xt7jdf6k1463_6 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k1463/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k1463/data/71m33.dao.xml United States. Works Progress Administration of Kentucky. 1.8 Cubic feet 4 boxes archival material 71m33 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact Special Collections.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Labor union newspaper transcripts Labor unions--Kentucky. Labor unions--Ohio. Transcripts Lexington, Ky. papers
                        Kentucky Gazette text Lexington, Ky. papers
                        Kentucky Gazette 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k1463/data/71m33/Box_1/Folder_6/2617.pdf 1837, 1871-1889, 1897-1899 1899 1837, 1871-1889, 1897-1899 section false xt7jdf6k1463_6 xt7jdf6k1463 . - /
COpy Sim-ct ho .__“_______‘___‘

Name of Pag;z31‘W______V_ Ci ty _____._...__.__._
Date. Section of Paper ___ Page _Col‘cam _

Worker‘ :5 Name _ _~_. . -. _. ___.

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Copy Sheet
7 ...__.__._.__
Name of Paper , Thaixantucky Gazette W
mm-w—-_ “"7"“'""7""'—‘ ,. w

Date Oct. 30, 1871 SEC. 0F PA?ER 1 PAGE 5 00L. 3

m“: m— w '- w ._.—_....-
Worker” 5 Esme fiance

Co—Operative Humbug
Co—operative enterprises are now occupying the attention of working people in the
eastern position of the State, and the subject'is just beginning to attract atten-
tion in this city also.
So far as our observation goes, co—operative enterprises have not hitherto proven
successful, either in America or Europe. It is true that both large mercantile and
manufacturing enterprises have been conducted after the co—operative plan in England
and some mercantile houses have been so carried on in America, but the success has
fallen far short of what was anticipated at the beginning. The Rockdale co—operative
company, of England, was started in 1835 and is, perhaps, the most successful enter-
prise of the sort now in existence. Its aims, it is true are'very simple — to collect
a fund from a number of families, and buy goods at wholesale prices, then distribute
among those who furnished the money. In this very simple shape, among a people where
a penny is carefully considered before spent, a measure of success has been obtained;
but where co-operative societies have endeavored to run mills or factories, failure
has been the rule. The Oudedale co—operative manufacturing company in England has
been in operation about four years. The first year some money was made. The second
year a considerable loss was Sustained. The ranagerent then changed hands and the
third year a small profit was realiZed. But since troublous time have come the whole
concern has gone to law and to pieces. 7
If there is any place on earth where co—operation ought to succeed it is at Salt
Lake City. Brigham.Ycung and the church hold the people, as it were, in the palm
of their hands. Yet even there the plan has not worked so well as to promote busi-
ness enterprises. Past fear the stock fell to fifteen cents and Zions Co-operative
Kercantile Institution was compelled to ask indulgence of its creditors, or go to
the wall;
We don’t know anythinf about Dr. Wbrrall, the gentelman who is nOW'ergineering the
"co—op" at louisville. He Wishes to make a big thing of it. To get up a ”co—op"
here that will trade directly with the Rockdale "co—op" in England. Hemay be a
high—minded and honorable gentleman or he may not. we know nothing about him one
way or the other. If he succeeds in his plan he will, of course, get a good salary
and, if the thing falls throuch, he will still get his salary so long as any money
remains in the treasury. Whatever becomes of his scheme he will be in a position
to take care of number one.
The Writer happened to meet in St. Louis the other day a man who was rather short
of fwnds. He immediately started a railroad coppany, narrow guage, between St.
Louis and Kansas City. He tendered the positions of Directors to thirteen gentle-
men, some of them Yinisters of the Gospel. Each director must own :ne share of
stock to qualify him. That made $1300 for our railroad man — as good a thing as '
he wanted for the time being. Wonder if Dr. Wbrrall is a stranger in a strange
land and needs money?
‘ . . 7 .v ,‘-;..a~j~.;fe19isé&‘zialgfan

 Copy sheet Re. 9/9
flame of Paper Kentuclgy Gazette City Lexington, Ky
Date JulLS, 1872 Section of Paper 1 Page 2 Colman 1
Worker's Hams Sa_llee _
The Eight Hour Delusion Analyzed
With eight hours' labor per day, instead of ten, there will at once be a diminu- \
tion of production of twenty per cent, which entails a corresponding reduction in \
the enjoyments of the community, for production must precede consumption. Now, \
as the wealthy are not likely to diminish their consumption, even though this may 3
diminish their present capital, the entire diminution of consumption, which means
o£ enjoyments, will fall upon the workingmen and on those possessed of limited
means. And such an important reduction of production is sure to entail a rise of
prices much greater then the rise in wages, rendering it certain that the greater
part of the evil consequences of diminiShed production and of the enhanced cost
of the products of laboring men.
In the face of the great immutable laws of nature, which ever maintain equal
justice between all men so long as individual freedom and unfettered competition exist
what folly to appeal to the generosity of employers. What is needed in this worid
to insure the greatest amount of well being for all, is strict and equal justice and
liberty for all--high and lowarich and poor. The only reason that thousands of men
consent to abandon work at the risk of seeing their families suffer, is the violence
and the ostracism to which that trades unions resort to enforce the edicts of the
demagogues who obtain a good living without doing a days work in a year. Let every
man remain idle who desires to do so, but protect fully every man that desires to
work, and at once the trades unions will sink into utter insignificance. Their
whole power is due to the fact that the miserable political demagogues who control our
local/State and Federal Goyernments, in the desire to secure the workingmen‘s votes,
pander to their errors andgrejudices and enact laws that are ruinous to the community,
but more injurious to the orkingmen than to any other class.
July 51, 1872 Section of Paper 1 Page 5 Cdlumn 5
The Big Sandy Railroad
Regular daily passenger trains will commence running to Winchester and Mt. Sterling
on the let of August, leaving Lexington immediately on the arrival of the 7:40 P. M.
train from Louisville, and returning in time for the early train for Louisville.
On the 15th inst. two trains will run daily. We are glad to learn that the increase
in the amount of business on the Louisville road has shown a most gratifying result
since the extension of the road to Mt. Sterlingland when it gets through to the Big
Sandy it will tax the capacity of the road to its utmost to do it promptly.

 mm of Paper Kentucky gazette. A , ., City“; .gflngtgn....£x.____ _..... '3
Date £2“ 9I 1872 ”,Seeficn of Raw 3 Page § 801m 1 :;
worker's flame Selle; I?
The Labor Question l

Since the abolition of negro slavery the labor has been so unreliable that it é
has reduced the profits on farming to such a degree as to materially effect the j
price of land. It is no exaggeration to say that land has decreased in value a
full twenty per cent, in the last ten years, and there seems to be every prospect g
for a further decrease in price unless we can put our labor on a more reliable g
footing. we will not undertake to particularize the thousand and one ways in g
which the negroes arezible‘tozand do annoy the owner of the ground, and seriously i
impair his prospects for a crop by deserting him at a
same footing. In so far as this system can, it destroys competition in skill, and
the tendency of it is to reduce the trade over which it has control to a dead level
of perfunctory and eyeaserving medioénity. This is notza desirable state of things
for the good workmen, nor for all those for whom good workmen work, and yet it is the
efforts of those good workmen that are bringing it about, a proposition that a man
shall be paid what he earns in intelligible and fair. A proposition that the worst
workman in a trade shall be paid what the best workman earns, under penalty of a
strike by all hands, is absurd, immoral and tyrannous.

 0013;; Sheet No.__’f_/__/____
Name of Paper ,4 ____ City ”_____“___-.. '
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Dam} ‘ - I ___ _ Section of Paper , H Page 001111;???
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Name of Paper ' h . ___.” Cit? ___.___.....__.._
Date _J 7 Section of Paper M_ Page ___Golugzm ___
Worke 1" :3 Name: __ ___ ___.m
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Name of Paper ___, City ___-_._-______._
Date _ Section of Paper ______. Page ___Colutm _____
Works 1" s News N ___ ___

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 COpy Sheet 1‘30._*______,__‘

Name of Paper ___“ City ___:____._____.

Eats- ‘ __' Section of Paper ___—___ Page ___”CCll'Ud'fi _____

Works-.1" :3 Name- ” ___ < _.___....__.___.._.

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Name of Paper ‘ ' ___ Ci tlf ”___._____..
Date ‘ ~1___1 Section of Paper ___,____1 Page _;_‘_C<>11Lt1n __'_____
Worke 1" :3 Name:- ._.

 Copy Sheet No. ,
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Date ___ Section of Paper ___W Page Column
W0 rker' 1; Name __
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Copy Sheet No.“ .


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Name of Paper ,' , ' __ City ‘

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Date _‘ - Section of Paper Pave 001mm 1



Worke r' :5 Name:- _ _w ___ ___. I

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Jztzfitszefls 7m texts.»
mm-- 9:»- «a» WM moms-y.”
Co-Operative Store
A number of Cranrers of this cornty lave orfianized a oo-operative society under the
general co—operative law of the State. They had a meetin: last week anfi elected
the following board of directors: Aaron Farra, Jr., President, 3. C. Colman, Vice
President, E. A. Eeadley, John W. Davis, F. C. Rogers and Tatt F. ferry, Directors.
These gentlemen are all well known anfi the affairs of the association will be safe
in their hands. They nropose opening a co—operative store in this city at an early
August 9, 1876 Sec. of Paper 1 Page 5 Column 5
. Items of Interest
"HOW'shall we settle the labor question?" exclaimed a member of the Georgia Legis-
lature in the midst of his speech. "By coin: tovork and earn your livin? honestlyl"
thundered a spectator in the gallery. That sentiment immediately brought down the

 CODy Sheet Ho. i§”_
Name of Paper The Kentuckt GazetteflmnCity__Lexingtoniflfiy. L_m~~-
Dnte~figegtemberhlfijwlfiflfi‘5“__Section of Paper_l__£cge_§n_00lumn_§”‘_‘
. in Sarnest Protest
The Secretary of a "Labor Union Organization" in Indianapolis
addresses us a communication earnestly protesting against the sending ‘
of any more negroes from Kentucky to Indiana until after the election.
The writer declares the laboring men of Indiana will not stand the
importation of voters, that they are determined to have a fair election,
and that every black men will be closely watched, and, when an attempt
is made to vote illegally, the law will be rigorously enforced: He
adds: "we of the North made the negro free; now let him obey the laws, ‘
work, and be a good citizen. The laboring white pen of the North have ;
heard with deep indignation of the murder of whites at the South by 3
negro rioters for the establishment of negro supremacy, and are re- :
solved to brook no interference with the freedom of franchise here." j
If there are any of Iorton's recruits hereabouts they can see i
from the above what reception they are likely to meet with in Indiana ‘
should they succeed in eluding the Democratic pickets which are stat- E
ioned all along the Kentucky shorea
. ~:

4A - 4B
Lela S. Mason

 4" r: 2;?
3‘ v, ,9 C ' ~ » K " r 3 '- q 5‘ - ’ ~*-~ ‘ y"
W e was.“ i i 23,; “satisfiesmmewmmd ”ewe: Lorre“ W?
' a . 0,. net 1 a 3 rm 2
....” ' , .
writer” s flame Sallee
The American Citizen a paper published in this city in what was thought
to be the interest of the negroes and by the negroes, has suspended. The
negroes have no interests separate from the whites and those who would per-
suade them otherwise, are not their true friends, and the sooner they learn
this the better for them. We seldom saw the defunct paper, but it had, in
the few numbers which we read, some very incendiary articles, and the whole
tone of its politics was bad, and its death is not to be regretted, in a
political or social point of View.
Feb. 14, 1877 see. of Paper 1 Page 2 Col. 2
A few figures which have just been publiShed in England show the evils which
result from strikes in any branch of industry. There was a strike of the
South Yorkshire miners about a year ago, in which 12,200 men took part. The
loss of the miners themselves amounted +0 $1,250,000, and that of the rail-
roads, through reduced carriage of coal to $700,000.
Feb. 14, 1875 Sec. of Paper 1 Page 3 Col. 5
American Implements Abroad

in order for 10,900 slows has been sent to Louisville, Ky, by an associa-
tion of agriculturistsin Southern Russia, the superiority of American wheat
production beinfi attributed to the superiority of American plows and other
agricultural implements.

 Copy Sheet ho. 21
Name of Paper The Kentucky Gazette_m_0ity Lexington, Ky.
Date Februarv lngl§Z7 “_Section of Paper 1 Page 2 Column 2
Worker's Name W. M. Sgll§g__. A .
Evils of Strikes
A few figures which have just been published inIEngland show the
evils which result from strikes in any branch of industry. There was
a strike of the South Yorkshire miners about a year ago, in which
l2,200 men took part. The loss of the miners themselves amounted to
91,250,009 and that of the railroads, through reduced carriage of
coal, to $700,000.
Date July 21L_l§77 w*__; Section of Paper 1 Page 5 Column 2
Runs and S rikss
The runs on the banks and th strikes by railroad operatives are
simply signs of popular uneasine s, and are some of the results of de—
pression and stagnation in tradeo While everything was being inflated
and prices advancing, everybddy was happy. The North is suffering the
consequences of the war it we d on the South, and it is right that
should be the casea Compensat on is the universal law, and New Eng-
land had its glut and glory w‘i e ravaging the South, but now, that
proud section feels the heav ha d of reaction laid upon her, towns
are becoming desolate, her n 11s ilent and her workehOps no longer .
resound with the whirl of muchine'*. Peeple at the West think times
are hard, but let them go 'nto the towns and cities in the Last, and
they will think their ownicondition one of peace and plenty. The end
is not yet, and people might as welh\make up their uinds to see a still
greater depression before the bottomVis reached. The recovery will be
very slow,_even when it sets itfi.
Date Jnlvvgfi,al§11”__u-__Section or Paper 1 Page 5 Column 1
Strikes and Striking
The cause for the strikbs that have shocked and disgraced the
country and destroyed millions of prOperty, lies simply in the fact of
ill regulated competition in railroad freights. Companies and their
agents cut prices down to a fig re that does not pay expenses, and the
companies endeavor to save the elves by taking the food out of the
mouths of their helpless employs s. No wonder the latter turn uoon
.l. _ . ~ . ' .. . ‘
these tyrants In their desperetlo- and attempt to avenge themselves.

 Copy Sheet Ho _
- - 4 A
Name of Paper The Kentucky Gazet:e_ ___.._ Clty_}eXAn§tE§L‘LflL__
Date Jul: gl,_}§231_i_4_ _r___‘_$ec. of Paper___lg.___fage_____._pol.__________r
Worker‘s Name Sallee
Runs and Strikes
The run on the banks and the strikes by railroad operatives are simply signs
of popular uneasiness, and are some of the results of depression and stagnation
in trade. While everything was bein” inflated and prices advancing, everybody
was happy. The Forth is sufferinb the consequences of the war it waged on.tke
South and it is right that should be the case. Compensation is the universal
law, and Yew England had its glut and glory while ravaqing the South, but now
that pious section feels the heavy hand of reaction laid upon her, towns are
becoming desolate, her mills silent and her workshops no longer resound with
with the whirl of machinery. People at the west think times are hard, but let
them go into the towns and cities in the East, and they will think their own
condition one of peace and plenty. The end is not yet, and reople might as
well make up their minds to see a still greater depression before the bottom
is reached. The recovery will be very slow, when it sets it. 7

 o fly“ I v
Copy Sheet No
flame of Paper 1119 Kentucgz GangliL ___ maihwln&§y; __
Date “112.351.. 1831...... ___ ___See. of Paper 1 ___Page 5 _Gol._l__ ..
Barker' 3 Name Sauce
Strikes and Striking
The cause for the strikes that have shocked and disgraced the country and
destroyed millions of property, lies simply in the fact 0? ill regulated
competition in railroad freights. Companies and their agents cut prices
down to a figure that does not pay expenses and the companies endeavor to
save themselves by taking the food out of the mouths of their helpless em—
ployes. To wonder the latter turn upon these tyrants in their desperation
and attempt to avenge themselves._ This is no justification for the lawless
and nurderous acts of the strikers, but this is the cause and this cause
should have been prevented. is well throw fire into a powder magazine and
complain of an explosion, as to take the bread out of the mouths of hungry
nen and complain that they act with desperation. The laborer is worthy of
his hire, is just as much a scriptural injunction, as that men shall not
steal. Those who have guilty of these excesses should be punished to the
full extent of the law, but there is a grim satisfaction in knowing the
'. fact that Tom Scott and his associated block—heads have suffered for their
unwisdom and folly. Those railroad companies that have suffered so severely,
have been managed with a recklessness that is an anazenent to men.of practical
business sense.
While mechanically and as engineering enterprises these roads and their ap-
pointments are marvels of skill and ingenuity, their financial and administra—
tive management are equally marvels of blundering. They have gone on extend-
ing-leasing, buildinr and buying—till they are overwhelred with debt, and cut—
ting and strugrling for business, and then attemptinr to_nake up their losses
by squeezing the life ort of the poor devils who are in their power. There is
and ought to be such a community of interest letweon employer and employe as
to render strikes irpossible, and it is as much the duty of railroad ofiioials
to protect and look after the interests of their employee as after the dividends
of their stockholders, and when they don't do this, but attempt to make evident
at the expense of the very life—blood of the humble employs, they are miserahle
lick—spittles that deserve to be punished. Engines, tracks and cars are worth
nothing without men to operate them, and these non have rights as well as those
who invest their none? in railroads. It is a senseless cuttin: of rates that
has produced all the trouble and until railroad companies learn to manage their
affairs more skillfully, they may expect a recurrence of strikes periodically.
Possibly the present disasters may not he lost one the present generation of
railroad nanarers.
[éfisu v ,
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guise? S gas; . 33:1» 7 7 ~
mm ‘L
Profoundly Thankful
We are profounfily thankful that we have no railroad shops and large manu—
facturing establishments in Lexington to turn out mobs of dissatisfied em—
ployee to burn the town arr1 create riot. It is all very well to lave flour—
ishing manufactures, so long as trade is good and everythinr is flourishing;
but times of depression will come, and then comes discontent, poverty and
crime. The city of Pittsburg will have to pav for the damage done by the
‘ railroad strikers enfi th‘s will put several millions of additional burdens
on the ?roperty—holders of the unfortunate town. ‘He are content with our
present population, ahfl are not one of those ambitious individual who wish
to see a mroat town made of Lexington.at the expense of ovr peace and se—
curity. The character of the nopulation of all manufacturing towns in this
country i: a mixture ixxaxmaxtmxa of all nationalities, three—fourths of
mkizhafi which is just above the starving point in wood times, an? just be—
low it in bad times. Let us be content for we are far hainier as we are
than if we had a city of a hundred thousand people, such as go to make up
Pittsburfi and Cincinnati anfi St. Louis.
July 25, 1877 Sec. of Paper 1 Page 3 Col. 2
The Strike
Our stock shi oers have been verv muct disconcerted in the last week.
p1 .,
Some of them will sustain serious losses by the stoppage of their stock
enroute for the eastern market. The companies transportinv the stock
will no doubt fully reimburse them.

 COpy Sheet E0. 24
Name of Paper The Kentucky Gazette City Lexington,;§y,
Date Julv ZQLmlBVV Section of Paper 1 pPage 3 Column 1
Worker's Name ngfia_§§}le§ ~__.
The Situation

The backbone of the Northern strike is apparently broken, and
a speedy termination of the Pennsylvania Central troubles looked for.

The local roads in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and
the Fort Wayne and Lake Shore, The Missouri, Kansas, and Texas are
in the hands of the strikers.

The violent phase of the strike has rolled like a high-crested
wave westward from Pittsburgh. Chicago and St. Louis are grappling
with the throes and contortions of Communism. The railroad strike
has been overshadowed in St. Louis and Chicago by the workingmen's
movement, led by the Internationalists. Thursday the Chicago au-
thorities met the mob promptly in a hand to hand fight, and a numb-
er of rioters are reported killed and many wounded. The police did
the chief fighting, and when they got into a tight place the soldiers
appeared and the mob fled. Some severe fighting occurred that night,
but the authorities have the upper hand.

In St. Louis the riotous demonstrations were violent, but the
whole city is full of armed men, with more arming; and as in Chicago
and elsewhere, there is a general patrolling of the city, and every-
thing is in readiness to fire so low that the mob will realize that
no fooling is meditated.

The San Francisco roughs have been roughly handled, and the
citizens are thoroughly aroused and determined to preserve order.

The blockade to the commerce of the country and general suspens-
ion of business is beginning to be followed by very serious effects.
hanufaotories are compelled to close for lack of coal and supplies.
Laboring men of all classes, directly or indirectly engaged in the
handling of freight are idle. Food is becoming scarce in locali-
ties dependent on railroads for supplies, and in the coal mining
regions of Pennsylvania, where the men have been thrown out of em-‘
ployment by the stoppage of coal trains, actual famine is threatened.
Business is stagnant in all the large cities, and generally growing
worse, and altogether it is not a pleasant situation to contemplate.

Ten thousand miners met on last Thursday in Lachawanna Valley,
and being refused an advance of 25 per cent in wages, struck, put
out the fires, and began to flood the mines. If they succe