xt7jdf6k1p35 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k1p35/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1945-03-02  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March  2, 1945 text The Kentucky Kernel, March  2, 1945 1945 1945-03-02 2013 true xt7jdf6k1p35 section xt7jdf6k1p35 Best Copy Available

Guignol Production Lauded
For "AiikcI Street"

Kentucky Kernel





WSSF Drive

SGA Election Today To Fill

Vacancies In Two Colleges;
Amendment To Be Considered
Students To Vote


Shropshire Outstanding
In Current Guignol Role
a ,,i ci,.4 r'USiic

In 'Y Lounge
Of Union Building
Students in all college

of the
eligible for voting
today en a proposed amendment to

I'rtwsitjr are


the Student Government Associaalthough, only
tion Constitution,
Arts and Sciences and 'Agriculture
tdodents may cast ballots for representatives to SGA.
In the
held from 9 a.m. to 5
"V Lounge, I'nion building, will
fill four of the vacancies in the
legislature. The remaining five are
already filled.
Candidates Listed
Candidates in the contest
Reginald Bowcn and M. J. Evans.
Arts and Sciences upper-clasWilma Jeanne Canada and Betty
Lcc Fleishman, Arts and Sciences

Is Kclief

Portraying the clever, retired

Theater-Goer- s


tective Rough, Edmund Mills is the
only seemingly normal person in
the story. His early laughter is a
relief for the tension built up
throughout the play. Excellent in
his role, Mr. Mills almost steals the
Betty Anne Ginocchio, playing the
part of Nancy, the cockney maid,
makes her stage debut at Guignol.
She proves herself to be a competent actress from the moment of
her first appearance on the stage.
Her voice, which is full and resonant, was very pleasing.

By Doris Singleton

Horseback riding is back at
UK once again.
The College of Agriculture
will offer a class in Light-HorHusbandry during the spring
quarter. It will be a 4 credit
course with 2 hours of lectures
nnd 4 hours cf lab.

Proceeds Exceed
Quota By $149
At Press Time
The World Student Service Fund
drive for contributions had exceeded
its goal of 1,000 at press time Thursday. All proceeds had not been
turned over to the treasurer but
totaled $1,149
the contributions
$149 ahead of the $1,000 goal, Phyllis
Freed, chairman of the committee,
announced Thursday.
Thank Student Body
The WSSF committee would like
to thank the cnXirc student body
for its interest and excellent response, and especially those students
who gave time and effort to the
drive," Miss Freed said.
Doris Singleton acted as publicity
director for the campaign.
Ranch was chairman of the Poster
committee; Ann Herdin was chairman of the communications committee, and Joe Covington was
chairman of the speakers committee.
Bart Peak, secretary of the Y. acted
as treasurer.
Contribution! Announced
Contributions from the following

SEC Tourney Draws
UK To Louisville

2. 1913

Giddap - Whoa!

On Campus
Tops Goal


Cats Seek

Eighth Title

In Southeastern Games
During Three-Da- y

Are Scheduled Pianist Rudolf Firkusny
Finals To He
To Present Sunday Musicalc
March 14, 15, 16

Dig Blue ,Vols

Are Favorites
In 15th SEC

By Tommy Olsh
Scekins their eighth Southeastern
in 15
years, the Wildcats are slated to
meet several strong teams in the
tournament which is i;ow u proRudolf Firkusny. brilliant Czech
cess, in the Armory ;n Loui;sviUe.
pianist, will present the Sunday
At press time on Thursday. Kentucky was expected to win by a commusicale at 4 p.m. in Memorial hall.
fortable margin over the 'Gators
Mr. Firkusny, under the manageIf this prediction
from Florida.
ment of the Metropolitan Musical
comes true, then the 'Cats wi'l meet
Bureau, Inc., had a distinguished
a strong team from Louisiana State
record in Europe before his debut
University tonight at 9 o'clock.
Eleven To Participate
In. the United States. Since his arEleven teams will participa'e in
rival in this country, he has taken
the tournament with Tennessee and
rank among the elect of present-da- y
Kentucky favored to reach the final.
concert artists, and has apIn the lower bracket with Kentucky
peared as a soloist with leading
are Alabama. Tulanc, L.S.U.. and
Florida. Tennessee, Georgia Tech.
symphony orchestras. This season,
Georgia. Auburn and Musk-sipiart
on his first transcontinental tour,
in the upper bracket.
in addition lo recital engagements,
Most serious obstacle in Ken- he will be heard with the New York
j tucky's road to the final is Alabima.
Philharmonic, the Philadelphia, and
who has shown
Rudolf Firkusny
strength. Tennessee will h3v
the National Symphony orchestras,
a tough time with Georgia Tech. one
and in Canada with the Montreal
of the two conference teams to beat
Concert Symphoniques.
them this season.
Toured South America
Kentucky nas a record oi lour
conference truunpiu; and that one
Two summers ago. Mr. Firkusny
loss to Trnncssee during the
toured South America where he
gave many extra concerts because
The Vols has won eight out of
Visiting demonstration schools all
Last over Kentucky, representatives of 10 loop games, bowuig to the 'Cats
of the sold-o4
at Lexington after whippin?
summer, he visited Central America, a materials experiment
in food,
the Dutch West Indies, and Vene- clothing, and shelter instruction, them at Knoxville
With advance ticket jales heavier
zuela, where he was enthusiastically this week examined the progress of
acclaimed as one of today's leading the Kentucky portion of the experi- than for any previous Souiheastefn
conference basketball tournament.
pianists. Equally authoritative in ment.
Tournament ManagT Beniie Shrve-l- y
the most diverse styles, Firkusny
Investigated New Methods
predicts that this week ., show at
adds a special flavor to his pro
Under the direction of Dr. Maurgrams with the inclusion of works ice F. Scay and Dr. Leonard E. the Armory will be the greatest
hisof his Czech compatriots, Smetana, Mcece, director
and assistant direc- financial success in the
Dvorak. Martiny, and others many tor of the project, the visiting deans tory of tournaments anion? teams
01 me compositions neretoiore prac- prcsidenU investigated of the south.
and oll
tically unknown to the concert pub- - L
Scats Available
extcnt tQ whicn npw instruc.
Despite persistant rumor lh?t
lie In America.
Itional methods devised in the ex
Scheduled Program
periment stations in the universities Saturday niirht's game will he .1
Daddy Boles, ticket sales
His program: Two Organ Choral of Kentucky. Florida, and Vermont
manager, said that there are still
Preludes, a) Now comes the Gen- were being employed in Kentucky
of good seals available for
tiles' Savior, b) Rejoice, beloved schools.
the game.
Thirty-tw- o
Leaving Tuesday after a two-da- y
WHAS announced plans to broadVariations in ,C minor. Beet- lour of Lincoln, Athens. Stamping
semi-fingames Saturday
Ground, Scott county and Lyne cast the
nnd the championship
Five Compositions. Three Etudes, schools, the board members planned game Saturday night. Fred Koster.
a Waltz, and a Scherzo in B flat to visit earn of the other two uni- one of the leading ba.ketbn ofversities.
minor. Opus 31. Chopin. .
Kentucky's rxnertmrnl station is ficials in the south, will be on hand
La Serenade Interrompuc
expert all three games.
the food uistrurtion
Interrupted Serenade), Debussy; la
Thr Wildrats will lie spark"! in
Fille aux cheveux de lin (The Girl
Present on the survey were Pres- the tournament plav by Captain
with the Flaxen Hair). Debussy;
Tingle. WDbur Srhu and Jack
Russian Dance from Pctrouschka, ident Robert M. Bush and Dean J.ck
line-u- p
of the Cats
of Kansas State Parkinson. The
as announc"cd las. Tuesday
Two Polkas (F Sharp minor A Teachers eolleee. KmDoria. Kan.:
nuoip.i nupp wi.i oe jac
minor), Smetana; Etude dc Con- Dr. Herbert D. Write, and Dean w
Jesse B. Johnson of the Teachers Tllgle. Wilbur SrTTTi. Buddy Parker
cert, Smetana.
New nrii.iin Conn
and anu Aionzo et.oiu lorwar'is: ren- collet;
Dr. Edward Eyring, president of ton Campbell and Oeoro VUich.
CoWCrill. LinSCOnih
Continued on page four
Las Vegas, N. Mcx.

The examination schedule for the
close of the present quarter has
been received by the faculty from
the office of the dean of the University and registrar.
The schedule is as follows:
a.m.; classes meeting first hour on
any cycle starting on either Mon
day or Wednesday;
classes meeting first hour on any
cycle starting on either Tuesday or
meeting second hour on any cycle
uppcrclass woman; Ann Biggcrstafl
starting on either Monday or Wed
Convincing Interpretation Given
and Gerry Dugan, Arts and Scip.m.; classes meet
Giving a most convincing interences lowcrclass woman.
ing second hour on any cycle startpretation as Elizabeth, the kindly
ice Lewis
Joan Scott and Bern
housekeeper in sympathy with her organizations were announced: ing on either Tuesday or Thursday.
Hudson are candidates for the Aga.m.;
Thursday, March 15:
mistress. Opal Palmer is her usual Jewell hall, $102.50; Boyd hall, $101.-6riculture lowcrclass woman vacancy.
classes meeting the third hour on
able self in the part. A Guignol
Patterson hall, $112.50; Lydia
Automatically Elected
veteran, Mrs. Palmer adds much to Brown house, $25; Shelby house, any cycle starting on either Mona.m.;
Candidates for tnc remaining five
the play. Jennings Kearby and W. $21: McDowell house, $11; Sigma day or Wednesday ;
classes meeting the third hour on
of the nine vacancies created this
B. Wrench are clever in their roles
Nu house, $36; Bradley hall. $98.75; any cycle
quarter by the expiration of terms
starting on cither Tuesof the policemen.
Alpha Xi Delta. $70; Kappa Delta,
have been declared automatically
The setting, which is the living $77; Delta Delta Delta. $66; Alpha day or Thursday;
elected because of ineligibility of
room of the Manningham home, is Delia. Pi. $59; Chi Omega. S41; classes meeting the fourth hour on
their opposition or because they
most eflective. The gas lights add a Kappa Kappa Gamma. $24.90; Alpha any cycle starting on either Monp.m.;
day or Wednesday;
were unopposed.
weird aspect to the surroundings, Gamma
Delta, $22- - commuters,
ricprcsonta lives thus chosen inand contribute to the mood of the $195.75"; Mortar Board $77; ASTP, classes meeting the fourth hour on
any cycle starting on cither TuesBilly Jackson,
story. The only slip during the $5.79.
day or Thursday.
reprcscntative-at-larg- e;
Roger Yost,
evening was when a gas light on the
Figures are not yet complete bea.m.;
Friday, March 16:
Engineering lowcrclass man; Wilright side of the mantle became cause some organizations have not
brighter Vhile Mr. Manningham was turned in all their contributions. classes meeting the fifth hour on
liam B. Wrench, Arts and Sciences
lowcrclass man; Joseph Covington,
attempting to turn on the light on The evnet. tnt.al will he nnhlRhrri in Bny cycle starting on either Mon- '
or Wednesday;
and B.
Law reprcscnutivc-at-largthe left side. But Mr. Popa, with next week's Kernel
classes meeting the fifth hour on
his usual poise, gained the applause
J. Rose, Commerce lowcrclass
WSSF Representatives
of the audience for the excellent
WSSF representatives who con- any cycle starting on either Tuesp.m.;
maimer in which he evaded the tacted students during the drive day or Thursday;
Would' Change Article 5
The amendment to the SGA conwere: Bessie Burris, Jewell hall; M. classes meeting the sixth hour;
p.m.; classes meeting sevstitution would change Article V,
J. Hammonds. Boyd hall; Millie
section 2. which provides for a JuJohnston, Patterson hall; Virginia enth, eighth hour, appointments,
diciary committee composed of four
Walton, Sigma Nu house; Susan conflicts, etc.
Finals As Scheduled
Kirkham, Lydia Brown house; Pat
students and three faculty memmembership.
bers, to an
Frlps, McDowell house; John RobNo final examination shall be
Under the proposed amendment
ins, Bradley hall; Claudinc Gibson, Kivcn before the last three days of
two students would be chosen from
Kappa Delta house.
any quarter except on written perBy Roger Wileo
the assembly, including the chairOthers were Lucy Myers, Delta mission from the registrar.
One case is devoted to diplomas Delt Delta house;
man, and three members would be
Student journalism through the
Elizabeth Dos-kc- r.
In the case of a conflict, the Inchosen by the assembly from the years is featured in the exhibit now which show the change in the name
Kappa Kappa Gamma house; structor involved shall report this
of the institution as well as the Gwen Pace, Alpha
student body at large.
in the main foyer of the University
Gamma Delta fact to the registrar at least two
changes in president, in governors
Ballots for the election will be Library. Especially prepared for and also the size, shape and ma house; Mary Jane Miller. Alpha Xi weeks before the final examination
tabulated Monday by the election Founders Day the exhibit contains terial of the diplomas. Among these "w 1 1. n i.'i. HnkkH Ctmn. CV.1 period. In such a case the registrar
Omega house; Evelyn Green, Ham-i- s shall decide when the examination
committee and a representative of thc general student publications be
the diploma of Dr. A. M. Peter ilton house; Edith Routt, Shelby
the faculty. Results will be an- ginning with the Collegian, the issued in 1880, and the diploma of .
is to be given.
, lunula ii Aajriui,
nounced in next week's Kernel. Poll publication of all the literary socieutba lau
The final examination in Orientath e first woman graduate. Belle C. iiuu.il house; Cornell Clark, Sigma
officials have been appointed by ties of Kentucky University,
(Mrs. C. H. Kay) in 1888. t
tion shall be given at the last regPhi Ep.silon house; Joe Covington,
to represent both Bayonet of 1889. the Cadet of 1897, Gunn
the committee
ular class period before the final
wun incsc aipiomas arc inw.Tusi.iiif;
parties, and voters' names will be The State College Cadet, The KSC pictures of students through the Sigma Chi fraternity, and Bill Em-br- examination period.
Record, the first issue or The Idea
checked against the complete stunil Delta Tlieta fraternity.
Poesn'l Apply To Law
of The years, graduating classes as well as
dent list of the Registrar's office.
groups enjoying some social occas- Excepting the College of Law, the
Election committee members are Kernel) and the first issue of The ion. Some of these groups are taken
above schedule of final examinaMarjean Wenstrup, Emily Jones, Kernel in 1912. Departmental publi- at IhA famnnc Avnrcll finrinuc t rt
"- o"
tions shall apply to all colleges of
Betty Tcvis. Norman Chrisman, and cations include The Transit and which the girls were forbidden toliMOW UI1 UampUS
the University.
The Mechanical and Electrical EnGerald Napier.
gineering Record, and the literary
If the instructor wishes to give a
First Lieut. Virgil McClintic. forC hart
Gives Data.
final he may do so, but
publication. Letters. The humorous
development of the Univer- merly attached to the 83rd Infantry the
examination must be given
are represented by
Division, has arrived in Lexington
within ii lis
copies of Sour Mash. The Meow. sity is best seen in the case
the historical data chart and maps where he will work with the mili- signed.
Kampus Kat and The Wild Cat.
showing the acquisition of property tary department at the University
. A,
The class tickets for a course. ,7.
Interest in athletics is not new at
Thr Mititarv rirnart nr.riit nmifiiin
for the campus and farm. The Chart for three months.
shall be filed with the registrar ,
llvll I iVUHU V
red this week the arrival of First ;thc University Judging from pictures- shows the changes in name, in adLieutenant McCrTntic trained in within twenty-fou- r
hours after the
Sergeant Tliomas Henderson from oi teams in tnc cxnimi. xnese in- ministration, in building, in student Wales for three months prior to the
By Casey Goman
close of the quarter as announced
Purdue. He Is to take the place of elude football teams through the body as well as the legislative acts invasion of France, lie participatMi:s Ann Cowgill and Mi. Helen
early 20s beginning with the team
in the official calendar.
Technical Sergeant M. C. Tittle of
Lipscomb, students in the Univerand other important events from ed in tlie Normandy invasion with
Company A who is stationed at of 1893. Football souvenirs for 1865 to 1925. Also included is a the First Army and was later attachsity Music department, who pretr. Herman L. Donovan, presitempor- various years have been used to topographical map of tlw campus ed to the Third Army. He was
Nichols General hospital
sented the arfernoon musical la:.t dent of the University, has been
show the former coaches and outarily.
1890 and the transit book wounded In the
Simday, both displayed excellent appointed to the National Adminstanding teams. Some track, base- made inmap compiled by
Prof. M. L. July 4, 1944. For the past eight
scholistrative board for Pepsi-Col- a
ball and basketball teams are in- for the
mouths he lias been In hospitals in
Miss Cowgill, contralto, who open- arships.
cluded. Students will be able by Pence.
The last vertical case contains a France. England, and the United
club meeting ed the program, sang with a full,
This board has been organized
careful examination to locale sonic
scheduled' for Monday night hHS controlled voire. Her tones were for the purpose of presenting eolfaculty members in these pictures. chart of the present administration. States.
Lieutenant McClintic has been been canceled because of nearness sure, true, and cxceedinplv niclndi- - leee scholarships to eligible students
instructional and research organizaEducational Background
tion of the University. Pictures of awarded the Purple Heart, the of exams.
otis. The expressive qualities of her ;wn Bre seniors in high school and
These arc just parts of the histori- some of the more recent buildings European theater of
RibWatch The Kernel for announce
selections were developed to the full- - who also meet certain requirements
cal exhibit depicting the growth of are included in this case.
bon, the Silver Star, and the Com- ment of the meeting schedule for est extent possible.
p Dy the board. The members
University. The exhibit was arthe
material loaned by bat Infantry's badge. He received the spring quarter. A series or stu- Miss Lipscomb, pianist, exhibited of this board are several heads of
ranged in the main foyer of the Transylvania college for the exhibit his commission at Riverside Military dent participation discussions on good technique,
anu a feeling for universities and representatives of
House committee . . . will meet lihrary under the guidance of Miss
The secondary sclwiols. It Is al'-- a nonMonday at 5 p.m. in Room 20 of Margaret King, librarian, and Prof. includes portraits of John B. Bow- academy, Gainesville, Ga. Before moral and ethical problems is being the mood of her selections.
univerman,, regent of Kentucky
the war he was a student at Michi- planned for that quarter. Prof . John mcchaiUcs of her numbers never profit group interested only in the
the Union building.
Ezra L. Gillis, director of the Bureau sity, 1865-7and John Augustus gan State college. His home is at Kuiper, head of the Philosophy de- overshadowed the melody and emoto college those who are
Musicalc . . . will be held at 4 p.m. of Source Materials.
The exhibit
(Continued on Page Tlirce)
Mt. Pleasant, Mich.
partment, has announced.
tion of the composer.
elicihle and could not do so withBundny in Memorial hall with Ru- really begins with a chart showing
out some financial aid.
dolph Firtusny. pianist, as guest the century of general education
This program was recently
background leading up to the foundby Prof. Floyd W. Reeves,
Home economies Hub . . . will meet ing of the Agricultural and Meprofes.-oof administration at the
Monday at 7.30 p.m. in the Home chanic College as a wrt of Kenliinver.it v of C'lucaan. who Is also
Economics building. Miss Margie tucky university. This chart comthe chairman of this board. It is
Pt Mary rss
noonday sun found the women's Mtiuatioti of oiivjctljis and scaled went to convocation.
Mclaughlin of the Journalism de- bines the educational institutions,
being .sponsored by the Pepsi-Col- a
beginning with Transylvania SemiWhere were yon on Thursday. halLs a contrast of extremely Indus- their appreciation of them.
partment will speak.
Two interviewees said they went company
and wilt provide for two
nary, with the growing interest in February 22, from I a.m. until 12 trious and totally dormant students.
Many Slept
to convocation nut looked rather
Freshman club . . . will inert at 6:30
However, some answered the ques- guilty about it. When asked why. one students mm each state iiv the
p.m. Tuesday in the Union building. agricultural education which culmi- - noon?
At Boyd hall two birthday parties
Fewer students came to Memorial were hurriedly arranged and at the tion quite truthfully even if guilty. of the girt, said. "Well I had left the I'nion.
nated in the acceptance by Ken-- i
Dr. W. D. Funkhouser will speak.
r'::r;n will provide for
I'trnm-UsY . . . will meet at 6:30 lucky of the provisions of the Mor- - hall on Founders Day when Goverbowling alley unusually high scores It seemed most of the students in- keys to my home in the library and
payment of a four-yes ept
on it was locked so I Just went on to complete
Tuesday in the Union building, rill Act of 1882. Maps of the United nor Simeon Willis, Dr. Frank Mc were recorded.
100 students polled at random
through convocation. One coed said, convocation." The other coed said college education at any luiiversity
Dixie" . . . will meet States and of Kentucky during this Vey, and President Herman DonoIf
"Po4 Band in
are shown with a map of van appeared, than have attended can lie considered typical, during the "I meant to get up and go to convo- that she had gone to convo only be - I for the student, who qualifies, and
the returning basketball team at
1877 locating the A regular convocation, and considertwo hours 20 of the student body cation but the alarm clock failed nnL'A ntni I nf hnr frinnrli: ujoro oriiiin may wish to attend. Also there will!
4:30 p.m. Sunday at Union station. Lexington in
the slept, 24 studied; 9 shopped in nic and when I did wake up it was and they had persuaded her to go " b "
able speculation
Dane committee . . . will meet at & M college at Ashland and wood
tl",Hl J 00 ",on,h . defray uv- ,i(h
whereabouts of students has been town, and 34 did everything from too late to get there."
4 p.m. Tuesday in Room 204 of the lands and the city park on the presi w,nt
in" costs and special allowances for
munching hamburgers, writing letent campus. A pictorial map of this advanced.
Another coed said she woke up and I did enjoy it." she said.
Union building.
ters, washing clothes, loafing, and in time, but roulrin't bear lo move
Few Students Present
Koffcc Kiub . . . will meet at 4 p.m. section in 1857 shows the amphiIn Tradition
Professor Fpeves who Is chairman
Fortunately enough townspeople sewing, to keeping appointments out of bed. "I would likrd to have
Thursday in the Music room of the theatre on the present campus.
w.v uinc h progone to convocation but, my will- was because they got pushed along ' i 'ii.Portraits Exhibited
and faculty turned out so the dis with dentists, doctors and
building. Dr. Alexander
t the Univer- wtiiilpH In fessor of education
portraits of the two tinguished guests were not obliged
soldiers, leaving a forlorn power just failed me."
Besides the
nritl. Ilia rmwH nf ultlmni
will speak on Tsclmikowsky.
Several students said they used get out of the wind storm, or were l's',y
Mortar Board . . . will have a sup- preceding presidents, the portrait of to talk entirely to empty scats, but 9'. who went to convocation.
No Dislike Of Convos
per meeting at 5:30 p.m. Monday in the third president, James K. Pat- where were the students?
the two hours of convocation to go honestly interested in witnessing the
terson, wiio served for 41 years Is
Locked from natural retreats such
Students denied emphatically that home and study. Said one woman, creation of a tradition at the Unithe Union building.
Sweater Swings . . . from 6 until surrounded by pictures. These in- as the Union building and the li- this was any indication of a general "The way professors are piling work versity, said they enjoyed it and
On Tuesday at the regular Freshbrary, they flocked back to the halls, dislike of convocations but that two on us, I don't see how anybody ever hoped there would be one next year man club meeting. Patsy Burnette,
7:30 p.m. today and Monday in the clude a picture of the present campus in 1882 and a scries showing the downtown and to favorite hanghours of freedom on a spring day gets" anything done but studying.''
A sidelight which seemed particuUnion ballroom.
Arts and Sciences freshman from
were too much of a temptation.
Had Tests
Ping Pong tournament . . . enroll- different stages in removing the outs near-blarly to Impress students was the Lexington, was elected to replace
surfrom the administration
On being questioned for the
Parties Arranged
One gmnp of coeds said they had citation of Dean of the Janitors, .tames Tucker. Arts and Sciences
ment now in progress in Room 121 tower
Familiar restaurants took 011 the vey many expressed fear that truth- tests last Thursday afternoon and Pierre Whitney, for over 62 years an freshman from Louisville, as vice- of the Union building. There is a building or "Old Main" as it was
pr tlie tToii'pr-.itof R:t iircl: v Jliirlits. The ful ?nsn,ers vootd Uvd to (Uvev!!- - hr. t'j itudv lor then! vhile. oM,t'rs
fee of 25 cent 5.




Playing her most outstanding role
at Guignol theater. Ann Wallace
Shropshire, as Mrs. Manningham in
the exciting drama, "Angel Street,"
gives an excellent portrayal of a
woman who is slowly being driven
mad. A capacity crowd was present
Monday, opening night, despite the
downpour. The play will be held
over Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week.
The entire action of the play
directed by Wally Briggs, occurs in
a house on Angel street, located in
the Piinlico district of London in
1880. The first acts gets off to a
slow start, and leaves an impression in the minds of the audience
that Miss Shropshire might be overacting. But with the further development of the play, it is revealed
that the emotional intensity with
which Miss Shropshire interprets
the part is a build-u- p for what is to
Excellent Speaking Voice
Not only is Miss Shropshire's
speaking voice good, but her gestures
nnd facial expressions arc in exact
Accordance with the role she enacts,
Eli Popa. as Mr. Manningham,
makes his eighth appearance at
Guignol in one of his most demand- ing roles. Playing the part of a
criminal maniac who constantly
suppresses his emotions only to lash
out at his frightened wife, he adds
admirably to the suspense of the


Recital To Be Given
In Memorial Hall


Examiners See
UK Progress











Lihrary Exhibit Displays
UK Historical Development









Lieut McClintic






Sgt, Henderson
Now On Campus







jBoth Display

Scholarship Board
Appoints Donovan
As Committeeman

Philosophy Meeting
To Be Canceled


Mortar Board
All sophomore and Ant. quarter Junior women who will be
graduated by August

asked by Mortar Board to leave
their names in Mrs. Sarah B.
Holmes' office.





Where Were You During Convocation?





Burnette Elected





What subject not
this quarter would you like
to have scheduled neit quarter?

Maureen Taylor. AS. junior: any
radio course.
Mildrrd torH.
courses in eletuent-iravution.
Onris f urrnis. Commerce, freshman: a photography course.
Dirk Beat. A .VS. freshman:
course on Einstein's theory
Mary Smith, Ac, frcshm.
course in navigation
ophomre :
course in dateology
Cora Mae Strain, Ag., freshman:
aviation courses.
Jimmy Wessels, fcng.. freshman:
Robert Wearer. Ing , rrelimin:
aeronautical draft inc problems
"Blondie" Bailey, Kng.. freshman:
how lo stay on the campus.
"Lamebrain"" Hagird, tg.,
local flora.
Bob McGrhre, A4-S-,
course in jazz music.
Ingram. Ag.. sophomore: a
course in radio speaking
Chester Scott,
sex education.
freshm,-- .
Ida May IMt.
more dramatic classes.
Delia Scott, A4S, freshman: ho--








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t Wi



Obe Quarter


TUKfc, N




Catherine Goman, W. B. Wrench, John Vlolette. Fdn Crawford. Murjorle Wyant. Martha HaK&n. Jane Hunt Clark. Patsy
Burnett. Juliette Jones. Martha Yates, Marilyn Mill hell. Jane
Glsh, kuth Perlmutler,
George Beckwith. Edwin Unities.





tir.li oi.e ',Var

signed artiflen and columns are to be con&trtered the
Titers tlteinselTfs, and do fo( ueresiarily
itf the
0 Ttu Kuinkl.

relert the opinion

Willaie Briggs became cliicctor nf


nivcrsiiv lie was laced wiih a
past mi uid 11I siicrcsslul (.uigiml piodui tions.
Hi n.dicd
iliai supieine pel lormaiucs
vi k none hail the attested
on ihis
ihcv wcie a Iialil; and alicr l.cvingion
aiMiiiiins this pasl week witnessed "Angel
Slit el. Ins sound smash Itil
llie season, ihcv
l.mw 1li.1i
i cplioiial
diama lias also become
a Ii.iiiii v. nli Mr. Briggs.
Willi a Miuleni siafl iiiikIi nioie limited now
the 'ii)l.lii!i til building ai!i(iiaie stage secneiv
lias l.iiome atuic, yel I lie Mtliii iui (Ins plav
was Hiii.ill Victorian even (limn Ik lite minute
iliiail ul lie uncanny gasligln Iimiiks which
l.nl' d inv sit imisK on and oil al ihe same lime
e n li t t iling.





small only seven liai.it !( is. lint
in ilii- lajtitllv growing Hi igg's nadiiion. they
were all made to feel llie pan and (lie anion
nevei onte dragged. Maybe- this was because
ol lie lit mentions fore behind llie weird plot,
vtliitli involved a scheming husband and an
iiiiiottni wife as she was diawn info a merciless
nap. Mote likely il was because of ihe professional directorship of (.uignol's new head
and his ability 10 make a name I'oi the "Little
heater on Fuel id Avenue."
A local clitic lauded it highly when he said,
"The lighting effects are mancm ci id with an
adioiiiit ss iiminisient of 'Our I own." which


Another Smash Hit



e Features

Ik east was

said bv many to have been the ulna in (iuig-no- l
protliK ions."
I he plav will be held over through WednesAnd it's just a few steps from anv
day night.
building 011 the campus.

Ihe lust annual obseivance of lotiiitleis'

Economics Department
The Home Economics department
of ihe University has made rapid
pioticss, since it organization in
1&05. as is shown by its increased
enrollment compared to that of
previous years. Its popularity lies
in tin-- fact that there is a great demand