof Kentucky please see our rial Court of Kentucky wishes to
Rehgning MOharChsi Fred Worsham bid you a fond farewel. We have
an / or ShotZ for an application and had an amazing time representing
more details. the ICK and our community and
. look forward to many more years
The followmg weekend on Satur- of service. As we pass the torch
day, June 9 at 41.00pm Moveable on to the next Monarchs we do it
Feast will be holding their annual with Pride; Pride in ourselves, Pride
fundraiser the Belmont BBQ- En- in our community and Pride in our
joy live music, the Belmont Stakes Court!

 Off To N_ever|and June 2012
Sixth Pride Prom Classifieds
By Mary Crone,
Contributor Fur Coat For Sale
The GLSO GSA organized and
produced our sixth Pride Prom on gfgggggs {Sifincoghvagufgogt
May 18th“ One Hundred teens Would be reatgfor a¥i elé ant
from Lexington and surrounding dra erfogil’mer or class greal
counties had a great time dancing irlg Blctures available yu on
and socializing at a new location gequest If interested lease
th‘5 year. contact Joyce K Cruse, a? 859-
Wt? rented the (ri‘hildgen's Theater 254'682'
w eret efloor ad een recenty
painted purple with stars scat— 1 BR Apartments for
tered throug out. Our theme, Off Rent
To Neveriand, blossomed from _
that floor and we hosted several North Hanover Avewust off
Tinker Bells, at least one Peter East Main St, near oodland
Pan and a gaggle of no—longer— Park. Kitchen & bath. Private
lost boys. Awonderful venue for entry: $550 Ber month plus
a great evening. electric. $25_ depOSIt, pet
friendly, Section 8_Welcome.
Applause to the youth who helped Laundry room on Site. Please
create this event for themselves call Nori at 859-230-8079.
and their friends. Thanks to all _ _
members of our community that For more information or to
turned out to chaperone, run the place a FREE classified
“ghts and mug“?! and generally ad in our next edition, please
help us prOVide this experience for email the detailed info to Chad
our YOUth- at chad@glso.org.
The GSA now begins it's summer
program: Drugs, Sex, and ROCK All classifieds should be direct-
and Roll. How to make informed ed throu h the pride Center
decision that are right for you. and shoufij be short but con-
Donations to GLSO are we‘CQme tain the basic information of
to helh us prOVide books, pizza who what when where cost
and 0t er treats for WM“ attend- etc. ' Deadline for all submisI
"‘9 our summer programs. sions to the GLSO Newsletter is
June 20, 2012.
5i '\ I” i MI "I ill”
7 W W 7 .WW—WWWWWWW ,,


 Join the GLSO

Member Program


 (continued from Page 2) elor/Bachelorette auction
Hide. Of course, we were grateful for
Jennifer’s and Joan’s space, and we Daryl Royse: treasurer, entertainment
had a wonderful time each year, but chair, and organizer of Mr and Miss Lex-
by 2008, it was time to move down- Pride events
town and let the world see us face-to-
face. The first year we had no clue Samara Baker: chair of fundraising and
what we were doing. We didn’t know sponsorships
if we could do it. We didn’t know if
we’d be successful if we did accom- Don Lowe: chair of marketing and mer-
plish it, yet we were a determined chandising
crew. We started planning in March,
suffered some crazy moments, and Paul Holland and Donny Royse: chairs of
pulled off a successful Festival in a lit— logistics
tle over three months. By successful,
I mean it made money and everyone Donovan Jefferson: technology and web-
enjoyed himself/herself. However, its site chair
success went far beyond money. The
first Festival was on the lawn of the Jessica Martin: secretary
old courthouse. I will never forget a
lady who stopped me on my way to Ginger Moore-Minder and Corinna Svarlien:
the stage. She tearfully thanked me co-chairs of activities
for all the work we had done. She
told me that years before she had Brad Shepherd: organizer of Coke and li—
lost custody of her children in that quor contracts as well as all vendor apps
courthouse for being a lesbian. She
was overwhelmed with joy by how far Adam Imparato: co-chair of volunteers
we had come. Other people on that
year’s Committee had similar stories Shawn Pfeiffer: seller of many Pride brace-
to share. That Festival will always be lets
a success to me because people like
that lady felt validated, overjoyed, Aaron Baker: chair of GLSO
and empowered.
I’m sure there are others who deserve a
The positive energy kept strong huge thank you, but these are the peo-
through year two. One of my fa- ple who have stood by the process since
vorite memories from that year was August and given their time and energy.
Faces of Pride, a genius idea from They are all truly amazing people, and I
Brian Slate who gives 110% of him- hope that if you know them or see them
self toward making our community that you will take a second to tell them
a beautiful place. Dozens of people how great they are.
lined up and took the stage simply to
say, “I'm John Doe, and I am a face of So, now June 30th, our Festival date, is
pride.” Seeing mothers and sons take upon us. It’s our chance to stand in the
the stage together lifted my soul. My Robert E. Stephens courthouse plaza
friend Joey Rose told me he got a little where all of Lexington can see and to yell,
hairsoezllfijdi. I don t think I told h'm’ “We are a face of Pride." It's our day to
E ‘ th th Fe f lh celebrate. And a celebration we will have.
exgweéeirnfinéfowfi? Tgne zygutigrfi And whom do we have to thank most of
Of the FESthal has been an amazmg all? You, the community. You, the people
Journey. There are countless names , ,
to thank hfmrl? )hears pistyfiut this yfac; who live openly and lovmgly every day and
Imustt an t osew o ave wor e “ . n
tirelessly toward a wonderful 2012 stand up to say, I have pride. NOW’ go
Festival: forth with Pride and enjoy!
Chad Hundley: festival VP, co-chair of Egfisérown
volunteers, and organizer of the Bach- Chair of Lexington Pride 2012

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The J . J ramiow ipmsar
Thu Impuial Gum 013mm
61.80 New: Monthly Sponsors

SisterSuund 859.8“.0243
Diverse Music for all Warner-
DJ For My PC! Technology Support 859.368.2734
Debra Hensley Insurance 859.276.3244
1513 “Mill Hill
ladngton Faimlls—waexfainorg 859.951.8565
Unitarian Uniuelsalist Church 859.223.1448
SEMI]!!! Mil llfili
SoottAclrerman, Keller Williams Bluegrass Realty 859.338.8483
6150 Pride Center—mglso.org 859.253.3233
lexington Pride Festival—mlapridelestorg 859.253.3233
Open Arms of God Ministry 502545.55
Richardson Vision Center 859.273.4201
1757 Mfli DIM, film Shopping Center

 GLSO Phone Directory PFLAG Louisville 502.329.0229
A community resource page for gay and/0r Sister Sound 859.806.0243
gay-friendly organizations across Kentucky. Social Services Lexington 211
. . Speaker’s Bureau 859.266.5904
T ansKentuc cassiemtf
AIDS Volunteers Inc (AVOL) 859.225.3000 r W yahoo”?
Cumberland Region, SE Ky. 606.864.3776 United Way 859.313.5465
Health Dept., Fayette 859.288.2437 W
8716062437 Integrity, Ky. Diocese 859.369.9691
Health Dept., Jessamine 859.885.4149 Integrity St. Martha's 859.533.9851
Health Dept-I W°°df°rd 859373-4541 Interweave, Unitarian 859.266.5904
HIV/AIDS Legal Project 502.584.1254 Lex Friends, Quakers 859.254.3319
LOUiSVille ”39‘0" 502574-0161 Mercy Ministry Church 859.358.3357
Moveable Feast 859.252.2867 MCC Paducah 270.443.3339
Norther” KY- RegiO” 859-341'4264 Open Arms of God Ministry 502.545.6355
UK Adolescent Medicine 859.323.5643
CommunitLandiociaLGLQuns Berea College ACE 859.958.3633
24-Hour Crisis Line 800.928.8000 Centre College BGLA 859.238.5332
24-Hour Teen Crisis Line 800.999.9999 Morehead State University 606.783.2294
Alcoholics Anonymous 859.967.9960
AA/Alcoholic Teens 859.277.1877
Bluegrass COLTS 859.225.9169
Council for Peace & Justice 859.225.6999
Discussion Group 859.253.3233 '~. ‘ a
. . . \ (’0 \e‘e
Fairness of Lowswlle 502.893.0788 \ 0066960“.
Gay Straight Alliance, Teens 859.266.5904 d\‘%°d\‘_‘:
GLSO Pride Center 859.253.3233 \ \“fiebigseal‘
' \
Imperial Court of Kentucky 859.619.7521 afiagqug
International Gay Bowling 859.276.3058 9 (3890'
Kentucky Fairness 270.703.1582 , l
Lexington Fairness 859.951-8565
Lexington Human Rights 859.252.4931
Lexington Insight Group 859.230.2428
Lexington Pride Festival 859.253.3233 GLSO News Deadline
MACT 859.358.8335 June 20
MASH 859.254.2501 Send articles and ads to
PLFAG Lexington 859.338.7393 editor@glso.org

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