xt7jdf6k1463_19 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k1463/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k1463/data/71m33.dao.xml United States. Works Progress Administration of Kentucky. 1.8 Cubic feet 4 boxes archival material 71m33 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact Special Collections.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Labor union newspaper transcripts Labor unions--Kentucky. Labor unions--Ohio. Transcripts Lexington, Ky. papers
                        Lexington Morning Transcript text Lexington, Ky. papers
                        Lexington Morning Transcript 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k1463/data/71m33/Box_3/Folder_7/41618.pdf 1886 November 1886 1886 November section false xt7jdf6k1463_19 xt7jdf6k1463 The Lent :a'tar; E‘I‘Iorzllgg T::‘e11301‘i'0t_ ZGTCil‘I-{S'WRI 1'55551'5‘iCl‘133f
November f}. 3.65%) Sectjgn l, Page Ur, colwm P
Carl 1 sle ’ :3 W230 I‘i ’05"

Cincimmti, ~vaember 2. 3 IGaIrcel‘ Cmrlifile’s :I'ia.,jorit;r
for Comress in Ken't'.'Ic‘I':;-g “r111 2~Irolmol:; not exceed 1,500
from the :I1'I‘Iserzt incliCrItl-ms, and, 011*:1'7b011 and Kenton coun—
ties in one 03:" which he lives mi winch adjoin "(rave I'I'oz'le
75,000 a ‘rwinst him. Tim district *18‘11811? ‘3.‘«'.s, tic-c.1112}.
Benin Jistrict W. F. Tnnlbce, Demflcrnt
Eiofmlth District I. U. Finley, Kw dbl can
Euntnr‘s majority in the Third district is v.31t 1.WGO;
C rutnTs in the Fifth. MO; J. G. Crrlisle in the sixth is
about EH; in the Iinth THOUHS‘ Majority is 183; in the
l‘41'i_(“:vc:r.':t}: ELHZEj‘n majority is aboot 1,000. The result shows
a it cc;can .21: of at Jena: 7 Conare :men in the
. State. It is Nr'Lrtgd RL”H tcnt the Erotecti wists sect
money in t;e Sixth disfirLcL to deicwt G rlisle.
3: cirluzr..i;.i, A. v.3. - 1.5.11. - PHO- L'MHLIJ‘CI‘ will “1'..L"!.t the
follorinfi fi'uros:A ”Sarlisle voes out of Kenton and Camncell
cmlniles witH 2,” E Hfiioyity to ovvrc» e. The 51: remaining
counties give him is TLHT vs cvn no "gcvr: iced, C.CCC majorlly
to OV=:»:‘CKJ:..0. The (3.1.137},'c::<23.7:f_c1f; cw I'ItiCS win-re him {as near mt
. can be "scyrt ‘ch, 9,953 majority, trick is our lowest '
judgement. His maiorit: at resent therefore wields wt 9Q}.

 The T1(3:23.”".~“t011 ?-.‘1.o.‘.‘n:7_1:.: Trraneacrzm 12.6-‘::‘L.ru:»jton, *‘lez'zt'n-jm;
Hovering? 3', 123323 30033.3": 1 ”2-7':eL-'(3 E.‘ (310.:‘Lt01'i'7-1.)
It 1:333:23; hum: cream 9-000. 'L’fortgnc for 1231'. Carlisle to be
‘..i.t?f(’,‘3ted-. Kie‘t-mfiifi-WS (1(2‘L-Lk nucosnice 1113:”th states—-
}.!L‘2'11‘-S'.:5.‘? ‘i‘LiLl “villi-‘37, they rw; 'L shame}. of" 1323.1:1, L"=":Li. it. 2LL2L-23Lfl/ti "we
tuc- .105: 7:921‘21-31 "CF“.irrv‘ 3'“. E121: =2'OI'326. ‘for 33mm to elect 31in
.2'O‘Jx33.'.EOL', an"; Luzfi'ore the -.é'.:L'L:':2:‘:L.‘L:i.rm. r233." A’s-=2 time he mi. 2L t he;
' -:.7-"L.L'i5e“1 (3.17100 to 1 :3. c]..- ‘L.1‘ in. L .e= LET).E.teai Stmtw; St'l‘fate.
‘..L'LL.;“ not #7.]. 213.5 t» is?
2‘719 left-(t 3.3“ 031135311. 1{;7.12‘..3., ‘ml no 3531131732 32:12 "$362, wws?
1313:0323." 5: trip-g. 1'0: 01‘0‘0L'Ct302'1. .L‘L-sa mtuti. i0 1731.5 0032mm
630 .5: v- :r 2:3, :1. ”1‘ 55!: what of," 2:2w'nap2‘ 2222:. L" ,-j:‘e:a2t 1312-371}? 3:
“'CZE. * from. Pcnfisprlveznifl imp irLszrt to work r» mist the
yea-3 0:733:31}. of 7LLR'31'1'12322’3‘LJ in his: Ai.%.:-1t:'i_L3t. We ..«3L2:€Ltr ILQU. men
11:21:22 5.09:"- L‘Epeil' 30:55:, uni 1:;sz ‘l‘Ct tariff l‘val‘felt‘I‘ is "mt to
'3‘} LiC‘lt,L."'L‘ L"): tee “C Vt Zia) “3.5:. 17.1.“??? ‘21‘C3I21:-."..2’3.1'Ltgu‘ tL LEG PI'O—- .
tL‘LctiL-‘ugiits tigeruvted yeasts. O isle (2:113. 1112136». 91v)" :.id. '
Emu-1:723:23; LCSCL ran}. ,2 739292;; 12"an 2m ;:.~L:21'(2Lt‘L into t'Lmil‘ LL.‘L-SI;L:‘.L<':t~:
"m .1.-25.51"; Ely-:3. .--8 to 3:2212‘Ti231e '3'»:- 011:1: LS 22273,; :30 qt.;-:':.iit,‘.21i1;r
313.1:31‘ 3". 2 19:31:31.9 712.97: 01' the; L*2.'.'L,:.tLr'w;~.e 0.3 :‘L: L22", 2. Lt-twitio‘; to
11132:. .f:.'. (,Jzt‘].i:i;.’2.<2e 27.3.2}. 1‘th 72211't’:r::‘1.'v‘tL::~ :2'L2__ 2c. rims anyosibiou,
. 73:3; 3L2.-.,LL_1'::<:,-1i' in: 237;.(231313131: to “L”- Cu“. fair-M '1?"st .L: "18';
110t"=.2i.27.(3 9 {90}; 3:3 fzr;,L.(e2 Wis: if: 2: 2:122, l‘ff‘l"€£'\fi, 0:21?
571:: i“- 0‘32} mistrict.
“CL-Is :3 : but :'(:Lz‘::-.' ;"01‘ De 'UCL'Z'ELiC c2..v‘:d'120.:“.te:3. Tm
;’L:r=:.223‘r;: r: =3 32.9 "2):? ,«iacr-‘vtic 35:31:33! Zuctpu :22 Presiicmt of tlm
Unit {1, Shite-‘3, but the 3s: 3111;252:321» 1'08”? is of" t List s'relf‘ctgoz".
Lave. t 1w 9:: :*cL:.;‘=iv(3s2L L2: . In other
, N23153: 2'; vi 0110322! ‘L-2L'." t.‘-v'3 :L'tj‘" E1525 iiTc-LJ. to re:.:~"L:L..'-.v-t to :.
fist-(71$; *J‘vi]. :31."'Lr'-cc> 'iz'efL:.1‘:21. '3 pt 1:: (3:17.100. has been
2 ’L'>«1‘2...:.tt<>.t to lit-Fri? 1730.; 95230317373, lJ'A‘ c.L.t:.'«:>Li {31' II: 131,:- e‘: '.-,‘...:‘.I‘€
of "Lg-.0. office-3, ww- z:2ea‘.h:':‘s 03 12:2 .(3 2-1":;‘.2 '*;2‘L'.H:'t,".l'j:‘ wt; ‘L:L1:eé2-AL"1-
SLEITLIQS, ”‘.‘3’7182‘0 :3 TIC-13.30 03:" 3331' 2--2"':J.".-:‘L2L212 Lt: (fleet .: .61".
1:21:31: 311‘ .r6 3'6???) 21272-112. of t .«-e 1‘£?\"2‘?1'CLS?H l-JL22VL'L'H.”L~€3.'1~2'is;
3:312:13. to 24k: m::rr:.‘i;i_c2 Ht"? it '. 5.3.x. TN 5.21313 3‘eas:lfii.z‘gj
‘.‘Lial-iztrz 1:: ‘."C‘ :;irtjs' *L :;.:“ijf :2301-136 bye 13035633- it: Tilesttny"s
efectiL'rLés. 112' 2.L2117.,2~2:=22.L"L21:121 c Natives CO 73. "(2.49 231-3.0 {..‘rl'e
23:21: :;.e .0 332.16 0'36 for 27Jt:.i<><31".-2L.2:r TLL-leij. LC't 11*.
‘3:l.<2"."nj::."7 2:2.» (22 1:93: ‘42"'.'t}- 3.2151772, (we? :32 Der-f 19:25.

 M; L. _ui...-‘.__"“v_vr' ”0...... ___L_J Le:- ion.
ivl'ov. 1;, 113m,“ Dig-c. l Pug;- l!‘ col. 3

t The "woo file of Le‘i.=;,;;tw;n, 5.12335 az'ur-ctive of warty, 3
their ten-1's over tfie 51.327685; of tile Eva“). Joli: G. Cal’li $316.
No man emvr lei/l office in lilezrtugxl':; 75's: was so universally
nonili’ar, ::':::.CL t o,- w>e0 :- e of t;_is city are 'u;:;im;rse;CL in concern—
ing the s,_01'tsi§’z;t*ess of t_.<:= 6602716: of tin-{r Cvrvzg :gtmh. .,Li.s~
trict i1: loftuti 47; ‘3; C: only 11 timeg,’ have 2.-'u'l.,l“ had since:
Crittc'cicil WCO was able,» to 2::;:-:,,v,“r»l.e with the issues of tie

 Lexington 3.1313113»: Transcri’ot L _- ...L
“-_-.m ___ .:..) ._...—._.....“ sung-won
0v. 133:6 Soc. 1. wage 1, col. 3
'..?Jze.s‘-:1iz:_;ton., Eton 5‘. 1.1:1'. Emu-1x1 ugi'hrson, xii-crttwrg. of 71;le
1; .25....313: Cams:-z,:>;im;::‘:,]. 001.1111ttce, =::zi‘:.L;(-.-s Lus- i‘mlloz‘ivm com 33..—
#2304311 from 3:16. 1'L":";111‘1:~5 L's-,uvivmd '11.") to 11311.0 0 ’610c3‘: this wverz—
1118:, 01'" tun *3Qliticzfi co c“ :10}: 01'" 132.9 E30 Sf of Gimmesentaiives
of 151:0 Ins-75':- QOZ‘F.;’;1‘C:SE:.

1:16 l‘Ltvrrxs, as; fear vs :ch lifid, i..(LiCE}2tI* the election
of 1525-.- 4.16? 13.131 Lcs‘ilm, if}? Jo carats, 31mm:- and. IZIClE'Z)0""LiEf?.tS, .
LLo ‘.thul and l ‘melwf‘. Total 3211:. The. Luyfotful owes Liz-rs,
in Illinois (Long-es} 01‘s, in I‘isvntrucl'y, (Clral'lisle) one, in Ohio
{Cami c.6311} 0‘90, :.=:'.:~_L three ‘11; WWI] (Clary, Glove-1' and
71 The lainur .1313}. Ivdsezzxfixznts :arc in 3'3 orida (FELLrtxnfLel—
ton) 3.62:, i’:‘; love {.iuz.m~:-sz3v'ss) Wit, 1:: ".’rlrggizzin, (Howling) oxe,
iv 1 sass '51?" (With). If tfie 1.7L-gur331‘8im: .2113“; ..'0 ,1' 07’." the \1.01:th-
_‘LJ‘. Ones they will 111-:.vc- lit], 01' -- 12L:::,j}(31'it; 01" the limse.

.'Ll‘. :11 [172311323015 Seem-try of 213:- 1)e::;0c17:3tic. Cougnittee,
stays tlm’l; .‘.;c De'mclmts will Lark's :2. root"; x-.-r.31"l-;i11g2;zuzzjoritfx‘ i::
the lion-2.0.

. 5377:.118, L10; i119 Gourier—Jo117331. reoriveui tcmni'ht
LLisurrL'ci- 13370.3 391’? isle swing: ”I m; L.1L.:ctuc_ 12;; from: F3"?
to 337:“): ...:a’jozxitr.”

35.33110 sti, )V. L3. ;.ot1'_111_' usxih Lten. cm. 1363 stated in.
'32.: :5; to 0431431015 election ".:.".tl: the 01' :‘1_L;i:':l ("i-com "it is
C” «sic—4.. ’1" is will be, 11:. Fl‘idiui’f' s: L ”:vocng 15; is: 53551::
smaci .'.—1 this: ..:-trim; @3623 not c3.1:::51._'0 tn: cliitluoiz, Lani ,4 is
c<‘;;.isLLL;:‘L;1 '3 $3317.13. 6; to 0:731:st "u. ‘12 (51.056: Tote.

 ' 111-2:11.10t01 .L..-.__... #03583 Le. '12.,»31;O::-.
1.011. ‘3, 1.91:1 1913-6 :1 1:03-91:11: l
51-013110, 271-1:; 11110111 1.111110 .;::’1.11.2 *.)r:1"fi131e 551.1011. 02.050. (53;.rave,

is. 1'121'11'1-363171;1:73;; 111' t :3O—-c."':lle.;. L1: 1,011 wart» It is to
1.11 gone»). Ll..~t 11': :'13. 120“; 61. £11116 1: 1113:5191; 11:5 LL,- 2111113131 311.23 of
tux-mfg "2.:..:.‘t,'1,r. 1.1.1.. 11: “1121113115311 (.1.-.:. 5 5321...; CURSE July (1131-1731074 1:18.51
1;L:=t1.1.113.r:2.2': “.' .1 {great 011.411.3179. 1‘2-01:1 .' t ...ol‘i:133. 111211111522 tC11x.'::-1'2:l
( 0‘1: «:11, is: ”The 1111.13,}.e11111o 21:12.1: their '.‘-..i.'~.1"1':1.,-; a 1.1.10 11111;,52:
8.11.61; 11:10:36 1.5219 61-9.1.1“ I.i'v":‘1.'2:..; '13:; 1.1x:>1"12:i.1:.>; owe-1‘s. ” 3118.1:
/¢4¢1’ ' _l" ’11’.d1"’11"1/ 1 11 .11. "1.1." '2::‘:.1"1.‘~;’1 ‘2 12:11::- 11 :-:':.1:.1.
1 111141.11 tl€lLSOL~LLuVL , diut( 1,1,: 0,11
211.111.}. 3211:: 311.123.051225 '15:. 15311-991151; "‘C1'::3‘E'2‘.7.S€'. 31322011 is. (1...-.30111131313f

. 11130015111117: to the 1.11:. 1:111. 9412111121 {5.1-0 so 5131311340611 .113 cc 312.11:-
to 11:1 130111.. 111-1* gut E2111"i11.();}/‘..’116:13"1} ii‘ t1..1:=.1't= 22212-1: not 01.: (:2 to
.1111: 31.1.11, 11.11; idea #:1111221; L (’1 11.10'1-"1.(11.st 7;.12‘1112 "1.21.6 arm.
1.17.110 (2111.11.05'1151 2311. is. :‘1 £11131:- me. 51.115111 it 11.01.53 not orig:—
i'ilé’:to 311 12.16 119211 st .1111 i:1.2L1.1:r.:tt '12.)".43 ( of 11,101'712'1z:e11 1111113,
1:17.ch ,1 1.1.2 sit‘w.‘.2-.1;i..3::. 1.1.11 0?: 31.110. 1.1.1.? ”cmL ELK-221;, :iLL‘ixf‘e
to 11.0 1:511: 1.11 at b.1174. 0.211.: =3: 1‘11] zip-...111 :7.-' all 13112111111—
:5‘0521106‘111. 159 5.1.. 21.71.11. ’1: .:1:- 13'111131'1 :2, 2.11.13115215 "11113.21, 1.11mi: 1511:6211; to
2::0...=:- 1.10.1 12.011311, .1'-1:.c13:.1'i1€=1:11;1t {5.12.1}. 137138311111 17.221 1.16:0 o are:
a: 1115.; :66 ”t 1:1 1.1:: (3.211.131:- 01‘ 1.01.013

 L2 11.3.3 :-.;mnt, Ky.
:30V. 1}, 111%) PL: {.1 1. COIL. .3
.557.;:,-..i‘1‘lgtozl, ‘..‘WY. 3.1-. Liam-11311 131:}111‘21'3011, Semmtsq-jx on?
:10 Re: 11 9‘: 0:11: Co::.yrem:iaz:.21 Connittce, 1,:a.;,es t .1 101101511115;
13131.11::,:"i;:at,'_011 from 191.9: 1‘<,‘-‘QJ;‘1‘.S receivui 17,7: to. 73:11:13 o’clock tad:
e‘-.M’.a1;i'1:5.. F5: .1:- ':-1.:11,1t,‘1c;:1 011;.1r-Le1: 0:11 of the. 25:36 01" Repre—
sextratizrgs >1 3: .1- ;iI..i,t 0‘31 51-35:;
1‘11 1". {1.1115, :f-s 1‘31‘113 rucujxirea. :3. 191131-2231». the: electxjr:
Oi 3,531- 391: $7191] 45.3138, 159 Jvzxocrstg, f1. 110401" 1111.» 12.36.63 ~ez'111c112-3'1ts, -
g 1911'91:,:‘.:. ‘9 l '1,’£31;:"l'.‘C;,’. Total :2 {3. L311:- Lia'azbtful 010:: are,

 . ' . A. . . r"! , . V. x ”‘ 4. . .
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-& 9? :LJ0 uAL;JCZC MJTY'JHH 0W“ .L:HLM,WQ'uJ3 'uva‘wslt *;.
J) ‘z; ‘LLJJZT’ .‘. “‘L LLL, 13:;
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JlHClWN‘ul. ... HM. “ ~~ .w ».J;. -H C) L. In Law 1 754 LUWtCJ . J 'traxt
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.L. L. _ .L - ‘, _' 21L, Z(,: guiL, LT gs ,LLm; L.‘ 3:1;L'J" J: .4; L‘.”='tL2LL
2, ‘J. ,, .- _.H : 2: ,. 22,, -. ..J. A , L. 2' : .1. :;. _J, ,_ ,. .
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”7": ’.‘JJ. LLJAV A flu. .‘.‘U L.‘ “:3 " U I .- (7}. «J’T‘. '.‘.u L'L‘J.1{*‘__ ‘i‘H’J. ""‘J'LJ'W . ".’“ .’L'L‘?
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.. Lou ‘M.La Lxr:w '2 ;-~ 2: ”J”u a . : :;zaL xv .aw.¢% , Hm. ~_2 7“? J: F
«‘a;J2 .:5Lr-%f ”rd ~Lzraj “1“ u “L‘ “w. 1. :L .3. 'hfil LJL'A* ' "w Our“
LLJIJJL r:1L- LL L733223 ' Ti LL“ “Lu: r;::.2'i_' ‘- lefl;1:oaa.. 3L“ :.L,V iL. 1“.) I % _i_1:‘. L: *L'2‘ >I‘i t" *‘t
1.12; 2. ". A,--’ - .2. L' ..‘ ’.. ._ .‘. 2. ._ " L z. / J- . .." :.' . .'. ‘ ... .
MALL»; (Ext-«41,. 3; LL. L. .v ‘L‘WL J, H L): j, J‘ . U1”: Au. 0A _2 J: a"... .2 21.1w? _ 2,".1. 4;..9
L230J‘L.”J‘:':‘ "- .. L; :0 2:2. .‘L “'74 11”.; “1 . J2L "1?. Eur”; - 5 ' :- :L n ‘2‘ 2 “361'?
1. u.v 3,:iL 2.2 2 Lo-N'J :1-LagJ“ 2L;u ‘nLd Jxe“x2;; tie-.1; LLCerwL in 12+~rr»
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lOIP Ut.u1w t w'; ~.~H gaps T (LgJLyL; J” m.wositi 1 arm :91 ”ifi*?‘T. v
Vk..fl' $1wJ5; 'm33L;, v‘~_" g11~ LquLL 72:. K‘Wl. H HF :;.u «-F' L '~“;' :2 1': :ijtr, A-nLL 2 .+:xA_
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..: ' . V T u . V. , .- ' .-.. ... V. .2 :_‘ . . .. .‘. -, .
E3.»1":1'-82E1:.' =. .T: .'T T..-. .T.. «T.. T. 1 .4) ,. My. .'.-. - .-V T..:’..V-.: ‘TV— VT T.. t:‘. .

 The Lexington Morning transcript, Lexington Ky.
Nov. 10, 1886, Sec. 1 - page 2 — col. 1 (Editorial)
Easteen pape s find infinite consolation in ascribing Carlisle's Be-
duced majority to tariff influences. The vote against him was smaller
than in 1884. The Democrats dfidn't vote, because nothing has occured in
the last two years to induce them to take the teougle;
Nov. 19, 1886, sec. 1 - page 2 — col. 1 (editorial column)
It is denied that Mr. Csrlisle intends to remove to W ichita , Kan. Mrs.
Carlisle iS‘disgusted at the treatment her husband received at the hands
of his alleged friends in Covington and Newport. If she had the namagement
of affairs, there is little doubt but she would shake Kentucky dust off
her feet fosever. That the Speaker intends to move away there is no tes-
tomony. V
Nov. 19, 1886 - sec.l - page 4 - col. 1

. Hoodwinked Workingmen

Misled into Supporting Protection in The Belief

That it is to Their Interests

How " Protection" Robs the Workingmen --

Some Facts Worth Careful Pefiusal
"FalcOn" in his last communication got down to hard pan arguments on
the Tariff question, and we reproduce his letter:
Carlisle and Morrison have been in Congress the ablest and most consistent
friends of the laboning classes in all their legislative days. Now they
find the workingmen almost solidly arrayed against them and allied with
the party that has created monopolies and made possibbe by its legislation
the accumulation of immense and oppressive fortunes. Like all attempts
at class legislation this movement 3111 end in the harm and injury of
those who make it. Every defeat will fasten more firmly upon them the evils
they complain of. And the only thing worse than defeat, which can happen
to them, is victory. Someyears ago the farmers thought they ought to or-
ganize for self protection, and the Grangers beCame a power in the land.
Practically, they became the controlling element. They paid out a great
deal of money to advinturers acquired consideeable experience thereby.
and got no more peotection than before. They are rather more at the mercy
of hhe middle man now than they were before. Yet for a time merchants
pretended to sett to them more cheaply than to other people, railroads
agreed secretly to give them rebates on freight, cemegogues pandered to
them and they seemed to be virtually lords of creation.

But the idea which the Grangers introduced - that of protecting one
class at the expense of another - has returned to plague them. More
accurately speaking, it has remained, while their organization has gone
to pot. The trades unions and the Knights of Labor stand upon exactly the
same footing as the Brangers did, except that they ask special protection .
for a diffeeent class. The workingman who hammers out a plowshare wants
to get the advantage of the workingman who holds the handles in the
finished plow. In gact he does consider the farmer a workingman at all.
The freight handler, who unlowds a hogshead of sugar, wants to mmpose a
tax on it before it reaches thé grpcer, becanse the grocefi, accouding
to his definition, is not a workingman. But both the farmee'and the

 The Lexington Morning Transcript, Lexi ton Ky.

Nov.10, 1886, sedE l - page 2 - col. 1n? edilorial column) Continued
grocer must make a living for their families or else quit the business.

If they quit the businness the decreased production and the hessened
competition would give those who remamned in a chance for higher prices.
If they stay in the business then, in order to liVe, they must addda

pe centage equal th the taxes onto the price of sugar or of wheat. The
greight handler and the mechanic must pay the higher price for what they
get, and the tax they iipose on others comes out of their own pockets.

The unsettling of business by these agitators and the constant fluctuatmdm
in prices will tend to throw certain lines of productive industry into

the hands of thoBe who have capital enough to tide over a season of en-
forced idleness. The weak bertheren must go to the wall, and the rich
become richer and the poor poorer. In all our cities you see men shoveligi
coal, or driving street cars, or repairing tiliphine wires who were once
prosperous parmers. A greatpart of their misfortune is due to the pro—
tective tariff, which increases the prize of all they have to buy, while it
admits all foreign food products in direcfi=competition with his own. The
farmer claims this to be unjust, while the mechanic would resent any legis-
lation that would directly increase the price of bread. So the farmer
quits the plow and driffis to town, bringing with him a few more mouths to
be fed and one more mote to the ranks of the labor agitators. The first
time there is a stride he becomes a "rat“ and a " scab", for his child-

ren must eat. Then he is bought over and becomes a trade unionist and a
Knight of Labor. He brings more competitdnn to the town laborer, while

the field he once tilled in wheat is sown down in grass to feed fine Borges
for some millionaire. In the meantime the "laboring men" goes on boting a-
gainst his friends, supporting a lot of walking delegates and others in
idleness, scaling his wages down to pay the weekly assessment of some other
laboring man who goes on a strike becausé he wants a few weeks of idleness
and in general by every conceivable means which the cevil can 9nvent tying
himself more securely in the chains of the monopolist and the bondholder.
With every struggle he makes to free himself he only becomes the more c
closely entangled, until it has almost come to pass that theonly logical
outcome of his theories is to be found in the touch of the dynamiter and th:
dripping sword of the anarchist. If the workingman has a right to stone

me because poverty forces me for my little children's sake to work for
less Wages than he demands then he has also a right to crucify me because

I have more wealth than some other man. When he inaugurates a strike or a
boycott he simply declares war against some other laioring man, and not
against the dapitalist toward whom he thinks his artillery is aimed. Whén
Mr. Jarrett went, at the instance of the tineplate manufacturess, from
Pennsylvania to Illinois to defeat Mr. Morrison he acted for the interest
of the monopolist and against the interest as the laborer. Mr. Morrison
had offended in that he had cast a vote w ich would make tin-plates a littl:
cheaper than they are. The millionaires who manufacture them would lose

a slight percentage of their profits, qhile the poor man who used hhese pla
plates would save exactly what the rich man lost. The reduction would

in no way help the people who dine from their silverand Dresden China se
services, but it would help the gery poor to whom a few pennies are of
great importance. Therefore Mr. Jarrett, in the name of the workingman

and by the help of the votes of the workingman, riveted anew the chains of
the workingmen, and offered up Mr. Morrison, the friend of the workingmen,
as a sacrifice to Croesus.

 .1119 I..-;-‘:i‘v.1 tog: flawli‘é. '"5':i.1*s..:2‘.337‘~'3;, TM» is»). "um,
..Lx>‘-.x‘. 3.53, 1.155, 2‘: . or). . l, 1'-.=.it:31‘E.-T. Ltw'Z‘LLLLZL, <0o::.tizr.‘z.LL,LL)

.12.; .'I in. . 111‘. sic ‘00..'L “:.:‘;L.' «LL-:21; 'LLL3t-._ ‘1'. 4?: tin; ‘
rec}: '.i;;1L_;'-L 1:133). LIL; ~=..L‘3le .o .tm: on); of 1:. 1303.17190th It is -"
5.137%? firt it ‘.‘.; "'53; is , dis “Vice: ‘L'. L‘.~;;'L'~ COT71LL we: 1?. (lovL'L‘t' 0;? jg
election, centci'alZK, :t} it can: 33:01.: the. emcee it did. Elna fours. "arm. xzr'no
3-1.1: :2, _- 1:; ..i‘.‘., L. '-.L- felt- th 1LL‘::,:,‘."3; tie 12:21.6; 3.1'3’.ti.‘1.'t‘533;53 0.1.3 the ~wr‘;2."..:'z.2'~_. 1in:.':.,
‘.'.'-.;:1:.f.LL ire-xv wee-:1 ..:.;:.“t“..-_"i_a.d that t'.e L‘,'.‘v.'i:.::s. 2.7.2:» :LL: : seemed. to L1.’b"‘v1‘L‘-:a-‘,:‘i=.';t Linn);
so ignorant of amid: O‘,.“: Lute L 5‘» ‘ to vet: for him. L);;de_;1' 03.“..Li2.:.:1Ty cir—
c:;::‘:s‘i;:‘lch-s 31-: 12.}. 2:.‘L‘ ‘ ‘,‘w:»L1L‘:..'v.. ..'o::' witlza‘ntt .‘7‘2."-:'_l.1;1 of Lm~tsz:i:‘~'t‘<‘;e; for, "0
1‘3." '2: I 3310.", 1:3 . 7‘ is ?‘2.0'L‘.?9.i31g: iLisrL‘: "Ni-“Cit: v‘vmx't 11m. he; is; f‘: can LLL' '..'.-'/i.1‘
intellect, of LL 10:11:33 3117', no: .:~‘-.:'r.".‘t-;‘~L.L t- ‘L‘fl‘clllfi‘b c2..- L‘Joci-Uir‘t mo—
tions, L; 1'Liz‘l ...;..)._. 1&1-‘31, 17.113112 7‘??? '10::LL‘: 1"; cities”: QLTLLlu. 2) by trill}: “Nd rnd
cor: Tiltill. .e a Lie meg-sass in 871:" “ >3] £113.”. Lint, rend let 3.11:; ‘:O'v“.-L(:‘.‘L‘ or; ‘
tmrt ”but”, we saw? 1:12.0v: :2 :j'cre‘i.g1‘_ ‘QL'IL tibial, tutt 1.11.0 ‘l'Lw‘rl‘, .‘..)(‘cvucl‘zs'uio
warty 31:.2‘. "cw. ht 1.3.2: i".". 311‘»; years L)(,~;'O."‘.' Lit: arm: to 13:53.33 co;,2:‘-:‘.Lirgf. I: .if‘fE
Leer: 7:. e ‘15:, ::‘s‘.L‘-\T. ‘5 the "warty vaginal: e‘mczi up the “rel—emu}.7:3.an 333193;“
:21‘21 the ”':‘~::==:.‘—d;1‘ir.ltin" Dutch”. f‘v-fl. :2 ' :‘-. s1”, 17.5.31: [he “frank. :‘aru'u. sz-s Ti 1:77” vac-
:le 1 ‘."‘3L'rfil aid 1 go;- 4 m. ;:L:‘:‘;.'s. int 12);: tint '7: :73; neither
.'..e 210': :: "grit ‘.. ‘:_‘:‘;..‘;'.t;r o; ‘; :o-‘n‘~ o voud :50: ...‘3_1:\ \‘."C)‘n£.: L 7>.:‘."-rL': :,s.u~7;1 :‘;'_‘.'.i.o:. s“. .‘.-i;
tug;— bills "‘ 3‘; 2:14:53 It has been hue. -:'t;;‘, ?‘-'.'1.L :tti'ffl‘. is, 2:3,:ch ii'ul‘
Etc 1‘: Tait:- of tug: too: 2:211 ':.'¢:i1‘~.s:t "£33. 0 .LrLs 201's \‘IL‘LOSE. 11:12.<,;fi« c: “ivw 3.11:1
13ettcz.‘ 313» :5: we: comfts. 21.1.52: LLL-j s"::L‘>‘L1i.':..‘L;'ic 3'::-,i'1..'.‘rae'iLi.::. 21.2w: aware not
sneeze]: 1'03: his s;i?:;~.c:-.‘.‘ib;‘r 2.7.1':"~.ess :‘L‘ie i‘L‘L‘RLLCi.lL.-c. is zit :L'es‘zft. Duct 3.. short .. have
been the cii‘é‘i' :5”; "1:: ii: :‘- cons_LC to dull T.. 3316‘: wig; "n”‘l‘tif ‘2"31'3. C31 Ems ex: 1'
can). the; :E‘:f-_L~1‘;'LL of ‘c .L‘: 7322;031:111- > 637.13'19'13, ‘110 m}: to Sllnmff the :::r‘.,:‘.\ v7.11; morn
3313:". '%"‘?',j,' otder his. use-3:3. his :f‘rierbi. 31:7 Stiand 0:" his co::.-::Lj‘.11‘.v>1.'s 51.". labor!
is not ~>.‘17.‘= .22:;'Wi£,u‘)11‘, out, i-jLCf-r‘fzt as («‘L":;;‘L‘Ls‘-.::.:.L 1:" 3.1L 9 i,:‘\.3>::‘::‘;ca, is c:>‘-::i:e.:.=ra :1;.‘.7_b?€—.
3302121.: ‘ ‘rrr: int-.1 tfle 2713.1: Stine of 12:2'Z;'b‘=lc.‘zri,," r‘:.‘r'?.L'L the :rrowl which. 0er u“, from
tl‘m .;7z:::.‘,c:‘.:;."r_c Ci'ClT’€_“‘?.S is lit-.7??? om