xt7jdf6k1463_2 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k1463/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k1463/data/71m33.dao.xml United States. Works Progress Administration of Kentucky. 1.8 Cubic feet 4 boxes archival material 71m33 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact Special Collections.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Labor union newspaper transcripts Labor unions--Kentucky. Labor unions--Ohio. Transcripts Covington, Ky. papers text Covington, Ky. papers 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k1463/data/71m33/Box_1/Folder_2/1859.pdf 1881 July-1884 September 6, 1902 September 27-1903 October 1903 1881 July-1884 September 6, 1902 September 27-1903 October section false xt7jdf6k1463_2 xt7jdf6k1463 Dal}: Cornnxsr-mreamh , Covington
Jug-3 l, 1.38). Page 2+, Calvin 2
Cine innajcg
Two hundred an: fifty “painters at Leuis Ccok's
carriage “Hawks struck Vas-terday.

 Dailv Commonwealth, Covinqton
.. /——’—‘:—-‘T"—_‘_—'— I‘ V . ..
Juiy t), Lac-v.1. Pag‘u 2, Cit-$123173. .1.
State ngg
Laborers are K039 in demand at Varsai.les
than they have been far years,

 D311” C~‘::—L’1t3=:§.n‘;'3:1; uh, Huang? u
..”, .. "". >. f :— "“"“ a“ I. "' .”‘ _— v
Jug.“ f, “2:;. '1sz ,3 4 v v- .1 2mm 1
C 1110 1mm: 1
x». m .1.... _, v.12,“ .1 ~ ..: Ur; - 4 n
T11. 'J 4.13.; .-J 322‘ it A ‘. 11:1: .1...-.,.a!l’I 5.31,; $91.72“; ' :3 319,323
— ..0. ~ 1 . 1 + “71 ; r“ 1 1. 1‘ 4. .'1 a... .
31.513111. 3.0 Ln‘j’y , 5. u . :../1,: Analfl at i") 3 u, .a J11 J V L”) 8:.
.,V - :.1 .'.-‘—..,‘,- 1.1., . x V. ..W .‘.“ . '
. 3:31:1{3 3- ‘3 2 1 .3..":1115, as; 9 1132:413an; about M30
::11 3:313 3*“ ~11"; “v: 72k.

 (_..— P‘u‘r‘ “.'". .“* V V,, J. Mm
Dollif.’ U'.,‘£.x:.."f1‘:3: 23:11.31'1, C‘.‘VJ.L‘13:’JtZ3n
1. =5: " ; . .3 '* 33‘ -.- :3
J31} 3,3,, 1.:-.21 Pa,» 3 .L.’ Calm-3n ~r
, Cincinnanl
I-F '5"— a ‘ 3'3 -~ ~ T's ~n ~31:*:-.~> r5- -,-,‘ ' 1~ '9 .. " "‘ +*'- "7'5 a
_. any £33.. a: v.L.3JWu._C> ca: __»,,T3 .'.,JLCL 3a.; U—.*a
3 . r H: uh - . 3.33, .. .-.u .- 3 ., .- -: ._.4. ~1 -‘
0.0;.3ano. :3; 3.517: 3;..;,3.3-=.133:-_::3 3,33 .: .chttgr 33/313. 3 3*1 my
..'... h‘.-..‘... .,
-9 at :..

§ ,
t i
:-» , C .,q we 4.1. ~, '. ..Vw.
Daiu- ..‘.. 3; :11, C ‘Vlfl. mn
._.._... “.._...W
e} .._ 1”,,1 3 V s .- ,_
oer: J.-, -z)_,i .. .,1: i J.. C- i run :.
. ,
'T“~ « A S .‘- -
.‘.qc; vi :1;
_... _...-.
a . 4.“ , w - ‘ . -. u . , -~. ,
.V. . Hart“ r: . ~.4 .. 1‘ '“n‘ '.
Ti: r. n .. “we, ,.-:Jw ”in mi :. :3 “'13.:
"a‘ " ‘v+\h‘ ‘ '
x - r - «,7 v-Vr. _, w. , ‘-‘ -~, “1 37":.”“': '="".'_‘ W ,. “-, ~ - w “--
;>.L.(J‘."-j .C. .1 _ l V :v e t .L J Mn. 1 J u .2 ,v :..V.J._L ebb .1. .1. :CJ 5
. q » ‘1 - w v~ » . - . , :" «
1 .,1 i';-'-",'.>- x . $.41. V.,.-. ....V. i. .v v, ,1,”.4‘ .. .t .V LV . ., Um, fl .,,,.
.L-‘ud~_~.5..k....~c'--u ...L Misfit k1 quagmifij 4.0;- .'.: “~1- a w V.'.;i{
x V
.33.“ I" '~ 1' 1; ."." '2 N » - '?
advael‘.’ 1 VI: udfuafl c

 . . . I
n. - 4».
C; Clnnaql
1‘. .. »__ _fl ,.... yup“ . , ,-,..3,” .....—1 .:
T;’.;3 j 4331-133 mun :; :3; w ‘_1 1'3 fins; 3 J.C’u.d.;! .23 1.2.05 1.1 I‘
a dacraaaa if is? h irs of labfir. Only was brinery ’
1n :3: City la axing iULL work.

 Dailv Coggnnwealth, vaifirt~n
WWW :‘ , . __
J;;y 15, L53; Page 1, C lumn 3

The Si?ik3 r: tha bfisnars cantinuas with 1t
ptmspbct “f an early settlemant. A majmrity Ff
thé Ewaage saw they W11; nut grant Eh; ismands ?f
:13 “HTkmen. T;e firms that iava a read to the
demands wf thy atriksfis arr fihfi Gamtrings E: ck
ngpany, Vayani an: Jungk HQTanowurt and 00.,
T. G. Schn and 00., an: hi¢ ans and K;inckharn;r——
'11: lattyw an Qinaizi‘na whic: 1&V3 nut yet buin
apg?vv3i by in: uni n. Th3 fnl;¢wing 51:15 fiava
vzan fares: to aisc~ntinua mark 5 T3 93 13;: wn
accrwuat sf '31: atTLKc: Eixss and Scknaeiier, EEG
F33 man Avsnua; thn I ask, Daytan atvs t &nd
Central avenua; J&Ck$fifl Erzwery, £34 to ickzn ava-
nue; Juhn Kauffgan, :04 Vina Strvat; EerMan Lack»
nan, all Vast Sixth Stygat; Chrigt. chrlein,
711 *lm StTfivt.

Dailv C munnwaalth CovinVCwn
“—‘“-““ sz-“V‘w’ , .
July LS, ;881 Paga 4, Celunn 5
T13 strike wf the baa: bvawars Vfiared n
, 33w flewslnpmsnts y:st:rdav. Path the b asws and
ti: bwrs Kara qually at: rain3d tw'LVli Vut.
The strikers at prassnt pumbiv, accmfiing tv their
evn asserti n; ab ut 2G0 men.
01310 im‘za’: i
A rajwrt infllfljvafifily circulatgd tn the
95530: tiat ii: irwn w TKJTS' atvika rag at an and
ETVVSi, ESVn an35 i afi'n, tw'hav; fixiVinated in
it: fast t:at fluyk was C=Egjn83d Tastariay in tha
mid rail giLi vn ”ast Fr 2t atrsot. The deadlmck
Est :31 the eriing “:11 hauls an: tfic am,lo as
$993 n&t 333m t‘ have ern affected in tha least
bf r2suaptitn Hf wka in this will, tha C?n¢itiwns
uniar which erk is crumaneed bain: substantiallv
such as have szx J; anisd bv tha str4k3?s. A: ut
fifty gen want t: N”?k y stavday mwrniza, but firss
war: ii htai in only fWAT furnasts. A maj“rLty Of
tic taxis ax: all said 3‘ b3 wwtan , ani a1; bf thém
a3: n n—gnivn man, Inrkin; afi Pittsb433 pr;caa.

 Daibr C?,":~:‘.‘..L‘i '11'~;.r<1‘; , Cmv1n;“c
JiiV 30; lfiwl @aga 1, CTlULfl 4
_ V
Th3 :tTikinr exnlwves mf iii brawcra 0306‘33
. - . - a
to ai>pt the tastica th&t Neva successf;; in Law
Y wk, by :3tting uni n wmrkmsn to "Bmycctt" tha
brawovs that will nut c ugiv with thw demands
thathavsbfivnzmxn umeERag
T} 3:, 1's a 7'. -.a "v". «y 1' ~n' :3 “-1 “(7h .-~, yv-y .. v-w ~6- ..., 4 1 n. "9 w -,1 , NIH?)
_ .-...'~_J -..'.; .4 - UWUW-‘w H :- nuw 11.5-; .11 a b u... 4.11..) .L2. ..'.J
3133: have the ayxyathizs 3f t1? pubLic vanifiaLLy.
Ta t3'1n at B’Q'clack in ch: mvrnin; and wyrk aura
t1&n half the 24 h ura is T-“ h, nsmecialLy the
Early riainr part. 333333 ari mules rjcsiv; hart r
tczatmmnt than that.

 n,“ -"«.,‘_ (15”,, . .. ”733?“ v1 C‘”‘ .3.,,.,._..'.5,.._
hall. 5. uh . uf‘u. ual‘fin , m.) f “in: '[l
firfinnfis_.lnnl_____n U - fl 1 ,
u“.,;..‘.,’ (..‘, Jamal i 1, v0- .'.11’1 D
. M
., . .
‘:.- .‘ “,... .. A n 1- ., ,.. ,..4. ..5 w. .5:', ., 'v- .- 5.,‘5‘ ,. - a

T..;J -. .:‘-va; 7'33 “£3,173 L4”: 5 u TI"_;C;1 it‘l' 1‘. J. .inL' 181. 3.":
a .5..J. .'." .. . . . . A ‘: .5 .. ..., ,~,.,., .' .... » -.. . L e.- ~’ 4— " ,L H - ‘ ‘
Cult L-m? ‘ H713 ':.»..wfii.’ an... ..1; 8.533 filialeadd. tx 1'5.


m1. .. 1‘5 . ,5 .. .. ,. | 5.,_ .._. .5 * .:‘." .... .,. .. -... ,... .5.. ..5 p :1, .4 .2 73:5 :3 1., .’.“.2 K3 J. .L ~J .:‘:ELL 1-5 I. .4 a; ;.'.d ‘1 d 4.2.“?-
.. ,. ‘ ,. .‘.. ._. '— . . ..~ ... a .1: . 7'71. .. t” .., .., . .. , ._. :5,.:‘ .
1.151135 ‘ria’VGVBIT 79.33 agree; . 1.."; (20:91:) C“il:‘:_qu:;l‘
..'—H . .., .‘. z ’ .13. " -.,,? . .. .v . .5 ‘ . .'. .. ._.». , ~' ‘ 5 ..
t.e sur_ke at an and, and are “wri-n -nfilr err»—

‘... ,., ' .9. . .. ..'}. ." " .‘4 .._ r. L‘ . N - ._.: ..1, —5._. ~ ",,1 4,‘

arias "i.h a lair Infidu Or “an, irks pi .ncee .cin:
.:‘ . .,., vs1-\ . i .L. ». "—. .. . ." , ..- 7",..w "7 . ". .
rr~n -u; sl.w, :tnera irnm usfi lamb

 “We. ilv C<‘>L:::Ar:nm.'3 alth , 0 CW 1113*: :3: n ,
July 22, 15:3. Pail-fa l, CU-lumn b

The brewers‘ atrike is virtually ended. But
t5: avrival 0f the New Ym:k wnrkmen has stirred
up a lively faaling of inflignatisn.

Ziitcrial Pa~3 l, Calumn 2
T>rkman Wantad la the South
Despita thfl im;ansa tide 9f smikratimn setting
» to *ur shwres, says tha New Ydrk Stak, the demand
Em: the labcr mf the immigrants is graatly in cxc&33
wf thy suyply. Skilled erkman, cyfignn Labwrars,
and femala s9rvants ave all in.

T16 Star adds:

Ons pls&sant faat;?3 af this extrabrdinary want
hf warkmsn 1:63 in thw fact that tha demand Co as
from th: Snuth, where factwfiisa and Tailrcads wait
far tn: hand 0f 1&bor t? &avsl L great chatnels 9f
waalth and grasparity. Sc anxi§us are that to secure
the freshlv~arrived ix;.iqrants‘xhw $33k the Raw Tmrld
t? bfltflT ital? cvn¢Lti n, that Lnduee¢32ts of frag
trans;evzazi~n, with asegfiantgg mf parmansnt emplwy— .

' mant, are givan.

 ‘ " m" ”M..." my. ‘La "11, ‘.-U‘L-
Dallv Lr‘-‘L.;.‘J 11217:: 3.1tLL , M ‘V in awn -
......- _____.__.-_.___.___ -
LT . :7 fin” ‘ N,“ ‘2 :—

JLIJ-Y :- r/z, .1. ..:-)1 l“:- 5 l, (w: 4.112411 9
Civm "E‘an‘i‘ '5

<~§.V -d. —;. v .

j- ‘1, M. . fl, . .:1 , ' , gm ,- , ,.,- 4.1.,
T33 q Lax-grs' -;t 3.10:? 1.5 g- Stat-,:.: 11-», we

‘ .,,A- ‘.,..1‘.- ,, '. L“.- “M. .,u ‘...,. .‘. " A.
.3 mm has are 1:- 1 ML ~_ mat inn, 5.: mm sanitar-

.. ,-._‘.,--L~‘,-,_. -=..'.s_ ..' .. .,a‘.»."'v ‘ ‘~ "3.. ".'-‘-
a3: d».=_lE:iu.-11;; 1 Aims-L: any Suits, Save 1m 13'} ,.lms

‘0 12-- " '.;-4— 2‘ 7.- «L .m , . 4. .,..,.~ A ‘ ,. L. z"
'33. 14:51:00 La 4135'. ‘v‘u' ldl“ ”3-18.1- 1-3.‘Vex;.é‘.flu ano -:.V ‘G (Luann-cl:-

- M ‘ "A .. 1,- . .4 .. - ‘ -._ .... _ ’E '1 . ,..: ,v a . ‘ H . .
to moon. “In-2 ;- we, :5 are C,:;1239.L.x.-3n_. 1: Urrk tut; “any
MA” "A ~' - ~, " — »- .»'», ' ‘ - a .4.“ ‘
4:3. Thai} 1?: C-JiJafl-fld tip-,.....Lt *6- co 913*fiutid .
- -,

 :1. ... “,.., 1 A - ..
Dall‘! CH;..;L.pn~-ya¢th, CL‘VlI’l-gtaln
_“u~ "w; it?“ ~ ~ , ~ r~ ‘
Jily :3, lgl Page 1., Collin 5
WM n -' ‘
1,; Cl‘GV
m” .~-. . “ ,. . -. -.~... .l - 0- 17-: '
“a cock QT'VJI‘E at. ‘.;.:3 Covmpton otock mus
.‘-". - .....,»‘.'.A :i - .25 r... ,.n . '"S 1.... ‘ y-w..‘.
8:33.01): in: Vanna}; it??? sin mezvance ”(30 5:2, out Italic to
.,,|._. ' . 4.1,. V. ,. ‘ i . : . .V._ K 4“" p " ,\ "' _flm‘ -.‘. nun—m. .. ‘ ‘.
a...-:1{ at p-13 olo pr-ce non a $313.38.; o: aniicinmrs tn
“um. any n ,a Tr. .‘. ..
gag: on», calvéiicrs.
Pia-1‘3 l: Cij>lCuLn j
—‘ i: .y. who an ’,,i..,. 75.. f' .i in. 4... 1 . -
LiCKlnzl v «calla-3v boiling: o. ’Jf -‘.;nuncm (iron
p - L- a O .. J
m. . .... . , ,. 4 .~ .. .‘.... . f ., ‘ ‘- r51. 4.". .. , ‘.. =-
wezkors) ,K‘JC'L’ .LVJd y amoraa‘, tLITT..:l;—..,-i my, u-BCTIB‘CQI‘} ,
'. ..c .; ”.2.- rm. .,-.’. )1» a u
::..:l1“tln B:;_:.’t'3, inn 92."; ore—n3. Lone, WTUO in ;_,:»iiey
“A . "A ..- -' . . «UV ._ ‘ ~, .. ‘ 1." , w ‘3‘ 31‘“, .4. l . .» ..
It. 1” -‘.-3.1.13 in t‘.,.s;:;‘o wills-5 i tr i-JiClJ. l b aiwlnts to
:58 I133: seaci; 3b“

 .~ —', "‘- . ...3. ., . . , ”‘ ‘ ‘V ..- .. ,v.
Dewy: 0. 33.533511, C:,.!V.L...-')..,.L1'l
._.._..- «.._....__.________ ..
J “3.3" LL)" J..}..gJ. PEEL .: .L, C=T¢...Lle‘.’l )
Tie Cit‘:
.._. ._.._...
1‘.“ .' . .. .. / ‘.. ~, ... n“ ‘ ..‘ .:- .4.‘ :3 J. ‘ J. ‘ ... - , 3. r, w J
Ln_!.;s=3-1 2:1... C... . , ..._ ..1-.5 c .-‘:i' 5L3"; n: 11.1.4135
T1,,~ 4 . 1,_ .,,, J. J, J , .. J..: A _. 1 , .. .. ...: , .3, .. -. v’\ . tQ-Ix y:
a CLL-‘ ‘11 L: ;,x..;;; w . Y .3 :2 Luz." £154)" gm 1: .‘. .1 mm {13 , 3.1230. ‘17 1 LIMJ
_‘L, _ . .E,‘ ‘2 - ~. .‘.,., » ‘ .4._ _..
.La.;.e..n:.u C 10.0 Lgillii‘t 1 .2 12.: 33.3 .
‘ I-" D,~ ,. ' A. ..,
T333 C-LE‘J L :13?» .L, b',l‘.l;.’.n 3
.._. ._._... .,
. " - , . .'.. ; . J .- ..‘... - J,” . ’: . .. .. .'." 3...
Tr: 3:73 was a .3 3.37331 2: 1:1 .432; rim 5:. 3*: 'J. an;
.. -‘. "-. “.‘.. "J.. ...-.... -. .43 .‘.- ‘ ‘ ~.->". 1.. .. . m,» ,. .‘~ "
2:15»: .2; ‘3 t- r. i‘ 3 .JJ' : ".‘. 113:..ms'u - ' :5 .3»; 3.3.3 . i3; L1 Ji-
'* ..: .. . ._ .. _. .,1 , '1. ., .. 3 ...4. :2...“
I. 1:. “1;. .,- ._ 3 ‘u if.) :3 ND. :~.C._‘ Lb: u._;\l’ ah»; ti: z‘ |‘- -.:‘L{ L). y 41:53
‘ —. . - ...”. .J . —- . .... ...:
II; ‘31: u JT'IJ :13 :.."5 .LZE‘S 21‘ ‘.“».I.:-L*J 5:7. .
~_»_ 3 :.'..¢-: , NJ, ,. r; \,.'1.....
hailzawaa. Q’m Pay ..‘, b L3..- r. 1
fl..." .. 3 . J . ,.. ,.<.3,...L ...: '.,. ,. " _. ' m
Ulyfi ...T.,fl(.l"‘.’1.;‘.‘. A...» .1“".“CJ LJ'WLL'J Lu- 1: .3311. L! ..'X ln, t‘CQ
7‘. . :1 .J. 4.: ~. ,.. . ' 2.. 114...... 3..
“33:14:21.3; UL: W031i f1 Damn E3, :.;CL_ .
'v. :u.. :.,,,,, 0.... r. '. ,3 3
(L17. .; L. , 1“,... @3113 1513;)

 .‘ . x_ ‘ . “4-. 34m f" ._
Daily C:_ur_:v.v;;>_r_1}.;:gal-.:1, \r‘rl'll’l_~.bm1'l
August :, i221 Page i, Celumn ;
, T113 Cit‘f


The Strike 2f :5; T“illnfi mill gin still
. ... N, m l r.- -wn-,n film it s«.. L
cwntlnuas. in: uni n aligns Jenn s_rlaué ;4

" , V ‘ .~.,,,- ,7.‘ .e ...-.r. ,3." ‘ .,
pa: wnsk In? in» 51;? rt ~£ ;-ns:ll and lanl_3.
T“: "3%:lt is shit .qu rs are c stalled tr Séuk
M m.-” -c .ni W.MV,NM u. s mp .. .
wthfif enplwymsnt, r in ta *~rk at 233:: trade
..-.. .. '.n . , —» ,- ~ - ..... :4. ‘ fl ..
clear a~e. Flitnflfi Llllnw hill man lol. last
,. ' '.'». A ‘ -,.‘ .:., J .4. .4 : .._ : .l .-r:' _‘q ,, 1.“,
1.:l’-V;-t-—r:;‘lg:flt l..'T IL’WIl'u'M‘.’ Shin, 0111-2 suVrJl’l l-. r
. «i.l a.
:fztlrill L3.) L73...

 1 .r1,1.:.m7~:r,.-z ."..-u-ijryg-f;My.351.1». .’E'Angf-r 11*11'1-‘311 . 1'~-"~1r-7:‘!‘m»:11»~' .1 :..1 :1, _ ,. 1, v r ,1 , . ._. .._ _ , _ , ,,A _ .__ ,.. . . W, . 1, .. . . » ., .
1. 1 1 . ’1 ,1, '1 1 W
13:11.12 1.11.3114};1.111‘.'I;,:.J.T1h, Gov“; _~n
___... ___.--w...“ ;-
. 1 .1 ._1. . 1| 1‘ .-~ "1‘, ‘1 :..
August 3, L21 ;=J. PE: .3 '4, Lu.) 11.11111 1
C: mo 1.112181": 1
'” b11151 1:71:13 r1- t.» a: c itv :1 311i. 11 1:11-3:91: 11:1; 3,1 1351: 1.1:—

11:1 , 3i cut-mi 2.111: 1.111: 13‘1“. t 1 11.121141; no :11 so :15:—

1 h 1 .. ,1": ,. 1 =1 ‘. .1. ..“. "1 V. 1.

mat 1 n 1:; 1:111:5’0 1331:1111 in; 1.0113,; .


 V . '7‘5‘:fi:r':~.,....‘.-.1»: QT'J‘Q’JD'WHLAM'” v , ~ A ‘
Dailv Can annualth, vainston
M —-——.——p_—-_.—_—~——_ a.
,..., .- .1 . ,... .‘.... r" ‘
AdLJJLT-E ‘T, -881 1:01:38 1, C'JJ-‘uLILQ D
Q: -r~, ' ‘1 -~ v ' :
C inc unit-1t]. ~
fit. .4- - 4. —. .y . A ,. ,:. .- M. ‘ g. 4. 1 fl _
lie striking LTJWfiTe Lela a meeting yosu.rday
. .- m . . 77,—". .4 -.a. -- w -., .. a ,. _ .
germing at Farmer hell, ;nu:e Csing a ia La attan— ,
5. n- . k - ‘3.. '~ . . ~ 4 " , .” . “ -., " ' Y~-~~- '
dance, anon entndeiasm manilested, and no Qloy'Sl- .
’ J - ~ : ~ ' ,. ‘4. w. “« ‘7“. . 43'.- ., 1‘. m -. 1-. . .1. .:. r. ,.. ,
tion manifest tw bleak ins ranKs and threw CAQMP 2
~ . . i ,, . ‘ - _.-. .. ‘1... '
selves on the mercy and propuSition Lads q? the g
r ......H. I-..,. ’. ‘
drowyfa' heSJClatlUn. g

 Dailv C3132:‘Igrfialth, C:‘»Vi1;'t0n
Eh Hat E,—TS81 Page 4, Calumn l

Tn3 awrking bTEUJTS aw; still fighting f0:
4 31535.2. T1131; are entitled fiat: 117. Tim}: are
required ta'ba 2: duty thirtsan : ura mufi rf th:
twantyufour, taginning at three o‘clock in the
m0rning. The axactiwn is inhuman, and calculatjd
tn mak: brutas of men. This is mat a c ntest fsr
Haney, but fvr r3as~nakle rest. (Gazstta)

 ”~45 "‘~ . W“.;.L~ m.— ‘ “...,A.”
Ea;;v um minnuax.4, qu1nx;,h
_~_”h.___u_.__~w-~. V
,V .”'.«J. ‘3 '1 Q“ .. ,I- 1 "I_V ..., {
ALL-57.1.3 u S, 4.9%; 13:19.25 4., Lwlungn L)
Lgvs ml the Dav
rm V .2.-V N “I . .- -. -. . I1 ‘7 1.” .‘.“ (‘1 V‘ ‘-
xne sg¢g caggan54r= an; caLAurs at yt Lnulé
“ A ‘4. .1) .: :‘M .m- .«J .- 3K r .; .'.L- .. , . J
33y ;Jr;&;n% ;w: an auVanLu hi fLiu} cent; er day.
l” 7 ".~ “.‘..“ w A .,.,- ' " ,V . .1 ' ..-.«_ 4.1, V V, I, 7
AL‘ tflu p,ew:;: 1n bt L=u;s, ”1.; DQJ 3403;—
a. “ a. “_'. ;: 1. V. . ‘ r u . .-fi“ _..,~ .4 ... ‘ ”I” A
;1un mL L 4: pr flvs, LaVc Ig¢a 3d [SqumUlea tu
. . . u ..I‘" ., ..
rest re the prxc: cf :32: t? ha Elf 33?T3i'
Char .-... ‘.’h-..,.-. , .—-. I — ..I.
quay“; .;‘;'.V.:: Pr}. 2.) L1, C'I‘J.‘J_u.‘.-’L 2
~4.. a ._.:'- ".n . .I -4 H4. ,..; :1,‘ .,‘ I, 4.5 - .-‘-'..,V ‘ ‘.
FQJu .; tQU CchLCuu up nsz on gnu :15 Sammy
r.“ M: -., . ;.“' Has» “- “an“; . 1.- ... A, .‘
Ball? au EQCGflLLy Lamu a Sigafi fAr ¢ibcrty. One
was recaptured.

 .- m... 1 V ., ,_-v; ,1 .e 1.1., ..
DEJJN u=.,|:...'.; ‘2’1~"‘2¢..Lt11, Gym-1.131;}:
__.J— M U ...—___— v
r". . ,1 '1 n ". '11:» “ '13 mg 1' 1,1
B. L111! V. :t *L’ , J.CL~._T..'. 1. a1: ., J, C a . lU....fl l
C‘a—,—»..~ in”...
JL-awi .':J.::.~
T1;<; la‘: 3:; is 1': '1: 11a: 352:3: P231110 a: La; :- ‘5‘ 21-1: :4
Nan-t, .‘J—M-‘gc‘yr 9‘3”]... pm {IN-“.15; 311 42' "rm ,1, _—‘ LEA-""1". 9.]: .1.» E. 3‘11
.LJ. 4 k. LiarA/I‘. Lb“ WA; A. ;......'w14v. . J. nu an.) , 1. -,‘ ~I; _
41.50 3.3:: day‘fl) .

 ‘4‘” M .__.,....VV.L':". "V: _:. , A.

DaLLV GmLu n ,aLCL, u»v¢n;t n
.__.L.____L_L..L_.. L
r fl “ ". f,‘ .... T“ . .. ~ ‘
;L-,ct Li, LQQL rage l, L«_ugn 5
‘- 3.. . .. 777 ’r». .? r.
T;..~J I "“11 x. ‘:l‘hu 3::

1,. ,. , . : ~. '1‘ . ...“. ...::~ ‘., - L -'.~ ..:: 7. ~ r' _., 1,. ‘ 4.. ,

Tilt? <1£.’3.L’..11 .L T“. J LLQKLLLLac 3-."7‘3 47:: -51 31.2417 7.; ‘.'...ll’l..Il;-_
._ . -m ' . .. . - ...”. ‘ .‘ . fl ,, .. ' ..., -.: r : .-,. ,, L. -
. JL§3~T :. uul n mun 1&3 fig .3: uwygad L) oganmfi
4“ 1 .cv...‘2 '.,,. n "...” . - . ..
1L tug iflailLJS c: EA; 4.3Kuwn Af Cgvzngt‘n and
L. V “' 3
u ...... .. .. .. .21.. i . ..- .c- .,. ..:, ‘ ~.-., . u. : .: ._. . ,3.
s3”; :t, .3 UL: C‘ngd a: kr¢CJ£alum Which tLJg Lav;
. ,...~, ~ .. 1.4.. 4',“ . w- 7 . - . . m1. ,. m ,. -_ w w, ..
1. cL.:‘.-{3CL -..»: .LU 2‘ t1;-.:Z:;:JC1J.V"S u. inx‘)‘: 5.33: "t tnat 3:.1-33’


..:*~ , ,3u. ..., ~. .-.‘.:.- .._:.,,:_,.+ . :l 4__ .. " ...v‘m:
d;;_ chulnu; 1n L3u3r ,333 L: fittiCUuO Lnnlm :0;
«.-,._.~-. n,‘: uh...“ . $.71,
;,.;',-g.l3b ..3 ’3 ‘Al../ t u‘LflLAS.
ha...,;,...,.4.‘ 3... h «.,“.... “
\— gl’lx.v..l-;1ELul 15;. I) “1‘, Cv.‘.'.;,=.1;.fl J.

rm... . :1 ‘. , ......A»;~.., . .za ., . TL'.’~”I" < .

:uu ;Trifilflf LSOVJffi ”qt Ln T¢rncr “aL; Vmst¢r—
* s . 'r ‘ . .. H» . ~ t. .~ . ._ -. ,- ..:;
gar Lifuiflb. L3 wag TflQ-thfi t¢at Ereunux aau
:. 4 N - ,., 1:,.~.4.~.... _. . -... ‘1 L .. . . .w . .. ,4L- .1. 4.".
QULLOf'u ngu:fi?, lh L.v;h twn, .5; sin :urLauLy

.. '. ,M. . ’1‘.» J .,_ - ,:‘2 ,. . .. :“4 ., . L . .' . '-
ac $33.13;. t-- L'fiiiff; (u ;.:C.Le..L)


 94“.- " a a, ‘1‘ .2 .‘.,A‘
Diiiw L-. 1.4.; n- :;::—r.J.ti;, (waving; uun
._ “-_.._—._._.
;, --.. a; “: 'f, ' m~ D _ , w v "A ..,,
19...; 5..; u it. , 4.80.; ,_ a 1‘ ;-; .1. , C J
TL: C1 it?
__ _..—.4...
1 x w - i - 2 ~
,.._ , ., .-_“,3. . _.+ —l—‘ ._ ‘.,‘ A,” ., -_,... , . V 1 . _,fll ‘ , .. ,,., “.1
T1; J panda an. my C, viii 3 L; DgL’I‘fi. 1am“), {,1,-gm” ,;'--
{x ,.|., ,.fi.“ ..’.J- “ '_‘: - +-. 1'! .1,» : 4_ ...; ,3 . « ,..‘. ._, ”.1 .:, ”,1 ,.., -'~ ~, .,1 . a w,
"nca :1»- ,i. .5“), :5 uJJC A .- 11:). Alf-@553 it; f: Inf- 4' , 3.1/1. .gflé. .f :13...‘g
.2 ,,, a Tm”, c: t' -: .1 ..'-M, ‘;y, ".41"-
L -~;; 4.: i. «11;. 2,74,. ..'.‘J 341;. {3' iJ.. do, . -..Lu. - m;i-ln,

, - .
,.’\ «, .v .. ., i», »‘ , ,. V i. ‘. v. I -‘ I. '; “”_‘: «an v. 1,. Va 4 ~.». -1:" ‘ r ’—
'_ __ J 1‘ ,,1 43," .L J :1 1:1,", 41A"; -: Liv) .51....“ .111 b iii? t“ .; .‘..LLC .JELQ‘J
x g. ,. ,5 ..‘
a, sigh). I' C‘I‘.


 Daily COInYilonWCfrlth Covington
Ammst 1‘4, 1.88:7) Page ’4 calmer. 5
Charles 0. Iu’lorgsr.
Labor Troubles
Lexington, Ky., Augggust l.3.—- All, except two stone cutters,
working or. the ncv Courthouse, struck today haying discovered
these two received fifty cents more per dray than they did.
, t
. 3,

 V_ . I} V 1'" VV ,1 -1 w ,.- " .'.5. ‘3. -‘ .- ”‘14....”

DalJ-y V. r. can. Ln. Lv v“... ua-fl

_.__.._ .__”.wwm. V .

AU“: Quilt J.“ lg: .L 95% NJ L1- Ct 1 «wan 4-

-- .1 : J
r,- t. a '1; 3 .‘u: eta-J a
A 1. ,. .. .. 4 ._ . ..1- .... . .'11., 4 .1 .. .‘ 3.,. 1 I, 'M
.I: .;..,~..- t- 41134 t:- «inc 3.328% s 3:1.1...L,..:atl..=a mar: Chen

‘.. - ,1 ._ 111... v. ... "

...eiu. 1n r3~mv

 . ,,1

Daily Cnmahnweeith, Orvinatrn
Aurust 18, i681 Page 1, G Kuhn e
The Ir“n ankers

There is i 353:1tility that the diff roncee
bet as: the reinfectfirgrs and tin irfin with; 3
:i;; he arran ed t~ the :irst of the u~nth. This
much we _carn'frvm a nvrker.

It w uld be a nnst gratifying tiiié to the
public as veil as to tho gerti's iirootly concerned
if there 0 uld :2 a fair and satisfactury adjuetnent,
an; ufrk rzsumed in tin tig ir;n h;;is vi the three
The Iron Ferkars

C nsid rail: stir‘na: Gauss; ai~ng the iron
t Tkihd f tile city restarday by ti: an: uncement '
tFat G; be lill He.2'hed resumed rvrk. Th; regert
has ttis I undati n, that the yr ;:i:t rs cf the
;;11 fixl a sursd »f their a iiitj tn secors all the
hands t a: need at Pittsfiur; ovicas, and have ac—
ccrdingly e nuanced heating up t1: firnaoos fro ara-
t»rv to resimin: a 3k. The strikers, an the cmntraTF,
er; 3 nfident that th: effwrt to secure nwnwuniwn
131; will fail, and ate net at all alergod it the


 4‘: 1. ,.‘W .. «r ’V 1.. ‘81-.-.“—
Da;.;.*: Cagunng-I? teal‘th, L115; Jaw"... .‘wfl
__.... ___...1-..1___ -
A. 1 r *, ,. ..,,- *1 r1. * ,. 1. --
d1.z«1.-,-.:‘C ..‘}, $81131 130.3 .‘., p1.:1.L_1.f.111 A,
q '1 ‘f‘ 1 -: 'A' Q "- "‘ J
L1 .LnC Luna. L .J.
m . .\ ._ .' .‘. .. . ‘ -.11 . 1. ,.. "i" V.. *‘,. '1 .j ' 71‘1” ”‘1. nun— -n .11.».r1 .:xen 5.: 1*. at 12.1.1111: 11.11.11 11.. .a
.11 ,11-..- 4.. 1 :1. 1,1*.,— ”.14.. ' 1., ~.
13.9%; _1. 11.11;) 1.11.1 0151111113 1" 1. 113.1 T111 ..1 141. 41.11". 1.3:: 111—1.»... 3193 7:: .
* .- .- - L11.-. 1 .1 - .1... .. 1 .~.*1 ‘. . -.,.t '.
T....‘Jj; 5:41 1.11}, nava ’3. 1..) wurx mac. 211(3ch 111:
n 1. ., - ..,1 .1. .3 . .14...
05.11331 1 1.11. 13.1111 01,-1.1»..cact.

 ”..:"... I.» ‘.‘ 1, '1“ “ -'- -

Deiiv Cwsn;nusaitn, QVV¢CUt Q

._,_l___..-_ll-l_.. l

H ’2 I" " ’0'"; "' .—-‘ 2‘ p . ..,

Adéust so, loo; Pa,9 +, Cuwdnn l

”'“q —-\ m ; a m -~" r1 1‘ ~.» «5 -\ flex/W. \ 4- 4-H n .4- - 1.x mam-.- »-, m a l
1.. lo .Lw a Loom? iJlA~bLIUC o Lilo... 9-:6 o gentile

w ...: ‘v 1 ~ . “,:.- , ‘ . _ V
StTlKB aili so Cumgfflmlsad.

 - . '1 .. : 7‘. .. ,+,. “
Dr, ’2 111 C.‘. 1‘;i‘~;.“r1‘i=J-,1 91351....tfl , CV .'....u‘ gt H. '-

Lbs-*1 . 1 . t - ~— «1
-——~——~ —-—~—'—*~r—‘:‘—*"‘ ,3. s CW1 41,1vm "w

,.. . , 4 _1 in“
August dd, #3:» PW; - l, - ,
. > w” w~""'=-1~""
T .3 Iron -. oi nip. 3
~ ~ .... ,‘.:.4..'. 'n-§- ”1’7'V“n(‘jm
~ ‘ - l ., ,. 1—1 .». x; 4-,» ,_ ._q r 1 a « {1 144,5 ; l‘lv .1 111-14 4 .1.“ u
ml. .-gnn 111 . ..L..1.-4 .
14;) .Ll‘ u L-lv’ié 1 4- ~-~~v ~ .47 M‘ ” AV f I
, 4. .4 ., . 1 4 a a.“ 42-. -1 1+ 1- ‘7’} {iv/n“ "o: '73;_1:- “11:14.“-
4—‘-~ 3 avvnlval D 37“.; I i“ .E' ’1 ..’.5 bl .Lo 1-. u -- “l: h _ m" ‘3
“1 ' " ,- ‘ J-i wl f fiovt-wai EIT‘V‘S‘CJTG. Lix‘J...aI".:. J.--u
., ”in .'.. .. ,-, 1 3—1 7: Va , -_ g: _’ - ,‘ C ..‘) , :5; L __ -1, _. ... .

' » ‘1‘& its ..‘- fl ‘ ,. ”_.11-1
,Lamukw u JVL l- J .1 . v ‘ ‘ . I) .11... \ "”3 + ... |“ [.3 l .’. £1345 , swing-A—
" r: '1 —, ~ : “:w‘x - 10' ” v- 1,; 4': .. ;~ U1, 1;... _, ._ ~ ~
an 3".“ _L'ctl" o. :2 I. J‘..v.-.‘\J- I 1 £11., we . », , ' .,.-. . 4 .1, 1r;

NJ ’ ,1 - ., . a. l + '1 ,4». f‘ - '7 l was; ”:jaff‘lj 'EU‘ L'D ’3 .L _. .1.
" i '71 t,“ 50.39-13:- |VM5L§ '4 2111 u l 12-; _J ..L-I-J- .L’ ...1 ‘._. ‘1‘ ‘1 ‘ '3 . .11.‘ t

; ' L I — ~ - -» “ ~~r ' 4 file 3:355:25 L '4
2.“ +231:- «=31':£Jfl"1 5. T114; 37 a .‘.-Lulksn f u _. ‘ 1‘ 141
U»: .‘-le vb ...~.u..~.. - 1‘ ~ . - 4:~ ~\ .01; ‘.' ~. 6 V1 1*!3

‘ - . . ,- .MJ -I-.~1~,. +r"'1“‘:?«# t T.- 11‘ 1 L on u. ..
' ~— ‘ r ”r "A“ " >73 :1 ‘ L xiii; u_~.../v- 4.4 -
T‘.“, "3 1““? 1‘14; .Lt. xi £1..:-_’ at-» 1 “K g‘ ‘ . 4—‘.,—- N "a: «a
u.. 4v»; . 1 _ . _,-, [_.fl ‘5‘ "‘41 .‘.;1 m-rwv 11.-$301: ULLJJD I“; i
. ~ . — 1 'w A m 11*, C3 1 ... . \A 1 J. a“. .4 _
with filij‘uunlé‘nl: :2, u- ‘- «vL— ‘4 + - + ”C OCH
-* v - ‘v ‘ A ,1, 1 l .. - ;-. » at; 5L6]. - - "v
4 _A 1,1 . -.. . .-4,~-,,,_,,W y ‘ I ~ ‘ .‘_«L,.... y g;
T;; 13112 "wine: a :Jl,.oe s 73w n Jt ~ ~ 1 a
. ? .14. ,: » M _. ,., 4,7:~ ’
0" M43 1;; is .Lv 1.“.0 . _ , _ ‘ a 1+” ~l ‘ w .‘, n 131.13 .
a in -~; x (‘1 1:. "- z: ‘10 p‘!‘ 177 <3 s 43:10 ”333,“; $311,; v» _-_C 1.»; .1. v -4 J-
T‘.:.', Q.‘_1(‘.A. s] J. A. V d .. 4- _‘ .._ .7 4-.” A. w + “ A: k iv} ."‘
. , _ . .... -. .4 r» .x '2" x "3 ‘ .‘ r_' g. _,. l. ..3.
(‘51-. ,vfira‘. +- s D “ “1“: 2‘" 111‘ £5. .1 194;, do“ o M. ‘4 11 L2“ v “a .1 to
5“ ' "' "‘ "m " ‘ " " “ ‘ V ' ‘4 . - 4'. a, 4. ”14“,: ,w -n
- r 14.. .o ~ 1. 1" f“ -'1 7‘11 ‘1‘-V‘vfl “'11 {j "V ill-{thin ':.;,-.L ‘l'—' H -~ )
‘1 '"" ‘31—“?! 7*;{ZJ I'b VI V «JV 4- “h“ b J 4 " “‘ 4 x - -1 41's.»;
"‘ ‘ " - e . . _- -. mo 4 :2 1; mill :1 .--.V
,- K. .1" »'r—w--.~-m" c~1r ’11. :‘L , «..‘ .llwA»J-— v D
.‘ 4‘. a, O l”-l'\ g , VL11 ‘1 “Lu. ;__ _; .‘., .' .4 u (_‘1 . (‘4.
H_ a; .3 1'. A_k.IL~ 4 -J r- . \_1 ‘ .... . a h .11 ._,., r» m 1 .. m :""' Q 1
‘J 1 7 ‘ 1 ‘ . — .-l “\r -+»‘3vw 5'13“ 3""f'CLU “gaflk UXUHJL) q-
0 .: . ._ avg-mg; ~5— « F»1:"‘ : ,T' 2.1 in“ pal; .1 1i l»v4 -..... _ - ,
..'.flL i—AQLW .:_L, ._w‘.» —-— w» - u

 Imwr-u’fi: —._ r , 42'. ".“vr'rzi " L l w» ‘, -'--'-'.‘ , - ‘ ' ~ - - ' - ' " - »:
'Eeilv Cbnxenwealth, Covingten
'—“‘""‘ MW :
August :3, i531 Paée l, Column 4
The Iron W rkers
. At a nesting of the Lil: owners at the office
cf Mitchell, Trenter and Co., in Cincinnati, the
former ann~uhced ictsrninatien wf adhering tr the ’
Pitiehur; seal: cf prices and exployinx nth-union
yen, unless the uni n shwuld accede, lee roaffirued,
and it was unanin ugly res lvei to advertise in the
Cincinnati ani ”astern papors fur n nuanien non. if
the men can not be attained it: niLiS‘wiii r Lain
C 1.03 :53; 0
333335. B. Egnja in and Cu.) proprietors cf the
Cincinnati Rolling Kill, creataa a coneiierable stir
yesterday bv acceding :c the ismands of the strikers,
and granting the advance of 10 per cent. in advance
of the Pittebar; seals cf grioee. iv: the first time
since last June the old force :3 thie gill re; rted
for ant? eni a teat ieal cf 53nd failing resultee
Ketwcen the Jaguars: and L3. Eenjamin. The nan were
Luci Fioeeed ET this unlmwkea in: turn cf affairs:
and ingreeaed themeaives a3 rieay to in all in their
Fever to rigair the dame e done the iron indus:ry':y
ti; strike.

 ”e A ,, ‘ Mex-1, ‘
Dang C--.._;.: n-zcaltl, CI.-Vlh;..)1:_ n
r -. ~‘_.1._.......r____‘___. on" , = u _‘ fl.
Pulp? 1.21:: 'u :.‘+, 4.01:;- x :3. 3 .L, C\.'.LU.LL.I3. c:
"’ -: 4“
Th ..'- V .1. L “Y
__ ___...
3-. "1.0:.“ 17...”; ‘l': .. "1"
T;;=‘3i J. ._':'."‘3nAd.Ll L‘ f tau 3. ..",l 1‘.) “:5.-. ‘c 3 I“; .‘.i..’.fl.a‘. .‘..3. ..J-ES
.:.,_ 3, -. .1 .. 4.x ,; .. . . .1 2.. .‘.'| a , \n .v .14, .., r ~.
33 .L;_ 1-; , C .1. 5:." Lu“ 3.3 ‘T.§;-L;= I. .3 "Lil's! 1.11.34», :33 f
. A V" .‘.l. a: .- ."‘ ..‘; ”V. A. . _ A4 .m g», 9.“. w .j , +9 ,. : " ‘1 u. , ,
sec-4:41;. l h” n ..131; 72.: .21; at 411;».- hill. To}
s A . =. .4”. .L.‘ '7‘ ‘ , . 4.»... u J-‘m m a ‘ :1 k—C' H --, J !!
g2? ‘1m‘3x3 '55 .L‘LAH Vigil 1'7.” .~ I‘Kd 1.4. sly 1‘, t ",3 EiolLL 9.1. $3510
.,1 .. ma -_‘ ,3 "1.x 3 1 is,“ may...”
35?“: gsfl ans‘h ~".~E‘&.C xi ‘fir;-‘1.,,£, .

 - :- “..»...uw'i A -
La-.:.3g_ CL»; 1:54;;- .3? LEE; , wfoJ.f;,..‘5 , Ll
1.w.... 13m": ,, f ‘mw ‘
£;V-L.:'u.;st ca, 4.3;); Pa :E i, Cu‘unln 4 .
v V
A“ T; “1.. .‘ .,. l , .. 4 1r . ,‘H ,., 4 ‘. : .v_-.,.‘ . ,.,g. ,, .
“Lu -Jz'_4..-¢;_s crime .:vV-H 5.1m: 1 w , ..th “ante.

 “~... : *4. W .. ,. .- ....» . ‘ .. ”r v" .,, 4.... .. ...
‘ LaiL-s L-Jisa. . run/:4-..” b2 .-.'--;.'. ‘41

._.._..-‘L- W 4.
A4. ....,..+ «“"v “1'3.” ’34-.” 1 "4 .....‘1 .4 r“
4: .4.- -.Lc u C { , ..cr.;-.L _ a. ‘J .I., L: .. u j
m"; -- T 4 - T77~ '4“ I“ -‘ '~.
4...:: J.. ""‘l'l =J.:.1C.;._‘»:

1‘74. 4. . . .. T»... J..... .4 ...‘4. .. v... .... _~ ‘ .. .

y. .’.t.; .‘..-- .._; ’ ;...J.‘: E .L 1;"? .‘..C._" ..‘» ....‘w 1..; -_ .‘..v. 4.4— L. 4'. —
.. «a 5v 1'“ - ~~ :-. "s v;- 1'2”. 3. ~ w :7..": 7r . “'3' 4 w ‘1 w. -'. “"h‘n-r "~ 4171,, I w: '7'». In
_.....LJ; ...7 ......vu t- am... Lu»{.4_v.l.u4.:.‘_;.' ..;.L_‘/-_$.L--J4~v‘ .L.‘ ..
..., ...,.'.. Hm". .... 1...—4. ., ,2». . .:w-.,....4. .. “‘4‘". "7+ ..1.
LL’ u—,_-..4. f1 “4....-. ...... .2.! ;:..3. ..Lw... __u ClV‘QLL—L' .5...- .Lo

. . . . . . —-. .. .

'-»". ‘-* r‘ . ~ -- -.- '. .-; 1 ‘ . _\ + ‘-;-- ., .... an. m 7;. v,-» _ *> 7 w. ~ :7; :1»- ~-.:
.23....4. :2. Cl ‘14:“ .. '. .. ..' ... 4... . . 0...: u va:~.~. 1-.... ..’. ~ .L -.J _. 3.4-1....54
:4 ,-..: .. .. 3; .‘. .. --. .... .. ' 4 4. $2. .. 1 4:. mm 7' .,,... ._. ... .- ‘.:g. . '2 " 4...
1.9.4.“: c. g .-. J. ht 03. .'..i ' 34.11.; :3 . 4'- ‘J C .~_’-L. .'..-.Ja. - .. AU. r.
4. ' fl "1 T7. '3 12‘1"} 55' z 4 ~m ._~ 'W :V‘ C -' q 4.:" " ' ”1" "" "V. 4: '7'.” ; "fi~ ‘7"
”$444.03 ..-. 44.-. $14.)... uni... ..., J ...) L2...-.4 “”‘3 L4..._u. .L‘fl v.4.)
‘ 4.4—. 4 w 4. -~ ~' - :.—.~.—~. 'n-o- 1' ~ .. . .. .4 : 4 m ~. 4 4.. «—-.~ : .
C .L..L 414.13. ..1. --..L..:: l». u wil 4.0.; 5‘ 16.1 .403 .:.-~_'-.«L¢. L...) ....-.L I).
.4, .-. ‘1 ,.. . ..2- .. .4. 4 .... «‘7'... .- 4.1.4. - 4‘. '1 ....-. . .... 1. .. 4. . - 4 .. "
1...-“...... ». _.. ..u..=...-\. 4..:: ...;313? .. ..-; in: ‘ .34.; - ..‘: 4.1.4,
.'. .1. 4 .4 .. .._ 4. ..‘; '-. ,. ‘1 r“ .. .4‘. 4- .-‘}. ,-.. ‘\ 4.. 1»
.LL; 4.:: 3.2.-..) 4L“._'\.‘L >_.._‘ ...J -..Lrj Lash.

 03. c 1.111;» L a 3 4, L» Axum c. '
W.....— .
m'." , -1 m --‘ M 7' ”"0,"- "::\ > ~".My A, v '2 “1': ,-. "I 3“ —- ,. m - P, My . -'. v- ---.
4..;23 J ,' $31432, Ema -; x, J v .13.“ a -- 3 .LC‘. '3‘. S 3;. ,C-g t 1.90 t $41.4. .
’ 4. ~ 1., w .1», - ,.: .1."‘.—‘ ' - ‘,. ,“x . .. ~ ‘ 'l 'x Hm ~.~. -- ~. - ‘1 hr“: 4 ‘7 “A
I; 2.3 x..s.-)_.‘_.L'.;\'3g. “.4535 5-1:) ..uuf; “214.; At: UL, “paid '31. 0.551 4.4
.» .‘ .: ,. .. .71.. _4 “,.. - ‘7 fl :. M.“ " ‘ K -_ .C N ‘v '1 A L'n ,; '1 fl
CL _ ‘3 u: \_'_:1"’:; a -’.;v a 1.43110; 1.5 -.LL;U. J3..‘L‘.1C‘.J.'. :1, _L<:.L.LJ;I‘C7 -
T1 K .2 +1, , .- . Tin ‘ H A ,_ . «j,
u "2»: :5 ‘ *- LI; .:1 Dd? f2“. '3 -r, b"; lumn L.
'I‘" n 7 , ..‘,.., .. MM.“ '1" _..,V ., p. .1 C"; .. ‘: “ }.. 2 ,... a . a . +. a
#4.: P _t' x. a -31»: .L r 5.1.»; u Li'j-TJJ. vht-rg'hs navg “11:, u.
...,_ ., r 1‘ “'2 “. 2“” . H4. - .L. T-J ‘ - " ..- : A .. ‘ 4.1. 5 . . Q; ; .—- W,
." 7L _LL-..='.- V 4.5;. a u '3. L: 5.1.17". 33.? __’ > '31“. A5 ‘5 «1 L..; 1111—31.“; ii .'.;J‘fl.

 Deilv Crgncnwealth, C vin'ttn
_~—A‘_ Wm .,.
August 3:, lifil Page 1, C lug: 3
The Irvn Strike

T12 if : EtTikj 'ffars :‘ new devel‘;ggnte.
It enveara ttet i:; will vwners tTE fist : :ned to
f: ht the uni n to 2;: lgst, an" 5: eq% nan—unibn
men as feat as peseitle, fut tie? have not 3:02:3d3d
:3 far in their atte:yts. The“ neintein that tne- can
not car”? vn business with an“ gar in .f grwfit Lf
t1: advance rates genexdsd by :13 uni n are grantei.
H3133 5‘;e Lava gorif declares that that xauli
veils: ferisnéntly Clnse tnair L111; tLpn lose nvney
by Living it in strikers.

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 Q_a§;y Commercial Covington
September 6, 1‘81 Page 1 column 3
‘ The Iron Workers

Lsat Saturday nine men were brought to Cincinnti from
Baltimore to go to work in the Globe Rolling Mill Nb. 2, by
T. Ceruthers, who informed them before leaving the Monumental
City that there were no difficulties to be met with here, and
that they would receive regular prices. Upon arriving in Cincin-
nati the men learned how matters stood, and declined to go to
work. Last night they returned to Baltimore.

The Globe Hill has been running a little of late by some
men brought from the East sevwrul weeks ago. At first the men
positively dec ined to join the union, and the nublished a card
asking to be let alone. But it is said they have now joined
the union, and will also leave this morni ;; thus leaving the
GlObe Hill without any wuddling hands.

Daily“ Cozunonwecxlth Covinggton
._., ._ .._ . ...V__.___ . ‘
Sent ember 12, 15781 Page 1 column M
, Cincinnati
German tyqe— settlers to the number of seventy or eiggjhty,
demand an iucreexte of wanes. fl(as'z‘0?'tses from most of the pro~
prietors an indefinite.
v :1

 Daily; , Jommonwealjgg Covidgton
Sent-ember 13, 1881 Page 1 column 2
lhe City
The wrourietors of the severfl rolling; mills, of Cincinnati.»
Newport and Covizzgjton held a. meeting: in the fewer city yesterday
and determine-i by 2 resolution not to accede to the demands: of
the strikers until the first of next veer.

 3312.3: Commonzmfl Govingijton
September 1LE, 1381 Page 1 column 1