xt7j9k45tp29 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j9k45tp29/data/mets.xml Minnesota Historical Records Survey Project United States. Work Projects Administration Minnesota Minnesota Historical Records Survey Project United States. Work Projects Administration 1941 84 l. 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number: FW 4.14:M 666/4 books  English Saint Paul, Minn.: Minnesota Historical Records Survey Project,  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Minnesota Works Progress Administration Publications Manuscripts -- United States Minnesota -- History -- Sources. Guide to Depositories of Manuscript Collections in the United States: Minnesota, 1941 text Guide to Depositories of Manuscript Collections in the United States: Minnesota, 1941 1941 1941 2020 true xt7j9k45tp29 section xt7j9k45tp29 \

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Prepared by

The Minnesota Historical Records Survey Project
)ivision of Community Service Programs
Work Projects Administration

0 O t I 0 I

Saint Paul, Minnesota
The Minnesota Historical Records Survey Project
ramh 19b; '



The Historical Records Survey Program “

Sargent B. Child, National Director
Jacob Hodnefield, State Supervisor and
Regional Supervisor

Division of Community Service Programs

Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner
Mildred T. Taw, Chief Regional Supervisor
Henet L. Kaufmann, State Director


Howard 0. Hunter, Acting Commissioner
Linus C. Glotzbach, Regional Director
S.,L. Stolte, State Administrator

Sponsor: Minnesota Historical Society



This guide to manuscript depositories in Minnesota has
been prepared as a part of the work of the Historical Records
Survey Program of the Work Projects Administration. It was
early recognized that a list of such depositories would be of
valuable assistance to students of history, especially if the
list indicated rather clearly the nature of the material to be
found in each institution. This inventory, therefore, is part
of the general survey of source material.

In the description of the holdings of each depository,
there has been included enough to give the user a general con-
ception of the field covered, without attempting to record in
detail the various accessions. A later publication will de—
scribe the various collections, or groups of materials, held by
these depositories, as well as private collections available to
readers, and such publication will be designed to meet the need
of those who seek information about a particular subject.

An effort has been made to include all public and semi—
public institutions that have manuscript material of sufficient
quantity and value to warrant study. Information concerning
manuscript collections not here listed will be welcome.

A previous publication in this field which includes Minne-
sota depositories of manuscripts is Survey of Activities of
American Agencies in Relation to Materials for Research in “the
Social Sciences and the Humanities, compiled by Franklin F.
Holbrook (Washington and New York, The Cooperating Councils

1952- 1814 p )-




The information published here is based on questionnaires
which were filled in with information on each depository, and
from the data gathered entries were written. Each entry was
submitted to the custodian of the institution for approval or
revision to insure an accurate interpretation of the assembled

Each entry contains paragraphs whose subjects are: (1) name,
address, custodian, hours; (2) a short statement of the deposi—
tory‘s origin, collection policies, housing; (5) a brief state-
ment concerning its representative manuscript collections; (h)
total quantity of all manuscript holdings and status of arrange—
ment and cataloguing; (5) availability to users and copy service;
(a) if readily available, information on publications where the
institution or its holdings are further described. ”Collections"
has been used to designate groups indicated as such by custodi—
ans. "Holdings" refers to manuscri.pts only.


 Acknowledgment is due to the officials of these institu—
tions, who so kindly have assisted in making the information

The information here presented has been assembled and
edited by Irene 0. Persons of the staff of the Ninnesota His—
torical Records Survey and was finally edited by Margaret
Sherburne Eliot, who is in charge of manuscript inventories in
the Washington office of the Survey.

A list of other publications of the Minnesota Historical
Records Survey is found on page 8h.

Jacob Hodnef eld

i State Supervisor
dinnesota Hist al

ic Records Survey Project

March 15, igui


house. Closed at the present time.

The society was founded in 1927 for the purpose of dis-
covering, preserving, and disseminating historical information
on Crow Wing County; collecting material relative thereto; and
providing suitable housing for it. The special field of inter—
est is pioneer biographies. Gifts and conditional deposits are
acceptable. No purchases or sales are made. Copies of manu—
scripts may be exchanged. The collections and museum are
in the basement of the courthouse, a three—story, fireproof
stone building, which was constructed in 1919—20. Dimensions
are approximately 76 X 12h feet.


Some manuscript material, as yet unarranged, has been
assembled: records of schools, churches, and local organiza~
tions, some county archives, military papers, genealogical
records, items relating to settlement, and pictures. There
are about l,hOO pioneer biographies and sketches of about 100
war veterans. Alfred Tracy KIMBALL collection, 1875—1905, 1
zinc trunk (20 x 20 X 56), includes letters, ledgers, and
photographs, all as yet unarranged.

The biographies are arranged alphabetically by surname and
by locality. About 2,500 cards catalogue part of the holdings.
The custodian has a loose—leaf index of material.

Materials are available to users during regular hours
whenever the depository is open. At present it is closed.

See - Minnesota History, XXI (191w) 550—55.



P. M. Larson. Not open to the public at the present time.

The society was first organized in 1956 as the Cass Lake
Historical Society. Its present name was adopted in 1957.
Indian history is its chief interest. No purchases of manu—
script material have been made so far. Gifts and conditional
deposits are accepted. Exchanges of manuscripts might be
effected. Materials are quartered temporarily in the home of
P. M. Larson, president.


Material deals chiefly with Indian history, biography, and
folklore. There is also some material on white settlers in this

There are over 600 pieces for which there is no catalogue.
The custodian plans to catalogue material according to author,
title, and subject. ‘

No general rules regarding accessibility have been


AMERICA, First Baptist Church. Archivist, Fred W. Madsen,
Storden, Minnesota. Not open to the public.

The Danish Baptist General Conference of America was
organized and incorporated in Harlan, Iowa, in l910. However,
Danish Baptists have worked in the United States since 1856.
The Conference is interested chiefly in collecting archive
material of its own denomination. As a rule materials are not
purchased, and temporary deposits are not accepted. Archives
are housed in a room of the tower of the First Baptist Church,
a brick structure built in 1915 and practically fireproof.


Archives cover a period from approximately 1856 to the
present time and consist mainly of church and conference rec—
ords, pictures, cuts, periodicals, newspapers, tracts, data on
history of Danish Baptists in America, and correspondence.

Material is arranged alphabetically by name and chrono—
logically thereunder. There is no catalogue. Accessions are
recorded in an accessions book. There is also an index to the

Material is available through special arrangement with the
local pastor. There is no copy service.


Dahlheimer, O.S.B. Not open to the public.

The university was incorporated in a bill which passed
the Territorial Legislature on February 27, 1857. It was then
known as the St. John Seminary and was founded by members of the
Order of St. Benedict for the promotion of instruction and edu—
cation of youth. The archives are housed in the three—story,
fireproof brick library building which was constructed in 1901.
Outside dimensions are 51 X 88 feet. There is adequate space
for present holdings. ‘


Personal letters and diaries of the Benedictine Fathers,
lBBB-date; account of the coming of the Benedictines to St.
Cloud in 1856. Letters and data on the White Earth Indian
Mission in Minnesota; pictures of priests, abbots, members of
the order, and churches; newspaper clippings; catalogues, maga—
zines, and university publications; documents relating to the
founding of St. John's Abbey. Correspondence and financial
records, 1856-date.

There are one wooden and two steel file drawers(12 x lh x 5@
of materials; 80 percent of the items are arranged under names
of the fathers and chronologically thereunder, and a few by sub-
ject. There is no catalogue.

Materials are available by permission of the archivist.
Photostats of some of the manuscripts are obtainable by special


Fifth Ave., West and Second St. President, Otto E. Wicland.
Hours: 8 a.m. to h p.m. week days, except Saturday p.m.

The society was organized in 1922 for the purpose of dis-
covering, preserving, and disseminating knowledge of the history
of St. Louis County and Minnesota. The society does not purchase
material, as a general rule, and it does not sell or exchange ma—
terial. Gifts may be withdrawn by donors within ten years of
date of donation. The society’s holdings are housed in rooms
th, hll, 507, and in a storeroom of the courthouse, a fireproof
building constructed in 1908-9. Dimensions are 150 X 186 feet.
Room 507 is the Disabled Veterans' office and contains World War
records. Space in rooms th and hll is inadequate, and some of
the material is stored in bundles in the attic.


There are about 1,700 folders containing data on prominent
persons of St. Louis County and 550 subject folders on agricul—
tural development, iron ore, churches, etc. A chronological
file, with data On the history of St. Louis County, begins with
1,55h and contains 125 folders. Original and typed carbon copies
of diaries of the Reverend and Mrs. Edmund F. ELY, early mission—
aries who came to Minnesota in 1852 under the auspices of the
American Board of Forei n Missions; copies of diaries of James
FEET, missionary, 1856-85; typescript copy of thesis by George
595 p. Letters and records of traders who operated around
Michipicoten and along North Shore, 1807—87; documents relating
to the building of the Northern Pacific railroad; scrapbooks kept
by Lucien MERRITT, William P. PECKHAMP, George B. SARGENT; rec—
ords of Culver Post No. 128, GAR; minutes of the county board,
1858-62; Duluth land office records. Papers of H. w. RICHARDSON
who once served with Weather Bureau, Duluth, include some meteor—
ological records kept at Superior, 1856—58, by Richard WASHINGTON,
and a report on a forest fire, 1918. John Stone PARDEE papers
include 50 folders of material, two scrapbooks, and pamphlets.
There are ten card index boxes of Indian vocabulary and copies
and photostats of material held by the Minnesota Historical
Society. World War data include service records of all men from
St. Louis County; doubtful and incomplete records of ex-service
men in the Canadian army; historical papers on the war; newspaper
clippings; draft board material; war narratives. City of Duluth
material, 200 folders; 75 folders of historical data on cities
and towns in the county; Society's records, hO folders. There
are also Historical Survey cards of county courthouses of Carlton,
Cook, Lake, and St. Louis Counties, copied from originals, bor—
rowed from the Minnesota Historical Society, by CWA workers,
l95h. The cards show documents and books in county offices.


 There are 2,625 folders (9 x 12) in 28 steel file drawers
(12 x 15 x 25) in room 1110; 12 metal file drawers (12 x 15;; x 27)
and 16 (11% x 12 x 24) in room 507; 50 packages in the attic.

Manuscripts are controlled under four classes of entries:
chronological, personal, subject, accessions. 1. The chrono—
logical entries: a folder is set apart for each year in the
county’s history, and in each folder is a card which shows,
briefly, events of that year, folders being arranged chronologi-
cally. 2. Personal entries: the names of persons are separately
entered upon a folder which is segregated to the one person; in
the folder, all facts available about the person named on the
folder are preserved, such as letters, autographs, photographs,
genealogical data, biography, and newspaper clippings. Names are
arranged alphabetically. 5. Subject records: a separate manila
folder is segregated to each subject of local interest; under the
subject heading are found historical facts relevant to the sub-
ject. These records are made up of newspaper clippings, travel-
ers' tales, or information in any form. A. Accessions:
documentary possessions of the society, each have a folder, which
is numbered in order of its receipt. Manuscript accessions are
kept in the folders. Notations give the history of the accession,
time received, route by which it arrived. With this group of
folders are two indexes: list of accessions in numerical order,
with description; index of persons, places, subjects, Cross—
indexing is done on cards (5 X 5). An illustration of the book-'
keeping in the society follows: if the personal folder is
assigned to John Smith, it contains, let us say, his photograph,
biographical sketch, news clippings about him, and an old letter.
It appears that he wrote an article on early settlers; he started
the first farm in the county in 1852. His article is Accession
No. 116. Into the personal folder goes a cross—index card with
the notation: See Accession Folder 116” See Subject Folder
"Agricultural Development"; See Year 1552. A card is also placed
in each of the folders referred to with a reference to the per—
sonal folder of John Smith. The plan was worked out by William
E. Culkin, former president of the society. A11 accessions are
catalogued. There is no catalogue for pieces.

The depository is open to the public; special permission
from the president or board of directors must be obtained to take

material from the building. Photostats may be obtained by spe—
cial arrangement.

See - Minnesota History, V (1925—2h) 575, 576, h58; VI (1925)
5MB: Ix (1928) 59—1111, 14.05; XVI (1955) 560; xx (1959) 1150—1153.



Librarian, Mary L. Ober. Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.;
Sat., 10:50 a.m. to 12 m.

The State Normal School of Duluth was opened in 1902 for
the purpose of preparing teachers for the common schools of the
State. The name was changed to Duluth State Teachers College
by a legislative act in 1921. The library does not collect
manuscripts. It is housed in a three-story stone building con-
structed about 1902. Outside dimensions are 9h x 256 feet.
There are also classrooms and offices in the building.


Radio talks which have been given by members of the
faculty of the college, 1956—date; thesis on ability of trans—
fer students in College of Education, University of Minnesota,

There are 106 pieces; radio talks are arranged chronologi-
cally; there is no catalogue.

Manuscripts are available to readers. There is no copy
service in the library, but the librarian would be willing to
arrange for copying.


Custodian, E. R. Elygare. Not open to the public.

The society was organized February 2, 1929. Gifts and
loans are accepted, but purchases and exchanges are not made.
Materials are located in the courthouse, constructed in 1906—7.
Outside dimensions are 79 x 116 feet.


Materials relate mainly to Martin County. School records
include records of teachers' certificates, 1900—11, and of teach—
ers’ examinations, 1870—8h; and records for school district 1,
Fairmont Village, 1871—75; district 9, 1876—78, 1888—98; district
26, 187mm; district 57, 1870—75; district 59, 1882. Township
records for Silver Lake Township, 1875-85; Rutland, 1886-1900;
Nevada (now Silver Lake), 1865—77; Waverly, 186h-7h; Fairmont,
1862-71; Tenhassen, 1867-86. Various local organizations whose
records are included in the collections are: Memorial Association
of Fairmont, minutes of meetings, lQOh—BO, and clip ings; Center
Chain Congregational Church, minutes of meetings, 1 65—86; Martin
County Anti—Horse Thief Association, constitution, n.d.; Martin '
County Chapter of the American Red Cross, minutes, by—laws, char—
ter, 1917-59; Phil KEARNEY Post, Grand Army of the Republic,
rosters, n.d.; Northwest Territory celebration of 195 —58, final
report; Democratic county conventions, minutes, 1879-00. Busi-
ness records include a day book, l8hO—h2, probably kept in con—
nection with a general merchandise business in the East and an
account book kept by Samuel HUSTON, Waterloo, Iowa, 1859—77.
Houghtaling papers include bank pass book, kept by J. A. Houghta—
ling, hardware merchant, 1876-77, and other papers 1859,
1875—77, 1870. c. N. PETERSON papers, in items, 1886—1906, in—
clude legal papers, such as power of attorney, tax judgment,
bonds, tax sale certificates, warranty deed. Three items re—
lating to James S. CARLILE include army voucher, army discharge,
and deed. Seven letters, 1868, 1869, 1871, were written by Mrs.
Hannah BOYCE. Miscellaneous items include land grant certifi—
cates, charters, business cards, and menus; photostatic copy of
census for Martin County, 1860; marria e certificate; army
discharges; drawings; letters, 1868, l 72, 187h; receipts; pa-
pers relating to post office at Iowa Lake, Iowa, 1890—91. In
addition, there is a group of historical sketches and clippings
relating to subjects of local interest.

There are about 50 vols. and 100 pieces kept in four cases
(56 x 108 x 2h to 86 x 158 X 21). Material is arranged according
to accession number. There is no catalogue.

Permission to examine them must be secured either from the
president of the society, Julius E. Haycraft, or from the
secretary, Arthur M. Nelson. There is no copy service.


Division Sts. Curator, Anna L. Theopold. Hours: Sat., 1 to

The society was organized in March 1926 for the purpose
of collecting material relating to the history of Rice County.
All accessions have been made by gifts. The museum pieces and
manuscripts of the society are located in the Thomas Buckham
Memorial Library, a three—story building of Kasota stone con—
structed in 1929 and dedicated in July 1950.


Manuscripts relate chiefly to Rice County and include
biographies and histories of early settlers, data on churches,
old cemeteries, industrial surveys, and railroads. Representa-
tive collections are: Bishop Henry B. WHIPPLE papers consisting
of a few miscellaneous letters, an account book, and a group of
sermons, l851-72; records and correspondence of the law firm of
BATCHELDER AND BUCKHAM, 1855-1911; day books kept by COLES AND
WINANS, a meat market, 1857; docket of Rice County Agricultural
and Mechanical Association, 1858; insurance agency records,
lBéh—Bh; records of a jewelry shop, 1882—92; ledger of BROWN—
MARTIN Lumber Company, Northfield 188h-9l; court dockets of
Faribault justice of the peace, 1856-57, 186h~67. In addition,
there are many records of institutions and local organizations,
including those of the State Normal School for the Deaf, 1865-87;
The Women's Christian Temperance Union, 1871—1907; I.0.0.F. lodge
in Northfield, 1879; Y.M.C.A. of Northfield, 1885-99; Home Soci—
ety for Aged Women, 1887—1901; Travellers' Club of Faribault,
1900—28; G.A.R. 1905—h; Tatepaha Golf Club, 1901—6; Live Topics
Club of Faribault, 1908-25; American Red Cross of Rice Count ,
l9l7-5h; miscellaneous deed and preemption certificates, 185g—76.
Also, there are letters by Moses D. CLAPP, Richard FARIBAULT,
Earle BROWN, Reverend Henry ST. CLAIR, and others°

There are 357 pieces which are arranged chronologically by
date of writing. An accessions record is kept, and a card cata—
logue is in preparation. Cards show accession numbers, names of
persons, places, dates, subjects. An index to material in Rice
County newspapers is also being prepared.

Material is available through permission of the curator.
There is no copy service.

See — Minnesota History, XVI (1955) aul, 2A2; XIX (1958) A66,




Secretary, E. T. Barnard. Hours: 8 a.m. to h p.m. week days,
except holidays.

The society was founded in 1927 for the purpose of dis—
covering and locating any material relating to the history of
the county and the State, their exploration, settlement, devel—
opment, and activities in peace or war. Most of the accessions
are gifts; a small percentage are loans. Materials are kept in
the basement of the courthouse, which is a fireproof brick
building completed about 1922. It has three stories and a base-
ment. Dimensions are 95 X 128 feet.


Januscri ts deal almost entirely with Otter Tail County,
1855, 1862, l 69-date. Material representing the work of a WPA
project, sponsored by the Otter Tail County Historical Society,
includes 1,200 biographies of pioneers, 155 church histories,

108 school histories, 55 villages and township histories. There
are also data on For us Falls; about 600 letters; account books
of business firms, 1 90—1920; one personal account book, 1855—58;
baptismal record, 1869—86; records of townships, villages, and
churches; scrapbooks. In addition, the society possesses hun-
dreds of newspaper clippings and photographs, numerous broadsideg
and relies.

There are four metal file drawers (11% X 17 X 26), two
metal file drawers (5 X 7 X 17), two pasteboard letter files
(12 X 5 X 12) one pasteboard file box (5 X 5 X 15), one wooden
file drawer ( X BL X 2h), and 52 vols. of material. Thirty show
cases contain relics and some of the items from the manuscript
collection. Fifty-two display wings on walls contain about 500—
600 photographs, numerous broadsides, and newspaper clippings.

Arrangement of material varies; part of it is arranged
numerically and part alphabetically. Accessions are recorded in
an accessions book.

The material is available to all users. The custodian will
furnish photostatic copies of manuscripts at current prices.



Supervisor, Olive Barsness. Hours: 9 a.m. to h p.m., Mon.—

The society was organized in 1955, and its purpose is to
preserve and collect material relating to the history of Pope
County. Gifts and temporary deposits are accepted, but no
purchases or exchanges are made. Materials are housed in the
courthouse, a two-story fireproof building constructed in 1929.
Dimensions are 62 x lhé feet. Space is inadequate.


Over 600 folders contain biographies compiled and written
by WPA workers under sponsorship of the society. Records of the
county commissioners of Pope County, 1866-76; minutes of the city
commissioners of Glenwood, 1881—88; election returns for Pope
County, 1867; minutes of village council, Glenwood, 1892-1905;
record of district court proceedings, 1868—82. Organization
records include: records of an old settlers' association; Minne—
waska National Farm Loan Association, 1918-55; and a pastor's
record of Our Saviour's Congregation, a Lutheran church, 1865—98.
There are also the Axel ENGLAND papers; a typed MS. on Samuel J.
Brown, and one of a story entitled "Dot"; diary of the Reverend
P. S. REQUE, 1869, giving an account of his religious activities
in Pope County; clippings; and miscellaneous items, such as
letters, articles on history of townships, churches, and on sub-
jects of local interest; receipt books, ledgers, and business
records; and school district records.

There are over 600 folders of biographies, 57 vols., and
over 100 pieces. Biographies are arranged alphabetically by name
of person, and school district records are arranged numerically
by number of district. There is no catalogue. Accessions are
recorded in an accessions book. There is a card index td county

Materials are available to investigators with permission of
the supervisor. Copy service is limited to special cases or



house, Second St. Custodian, Mr. E. F. Lindquist. Hours:
9 to 12 m. and l to 5 p.m., Mon.-Fri.; Sat., 9 to 12 m.

The society was founded in 1925, but it is not incorporated.
Its purpose is to stimulate interest in the history of Cook
County and to preserve historical material and landmarks. The
society accepts gifts and temporary deposits, but it does not
purchase or exchange material. Manuscript material is kept in
the office of the clerk of court, first floor, courthouse. This
fireproof brick building, with two stories and basement, was
built in 1912. Dimensions are about 66 x l05 feet. Space is
adequate for present needs.


Manuscripts relate mainly to Cook County and consist, for
the most part, of articles dealing with various aspects of local
history: county officers, North Shore, early explorations along
the international boundary, the fur trade, beginnings of local
government, pioneer schools, political history of the county,
etc. Included also are programs of annual meetings of the North
Shore Historical Assembly; a few obituaries of local residents;
resolutions regarding the restoration of the ruins of Fort
Charlotte passed by the Cook County Historical Society, February
12, 1950; and attendance register of the public school of Grand
Marais, 1891—92, showing name of pupil, age, attendance by day,
week, month, term, and name of teacher.

There are about 28 pieces kept in a wooden drawer
(21 x 12 x 5%). There is neither catalogue nor obvious arrange—
ment of the material.

There is no copy service, but some arrangement for copying
might be made.



Chapter), High School Buildi g. resident, S. S. Beach. Hours:
1 to 5 p.m., Mon.—Fri.

The McLeod County Historical Society was organized in l9h0,
but the Hutchinson Historical Society, which merged into it, ex—
isted for some years previous to l9h0. The present society is
interested in the discovery, preservation, and dissemination of
knowledge concerning the history of the county and the State.
Gifts and temporary deposits are accepted, but no materials are
purchased or exchanged. The collections are in a room approxi—
mately 55 X 65 feet, in the high school building, a two~story
fireproof brick structure built in l958 and dedicated in January
1959. The building is irregular in shape with a frontage of
about 290 feet. Space is adequate.


Papers of the HUTCHINSON family, of the famed ”Singing
Hutchinsons", who in 1855 founded Hutchinson, Minnesota, include
letters by Asa Hutchinson and others; data and legal documents
relating to the townsite of Hutchinson; programs and clippings
relating to concerts held by the Hutchinsons. William N.

ENDERGAST papers include autographs; school report; inventory

of losses sustained by fires during Indian raids; correspondence
between Pendergast and Lewis HARRINGTON families. Papers of
Lewis Harrington, surveyor and one of the founders of Hutchinson,
include personal letters; field notes kept while engaged in the
survey of a road from Minneapolis to Hutchinson in 1857; finan—
cial records and tax receipts; and some data relating to
Harrington's activities as a railroad land agent. There are also
records of a Good Templar‘s lodge- records for Lynn and Collins
townships during. he 1860’s and 1870's; framed certificates N”
plats, maps, and an autographed letter signed by Horace dREELEi,
1868; register of births for Hutchinson, 1900—1907; ousiness
records of REESE Brothers, merchants at Plato and Stewart in the
l8201s and 1880‘s; register of Merchants' Hotel, Hutchinson,
1800; a diary of an overland trip from Illinois to California in
the early 1850's and a meteorological record, 1882—1922, both
kept by Ethan CRANDALL.

There are approximately 525 pieces and seven vols. of mate—
rial, most of which are arranged alphabetically by subject.
bout M50 cards (5 X 5) catalogue pieces. Accessions are record-
ed in an accessions book.

Materials are available through permission of the president.
There is no copy service.

See — Minnesota History, XX (1959) 5)+7—lI-9-



Library. President, R. C. Bartlett. Hours: 7 to 8 p.m., Tues-
day and Friday. .

The society was founded in l95h for the purpose of dis—
covering and preserving historical data relating particularly
to the Lake Pepin Valley. No purchases are made, but gifts and
loans are accepted. Sales or exchanges might be made if advan—
tageous to the society. Materials are housed in the partially
fireproof public library building, a brick structure, one story
and basement, built in 1922. Dimensions are 5h x A7 feet. Space
is not entirely adequate.


Holdings include about 25 articles on subjects of local
interest; da‘beok of C. W. HACKETT & BROTHERS, general store,
Lake City, 1E6M—65; account book of KINGSLEY‘S MILL, Lake City,
1890-1906; bank book of treasurer of school district no. A,
1875—76; record of city clerk, Lake City, 1881—1900; account
book of chairman of board of supervisors of Mount Pleasant
Township, 1859-75; a group of legal documents including appren-
tice's contract, land grants, citizenship papers, receipts, and
shares of stock in Lake City Flouring Mill. Miscellaneous items
include tickets badges, programs, diploma; lithograph of Lake
City in 1867; list of dwellings in Lake City in November 1857;
prescription issued in 1868; muster roll of Captain George
ATKINSON, Company G, 8th Regiment of Minnesota Volunteers,
February 29—April 15, 186A. Records of Company C, 8th Regiment
of Minnesota Volunteers, about 110 pieces, consist of invoices,
muster out roll, abstract of expenditures, pay accounts, cloth-
ing accounts, transfer of stores, quarterly return of deceased
soldiers, 18611—65. Thomas GIBBS' papers, 5 vols., 1865—97,
include prescriptions filled by Gibbs as a druggist, internal
revenue licenses, business letters, an indexed account book, and
receipts for goods sold to steamers. W. E. PERKINS' papers,
approximately 96 pieces, 1871—82, include letters, bills, re—
ceipts, and statements.

There are about 7 vols. and over 200 pieces for which there
is neither obvious arrangement nor any catalogue.

Materials are available for examination through permission
of the president, R. C. Bartlett. Photostatie copies of manu-
scripts will be furnished at current rates.


 . .7 ._,~,«

Printing Office. Treasurer, H. I. Peterson. No special hours.

The society was founded for the purpose of perpetuating
the memory of the settlement and earl history of Meeker County.
It was first organized on March 50, 1%72, as the Old Settlers'
Association. The society continued to meet at intervals until
1952 when it was superseded by the present organization.


Manuscripts deal chiefly with Ieeker County and its early
settlers and contain data on men and women who made first settle-
ments, on first mills, post offices, and hotels in the various
townships. Considerable attention has been given to that section
of the county which was raided by the Indians during the uprising
of 1862 and to the Forest City stockade which served as a refuge
for settlers at that time. There are also letters dealing with,
pioneer life and records of the Old Settlers' Association,


There are one vol. and a bundle (12 x 15) of material for
which there is neither obvious arrangement nor any catalogue.

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