xt7jdf6k3k3j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k3k3j/data/mets.xml North Carolina Historical Records Survey of North Carolina 1941 Prepared by the North Carolina Historical Records Survey, Division of Community Service Programs, Work Projects Administration; Other contributors include: United States Work Projects Administration Division of Community Service Programs, North Carolina Historical Commission; vii, 27 leaves, 28 cm; Typescript (photocopy); Included bibliographical references and index; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:N 81c/ser.9/no.2-no.4 books English Raleigh, North Carolina: The Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. North Carolina Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of the State Archives of North Carolina, Miscellaneous Agencies, Series IX, Numbers 2 though 4 State Library, Library Commission of North Carolina, State Board of Elections text Inventory of the State Archives of North Carolina, Miscellaneous Agencies, Series IX, Numbers 2 though 4 State Library, Library Commission of North Carolina, State Board of Elections 1941 1941 2015 true xt7jdf6k3k3j section xt7jdf6k3k3j Q       < I \ " Wypvvgnswi FF KENFUQKY   \ `
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A I `[/ rl,} · Inventory of the State
1 AJ’*     { Archives of North Carolina \
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2 I _ Series IX g
E   ' Miscellaneous Agencies x
A E S Nc. 2 \
3   stem Library \
    l"?O• 3
A g Library Commission of North Carolina
1 i 1 mo. 4 `
in 1 State Board of Elections
2 { - ....»..-- A
  i North Caroline Historical  
    Records Survey Project  
; Y Division of Community l
Q · ,/Service Programs
    Work 'Projects Administration E
Q   Raleigh, N. C. \
    November l9%l {
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 - é
  OF I
i A No. 2 · .
  NO. 4
  A Prepared By I ·
  The North Carolina.l1€istorieal Records Survey Project
  Division of Commmity Service Programs
  Work Projects Administration
  =•< >1= >a< we ¤< x =•=
y   Raleigh, North Carolina
Q The North Carolina Historical Records Survey Project
{ » November lQ¢ll ’ -

 3 ‘ U
p A
n s
U Historical Records Survey Projects
‘ Sargent E, Child, Director
; liilten W} Blanton, Regional Supervisor
Q Colbert F. Crutchfield, State Supervisor
é Division of Community Service Programs
` 2
Q Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner
{ Blanche M. Ralston, Chief Regional Supervisor
{ hay E. Campbell, State Director
l Howard O. Hunter, Commissioner
Roy Schrober, Regional Director
C. C• McGinnis, State Administrator
Sponsored by the North Carolina Historical Commission
{ M. C. S. Noble, Chairman V
A C. C. Crittenden, Secretary

 F O R E W O R D
The Inventory of the State Archives of North Carolina is one of a
number of—EbidEs_ib_hdstbricallmaterialslprepared throughout the United
States by workers on the Historical Records Survey of the Work Projects
Administration. Each state departvent, institution, or other agency
will be represented by a separate section of the inventory; the sections
for functionally related agencies will be grouped in series.
The Historical Records Survey program was undertaken in the winter
of 1935-36 for the purpose of providing useful employment to needy un-
employed historians, lawyers, teachers, and research and clerical workers.
In carrying out this objective, the project was organized to compile
inventories of historical materials, particularly the unpublished govern-
ment documents and records which are basic in me administration of local
government, and which provide invaluable data for students of political,
economic and social history. Up to the present time approximately l,5OO
Survey publications have been issued throughout the country. The archival
guide herewith presented is intended to meet the requirements of day—to-
day administration by the officials of the State, and also the needs of
lawyers, businessren, and other citizens who require facts from the
_ public records for the proper conduct of their affairs. The volume is so
designed that it can be used by the historian in his research in unprinted
sources in the same way he uses the library card catalog for printed
The inventories produced by the Historical Records Survey program at-
tempt to do more than merely give a list of records——they attempt to
sketch in the historical background and to describe precisely and in
detail the organization and functions of the agencies whose records they
list. The inventories for the entire country will, when completed, con-
stitute an encyclopedia of state and local government as well as a
bibliography of state and local archives.
The successful conclusion of the work of the Historical Records
Survey, even in a single agency, would not be possible without the support
of public officials, historical and legal specialists, and many other
groups in the community. Their co-operation is gratefully acknowledged.
The Survey program was organized by Luther H. Evans, who served as
Director until March l, l940, when he was succeeded by Sargent B. Child.
The Survey operates as a nation-wide series of locally sponsored projects
in the Division of Community Service Programs, of which Mrs. Florence
Kerr, Assistant Commissioner, is in charge._

The Historical Records Survey was created in the winter of 1955-56
as a nation—wide Works Progress Administration project for the "discovery,
preservation and listing of basic materials for research in the history
of the United States."l Under the direction of Dr. Luther H. Evans, the
Survey undertook an extensive program for the inventory of state and
_ local archives, early American imprints, church archives, and collections
V of manuscripts. Pursuant to the provisions of the Emergency Relief Act
passed June 50, 1959, the existence of the Survey as a single nation-wide
project sponsored by`WPA itself was terminated August 51, 1959; and the
work of the Survey was continued within the individual states by locally
sponsored projects operating within the national WPA Historical Records
Survey which continued under the direction of Dr. Evans until his resigna-
tion and the subsequent appointment of Sargent B. Child as national
director on March l, 1940.
The North Carolina Project of the Federal Historical Records Survey
was established February l, 1956, with Dr. C. C. Crittenden, Secretary of
the North Carolina Historical Commission, as director. Until November
1956 the Survey operated as an autonomous unit of the Federal Writers'
Project, directed in North Carolina by Edwin Bjorkman. Dr. Crittenden
resigned as State Director June 50, 1957, and was succeeded by Dan Lacy,
who had previously served as Assistant State Director. The work of the
North Carolina unit of the Historical Records Survey was continued b)
the North Carolina Historical Records Survey Project established Septem-
ber 1, 1959, and sponsored by the North Carolina Historical Commission.
Mr. Lacy resigned as State Supervisor on April 2, 1940, to accept an
appointment as Assistant to the Director of Historical Records Survey
Projects in Washington, D. C., and was succeeded by the present State
The present inventories of the records of the State Library, the
Library Commission of North Carolina, and the State Board of Elections
form a section of the Inventory of the State Archives of North Carolina
being prepared by the North CarblinEfHistorical Records—Survey Project.
Since each inventory occupies so little space and because the agencies
have been placed consecutively in the classification scheme for State
agencies, the three inventories have been included in one volume, a
departure from the general policy of the Survey, which has been to devote
one volume to each department or agency. Preeeding the State Library,
the Library Commission, and the State Board of Elections in Series IX,
Miscellaneous Agencies, is the North Carolina Historical Commission.
Although the inventory of each agency constitutes a separate unit,
entries for records have been numbered consecutively throughout the
volume to facilitate indexing.
The inventory was prepared under the supervision of Branson Marley,
public archives supervisor. The inventory was read for the sponsor by
Dr. C. C. Crittenden of the North Carolina Historical Commission and was
` 1. Works Progress Administration, Operating Procedure No. W-2, Revised
July 2, 1957. __- —-_

 I —'V'¤
i» edited by Miss Mabel S. Brodie of the central office staff. The Survey
= is indebted to the mmmbers of the staffs of the State Library, the
Library Commission end the State Board of Elections for their generous
oo-operation in the work.
Fovember 1941

  Abbreviations, Symbols, and Explanatory Eotes . . . . . vii
No. 24 State Library . . . . .. . ., . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . l
No. 5 Library Commission of North Carolina . ., . ...... 12
No. 4 State Board of Elections ............ ., . . 18
Bibliography ..... . . . ............. 23
’ Index . . . .....................° 24

  C• »•».p••g••••••»••g•••••ChE\P'b€r(S)
m ibid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .the same reference
`I PI,   Q I I I I I I I I I I I I I O I I Q I I p A I    
V s (s . . ................... . section (s)
? VO1•`n`sT§"§. eo. p. 141.
18. Ibid., 1826-27, Resolu— 24. Ibid., 1856-57, c. 52.
g tidns, p. 87. 25. Ubbrnals of the General Assem-
I 19. Ibid., passim; Legis— Bly, 1840Y41T—pa§sim; Laws of
K Iefive pEp€FE, passim.` Fbrth Carolina, 1840-41, c._46.
  20- Laws of North CETo`1°iYfa, 26. Ib1d.,‘ss. 5, 6. `
  l`E?2`8,_R'eTsblu't`ib_ns , p. Q2. "
i 21. Raleigh Star and Gazette,
{ Jmm %fTF$3ik§ET—_

 1 · 4 -
5 .
g (Statc L1-trary) (First entry, p. sa)
Q Government under the Constitution of 1868, the General Assembly of
I 1870-71 re-created the board of trustees with‘the same membership.27
1 But the next session changed the composition of the board to consist of
1 the Governor, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and the Secretary
I of State.28 This ex officio membership has remained until the present.
é The primary function of the board of trustees is to choose the State
,Y Librarian who is the executive head of the Library. However, during two
1, periods, this power has been forbidden the board, for from 1871 until
1885 and from 1895 until 1905 the General Assembly chose the State Li-
brarian.29 The Librarian must give such bond as is demanded by the
X trustees.5O
7, Originally, the Librarian was appointed for an indefinite term.51
@7 From 1870-71 until 1885 and from 1895 until 1905 provision was made for
TQ choice of a Librarian biennia11y;52 from 1885 until 1895, the term of
Ia office was indefinite.53 Since 1905 there has been a provision for a
I"? quadrennial appointment; but since the Librarian serves until he is re-
1 ` appointed or until his successor is appointed and qualifies, no effort
1, is made to meet the requirements.54
7% In 1840 the salary of the Librarian was to be not more than $75
p? annua11y.55 In 1842-45 the salary was increased to $500 annual1y;56 in
7 1870-71, to §500;37 and in 1875-74, to $750.98 In 1879, the salary
§ was reduced to $40O;59 but in 1885 was a§ain raised to $750.40 In
§ 1901 the salary was increased to $1,000,*1 then to $1,500,42 again to
ti $2,500.79 In 1955 the economy measures reduced the Ljbrarian*s salary
1 ‘ ~ ..
1 ss ` ~
  27. Laws of North Carolina, Leng pf   Carolina,
  TWG-7I,"&T‘7oT`éTIT Teas, s. 551, ITF; r`_e—_af__ter
y   28. Ibid., 1871-72, s. isc, s, citcc cs Public Laws; 1905,
1 I 5T_"At the same time the ¤· 726.
1 V G€1’1€‘I‘&1 Assembly created a 50. L9"*'S cf 1`1°I`1?h C¤¥`011¤¤.
.§ Supreme Court Library, I87"9H. C- 99. S- 23 1995.
[7 with the Governor and jud- 0. 216, S. 1.
sg ggs Of the Suprgme Courf 51. Ibid., 1840-41, c. 46, s. 5.
Qi as trustees, and divided 52- 151H-. 1870-71. 0- 763 Public
g the appropriation for the Laws, 1895, c. 551, s. 1.
15 State Library equally be- 55. Laws of North Carolina, 1885,
15 tween the two. Provision ETw?1?:-5· 13 F“b11C QQXE.
,1 for equal division of the 1895, 0. $51-
1 appropriation was repealed $4· 1b1d•. 1903. C· 727-
in isas. For run discus- 55-   cf Ncrth Ccrclgrg. _
sion of the Supreme Court 1959*11. C· ;6•
Library see Inventory of 56. Ibid., 1842-45, c. 68, s. 2.
1‘ fhg Sbatg ArE§§$€§"$F "' 57. Ibid., 1870-71, c. 70, s. 1.
  `8'€FtTi`E."Fo1`iTa.TEEri`é`s III, $8- $9-. 1975*74. C- 65-
1 Cburts—and—LEw Enforcement $9- 1519•. 1879. C- 299. 5· 19-
2 Agencies, No. 1, General 49- 1519-. 1985. C- 219. S- 1•
, Court, Court of Conference 41- FEE11£ L9WS. 1991. C- 995-
I' and Supreme Court. 42· -I-171_€·= TgU7» °• M7-
  za. isis., isvo-vi, C. vo; *5- Ibid-. 1"21· C- 206-
, 1885, c. 216, s. 1; Public

   · 5 ·
3 (State Library) (First entry, p. 9)
g to $1,800 annual1y44 and in 1935 the salaries of all State officials were
Q increased 20 peroent.&5
I In addition to his regular salary, the Librarian is allowed @250 per
Q annum for maintaining the library of the General Assembly, $1 per day
§' during sessions of the General Assembly for keeping that library open,
QT and a fee of 50¢ for each certified copy of a record and 10¢ each for
i ' each additional copy.46
During the period from 1871 until 1883 when the State Librarian was
chosen by the General Assembly, a vacancy for the unexpired term was filled
by the Governor until the next session of the General Assembly, which
I either approved thc Governor*s appointment or chose another Librarian.47
hg In 1901 the Librarian was authorized to employ an assistant at $400
,;Z annually.48 hater the salary of the assistant was increased to $600 an-
5%, nually and the Librarian was allowed to employ a janitor at $25 a month.49
pig ln 1913 the legislature authorized the trustees to employ additional
; i clerical help when necessary.5O In 1921 the Librarian was allowed a
1 U second assistant.5l Since 1925 all personnel matters have been subject to
g the approval of the Budget Bureau.5
_ l The State Librarian is an ex officio member of the Library Commission
iii which was created in 1909.55
% 2. Powers and Duties
E In addition to their duty of appointing the Librarian, the trustees
y¢§ must generally supervise the activities of the State Llbrary.54 All money
\ J appropriated to the Library must be expended subject to the approval of
QQ the trustees.55 Furthermore, the trustees make the rules by which the
pii Librarian and the users of the Library are to be governcd;56 in practice
’ E however, the rules and regulations of the Library have not varied essen-
l é tiallv from those set forth in acts of the General Assembly prior to
5 ie4s.57
F -....1.....
{Y 44. Public Laws, 1933, o. 202. 52. Ibid., 1925, c. 89; 1929, c.
L 45. rmi?}   C. se. HK`
f 46. Laws of North Carolina, 53. Ibid., 1909, c. 873, s. 1.
l l‘§é`7,"6."E?E"f Ei‘T·§`§’Tss9, s‘é‘e”1m?ra, pp. is rr.
p. 519; Public Laws, 1905, 54. Laws of North Carolina, 1840-41,
C. sev, K°E?`1§2';K‘ C. 2oz. C. 4ej`S`T”3T'1`e"v`1-v2"‘, O. ies,
47. Laws of North Carolina, s. 3.
ITWU-’rI,"é`T’fo`,“?TTf ss. ibid., 1840-41, C. 4s, S. 2;
48. Public Laws, 1901, c. 503. l542l43, c. 68, s. 3; 1871-72,
l 49. TBEYEZT EW, C. 647. c. lee, S. 5.
af 50. IEEE., isis, C. ss. se. ibid.
e 51. Ibid., 1921, c. 202. 57. Ibid}, 1842—43, c. 68, s. 1;
_ "“*‘ State Librarian, Biennial _
% Report, 1938-40, passim.

 - 5 -
Q (St&t9 Library) (First entry, p. 9)
E The Governor was authorized in 1841 to designate the printed docu-
q ments to be preserved in the Library58 and the board of trustees was to
g purchase the books.59 In 1901 provision was made for a committee, con-
g sisting of the Librarian, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and
t three other persons appointed by the trustees and serving without come
% pensation, to purchase books for the Library.6O
” In the same year the trustees of the Library were required to make
such distribution of reports and publications of State agencies as they
deemed advisab1e.6l This function has been succeeded to by the Division
of Publications of the Secretary of State's Department.62
yy Probably at the instigation of Secretary of State William L.
yi Sgunders, who had become interested in a 48 year old movement for the
1- collection and publication of d0cuments relative to the Colonial and
tg  Revolutionary history of North Carolina,65 the General Assembly of 1881
vii authorized the trustees to publish in the necessary number of volumes
% of a suitable size the records, papers, documents, and manuscripts be-
Q longing to the State and bearing a date prior to 1791.64 As the work
Q progressed under S&under's supervision it soon became apparent that there
E were serious gaps in the colonial records of the State and that to publish
( é anything like a complete series of documents would necessitate gathering
e jp materials held in other places, particularly in England. Consequently,
4 i the trustees of the State Library were authorized to arrange for the col-
1 ° lection of the missing records and for their publication along with the
j. other records already authorized to be published.65
L‘_- 2 To defray the expenses involved in the publication program, the
* j trustees were authorized to draw on the Library appropriation for the
\ y obtainment of the missing records as well as for the printing and binding
· of the completed work. If the expenses incurred in collecting were too
Q great to be borne by the Library Fund, the trustees were authorized to
,Q draw on the Treasurer for the necessary sums.66
j Q In 1891 the General Assembly, as a result of the decision of the
tj Attorney General that the annual appropriation for the Library was for
tl the purpose of purchasing books and not to be used to pay printing and
  binding costs, appropriated $2150 per annum to do such work for the Li-
` @3 brary.67
· 1
t •—·--·;-.....».—.
58. Laws of North Carolina, 65. See Dun Lacy and Charles Chris-
IEE6LETQ`ET`EBT—§T`ET" topher Crittenden, The Histori-
59. Ibid., s. 2. cal Records of North Carolina,
I 60. Fublic Laws, 1901, c. 505, VET. I, The Cbunty Records, pp.
`sTTT5T" `°"' ~ 5-6. '_
G1. Ibid., c. 104. 64. L:ws of NOrth Carolina, 1881,
G2. `§er_further discussion see c. 88,-s. 1.
Inventory of the State Ar- 55. Ibid., 1885, Resolutions, p.619.
_ yi EHTVe§‘6T HErtH`C¥?5IinEjd 66. Ibid., 1881, c. 88, s. 2; 1885,
    IT §EHé3*aT’e°¤Hé‘H- `R§Flutions, p. 619.
Q ¤@Dt&1 Agencies, No. 8, 67. Ibid., 1895, Resolutions, p.
% Department of State. 655.

 r 7 :
{ (State Library) (First entry, p. 9)
Q The trustees were authorized to sell the published volumes of early
t records on such terms as they deemed propor68 and to exchange the publica-
5 tions with any other states which might thereafter supply similar docu-
'T ments to the State Library.69
Q The result of this work was the thirty—one volume set of colonial and
1 state records, recognized as one of the best series of the kind issued by
g any of the American states.7O
The functions of the board of trustees have largely been abdicated to
the State Librarian; in addition, the Librarian has certain specific duties
which have been assigned by law. His primary duty is, of course, to pre-
serve and make available to qualified users the resources of the State
Library. In this connection he was ordered in 1901 to arrange for the
accommodatigcof Negro users of the Library.7l He is required to keep lists
1, and catalogues of books in the Library and to report a list of new acces-
if sions to each regular session of the General Assemb1y.72
,1° From time to time the General Assembly has ordered the Librarian to
5 collect certain types of materials for the Library. On January 5, 1851,
‘·§ he was ordered to purchase three copies of Jonathan E1liot's journals and
é debates of the Federal and state conventions.75 In 1840 he was ordered to
Lit collect and bind the printed reports and journals of the General Assembhy
I 1 and reports of committees on important subjeets.?4 In 1844 he was ordered
1 Q to procure and preserve in the Library two of the principal newspapers of _
i E the §tate and five copies of the journals and acts of the General Assem-
1 Since 1889 the Librarian has been required to keep a record of, and
,7% to receipt for, all laws, documents, and reports received from other
1 é states. He was further required to distribute them to the different do-
g partments for which they were intended.16
§ The time of keeping the Library open has from time to time been enact-
`§r ed into law. Such laws have become antiquated and the Library now cb-
§ serves the same hours as are observed by the various State departments;
_ § furthermore, through an arrangement with the Budget Bureau, it remains
` E § open on Saturday af ternoon during the winter.
°{ 68. Laws of North Carolina, of North Carolina (4 v., Golds-
l881,*en—li1r_sl 2. — `boro, Charlotteinhaloigh,
69. Ibid., 1895, Resolution, 1909-14).
E:—4B9. 71. Public Laws, 1901, c. 505, s.2.
70. Saunders, William L., editor, 72. Journal of the Senate, 1817, p.
‘ The Colonial Records of 75; Laws_ofiN6rth Carolina,
·   camiim (io v.T` 1828-27, Esciutious, p. sv;
Raleigh, 1888-90); Clark, ` 1828, Resolutions, p. 92.
· , halter, editor, The State 1840-41, c. 48, s. 4; 1844,
Records of North_Carolina, c. 62.
~, TIGIETY i1TI¤?€6`rZ“'<§?>1aSb¤i¥O, vs. Legislative Papers, 1851-52,
E; Charlotte, 1895-1905); _ box 448.
% Weeks, Stephen B., Index to 74. Laws of North Carolina, 1840-
`i the Colonial and State Recbrds 41, cT*48, s. 5. •_~
———_ `__— 75. Ibid., 1844, c. 62.
ve. °1t°1>“f5., isse, C. ess, S. 1.

 I  - 8 -
Q (State Library) (First entry, p. 9)`
lg Since 1905 the State Librarian has been allowed a seal and has been
it authorized to make copies of any materials inthe Library and to collect a
{ fee of 50 cents per certification for each certified copy made.77
A { In addition to his duties relative to the State Library, the Librarian
i is custodian of the library of the General Assembly. Originally, the
§ State Library was largely e documents and law library, but as it expanded
I in scope it became less usable by the members of the General Assembly.
A Consequently, the legislature passed an act on February 16, 1855, estab-
[ lishing the documents library. This act provided that the principal clerk
in of each