xt7jdf6k1p2k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k1p2k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1950-05-12  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 12, 1950 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 12, 1950 1950 1950-05-12 2013 true xt7jdf6k1p2k section xt7jdf6k1p2k best uopy AvanaDie

In Spring Sports
Safety First

The Kentucky Kernel

Partly Cloudy,
Scattered Showers




, 1950


Recognition Given To Top University Students
At The Sixth Annual Honors Day Convocation
Dr. Jesse Hermann Is Principal Speaker;
Student Response Given By Ellen Drake

ODK Plans

Kentuckian Will Be Ready
For Distribution May 21

Ei;!it hundred and ten University students, those having top
scholastic averages, receiving sclmlarships, and holding memlxT-shi- p
in various campus honorary groups, received special recognition at the sixth annual Honors Day Convocation held in Memorial

Distribution of the Kentuckian
will begin May 24 and continue
through May 30 in Room 55,
Mc-V- ey

Hall. The office will be open
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day.
Seniors will receive their yearbooks first. It will not be necessary for them to have a receipt.
Seniors with names beginning
with A through H may get the
Kentuckian on May 24, I through
P on May 25, and Q through Z
on May 26.
Undergraduates should bring
their receipts. All undergraduates who have subscriptions may
get the yearbooks May 29 and 30.
Students who do not have subscriptions may sign up. They will
be distributed if there are any

Hall Wednesday.
The Rev. Jesse Herrmann, pastor Cornelius Hamilton. Edgar Askren
of the Second Presbyterian Church, McDavitt, Thomas Herschel Porter,
was the principal speaker at the and Eugene Ryburn Weakley; Dairy
Honors Day program. Ellen Drake, Club Judging Prizes, James
in the College of Education, man Martin and William Marcus
delivered the response on behalf of Hopper;
honored students, and Elliott Bureau Scholarship, Donald Dean
Jones, president of YMCA, gave the Evans; Jesse H. and Mary Gibbs
invocation and benediction.
Jones Scholarships. Fred Carre!1
Vice president Leo M. Chamber- - Davis, John Wood Duncan, Donald
lain presided at the convocation Dean Evans, Ann Thomas Florence,
and Dean Maurice F. Seay pre- - Geneva Marie Gill, Jack Ervin
the honored groups and in- - gory, Nancy Jane Guilfoil, James
Robert Jones, Thelma Faye Ocker- In addition to all students with an man, Justus Elwood Pendley, Mama
academic standing of 23 or higher, Deming Perry, Dixie Imogene Pet-an- d extras.
members of campus honorary ers. Gene Dale Rawlings, Helen
Yearbooks MUST be claimed by
the following students lene Rogers, Wilma Faye Sumpter,
Jan. 1, 1951, or the claim will be
were recognized as winners of the and James Byrce Wilson,
year's major prizes and awards Mason County Farm Bureau
based on scholarship.
Scholarship, Margaret Ann Myers;
Prizes and Awards
Phi Upsilon Omicron Freshman
College of Arts and Sciences: Al- - Award. Doris Ann Annis, and Eliza -pha Chi Sigma Award, James Wal- - beth Katherine Ford; Poultry Club
ter Crary; Breckinridge Chapter of Scholarships, Virgil Blair, Shelby
the American Association of Social Thomas Brammer, Herbert Brown,
Workers Award, Sara Mae Greene; and Thomas Aubrey Carter; Senior
Charles S. Brent Memorial Prize in Scholarship Award in Animal
Bess Reynolds, home economics
History, Rose Mary Hal- - bandry, Eugene Ryburn Weakley;
ey; Kentucky
Press Association Swift and Company Essay Award. junior, was elected president of
Award, Mary Elizabeth Shinnick; Irving Crosby; and Jonas Weil Mortar Board, senior women's leadWillard Riggs Meredith Memorial Memorial Scholarship, Winford ership society, at the election held
Monday in the SUB
Award, Paul Gregory Sears.
Bailey Thomas.
Phi Beta Applied Music Scholar- - College of Engineering: The Blue
Other officers of the organization
Scholar-Sigm- a
ship, Joyce Ann Davis; Phi Eta Diamond Coal Company
are Junaita Fergus, vice president;
Award. Maurice Raymond ships,
Herbert Carlton Dugger, Virginia Cunningham, secretary;
Van Meter; Phi Mu Alpha Senior Charles Daniel Gibson, Alton Ray Margaret Wilson, treasurer; and
Award, Mary Carolyn Carver; Theta Melton, and Paul Von Standafer; Janet Anderson and Rosemary HillSigma Phi Award, Patricia Ann Bess Hayden Collings Scholarship, ing, historian-editor- s.
Patterson; Alfred Charles Zembrod Charles Herbert Cole.
Initiation ceremonies Tor tne sixScholarship. Mary Jo Bishop.
Mining Scholarships
teen women recently tapped by
College of Agriculture and Home
Consolidation Coal Company
6 a.m.
be held
Alpha Zeta Freshman lowships, Bobby Marshall Grimm, Sunday Board willBotanical atardens.
in the
Award, Lawrence Edgar DeMum- - and David Thomas
Prichard; J. The initiates are Janet Anderson,
brum; American Society of Agro- - Stanley Dawson Scholarship, Boles Virginia Cunningham, Sue Dossett,
nomy Award. Norman Lynn Taylor; Burke Jr.; The E. B. Ellis Prize,
Juanita Fergus, Marietta Georgia-doBlock and Bridle Club Scholarships, Charles Raymond Theobald:
Rose Mary Haley, Priscilla
Colson, Richard General Engineering
Barkley Forrest
Rosemary Hilling, Rachel
Haynes Evans, Gien Dale Boiling: Harlan Mining Handier, Margaret Larkin, Margery
Crafton, Donald
John Thomas Cooper. Ila Davis institute Scholarship Fund, James Johnson, Elizabeth Reynolds, Mary
Gatlin Jr., William Fairleigh Gilt- - Robert Stewart. Lawrence Gordon Jo Ridley, Dorothy Seath, Annette
ner, and James Gordon Gulley; Stewart, and Charles Ray Ulery.
Agricultural Scholarship Kentucky Association of Highway Slier, and Margaret Wilson.
Breakfast will be served for the
Award, Robert Snydor Smith,
Thomas new
Contractors Scholarship,
initiates in the Student
Dairy Club Awards
Arthur Scott; Kentucky Association Building after the ceremonies. Union
(Continued to Page
Dairy Club Scholarships,


Gre-sent- ed


Mortar Board
To Initiate 16


Trooper Show Set For May 18, 19
Will Give Picture Of 'Life At UK'

Mr. Emmet Milward, first president of Nu Circle, will also speak
at the banquet to be held at 6:30
at Capp's Coach House. Waller
Cooper is in charge of arrangements.
The banquet will follow initiatinon
services for one faculty member .and
seven students at 4:30 p.m. at the
First Presbyterian Church.
Dr. A. E. Bigge, head of the De
partment of German Language and
Literature, will be initiated into the
national leadership fraternity. Students to be initiated are Fred
Perkins, Glenn Wills, Robert Gregory, Robert Deen, Frank Maturo,
John Kuiper, and Edgar McDavitt

trampoline and other aparatus.
Paul Young and Doug Osborne
will be the Masters of Ceremonies,
and comic relief will be provided by
several clowns. In addition to the
other dancers, Bernard Johnson and
old daughter will perhis five-yeform an adagio dance.
The script was written by Bill
Robinson, and music will be provided by Bill Jones and his orchestra. All sets, costumes, and chore-

Dr. Clyde Kluckhorn, eminent anthropologist,
will speak at the
twenty-fift- h
annual Phi Beta Kappa
to be held in the Bluegrass
room of the SUB at 5 p.m. May 13.
Dr. Kluckhohn will speak on "Anthropology and the World Today."
He Is head of the department of
Social Relations, and Director of the
Russian Research Center at Harvard.
Phi Beta Kappa initiates of both
January and May will be honored
guests. Undergraduate students with
exceptionally high standings will
also be honored at the dinner. These
include Janet Anderson. John B allantoic, Jim Cherry, Rosemary Haley,
Dot Harrod, Elenor Sturm, and
Mary Kathryn Swetnam.
Initiation of the twenty new members will take place in room 205 of
the SUB at 5 p.m., proceeding the
banquet. Dr. Charles E. Snow, head
of the Department of Anthropology
at UK, will preside at the banquet.

Seniors who have Margaret I.
King Library books out or who
owe the Library money will not
be able to graduate until settlement is made. Dr. Lawrence S.
Thompson, Director of University
Libraries, has announced.
Other students who have books
out or who owe the Library money will not receive a report of
their grades and will not be allowed to
the University,
he said.

SGA voted Monday to give ODK,
senior men's honorary, $500 to help
erect floodlights on the intramural
field. The assembly also approved
a bill which provides fox the rating
of professors who are teaching upper
division courses.
The five hundred dollars given to
ODK to supplement their present
fund is to be obtained from the SGA
reserve fund with permission from

the administration.
A plan to rate professors which inrating sheet to be
cludes a
filled out by the students, was submitted to the assembly by Preben

Approximately 600 language schol- - er, St. Louis University; Dr. Adolph
J. Dickman, University of Wyom-th- e
ing; Dr. Carl F. Schreiber, Yale
University; and Dr. H. Carrington
Lancaster, Johns Hopkins Univer-Skile::. conference director, an- - sity.
Meetings are being held in French,
An address last night by Dr. Ir- German, Greek and Latin, Spanish,
win T. Sanders, head of the Depart- Slavonic, Biblical and patristic lanment of Sociology and "Distin- guages.
guished Professor of the Year,"
All papers and lectures scheduled
opened the conference.
His subsessions
the three-daject was "A Study of Social Change: during directly y indirectly to are
The Peasant in Eastern Europe."
conference theme, "Ways to InterParticipating actively in the pronational Understanding."
gram either through lectures
presentation of papers are nearly Assisting Dr. Skiles with the con- 100 educators from 23 states, Can- - Terence program are Dr. Oaniel V.
Hegeman, professor of German, and
ada, and England.
Featured speakers of the Confer- - Dr. T. C. Walker, associate prolcs- ence are Dr. William C. Korimach- - sor ol romance languages.

ars and teachers from throughout
nation are attending the third
annual Foreign Language Confer- ence on campus this week. Dr. Jonah



Haagensen, Engineering representative. The professor will be rated by
two of his classes and the results
will remain confidential with the
rating committee, the dean of the
professor's college, and the professor.
"The ten points on which they are
to be graded are simple, yet inclusive," Haagensen said. "This plan
has proved successful in the College
of Engineering and has been received favorably by both students
and faculty," he added.
The bill is on a one-yetrial
basis. If successful, it may be extended in 1951 to professors teaching
lower division courses.
"The purpose of the plan Is to
help the students and teachers
alike," Haagensen said. "The student
would be helped by a more uniform
system of grading and testing and
by more Informative and interesting
lectures. The professor may gain in
the knowledge of what his students
feel are his faults as a teacher and
may be able to organize his teaching

Students must sign op for the


language proficiency examinations bv May 20 in Room 128
of McVey Hall.
The exams will be given according to the following schedule:
French, May 22. 4 p.m.
Spanish, May 23, 4 p.m.
German and Italian, May 24, 4
Latin, May 23. 3 p.m.

Students To Be
Initiated By Lances







ESr- -















Music Seniors


Plan Recitals








soi-ori- ty,





The second graduating student re- -j
cital, set for 8 p.m. in Memorial
Hall, will feature Barbara Shafer.
soprano, and Joseph Denny bari
tone. Accompanists will be Ann
Huddleston and Jo Ann Rhodes.
Miss Shafer is a member of the
Women's Glee Club. Phi Beta fraternity. Delta Delta Delta social so-rority, and the YWCA. She is a
student of Miss Helen Houden.
Denny is past president of Phi
Mu Alpha Sinfonia. member of the
University Madrigals. Men's Glee
Club, and Choristers. He is a student of Aimo Kiviniemi.



Radio Branch
To Make Tour
Prof. H. W. Fa rr is, faculty advisor,
and 12 members of the student
branch of the Institute of Radio
Engineers left today on their second
annual field trip.
The group will visit the American
Telephone and Telegraph Company
at Cincinnati. From there they will



go to LouLsville

where they will attend the IRE section meeting. O. W.
Towner, technical director of station WHAS. will speak to the section meeting on "Small Station Television Facilities."

'Vague Literarv Magazine
To (Jo On Sale Next Week

Movie, 'The Cheaters'
To Be Shown Tonight
"The Cheaters," starring Joseph Schildkraut and Billie Burke,

will be shown in Memorial Hall
tonight at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Admission is 30 cents.




ff ft if i




;c-- x;4





Schedule Is
Listed For


men's leadership society, according
to Dr. William S. Ward, professor
of English, faculty advisor for the
The initiates are Dick Dicken.
Bruce Cotton. George Fisher. Jack
Ballentine. Carl Turner, Bosworth
Todd, John Brabant, Roy Gihls,
John Pedigo, Joe Lee, Jim Inman,
Don Moffitt Rnv Mvers. and Irvine




Fourteen students will be Initiated
at 5:30 tonight by Lances, junior





Schedule Is Announced
For Proficiency Exams

ten-poi- nt


Many Educators Attending
UK Language Conference

methods with these points In mind."
SGA also voted down a propDsal
which would have students seated
according to their classification at
next year's football games. Some
members argued that such a plan
is not necessary since enrollment
next year wil not be as high as in
former years.

By Kathrya Whitmrr
The May Day Queen will be
crowned tomorrow by President H.

f. Dnnnvnn fnllnwinflr m nararie ti
stoU Fie,d The parade will start
at 1:30 pm. m front ot
juration Building
dance from 10 pjn.
Bluegrass Room of
to , ,m m
tne Student Union Building will
climax the May Day celebration
sponsored bv SuKy. Tickets for the
dance are $1.25 and are being said
at the ticket booth of the SUB.
The parade will move down South
Limestone Street to Maxwell, then
west on Maxwell to Broadway. Go
ing north on Broadway to Maui
Street, the parade will then go east
on Main to Rose Street and then to
StoU Field.
SuKy To Lead Parade
Members of SuKy will lead the
parade and the Queen and her attendants will be riding on the SuKy
float The University Band anrt
neighboring high school bands will
take part in the parade along with
the floats of the sororities, frater- The final examination schedule, mues. wra one resmence iau.
vueea will uc
hennmmr Tuesdav Mav .in and ex- tending thrnnrh Katnrriav June 3 presented by Gene Stevens, past
president of SuKy. A program will
has been announced bv Lee SDrowles.
for the Queen and ner
No exams will be given from 9:45 court DV Tau Sigma and UK
A May Pole Dance will
a m. to 11:50 a.m. on the first dav Troupers.
of exams in order that all students be given by the fourth grade stu
may attend the baccalaureate ser- dents from the University Training
vices and dedication of Memorial School and the fifth and sixth grade
students will present an Indian
Examinations for all evening Dance.
New Members Announced
masses win De given at me regular
New officers of SuKy will be pre- -;
c.1858 period during the examination
sented at the May Day Dance. The
oavs- ts
The schedule which applies to all winners of the floats and the
who will become members of
colleges with the exception of the
SuKy will be announced by Frank
College of Law, is as follows:
Tuesday: classes which meet first Maturo. the new president of SuKy.
cn Tuesday or Thursday at 5 p.m.. The new members will receive keys.
The Queen and her attendants
a.m.; baccalaureate and
reign over the dance. Finalists
abdication of Memorial Coliseum, will
a.m.: classes which meet in the contest are Doll Price.
Barbara Powell. Patterson
first on Tuesday or Thursday at 8 Delta: Nancy Camp, Delta Delta
p.m.; clases which meet Hall:
first on Monday or Wednesday at j Delta: Doris Walker. Kappa Aalpha
Carolyn Critchlow.
8 a.m.,
Theta; Jane Bamett. Alpha Gamma
Wednesday: classes "which meet Delta: Mary Jo Ridley. Alpha Delta
first on Tuesday or Thursday at 4 Pi: Janice Stille. Alpha XI Delta:
a m ; classes which and Doris Eith, Kappa Kappa
meet first on Monday or Wednesday Gamma.
a.m.; classes
at 9 a.m., .
which meet first on Tuesday or
Thursday at 9 a.m..
classes which meet first on Monday
or Wednesday at 4 p.m.,
Thursday: classes which meet first
on Tuesday or Thursday at 3 p m.
a.m.; classes which meet) Two recitals featuring graduating
first on Monday or Wednesday at music students have been scheduled
a.m.; classes for May 15 and 17 by the Dcpart-whic- h
10 a.m..
meet first on Tuesday or ment of Music.
Thursday at 10 a.m..
Featured on the first program are
classes which meet first on Monday Martha Fave Kittinger. pianist, and
or Wednesday at 3
Ann Range Walden mezzo-- p
soprano. The recital will be given at
Friday: classes which meet first ' g pm. tn the Laboratory Theater of
on Tuesday or Thursday at 2 p.m., the Fine Arts Building.' Annette
a m.; classes which meet siler will be the accompanist,
first on Monday or Wednesday at
Miss Kittinger is a member of
a.m.; classes the Women's Glee Club. Phi Beta
11 a.m..
which meet first on Tuesday or fraternity. Concert Band. Mixed
p.m.; Chorus. Alpha Delta Pi social
Thursday at 11 a.m.,
I Continued
to Page 4
240 committee, YWCA. and
was staff pianist at radio station
WBKY for three years and organist
at the Hunter Presbyterian Church
of Lexington. She is a pupil of Ford
Miss Walden is a member of the
Women's Glee Club, University
Choristers, Mixed Chorus. Phi Beta
fraternity, and has worked with the
First Baptist Church of Winchester.
She studied under Miss Helen Hou-de- n.


For Intramural Floodlights


ography were made by members of
Troupers, with the aid of Bernard
and Frankie Johnson.
Performers in the show Include
Jim Anders. Betty Andes, Betty
Birdsall, Bill Birdsall, Al Bruno,
Billie Bryant, Carol Carter, Earl
Caudill Bob Chipley, Jerry Claiborne
George Creedle, Jim Duffy, George
Francis. Kenneth Franks, Jim
John Jeter, Bernard Johnson,
Candy Johnson, Bruce Kunkel, Alan
Marsh, Tom McKinney,
Meier, and Fred Neuville.
Carl Newey, Doug Osborne, Judy
Babe Parilli, Charlotte
Peters, Janet powcil, Sally Ramsey,
Ileanea Rigau, Ana Rios, Bill Rob
inson, Lucian Rouse, Martha Shin
delbower. Mary Shinnick, Charles
Smith, Lorenz Smith, Bill Spivey,
Harry Stille, Ruth Stilz, Mildred
Vance, Betty Jo Vaughn, Dick Wohl-steiand Paul Young.
Tickets for the show may be pur
from snackleton s, any
Trouper member, or at the door.
Prices are 60 cents for adults, and
30 cents for children under 12.


SGA Votes $500 To ODK

Phi Beta Kappa's
To Hear Kluckhohn


New Acts Added
The singers, dancers, magicians,
clowns and tumblers in Troupers
will all perform, with completely
new acts. The tumblers have added
new stunts to their part of the program, which will include acts on the



NEWLY ELECTED BAND SPONSOR Harriet Russell gets into
the "swing" of things In preparation for her new job next fall by
listening to some records at the Kappa Alpha Theta house. She'll
hear plenty of music next year as she heads the band wherever it goes.
Harriet succeeds Helen Heltsley, Delta Delta Delta, last year's sponsor.


The UK Troupers, the University's
talent organization, will present its
annual spring show on Thursday
and Friday. May 18 and 19, at 7:30
p.m. in Alumni Gym.
The show will present a picture of
"Life at UK," and will be composed
of 22 acts. About 50 students will
perform under the direction of Bernard Johnson of the Physical Education Department.
New and different acts have been
added to this year's show, including
a tap dancer, a knife thrower, a
soft shoe dance team, and a ballad

Harriet Russell, Education sophomore, has been chosen as sponsor
for the Best Band in Dixie.
Miss Russell, a member of Kappa
Alpna meta social sorority, was
chosen by a popular vote of the 96
male members of the band. She is
a member of WAA. treasurer of the
and rush
chairman of Kappa Alpha Theta.
The band members will devote
their performance at the L.S.U.
game, Sept. 23, to honoring Miss
Helen Heitsley. Delta Delta Delta.
is the retiring sponsor.


20 To Get
Elite Title

May Day Schedule
Also Includes Dance

Band Elects Sponsor

Nu Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa,
senior men's leadership honorary,
will celebrate its silver anniversary
Sunday. Dr. Frank L. McVey, president emeritus of the University,
will be one of the prinicpal speakers
at an anniversary banquet Sunday

Books Must Be Returned

Talent To Perform
In 22 New Acts

Bill Birdsall and his wife, Betty, will perform a magician's act at
tlie Troupers show. The pair promise to put on a very fine show to
highlight the evening.

Donovan Will
Crown Queen

Vague magazine, annual literary
publication of Chi Delta Phi.
literary honorary society, will be
n sale on Monday. Tuesday, and
Wednesday from 9 a.m. 4 n.m. In
the Post Office, the SI B, the Fine
Art Building, and In front of
White HalL

sm irlv. are (srainl. left to rUlit) Dirk Dii Lrn, I'.roce Collon, Georcr Fisher, Jjt k
NEW IITITES of Lances junior men's lradt-r-liir. illaiilnie, anil Curl Tin ner. Standing are r.tisuorlli i oilil, John rirahanl, I: in .ihl :, Jnlin IVilif ". ami Joe Lee. James liuii.ui, Don Aioliiit.
Uay Myers, and Irvine Scrivner were not present when Hie picture was t.ikeu.

� 'Friday. May




Pape 2

Job Opportunities Worry
Prospective June Graduates


Among hundreds of releases and news items received by the
Kernel during the last few weeks have lieen several pertaining to
decreased job opportunities for June graduates. We have printed
some of them, showing the approximate demand in various fields.
To date, however, we've made no suggestions as to how the shortage can he overcome.
Tle Dailv Reveille" of LSU seems to have done some research
on the subject, and recently came up with the cartoon on this
page and the following editorial:
"Graduating seniors of this year's vintage are going through
some spectacular extremes to sell their wares as potential "employees, a recent newspaper article tells us.
"One student advertised his abilities on a billl)oard near East
Lansing. Mich. Another dreamed up a miniature newspaper, its
headlines screaming that 'Ed English hits lalwr market,' with
Still another student is
which to flood prospective employers.
sending out brochures attached to real dollar bills, earning out
the theme that it would Ik? profitable to hire the applicant, who
would bring dollars to the company.
"Perhaps the most rash of all tliese promises was that of a
California student who wrote prospective employers that he was
"ready to leave the city, state, country or planet for a whack at
regular employment.
"From all reports, though, it's going to take tactics such as
these and a lot more to crash the lalxr market this year.
"CIO President Philip Murray recently said that the country
is only '316,(K)0 unemployed away from the danger mark of 5,000,-000- ,'
which doesn't exactly paint a bright picture for the millions
w hom colleges will shortly let loose to flood the market even more.
"Furthermore, according to the secretary of labor, the number'
of potential workers, which includes this year's graduating class,
is exceeding by .300.000 to 400,000 each year the number of job

It has already received the Puli'zer
Guthrie. Jr.
Way West." by A. B. Guth- Prize fur being the best novel of
rie. Jr., is a novel that is sure to live 1949. and it was the
i;th Club selection for October,
in the annals of American literature.
By A. B.



"this is the story of the roush and
but also for the harrassed faculty ruisied Oregon Trail and the hun
of the University.
dred-od- d
roueh and rueged individ- wny cans me grass arounu
uals ,no rendezvoued at Indepen-campbe cut late In the afternoon dencf, Missouri witn the intent of
when most of the classes are out? As
thp trail and establish- llUllS bl&IlU HOW, Hi. "J r, iun- - ine their homes in Oregon for tin ir
very much


mowers, which sound
like a combination motor boat and
greatly disturb many morning
classes as they putt, putt, putt, putt
by the open windows.
We students are here for an education and nothing should enter
unto our path which might cause us
to miss even a sentence of a lecture.
It seems that mast of the putting
is done in the morning. Do these operators of the machines pick out
where most students are congregated and open the throttle wide?
decree should be
A University
made immediately which will proany lawn cutting before 3 p.m..
or better still 4 p.m. Now that daylight saving time is here, these grass
barbers could work between 3 and 7.
This would bene! it them, for the
temperature would be lower and the
weather nice and cool.
Anyhow, let's hope that something will be done about this.
Mary B. Bowers


"To relieve the congested situation around the entrance to
good jobs, some suggestions have been made which apply to the
college student. These include simply keeping male college stu- dents wliere they are, putting them in the army for two years,
and reviving the CCC camps.
"The first of these, of course, would indeed delight the nation's
colleges, most of which are just now recovering from the weight
of tle war's influx of students. The second would please the stu-- ,
dent who has been working toward an independent life of his own,
Sam's army for a couple
. only to find himself chucked into Uncle
- of years. The third, of course, would be a pleasure to the national budget, already out of whack thanks to the man in the
White House who doesn't seem to know red ink from black.
"Any way the college student looks at it, his is not going to be
a happy lot coijie June. But even at that he will probably have
who don't have a college educa-- ,
tlie edge over fellow





tion behind them."
Some of the methods which have already been tried are quite
ingenious, and the suggested methods may have some value. Most
of us would rather take our cliances in the cold, cruel world
for four or more years already, contrary
(where many have
to commencement speakers' beliefs ) when the day comes to doff
. cap and gown.
All is not lost, however, so long as prospective graduates re-- .
tain tlieir senses of humor, such as at Long Island University,
w here the attention of June graduates was brought to the fol- lowing poein:







T the writer mt the meat Interesting
letter to the editor appearing each
In The Kernel will he awarded a carton
if Chesterrield eirarettes.
The winner will he selected bj the
f The Kernel, namely
editorial staff
George Reynolds, Bob Cex. Nell Blair
and Tom liiskin.
The roles are that the letter mat be
signed. If the writer desires his name


CARTOON (See editorial)


if approved, would be of great benefit to a large segment of the
student Ixxly.
Tle other decision made at the meeting, to provide for student
ratings for professors, could be of great help in improving relations ljetween the two groups, and in improving classroom learnToo Much Noise
ing. All too many instructors deliver dry, uninformative lectures
Editor, the Kernel:
without ever knowing they are not suitable to the members of
Now that warm weather Is here, I
their classes. We believe the professors will welcome the innova would like to make one request not
tion as much as will the students.
only for the benefit of the students
Finallv, concerning SGA discussions about "advertising" the
In the
organization, we'd like to make a couple of suggestions.
first place, the Kernel will not act as a sort of Congressional Record
and print all that happens at SGA meetings. We do not have
space to devote to the less important of them. Our readers would
not be interested, either. And a political column would be of
little interest or worth except during campaigns. After that, there
is little public politicking.
If there were, the Kernel could not
fair,y Print Jt because of the constant danger of becoming biased,
or seemingly so, in reporting party goings-on- .
The Kernel is very much interested in anything done by SGA
which has a direct and important effect on the UK student. It
will print all it believes of importance. It is SGA's responsibility
to continue to do important work otherwise the Kernel and the
majority of students will ignore any advertising concerning it.

young theologian named Fiddle
Refused to accept his degree;
"For," said he, "It's enough to be Fiddle,
Without being Fiddle, D.D.

Two Important Bills

' V"




f'iAndStudent Advertising Drive
passed two

Government Association
; .this week which should be of lenefit to the student body. Cer- ' tainly, approval of funds to help with the lighting of the intra-'- .
mural field will gain support from campus athletes and spectators
Z Omicron Delta Kappa, working with the Intramural Depart-- '
ment, has been considering the lighting project all this year. It is,
liowever, too expensive for one organization to sponsor. Even
with funds from other sources, the amount which could be raised
was not sufficient to pay for the project if, as is desirable, wires
for the lights were buried underground. The SGA appropriation,


to the Editor

Serving 3 Times

Daily, 7 a.m.



"Your Neighborhood Jeweler"
504 Euclid Ave., Near Woodland

the constant dread of Indians and
what woiud happen to the travelers
if tne reel ir.au s ire was aroused.
The trail was filled with hard-hi.- is
for all and especially for those
vho were saddened by loss of their
loved ones.
Guthrie seems to have done a
tremendous amount of research in
preparation for this novel, for his
account are very authentic and realistic.
His description of such men a3
Li'-iE'. ans and his family, who were
the leaflers of the outfit. Fairman.
Pr.tch. McBee. and Summers, the
srrzzled old scout, are vivid. Each
of them had a different personality,
but each contributed in his own peculiar wav to make the train a success. Guthrie pulls no punches in
his descriptions of thern. for he
knows, and hastens to impress the
point upon his readers, that it took
ail types of men and families to
make the trip and to mold the pioneer states into the United States.
"The Way West" is an excellent
book and every native Kentuckian,
especially we here at the University should be proud of A. B. Guth- -'
ne for his rapid ascent into the
higher echelons of the literary

The Kentucky Kernel
AH signed articles and columns are to be
tonxidrrcd the opinions of the writers Kentucky Intevce.teu'iut Press
.hemebrs, and do wt necessartlw reflect
Lexington Bird o4 Comment
he opinion of The Kernel.
Kentucky Pre Association
National Editorial Association


Zntered at the Post Office at
Kentucky, as eoond clasi matter un'I'T
the Act of Marxh 3. 1879.


Managing Editor
News Editor
Sports Editor
Tom Diskin
Harold Fleenor.. Business Manager
..Society Editor
Betty Boegess....
Asst. Society Editor
Clara Early
Hnlton Mastin. Head Feature Writer
Bob Cox
Nell Blair

t ,t





in per semeitee

Editor Herbert Allen Moore, Gene Phillips
Eob Fain, Katheryn Whitmer.

Oeoree Reynolds


And Fully Guaranteed

t hesterfleld eiirette

tnlamn before the
can be awarded.




Dick Macke, Joe Lee, Janet Anderson
Copy Desk
Joan Cook, Bruce Dunlap
Advertising Staff
Rosemary Hilling and Bill Mansfield
Assistant News Editors
Earl Corfh, Kent Hollingsworth, Bob
Asst. Sports Editors

News E5
Ben Williams.
Circulation Mgr.
Dorothy Allen.
Irwin Higgs.
Simpson Tomkies. Bob Fain,
Shirley Porter, W. J. Boughey,
Linda Patteson. Frances West,
Joe Coyle, Julie BtumenthaL Lewis
Donohew. Jant Anderson, Kath-erv- n
Whitmer, Jacqualine Day.
Wes Bird, Jack Suttles, Shirley
Leathers, and Betty compton, J. T.
Vaughn, and Don Rogers


