xt7jdf6k1b5t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k1b5t/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 2007 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumni, vol. 78, no. 4, Winter 2007 text images Kentucky Alumni, vol. 78, no. 4, Winter 2007 2007 2007 2012 true xt7jdf6k1b5t section xt7jdf6k1b5t . WINTER 2 0 0
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 Q I I | • Winter 2007 • Volume 78 • Number 4
Limestone Crossing:
F t 1 6 Living In A Life Fulfilling Community
ea u   j _ _ _ Limestone Crossing, an independent, not—for—profit community
ON THE COVER Leah Bmwn QOLAPVMWM S Wentjc for adults 62 years and older, will have a resort-style atmosphere
WM Mfr] W CWM dm! me mm a focus im lifelong learning, optimum mmm and personal
Phwm © 2007 Chef}/[ Ggmchdllphgmgmphy growth, 1t°s sponsored by UK and being built by Praxeis in
central Kentuclqr for True Blue fans, By Liz Demoran
1 2 Leah Brown: Managing Clinical Trials
1990 UK College of Law alumna owns a high-tech K B00k_ Old Tradition
V OL1iZSOL1IClHgCOH1P€1Hy, AKCH SOll1`[lOHS, `lfhélt Sl1PPllCS CXPCII 1 9          
staff members to clients conducting clinical trials and Eight Campus leaders hglvc revived a Campus
V g”‘;lVcj1“P“‘€ FDA approval Pmccsx favorite and wrote, edited and designed the  
y ln a any recently released “K Book,” a guide to life at "
_\ UK and the “go—to” resource for incoming
‘ students, By Katy Bennett
20 Profiles In Blue: Derek Keeling
  He became a household name when he
    appeared on "Greuse: Hare The One Fmt]     J,
mj    __  iv V%mL” an NBC reality show Now Derek  ‘
A 1,;*     _   Keeling’03 EA is headed for Broadway in a E '
 i.       W _  Q  production of Z4 Ihle gf T 200 Cities." `\ .
¤   · · v,
fg qi     2 2 College of Education Grads Excel
§ .  A J,    pi_\ c   _,.._, . »._».   A Helping students is always high priority but along the way,
gx      ,1,, 4  Qt? ll it two UK College of Education alumnae received accolades for
E _’  A     '{ their efforts, Rachel Hammond ’99 ,01 ED was named
§ ,,,/* ‘`1  i   A       · Kentucky School Psychologist of the Year and Tracy Lambert
r · A T        _1   1 AT; ’97 AS, °00 ED earned Kentuclqr High School Teacher of the
l  1°`l N y    J ,§;j€* ll Year honors, By Candace Chaney
  ~ J   A  A m1‘‘  
,            UK Alumni Association Annual Report
 i i   i i    ?       The UK Alumni Association recounts a year of increased
A  L ;  if E pc       membership, more scholarships awarded and new programs,
      1      _.;§Z       A  ii including its first annual 1nternational Students Thanksgiving
    v`     A A     _   Dinner, providing a “taste” of this traditional American
T`?   _             holiday for over 200 students,
  .— ,   ¤          t 1 " i ‘·!r·‘i‘: — ..., , 
  M ¥—          P `»l— A Yi l ` ,....   ·——— Q  , .  c
    1      i1   i ia   A Departments <<
  c     i _ .   m ,p  J, 3 Opening Remarks
, ll    W    `*,_ial   V 1   5 Presidential Conversation
mi  ip   L_ li;   i,   7 UK Beat
*.      » ` * _: f   A y 8 Research
  ````  E "  ’ - P   lv,  / 9 Capital Campaign
 ip — - T V   ipv  c  . 31 Open Door
_,,,,.  .      ~ C “ www.uka|umni.net °l ((

 Association Staff
Publisher: seen Key 172
Associate Director/Editor: Liz Demoran 168, ,76
Managing Editor: Linda Perry 184
_ _ ® _ Advertising: Kelli 81een
A1 um H1 Ass O C1 2l‘C1O H SerrrErarbreEerrrer11eEE·1rrEEeE
UNIVERSITY OE KENTUCKY BrendeBein;R eesi isneeeniyes, eiiesi
Boa rd of Directors Gretchen Bower 108; Program Coordinator
JEIY L 2007 _ J““e 30 2008 Linda Bniiniaieid; Account cieiie III
paula Lca5;°I§f}f¥;$73 ,75 ED Candace Chaney: StaH`Supp0rt Associate 1
pmidemdm Nancy ciiip; StaH`Supp0rt Associate II
Wiuiein Schuctze 172 LAW Leslie Hayes: StaH`Supp0rt Associate II
Treasurer John 116eg1end 189; Associate Director
Srett E Barra 73 EE jill neiieyey 169; Associate Dneeeee
Secretary . 9 9 . . 1
seem KAy17213D Diana Horn 70, 71:Pr1nc1pa Accountant
18nse1ee c. Asbeu 187 188 Ange1eW1ie1en McKenzie 177 ED Albert Kabrrr ’03= Webrrraeter
George L. Atkins 1n 168 188 1»eggy Meseenss 172 AG Rsmdsu Mpsgsns IS Tssh Sppppsp
Denny G. Bailey *68 *71 AG Rieherd T Migliere *94 BE _ s _ _
M Bssss gz AG Rohm E Mina $8,60 Melissa Newman 02; Associate Director
Brdaard A- Bearr- ’69 BE Sherry Meade BI BE Megan Peweu 106 ; Program Coordinator
Menis 18eebe 1i. 148 188 Terry Mebiey 169 AS _ _
Perriek 181end£eid 199 101 EN Char1csM. Moore Jr 199 188 Darlerae Sr¤r1>ae¤¤ Serarer Data Bratry Operater
c. Duane Bonifcr 191 c1s DeyidW Meseiey 176 188 Alysss Thpsmsms Sssggppppss Asspsssss H
1enies 18. Bryant 167 188 Wiuieni 18. Munro 191 c1s _
Michael 18iii1esen 174 1»11A Susan Van 18iiien Mustian 184 188 Eraraeee Wbrte¤ Data Bratry Operater
8ninieee ~18iiee11 18iineeni 174 ED ]ohn c. 1s1idie1s11198 188
Susan 18iis1ien Cardwc]1 168 AS 1enies D. ~Denny11 Norvc]1 168 PHA
Shane 8 Carlin 199 AG ceeige A. Ochs IV 74 DE ~ ~
Andieyyceei1100 AS John c. Owens *90 BE U¤·ver$·tv °f KEIIIUCKY
Katy L. c1ii1es 198 AS Tenye 18. Parsons 191 AS ~ ~
Mi<;hac1A. Christian 176 As, 180 DE Sandy 18iigie peeeeisen 168 AS AI u mm Magazme
John 11. cienienes 167 188 18i11 peidiie 169 8191, 168 188 V01.78 N6.4
John W Collins 167 As, 71 MED 18ee1i Morton Pcrlo 167 188 Kemrky Azesmm (ISSN 7326297) is piibiisned quarterly by
Kevin Lcc Collins 184 AS 18ebeie 8 Pickard 197 161 8191 dee University 6£Kennie1ey Aiiiinni Association, Lexington.
18idieid 8. Cooper 189 188 Joclyn 11eenden Prather 78 ED Kentucky for its diiesepeying members.
WiHiam M. Corum 164 188 Randy Prerr 192 cs . . . . .
r>a¤—e»r*raerr Derrdrmvaaar ©£ESl‘§§iZ§‘¥£§,€‘§§’Zi“;‘§Zf?§?‘;Y,1§E§2ii°53t}&€,“sZi2€E‘
Mark Coyle ce. David Ravcncraft 199 188 . · . . . . J
H e i, i . , Alumm do not necessarily represent rhe opinions 0f1rs edimrs,
eniy 8. cene cieyens 58 AG DeyidW 18ens1ieyy 80 188 ph UK A1 . A . G ph U . .t pK m ky
John 18. Crockett 149 AS Harold 18iee *96 EN ° ““‘“‘ ”°C‘“ °“ “°‘ ° “"’°“‘ Y 0 °“ C ·
18niee K Davis 171 LAW 18. Midiee118ideeees 171 188
1enies Denny ’76 188 Candace L. sdieis 196 104 ED
Elaine Duncan 174 EN David L. siieieen 166 188
M .e,..e   1 sie..   E¤rg;T¤sEs;ar*1 Us
Ted 8iden ’8Z EN Marian Moore Sims ’72 ’76 ED g”’”“} “’”?"_
Franklin 11. 8enis1n 172 188 1. Tim sieinnei 180 DES UK Airrrrrrar Aaaeeratrera
Pau1E. renwide 192 AG Sharon seeyens snie11 176 190 PHA King Alumni House
Ellen Fcrguson`69-`71 Mary Leyi Smith *64 *80 ED Lexington, KY 4050670119
Wiuieni ce. Freneis 168 As, 178 LAW ceeige 18. spiegens 198 188 Tslsphsmss 859.257.71% 1_gOO.26e,.ALUM
W 8. Friedrich 171 EN Elizabeth 11. spiingeee 174 ED p 859 323 1063
Linde Lyon 8eye 160 AS 1enies A. Sticc 189 EN _ “‘· r r _
Den ceipsen 169 EN 1enies W Stuckcrt 160 EN, 161 188 B·¤rarI¤ Idem9ra@e¤rarI-rdeyedrr
Cammic Desiiieids Grenr 179 ED Julia K. Tackctt 168 As, 71 LAW
Teds. Gum *69 DES 11en1e11eenipsen*71 c1s Change of Addl‘€SS Ohly
]ohn 18. Guthrie 168 c1s Myra Leigii Tobin 162 AG Rssssds
Ann 18iend 11eney 171 ED 1. Tiieniesriideei 196 188 . . .
Bobby 11. Hardin II 191 Lcc Wi11ieni I Uede 162 188 UK_A1“'A1‘“" A?“’°‘““°“
Lynn 11ene1sen 178 PHA 1enies 8. vege 198 188 Krrag rrrrrrar Herree
Kristina Pidereu Harvcy`O1 c1s 18edey Neieeiyis Wauccr 174 8191 Lennngecn. KY 40 50601 19
Kc]1ySu]1ivzm Holland 198 As, 199 cs cieig M. Weueee 179 8191 Teiepnene; 899e297e8800, Fee; 859-323-1063
J- Chris II¤1>g¤¤d B4 BE- B7 LAW David I- \’%IIer 74 AS E-rnei1; i11ee1irrn@ir1eyedi1 Web; wWWi1ke1irrnni.ner
Krr·rberI1E· Ear·re‘% EEE Earr ErraIer"”eEa‘% BE 861 duplicate mailings please send berh mailing
Ann Neisen 11iiise 180 188 18eb Whitdccr 198 c1s 1 b 1 $1 dd b
18ideerd L. “Dide*111inse*98-*96 W c1e1end \Whitc *98 *60 AG “ ° S E0 ° “ rear “ °"°·
Shc].iaM. Key 191 PHA Christopher L. Whitmcr 174.178
81iy11isW Leigii 176 c1s, *98 sW 11eney 18. \Wi].hoir]r. 160 LAW
%;jr>;r;IE$;;i?;BEI;E Ed §a;;·‘r1e_I;rd“If;E{;r;)r·rj_fC{{{;S AG Menibei ofthe ceiindi 1eeAdyeneeniene end siippeie e18diieeeien
1enies D. ~Den11Mecein 181 188
)) 2 Winter 2007

 2 Opening Remarks
In this issue of your magazine is a story I have wanted to see for some time, a story about clinical trials. Alumna Leah
Brown started a company to provide the people power needed to conduct clinical research. Clinical trials are an essen-
tial part of American health care and your university conducts meaningful work in this arena. My mother recently par-
ticipated in a clinical trial regarding treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. The results were disappointing in the fact that
the controlled test did not show a signihcant difference in arresting the progress of this debilitating disease. However,
it was a success because it provided information and guidance for the next step in the scientihc method and because it
protected those who need a cure from false hope and needless expense.
Another signihcant clinical trial at UK is about transvaginal ultrasonography screening to detect ovarian cancer in
women over 50 or at risk for ovarian cancer. Early detection of this nearly asymptomatic cancer has proven key in its
treatment. Two of the biggest supporters of the program have been the Kentucky Extension I·Iomemakers Association
and a dear friend to many at the UK Alumni Association, Nadine Spragens, who championed this cause and took
every opportunity to spread the word and encourage women to sign up. In her honor and memory, I include these
phone numbers for women and the people that love them to make a screening appointment, 1-800-766-8279 or 859-
323-4687. The clinical trial was set up in 1987 by Dr. john van Nagell, named one of America’s best doctors in 2007.
Also I urge you to read the UK Alumni Association Annual Report. Managing editor Linda Perry limited the staff to
90 words per topic so you know you are seeing the most succinct review of this year that we have been working for you
and the university. Obviously much has been left out, but the bottom line for us is that you enjoyed, learned from,
cheered for, took pride in UK’s advancements, and made valuable peer connections with other alumni through the
benehts and services ofthe association.
The staff thanks you for your membership, your participation, your generosity of thought, time, and resources.
As the legislature convenes, you may be interested in participating in and/ or staying informed about what is taking
place through UKAN, the UK Advocacy Network, as it informs legislators about the impact and signihcance of UK’s
Top 20 Business Plan to all of Kentucky. UK’s legislative priorities can be found on the UK Web site at
A hnal note about branding: Last issue I shared with you some of the programming changes implemented as a result
of the association’s research done in the summer of 2007. I·Iere is a look at the updated UK Alumni Association logo.
Three results guided the development of the logos:
• To alumni, Kentucky blue is PMS 286; no other blue need apply to take the
place of Kentucky blue in UK Alumni Association President Richard C. Stoll’s
necktie in 1911.
• The Memorial I-Iall Interlocking UK was preferred almost unanimously,
_ O _ ® _ citing its use ofthe familiar, iconic campus building and its unifying symbolism
AlUIHH1 ASSOCIRYIOH from student recruiting materials to its use for years by the association and
  OF   [hg univgysity
• The UK Alumni Association needs to distinguish itself what it does and
for whom.
www.uka|umni.net 3 ((

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 2 Presidential Conversation
This is always the time of year when we count our blessings and thank those who
make our lives more enjoyable and fulhlling. The same is true for the University of
P, Kentucky. We are certainly thankful to our alumni members across the globe that
if a help support and proudly represent their alma mater each and every day.
  It is also a time when we start focusing on the upcoming calendar year. And as we
I ¥T:{ _ enter the new year, our sights are squarely focused on the 2008 legislative session.
if i_   * The university’s top priority next year is the same as it was during the last legisla-
»   tive session. We will ask the Governor and General Assembly to continue funding
g S. our Top 20 Business Plan. Such an investment will allow us to continue to improve
the educational experience here at UK. It will help us to continue to add to our
‘ world-class faculty and lower class sizes. It also will help us improve our retention
  and graduation rates, making sure the students who choose to come to UK will be
’ able to walk out of here in four years with a degree in hand.
" L) r We will go to the legislature this coming session and ask for additional classroom
Y .; . far space through the construction of a new Gatton College of Business and Econom-
i ics. This building represents a double shot of energy to campus. First, it will help us
produce more business leaders and entrepreneurs — people who will help us create new economic opportunities across
the Commonwealth. At the very same time, the new building will free up the existing Gatton College, supplying UK
with signihcant classroom space in the heart ofthe campus that can be used by students and faculty, as we move for-
ward in our Top 20 push.
We will also ask our leaders to consider building an additional research building on the site of our “Medical Campus
of the Future.” This building, like our existing Biological/ Biomedical Sciences Research Building, will be home to lab-
oratories designed to conduct advanced research into the most complex health care and science issues. As a high-tech
research factory, it will create hundred of high-paying jobs. The new research building will help us discover new ideas
and innovations that will be key in our quest to diversify and modernize Kentucky’s economy.
I certainly hope that you will support our 2008 legislative agenda. I think it represents something that we, as
alumni members, can be supportive of: an unflinching desire to make UK one ofthe 20 best public research
universities in the nation.
President Lee T. Todd, ]r.
www.uka|umni.net 5 ((

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 This 2007-2008 freshman class of 3,922 students is among UK’s The number of women on the UK campus who feel “very safe”
most diverse and accomplished. Enrollment of African-American has doubled in the last three years. That’s one ofthe more signih-
freshmen this year is the second highest in the institution’s history cant results of a groundbreaking study among 2,000 women on
with 260 students, 6.6 percent of the freshman class. African- campus. Results of the ”V%men3 Spzfgr Study: 2004-200Z” which
American enrollment at UK also is up overall from 1,392 last year was conducted by the UK Center for Research on Violence
to 1,419 this year, about 5.3 percent of all students. Against Women, indicate that 31.7 percent of women on the UK
There also has been an increase in the average ACT score among campus say they feel “very safe? compared to 16.4 percent of
entering freshmen from 23.9 last year to 24.3 this year. The mid- women who felt that way in 2004.
50 range of ACT scores has moved from 21-26 last year to 22-27 Since 2004, an eight-point safety initiative has, among other
for this year’s freshman class. things, expanded counseling and prevention programs through
Overall UK enrollment is 26,625 students, down about 600 UK Women’s Place (now named the Violence Intervention and
from last year. In general, enrollment, particularly at the under- Prevention Center), increased police resources through additional
graduate level, coincides with the projections set forth in the Top officers and a new training program, created a self-defense pro-
20 Business Plan. gram and formed the President’s Women’s Safety Advisory Coun-
cil to evaluate the implementation of new programs and to make
further recommendations. In all, more than $1.2 million was allo-
cated in the year following release ofthe initial study to expand
the eight-point initiative as well as other specihc safety initiatives,
including additional lighting and a new safety path — the CATS
Mira Ball of Lexington is the path (wwwuky.edu/catspath/) — across campus.
Hrst woman in the history of Carol]ordan, director ofthe UK Center for Research on Violence
the University of Kentucky to Against Women, said, “Every college and university campus in
chair its Board of Trustees. In  I _ America is challenged by the victimization of women students . . .
response to making history as     \What is important is that, rather than relying on national research or
UK’s Hrst Board of Trustees   A general approaches, UK has taken the time and spent the consider-
chairwoman, Ball said, “I`m y »1"°l if _§ able resources necessary to study the issues here in-depth and then
glad the time has come. I’m `   E con1mitted to doing something about them through programs and
very honored.”   solutions specihc to this campus and conm1unity”
Ball, who has served on the V §
board since 2004, is a UK Z \ §
alumna, chief Hnancial officer l  
{OI Ball Homes II·1C‘iI1 Lcxing- Mlm Snider Ball received 8 d€9Y€€   I] Xtra Listen to comments by Carol Jordon
mn) and A longtime CMC lcadcn in business education in 1956.   www.ukaIumni.net, keyword: Jordon
`  ' I · · IC K 7 »'€;T,:.Q;‘iJQg}gg’T       . ; ,11 ’·
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www.uka|umni.net 7

 Osteopontin, Obesity, And Insulin Resistance
Obesity is one ofthe biggest risk factors for type 2 diabetes, One macrophages in the adipose tissue leading the authors to conclude
reason for this is thought to be the chronic inflammation charac- that osteopontin has a key role in linking obesity to the develop-
terized by macrophage inHltration into adipose tissue that accom- ment of insulin resistance in mice, Osteopontin is an extracellular
panies obesity, because it has been linked to the development of matrix protein and proinflammatory cytokine that is required for
insulin resistance (which in turn often leads to type 2 diabetes), macrophage inhltration of a tissue during an immune response,
New data generated in mice by Dr, Dennis Bruemmer, an assistant Bruemmer is senior and corresponding author of an article pub-
professor in the UK College of Medicine Division of Endocrinol- lished about this research in Yhejaurmzl qfCZiz2ic4zZI21iz1estzLg’4zti02¢
ogy and Molecular Medicine, and his colleagues provides support entitled “Osteopontin mediates obesity-induced adipose tissue
for this hypothesis, macrophage inhltration and insulin resistance in mice,”
They found that although mice lacking osteopontin became
obese when fed a high-fat diet, they did not become as insulin re- _ _
sistant as normal mice fed the same diet, This decrease in insulin Wg l]X[r3 Read the full émcle °n °$t€°p°mm at
resistance was associated with decreased accumulation of T, WWW'ukalumnI'n€t’ keywcrdz Bruemmer
Barrett’s Esophagus $3 Million NSF Grant
High In Three Counties For Multidisciplinary Research
Preliminary data from a study in southeastern Kentucky found UK received a $3 million grant from the National Science
Barrett’s esophagus — a precursor to esophageal cancer — in 25 Foundation to support doctoral students developing devices that
percent of study subjects, Qriestionnaires, medical records, endo- interact with biological systems, The students’ research areas will
scopies, patient interviews and biologic samples are being used to range from nanotechnology to tissue engineering, to sensing sys-
gather data, tems, and to drug delivery, The program also will provide special-
Severe or chronic heartburn is called Gastroesophageal Reflux ized courses and workshops for the students and encourage
Disease (GERD), Over time, untreated GERD damages the lining participation in internships, outreach activities and supervised
ofthe esophagus, As a result, one in 10 people with GERD de- training in instruction,
velop Barrett’s esophagus, a potentially dangerous change in the Kimberly Anderson, Gill Eminent Professor of Chemical Engi-
lining of the esophagus, Those with Barrett’s esophagus may be up neering and principal investigator on the grant along with Bruce
to 30 times more likely than the average person to develop Hinds, associate professor of materials engineering and co-princi-
esophageal cancer, pal investigator, will oversee the university’s second Integrative
"The Hnding that this cancer precursor is up to Hve times more Graduation Education Research Training program,
common in these counties compared to the national average is The students will come from departments of Chemical and Ma-
clearly an important step in unraveling the mystery? said Dr, terials Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering in
Nicholas Nickl ofthe UK College of Medicine Division of Diges- the College of Engineering, the Department of Chemistry in the
tive Diseases and Nutrition, College of Arts and Sciences, the departments of Anatomy and
The study, led by Nickl and Dr, Houssam Mardini ofthe same Neurobiology and Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry in the
department, is part ofthe Marty Driesler Fifth District College of Medicine, the Center for Biomedical Engineering, and
Esophageal Cancer Project, The study focuses on counties in Ken- the College of Pharmacy,
tucky with the highest risk for esophageal cancer: Pulaski, Laurel
and Whitley,
Survival rates for the nation’s fastest growing cancer are stagger-
ing; Only 16 percent survive Hve years after diagnosis, The Ameri-
can Cancer Society (wwwcancer,org/docroot/home/index,asp)
ezginates that nearly 14,000 will die from esophageal cancer this com piled from news reports
Y about research at UK.
For more information about
research taking place at UK,
visit www.research.uky.edu
)) 8 winter 2007

 r —   \u ` ` `
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$1 Billion And Counting 2008 Winter College
UK,s Hrst-ever capital campaign has surpassed its $1 billion go al, ]oin alumni and friends on February 4, 2008 for another term of
with a total of SS 1,062,970,71 2. The campaign officially comes to a UK Winter College. This year,s sessions will be held at the Naples
close on December 31, 2007. You can still be a part of this his- Hilton in Naples, Fla., and will feature faculty members including:
toric, record-setting effort by sending your gift by year,s end and • Lee T. Todd ]r., president, University of Kentucky
having your name recorded among the university,s loyal support- • Everett McCorvey, Alumni Association Endowed Professor of
ers. Give online any time at iweb.ukyedu/giveonline. Voice and director of UK
gpcgra %udies d C H he Mya!
° _,__r O I. {ly CIHIRH, CHI'1, O CgC ·|)C t
Dld You Kn0W° ° ° y   ·. if   ofMedicine and vice presi- Sa
• UK is one of only 31 universities *       dent for Clinical Affairs
in the country that has success- ··~   • Nancy Cox, College of  
fully raised over a billion dollars   `'`'" Q  `   Agriculture, associate dean 0
to enhance academic programs. `A   “‘ ,"W"@lT..   for Research and associate UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY
• UK,s endowment ranks third       -__V director, Agriculture WINTER COLLEGE
schools behind Vanderbilt and I Q   ii .—- • Kenneth Roberts, dean ofthe umn, N`pl°’H°dd°
Florida. =— rl     College of Pharmacy
• 85 faculty chairs and 190 en- _     5  r_ _' For more information, visit the Development Web page
dowed professorships were cre- 72;;- *'   at http : / www.uky.edu/ Development or contact
ated by campaign funds   Paula Pope ,73 ,75 at 859-257-8137.
www.u ky.ed u/development
Fellows Society Welcomes 256 New Members
In October UK honored donors who have made significant
contributions to the university at the annual Fellows Society
Dinner. The dinner, held in downtown Lexington at Rupp Arena,
included a formal dinner and dance, and recognition of 256 new _ ‘ ` »
inductees into the Fellows Society as well as 42 current Fellows   T ‘ ,
who increased their level of giving within the last year. For more   T ’ _ _
information on joining the UK Fellows Society, contact Paula _ g_ ·   Z. T', ' .
Pope at 859-257-8137. · · . ·   ‘·` ' _ T ` ` °· _   T,
V . I .· ~
www.uka|umni.net 9 ((

 Town Lofts {32%; .
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HOMES IN r - i
Newpast Town Lofts are directly in the J ‘
midst of downtown’s exciting renaissance, 7 , , , ‘ , _.
surrounded by both new and established 1‘ , " W" ‘ «r - . - , ‘
commercial, retail, and entertainment -' e if, , .
venues. Here, Lexington’s past and , ,, . .3» ‘ j“ -‘ g , " ‘
presence converge to create a quality of life W“ 1» , “ ,
that is unique, convenient, and pleasurable. First phase while under construction and before any landscape
or driveway improvements. Building exterior features brick
In the center of the enclave, up a short flight of veneer With ”PP” Shingles and downsPoms'
stairs, is a courtyard. And on either side of it —
facing it — are dramatically vertical town lofts. Five are on the left and seven on the right. The setting is
reminiscent of Old Louisville’s famous St. James Court, built in the 18905.
Four Stories with Exceptional Finishes
‘ The lofts are endowed with dramatic expanses of glass so their rooms can be
, \ , an; ./ filled with light. The airy living space and open floor plan design in these residences
a1; r'V-tn QE, r ‘ t 1 1 460 t 1 565 f t
,,, ,l‘ l 1"". \. ,, ranges rom approx1ma e y , o , square ee .
f'i "5 12‘ 4&2: ”1.2;“
in» ‘1 it: A t . . .
3; \‘j”; 1:”. “ti, it, Each town loft has a pr1vate, two-car garage — a rar1ty 1n the heart of
“-“‘* nut 12““, W . . .
a: , :\ flkfigfi downtown Lexmgton. Total area per town loft including sky terrace,
w,” E 1” k, j / balconies and garage is approx1mately 2,400 to 2,500 sf.
\ V ' 1-2,\\‘ W
P‘fi‘i 0,31 Charm, DeSIgn, QUOIII‘Y and Unlqueness
“~15." " K Newpast on Main delivers charm and convenience; superb design and
V as de‘“ Shea" landscaping; construction of the highest quality for comfort, good
7.0 . b’l8‘Ne5 health, economy, env1ronmental safety; and a creatlve llfestyle.

   4V_; `__ Third floor in the model unit, used as the master bedroom.
  _(:_ `) Third floor has a great view to downtown, hardwood floors,
 P age V _ and a balcony with access to sky terrace.
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