xt7jdf6k1463_28 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k1463/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k1463/data/71m33.dao.xml United States. Works Progress Administration of Kentucky. 1.8 Cubic feet 4 boxes archival material 71m33 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact Special Collections.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Labor union newspaper transcripts Labor unions--Kentucky. Labor unions--Ohio. Transcripts C.I.O. material text C.I.O. material 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k1463/data/71m33/Box_4/Folder_8/42537.pdf 1940, 1946-1950 1950 1940, 1946-1950 section false xt7jdf6k1463_28 xt7jdf6k1463 c A l
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i This is Common Cause ll: it is the second in the Kentucky
OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE BOARD (3.1.0. Political Action Committee Commcn Cause family.
Like its predecessor, Common Cause I. it is dedicated to the
I MR. Al. \VHn-FHOL’SIZ MR. FRED Foss high purpose of making democracy work.
i')l't’,\r(/c‘)1/ ‘SL‘Vt’f‘f’l‘ "llkv‘f In a world of contending ideologies . . . in a world yet sick and
716 Rosemout Drive 1139 PHIK‘TSO” NYC” sore from [be grievous wounds of war—mankind seeks a firm and
Park Hills. Covington. Ky. Newport. Kcmucky wholesome foundation upon which to build a more peaceful and
secure socrcty.
MR. w“, H. BIZA’I‘TY. Ml“ HHW‘W H' Rqrmm‘l' \X’c offer democracy as our best bop: for the peoples of the
Dismu 3r).._[lnitctl StcchUFkL‘r‘ “l ”m“ AL'mmUM’F Will-kt” V world. It is our deep conviction that the democratic precept of the
America “(‘— S‘m‘h “filth 5" individual worth and dignity of man must find wbolcbearted acceptance
[05} Dixdalc Avenue l-“lV‘W’iIIC' kmm‘kl over the world. The democratic rudimiuts cf freedom of religious
Louisville. Kentucky. ‘ ‘ belief. freedom of thought aal expression . . . the"? are prerequisite
MR' KARL MHR‘ _ . . cornerstones in the building of any future peaceful world cooperation
MR. Au‘l‘HL'R BISHOP. [illiéf‘lLb‘f‘w‘ll & M” Um“; and orginizarioa. \Vitliout them the future of international justice
, . . J » s . . _ "or:cr_» , 4 - '. ~
District llv-i-bnitcd SEcCl\\0il\-rs of 4‘ l (-thm‘m “Hildmg and Mnny lg dlny
Al‘ntrlC'A ‘ _ I, ‘ K1 (Mk .1 But we must make democracy wOrk; \Y/c must prove to the
5913 Eds! “”1 5“ LOLHSHHL‘ L” ) world that we bavc tbc courage to put our idealism to practical tcst.
Covinsmn. KCHIUCW \ . l3 \n “L m a \Vc must show to thc world tangibly and demonstrably that democracy
‘ -- irlliiillwxiii‘uftl‘(Af'sllll'n‘il \‘(vdl'lxtrs is more than glittering slogans and pretentious catcbwords.
MR' ALVA 11' Elm". . A. h T..} i . y -1 I. .7 We must dcnutnsrratc that democracy works in the hearts and
District .2 3w—Unitcd Sterlworkcrs of ~10 (.. ““1“” 'L” K '1" M y \- h . ‘ N . , _ A A, , A v . . l
‘ [Wmlnc Rummy-V. stuls (,f mcn. in tbt ll( mc around tbc hcartbsrdc “litre the family
Amm“ . l 1 l gathers togL-tber. in tbc scbrol and playground where children learn
'63 thmjum 5" MR. WM, B. 5mm“; and play. in the factory wbcrc \vorkcrs' hands turn out the world's
AShlaml‘ kenkay' Umml R-rilnitl \‘C'orkcrs l goods, in the church where men come to worship, in the legislative
‘ V . a . s r 4 r ‘ : ‘ x - I v 4 “ v V
MR. RAYMOND D. CATLHT [m Wurmyk N l balls. in (lit maikci place in the tcmplts of high flnancc . . . exery
. . . J W Louisville. Kcmutky. ‘ “1]ch-
Umted Paperworkcrs if America l S ‘l l l ‘ q . f {A . _l U r . \ . #11 b D f
1 _ _ 7 l Sr, . .. .. uci .1 trmonstntrono ctmocracy in action m e morc po.eat
1L7; .51(;U[hK:r;:‘lkv Ma, loim‘ H. \‘1N(,1;Nl. l than vast armlcs. huge air fleets. atomic bombs and all of mans '
”mm c‘ " lToitcd ()Hiut CV PYUIC‘WW‘I Wk” l destructive engines of war,
Ma. ERNizs'r DLJNAWAY. “3} Dl‘l“,H‘blm“Y Common Caust— II in a small way. and concerning itself with
United Shut: \X/m‘kcrs of Ameriu~ LOW-Will“ “U““Vkl‘ 1 state issues only. suggests a program of democracy in action. It calls
South Portsmouth. Kentucky “N [11mm \Nxoox ‘ for aid to tbc- aged, injurcd and the srcka for conservation of our
f_ 1‘ l k.“ ‘l' .1 of natural resources: encouragcmcut of a housing program; equal rights
MR. HAGA“ PATTON- Ic‘mk ,wm L” mm on the job without regard to race. creed or color; and for the right
Oil WUI'kU'S lmcr‘WLiOMl UM)” "‘““T““ _ ‘ of men and women to join Labor Unions of their own choosing with-
l>.t). Box 185 MW. Fifi? Silk! bit?“ out ftar of employer reprisals . . . all of these and much more.
CatlcftSblIFll. Kentmky‘ 14mm“ L. L“ m it Commcn Cause ll offers a practical and obtainable program for '1
‘ Kentucky. It is within sight and grasp if but the state administration
‘ and Legislature manifest a new concein and sympathy for the needs
STATE COUNClL OlilleES AT LOUISVILU‘. and problems of tbc majority cf our people.
-'l()7 Vaughn Building. 300 \Vr’cst Main Street. \VAbasb (i566 1

 Our aspirations “If: as down-to—earth American ‘15 jefferson. 3 3. Complete recodification of the antiquated and needlessly
Lincoln and ROOSEVCIE- ihfi)’ but express the realizable dream Of the l complicated statutory patchwork which now constitutes the Workmen’s
mass of Our people. They are fervently in the public interest. : Compensation Code or Law.

We re-aflirm again that ”it is our devout wrsh to make common 1‘ o. Sufficient funds must be provided to carry on the important
cause for the common 800d “'“h [1‘6 common 13601316 0f Kentucky. duties of the Commission with speed and certainty. The consistent

‘ In this spirit we 058$ (30111111011 CAUSE 11- failure of the Legislature to appropriate adequate funds has directly
resulted in serious inefficiency and delay in the operation of the Com—

m o R H m E n ' 5 (0 m p 6 n s n T I o n mission. This penny-pinching economy has made for crowded and

wasteful Commission working conditions; unconscionably low wagts

As a direct result of the activrrics of C.l.O. and other branches for Commission employees; a lack of proper scientific equipment; and
3f organized Labor. the past session of the Kentucky Legislature made distressing delay in the processing and granting of claims.
some desirable changes in the \‘(3/orkmen's Compensaticn law. As a l
result of these amendments, many workers will receive increased I l n D U ST R I n l s n F E I III R n D H V G I E n E
benefits. . . . , There is no more tragic and needless waste of human life and

In spite of these jibemhzdumg‘ however. the stern fact remains health than that which results from industrial disease and accidents.
that Kentucky's Workmen's C(mpensation law and its administration The enormity of this mass crime is starkly revealed in the figures I I I
does not meet the [611500111319 “@6le 0t injured “'9‘ch and [ht ”1" [8.358 industrial injuries and accidents in Kentucky in the twelve
fortunate dependents of those killed on the industrial front. month period from July 1. 1948 to june 30. 1949 . I . and 92 deaths,

We deplore the emphasis heretofore given by [he Indusn'ial Com- and these figures do not touch the great amount of suffering caused
mission and the Legislature to keep employers rates at the lowest from (’Ccupflnomld159115€5~
degree rather than raise workers compensation to the highesr possible Kentucky CLO. has for years raised its voice against this tEmbjfl
level. We re-affitm our Kentucky CLOI. WOFkHWITSI (30111361539011 daily tragedy of the workshop, the mine, and the factory. The results
program and call upon the Legislature for the following affirmative to date have been far short of satisfactory. Too (:ften state officials
action: have demonstrated more sensitivity to employers' safety resistance than

1. There musr be a drastic upward revision of the current com- to workers' lives. Too often employers have been pzrmitted to place
pensation paid injured workers. \Vith the cost of living haying . the cost of safety ahead of human life. To protect the worker on the
spiralled to the highest peak in the hisrory of America, the present . job, we propose:
maximum 0f $18-00 per week [0 injured workers “I‘ll Elm” dependents i 1. Revision and modernization of prtsent state Safety Codes by
is wholly inadequate, if not disgraceful. l the Industrial Commissioner. Some of these Codes were adopted years

2. Additional allowance mu5t be provided for injured workers 380 and have CXlStCLl without change 9"“ since. They are wholly 1“
with dependent children. It is axiomatic that an injured worker adequate to me“ present “PCWUHS procedures 0f the industries 1“'
with many children requires more money to meet the basic needs I V’OlVEd.
of lifeI 2. Development of state Safety Codes for hazardous industries

3. The present waiting period of one week imposes a cruel ; “Of npw covered bV my code Pm‘C‘CUOUI3 .
hardship upon injured workers and should be eliminated. This is not j . 3- Development Of ‘1 more effective hygiene and safety program
a novel suggestion because many of the states of the Union have already j Wlth Iccnstant TESEMCh and education In accrdent prevention.
taken such action. g I 4. Aggrtssive factory inspection by competent and thoroughly
4. Rehabilitation centers, adequately staffed atd equipped. are i trained personnel With sterner penalties for Violators of safety laws.
imperative in Kentucky. Hundreds of injured workers. after receiving i U n E m p l, 0 v m E n I o '
the pittance allowed by law. are thrust upon the industrial scrIapheap ; T (0 m p E n S “T n
because the state 0f Kentucky has “or provided proper fZlCllmes to It is imperative that this Law be liberalized and much needed
refit and retrain workers injured and maimed on the job. improvements enacted. There must be a substantial increase in un-
7 v
" 3

employment compensation, in the weekly benefits, and in the period vision Structurc is predicated on Ability to pny. Tnxnrion must not be
for which the compensation is permitted with additional benefits ‘ an insmlmcnmliry U) mnkc rhc poor poorer.
granted unemployed workers with family dependents. Benefits should W'c cmuh'ls‘i'lc the need for lc ris‘l'nicn climin'uin 7 mm' usclcss‘
be increased ['0 at least $26 per week for 26 weeks. md inclllcied: unfrs‘ ( :Vlo‘d , ‘L I, y . , 5. : ) f~ .
. . . cu goycmmcm. unc LIILLUL'SLHLHE o con
Kentucky's ”insurance" plan does not pay benefits in accord with solidarion of locnl governments and ngencics in [he int'crcsr ( f cu ncmy
‘ either (a) the present fund's ability which, even under the "mcrit .md more elfccrivc service to the public.

mtmg' plan, has bullt up n tremc-mlous excess of funds because of the We 5mm“, mm ”W the Sum: Legislature specific-ally prohibit
meager beneflrs p“ week, and {hi} small number 0f beneflt _wecks, municipalities fl‘t-IULlllL‘ use (f (h;- pnyroll [21): as n means of rnising
nor (b) the length of tune mmy unemployed may need beneflts, nor funds
the necessary weekly amount of benefits needed to maintain decent l ‘ ‘ _ ‘
existence. ' l \Vc :u‘c Molly and strongly opposed to both soles and occupntnonal

That common justice be done to Kentucky unemployed workers. I HMS.
we propose: .

l. The present weekly maximum cf 520.00 be revised upward T F n I R E m P l- 0 ll, m E n I p R n (I I (E S
SZO'OO at current llvmg C05“ fads m pnvlde even 21 mere exlstencc livcry Kentucky worker has the dcm<:;r;1ric right [0 equality in
standard 0f llvmg for unemployed workers. l employment without regard to race. creed or color. This is :1 simple

2. A more liberal definition of “suitable work" which considers concept written indelibly into the fabric of (ur dcmmrncy nnd into
the humane factors of health, morals. er cerern, is imperative. Also Lhc hearts of good men cvcxyyvhcrc.
amendment of the Law to allow paymgm of bencflts to unemployed Kentucky (-1”). in the W“ has urged upon the Kentucky Legis»
workers because 0f stakes. lnturc [he ndtlption of :1 linir l'nnplcymcdf Practices (l‘ommission. which

3. The elimination of the "waiting period" which forces :1 de- would be dcdiczucd [U thc prcsclvnt’ion of racial and rcligicus equality
lay of benefits 21:11 time when the unemployed workcr is most in need in cmpl< ymnnt. limincnt rcligin us and social lenders joined in this
of quick assistance. demand.

4. The payment Of additional benefits [0 unemployed workers . , l)cmocr.1cy cannot long withstand the cgonrimmticn of grades of
with family dependents. Also sick benefits. cltlzcnshlp, In ‘< ur snuc there must not be flrsr and sccond class . . .

; - x r V \ l ) " h l— ' " '

5. The inclusion of 2111 workers under the Unemployment Com- mm (M mm m (n- Limbo” .( ”1AM. _ _ _ y .
pensntion Law. Far [00 many Kentucky workers nre not now Pm' To hpr sum the 'tldc of racism and blgotry. 1t 15 Impel'nnveuthut
tected by the law. the [\entucky l.cg1sl;uurc 1n‘1n'1cd1urcly repeal the (bncxn us Thy

. . . . , , . J Law" and ndcpt legislation creating :1 Fair Employment Prncuces
.6‘ The smklng Of men: mung from the law. MEI” mung 1.5 ‘1 “ Commission. \\'I[l1 sufficient funds to rcnlisticully educate and restrain
dev1ce to prevent. the buddmg of great unemployment compensntlon l thcse who would dccpcn Ihc clcuvngcs among our people by prucricing
reserves durlng times 0f swollen corporate profits and ”“1”er rc- 4 mcinl and rcliuious‘ discrimnuuion Tn cmpldymcnt.
wards certnln powerful cntegones of 1ndustry w1rhout regard to true ‘

7. The building of 11 non-political uncmployment compens.1tion F U I" l' G m p l' 0 'I' m E n I

administration whose primary concern is the welfare of the workers. Employment has recently rcnchcd :1 new high lcvcl in Kentucky
and America. Although :vll cmploynblc \yclkers have not yet f(und

TR X n I I o n employment, jcbs nrc mcrc plentiful [bun in almost any (ther pernd ,
in the history (f Kentucky.

A thorough study '.md revision of our tax structure is sorely However. this fortunate employment siuuuion should not blind
needed in order to gun more and much needed revenue. The problem us to the pcssibilnv of future unemployment. There are many factors
of taxation is easy of solution if the guiding principle of the [21X re- in our economy which point \vnrningly '.it the prospect of mass un-

4 i

 employment in the future. In fact, we are presently experiencing the n I D To n G E D n n D B |_ I n D '
first signs of the r:.tvages of mass unemployment. '

\Ve must guard against this. Joblessness m'isr not lie accepted 9. l- 5 0 T 0 D6 P E n D E “I C H I l-D RE n
as a necessary evil of our time or economy. We must plan carefully - - ' '
and develop a prtgram new to alleviate any nzass unemployment One searching te5t ”fills moral depth “l. 1‘1 F"““I‘”“"Y film)

- \vhich conceivably mav befall otir state and country in the future. manneran Whmh lt, ”WES It”: aged By [ms criterion hentucky 15 ll
‘ dismal failure. During a periud of sky-i‘cclttting costs of living. old

The state of Kentucky has a positive obligation in [he achieve- age pensions have CILHVlL‘U ft:i\vard almost imperceptibly. Thousands
ment of ftill employment. These primary steps .ve urge: of aged in the state are ct ntlemncd to a revolting standard of living

I. The creatit‘n (if a State Pla'ining Board which gives fair lying-i ,l;:I-inils.l1l31ii nofnlitftrc Elam likbiliic lnil‘ilkéflc (if dcleFl-flidll
representation to emernment. labor. ind istrv. business and agriculture. L mé—lmo'm ”K. “‘le _U i L .l ‘5 1%” NH“ mat mmm mu Am

. . . .. . . . , , - _D . welfare ce placed beiire LlUllllIS.

A log: and \er} tight step in this direction was the creation by the El) , .

Kentucky (jgngrul [\ggclnbly “pp“ the rect.inmendation of Governor ) \Ve propose and urge that adequate appropriations be made to
Earle C Clements (,f the PWSUH mate Agriculture and lndtiStrial De- ll) the State 'Departmcnt of \X’ciiaie and for the care of patients in otir
\‘Llopment Board. However. as presently tsnstituted. t. Es Board does ‘l mental hospitals in K“ ”le4‘"

not give ftill repres station to important segments of the state's popu- Durii‘g the ptst final year $21.(?Ii().()lf() has been received by the
I‘lmm- Ageti. Needy. lilii‘ and Dependeat (hildten of the state. Of this

Such a Board tr Ccmmission slittiltl thj adequately supplied with Emmi“ Mill) Milli.) ll.“ liilld bill lint 5mm: find ll-‘lléllll-OOO was dpaid
tiained Personnel l—Vl'fi!) and pri g i'm the sta es pol: its in the at- 3y the “will (“'li‘inmim' [mil-tr [hC [federal pI‘(,L7lllI]‘i the Te eral
tainment of f“. (”“11”“an . ‘ (acvc-rnment .' PM" iiiree-cltiamcrs of the l' MOLD and matches dollar

' for dollar \Hll) Il‘ h- :e (,n the ..ilaiice.

l. The state of lxentticlx'v Slil“llLl tow careful" blueprint its During 11k. month (1? November in) jt) the Aged “((4‘er 51.389:
pr:sent and it’d”? 1"? fUJm for l ""1; ”‘.‘ Lmnce. development of 000 for an‘wvera're t l 531.00 }' .1. iii an The Needv Blind received
natural IFfSlTUleti. it n L‘I\".1I"i(}n. .si‘U s m l'r LlHCI‘pI‘lSLfi it: Ii]: end that Srl/ 3U) or 822.20 I‘e‘l' reison. ‘1”: l).i' :n.l-tnt Cir-ldren received
there vvtll always l ;- a backlt g t i li‘l‘s to l; ‘ LlllZLLl lt‘. s.-In unemploy- S76éfi()()() (-~ $1530 rer c‘hild.
ment in private ;.7:ei‘piise.

. . . . . . . , \We ask for an .‘ILl t1: the lCL’lSl’lllVC and adminisn‘ative attitude

'j' .L‘lyilncrfiiS‘ng appropriation (ll ““9 funds to embark “PU“ which is conccrned “etch“ velv "Lilli culd and false "cecnemy" with
‘_' “le building and dfififllopment program. bitch a prt gi'tin is not inly our aged. \We seck a \varinheat ed phil: . pay tows’d ti": old folks
IHIPEIHEIYE‘ because of ‘m‘ J<)l>-}31.1l arbitrary suspnsion rulings. Also, the enactment of a law for an
P l ‘ eight-hour day and pensions for civil service einployecs.

It ‘5, ‘1 stound ill-”Ell“? "f detnocratic government to. make the Conservation of our natural resources is necessary to the continued
opportunitybior voting Ugly. ““11“”le and readily “L““;SIbI? to 1111‘ welfare of the People of Kentuck)’- ’l he preservation if these resources
Democracy CF0m‘75 meaningful ‘ nly “'lkn [hf great mass 0 people is an obligation which the nation. the state an} the petple must assume
partic1pate in MS electiors. "l he gravest threat to otir American democ- ‘. r , , ‘ i ‘.
racy is the failure of its people to participate in its elections. Too .WC propose, “_5 “(’16.[hmfldulm’m l7_““'1510ml€mufe “’r more
often a mincrity of our citizenry has made the political decisions. f‘USIShtuf and “‘1 E'j‘ft,ll“,lj‘i‘”m ”g ”f f“ ”(m and H: ("J C‘)I.lll()l‘ .5011

'b" . , _ . _ conservation and rebuilding; iL‘ftil‘LSliltlt)”; water conservation; river

In P?!” the ”hi on?" '1'“ for ml” dangerous trend 0t ”1““th and harbor development: and the propagation cf game and wild life.
control of gtvetntrdit ILSES at the doti‘step of our state government. I i . _ 1 L
To enccpirage citizen participaricn in free electiins‘, we ask: We strongly ativoeate a hill to pltltcet'tnll‘ foiests ant ecp them

. . , . green. Also to regttlate cutting and replanting of forest land.

I. That it be compulsory lit the Lounty Clerks and Boards of ' ‘
Electiot‘s to provide precinct registration facilities at regular and
frequent perictls. and at hours and places cothni-rt for all citizens. E D U C “T | o n n n D p R 0 T E (T I o I]
They shot‘d also remain open for registratioi at least one evening a
week. We also two}: 5.3 a permanent system of mass registration. with 0F 9 0 U T H
Clerks anti litards l‘l’ likaions directed to canvass door-to-doov‘ and .
register 311 gligiblg Chi-ling, The cage of our youth today is the cornerstone of our future of

7 _ _ _ tomorrow, and we therefore propose a state—financed program for both

“ It 15. further F‘r‘71‘3ly recommended that voting places remain rural and urban school districts to provide periodical medical examina-
Open fOt”V0[1Dg 0,“ .ELCCU()I,].DAY‘ from 6 am. (0,731“ Many Of our tions, and free vaccinations. As a big step in the right direction we
4‘11?“ f-“e f“ “‘1" working nours and reSL""an5 MC presently ‘* support tl‘e present program of the Kentucky Educational Association
dCPr‘VCf ”f ”9 opportunity to vrzte due to our polling places clostng which calls for a Taxi-1'2 million dollar Common School Fund to be
.)n election ddl' at "“00 pan appropriated for each year of the bi—annum of l950-32.

4. We ask for an appropriate constitutional amendment entitling luvenile t‘.;linqtiency poses an ever-present threat to the happiness
our 18 ‘ZO Zl-j-Ear old Citizens with the right to vote. Our political and stability of the hot 5: and community. Each year we see more and
lnSEltUtlt,nS can we” utilize the vigor and enthusiasm of these young more delinquency cases reported to the Cottts of Kentucky. Many
Citizens. In every cr‘rie.‘ it the world they proved their courage, will times this number does not come i.) the attention of the juvenile
and belii' in America during the recent war. authorities. .
' 5_ \X’e also recommend permissive legislation [0 provide more The state can materially assist in the struggle of local com-
pay for the crate electicn officers at each polling place which are a lDLlU‘ithS in the establishment of adtlitioml youth recreation facilities.
sheriff. clerk, and two judges. youth canteens. child care centers. and other Similar proiects.

10 l l

 , As 2 s 7 x *4 ‘ \
".31. v. \ “,ng" . ‘. ,., y, #7.. ‘ x ‘C 2 ,
\\ . favor rep 11 (.f the btme lelice Act. It is “helly unncctssary POLI 1 1(JAL AC1] ION (JONIMITTEE
and a waste of the taxpayers money and a useless drain on the much
needed revenues of the state. In any event, we strongly urge that the
present State Police Act be amended so that State police can not lie
2 used in labrr disputes nor in any other way to deprive workers of ’ fi ‘
the Fig-“5 SHIN“ them under K- R. S. 336-150 liniCUil‘lVli BOARD and S2l lilleNG COMMIT Th1:
\We also recommend that Section l()-lZ()-~"Powers W’i2liiri Cities"
of the State Police Act be amended so that no one p;rson. including
the Cwernor. be permitted to authorize the State Police to act in cases
f2..‘)—;l " l' “I ‘I'.
o a S( ctled emergency in in) specified city MR. A], \Vlll’l'li‘lOlle y
' (f/h/irmmz
in ( RE 9 SE I H E p Fl lII OF THE 716 Rose-mom Drive
memBERS 0F GEHERRL assemBll} Park Hills‘ Covington. Ky.
Members of the Kentucky Legislature presently draw a per diem
pay of $15.00 plus l0c per mile for one trip only to and from the
state Capitol at Frankfort. In addition, they draw a small sum for MR. FMS!) Fuss MR, M. C. RIil)\Vl’l'/.
stationery and other expenses. This is wholly inadequate and a disgrace V ‘1: ,1]; 13/ Hwy,“ I. United Automobile \Workers
[0 our 5mm 1 1}) Patterson Street SSI North 2 lth St.
\We strongly advocate that Kentucky pay her state legislators Ngu'pint Kentucky Louisville. Kentucky
enough so that able men and women and young men and women
anxious to make their contribution to the political life of their com-
munity. may be attracted to the service of the people. M R. ARTHUR BISHOP MR. KARI. SAIICZR
ln this manner the commonwealth will get better legislation and [mitt-t] Steelwtrkers or United Brewv ry & Sort
more efficient administration. Amcrir. a Drink \Workers
5'15 East ch St. 3l 1 Coleman Building
(iovington. Kentucky Louisville. Kentucky
Mn. HAG/\R l)/\’l”l().\’ MR. HENRY StaiBtiR’I‘
Oil \Vorkeis lnicrnational Amalgamated Clothing
[lnion \Y/OIKCIS
PO. Box 133 ill) Thornton Street
2 (:atlettsburg. Kentucky Newpore Kentucky
State l’lL‘iltllellll‘fe‘l‘S ° 10“ Vaughn Bldg. ' Louisville
| 3 . . 2, . 29

 s r * fir
"I! if our z/ez'o/zt 1177510 to
mate (OWN/JO]! came for [be
common gooz/ Mil/.7 1/96 (rom—
7/2072 people of Kentmty." ,
‘k ‘k ‘k ‘k

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Prepared under the supervision of ‘
3;"agfifjf. Chief Statistician for Population ”51

 J. C. CAPT, Director (Appointed Illay 22, 1.941) '
WILLIAM LANE AUSTIN, Director (Retired January 31, 1.941)
PHILIP M. HAUSER, Assistant Director HOWARD H. MCCLURE, Assistant Director
Population——LEON E. TRUESDELL, Chief Statistician.
A. Boss I‘JCKLER, Assistant Chief Statistician. ,
Occupation Statistics—Alba M. Edwards.
General Population Statistics—Henry S. Shryoek. Jr.
Housing Statistics—Howard G. Brunsman.
Mathematical Adviser—WV. Edwards Deming.
Technical Operations—Robert B. Voight. 3
Occupational Analyst—Barry Casper. 3
Income Analyst—Richard H. Crawford.
Employment AnalystHVVilliam H. Mautz.
Income Analyst——Selma Fine Goldsmith.
‘ Employment Analyst—John D. Durand.
Tabulation Expert——Karl L. Benson.
Technical Editing—Bruce L. Jenkinson.
Technical Instructions—Jack B. Robertson.
Administrative Service#.AR'rHUR J. HIR