xt7j9k45tk60 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j9k45tk60/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-11-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 26, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 26, 2001 2001 2001-11-26 2020 true xt7j9k45tk60 section xt7j9k45tk60 Thanksgiving

Back to
the grind

Last week was a




special week.

The sun was
brighter and the
birds' songs a
little happier.

Perhaps seeing my
family for the
first time in a
while or the
hearty meals
brightened my
weekend to
some extent.

But nothing
brightened it
more than there
only being three
days of classes
last week.

With this in mind. I
have compiled a
list of things I
am thankful for.


I'm thankful for the
nice people who
offer to help
when they see
you standing
next to your car
with a dead

I'm thankful for
those drunken
individuals who
frequent Kitty
O'Shea's and
keep my nights
full of my very
own real lite
version of

i'm thankful for the
that we. UK
students, have
in Lexington's

I'm thankful that
Kentucky is now
a top-25
basketball team.
which somewhat
softens our loss.

l'm thankful for the
trees and the
many colored
leaves, although
I could do
without the
incessant drone
of leaf blowers
across campus.

I'm thankful for the
police officer
who caught me
doing 80 mph in
a 65 mph zone
On my way
home. From this
stems my
thankfulness for
traffic school.

I'm thankful for
and pot
growers, as
they help
distract the
police from
smaller illegal
around campus.

i'm thankful for
campus food
because the
taste helped me
remember the
goodness of

-Jared Whaien

5.2 4:1

At least it won't be
raining brimstone - just


VOL. $8108 ISSUE 3363


News tips?

Call 257-1915 or e-mail


Tuition plan offers payment

Deadlines: Installment plan costs students $35,
creates three payments over four month period

By Sarnieh Shaiash
counting" circa "

Students scrambling to meet
tuition deadlines for spring now
have another option.

Beginning in the spring. stu-
dents can enroll in UK's new Iii-
stallment Payment Plan.

Under the plan. which costs
$35 per semester. students who
registered this fall will pay one»
third of tuition. housing and din—

ing fees by Dec 20. The other two-
thirds of the costs are due by Feb.
15 and March 15.

Those who don't pay for the
plan must pay all fees by Dec. 20.

UK officials say the plan of
fers multiple benefits.

“(The payment option) was
changed to make it more conve
nient for students and parents to
be able to pay the tuition." said
UK Provost Michael Nietzel. “By
dividing it up into smaller install-

ments rather than having to pay
all at once. it's more economical
for students."

Some say the new plan makes
it easier for students to remain
enrolled if they can't pay the full
cost by the first deadline. UK poliv
cy mandates all students pay
their fees by the first deadline or
have their classes canceled.

Madiha Ahmed. an electrical
engineering sophomore. said she
thinks the plan is a great idea and
would have used it last year.

“If you live on campus. it can
ease up the stress-load for stu-
dents who have to come up with
$4.000 at once." she said.

No examinations shall be given
except for laboratory practicals or
“make-up” examinations.”


ead week ——
nything but

Jon Patrick, an
economics junior,
and Michael Brad-
ford, a psychology
sophomore, study
at the William T.
Young Library.
Despite the dead
week policy, many
students feel they
are burdened by
assignments and
quizzes during the
week before finals.

xrrmti surr


Overwhelmed: Students say projects, quizzes
keep them from focusing on upcoming finals

By Amber Ashby

s'urr WRITER

Many students say the week
before finals is anything but
dead. While no final exams can be
given during the five days of
classes known as “dead week." pa.
pers, quizzes and homework are
all possible which many stu-
dents say leaves them with little
extra time to prepare for finals.

“Dead week is totally contra
dictory." said Terry Atkinson. a
finance senior. “Students aren't
able to get a lot of studying done
when they have to go to class and
still worry about other assign-

Some say the class time could
be better spent.

LaKenya Middlebrook. a his-
tory senior, disagrees with having
class during dead week because it
allows professors to teach new
material until the last day of

”Dead week should be a time
to review old material in prepara-
tion for finals." she said.

Even though many students
complain about it. UK initiated
the dead week policy in 1986 to
protect students from unneces‘
sary exams that would infringe on
their available study time for fi~

Before the policy was passed.
many professors would have their
final examinations during dead
week. said Academic Ombud Jef-
frey Dembo.

“Without the policy. profes-
sors were at liberty to do whatev-
er they wanted. and it really be-
came problematic." he said.

But even though the “no ex-
aminations" rule now stands. it
isn't always obeyed.

The most common violation
still stems from professors who
choose to give finals during dead
week based on a majority vote by
the students. Dembo said.

But all students. not just the
majority. must be in favor of the
decision. he said.

“if it's unfair to even one stu
dent. then it can't be done." l)em~
bo said.

While his office usually sees
an increase in complaints toward
the end of the semester because of
dead week. Dembo says the major-
ity ofthem aren‘t valid.

“A lot of students and maybe
some new professors don't seem
to understand the (dead week) pol-
icy." he said. “Generally. we
know to expect complaints. but
there aren't many legitimate cas-

Protecting yourself

Students are responsible for
understanding the dead week pol-
icy. so they can prevent instruc»
tors from disobeying it. Demho

If students feel a violation has
been made against them. Dembo
said they should speak with the
instructor first. If the problem is
not resolved. students can then
speak with the chair of the depart-
ment that offers the course and
then. if necessary. the director of
undergraduate studies.

While Dembo encourages stu-
dents to seek his help. which is
confidential. to investigate and
mediate complaints. he said it is
best to speak With the other indi-
viduals first.

But if a situation continues.
Dembo said he is willing to work
toward a solution.

For help

if a conflict regarding a potential
dead week violation has taken place.
call Academic Ombud Jeffrey Dembo
at 257-3737.

To view information regarding
UK's dead week policy, visit
part2.html. The policy is

Dead week policies
- Eastern Kentucky University

During dead week no major
assignments or exams may be given.
said Rita Davis, vice president for
enrollment management. Any
reasonable exception must be stated
on a syllabus. if a circumstance
requires moving the exam up. it must
be approved by the department

- Georgetown Colege

There is no written policy
regarding dead week, but students
have one reading day. typically a
Monday prior to final examinations,
which begins Tuesday to study. said
Winnie Bratcher, registrar.

- Trmsyivania University

There is no written policy
regarding dead week, but students
have one reading day, typically a
Monday prior to final examinations.
which begins Tuesday to study, said
James Moseley, vice president and

- University of Kentucky

”During the last week of classes
of a regular session or during the
three-day period prior to the last day
of class of intersession or summer
school, no examination shall be given
except for laboratory practicals or
"make-up" examinations. in cases of
"take home” final examinations.
students shall not be required to
return the completed examination
before the regularly scheduled
examination period," says the
Student Rights and Responsibilities

A 56 solution?

A recent Student Government
proposal sought to move the se
mester beginning back two days
to allow two study days during
dead week. but it was defeated 18
4 at a November Senate meeting.

Senator-at-large Joe Ruschell
said he voted against it because of
the potential conflicts the change
would have on fraternities and
sororities that hold rush activities
during the two days before classes


But not all students are cer
tain it Would prevent problems

Nate Stein. a political science
junior. had his fall gout: classes
canceled after l'K officials niis
placed his tuition check

Stein said that while the plan
may have its advantages. it still
Would not prevent human error

Invoices for spring semester
will be mailed to advance regis

tered students during the week of

Nov 26 The plan is optional

UK is not the first school to
offer the service,

"We wanted to provide the
same opportunity to l'K stu
dents." Nietzel said,



See Steve
Martin having
sex in a chair
in his latest
black comedy



New deadlines

The new UK installment Pay-
ment Plan allows students to pay
one-third of their tuition by the
Dec. 20 walk-in deadline or by the
Dec. 14 postmark deadline. The
second and third installments will
be due Feb. 15 and March 15.

Students who don't enroll in the
535 plan must pay all fees by
Dec. 20.

UK students who enroll for
classes during January must pay
their first installment by Jan. 24.

The plan is not offered for the
summer sessions.

Planning budget
can be a gift
during holidays

Writing it down: Experts advise students
on managing money during holiday frenzy

By Rob Kirkland

’ONYRtBli' '4', we rgu

With shopping at its peak during the holiday season. finances

are {I hot. topic

From il‘lf‘litls to family. ilitise who buy gifts are thinking about
how much money they have to spend

But in the age of credit and debit cards. many people don't set
a budget. which is essential. experts say.

"The key is to have ta burigeti in the first. place."
Mullineaux, a l'K finance professor

said Don

The first step to budgeting is to identify your resources. he
said. Students should ask where the money is coming from and

then set a Hill" to plan vi budget

Mullineaux \Jllil students don't need a computer program like
Microsoft Excel. they just need to \ll’ down with a pen and paper to

devise a budget

()nce students \l? down ready to think about their money. the

process begins.

“Estimate your expenriiturrs and see ifyou have enough mon-
ey to cover them." Mullineaux silltl ' if you do not. you will have to
cut back on lilillt‘t'fwm’ll‘K expenditures."

.losh ()sterfeld. a treatiye advertising senior. who works at
liexrnark. uses a budget to handle his finances

"i take my biweekly paycheck. and the fil‘\l thing l do is pay
my rent and my hills. which usually comes to about $300 After
that. i try to save 23 percent or what is left of that check

“With in: next part her i: I try and saw 3i) percent of that. l

ust re ieat the 'irocess "

()ne of the keys to kr-epii;
can be revised. Mullins-aux find

a budget is understanding that it

“Otherwise. you will engage in mental accounting trying to
keep track of your money and what you have spent. in your head."

he inlfl

The mental math can be risky if students make lots of pura
chases and actively use debit or credit cards.
.loe Wilder of National (C ity Bank said he warns students to be

cautious with debit rards

"It is easier to use than actually writing a check. but you must

keep track of what you've spent '

With the holiday \ u‘ound. it will be useful.

The Student NewSpaper at the University of Kentucky. Lington



All UK students have the
opportunity to have their
photographs taken this week
to be published in the
2002 edition of the
Kentuckian, UK's yearbook.
The photo session is free for
all seniors and costs $1 for
other students. The
photographs will be taken
from 9 am. until 6 pm.
Tuesday through Friday in
the Grehan Journalism
Building Room 032.

The Kentuckian is also
giving colleges the opportu-
nity to preorder yearbooks
to sell to students. Those
yearbooks will contain a spe-
cial section highlighting news
from the cottege during the
past year.

Past editions of year-
books can be purchased for
$10 at the Kentuckian office
in the Grehan Journaiisnr
Building Room 032.

cents ”SEMI scenic surr




The Low-down


Law school to sponsor death penalty debate

l,l-‘Xl\'i . it i\' capital punishment will be

the liiiiii ot i it: It iii it l'li's (‘ollege ot I..i\\ 'l'lie
iiiiloge is ammo: on: .i panel discussion ‘Roy I\
iiiiig the lll' tii‘. iii-itilti 2.3 years alter its i'i-msti
tiitionf r‘i ii xi ‘2' bring together both adyocatos
.llii’I iillliillli‘i‘I- iii Illl‘ ioiiti'oycrsial pitictico
Spoikiii: ‘li I'i‘iiii~ti!iii‘. \\ill be l'at Ili‘I.‘lIl.tlit\'. ii
i‘ lllllilli p. out and. i ii.iii oi the Kentucky l‘o‘ili
liiill to ,\bui' J". rim Iii illIl Penalty. and Ki‘VIIt Mc
\' lIl\ lwtciui .iiiorney .\rgiiiiig to sup
i‘iii‘l oi i.i:iili .iltiiisililit‘lli \inI be State Sen
Itiuiwri \Il\i"- ll lit-Ilii‘I 3.5. and Ra\ ltili'stilL
I' i\i ltct vitii‘t'i iiii'iitiiiiiwiniltli .‘lIlOl'lll‘\ 'l‘lii‘ ills
p in 'l‘hursdziy. Doc l. in

iil.’t'i\ i i‘lli‘il'OOlll at tho (‘ollctlt'

This is my

. i l tii‘t i7


There is no
need for

temples; no

iiissiviii i do
lIii= I'I\ l ll‘i'l' 'i
lived IOi' at low liii'i-i':

.gi‘ ,.. H

H) )-
m' Professors to address women's activism

ll‘\l"i l l i “\ l'ly iiiii l'iiiycisity ot
ii iii sin .ik .iliotit women's
l’ioti‘ssois I‘WJIli‘li‘ i‘litissen
I..‘»t\i' llllI baron 'l'iii‘ llI l'K
out I «l \l i!l\ii‘i\il.‘ iii the I' will or?! oldies» is
own lteatl .i; . .:. ‘~ .. .iii iiyw inwii iii \‘.i‘lill‘ll :iiid
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phiiosophy [WM L
ll'ii\ ‘ ~i“ 'er i'i

Our own

\i.'w. M it
braiii.oiii' - “ ““ ‘l ”"‘

is our ‘i V it
temple. the K '
is Grade reports no longer coming in the mail
Il\1‘-.i}l'i i\' lli';_‘i‘.t‘ili;1‘.llit‘i ‘;ii‘lll\,:. l'l\'
w I": -Illl' a 'l‘i’l‘iiii :iiic import» to stii

VIIV‘Is l“‘\‘, \‘ll‘l‘l \ ll
‘Thel-lth. ‘1", 1 it it \yil

. .ti.- it. .t .. .. ;i- It‘ll". tiiiitiii' iisirit: IIH‘ Siiidciit
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(b.1935). Elli“ \\ .,; ; 133'. i‘:Ii;..ii,iii \i.\.

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BUdthsm sitit‘. liiii. \\ " .. ' llillll“\ lit‘i‘rlllM‘
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‘ixi' bloc .\'\r~Ii s‘ti'ii‘ ‘I'r'5itliilri'\\\ll'lll 'I'Ill'

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School officials want new building
ili\i‘\'it'l‘i I\' iiita ltlls \\ itli lii‘yaii Station
i. ii intuition: ii .i timi win-ii .i Fayette (‘ouiitt
a 'i..,.‘. illsii ii i i oiiiiiiiitcc in pi ioi‘iti/iiig I'l'llti‘x‘d
’ .1: iii Irlli‘i pioiivcis tor the iii-\i tour
I‘ iii ‘i’is i'iiiiini =l.‘iII. students .iiiil com
supporters are trilliii‘ltll‘z', l i‘tlillllrlltlli
‘t-iii i\ ‘i'3 lii'i ~in iiii' \i limit HII’o‘HIs Ill \Ill‘lltl
" ii .v new "iitzii si liool toi' iioi‘th l.c\
“a i "i li‘ st ‘i‘il‘fliii‘: to SW) million on


1‘ '-


Comedian Rodney
hospitalized in
stable condition
Sunday after
suffering a mild
heart attack on
his 80th birthday.
his publirist said
Dangerfield was
scheduled to
undergo an
angioqram. an X~
ray of the blood
vessels. Monday.
Warren Cowan
said. Doctors then

determine what
treatment he
whose long-
runninq oaq IS
that he gets no
respect. was
hospitalized at
Hospital after the
heart attack
Thursday The
i‘omedian's wrte.
Joan, expected
him to be back
home by
midweek. Cowan
said the heart
attack came a day
after "The
tonight Show"
host Jay Leno
dedicated a show
to the comedian
and taped
greetings from
actors and tellow
i’Omll s
Dangerfield has
appeared in
movres including
Caddy/shack. Back
to School. Easy
Money and
Natural Born

repairs. "To spend that much money on this
building would be irresrxmsible." said Bryan Slit
tioii principal Robert (iiliitore.

70,000 ltids living without borne phones

LOUISVILLE Nearly 70.000 children in
Kentucky and 4 million children nationwide ~
are living in homes that do not have telephones.
That's according to "Disconnected Kids." a na»
tional report that ranks Kentucky 34th among the
so states and the District ot’ Columbia in the per-
centage of children with home phones. Seven per-
cent of Kentucky children live in phoneless
homes. according to the KIDS (‘OllNT Snapshot
released this fall by the Annie E. (‘asey Founda-
tion in Baltimore. KIDS (‘OUNT program direc
tor. William ()‘Hare. says tltis is an issue state
legislators should pay attention to,


U.S. persuading Afghans to not grow opium
WASHINGTON l’ S otticialsare exploring
ways to prevent a surge in opium cultivation in
\lghanistan. once the world‘s leading producer.
now that the Taliban's control is crumbling The
challenge is iwrsuadiiig the t'actions likely to gov
crii to tight opium production and trailicking.
when these groups in the past have shown little
inclination to do that. l? S. counternarcotics oilir
ctals want to make drug fighting a condition for
receiving international humanitarian aid.

U.S. airstrikes go after terrorists' hideouts
Vi’ASlllNGTON US airstrikes pounded
suspected terrorist hideouts among
.-\t'ghanistaii's tunnels and caves. Taliban fighters
surrendering Saturday in their last northern
stronghold moved the opposition closer to control
ot' the city ot’ Kiindiiz The Pentagon ott’ered no
iiitiiiodiate response to claims by witnesses and
otticials on the ground that at least eight US.
bombs exploded on Pakistani territory Saturday
during a raid on Taliban positions along the
mountainous frontier with Afghanistan.

Bush's aides criticize Senate democrats

\\'.»\SlllN(}TON With (‘ongress returning
this week. top Bush administration otticials prod»
ded the liemocratcrintrolled Senate on Sunday to
tilt on a stimulus proposal. and defended the
president's emphasis on corporate tax cuts as a
cure tor the limping economy The Senate‘s top
Democrat said he was troubled by the idea ofcor-
porate tax cuts at a time when companies are lay-
ing oil workers “They're letting people oil“ in
numbers that we‘ve got to be concerned about.”
Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle. DSD. But
White House economic adVisei' Larry Lindsey
said' "We have to start creating paychecks in-
stead of iiiieiiipliwment checks.” He warned
anew that President Bush will veto spending pro-
posals hc Views as excessive

Compiled from wire reports


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?gientists row
human embryo

Opinions: Some say preliminary results
exciting, opponents denounce development


BOSTON A research company reported Sunday it had
cloned the first human embryo. a development it said was
aimed at producing genetically matched replacement cells for
patients with a wide range ofdiseases.

But the news from .-\dvanced (‘ell 'T‘echnology of Worcester.
Mass” drew swil‘t protests from religious and political leaders
who saw it as a step toward cloning human beings

Several states. including l‘alifornia. have banned human
cloning. and (‘ongress is considering
such a ban.

But company officials insisted
their work is the tirst step iii provid
ing hope for people with spinal iii-
juries. heart disease and other ail»
ments “These are exciting prelimi
nary results." said Dr Robert Lari/a.
one of the researchers.

"This work sets the stage for hu-
man therapeutic cloning as a poten‘
tially limitless source of immune-
compatible cells for tissue engineer
ing anrl transplantation medicine "

Lanza aitd the company's top ex
eciitive Michael West said they had
no interest in transplanting such ear
ly embryos into a Woman‘s womb to
give birth to a cloned human being.
nor was it clear that their embryo
would be capable of that.

But the Washington D (‘ based National Right to Life Com
mittee wasted little time Sunday denouncing the announce-

“This corporation is creating human embryos for the sole
purpose of killing them and harvesting their cells.” said the
group‘s legislative director Douglas Johnson “Unless (‘ongress
acts quickly. this corporation and others will be opening human
embryo farms."

lii findings published Sunday by The Journal of Regenera-
tive Medicine and described online in Scientific American. the
scientists said they had grown a sixcell human embryo.

They said they created the early embryo by injecting a very
small cell with its genetic material into a yvoiiian's donated egg.
In such cloning. the injected DNA often comes front a skin cell.
but the resiwtrchers this time used a cumulus cell. which nur
titres a developing egg.

They said they created the early embryo by injecting a very
small cell with its genetic material into a woman's donated egg.
in such cloning. the injected DNA often comes from a skin cell.
but the researchers this time used a cumulus cell. which nur-
tures a developing egg.

This technique could produce replacement cells only for a
woman oI‘childbearing agc. since the injected DNA comes from
a woman‘s reproductive system.

These are

- Dr. Robert Lanza,
Advanced Cell
technology researcher

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 Patrick Avery
Scene Editor
Phone 257 I9I5 | Email ketnelartayanoorom


Staying away from
the dentist's chair

Got a cavity?

Inill nt \t'l‘ an tn the dentist .‘L’l lIII

[\ttnr “(lit Inn: Stew .\l.ntin \(Illk nut his nwn twtli lll thw
ltlzu'k ('nmntly .\'m'n('rtmtn I lnnkt-tl :i‘.\';t\ limit the \t l't‘t‘ll ,t\ ”h
spine tinglt‘tl \ttlilt‘lllllltl thut nnwi' happnns tn the in Illt' thw

l have lll‘Vt‘ltlItt‘tl Winn snt't nl‘ tnt‘tw' t'it‘ltl :n‘nnnrl inn nhnn it
('nnit‘s In tho I‘IIIUIIUII\ t‘\'ttkt'tl llV tht‘
rnnvitw. u (’III'NI' nt l‘t‘\'lt‘WllI‘,I mnx‘ivs lltl‘
Illltl‘t' than twn unit‘s

llnt snmvthinu unt tn mt‘ in ,Vni'mmnr
Just like the nntt pmxnn. I'tn tint :t happy
iwt‘snn when I have tn haw HIV It't'Ill
r‘lt‘illlt‘tl ni' lngwttl nut nt' nn' tnnntli Sn
watching this (ll‘l‘iltlllll vx‘vnt Iilkt' Illilt't'
ttlht‘l'H‘li was llll('ltnllltl‘Iilltlt‘ tn my thn
Insist. lllll .\'m'm~uim' Illl‘lit'tl nut tn lw ;t
llll‘llllllt.’ "whntlinnt,"

Stnw Mill'illl stars as tho tlvntist
l‘lélllk Ntngzstnt' whn is wining: lllltl'l'lt‘tl tn
llt‘.‘II ll‘l‘Ilk .Imn. llllth‘ll ltV liltlll‘él lit-tn
All the while ho» is slut-inn: Willi Susan. tllnlt-nn llnnhzini ‘ ntrit
lltit thv llllllllit‘ llt‘ tt-lls nnt‘ II". in t-ntls up tlwinu ti‘nin tht-
Vk'lltt think ht- klllt‘tl SllsitllK ltl‘ttillt‘l

It's (I (It‘l‘illlLIt‘ll lnw \Iltl'\' tintl It thi‘illni ptit‘kvtl In nnn -|tt~vt
rlnn‘t plrtn tn llJlW‘ \‘ntn' \‘.‘l\(llilll twnth tnkt-n nut thr rim, llll'l



Got a pillow?

Waking up [lilt‘l‘ Vklllt‘lilllel lIriltmt' III/r was ;i t-litltt-nut-
Movies that are \n pziint‘nl. sn trusti :iting tn Wiltt‘ll Ell't‘ tnn I‘Hlillilttll
these days Int nint'in (llltl\ that haw I't't‘l‘th‘tl gln'tk‘nnz rm 1mm
t't‘nin thn nntinn‘s innst t't'\ttttt'tt‘tl lllttVll‘ "l'lill‘f. inztkv thn 'z'lt’k‘. in:
£‘\[H‘l‘lt‘llt‘tt :ill the mill“ ll‘lhll‘llilllu Walling Li/t' l’\ nttt‘ \nt h W-‘iw

Mnxt IIIthl‘ fans Will remember Slab/rm". Rit-hni'rl Linkltitwrs
ntln tn the wnntlt't'inu snills nt small tnwns 'I‘hls ltltn'lt’ INN the
\(llilt‘ Illt‘mt‘ lllll :llltls rh'nnnilikn :tnnnntinn tn lllt' slut". ‘s'nnnrls
llkt‘ :t wtnnt-i”

T}H\ lilttVltl is Iht‘ tnnst pl‘tllt'nilttllx plt'l‘t' nt t Mir that I haw
"\‘t‘l Willt‘ht‘tl ni' will ni‘nlmlth t‘\'t'l‘ vuitrh l,t-t nu an lllill ’lLlrtlli
This ntn‘t'it= is tht‘ ninst [tl‘tllt‘llllttllx pl“! t' nt'tr/tp that l h IV" wxvt






Helena Bonham Carter convinces dentist Steve Martin to put down his
tooth and hop on the dentist chair tor some nasty Iovinq in Novocaine.

\I. IIt‘llWl nt \‘.lll iti'nmhl. I'U'l .t. n4 it

l.tnt~:l lit r tutu “nil-Ill": at» w it: ~» wt liil‘ lilw't‘, tnrl my ptirsiiit
nt in HM ml,” llt'l |Y"It t‘t'. nnntttt hwlhsh "\pt‘ll‘ll'l‘ 'l'hvrr- is nn
ttlnt. nn siltl \. and tin Lkni'tlt‘t-thtlv- lllrtlll z lmmr tilts

'l‘ltn innn lllttll l\ itttitl tun it :nnx'ws :n'nuntl sn inur. h Illzli (‘nni
nit Inltll tlllsltnlllttt'xs wt 'l'lu‘ Ill/m ll'i/rli I’M/turf ,n‘n nnt nut
wt lllI‘

fitiitt‘ [ll‘ttilil‘


lli \.l'. 'lt mnn'n t i\ llt‘lllMtlI Hill I win ntst tnn
tl'lllllt tn nntlwtst tn'l tlw , nntplt-xt'n a tllli l't‘YI‘lHIlttllx it makes nn
tltw . ‘llll‘l:l w! .‘It \‘tt‘ll nit» nt nn't Itntntttty :\lllt'l It :I Wnll my nt'
llt‘ lw nnwn inrl mm «a, uni, h. ntztnnt tnw'tnltnn them tn inr

Got a vomit bag?

,\ nun l.\I.\.\§ ltllll 'It’zt- Ill/”NIH HUI/t. \tlll lw ('ttltllltL' tn the
l,tt‘ll\‘\ lllt‘ \I it-nwt enter \ |.\iv\.\' thtzitt-t -l-lll ’t. Jtttt‘.’

'I lil\ itilll lllttllllslw h. taint \nti tlnnnuh \ttlilv nt the [)l’tlt'l'\\l|\
tlw hinnttn lintlt. 'tnrl» ignw till ititlin; ptilwt‘tx. Ill'tlfllltlllt'V. unrl thv
itt'» nt In n’ninu Hill ‘1 etis'htn:

\nn wt tn lttlllilt" th: w: :l 'i:t w n , lltl inrl tntn tht-mwt‘ns
nt in.) ntirltllt- wt; xllt he (1 rinm, Ilsl'tt lgli tht .xn irlt llllll‘ thrnnuh the
int/w nt n'n inn: «an: tnt it nt nt nut ltlnnrl \nv tin the
It‘ltil'] K not Ax tt lt' i-u'

»\t. l.\l.t\t\' st uttu i"\ huh int] ‘14 stnt it‘s nitlv l.tttll\'lll".1
[it till! Illt‘w Ill ix t;'iiiil with ll! Ill» priming: ntit ’l‘t it lll;,f (Inns nut
witnrl lilzt- Illllllilit,‘ li't‘l5t’tlrl t: l.n‘;t<.‘tlit- Irl ruthl't‘lit-(li'tugt-rl
it'. It Will“ It; ‘lir litt":tnt Ill 'ln‘ I Il‘l't lt’l ,“l' ll'u llt"li\"ll;’. I’ll ltt'll‘flt‘

.‘tnmnw hmw . nuns}. ‘v t‘ E. Tl.l'~.3ii21liviill littl)"illtl“'tlttlll

t'illlilll ni tnnittsin h t. ill‘ llt’l

int! lill‘l

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ngl/ IIE lr'tlllv X!) [)6"

Calendar 257 R867

‘Mondav Nith ”72’...

'Enqltsh Convorcartm. r. H.

'Fnrth Shanna
'Math Tutormu

'Math TIITO'lnq -
'Mnth r'llnrrnq
‘Hisrnry mun...”


’Dinner 8: thl“ '4' t".

' Annr‘yrn-u Fxrntm
’UK Atkirln rillh

'UK l-irln Fluh

‘Vo'ung Lite Finn You ‘fllliw‘la'w‘t

Alplia 9hr Omega Mnnhriq
,)., {:5
Green Thumb Enwmnmnmat ('luh
my - 1F.
‘Loftnt Student Unmn qu
‘Tuesdav Nights TogPlher
'UK Dressage Tenn .
‘Bible Study 1‘ i .,
’Proctar G Gamble , '
'Mlth Tutoring \‘ t" ,
'Mnth Tutoring - I . ,
'Math Tutoring 4 . .
”Math Tutoring ~
’Historv Tutoring ‘ 9
Spanish Tutoring - -
'Master Vour I'nmo Workshop
’L. E A P m n
"The Many Lives of "W Knntntk , Ri/r‘r
'UK Shaolin Do Karate magmas
'UK Tao Kwon Do vrartorp
‘UK RUGBY practice
' Anonymity Elnihn

'Fnllowehrp n4 (hunt Vrt [\"lnrue

'Equnstrmn Tnam
'LOSSA Institute- Cia<<

'UK Cl-mhmq Ctnh ‘Vtm-tvuq

'Univenny M KFn'irrld( ‘zv m4 ”.- .
‘Pre-Phystuui ifieupy fitnrtvn- Av; .
'La Table franrame
'Mllh Tutoring “
'Math Turormq -
'Math Tutoring *
History Tutoring ‘
Swing Dance Lensons
‘Anonvmitv Exhibit, ‘
‘How High” Movm ' "‘ ‘
“UK Judo Club ‘
'UK Ailiido Club 7' ‘ ’

at 730an 'N»,r;pqm “may

'Dovotions-n—Lunch, ‘ x-“ftrvr -’.

'thmon Focus, 3 7r ' 7’ -

'Cinoma Cormnmm I ~ '- , ' -
WSnndiedlnsmt-re. , v

‘Sociory for the Prevention M Cruelty to Animals
Student i' pmn 3n ‘ Ur‘.
Meeting, U r t _ » '

‘Arnnesry international MIN - v .
‘English Conversation Class tor. 'lnternntronill Students.
‘Worship,-W0tv‘ 10‘“ " -
'Gnduate Student Blble Study > a, v ,

lon Delta Honorary Initiation Cnmmonv

mum moving Vail we
'Math Tutoring, mm M «iv
‘Mnh Tutoring (tn-«1" ”um ,
'Math Tutoring. (mm: ‘ w .,
'Chomimy Tutoring Mw- n, u
‘Charninry Tutoring ~' . ,u'
'lllstory Tutoring ‘04 a was
'Sonnich Tutoring, '- n '
'Enflish Tutoring K can!

‘ hoolln—Do Kama cm. "
'UK RUGDV mlcof) Rim t , I

‘ Anonymity Exhihlt. " t'“


'lntnrvnrutv Chnqtinn Fr'llnw‘hio

‘Mnth Tutoring “ t‘

Ln Rat-denim lr-ncaisp

'Niln! Gallnry Snrtns Sully MrCnv—t md K---m.l< “gum


'Anonvmitv Exhibit

'Amaht And Th. Nqu vignnn

'Tne Kwnn Dn practice


'Cathollc Mun. -‘. (in: ‘


'T“ Kwon Do practice.


'ArnaM And The Night Viniton. J
‘Christrn-c Coll-90.J Ci r‘ ~ \‘ u

'Cn'holic Mac: I
‘Umvnrslty Woruhrn Snrvmn

Durnvqrmq God anorhnv 'm inrpmarmnai Qmm‘un

'Mnth Tutoring
'Mnth Tutoring
‘Mlth Tutoring -
‘Nrntory Tutoring
'Nrflorv Tutoring

‘Chemistry Tutoring -

‘Ilology Tutoring r


'Amnht And "in Night V-s-tort

'Kati- And Man-ill» Lnbequn Dun Mann

‘UI Arhido Cluh '

UK Judo Club



1'0,” I


‘JILVV/ uky NIH/Camp”:







 811111 1.111111 13111111111

Jenny Robertson, dialogue editor
Clay McDaniel, asst. dialogue editor
Ashley York, editor in chief

John Wampter. associate editor

Amanda lhompson. senior staff writer
iim Staley. senior staff writer
Jennifer Kasten, at-large member
Josh Sullivan, at-large member






Kayne: 111-.11..
ofl drugs



Clay McDaniel

1511511111 1511106111 [000“

You say tomato,
I say ‘look it up'

County Sheriff's 1 -. , . ' ‘1 . ‘ 1 A news story from 11111 good
Department has ‘ ~ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' friends in (lreat 1h itain reminds me
transformeda of something I have long found curi-
1962 Cadillac ous. Dan Quayle will forever be asso-
ambulance into a ciated with the word tolnato (or is‘ it
lO-toot-tall, 41 tomatoe'.’). When 1111 misspelled (or is
wheel-drive it mispelled‘.’) the fruit (or is it 11 veg
"Methbuster" 1 etable'.’). it was supposedly 11 comment
the latest and on his intellectual capacity

drug messaqein The incident should have been
the department's embarrassing to the vice president.
Drug Abuse biit it was certainly not of the magni


Police use
for war

on drugs

Clay McDaniel


Education fleet of

The monster car.
donated by an
Owensboro doctor.
will be used at
local schools.
parades and other
events to spread
message. said
DaVieSs County
Sheriff Keith Cain.

the "Methbuster"
theme was
selected for the
car because the
Cadillac 15 similar
to the Ectomobile
used in
in 1984.

"We were looking for
something to
capture the
interest of young
people, as well as
a number of
adults, for the
DARE. program,"
Cain said. "It’s a
good vehicle to
do that."








Intellect isn't
always a GPA

Most college students 111‘ 11 familiar with the trials and t1‘ibul1 1tions of the college ad
missions pioc ess: the anxiety over less- than- perfect g1 rade- point averages 111111 the frus-
tr ations of standardized exams such 11s th