xt7jdf6k1463_14 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k1463/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k1463/data/71m33.dao.xml United States. Works Progress Administration of Kentucky. 1.8 Cubic feet 4 boxes archival material 71m33 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact Special Collections.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Labor union newspaper transcripts Labor unions--Kentucky. Labor unions--Ohio. Transcripts Lexington, Ky. papers
                        Lexington Leader text Lexington, Ky. papers
                        Lexington Leader 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7jdf6k1463/data/71m33/Box_3/Folder_2/41022.pdf 1913-1917 1917 1913-1917 section false xt7jdf6k1463_14 xt7jdf6k1463 T
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It .1120 rimmed ".mzdrxy aci'ut'xr'y‘ trix't the .1,“":., (i it or tn“: 7‘1 (3Y'1"]‘“TT(":1 ‘ tum o:r 1:61:11: in Cremtf 11;", ties for the tr cit ccn~
structlon. 11:15, t11.1‘er:‘?;cnr»:l to otri'ito 111230115: ‘91:? ri‘ccivcl 1” f."f?1‘9-'"‘O in
i'xsigies. ”7E“. t'encrt “5:": firm: out at the. banditrartni's of the ‘In '
liz:::t;:cn, "out not -:1‘r‘lj'l“.'.'f‘l‘:€}-’.l, .11“: 111111 it :1‘:1 usscr ml that some of the
Tl‘f-fi‘: on of ’icizzlr Pics-i it"‘f'i‘. ii s::::.tc‘~o:l to t: some in the 3W (2 of recon~
cili‘yj tn“ am. In the oant tint tic ”tr/11b? e :wn” join it“:- stzg‘il'e,

I tin: Grit-nan cc 30:31:? tw- unvouhcud 1314'1‘::<§..:.j' 50".““11'? that the oti‘fir 0 i111:-
stl-i‘ or". to til‘l'av ore of r2713: :i'-r.,v-:~"1:C- "rim-:3 i:.'n't::i,j‘1t iyrwril the 71' 1""r-stgn'
of the _-"‘C:‘:<:1'::l “rifle voulzi 'w- 1 c:;.":1‘icd (wt in wood. :f":"'=.t}.:,
iiith too Do :1::7:;-"<: owner-"1.12.

779:3“5- 5.1: l,~»-er. or: *.r:i..r,1lC-1‘:cc. on the Wi’jl‘i‘v of” the ott‘fl‘ere resorted
since. the '1.it'it,:e"-tr:z of tie Corrine" Satvrdrjf oft 11'1“. on to the effect that I
it 2:01:10. wot ,-‘?.'r'a,=1.t 7:110 (3.0132,?th:‘r of the 51t7'131:11'2"ff. 2211:; the Butte"? seer con—-
fidcnt tint w-z'szzc “:7. 'I:;1?‘C‘(“z:‘r=11”y:‘iu‘wizhoalo trill 0 hold 1"“1't‘1er t 0:79.111
winx‘iu ' tE‘e 1t for "m“ tun 1?:‘1::o:'i_;:":.:'1q to ' 01‘ encc.


The i'w'hfitoxjxy {Iii-513.1; Roz: Te‘fii‘rwl 170' 2113‘, will the Les-11’ Triton L”til--
ities 1.7031150? ”I C '1;.-'”'~r1 rice to fiffl t“w 1."‘-::‘ncie:: of 13-10 st‘L-T‘JZI'E: with
my; 5:15-11, 5:,3co:_‘.‘3':i: to '1 att'i'tetie’it .‘.'-CE{~= ”or 11;" "2," It";(fey—“2mm"?{3slit '5'wioi’t, ‘
to 1913.111" “._‘i- I'i—gLTa' 11"L2'1‘Civc. .f-"vflt :1"? <9 the (-21“ $7031 t‘f ‘. »,'.1:.,"_-—
1111019,: that their olC. jobs C.:1.e still 0305-1. to the: they e.:1r; [inen
the altnifnxtitiw oii' :i'rt'tti":1:'1r.g to (>393. or :1‘tlf'ifilll'3 ' the ::=,t:‘ie‘:. "sir-,:-
~icefi7 Wei: 31C '1',‘:‘:*, to f.‘ri{;(1‘i:. ’3' i o ‘ '11- of t? :3 ‘C7ri::;:“vr;i=j'. vii-<11 "L 1'0 :."i.:‘:
not:::1:,; Clot: tau": “firming".

 Lexington Leader, Lexington, Kentucky
July 8, 1913, see. 1 page 12, col. 2

A committee of the striking linemen and groundmen of the Kentucky
Tractiohal and Terminal Company called to the LEADER office Tuesday
morning with the announcement that one of the sixteen strikebreakers
who arriVed in Lexington Monday CVening over the 6:45 Q&C had procured
a ticket and left on the first train north Tuesday morning.

It is understood from the strikers that the strikebEeakers came
to Lexingon on a misunderstanding and that not one of the number was a
practical lineman.

Tuesday was the eighth day of the strike, the strikers being still
determined to hold out for their demands which they feel are just.

The strikers way that employee of several of the other departments
have also gone out in sympathy, among whom are street are light trimmers,
trouble men, several street car conductors are understood by the strikers
to have been discharged for expressing sympathy for strikers.

Lexington Leader, Lexington, Kentucky
July 8, 1913, sec. 1 page 1 col. 1


Chicagoans Who Came Here To Take Employee Places Say They Were

Told They Were To Work In a Lumber Company
Vice President Bacon Makes a Speech at Mass Meeting and Declares
His Company Is Doing All It Can For the Men '
, Surrounding the Broadway Hotel near the corner of Broadway and Short
street, the striking linemensnd groundmen are alleged to have virtually
hel d as prisoners in the hotel the fifteen strike-breahhrs who arrived
. here Monday evening from Chicago to take the places of the strikers, all
Tuesday morning.

This they deny.

When Superintendent of Electrical Construction John P. Pope came
out of the hotel, where he had been to confer with the new men, he was
seized by the arm by one of the strikers, who abused and attempted to
assault him with a black Jack it is stated. Considerable excitement was
caused in that vicinity by the demonstration and although no one was
hurt, the strikers hung about the hotel practically all day bent on keep-
ing the strike-breakers from going to work. The strike°breakers arrived
here from Chicago Monday evening in charge of a man named Brown, who
appeared to be their leader. They were taken to the Broadyay Hotel,of
which Miss Lula Long is proprietor, and remained for the night. Miss
Long stated that she was under the impression that the strangers had
come to Lexington to go to work on the new skyscrager of the Fayette
National Bank, and had no idea that they were stri e~breakers, or she

would have declined to receive them, fearing that trouble might result

 Lexington Leader, Lexington, Kentucky

July 8, 1913, sec. 1, page 1, col. 1 (continued)

with the local strikers. There were sisteen of the strike—breakefis

when they arrived here Monday evening but one of the number, Edwin L.
Martin, deserted the ranks early Tuesday morning, refusing to take a

Job as a strike-breaker and will return to Cincinnati Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. Martin came to the LEADERoffice in company with one of the striking
ccmmittee and stated that when he and the other mn were engaged by the
labor agent that it was with the understmking that they would be given

a job in a lumber camp in Kentucky. He said that he did not know that
he was coming to Lexington until the party readhed Peru, Ind., and that
he did not know that he was to be used as a strike-breaker until he
reached Lexington. When he found out that a strike was on he ways that
he immediately decided not to go to work but to return home. He stated
that he was a nonunion man but that his sympathies were with the strikers
and that he did not propose to interfere with their fight for shorter
hours and better wages.

It Was the intention of the Traction Company officials to send the
strike—breakers out to week Tuesday morning but when they found that the
strikers had gathe ed around the hotel where thay were quartered and
threarened a demonstration they decided to pOstpone taking new men out
on the works until the excitement abated. It was when Superintendent of
Electrrcal Construction John Pl Pope went to the hotel to confer with
the strike-breakers and arrange for them to go to work that the opposlv
tion of the strikers manifested itsefl. Several of the strikers gathered
at the entrance of the hotel, arounk which they had posted ptckets since
early morning and began to act menacingly. Several of them it is said
made an effort to enter the building and ger the strike-bseakers, and
the proprietor of the hotel appealed to the police for protection, fear-
ing a collision. Constable Trisler was on the scene and helped to paci~
fy matters for a time.

Philip Ortor, a barber, employed at the shop of Frank Eafelite, and
who has been a regular boadder at the hotel for several months, says
that he was mistaken for one of the strike-breakers, as he came down
the steps to go out of the front éntrance, and one of the men on the out-
side drew a pistol and leveled it in his face ordering him to go back
into the hotel and no not leave the building.Mr. Ortor stated to a
LEADER pepresentative that he had been afraid to leave the hdtel ahd go
back to his work at the barber shop and was still a prisoner at 1:30

end of topic
There are about 10 more paragraphs to this that read about
the same
(Note: the above was written by Sloop who copied
this article.)

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