xt7j9k45tq5m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j9k45tq5m/data/mets.xml United States Kates, Zaida Brown Thompson, G. Tabor (George Tabor) National Spiritualist Association of Churches 1911 1 close score ([129] pages), 22 cm. Call Number: M2131.S5 N3 1911 Provenance: Wilcox, Glenn C scores (documents for music) M2131.S5 N3 1911 English The National Spiritualists' Association Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection Glenn C. Wilcox collection Hymns, English -- United States Spiritualism -- Songs and music Spiritualist Hymnal: a New Collection of Words and Music for the Congregation and Choir, Specially Adapted for Spiritualist Meetings, 1911 text Spiritualist Hymnal: a New Collection of Words and Music for the Congregation and Choir, Specially Adapted for Spiritualist Meetings, 1911 1911 1911 2023 true xt7j9k45tq5m section xt7j9k45tq5m  







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(/3 6127th .134an .//’/CK .

Declaration of Principles

Adopted by the
U. 5. A.

l. \\'e believe in Infinite Intelligence.

2. \Ye believe that the phenomena of nature, both
physical and spiritual, are the expression of Infinite


o. \Ye affirm that a correct understanding of such
expression and living in accordance therewith consti-
tute true religion.

4. 'We affirm that the existence and personal identity
of the individual continue after the change called death.

5. \Ve affirm that communication with the so-called
(lead is a fact, scientifically proven by the phenomena
of Spiritualism.

6. \Ve believe that the highest morality is contained
in the Golden Rule: “Whatsoever ye would that others
should do unto you, do ye also unto them.”

7. We affirm the moral responsibility of the indi—
vidual, and that he makes his own happiness or un—
happiness as he obeys or disobeys Nature’s physical
and spiritual laws.

8. \Ve affirm that the doorway to reformation is
never closed against any human soul here or hereafter.

9. We affirm that the precepts of prophecy
contained in the Bible are scientifically proven
through Mediumship.


Adopted by the

Adopted October, 1914, 1919, 1930

l. Spiritualism is the Science, Philosophy and Re—
ligion of continuous life, based upon the demonstrated
fact of communication, by means of mediumship, with
those who live in the Spirit World.

2. A Spiritualist is one who believes, as the basis
of his or her religion, in the communication between
this and the spirit world by means of mediumship,
and who endeavors to mould his or her character and
conduct in accordance with the highest teachings de-
rived from such communion.

3. A Medium is one whose organism is sensitive
to vibrations from the spirit world and through whose
instrumentality intelligences in that world are able to
convey messages and produce the phenomena of Spir-

4. A Spiritualist Healer is one who, either through
his own inherent powers or through his mediumship,
is able to impart vital, curative force to pathologic

“Spiritualism Is a Science” because it investigates,
analyzes and classifies facts and manifestations demon-
strated from the spirit side of life.

“Spiritualism Is a Philosophy” because it studies
the laws of nature both on the seen and unseen sides of
life and bases its conclusions upon present observed
facts. It accepts statements of observed facts of past
ages and conclusions drawn therefrom, when sustained
by reason and by results of observed facts of the
present day.

“Spiritualism Is a Religion” because it strives to
understand and to comply with the Physical, Mental
and Spiritual Laws of Nature, “which are the laws
of God.”




A New Collection of
For the


Specially Adapted for


Distributed by

765 Oakwood Boulevard
Chicago 15, Illinois

'; Published by
of the United States of " ' ‘ I

600 Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E., Washington, D. C.





The need for a book of songs by the Societies and
Churches of Spiritualists, has long been recognized by the
National Spiritualist Association; and earnest effort was
made to secure appropriate contributions.

Under direction of the Board of Trustees, the first col~
lection was made by Rev. G. Tabor Thompson, which was
later supplemented by Mrs. Zaida Brown Kates.

Dr. J. M. Peebles donated to the N. S. A. the plates
and ownership of “The Spiritual Harp,” from which collec-
tion a number of choice songs have been included in this vol- A
ume. Selections of excellence from other song books by
Spiritualists, are used. A number of excellent contributions
by individuals have been inserted. Songs with music notes
are exclusively used. Many helps have been given by music
publishers. For all of these favors, thanks are here extended.

This Hymnal should serve well for a better develop-
ment of congregational singing, and also for choir and family

The N. S. A. Board of Trustees send the book forth
hoping it may find its way into your services of song.

Copyright 1911, by National Spiritualist Association
of the United States of America.







Spiritualist Hymnal.

No. I. Lead, Kindly Light.


























.—f% W. > >1 3 4 l‘ J i j
QLg:—l—“___. i—‘-:l—]l—'—“l;—*‘m;‘ %i* E:“‘::::
_— >1: ___] _._._o A: _'_J_'______._..l:__i1 -:: , Cir... .d _ g_ 99
1. Lead, kind - 1y Light, a - mid th’ en - cir - cling gloom,
2. I was not ev - er thus, nor pray’d that thou
3. So long thy pow’r has blest me, sure it still ,
l ' o'
. ._———-3—__'§‘ ——~—.:— t;3w:~~~—omo~——p—:——::a—6-91—-7—
@2. 0 F E L ' ' I L l 21:3
VV 4 ; n [ 3
l! l l
[£5.35 4 j fl j 1L“ ih J j _1 J :1
W 2 a z ' 2 a! j “ 1"“:1; :ll:E:£g~—:l
U (I 1' - a . '7 V V I :_ i i l i 6 <9-
\4 \,
Lead thou me on; The night is dark, and I am far from home,
Shouldst lead me on; I lov’d to choose and see my path; but now
Will lead me on O’er moor and fen, o’er mug and tor - rent, till
:3: - - a 141. 4-




f) ores.

Lead thou me on. Keep thou my feet; I do not ask to
Lead thou me on. I lov’d the gar - ish day; and, spite of
The night is gone, And with the mom those an - gel fac - es



























_ .—.___ J _J _l _—_ .—
Ll7'l; r n n l j J r L n __j___
k“ l" 6l——— :_ _ -__fi 1 _. l 1!— r 1,— ....
VII r 4 d: ‘ __.i ' l 3* 0 - :F..3_d._
—~-——— 4—7-C A 9 : a —-A o —-i~-C “Isl—anm # —4
u «9- 9 -9 a «9- ' 9 -o-
\ I l \/ \.
see ......... The dis - tant scene; one step e — nough for me.
fears, ...... Pride rul’d my will: re - mem- her not past years.
smile, ..... Which I have lov’d long since, and lost a - While.
J ,1 gl I, If l ' ".-¢le 1
.'_ f (I I ‘—l J . — * '_'-— '—
gitE—mwi—t—«o i , . ,—P F a. : :fi: 23: EB
l 'l7“ Ft" E J r F E f—






 3v- .1


No. 2. Beyond the Smiling and the Weeping.









“9"“11 is 1‘ ' 1 r n n J rm \ A 1‘

E1251 _r_J___;V_ 4;, '_._€ I g; 1 l 1 4 I 1 1+1—“N‘1 _“l—J:j:3
@431 ;, [2:13; . , aF-v'I—Jzzfig: 3—1.4...217:

. I
1. Be—yond the smiling and the weeping, I shall be soon; Be- yond the waking and the
2. Be-yond the blooming and thefading, I shall be soon; Be- yond the shining and the
3. Be- yond the parting and the meeting, I shall he soon; Be- yond the farewell and the




[I 4. Be yond the fiost- chain and the fever: I shall be soon; Be- yond therock- waste and the
_—!—- —l‘——o — r—— —fl~ rag—0:0— fl—T "1—1—
0 . _’_:' ———lr __ __ _ _
{@1211Ep:-:1::1;11¢_1+¢_Q+ _,‘1_;It1__I— TFEZI: I H—!“F1
l 99‘4'f—I I ‘I II IE“ 1 1 E I I I I I:



sleep - ing, Be - yond the sow-ing and the reap — ing, I shall be soon.
shad - ing, Be - yond the hop-ing and the dread - ing, I shall he soon. '
greet - ing, Be - yond the pul—se’s fev- er beat — ing, I shall be soon.
riv - er, Be - yond the ev - er and the nev - er, I shall be soon.









Love,rest and home! Sweet home,sweet home! I’m one day nearer my home, Nearer my spirit home.


Copyright owned by Theo. E. Perkins.

No. 3. We’ll Never Part Again.

FANNY J. CROSBY. Scotch Air.
Moderato. l

l 1 l l 11‘ 4“ SEE:_1— thun‘Tlai

égé Iii—4‘ __ :E:::i::—*rlfpt"d 331 "— fl 1
-f.‘ -0- ' i l I

1. When part- ing tears our cheeks bedew, And rendv our souls with pain, From those we lov e in

2. ‘Vhen du- ty calls us far a- way, With mild yet firm command, And fill’d with griefno

3. When o’er some treasured form we bend And mark the closing eye, And {mm the lips now
-0— 1". -o- -o- -' '— Q_._- -o- 1-






































, -__R_ g P o—-—o o-l— c ' .—
:—~_§:D:_ '--—D f9 ____ ' _! _: Lr'1—'—l' 1 In, 2‘3
5&1- ” i— 1i I‘ i:— HE'ZE‘ :_ EFF " E 'L, ° lLi ‘ i 11

a J] :8: I J i I
E 1 ' l j H Li__ ’Jr—‘l-jl
L— “—3— ~a ——1——E'———-l‘ ——l———l-— fl ———— _ __J_:]
@1254. i1 .'—.— lain—ii” 1 —- I: :1..-1

heav’ n a- bove There comesg. 8%(3‘3 re- frain; It mur-murs soft as evening winds, O’er
words can tell We clasp each oth- ers‘ hand; A harp 11n- seen in sil —\'er tone, Rings
pale and cold, W e catch the faint good- bye, E’ en then with- 111 a brok- -en heart We


















-9- - -o- 31'- . . -'
e 1 1 1: 11-1 :1 —11———.v—:—“E L“
1 —— o—g—F 1 . I . 111—11: 1:1:
II F F ,9 ‘ l l—

GHQ—We’ll nev - er part a - gain be-loved, N 0
Words and arrangement Copyright. 1896. by Theo. E. Perkins.





451A; _ Aw



We’ll Never Part Again.——Concluded.











' D. S. Chorus.
—c'— J1——:l: j— “PT-1 :1— —
g _:_:::l E6 21;;1 E'-:*i“‘",_ti::f$ 1:3:E
_ :: _'. -;-0
vale and star-1y glen, O comeand rest there al1a1eblest, And nex— e1 part a- gain.
out the welcome struin,When home at last ou1 tri - als past We’llnev- e1 part :1- gain
sing the bliss-ful struin,In mansions fairjust o— ver there, We’llnev- er part a - gziin






1 9____
——« L—i._._7

I ‘74 I__‘:_ ;l— iTE;:7 I: I

nev - er part a - gain. On yonder shore where storms areo’er, We’ll neve1 partr a— gain.

No. 4. Charity.





L 5% ”rm—klr :1 1 . ' q H :j j j rim“ Q,”—';_f'L:E:—i
)- a #1 A a____._~____ _, -»9——
i2: :;#‘— -Egfl—g‘:d: a3: Ed:5;3:3: it”. "wé”_’—w::;L :;’—

1. If we knew the cares and cross - es, Crowd- ed round our neigh-bor’s nay;
2. If we knew the si- lent sto - ry; Quiv-’ring thro’ the heart of pain,

3. Let us reach with - in our bo - soms For the key to 0th - er lives,
-o- -f_— -_9_- «9-


















, fl 0 3;" '9' fl' 1 s ' ‘1’ .- 11: 0
QEQ~3_E—'—tfl——1———t——? l, E: E— FZ—‘k—P‘fiPV —-l
[72l ;: '1 r g h 'w F 1 " r I? F ‘1 Ir "7’ I
A I; J 4 41 i
Fwy: % 1 1 1 1 1 1s :1 , a £13 1 11 1
@i:§:£: g—_§_—|;:g: 1 :Eg— g—‘_,_E :j:_.3—£:;—13E;I

If we knew the ‘ lit - tle loss - es, Sore - 1y griev- 011s day by day;
Would our hu - man hearts dare doom them Back to haunts of vice and shame?
And, with love to err - ing na - ture, Cher ~ish good that still sur — vives;























o o 19 '1t 0 311- "' "' iqu
-——~!—~-—l fl—fl—D; — - _ b 17 ' — —B‘—a— —0' ~ ——
1 -— --o— fl—1—————1——§ ‘, ——l-—: ;:r— —— —6
Igé‘ZL—L' E3 Q 1 1 l f' t rE 1 L" ,, r ”“1.
1_ v 1/ g i 1* 1 I .? [w 1’ r I
1—9;; jr 4 i j; H :1 j :- L 1 n J
g1; —1Z:3:=':|E ::§:- :::12:a:g_:£1 ”__§:1—_J:—g:|
Would we then so of - ten chide him For the lack of thrift and gain,
Life has ma - nya tan- gled c10ss - ing, Joy hath ma - ny breaks of woe.
So that when our dis-robed spir - its Soar to realms of light a - gain,
, .9 ,9 9 "‘ - 2—712——e——e— —4—
55911111 1 1:11 120:
L— ‘f 1: Cw 1 E E#”!9"“—t—"r ‘
f '— ' F r F







"bn‘jl 1

7&1 . j : ifiAfijJ—Lfifl_0
111 _1:1 11—111-: 1321:3311?“




—o——o— 6— —————o——a —-——o———~~r-- -6-—
Leav- ing on his heart a shad - ow,Leav-1ng on our hearts a stain?
And the cheeks,tear-washed, are whit - est, This the bless - ed an - gels know.
We may have the blest fru - i - tion Of un - sel -fish love to men.

qQ-o-1- -J:\l KI







@12—r—o—1Q—s—13qda ———:‘-—E::Eq5‘: 7-724—“1-0—rn

' l g
r 1 . 1 _r: ' I
WV n l E 1 I .— \ l? r





From “Spiritual Harp."

m...“ ....,,_,_. ,,,.. wm—fi — wt..." , 17.7a_.,,._,_s__.___ ,,



...._....,~,Am.... w...

1.1... _


No.5. Hand in Hand with Angels.












n I "E I 4!— fi—J— —aPu
fi’i fl -¢;I::;‘ rngi._._z-I_1{6:€:I;:1*
she—L -:—.—,——— a—I—crI—J— v 1—2:;—

1. Hand in hand with an - gels, thro’ the world we go; Bright-er eyes are

2. Hand in hand with an - gels: some are out of sight, Lead ing us, un —
“3- Hand in hand with an - gels, walk-ing ev - ’ry day, How the chain may

4. Hand in hand with an - gels, ev - er let us go; Cling mg to the









.v: 5..-...5 I ‘




















_ 1— .__¢__1 a g __ _ cm_ ' *4
{I}: I4 5 F I I =~=~I_IEE——:f§i::~a
y‘h A 1. |’l [ i th— — _+—‘—_b—
Ir 2; r' 1 r L E r 7
l |
"'9‘: l7 1 n J ‘_‘ J r J- ‘l—J
m I J . A. 1_F_9___l: l__:3__i____§:E: .___a_._
__.. #17“.-. g‘ I I l.— _y :—
I #6 a -o‘- -o— -o— -0-
on us than we blind ones know; Ten - d’rer voic - es cheer us
' know- ing, in - to paths of light; Some soft hands are cov’ - er’d
bright - en, none of us can say; Yet it doubt - less reach - es
1 strong ones, draw - ing 11p the slow; One e ~ lec - trio love - chord,













I 3: ——nI'—:'—I—Ia~1i Viki—II -
__:-:1l ——fi—- 1 fiLE;T:€::gE§:giL—fiiffi 5.43;:1

than we deaf will own; Nev- er, walk - ing heav nward,can we walk a - lone.
from our mor-tal grasp, Soul in soul to hold us with a firm-er clasp.
from earth’s low-est one To the 10f - tiest ser - aph, standing near the throne.
thrill-ing all with fire, Soar we thro’ vast a - ges, high- er, ev—er high - er.

I ! |fl I













.442 l
. M. ___Q_ _.fl___l#.__ a-..
Erb-‘Pw i: E .7 IE: —" :t:: —h F i
3'49 C r I :t_:§r —9_r}' i [E ’1‘ 1






From “ Spiritual Songster." By permission.

No. 6. Joy Bells.

Brightly. > > rmf
T‘F“? —' "—h , """" 4 * lr

I_4—._..III. 1 III; ,_I_;Ikrr._,_2~ «I 15,23

1. Joy-bells ring - ing, children sing - ing, Fill the air with mu-sic sweet; Joy-ful meas- ure,
2. Joy- bells ring - ing, children sing - ing, Hark! their v01ces loud and clear,Breaking o’er us,

3. Earth seems brIghter, hearts growlight-er, As the gladsome mel— o- dy Charms our sadness
4. Joy- -bells near - er sound, and clear- er, When the heart 18 free from care; Skies are cheer-ing,













- _-:;_—E- l 3 ~3- p- 3'— I" _ e— —o-___-o-
g: éiJ—E—Fai :I-Egt:fl I 23:7; %: :fif:rj
I F F F l F F r F l


From “ Spiritual Songster.” By permission.






CHORUS. Slower.











’_— 01‘83.

U:‘:fl%§;—fi _‘""_ J —i a I A a r '5’ 6-3
___.._—___1:,:Il::h: __=. - 2 r i m 3
~—O— L f g r if {1: I: J

ony- bells! J'oy- bells!

like a 0110 - rus, From a pur - er, hap- pier sphere.
{Chil- drenl chil- dren. '

in . to glad - ness, Peal - ing, peal- ing joy - ful - 1y

guile- less pleas.fl - ure, Make the chain of song com-Meta}
and we’re hear- ing Joy- -bells ring — ing ev - ’ry-where.












:0— .+ 10- :0- ---' 44 3—" 41- 26-16- a :4
er '5 .E~~— Pr? EPEJ
:I:_ I__I__I_ EI I 1: L. a :39 2g; i
‘r> (ll r 'r r r r
79 1010 -<. f




nev- er, nev- er ceaseJour ring ing'
nev— er, nev- er cease yoursing-lng;

’} List, list, the song that swells, joy-bells! joy-bells!




‘ No. 7. Voices Come.












































: gig—1‘3: Lfi f ‘ . F a
1 4 —%
1 , Maia—«1:44 'EE 4:51 —.-1g——;__E.. Jan—Lia ,j
1 Voic - es come from 0’ er the way, Soft - ly sweet and ten - der, Lov - ing
J 2. Vis - it - ors from home a - bove Come with kind - ly greet — ing, Bring-ing
. 3. Friends who pass ’d from mor- -tal view, Drawn by love’ s sweet un - ion Come and
g 4. An - gel voic - es greet our ears While in si - lence wait - ing, Calm - ing
1 -9- -o- ~6- - - ~0-
J - . +_ “— r_|: % 1.1%: E. 1— E19 —rg"'""'* Q’L‘ " fl"
1 @3353? :l—Fifl—F .r 9 1A: 1 0 Lie—5 1 . PT???" :3
‘ '74—? n— F r l 1 i r‘r ‘F r, L [ Lr L _]
l I , , , r
1 + LJ. 4 . J. J. J 4
1 #fil____. .___,_ g1. fil% r lh_§ r1 Jra-1
1 es“ . EEflIE 41:3: g::— a: :a 3:25 al—Eérs'iw
j thoughts from day to day, Kind-1y help to ren - der.
mes - sa- ges of love, Soul- ful long- mgs meet- ing. 7 - _
l‘ bind their love a - new, Hold- mg soul com- mun- ion. ‘ 01" es come, \o1c es come,
‘ anx - ious cares and fears, Earthly stress a - bat . ing. .
. :Z‘ t:& :3.- 2:2: :3: 9 a p 0. 21.1.6.
I’ - ' rfi ___ : I a: :1__: C r fi_ [——
+——-t-—F+-- fi—hL—Fg—fi-fi; . E34‘l‘g”. F ’ F” 3* . “j
r L L; r; I [L L I L If _1

a Egg...

and comfort bring-ing, En- ter- the heart and home, Sweetest mu- sic sing - ing.


-..__._,.._ . WW- -m- ____.._...._.‘a..‘





No. 8. 8 Beautiful, Beckoning Hands.

C. C. L. C. C. LUTHER. .











































allay be sung as (1 Solo or Duet wlth Chm us ‘ h
I fij‘:_“: 1%— _\ —_r ——J ——~——~——i—r—A-—: 1—i—L—“k—‘3
——+———1 —- —— a ——+——
_8: :::;_ —g:§ :;:—':E3__LLL"“E '_;::__'::":!:: :1:
.d U
1. Beck - on — ing hands at the gate -way to - night, Fa - ces a shin - ing with
2. Beck — on - ing hands of a moth - er whose love Sac - ri - ficed life its de ~
3. Beck - on - ing hands of a lit - tle one, see! Ba - by voice call - ing, 0 _
4. Beck - on — ing hands of a hus - band, a wife, Watching and wait- ing the
-fl- _.1- .1. .1- - -'Q- -n-
@g:fi g::;:::: :1:_, F — . F I: g:‘” :9
_#:8:t’—“"*+!*='—'—! l: E E a L E g
—‘ — WV '7‘ 7 i ‘ ‘ A 4 5‘
A? :j::j\——s§_fi—‘E_uj‘: __~_ _~ ‘ ‘T‘m :‘Mfi—Nflj—j
#———1 ~——i_ f §——-+——i :3 —\ -~—
:g::: :21: : 2:3: y: Hflfi;—E_{_ —i: if:ii_ j
ra - di - ant light; Eyes look - ing down from yon heav - en - ly home,
v0 - tion to prove; Hands of a fa — ther t0 mem - o - ry dear,
mother, for thee; R0 - sy-cheek’d dar - ling, the light of the home,
lov’d one of life; Hands of a broth - er, a sis - ter, a friend,
' —_1_ —1- .11- ,fl_.
- —£_‘“, .9 F ' E 9 a r i :1
gig g E 5; 5; F - A 5 Le $—F—v—o—~ - J]
— — - r A A {A A 1‘ L E L4 L4 3
' 7 ' V V V V
V l/ |
-———~—l\ h h REFRAIN. 1
g;- —4—,_i‘—— 3:1—i—1Fflj:\——S:—:_ ——-i—‘——a-'—A
___:a:_: __ ___i_ _ _‘:— ::_ ~——4——— 35:3:Hj
5-- -o- i

1 Bean - ti - ful hands they are beck - on - ing “come.’
Beck - on up high - er the wait - ing ones here. - .
Ta - ken so ear - ly, is heck — on - ing “come.” Beau ' t1 - ful hands,
Out from the gate — way to - night they ex - tend.

-p. - _p__




beck - on—ing hands. Call - ing the dear ones to heav - en - 1y lands;

_ ii

Beau - ti - ful hands, beck - on - ing hands, Beau- ti- ful, beau - ti - ful, beck - on- ing hands.

Copyright. 1888, by C. C. Luther.


 . .._.——~—_4

No. 9. Sweet By-and-By.




1. There’s a land that is fair - er than day, And by faith we can
2. We shall sing on that beau - ti - ful shore The mel - o - di - ous
3. To our boun - ti - ful Fa - ther a - bove, We will of - fer our






see it a - far; For the Fa - ther waits 0 — ver the way, To pre -

songs of the blest, And our Spir - it shall sor - row no more, Not a

trib - ute of praise, For the glo - ri - ous gift of his love, And the




pare us a dwell- ing- place there.
sigh for the bless — ing of rest. In the sweet by - and - by,
bless- ings that ha] - low our days. In the sweet by- and- by,





We shall meet on that beau - ti - ful shore, In the sweet
by - and - by, by - and - by,
#- -1-





by- and - by, We shall meet on that beau - ti - ful shore.
by - and - by,




Convrizht. MCMX. bv Joan H. Webster. By Der.






No.10. Open the Door for the Children.

From J. BURNHAM’S “Anniversary Gems,” adapted.
'mf Firmly. >
= ii— A4 1‘ j‘ I rmP fi—“J‘T 4&4;
#:fi Ind—fil—ai—i—H {—N—J‘—+wl—._EII j

:id—d—o~o—E' .gffl _ “_ _—.——_:_——_—.-i_——O—EC—-—O'iw-














1. 0- pen the door for the chi] - dren, Ten - der- 1y gath - er them in,
2. O- pen the door for the chil — dren; See, they are com- ing in throngs!
3. O— pen the door for the chil- dren, Take the dear lambs by the hand,

I, , .Ai
















I . ~§n '-——l.—_'—'—-——'—r‘ z—w ' [— ? =___.=__._ —_ ._ __‘:
Ig—fi—EL I2.— baa—PI: 'E‘ Afi—s—FEE—r—ei
Iz"“5_vvv'r ' 7 ' r '

. ~ >

nk {L §__.‘_:~__J'~ “ lei __j 14‘ 4! j‘ ll: in i q
— — “—‘r—‘m .—‘ — 0 —' ‘i::—3_ —“ — “"‘ :2 —
~__;-- .v_._—“1._a_c.:::g._.EL-_—e _¢.__.= a a , a. I

—0— "ii;

In from the high-ways and hedg - es, In from the pla - ces of sin.

Bid them sit down to the ban - quet, Teach them yourbeau- ti - fnl songs;

Point them to truth and to good - ness, Lead them to bright Spir — it land;



























mkfl_*—”—'—P——.' *P—r- —. ' r ' __
E21”??? [ref IIFE- 'F' —— 5:753
‘ —F'.45:F:F”", r-r r! A A a V
w w w v V | |

I] “#711; lilournfully. ‘ 4‘ 3% )fi f> ores.) fi—.
. ..ILow—grq - : :51- f—r--~Te___ 4: — »-2

Some are so young and so help - less, Some are so hun - gry and cold;
Pray you the Fa- ther to bless them, Pray you that grace may be given;
Some are so young and so help - less, Some are so hun- gry and cold;

_. 1' ;fi 1t .1.‘ pk fl.“
__ ° : . .L_ _ _. fig. .L-
@‘IfiaEEfi—E Iré—g—Iir " A a :w ‘ é L2 iF—JI






























mm h s) 3 I. 7979131“) . . a
| L I 7_._‘j_i r 49: m 9‘ 4‘ ‘ r y :1 I
file: ii”.:.::::!:t‘:::::t‘::~a— __—““‘;"‘£g_:=EE_,£T.—_i:
, ‘ 4- -o— " ~9- ' 4-

0 - pen the door for the chil - dren, Gath - er them in - to the fold.
O - pen the door for the chil - dren, Theirs is the king-dom of heav’n.
O - pen the door for the chil - dren, Gath - er them in - to the fold.

—o—i~o—— 0—0 —-o~—E——A——:flv-v —o——#o——o~——o—*o o———o
Qfiu _t_ t_—;_—.[_:I '_7 u—IE—Io-——'—'——I—l EitIIC—ii:









__ “ii—r :;:h:h:h—'—:'—i—:n:fi ;___w __Ig___u_u__Lh h_-_t:_
v 5 v 'w v V r r V V 'Vl
CHORUS. Boldly. >




f ritard.



O - pen the door, gath - er them in, Gath - er them in - to the fold;
' - 41- |




From "Spiritual Songster."



 Open the Door for the Children—Concluded.



-.._ I
O - pen the door for the chil- dren, Gath - er them in - to the fold.








fig—fiao—g—o—o ! o——-— ———F———[—o———p~o—o—o——_ _'_~o——_~_
9311:: _,_;..— 1§-~;--—+— Ei-Jjg—F — :5 E5234
———- t eat—i: a ., Fr —rv ‘
No.11. I Will Sing You a Song.
g l h-_1_



‘9‘7'17 r) r: 1‘ E 1“—'i‘l—F7*_" _F_; _
-—-Q—:h—-l 0i:- —-d— —+——d—-—o—— : . 1‘ ——o—-
$22 _—.+—a":t -.11L—_Fa _.._._ 1.--_._:_e_~,-c.--e_ -3,







1. I will sing you a song of that beau - ti - ful land, The far a- way
2. O that home of the soul in my vis - ions and dreams Its bright jas- per
3.0 how sweet it will be in that beau - ti - ful land, So free from all

go 1- 1—;_hl__J!_h_p___L_i‘Ft:32:£:1§__.—FF§;;

urn WI
\| J



















Vila-11 1 L__Ep1__:l
n I. l 4‘ h
I? I] l l I l A l l A l A ‘. 2‘ Fr ' '

71m 5 a 1 I s ##l J: 4‘ as} ' ‘e ‘e‘ {1‘74’51—t” ”A: 3

F ——1— — —~ — a—— . 4 1 4. , ——o—

g—r ._;_Ea__afiv -tg__g_a_1._._ : r:- g ., .._,-

vvl |’ V J v

home of the soul,Where no storms ev ~er beat on the glit-ter« ing strand,While the
walls I can see; Till I fan - cy but thin-1y the vail in-ter-venes Be -





sor - row and pain; With songs on our lips and with harpsin our hands,To
_~——F——f—F—rfl ho—rE~—o_ .— w 0'kdo—‘1— Qw—oio—
1%.:F4—bt :: —1a—~LTFFL~§—Fr:rt: 6:23:23
'Vl/ggf't ijvu Mgr; r__v__]



4‘ h



the years of e - ter - 11i- ty roll; Where no
Be - tween the fair cit - y and me; Till I
To meet one an~ 0th - er a -gain;With



years of e - ter - ni - ty roll,
tween the fair cit - y and me,
meet one an- -oth - er a -




























1% b _1 I ‘ E 4 NJ r4 ‘1'! T I ll
run 1 were "Hflrjra‘ 2 1- "I
——Z—¥!;-‘rv ¢r=~e=rai F- lug —iif[’a
storms ev- er beat on the glit- terinur strand, While theyearsof e ter- ni- ty roll.
fan - cy but thin-1y the vail in- ter-venes Be - tween the fair cit- y and me.
songs on our lips and with harpsin our hands To meet one an- oth- -er a- gain.
, —fi—-o A .— p———d:’—‘— Q:o—o —.l—P-— :
IEEF—‘e: EEEEEEéii’Ft-gr r F? 4- Ply-FF F .32
'D—;_g*tg’ wt—w-V- ' Lv‘ w : - : F '= F r;

New arr. Copyright, 1910, by The Biglow 6; Main 00. Used by per.





, m’n‘rzahJ-wazu. _ ,....,.

No.12. Surely the‘Curtain is Lifting.

A. J. M. A. J. MAXHAM.

1. Sure-1y the cur-tain is lift- ing, Some twi-light the an-gels will come,

2. The days have been long since they left us, The weeks and the months grow to years,




And lift-ing the folds of the cur-tain, Will show us their beauti - ful home.

And our feet they have stumbled and faltered, For our eyes have been blinded with tears.




lift - ing, It wavers and swells with the breath,
Im - mor—tal love laughs at the tomb,
' A

Sure - ly the cur-tain is
But a glo - ri-ous morning a- waits us,



Of those who were led from a-mong us By the beau — ti - fill an - gel of death.
And the hands that we dropped in our sorrow, Clasp ours, and are lead-ing us home.

A ' -'- . A





Sure-1y the cur-tain is lift - ing, White hands and dear fac-es I see.




Copyright, 1895, by A. J. Maxham. Used by permission.


 Surely the Curtain is Lifting. —Couciuded.

1 itard.





A I__.-I___.I_
Like the morning mist up the hills drift - ing, The thin veil is part-ed for me.




No. 13. Be Happy.













Earnestly. I
9 J _L J J\_
Fgfiflfifi i w “‘2‘ ‘4": I - 1‘ i j j“ F J t
rm 1'1 ' Q r - 3-— I:. ———a a— A J 1
7“” o r 2 ~ ' —' :: .--_.—'—Ey-_g_i-Et::::zt:

1. Be hap - py, be hap - py! for bright is the earth, With sun - shine and
2. Be hap - py, be hap - py! for fount - ains most sweet Are gush - ing a -
3. Be hap - py, be hap - py! who loves the black clouds, Which lower in their

@fi; 334:;— —g¢:::L~n——Ew_-:r'i:tt:::iéiriizEfiii






















L a F v 1' I: .r a J
##gn ] r 5r J L‘rfli l _J‘ 5E I J\ J J
m Hi. , 3 33?qu I 1_:‘— ':_——a'——a :51: "ii—€33:
31— o-——;:y Fla-15': r —~— —-——-——-—0— —Lo'——~—-o'~o—Eo: o‘— -'
mu - sic and love; Each day it grows rich - er in wis- dam and worth,
long the bright years, And path- ways all pleas- ant are wait- ing our feet.
bod - ing so deep? ’Tis bet - ter to walk in bright rai- mentsthan shrouds.



Qih1:1:—~@ -:::—: 5:: J E:E:5:r-s E1




And more like sweet heav— en a - bove.
With joys more a - bun-dant than tears. Then let us be hap - py! Sun-ny and
’Tis bet- ter to smile than to weep.




- . v I, . I VI
br1ght 1n the face; Oh, let us be hap - py! Earth is a beau— t1 - i'ul place.




From “ Spiritual Harp."


 ”we...“ Ara..."

.y<_-‘..... 1 .N, 1....

a- ”Imam,“ “bran"...



No.14. Voices From the Spirit Land.











:Vjiu h A j_ _j . W 4‘ 41‘1 n
v V —u Jail—ll 51:“: :Jigflzs:|51_i:l—._i—Fa—l

—-l——l——1——%— —— ——-— I: [
C—l— C—i—_——l_—— ~--— — _.——'_l—'—'—_;4_— ~C———-C——O—




l. 0ft - times to earth do the bright ones come Thro’ a - zure deepsfrom thelr starry home;
2. When ’mid the toil and the heat of day, The feet grow wea- ry a - long the way,
3. When in the sky are the stars so bright, And o’er the earth comes the balmy night;
4. Is there a heart that doth weep and bleed, Is there a soul that doth meek— l y plead;

gm}; ':E_E?rE-_t::3:::E—i5—L—L 54—? it]

I——i I—»—I—~






















‘——lz:5:F: h MI. ~F— E~ '14— r—g—j—-——$y~th: *5 :E:F€:v¢ +—- 44 ——I——~
w l I w l

7-93—43» J———I‘ 4‘ A j‘f 4 5‘ f . 4 5 i

. sly—'45:? _._;1: 5'_:_§*3_ IF—J [3—1 g:zIT‘—I—t5—o—;I—

”C —O- -'.

And in our ears,rings their cho - rus swell; Sweet as the murmur of o- cean ’sshell;
The heav- y bur- den of grief and care, Is sometimes more than the heart can bear;
When gen - tle sleep on the wea - ried eye, Like bead- ed dew on the flow’ rsmay lie;
Lo! one with ten- der- est smile shall come Out thro’ the gate of the An- gel home,

















.—:—_ . . L = l: r? .9— :"I ': __':
@5 9"£:|Et—““-—E—. J llr '9 FELE:5: E:!* ,_:‘_:C:
I____’Q::_ h‘hfl .1 g r ;— - rh_s ,E: a: 9—5: L

| | I
l w I l l
[1 EL 19p dolce. "nth dim. -_ - 3‘71}.—

3" l is :;__.\_:1:
52—M4_j~_1\_+_ —Is+ JWLUE ifi—A— '—o— 11.4— _
__ —— ————I:l : —+ ~—l— ——
“EL—Fa —.:.—. “Hal—Li —- :1 err—r2:
We hear the mu- sic of trembling strings, And feel the presence of An- gel friends.

We hear the whispers at e- ven- tide That hush our griefs, and our caressub-side.
They come to us with e — ly s1an dreams Of pearl- y gates and the liv- mg streams.

Then peace, sweet peace shall that soul restore, And th’ heart shall sorrow and grieve no more.









.—-—~ g = 3 a = E ; E 5—.—_ '_t.:
girl :5: , "——I:—I—:I-—:I——E—— ': 1E:_'"‘"‘:E-:'—EF:F::: "
___Iz: L L—h:h: it: b r L.,_____L:'___EF__ _V_l:7_V_LL___;:_ __h:



From “Spiritual Songster."

No.15. Nearer, My God, to Thee.






































TH a r l *1 r 1 r A r jl
'31; g . a E; A. 3! Fj i E . xi, 6! 4 L
, .51 ~ — —. . 51;;— --~
2) -6- -,. -a‘ "I” i a, r -6. 1,. 53".
1. Near - er, my God, to thee, Near - er to thee! E’en tho’ it be a cross
2. Tho’, like a wan- der - er, The sun gone down, Dark- ness be 0 - ver me,
3. There let the way ap- pear Steps un - to heaven; All that thou send- est me,
4. Or if, on joy- ful wing,Cleav -ing the sky, Sun, moon, and stars for- got,
(l 0 ' A Li -9-
54.9 L3— - . a a r, . ~51 a - _ ____:;_g——r
”9‘1:F‘—‘1 a . 1L I FK;LE X 1 I L “l:“_p_"‘
f F— r r r



Nearer, My God, to























“ 1 ' . j r l I . 84. r, 7 I C Q j
A‘ ,— J J ' r A \a[ l I L l J
———l—~a— '———1 r, . r ' .1) r, g .9 'i I 5} J
——yf—a-—§ i re . U r r L j
\/ V
That rais - eth me; Still all my song shall be, Near - er, my
My bed a stone, Yet 1n my dreams I’d be Near - er, my
In mer - cy glven, An - gels to beck - on me Near - er, my
Up - ward I fly; Still all my song shall be Near - er, my
[/3 -o— , , -9- ~19-
. +1 9 1.: .6 .-?- a LEE—4L5 1c 2444:;
‘12“ I .9 r: I «If i ‘1 r— r r '0 i _|
- 1 PI) - 1,. r1- 1 r r r r 5 u J



God, to thee, Near - er, my God,

No. 16.



‘ ' q
to thee, Near - to thee.



The Pilgrim’s Daily Prayer.

















.__9_ _J J h 1 . m J J
CVEgL r5 =‘ a H j 1 j} 1 if; A. 110 g
:e—* 3:11 r51 3. a "F _6_1F' 'jE 4
_ _ _ _ ._ 1 I - I - I I I - I _ __
_:_ 6 6 -g'- i '6' '6‘ v 7 1", l' 6 1'-

1 Thou source of Life,

1 1


O hear my pray’ r, For guidancethro’ each day; May thy pure guid-ing
2. Thou sourceofLight, O hear my pray’ r, Send sunshine to my soul;
3. Thou source ofLove O hear my pray’r Let me not live in
4. Thou sourceofTruth, OI hear my pray ’r That all mankind may know Our lov’d ones can re -

Be thou my guide on
vain; Teach me to place more

- le—p—e—Jw





















an- gels keep My feet in Wisdom s way.
life’s dark sea When billows round me roll.
trust in thee, Make all my (lu— ties plain.
turn to ear-:th And bringsweet heav’n below



Qwafi~r—rr—F—~F—u+r :3 1 "" 3—531?“ E Ii
__t:&:r':EZ f—FJ—tz—L—W?{IQ :f‘