xt7jdf6k179h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k179h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1955-07-sep20. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1955-07-sep20. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1955-07-sep20. 1955 1955-07-sep20. 2011 true xt7jdf6k179h section xt7jdf6k179h 



       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, September 20, 1955.

       The Board of Trustees of the University met in the President, s Office
at 10:00 a. m. , Tuesday, September 20, 1955, with the following members
present: Governor Lawrence W. Wetherby, Chairman; Mrs. Paul G. Blazer,
Carl Dempewolfe, M. W. Moore, R. P. Hobson, Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci,
Dr. Harry Denham, Louis Cox, Robert Stilz, and Ben S. Adams. Absent:
Thomas A. Ballantine, Harper Gatton, Wendell P. Butler, Smith D. Broad-
bent and J. Stephen Watkins.  President H. L. Donovan and Secretary Frank
D. Peterson met with the Board.

       A. New Members.

       Dr. Harry Denham, Maysville, Ky., presented certificate for a term
expiring December 31, 1958; Mr. Louis Cox presented certificate for a term
expiring December 31, 1958; and Mr. Robert Stilz presented certificate for
a term expiring December 31, 1957.

       These new members of the Board of Trustees were welcomed and took
the oath of office as required by law.

       B. Approval of Minutes.

       On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the Board
of Trustees of May 30, 1955; and the minutes of the Executive Committee of
August ', 1955, were approved as published.

       C. Report of the Comptroller.

       The Vice President, Business Administration, submitted report for the
months of July and August, 1955. A balance sheet and operating statement
were presented to each member of the Board;  The report was explained in
detail, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, was authorized re-
ceived and put to record in these minutes.


          UNIVERSITY      t     OF KENTUCKY


                                       September 19, 19 55

Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

My dear Doctor Donovan:

           I submit herewith a balance sheet of University funds
as of August 31, 1955, together with statements covering Univer-
sity fund transactions for the two-months period.

           The University of Kentucky general fund income
realized for this period amounted to $2,890, 554. 79, or 32. 08% of
the budget estimate of $9, 009, 536. 21. The general fund expendi-
tures and encumbrances for the same period totaled $1,494, 754. 89,
which is 16. 15% of departmental appropriations amounting to
$9,253,732. 10.

                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                       Frank D. Peterson,
                                       Vice President
                                       Business Administration


UJniversity of Kentucky
As of August 31, 1955


Current Funds:
Gene ral:
  Cash in Bank
  Petty Cash Fund
  State Allotments:
  Current Year
  Prior Year
  Revolving Funds
  Due from Other Funds
  Deferred Chgs.
  Unreal. Income

      Total Gen.

Re stricted:
Cash in Fank
Petty Cash Advs.
Due from Other Funds
Inve stments

      Total Restr.
      Total Current

Plant Funds:
 Ca-shin Bank
 Revolv. Funds
 Unreal. Income

      Total Unexp.

Investment in Plant:
Construction Author.
Fixed Assets

      To tal -Inve s te d
      Total -Plant

Other Funds:
Cish En Eank
Notes Receivable
Inve s tmen ts

      Total Oth. Funds
      Total Assets


Agric ultural


Colleges          Station         Division        Total

$    13,592.46   $  211,290.47   $  658,013. 13 $  882,896.06
     40,000. 00      10,000. 00                     50,000.00

     494, 717. 28    117,942. 18      72, 594. 22   685,253.68
                     15,941. 03                     15,941.03
    452, 187.55     500,935.42                     953, 122.97
      1,331.44                                       1,331.44
      12,506.66                                      12,506.66
    297,641.55                                     297,641.55
    52,666.20                                      52,666.20
  3,729,687.29    1,133,372.16    1,255,921.97   6,118,981.42

$ 5,094,330.43   $1.989,481.26   $1,986,529.32 $ 9,070,341.01

$   748,956.34   $  108,586.88   $  123,891.98 $   981,435.20
      5,776.52        1,700.00       3,800.00       11,276.52

    797,964.74       15,000.00                     812,964.74

$ 1,552,697.60   $  125,286.88   $  127,691.98 $ 1,805,676.46
-T4 7, 0 2 8.03  $1     768.14   $2,114,221.30  $10,876, 017. 47

$     1,130.00   $               $             $      1,130.00
  3,369,154.56       71,687.17                   3,440,841.73
    106,303.90                                     106,303.90

$ 3,476,588.46   $   71,687.17   $             $ 3,548,275.63

$ 3,783,499e13   $               $             $ 3,783,499.13
32,143,454.87    3,459,501.31                  35,602,956. 18

$35,926,954.00   $3,459,501.31   $             $39,386,455.31
$39,403,542.46   $3,531 , 188.48               $42,934,730.94

   Loan          Endowment         Agency

$     6,683.61   $    4,544.62   $   55,090.61 $     66,318.84
     24,024.06                                      24,024. 06
     75,500.00      200,759.33       15,967.19     29Z,226.52

$   106,207.67   $  205,303,95   $   71,057.80 $    382,569.42


University of Kentucky
As of August 31, 1955


Current Funds:
Petty Cash Liability
Res. for Encumbr.:
  Current Year
  Prior Year
  Res. for Inventories
  Other liabilities
  Unapprop. surplus
  Approp. Bals.

  Total General

'hiDutWe to Other Funds
  Outstand. Checks
  Restr. Balance

  Total Restr.
  Total Current

Plant Funds:
  es. fo    nc umb..
  Current Year
  Prior Year
  Approp. Bals.

  Total Unexpended

Investment in Plant:
Due to Oth ler Govt.
   Uni ts
 Bonds Payable
 Net Invested

   Total Invest.
   Total Plant

Other Funds:
tal. as to Principal
Bal. as to Income

   Total Other Funds
   Total Liabilities


Agric ultural


Colleges          Station         Division        Total

$   40, 000. 00  $   10, 000. 00 $              $    50, 000. 00

    246,416. 24      48,484, 14       1,624.3f6     296,524.74
    177, 270. 99    121,483. 59      33, 025. 41    33 1, 779. 99
    297,641. 55                                     297, 641. 55
    52, 666. 20                                     52, 666. 20
    101,510.17*     384, 261.49                     282,751. 32
  4,381,845. 62   1,425,252.04    1,951,879.55   7,758,977. 21

$ 5,094,330.43   $1,989,481.26   $1,986,529.32 $ 9,070,341.01

$     1,331.44   $               $              $     1,331.44
      6,432.52                                        6,432.52
  1,544,933.64      125,286.88      127,691.98    1,797,912.50

$ 1,552,697,60   $  125,286.88   $  127,691.98 $ 1,805,676.46
$ 6,647,0-28.03  $2-114 76814    $2114, 2 1. 30  10, 876, 01 7. 47

$    10,739.17   $    1,278.32   $              $    12,017.49
  2,821,391.40       47,912.00                    2,869,303.40
    644,457n89       22,9496.85  $              $   666,954.74

$ 3,476,588.46   $   71,687,17   $              $ 3,548,275.63

$   275, 000. 00 $               $              $   275, 000. 00
  7,445,960,00                                    7,445,960. 00
  28,205,994.00    3,459,501.31                   31,665,495. 31

$35,926,954.00   $3,459,501.31   $              $39,386,455. 31
$:3 9 ,40,4.      3,531, 188.48                 $   9   7 3 0.94

    Loan             Endowment       A   c
$    '7T 356, 0o1$  2 UTT        $              $   274,972.65
     32,851.66        3,687.31       71,057.80      107, 596. 77

$   106,207.67   $  205,303.95    $   71,057.80 $   382,569n42

* Deficit



         University of Kentucky
For the Current Fiscal Period which began
July 1, 1955 and ended August 31, 1955

             General Fund

Es tima te

to Date


DiviSiOI of Colle es:
  luc a tonal anT eeneral:
  State Appropriations
  Federal Grants (through the state)
  Student Fees
  Endowment Income
  Sales and Services and Rentals

          Sub total

Auxiliary Enterprises


Agricultural Experiment Station:
'uthe Appropria'tlors
  Federal Grants (direct)
  Sales and Services

          Total-Experiment Station

Agricultural Extension Division:
  State Appropriations
  Federal Grants (direct)

          Total-Agricultural Extension


Plant Fund.
   ebt'rvice Income


          Combined Total

$3,485, 850.00  $1,100,000.00 $2,385,850.00
   131,465.60                     131,465.60
   842,100.00       88,945.60     753,154.40
     9,644.50        9,Z00.00         444.50
     20,000.00       127883.80       7,116.20

$4,489,060. 10  $1,211,029.40 $3 278,030.70

$ 475.405,50    $   23748.91 $ 451,656.59

$4.964,465.60   $1,234,778.31 $3,729,687.29

$  584,600.00   $  228,600.00 $   356,000.00
   673,676,67      231.500.41      442,176.26
   500,100.00      164,904.10      335,195.90

$1, 758, 376. 67  $  625,004.51 $1,133,372. 16

$  683,350.00   $  233,350.00 $ 450,000.00
1,603,343.94      797,421-97      805,921,97

$2,286, 693. 94  $1, 030, 771, 97 $1, 255,921. 97

$9.nO9,536.21   $2, 890, 554. 79 $6, 118,9 81. 42
                     32. 8

$  167,019.40   $   60,715.50 $   106,303.90

$  167,019,40   $   60, 715.50 $   106,303.90

$9,176,555.61   $2,951,270.Z9 $6,225,Z85.32
                     32. 16%1



              University of Kentucky
     For the Current Fiscal Period which began
     July 1, 1955, and ended August 31, 1955


ture s

Encuum -
branc es


Division of Colleges
   cM. & _Gener07:
   Gen, Adm. Offices
   Student Services
   Staff Welfare
   Gen. Inst. Serv.

       S ubtotal

Instruction & Research
    g7'.THome Econ.
  Arts & Sciences
  Enginee ring
  Graduate School
  Org. Act, Re!. Edu.
  Adult & Ext. Edu.


Other Expenses:
  'perT & Malnt. Plant
  Auxiliary Enterpr.
  Working Capital
  Clearing Accts.


   Total --College s

Agr, Experiment Sta.

Agr, Extension Div.

   Combined Totals

$  101,716. 00   $   15,414. 67  $    827. 55   $   85,473. 78
   208,426.84        28, 607. 51    6, 109. 9 0    173, 709. 43
   65, 000, 00       9, 354. 36                    55, 645. 64
   106,639,47        16,475. 10    17,977. 27      72, 187. 10

$  481,782. 31   $   69 ,851. 64  $ 24,9 14.72  $  387,015. 95
                             -  9T67%

$  292,455.33    $   39,319. 58  $  2, 193. 07  $  250,942.68
1, 527, 370.45     208, 615. 15   15, 8 78. 58  1, 302, 876. 72
   207, 113.60       32,942. 29       484. 88      173,686. 43
   372,224.00        53, 505. 89    6, 060. 73     312, 657. 38
   385,649.76        56,4717,0 1    2, 3 05. 11    326,867.64
   88,520.98        12,572.75        195,29        75,752.94
   9 1,428. 00       5, 147. 9 7   1,464. 2 2      84 815. 81
   11,887. 50        1,926. 24        60.00         9,901. 26
   27,814, 00        3,643, 27       673.63        23,497. 10
   20,000. 00          777. 12       557. 14       18,665. 74
   267,930,20        47,457, 36     2, 723, 79     217, 749. 05
   153,917,00        20,392.97      2,707,39       130,816.64

$3 ,446,310. 82  $  482,777.60   $ 35s303. S3   $2,928,229. 39

$  912,468,00    $  109,411.41   $109,450. 82   $  693,605. 77
   361,504.04        27,158,59     37,177,63       297,167. 82
   75,00000         37,651,73*    39,569,24        73,082.49
                      2,744.20'-                     2,744,20

$1, 348,972. 04  $   96,174,07   $186,197.69    $1,066,600.28

$5,277,065.17    $  648,803.31   $246,416.24    $4,381,845.62
                             16, 96%

$1,689,972. 99   $  216,236.81   $ 48,484, 14   $1,425, 252. 04
                            15, 66%
$2,286,693.94       333,190,03   $  1,624,36    $ 1,95 1, 879. 55

$9, 253,732. 10  $,198,230. 15   $296,524.74    $7,758,977.21

*Negat.ive number.



            University of Kentucky
    For the Current Fiscal Period which began
    July 1, 1955, and ended August 31, 1955


Expendi-    Enc um -
ture s      brances


Division of Colleges

Retirement of Indebtedness

!stW.P.A, Bond Issue

2nd W. P.A. Bond Issue

Dorm. Rev. Bond Issue

Audit-Field H. Issue

Lib. & Serv. Bldg. Issue

Stad, Add. Issue

Dorm. Rev. Issue (456 Rose)

Jour, Bldg. Bond Issue

Dorm, Rev, Issue (476 Rose)

Stud. Dorms. U.K.

Stud, Dorm, -Kappa Sigma

Stud. Dorm, -Lambda Chi

Stud. Dorm . -Phi Sigma K.

Stud, Dorm. -Pi Kappa Alpha

Dorm. Rev, Bond 1952

Dorm, Rev, Bond 1954

Lib. & Serv. Bldg. Res.

Dorm, Rev. Bond 1955

  Total -- Retirement of

$ 372409, 02

  16, 610. 66

  24,682, 25

  58,079. 32

  44,044. 52

  21, 653. 07

  7, 724. 68

  15, 636, 5 0

  4, 076. 93

  39, 722 64

  3, 040. 26

  5,300, 32

  3,605, 26

  3, 0 35, 79

  57, 286. 50

  23,015, 51

  34, 007. 54

  5, 240Q 79

$404, 171. 56



7, 79 0. 00

48,676. 72

$ 56,466,72 $

        13. 97%

$ 37,409.02

   8, 820. 66

   24, 6082. 25

   9,402. 60

   44, 044. 52

   21, 653. 07

   7, 724. 68

   15, 636. 50


   39, 722. 64

   32 040. 26

   5, 300. 32

   3, 605 26

   3, 035. 79

   57, 286, 50

   23,015. 51

   34, 007. 54

   5,2 40. 79

$347, 70 84



             University of Kentucky
    For the Current Fiscal Period which began
    July 1, 1955, and ended August 31, 1955


Expendi-    Encum-
tures       brances


Divis~ion of Colleges

Construc tion:

Dicker House Annuity

Norwood Hall Fire Loss

Men' s New Dormitory

Service Building

Fine Arts Building

Journalism Building

New Science Building

Sprinkler System

Women' s New Dorm,

Cooperstown Apartments

      Total -Construction

   Total-Plant Funds-
   Division of Colleges

$    230. 68

  15,9 11, 25

  2, 568. 25

  3,697. 19

  2, 156. 47

  7,938. 69

  3,3 00. 00

  4,443. 32

  8, 3 63. 6 2


$308,011, 47



         $            $    230. 68

                         15,911. 25

                         2, 568. 25

                         3,697. 19

                         2, 156. 47

                         7, 938. 69

                         3, 300. 00

                         4,443. 32

519.25    10,739. 17    (2,894. 80)*


519. 25  $10, 739. 17  $296,753.05

                       3. 66%,

$712,183.03   $56,985.97  $10, 739. 17  $644,457.89

                       9. 51%

*Negative Figure.



         University of Kentucky
For the Current Fiscal Period which began
  July 1, 1955 and ended August 31, 1955

            PLANT FUNDS


Expendi-   Encum-
tures      brances


Agr. Experiment Station:

Repairs and New Equipment

   Total Plant Funds
   Agr. Exp. Station

   Combined Totals

$ 23,775, 17 $           $ 1,278.32    $ 22,496.85

$ 23,775. 17 $           $ 1,278.32    $ 22,496.85
                     5. 387o

$735,958.20   $56,985. 97 $12, 017.49  $666,954.74
                     9. 38%



           University of Kentucky
  For the Current Fiscal Period which began
    July 1, 1955 and ended August 31, 1955

Restricted Funds:
  Div. of Colleges
  Agr. Exp. Station
  Agr. Ext. Division


Loan Fund:
P rin c ipal


Endowment Funds:


A enc Funds:
  Malance s

Combined Totals


Disburse -


July 1, 1955     Receipts        ments         Aug. 31, 1955

$1,665,424.28    $  225,858.78  $   346,349.42 $1,544,933.64
   136,163.74        17 826.34      28,703.20     125,286.88
   135,373.62        19,523.37      27,205.01     127,691.98

$1,936,961.64    $  263,208.49  $ 402,257.63 $1,797,912.50

$   73,356.01    $               $             $   73,356.01
    32,290.50           564.49           3.33      32,851.66

$  105,646.51    $      564.49   $        3.33 $   106,207.67

$  201,616.64    $               $             $   201,616.64
     3,676.81            10M50                      3,687.31

$  205,293.45    $       10.50   $             $   205,303.95

$  115,667.8Z    $   76,765.56   $  121,375.58 $    71,057.80

$2,363,569.42    $  340,54904    $  523,636.54 $, 180,481. 92


       D. Budget Changes.

       President Donovan s ubmitted a statement from Dr. Lyman Ginger,
Dean of the College of Adult and Extension Education, outlining activities
administered by the College of Adult and Extension Education.  He listed
the activities financed through Accounts 1260, 3389, 3394 and 5071, and sug-
gested that the income from the restricted and agency funds be accounted
for through the University funds, and appropriations be made to the College
of Adult and Extension Education Accounts 1250 and 1260, thereby putting
the College of Adult and Extension Education on a budget basis comparable
to the operation of the other colleges on the campus.

       President Donovan recommended that the request be granted and recom-
mended that budget account 1250 be increased by $11,235. 00, that Account 1260
be increased by $38, 188. 50, and that the estimated income of the general Uni-
versity budget be increased by $41, 500. 00.

      Board members being advised, upon motion duly made, seconded and
carried, concurred in the recommendation of the President, and the Comptrol-
ler was authorized to adjust accounts 1250 and 1260 by increasing the appro-
priations $11, 235. 00 and $38, 188. 50, respectively, and the estimated income
of the General University Budget by $41,500. 00.

      President Donovan submitted a letter from the Vice President, Business
Administration, recommending budget adjustment in encumbrances and ex-
penditures for the architect for Holmes Hall and the payment of principal due
on Donovan Hall, and the reallocation of small balances of appropriations in
various accounts. The letter follows-

                                                 September 19, 1955

      Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
      University of Kentucky

      My dear President Donovan:

             At the current time the General Expenditure Fund of the
      Division of College budgets is over-appropriated by reason of
      the fact that it was necessary to set up the following encumbrances
      and expenditures.

             a. Architect for Holmes Hall           - $40, 000
             b. Payment of principal due on Donovan
                Hall before students were moved in   20, 000
                                                       $60, 000

      This $60,000 was not anticipated at the time the budget was ap-

The Plant Fund of the General Budget has a list of small



       balances of appropriations made for construction aggregating
       $40, 245. 85, which I suggest be closed out and re-appropriated
       as follows:

              a. Keeneland Hall, roadway: sidewalks,
                   etc.                             $20,000.00
             b. Unappropriated surplus              20,245. 85.

                                    Respectfully submitted,

                         (Signed)   Frank D. Peterson
                                    Vice President
                                    Business Administration

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, appropriation for arch-
itects for Holmes Hall and the payment of principal due on Donovan Hall was
authorized and approved.  Small balances of plant fund appropriations made
for plant construction, aggregating $40,245. 85, were authorized closed out
and re-appropriated as recommended.

      F. Investment of Restricted Balances.

      President Donovan and Mr. Peterson explained to the Board that the
group balance of restricted funds not invested aggregated about $800, 000. 00,
and suggested that the Board authorize a group investment of restricted bal-
ances of $300, 000. 00, with the understanding that, if any money is needed
to carry on the activities for which restricted funds are held, a part of the
investment be liquidated to satisfy requirements.

      Members of the Board being advised, on motion duly made, seconded
and carried, authorized group investment of $300, 000.00 of the restricted
fund balances in government bonds or other good securities.

      F. President Donovan Expresses Appreciation.

      President Donovan briefly reported on his trip to Europe.  He expressed
appreciation to the Board for permission to make the trip. He visited France,
Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Holland and England. Members of the
Board expressed pleasure that Dr. and Mrs. Donovan had the opportunity to
make the trip and said they were glad to have granted the leave.



       G. University Enrollment.

       President Donovan stated that he had just received a communication
from the Registrar, s Office indicating that the total enrollment for the fall
semester will exceed 7,000 students. He stated that this enrollment will
include the students on the campus in Lexington, at the Northern Extension
Center in Covington, and in the College of Pharmacy, Louisville.  The in-
crease will approximate 10% over the enrollment of 1954-55.

       Members of the Board expressed delight at the information, and upon
motion duly made, seconded and carried, the report was authorized put to

       H. Land for College of Pharmacy.

       President Donovan and Mr. Peterson reported on efforts to acquire
land for expansion of the University campus and for the educational functions
of the University. They reported that considerable effort had been made to
negotiate with an attorney-in-fact for Mrs. Job Turner, owner of property
at 135 Washington Avenue.

       Mr. Peterson reported that he had conferred at numerous times with
Mr. Job Turner, Jr., son of the owner of the property, who admits that he
is the agent for Mrs. Turner and is her lawful attorney-in-fact and that
they were unable to agree on a purchase price of the property.  Mr. Peter-
son stated that the lot had a front footage of 198 feet on Washington Avenue,
178 feet on Gladstone Place, 200 feet on Graham Avenue, and about 215
feet on the west side of the property.  He stated that there is a two-story
brick-constructed residence about 45 years old on the property.  Two real
estate men have made a written appraisal of the property as being worth
$28, 500. 00. Mr. Peterson was asked for his estimate of the value of this
property based on the University' s experience in acquiring other property
adjacent to the campus and he recommended that not over $40,000. 00 should
be offered.

       Members of the Board discussed the problem at length, including the
fair value of the land. Since they felt that it was worth no more than
$40, 000. 00, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the members unan-
imously directed that the price of $40, 000. 00 be offered, and if it is impossi-
ble to negotiate for the property on behalf of the University and the State Prop-
erty and Building Commission at that price, that condemnation proceedings
be instituted immediately.

       They further directed that the Attorney General' s Office be consulted
and, upon their recommendation, outside counsel be employed to assist in
prosecuting the case. If recommended by the counsel, the Vice President,
Business Administration, was authorized to seek concurrence and authoriza-
tion from the State Property and Building Commission.


       I. Government Loan Authorized.

       President Donovan reported to the Board that the Federal Government
had enacted Public Law authorizing the appropriation of money for construction
of school building facilities.  The Public Law provides for loans to institutions
in need of additional educational facilities at an interest rate of 2-3/4%, bonds
to be amortized over a period of 40 to 50 years.

       President Donovan reported that the University was in need of another
girls' dormitory to be known as Holmes Hall, and the redevelopment of Shaw-
neetown.  He recalled that Shawneetown is a housing project for married stu-
dents and staff members and recommended that permanent apartments be
constructed to take care of approximately 180 families. He recommended that
authorization be given to apply to the proper Federal agency for a loan sufficient
to construct Holmes Hall and to pay the cost of redevelopment of Shawneetown
and the construction of approximately 180 permanent apartments.

       Members of the Board discussed the recommendation at some length,
and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, authorized application to
the Housing and Home Finance Agency of the Federal Government for loan suf-
ficient to construct the gir'ls dormitory, Holmes Hall, to be amortized over
a period of 40 to 50 years; also application for a loan for the redevelopment
and construction of permanent apartment houses in Shawneetown, same to be
amortized over a period of 40 to 50 years.  Both loans would carry an inter-
est rate of 2-3/4%, if approved.

       Authorization was further given to apply to Housing and Home Finance
Agency for federal loan for the construction of sorority and fraternity houses
now under consideration or hereafter considered and approved by this Board.

       The Vice President, Business Administration, was further authorized
to make the application and to do all things necessary to consummate and
prosecute loan agreements.

       J. Injuries.

                                   Roy M. Cox.

       The Vice President, Business Administration, reported injury to Roy
M. CGox, carpenter in the Department of Maintenance and Operations.  Mr.
Cox was using an electric drill to make a hole to anchor plywood at the edge
of the arena in the Livestock Arena Building.  The drill bit broke, causing a
small piece of metal to be thrown into Mr. Cox, s right eye.  He was given
medical attention.  Dr. Claude Trapp submits invoice of $7. 00 for profession-
al services rendered.

       Mr. Peterson recommended that the account be paid with the under-
standing that the University does not admit negligence nor does it establish a
precedent in the payment of this bill.




                                  Moss G. Long.

       Mr. Long is an employee of the Experiment Station and while helping
harvest experimental forage crop plots he accidentally caught his left hand in
the fan of the power motor.  Two fingers were rather severely injured. He
was given medical care at the King' s Daughters Hospital in Shelbyville. The
hospital submits invoice for $8. 60, and the Chatham Clinic submits invoice
for clinical care in the amount of $35. 00.

       Mr. Peterson recommended that these invoices be authorized paid,
with the understanding that the University and the Experiment Station do not
admit negligence nor establish a precedent.

                                   W. S. Moreland

       Mr. Moreland is a cabinetmaker in the Division of Maintenance and
Operations.  While working in the carpenter shop he received lacerations
of his left thumb. It wax x-rayed and he was given medical care by the Good
Samaritan Hospital.  The Hospital submits an invoice of $34. 25.  Dr. Wil-
liam T. Swartz submits invoice for emergency services on July 11, 15, 19
and 25, in the amount of $32. 00.

       Mr. Peterson recommended that these invoices be paid, with the un-
derstanding that the University does not admit negligence or responsibility,
nor does it establish a precedent.

                                   Henry Holland.

       Mr. Holland is an employee of the Agricultural Experiment Station.
While helping to move large boxes of printing paper, a blood vessel was rup-
tured in his leg. He was given medical attention at the Dispensary and later
referred to Dr. John H. Prewitt.

      Doctor Prewritt submits invoice for professional services in the amount
of $6. 00; Drs. Rankin and Hurt submit invoice for professional services in
the amount of $10. 00; and Dr. James S. Rich submits invoice for $10. 00 for
x-ray of left knee and femur.  Mr. Peterson recommended that these invoices
be authorized paid, with the understanding that the University does not set a
precedent nor admit liability.

      Members of the Board of Trustees examined statements and asked
questions.  They being advised, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
the charges for services rendered Mr. Cox, Mr. Long, Mr. Moreland and
Mr. Holland were authorized paid, with the understanding that the University
does not admit negligence nor establish a precedent in the payment of these

      K. Request of Mrs. Thomas S. Hamilton.

      President Donovan read to the members of the Board the following letter:


September 1, 1955

       Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
       University of Kentucky

       My dear President Donovan:

              On or about August 27 Mrs. Thomas S. Hamilton, age
       about 80, and her son, age about 60, came to your office to re-
       port an accident to Mrs. Thomas S. Hamilton August 2, 1955.
       You were not available so I took care of them.

              It seems that Mrs. Hamilton on August 2 got out of a
       car at the back of the Student Union Building and started to walk
       between the Student Union Building and the old alumni gymnasium
       towards the cafeteria entrance.  She tripped over a break in the
       concrete, fell, bruised her knee and broke the skin in the front
       part of her head. She was taken where she was treated to the
       St. Joseph Hospital by her son, Hughes Hamilton.

              It raised on August 2. Mr. Hughes Hamilton and his
       mother, Mrs. Thomas S. Hamilton, wanted to request damages
       of the University.  I informed them that the University did not
       carry liability insurance and they asked if there wasn' t a Claims
       Board to which they might apply. I advised them that I under-
       stood there was such a board in Frankfort.  They wanted me to
       report the case to the claims board. I advised them that I would
       report it to the Board of Trustees.

              It seems that Mrs. Hamilton and her son frequent the Stu-
       dent Union Cafeteria from time to time to dine, even though the
       cafeteria is operated for the staff and students at the University.
       It is true that on or about August 27 when I inspected the walkway
       there was a break in the concrete walk. I authorized it repaired

              I suggest that this be reported to the Board of Trustees at
      its meeting on September 20,

                                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                 (Signed)        Frank D. Peterson
                                                  Vice President
                                                  Business Administration

      Mr. Peterson, at the request of Mr. Hughes Hamilton, submitted to
members of the Board photographs of breaks in the concrete walk back of
Alumni Gymnmasium, and north of the side of the Student Union Building.



       Members of the Board indicated interest in the request of Mrs. Thomas
S. Hamilton, and after some discussion, up