xt7jdf6k1463_4 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k1463/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k1463/data/71m33.dao.xml United States. Works Progress Administration of Kentucky. 1.8 Cubic feet 4 boxes archival material 71m33 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact Special Collections.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Labor union newspaper transcripts Labor unions--Kentucky. Labor unions--Ohio. Transcripts Lexington, Ky. papers
                        Lexington Daily Press text Lexington, Ky. papers
                        Lexington Daily Press 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k1463/data/71m33/Box_1/Folder_4/2379.pdf 1871-1888 1888 1871-1888 section false xt7jdf6k1463_4 xt7jdf6k1463 Copy Sheet limw .V i
Name of Paper Lexington Daily Press ___” city Lexr‘gggjggn. KY
Date NOV- a5. 1871 _ Section of Pope-'1‘ _.2_-_.__,--,. Page. 1 _Cnflxcm 5 __
l‘lorker‘ :5 Name ”.._.” W. E. Fowler _____
The Workingmen of Paris are agitating the establishment of a "Building and -
Saving; Association". It is intended to encourage thrift and economy" amongst
working classes of the Comunity.
. l.

 COpy Sheet No. -. ‘ i
Name of Paper Lexington Daily Pres_s______ ______ Cit;r _liegillgjsgn, Ky
Date Jan. _51, 18,73...___ Section of Paper _w}__~_____u Fags 4 _Colrcm 2
Worker' 3 Name _wflzmler __ ___...l.“
Lexington Enterprise
The Transylvania Publishing Company:- A large Establishment complete in all its 4
appointments . '
Some time ago it was known that a company had been formed called the Transylvania
Publishing Company, the object of which was to establish in Lexington a book
publishing concern which should rival in completinens of it appointments and in its
capacity for doing business, any similar establishment this side of the Alleghanies.

 gr: 'u: 3 \ ‘ >1";
Copy Sheet No. - l
i _ Name of Papc;1‘___Lexing:ogg Dajjy Press ,_.-..-_. City Lexington, Ky
Da,tng§fl_g_1_8'Q____ . Section of Paper ..__L.”.--. Page. 1 _Colunn 4 _ ‘
‘f‘fivrker' a; Name: __________ Fowler __ V
Mr. Garnett - Revised Statues -- A House Bill 110 to prevent persons from
interferring so as to induce laborers or servants to abandon their contracts
or to employ such without the consent of their original employer before the
expiration of the contract, a: c with amendments. Rejected. A motion
was entered to reconsider.

 COpy Sheet No. ~

Name of Paper Lexington Daily Press _-fl.City LGXEEEEEELQEX”__.~

Date Feb. 27, 1872 Section of Paper *__1 U“.Page 2 _Column 2

W0 Ike 1“ :5 Name- ______~____ Fowler ___”


The representatives of the National Reform Labor Party, at Columbus,-uho have
opened the Presidental campaign. They have nominated aticket with Judge David
Davis, of Illinois/at the head of it. ‘we dont know how Judge Davis's views accord
with those of the party that seeks to make him its standard-bearer, but a better
selection could hardly have been made. It is not likely that he will accept, no
matter what his opinions concerning labor reform and the rights of the working class
may be. Mr. Davis is at present occuping a seat on the Supreme Bench of the United
States, under appointment of Mr, Lincoln.
He is a man well advanced in life though well preserved. He has extensive means, and,
if he were so disposed, could impart a vast amount of magnetism to a Presidental
campa'gn. He is a able jurist, and a staunch friend of the Constitution of the
It was Judge Davis who loosened the satrap Burnsides' grip on the Chicago Times, V
in 1863. The labor movement is beginning, at last, to assume definite shape.
It may not accomplish much in the present campaign, but it possesses formidable - 5‘
strength, and cannot be ignored by either political party.

 Laiinitcn Daily Press Lexington Feb. 29, 1&72
Section 1 Page 2 Cclumn l
W. B. Fowler
Judge Davis
The labor reformers seem tn have selected a nan for their
, candidate who meets with support from more than these interested

directly in the Welfare of the workingnan. His record is nut objec—
tinnable tn Republicans inasmuch as he has been identified with that
partv and assisted in securing the first ncninaticn of Mr. Lincoln
tn the PrcSidencv.

Of late he has Shawn himself decidedly conservative, and
adcpted such a course as ta Win the support of those Democrats whc
believe in the passive pclicv, and in favoring the claims cf any—
body to beat Grant. -

The Chicago Times, the leading Democratic journal in the
Northwest, speaks thus of the naminaticn hf Judge Davis:

"The ncminaticn is cne of many evidences that are cbservable of a
spontaneous feeling thrbughcut the country, in favor of same able
and eminent citizen, and his elevation tn the Presidency by the
Cc—cperating support cf all the nemgle who would guard the country
against ancther term cf ealaaitcus Ccrrupticn and misrule."

‘ The labor refcrners have suggested, in the person of Judge
Davis, such a candidate, a gentleman possesing the talents, acquire-
ments and persenal character to restore that dignity to the affice
cf Chief Magistrate, the lcss of which has been a national humilii—
aticn, and one whn is perculiarly fitted to unite the strength of
all parties, and of all the pearls Withnut respect tn parties, the
are op 033d tn the administration. They are tn be congratulated
upon their excellent and must judicious selection, and especially ‘
upcn having placed themselves in a position where, in advancing their
own cause, they may alga advance a cause that is common to all patri—
ctic and right—minded Citizens cf the Republic.

The fellcwing is the text cf Judge Davis‘ dispatch tn the
President of the Labcr Reform Convention, in response to the nne
informing him of the naminaticn:

Washington Feb. 22, 1872
T. M. Chamberlain, President National Labor Reform:
Be pleased tn thank the Convention for the unexpected hcnor they
have conferred upon we. The Chief Madistracv cf the Republic should
neither be sought nar declined.

(Signed) David Davis.

This is an exceedingly neat acknowledgment hf the ccmpiinent
conferred upon him, and at the same time a rebuke to General Grait
for the indecent gerrymandering, tn which he is descending in arder
to secure the Republican noainaticn.

Copy Sheet No. ~ '
Name of Paper Lexington Daily ng5§__________~m City gggxingtgn,_fiyg____
Date. £939, gull Section of Paper __l_______u Page __2____Colvc.-m _l_;__
Worke 1" :3 Name _______ E91135: ___—
Judge Davis
The labor reformers seem.to have selected a man for their candidate who meets
with support from more than those interested directly in the welfare of th e
working man. His record is not objectionable to Republicans inasmuch as he has
been identified with that party and assisted in securing the first nomination of
Dr. Lincoln to the Eresidency.
Of late he has shown himself decidedly conservative, and adopted such a course
as to win the support of those Democrats who believe in the passive policy, and
in favoring the claims of anybody to beat Grant.
The Chicago Times, the leading Democratic journal in the Northwest, speaks thus
of the nomination of Judge Davis: "The nonination is one of many evidences that
are observable of a spontaneous feeling throughout the country, in favor of some
able and eminent citizen, and his elevation to the Presidency by the co-operating
support of all the people who would guard the country against another term of cal-
amitous corruption and misrule.
The labor reformers have suggested, in the person of Judge Davis, such a candidate,
a gentleman possessing the talents, acquirmnnts and personal character to restore
that dignity to the office of Chief Magistrate, the loss of which has been a national ‘
humilation, and one who is peculiarly fitted to unite the strength of all parties,
and of all the people without respect to parties, who are opposed to the Administra-
tion. They are to be congratulated upon their excellent and most judicious selection,
and especially upon having placed themselves in a position where, in advancing their
own cause, they may also advance a cause that is common to all patrotic and right-
minded citizens of the Republic. ;
The following is the text of Judge Davis's dispatch to the President of the Labor
Reform Convention, in response to the one informing of the nomination:
' washington, Feb. 21, 1872. 3
E. M. Chamberlain, President National Labor Reform:
Be pleased to thank the Convention for the unexpected honor they
have conferred upon me. The Chief magistracy of the Republic
should neither be sought nor declined.
(Signed) David Davis
This is an exceeding neat acknowledgement of the compliment conferred upon him,
and at the same time a rebuke to Gen. Grant for the indecent gerrymandering, to
which he is descending in order to secure the Republican nomination. ‘

 COpy Sheet me - '
Name of Payir Lexington Daily Press __ City EEIEEELEEW Ky
Date Feb.:é_‘,18_7_2 Section of Paper _1; M Page 3 _Coltcrm l
Worke 1" :5 Name .-._.._._-__, Fowler _
_ A Strike
The workmen upon the Big Sandy road, at Wihchester, indulged in that glorious
privilege of Workman, a strike, on Tuesday. The cause is variously stated, that
generally believed being that, the Contractor engaged a Dutchman to sharpen the
points of the blasting drills, which his Hibernian associates did not relish,
and so they refused to work unles the points were sharpened by some other hand. At
last accounts the whole tea party was on a big spree.
, :

Copy Sheet No. i
Name of Paper Lexington Dailv Press ___~_ City __L@xingtgn, Ky ‘
Date march 7, 1872 Section of Paper __l Page 2 Column 2 -
Wbrker's Name Fowler ___
Edito xial
The action of the late "Labor Reform Convention“ which met at Columbus, Ohio, may pro—
duce results utterly unexpected to those who are now engaged in manipulating state con-
, ventions in the interest of Gen. Grant. The action of this convention is in every sense
of the word, significant, and has been guided by sound and superior discretion.
The delegates went out from amongst those prominently identifie with their movement,
and nominated a conservative Republican, with a prominent and aghast Democrat—both men
distinguished for learning, ability and integrity. The nominat on of Judge Davis is
an assertion of the great principle of the supermacy of civil law, it is antagonism to .
military usurpation. Judge Davis is known as a Republicah, but it was he who immediately
after the war-before the heated passions cf actual strife had even time to cool— delivered
the opinion of the Supreme Court, which put an end to the mi infamous tribunals, known
as military commissions. When Gen. Burnside in the exercise of the despotic and illegal
authority which he was so fond of usurping, issued an order during the war for the sup-
pression of a Democratic fiournal in Chicago, and an appeal was made to the judiciary for
redress, Judge Davis unannot only granted it, but notified Mr. Lincoln that if the ag-
grejive outrages of his military puppet were repeated, there would be an organized resist—
anc ahd revolt on the part of the people, and that he Judge Davis, would, if necessary,
put himself at the head of the movement.
The nomination of such a man is a direct attack upon the present Administration, and
the nomination of Gov. Parker, of New Jersey, for the second place upon the ticket gives
it strength which may disappoint those who now affect to sneer at the Labor and Reform
partfly as without influence or brains. If all the elements now opposed to the re—election
of General Grant should unite in a determination to secure his defeat, then we know of no
stronger compromise ticket that could be made. Ourselves, pronounced and unflattering
Democrats, we are for a fair open fight on decided isduses, we believe we can win under
Democratic leadership and Democratic principal޴r But to discontented and disgusted
Republicans, the Labor and Reformhicket presents an opportunity to depart, which many
will find too good to be lost.

Copy Sheet Hmw
Name Of Pa:3(31’_L_e¢flngtnn_Dailx_Pness__.~__-_m Ci t3" _Laxingtgnly__ i
Date. _lgrgh 9,_1§_72 Section of Paper 1 ___I Page. 4 Column 3 ;
Worker' :3 Name- ,. __Fowler _ _ .., ’
Working Men‘ s Association
It is understood that an association composed of working men is now being organized
in this city, the object being mutual benefit. Such an organization properly con-
ducted can be productive of none buTgood results. The meetings are not to be secret,
nor a,re the transactions of the society, but everything appertaining to its business
is to be open to the public. Thus conducted, and with the sole object of subserving
the interests of the working man generally, it cannot fail to meet with a large share
of popular favor, A being the desire of those who feel an Eaterest in the matter to
effect an organization as speedily as possible. Itp Lp‘rospec that the first meeting,
with a View to organization, shall be held on Sundayhevening, the 10th inst. at 7 o‘clock
P. 16., in the School house attached to St. Paul's Catholic Church. A large attend-
ance is earnestly requested.

 COpy Sheet No. ,
Name Of Pager Lexin ton Dail Press Ci by ' ‘
:2 {_.__.“ug _ _ _X. ”_.__.—___--M ___..oLexmgtonFKP

Date. March fig; 18fl_ Section of Paper 1 j V ___“ Page _gwfiolulzm J
Worker' :3 Name:- u w Fowler _ _.__.


The Workingmen‘ 3 Society _
There is in ocurse of organization in this City, principally among our Irish ‘
fellow citizens, called the'Wx‘r'orkingmen's Society", the chief aim and object of
which is to benefit the laboring class. While citizens of other nationalities
have formed themseliresWinto associations from which they have derived much material
benefit” the sons of Ireland have unfortunately had no such advantages or oppor-
tunities. It is not a secret Society, has no oaths or dark lantern meetings, but is
simply and purely what it intends to be - workingmens society for the benefit of the
It is to be hoped it will be joined by large majority of our mechanics and laborers.

 0010:] Sheet No. - g ‘
Name of Paper Lexing. ton Daily Press ___” City Leginztton! Ky
Date. _ Jan, 20,~_1‘8_75 Section of Paper __1 ___W Page. 2 _Colxum 1
Worker' :3 Name . d ___. Fowler; {
The bill to secure the claims of persons furnishing labor and material to ‘ :
railroads, turnpikes and gravel roads was reported back to the Senate by the 3
Committee of Courts of Justice, with an amendment, and was Math-espe'c‘ial‘brder i
for Thursday next. 3

 A /
Copy Sheet No.
Name of Paper Lexington Daily Press __w City _ngiQEEQQJ_KX;.._i
. Date Apgilug,_l§]§L__fifi___ Section of Paper ____l.~___w Page __2L_ Column _§_.____
W0 rim 1‘ ' :3 Name “__“fi_.fi‘ml§r________~_ __ __
Iron and Coal

Lexington and Carter County Mining Company-Meeting yesterday-Election of officers.

Hopeful anticipation for coal when the railroad is finished.

The Lexington and Carter County Mining company seems to entertain hopeful anticipa-
‘ n of supplying Lexington with coal — the home made article - at no distant date:
6 only hope that the railroad may be pushed forward with such rapidity as not to

delay the enterprising gentleman from conferring a public benefit upon the city, while

they are deservedly enabled to make their own coffers a little more plethoric.

Their investmentQ we should say, up to the present, have been rather precarious owing

to obvious, but inevitable circumstancefi but if the road is finished in the time,

which we have been reasonably led to expect, this company will be amply repaid for
its investment which may yet produce pecuniary fruit , more than a hundred fold.

For the information of those who are not acquainted with the history of the company,

we may state that it was organized in 1869 in this city and purchased a tract of

land, embracing 12, 000 acres in Carter county, Ky., on the line of the Big Sandy

The have built a very ex ellent furnace on this tract of land, where they have just

finished a run of 3, 500; tonfifi of first—class iron.

They are making active preparations for shipping coal to the city, and confidentaly

hope that they will be ready to do so as soon as the railroad is finishedé

Magy they go on and prosper.

 Copy Sheet No. , . 0
Name of Paper Lexington Daily Press City _Eggiggfion, K1
late May 7-1875N Section of Paper 1 Page 2 Column 2
worker's Name ____IbmlaI_______‘__~_______*___.__‘_
The "irrepressible conflict" between labor and capital, of which we have had some I
recent manifestations in the protracted, but unsuccessful strikes of the gas men,

i_ the crispins and the coopers of our great commercial metropolis, long since assumed

‘5 sufficient importance to attract the ernest attention of our ablest thinkers and iflzfast
overshadowing the effeetéhbstractionfiof party platforms and becomingxessential problem,
upon the successful solution 6f which the very existence of present political organiza-
tions depend. .

While it is true that this antagonism does not arise from any exceptional state of
affairfl but is the natural and logical outgrowth of a struggle dating from the inaug-
ration of industrial activity which sprang the application of steam power and machinery
to manufacturesestill, that it should have assumed such propositions and become so
formidable in this county, where are vast territory, eihaustless natural weatth and
comparatively small population afford ample fields for the operations both of the
capitalist and laborer, is solely attributable to the operation of certain artifical
causes which have resulted from the partisan, corrupt and incompetent administration

of the Federal Government.

The prodigal expenditures of the Radical Administration, which required proportionate .
oppressive taxation and which labor and the products of labor have in the end to pay;

, the donations of the public lands and legislation in the interests of great monetary t
corporations, and the artful contrivances of unscrupulous officials by which the control E
of the money of the county is centered in the hands of a few, enabling them by combination?
and concert of action to raise or lower the prices of products of labor at pleasure, has 3
created a feeling of discontent among the masses of the people which is maihkested 11 5
over the count? in the organizéZEion of labor unions, crispin societies, Farmers ggiger j
and other associations, to resist the encroachments of capital and compel those who a
make the laws and those who execute them to respect the rights and properly guard the 3
interests of labor. 1
' 1
It is estimated that the membership of the various trades unions and societies through- i
out the Union will reach 12-600, 000, but the failure of all efforts to unite them in 3
national organization, hasdd great measure prevented their influence being felt, and g
seriously interforred with the advancement of the cause. Another attempt is now being 3
made by prominent men of both political parties, to harmonize these discordant elements .;
and organize a great national party for the purposes of "guarding the interests of §
laborers, securing consideration and justice in Legislation, and for the improvement E
and elevation of all laboring classes of the country in whats er pertains to their ?
intellectual, moral, social and terial welfare," by the sufiéss of this movement the E
conservative element in the coun§§ will obtain a powerfully ally for/to this extent, at ?g
least, the aims of the two organ zations are identical, both inclining to the side of $3
personal liberty, and resistance to the arbitary encroachment of power. fig

s id

 ' COpy Sheet No. 2 ,
Name of Paper Lexingm Dailv Press__ _W City _EEEEEEEZ _Ky__
Tate. June 2;~_‘-_-_1873_ Section of Paper 1 ___M Page LflOlumn _1_'______ .
Worker' 3 Name “__mjgwl g1: __. ___~_
We call the attention of our readers to an article which we reproduce from the
Chicago Times.
O X/
It is possible for our Citizens to make Lexingtonfirailway center at comparatively
trifling cost. . ‘
A subscription of 50,000 W111 in all probability, secure the C1n01nnati Southern;
The Big Sandy, General Breckinridge assures us, is a fixed fact, and now we have
the promise of a through line from Chicago to Savannah, passing through Lexington.

 Copy Sheet No. » '
Name of Paper____£§!§§g;Lexinston Pres ____W_ City' Lexington, Kentncky
Date Feb. 101.514.” Section of Paper ___l_____>__v_ Page 1 ._Colwzm 4
Worker' :5 Name- _,_“ Fowler V . . .__
Louisville, Ky
Printers on Strike
Louisville, Feb. 9th. The printers in the Courier—Journal office
are on a strike because of the refusal of the proprietors to dis—
charge John Bennet the £0 eman, on their demand. The proprietors
are entirely satisfied with the foreman, and the first intimation
they had of bbjection to him by the printers was their demand for
his dismissal, and refusal to go to work otherwise. Only six men
out of about fifty printers remain, but enough have been secured
to get out a half sheet tomorrow morning. There was no complaint
azbout wages, the proprietors paying fifty cents. Only throughly
compefitent printers need apply for places, which will in all pro-
bability be filled in a few days.

 V I . "i "‘ " “r 1' ' 11:31?££1"i"¥€ta;:¥;:::.:zai:~_;""“ “maul-u f-W‘u" ‘ ' ‘ ‘
'1 4
Copy Sheet No. 1
Name of Papor___Lexin ton Dail Press __;__ City ___ngingtgn‘_xy;_._
IP38 _~1E333Ljh~l§12;____Section of Paper ___l_____“_Pagc g~g_"Column ”§_“___
WOI‘kB I" 55 Name “___EOJYLm“_—_
The Military
Sent to Newport by the Governor
- Our Boys -
The riotous proceedings of the strikers at Newport iron works have given grave
cause of alarm to the people of that quiet little city; so much so the Mayor sent
a requisition to the Governor for State troops.
The following is the reply of the Governor.
[fifState of Kentucky Executive Dep't )
Frankfort March 5-1874.
Eon. R. D. Hayman, mayor of Newport:
Dear Sir— In response to your formal application for Militia to aid in suppressing
an apprehended riot,I have ordered Captain C. M. Hendricks, of Lexington, to pro-
ceed with twenty‘five men of his company to Newport and report to you for duty.
The capacity in,which his command will act will be that of troops in aid to civil

. authorities, [26 guide you in giving prOper instructions.

I respectfully refer you to such of Article IV., Chapter 76, General Statues, as
pertain to the present emergency. You will observe that you are therein equally
empowered with myself to call out the local Militia for the preservation of the
peace. Should you find a larger force necessary than that taken to Newport by
Capt. Hendricks, I suggest that you organize such a body of discreet men as you
may deem requisite, who may act in conjunction with Captain Hendricks; or to be
attached to his command.

To enable you to arm such a body, I have directed fifty rifles, with ammunition
to be sent to you. Upon receipt you will forward to the Quartermaster General
your official bond in the sum of $1,000 conditioned on the safe keeping and return
of the guns when called for.

?’is the use of military in time of peace is always to be resorted to with great caution,
I enjoin upon you the observance of great care lest the evil you seek to avert be aggrav-
ated rather than lessened by their use. Let your action be made apparent to all as
prompted by the intention and purpose of preserving the peace and maintaining the super-
macy of the civil authority. By this means and by the exhibition of prudence and firm-
ness I shall hope that all danger of conflict will be averted, and that the important
industry of your city, which has been checked, may be preacefully resumed. I have the
honor to be, respectfully, P. H. Leslief’

Grave apprehensions were felt that there would be trouble yesterday, inasmuch as the
proprietors of the iron works had imported men from Pittsburgh to fill the places of
the strikers, in consequence Capt. Hendricks, of the State Guard, in this city was '
ordered to Newport with twontyvfive men of his company£dghe following officerfland men
.left on the afternoon train yesterdayl

 Copy Sheet No._____§___‘_‘_
Name of Paporflington Daily Pressw . Ci til *Lexingtm.
Date __Tgaflh— 844.1%“ Section of Paper ___L~______. Pops _2___Colu_';m L“
Worker' :5 Name ______E0j'_16r __
C. M. Hendricks, Captain; Frank Dillon, Lieutenant.
. Privates

Jack Morgan Garland Hale

David Boyd Henry Williams

John McMain J. P. Frazee

Shelly Harm W. Perkins

Newton Harkins Alonzo Johnson

D. D. War-sham L. M. Shroyer

John Byrne Luke Lowman

James March Geo. C. Gaugh

John Hennesy J. 8. Looney

Wm Erd ' Lon Jones

C. Cox Ed Recordan

 COpy Sheet No. , ’
Name Of Papor_*_ Lexington Daily Press _~__M City Legington, Ky
Date march 8:_l§1$.___ Section of Paper __w};*H_wn_Page 2 _Column 3
W0 rice 1" :5 Nam e m _Fowler
It is understood that a company of Militia also left Frankfort on the
3 P. M. train yesterday for the scene of the disturbance. Our boys are
many of them.young, and we hope for their sake that active hostilities
will be unnecessary, but if there is any real fighting to be done and
shooting is absolutely necessary, we would advise the rioters to look
out for Capt. Hendrics an his boys. The Cincinnati papers, however,
do not anticipate any serious difficulty with the'turburlant strikers.
Still there is no telling what may happen. It was rumored that three
inoffensive men have been killed by them yesterday.
we trust the "boys" will return safe.

 Copy Sheet No.
Name of Paper Lexington Daily Press_ ___" Ci W _IJEJEEEE’Ei Ky ‘
Datebjggch 2§_,__1874_ Section of Paper __ 1 _w Page 2 _Colex: 1
Worker‘ :5 Name; ‘__*M“~FQE} g1: __.._..
There is strong talk among the Striking iron workers of Cincinnati,
Covington and Newport, of forming a joint stock company and estab-
lishing another mill in Newport.
M “W _... M reg; _

 . .. , .. . v »~ "~ $231
COpy Sheet Umw _
, _ £3! / '

Name of Paper m; Lexinc't: o Press ___--- City Lexington, Ky

Date April 23, 1&4 Section of Paper ___l___--. Page 2 _ColLt-sm 3

Worker' :5 Name _ W. B. Fowler ' __

Railroad Strike
The L. C. 8; L. R. R. Strike in Trouble
' Back Pay Wanted

We had just begun to congratulate ourselves upon the fact that we had escaped

the "strike epidemic". "Mien lot it bursts upon us with overwhelming force.

We have been informed by some of the parties interested that all the section

hands (except on three sections), all carpenters, bridge repairers, Hag on the ‘
road quit work yesterday. The strike is not for advance in wages but for the -‘
money the read now owes them for their labor, the company being indebted to some

of them for their services sine the first of December, and nearly all of them for

the months of January, February, March and April. >

The Paymaster' 3 office in Louisville, is said to resemble an election poll, being V
besffhged from morning until night by employees of the company for their pay.


 Copy Sheet No. 6 ‘ 7 ‘ g ~
7);:{4 it,
Name of Paper m, Lexington Fires 5 Ci ti] _Lazingi_on.l¥___
Date ___fipfllfiLlEflL Section of Paper ___l___~____ Page ___l___Coltc:m _6_____
E‘Iorker' :4 Name _ ,_ W. B._Eowler -__..
The Short Line Troubles
Some of the Bands in this City
The Mars Wont Go
The strike continues and has with a few exceptions, spread along the
entire toad.
Quite a number of the strikers are in the city. Some of them have not
been paid for five months, and all of them seem to be very bitter against
the managers of théoroad. The strikers tore two rails from the track yes-
terday morning at nsolation eut, below Frankfort, it is said, for the
purpose of throwing the freight train. That, however was delayed beyond
the cut, and the morning passenger came up first. Fortunately the torn v
track was found in good season. The rails were soon replaced and the train
came in all right, having been delayed but about an hour. The freight train,
however, did not fare so well, for the strikers having taken possession of
the route, turned the water from the tanks, so when the freight reached Payne’s
@epot it was brought to a stand still for lack of water. An engine from this
place was sent down, and the freight came up about four o' clock yesterday after—
noon. The difficulty seems to be confined to the section men. The officials
in this city are reticent upon the subject, and the Press reporter found con-
siderable difficulty in obtaining the facts relative to the case. lie/however,
conversed with a number of the strikers, and from them obtained the above account.
A card from several of the workmen, published in the Frankfort Yeoman of yesterday,
states the following:
Although the movement of the workmen my not be of "much importance" to him,
they have certainly all quit work, and intend to " stay quit" until they are '
paid up to the lst of April. Besides, it is notoriously true that only a part
of the December wages due the workmen has been paid, and there are employes of
the road living in Frankfort who have not received a cent of their wages due
for that month. Moreover, so far as the workmen on this part of the line are
concerned, not one of them has received a cent of pay from the company since
the lst of January, and their information is positive that this is the case
with all the other workmen throughout the whole line. It will thus be} seen
that either the reporter msunderstood Mr. Skinner or Mr. Skinner did not know
1 % what he was talking about himself. Finally, if Mr. S. or any other officer, thinks
I LQ. a poorwsection hand, carpenter, or blacksmith, can work for nothing for four or
0“ ’---“”'five 1:10:1th himself— or even for three or four- let him try it on, and
// our word for it, he will quit a month or two sooner than we did: Keanwhile the
road hab suffers for lack of proper attention, and the lives of passengers are ‘
endangered because the hard-working road hands are not paid as promptly as the
officers and other employee of the company.

 Copy Sheet No._________g__,_ . ‘
Heme of Pawvx~mngsmmhq2ma§;_____w City mmm__
. (I: ‘
Date Apgjlwge, £14 Section of fiaper __IL____W__ Page 4 _Colmm 2
Worker' :5 Name _ W. B. Fowler
The Railroad Troubles
The Strikers Becoming Impatient
A conver: tion with some of the railroad officials yesterday developed the
fact thnfihile the laborers are quiet and inoffensive, that/are by no means
satisfied with their treatment. They claim that they have! been kept out of
their wages until "forebearance has ceased to be a virtue." One monthflwages
were paid yesterday, but that does not amount to " a drop in the bucket". Up
to this time the strikers are masters of the situation, having control of the
water tanks along the road. It is said that two pumps were "put through“ yes-
terday on the short line, and that a similar work has been done between here
and Mt. Sterling. The trains, however, were all on time. The view just at
this time is certainly not a pleasant one. Three or four hundred strikers,
awaiting slow payment 1601‘ five months’ work, is not a spectacle to be be
sneered at. Our reporter, from his conversation yesterday, is able to say
that the men are terribly in earnest, and fully determined upon getting their
wages. Theflrlclaimthe’fwant nothing more than their dues, and While they depre-
cate trouble they are’fully determined as to their course.

 COpy Sheet No. 102
Name of 1>aper____lexingtogDaily Fresgwm_m_____MCitymg‘e‘éiiléygi‘,‘ 3:311 “__Wm" "
Datefimgflfa, 1875 ___MWMSection of Pageri__?age_LColumn 2 __
‘Jorker‘s NameJLjQ_C_a_1_1_Le_ _......,...W.'
The state Convention (1)651.)
(Only one resolution adopted, and that dealt only with state rights 'vs.

national authority).

Copy Sheet No. ,
Name of Paper Lexington Daily Press ______ City __Leggngtolx, Ky_____
mte biarCh 2E3. £5116. Section of Paper 1 __ Page 4 Column 3
Worker's Name ”__”_i~h Fowler ____________a———
Interesting to Laborering an
Among the creditable acts passed by the late Legislature of Kentucky was one presented
by Hon. Theodore Hallam, of Covington, entitled "an act to secure the employes of rail-
roads and manufacturers in their wages," which was approved by the Governor on the
20th of march.
Section 1. Provides that when the,iEfects of any railroad or rolling mill, or other 3
manufacturing establishement, comes to be distributed among creditors,