xt7j9k45th9n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j9k45th9n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-10-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 23, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 23, 1985 1985 1985-10-23 2020 true xt7j9k45th9n section xt7j9k45th9n l i '
Vol. XC, No. 13 Eflcbllshod 1.94 Universn of Kentuck Lexin ton Kentuck ' 1 1
3“ flaSheS , ' . «3;; Jordan I'CJCCtS offer
i = .
student at ~ - ,. - t . _ -3»:
M . k - . . o negotiate peace ..
x 1 r ,1... r ‘ ' ‘ ., .-‘. '3’ .
OI. Klng ii L y i a , i “ o o "11:.-;1'fi1
,. T - . ‘ .,. ' . .’ '
w l - - i2... t...“ v . ~ .. With Israeli leader
lte ma 6 SUSpCCt a . 15-: ‘. , 2'.
i or ‘ 1' ' 1“"
. Wan—u... w, ‘ , ., Hy NICOLAS B.T.\'l‘lt(l tioiis from Jordan and i:!lit‘! 1\l.lll t1 .3 1 11: 1'7 it.
sought by pellce "’1 ' ' a ' '7‘ Associated Press countries at face \ iiiiit- ' 5 1‘1. 1:1111‘ 5*. '1'1.‘
. um...- ms' 1 "3" t‘w1’1‘hi4 1;. ‘ . ’ l xioqun t iiidge \l" j. into it thi- {.1911 {11.131 i1
B} FRAN STEWART t _ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ iv ~__. p‘nfw Thl.‘ A\ l\. Israel Prime {\lln- reactions l>_\ tlie piitiiii' -tet lai‘a 1; '_1.1. " '31511'151.
News Editor ‘\ “B p.11” ister Shimon Peres said yesterday tioiis he told a meeiiiii; ot ,It-ii sh .. .-1 -g:-.‘ "fg .1
\ , fl 3.: ‘ he called for negotiations with .lor leadersin \eVi ‘i'oi-k 111(13. '»"i1.’.
UK Police are investigating a case 1111‘"1..“i:."1"‘1 ‘ dan because Israel must regain the There was no lllllllt‘flliilt‘ I’f‘uttitin '1‘ _‘ f {f{.1'.
of indecent exposure which occurred , I w’t‘ “ . Inl‘l’liillV? in the sealirchfgr peace li‘rtllll key Aratt llitKlt‘l1ilti‘.\ stit t, as ".1 ’1
Monday nightatM.l,KingLibrary. _>/ 3- ‘ . ‘. ' eres proposa s, Vl ic came in Lgypi or lt‘illll lht' l’aii-siini- rim-i .5 .j. .> ' "i?
A student reported that she was :4 -: - 1" speech to the l'nited Nations on Ll'tiit‘i tireaiiization 'I‘ttp {silt-[H-(I ‘t'1,1. ":-

. studying on the fourth floor of the li- : _ at" 1, : ’ . -' fi :3. __ ) Monday. appeared to offer little new could iiitticaii- that \rzii- fitntlli . -‘, w .3 ,1 1;:
brary at about 9:30 pm. when a m ‘ nfiMf}; 1, for the Arabs The propOsals were iiieiits were awaiting l‘i‘t!t' ilt‘Iilli'JVt‘ ".3 ‘ul 11 ;-1. 11'
white male "sat down adjacent [0 - 1' ‘4'?” ‘1 m. 1." .15.:(1'3’ promptly rebuffed h}' Jordan and statements troiii ,loittazi aid the _ '21 1. .‘

l me. got up and walked in the 1 .1133; #7:. ' "““C'u‘d “‘htlmt‘b} [stat-lihawks PL“. “huh usi'wt in l't-iri’iiar'» «it. ti 1-; '1: 512',

" " shelves and then exhibitioned him- s... 4 . ,. . ’ W '3 f 1» 1 I: ___ , fl : _ {z—i . The call for direct talks on ending ioiiit approach to \litltllt‘ l‘..l.~l ' . . "1 [‘4 1 7’.
self -- ‘ ; " ‘3 . ' ' -’ , 3: £1 ; M - »‘ .' vjfl‘f’t‘fi2v the state of war and resoliiiig the peace .;4 . it
According to the police report. the \ :1. .11. ‘ “E if; :2. 1‘ A . '-. -. ‘ .1’:;:7.1:'3v‘:. Palestinian problem came as Jordan l'l,ii chairman \asser .\l1.ilill told 1' _’ . ‘ .{.'-1'
offender “was in the area of her 1 , B}; -: , . “’1 m- ’ .‘ ‘ *" :9» 1; _"‘—‘. ace; was trying to improve relations with .1 ll('y\.\ conference Monday ll1. lx'u- 1 .;‘ '
desk for quite some time and when ' .1, 1. J “ _ L " ' _ ‘_f.‘ a. [If ,éf' ('1 ’7 neighboring Syria. a hardline state \Milt tietorc the Peres spt‘t‘t‘h that .' . 111' .11 _ '. ,:
she turned to look at him. he was ~ ‘33, ‘ , -’ . . ,— 1 '_ M .. > .. _' f 12‘ viz-er: that has refused to talk peace until he rciected t-arlier otters oi iiecorn 11 -1 . _ 5‘1 '.
masturbating." ~ '. 2" ’ , , ' 1-;1. . . .5. «f 1'; 751.4,”: it achieves military parit_\ With ls tions with .lordai. and wit ."Jl" Mr ‘
The student, a psychology Junior. ‘ ‘ f, .- 1‘ ” 1 _ . » '1‘" ’ - ‘ ' ,~ : 1—": ”7',_a_-;J‘f~ 1' rael Palestinians in l>r.lt‘ll{)tt'ilpit‘(l 7 -‘ 1
said yesterday that she was alone in ‘ .' ', 4‘ ... ' ’. ' . v. “' _‘:_ . q 111,. ' —"'- A statement issued Monday atter .-\r;ititerritories g :- =’ i
a secluded area of the library at the ' fl, 7.11 _ ' > .- " 1-;«13‘ fl... 1 .liirdanian~Sy'rian talks iii Riyadh i am sure no Palestinian l).il"\ t ‘ i 1 ‘
timeof the incident. ‘ ”-9-: 'A . -. ‘3‘- 1"; > ‘ 3:55:13" under Saudi Arabian sponsorship, tiill dare to take part iii any iiccotni 11‘: , . _ .‘T :-
She said she reported the nccur- .. 0‘. 1 . ._ _ _: ’: ~ ' ”I" - .~ ' ‘ f' said Jordan rejected ‘ all partial and [ions without l’l.li approxal \ititiit 1-: 1 _ -. u
rence t0 the librarians at the front : . #3“ .‘ '1. ' 1, -» .. .-. .’ - v“ ,3?3:f‘":-' unilateral settlements With Israel said He claimed Peres was 'rj.irig .~‘ g ._ .1 ' .1
desk who "immediately called the - I: .. ,. ..1 .. W; V, .‘3 "5:3“: .3.’ . A high-ranking official in Amman to 'coyer up his iron tist polii». ‘ 1 v
lice " ' - .. '~' i ,* , f 11 5 ~ '1 0"" : "q. 9. k. sai< t is was King Hussein's re- tiithpcacepro)osals 1 1 1 ~ 1’1
p0The student said she was able to . ' ‘ ‘1. w: :I w I) 1.1;" " 7 "3" J .3 3*- -' Sponse to the Peres speech. 1 : . . ~ ~‘ 5, -.
give the police a description of the ' ‘~ '2. w- -- 111» - -( ' .,I‘ 1" tut” 111“?“ 1 1”,- Peres acknowledged the” “a“ 111 11” 1 ‘N ‘pcfih ”“111 11‘"! ””1 ' 1~ 1 . , '
offender‘s clothes and actions but “I , w, ‘ ‘3. . .. at :32 varq"‘,_;:;_ .' only‘léihépossibiligh” khis rpeace teeter l’1l11i11i111l1111i11h rule (itUIl talks -.i.tr. 'ntt' .' ~. . ‘ ‘
didn't really look at his face, i 'ust . ‘ ~v 1 ' ', . 1 ‘1 ~.' "11 C t “10” answer ' ut 9 “Whom“ ‘ ' "u ‘1 “1‘” ”‘5‘” “W“ ”" r > ~ 1 ‘ -
ran.“ she 58m} "1 Just closed 1m). -‘i'tc ' ' *“" ‘*_,"5’1"‘f‘:fi 111111;;2‘ . 4: against hiking initial publit' reac stURllA\ :~.i-.--: t ’ ’ 1; » 1‘ .
booksandran.” -4 H... "p .y, 2...”,‘7 :_ - . .-
sne said poiice locked the front 1. ' ~ * ~ - 1114"“ S o . ’ ‘ ._ ,
doors to the librar' until she was ' ' ’ p —— k ff d 1 ' ». - 1'11
abletolookateveryrlnethere 1 * r 1 ' " ‘f‘1 '11:,” pea er 0 erS a Vice .11 1 1 1‘ 1'-
Police apprehended a suspect at Q.. ’ ' ’ .1 » _ '
the library soon after the inCident. ‘ ‘fi - 3 $1 ., on d . k. .bl '1 i » 1 11'1 1‘1
but the suspect was released after _. - . 5. J5. ox- 1' . .- ~ rln lng responSl y 1 . ~
the student failed to make a positive ‘N - . * «iv , ' 9 z i .~ .
identification. said Wally Skiba. di- ’ ‘ '1' $3“ ”.552" ‘5 ll) BRtlH'oint : 1.1. 11 ' ’ ;
rectorofhumanrosOurceserVim. . ‘ ~ ’ 1.? sumo-m" é: ~ 11 ' . _.
Skiha said the police apprehended -t '1 11‘. 1 1 , ‘11. 1'- .1 . ‘ . .5. 1
one person for indecent exposure " ' ‘) 1 I,“ .s '1 Holt Babbage. former Kentucky 1 11¢:,:.'-1~"" ‘ £ . 1- ‘ 11 ’ 1. '
135‘ 593'" m the library, H9 531d the . 5 ' . 1 Alcoholism (‘ouncil chairman of the ‘f, 1 ' j} 1 f 1 1 ’ L: » .,
offenders who have been appre- . 1 *I ‘ a.» ' hoard told about it! students last 1!” ,‘ 1 5' -- _. > ‘, , 1
hended (“1"‘1 the years have usually ~ ’ x ' “t r. , . 1‘ night that they should mix responsi 11 /"”‘ -. ' :- ; ' . -
had previous records. 0 M a. , ‘-X_ " g i ’21 .. - ‘51” F1 liiliiy Wltl‘lll‘l‘HT drinking '_ . L 7' ' a ' : 1 . '
lice and other areas to see if they 11 o: .3 , wh-it :illtheex rti 58‘. 1 11 1 (w fin " . ‘
hi"? anyone. who matches the‘gen- F 1 8 " . 1 '1‘ ”11 1am not1i1::sliing1you to the ll' 1 1 . , 1 ,1 1
eracll description in their files. Skiba r Q as, ’ ‘ M_ . a. N" For . . 4;,” H" quor store or bar to drink. ' he said 1 » 1 1 - _ . _'. .
581 a ‘ ‘ : , 1" 1 .. ‘- 111‘1‘1 1 '1 1 “But 1 am here to say Make a ,, J i ‘ 1 j‘ ;1 -', .
‘ _ . w w i _ g r choiceabout responsibility " . .‘__;_ , f1 ‘ 1 " 1,. .
for incidents which occur in the it ~ _ 1‘” ‘5" ~ ‘, in a speech sponsored by Boosting 1;. It, ’ a ' x1 : A ,4 ‘ ' _'
library.‘Skiba said the police tries to . I’, 3‘ ;” . _ ‘ Alcohol Consciousness concerning ismfi *3 g» , '1 ' -'
1131"" library staff as to what 8I" 11 , 1 the Health of l1ni\'ersity Students. i” “15:11. 1 , V ‘ , ~
propriate procedures are.“ - a a, Babbage said alcohol abuse has at :1135 $1 .. ,1 - , .. '. 1.
. 11» ' ’ ' tected issues such as ublic safety. * ‘ - . ,' 11.; : . .‘ ' .
Despite the “gmber 0‘ people en‘ ‘ it" " m n , medical care and the l11))u.~iln(’.\> COm 1 11 1'1 ‘ ’ my _1 .- V 1 11
tering and leavmg the library. the . spirit: 9- 2“ munit\ . SEE « ‘r ,i , .'
hours ‘1 '5 099“ and the secluded “5 Alcohol also plan a significant . .~ ‘.
“935- the police have had {9“ proh— ‘ 1 111 ‘1 11 1111 3‘ role in about '0 percent ot \‘hlltl ‘ 1‘ 1‘ 11 1‘ ""
. . , . . . ‘ ' BOBBABBMJ . ‘- .- I‘ '.
19mb reported at the library. Sklba n . abmc cases and is linked to the de ‘ ’. j, 3 . ‘
53“ alumnu- Kornolstofl clinein prtxluctmtyhe said ”l h i . 1. . .1 , -1 .1: .
. . .. .-. . , , . r ‘ X‘l1lt'tlt‘t p 1y\l\1.li \iociit‘i \‘li'lt'tt‘ a ' - :' "1, ,
He said that although the staff is Gone flShln, to 3111:):110lpgthimhuirlhj1l1tiift'111 11:: alcohol .illtl\(‘ i\ .i ioiitl‘riititiiig tin 1 'f“ 1 . : ,11’114g
“‘1'." aware Of 9055“? problems. m" I think about them. the more you can 1“”1 , '1 .1.- t 1 1!, 5' 1.1f
cidences such as this are “gomg to Cor IWprre'n, a self-employed former, baits spite the cool weather, Warren said the fish seetlierclationship.”hesaid \1 I ’1‘ WWW“ ““‘1- “MW“ .- , I‘J. 1 .
be hard to control with an open cam- his fishing line at Jacobson Pork yesterday de- were not biting “ ““’1"”‘1"‘ '-‘ heightened b3 “15W” ‘ ' 1 '-1 ~ 1’
ptls 11 1 l’ialiliagc also said statistics shim , a" .. i
that one-fourth of all students ‘-\lll \cl)Rl\l\'l\(..niigi~< :W . ‘ : ‘t
. . 5 1 ' ’v1 4 i1. ,
° ° South African blacks olice “
U.S.-Sov1et affairs , i I) - .,
l '. . ‘ ‘ .- . ‘, i
. . I - . . . . .
likely to stay tense «if killed in continuing Violence .
, . ,_ . a Rig" ‘q: ‘ I t I" ' i . . l .
.3. 1 lty'ltHlBtullllx tional executne who is ot mixed- tioniits time been illltlt1l\ill..1. \thitc 1‘ ‘ 1
K f ,, 5 ”3“ , :\s.\lK‘ltllC(l Press race ancestry. said he was detained motorists ‘ - ' ‘
l 1 pro essor says - it i K. 3 ’ under a security law that allows po- The t‘apt- \ruus newspaper re . . 1 . ‘ i
1 1 Jttll.\\‘\lrj.\'ltt'lt(l. South Africa licetodeny the \‘lCllmatl‘lal ported Hi distill d'lut'ks mutt; .1 ' 1 1 i: .- v1‘_'
1" : ltioting flared outside major cit- “They JUsl \ialked straight up to \iilying gdsnl'flt' liilllllis oi: lilllllt'\ ' ‘ . : 1\
B) l.l'(‘.\l).\l.)l().\'Tl-I ests of almost anyone involved in 1t. ies yesterday Viith up to eight blacks hiiii. handcuffed him and took him and cars in :4 hours i-iitizni; xi-siwi' 1 -1 g , ,.
(‘ontributing Writer confrontation. _ . : w” > reported killed. and a white 80th away." said Veronica Simmers. an (int afternoon 1 1 . I .-1
"Preparing for warfare is profita- 1 African minister said he and five office worker for the front who said Police reported List night that .i ‘: 1 ' :‘ '.
The future does not seem to prom- ble." Nelson added. and the corpora- ' tame; . other churchmen want to talk with she saw Manuel being detained in ltldt‘k man \\il.\ shot .ttltl killed in .i - .1 1 ‘ 1
ise any improvement in already tions involved are likely to urge both 1 1 , 1 lh“ African National COHSYCSS- the lht‘group1b't1dpeTOWHOfth€> wounded policeman timing a scuttle 1 -.
strained l‘.S..Soviet relations, Dan- PreSident Reagan and Soviet leader _- 1 main guerrilla organization trying to . . on a highiiat east of .l‘? itinneshura
iel Nelson said at a Council on Aging Mikhail Gorbachev not to take any 5.1- “‘i‘rthm“ the government , “1111855115 113,111, 11111811 11.111111111111111 “lad“ had ”‘9" ht‘mmtl M’k‘ «ll 1 - ' ' .
forum yesterday afternoon. bold step toward a more peaceful ‘ President l’\\' Botha warned that around the 171d“, and .llllxeqiraw hoiiiehounii white itriit-is aion; the 1 1
"institutionalization of confronta- relationship. : 5 a meeting would “amount to a chal- nelghmrhmd’ (1‘3“! ”f (ape 10“” sci-uni i \(i :xiti : 1. . ' .
tion" is likely to influence in a neg- "Strong. relatively popular lead» 11 1 1 lentlt‘ttl1tht‘>ldtt‘1> authority 11 where 11 111 111111111111“ 11111911511111” 1 4 1
alive way the relations between the ership in both countries" is. howeyu DANIEL NF] SON Security police reportedly ar- gang”? for “mm “1 “an the t .
two superpowers. said Nelson, a pro- er. a factor that is going to play a ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ' rested a leader of the t'nited Demo- ighways hnkmg the cm 10”“ m1” .
fessor of political science. “The con- major role in tuning down the ten , cratic Front. the main multiracial nationalairport
flictual implications of differences Sion between, the United States and :1111l1aS1“1“1\§nl1hasn1dp0113ctatl1-U1-1-1hc organization opposed to white-mi- The roads 5km black and mixed-
on' any major issue can be mini- theSoviettnion. . 0 059' ‘ eson 5‘1“ ~ an “5 e "OWN rule (‘olleagues 0f TTGVOF rat-e townships. and young ambush» m "up... w -
mired were it not for vested inter- “Ronald Reagan in his second Scc SOVIET -< \hnucl a member fth f t' “111 11.11 1011'“) $111118
— ~ - ~ ~ - ragt- : ‘ - 0 e '10" 5 “8' ers heavmg stones and gasoline Quartet will be performing on cam-
P t ' t d d' bl d h'ld “
rogram o in ro uce 183 e c l ren to the arts ” W
TI! Um Frisbee club at L'K is
ByJOHN wmsnaiu) ”th is the only university in the participating in creative activities. tion of arts in handicapped with the arts and handicapped chil- mmm‘” "m "fl‘ R” 'h'
Contributing Writer nation to receive a grant for a pro- CaSSIdy said. Creative aCllVllleS can educational programs.” she said dren will initially guide in the devel- ”'1’ “l a” “"1”“ “’0'“ “1°
Ject specifically like this", said bring out latent artist talents in (‘assidy said that ultimately. the opment of the project After the first m'mo'
Handicapped children often lack Anne Cassndy. special investigator handicapped children. shesa'id impact of the project will be an in- year. (‘assidy said. national field
exposure to the arts. But a new pro- M‘ the arts In handicapped educa- crease in the quantity and quality of testing Willbegin
jectatdglk w: atterhpt to make tion. “Arts lprovide a wonderful crea» arts programs for handicapped chil-
musm. nce. ama.t visual arts five out of for handlca chil- dren nationwide ,
and creative writing an important “‘9 W030" Wt“ 135‘ for three dren." Cassidy said. "Afiverage wVilixilmlz-lggd 1:30??? {:1th 111?-
part of the educational programs of years 385“: development Will occur special education classroom can be The prOJPCl will be administered (‘as dv geld Why the o'ectmg‘li 110"! "'1“ be IN“? ”My Ind
handicapped children. during the first year. Specific deci- very regimented and does not afford by l'K‘s t‘enter tor Professmnal De- be 511153] 1 x111 15:“) t “1.1“ "m “"1 I 10 pecan chum: of
. sions on those handicapped children many opportunities for creative ex~ velopment m the (‘ollege of Educa- befna1 ed 1: to": I h or g M tau thundershom and a high near
UK thl develop a model program to be involved and where the pro- pression. tion (ass-”h. said the center has ex- ocus m en "c y.s esaid 70. mm are likely io-
on how to implement the arts’ in edu- gram will be initially tested will be poripncp m1 developing projects of The project will eventually involve hill“ with I 70 mt chm of
cational programs for handicapped made later “Our goal is the integration of this type 200 to 300 people along with 500 rain. Lowswinnnotnmss to 00.
children with the help of a recent _ school personnel. cultural arts per- handicapped children. she said The Cloudy skies and n so pupal
3400.” 873m {mm the U-5- 09PM Develwmenellyt ”“9399“ sonnet and the parents of hand- A national adVisory committe of children will be selected so a variety dance of shows: are mod to-
mentofEducation. Ch‘ldre“ W" from mm" 0'1 icapped children in the implementa- people with experience in working of disablities Willberepresented. mmllflthmm‘h

 l . , ,
2- KENTUCKY KENNEL My, Mn 1“ . .
OJordan Senate retains Cigarette taX'
t oiitiiiued troni page one ,
talk Wllh those engaged in acts of tion government criticized the pro- Peres said Israel would agree to OKs smOkeleSS tObacco lev
terror posals, attacking the prime min- the five permanent members of the
l’eres noted that the late Presi- ister‘s conciliatory tone toward the UN. Security Council playing a role
dent Anwar Sadat of Egypt. who PLO and his bending toward Jordan in starting the peace process if _ , makers re lace the esent 5 stem .. , . , t -, ll the‘
' signed it peace treaty With Israel in on an international peace confer- China and the Soviet Union would 2:53};ng ER of price SSWOHS with a ”38mm hm)..ggnaédl::e o giie a W
1979: previously was its enemy. ence. reestablish relations with lsrael. backed by cigarette manufacturers. Sen: Mitch McConnell, “qu said
”NW" eluded "5 m a war. and Deputy Premier David bevy and Levy said he also objected ‘9 what WASHINGTON _ The Senate That program would reduce federal he was particularly pleased with the
_ wt- did not ask . whether he ‘had Trade and industry Minister Ariel he‘called the prime ministers con- voted tentatively yesterday to make price supports for tobacco by about margin of the victory and said it will
' . tought .igaiiist us. he said from Sharon. both leading members of ctliatory tone toward the PLO and permanent the lG—cent-a-pack feder- 35centsapound. give the effort to save the tobacco
~ the moment he approached us for the right-wing Likud Bloc, said his offer_to negotiate borders with al tax on cigaretts rejecting on a Sen. John Chafee‘ 3.3.1.. argued program additionalmomentum.
. . peace we accepted htm according pet-5 should have consulted his co. Jordan._smce that implied territorial technicality an effort to l t the for a permanent 24cent-a-pack tax Cigarette manufacturers have
_ . to hiseurt-pntsituation _ alition pamters before launching a concesSion in the West Bank that the levy tozecents. to help balance the budget and to made clear that if the tax goes
.. ‘ . ‘ ‘ Rlflhllsls In Israel 5 yearold coali- new peace initiative. UKUd opposes. On a 66-3) vote the Senate showed discourage smoking. Tobaccostate above 16 cehtgv they won't buy any
' ' . its support for a ‘Finance Committee lawmakers and the Senate lead- of the government's stockpile of sur-
» .v . ' proposal to retain the present 16- ership combined forces 0? a proce- plus leaf. said Sen. Jesse Helms. R-
. . ' . lo ence cent tax. impose new taxes on snuff duralvote ‘0 defeat Chafee "”0" NC. And manufacturers will turn
. _ . . and chewing tobacco, and inaugu- more to imported tobacco. imposing
. . t ".lIt‘Ll trott‘pagct‘ne rate a new program of price sup- That left the Senate with the 16— another burden onfarmers.he 581d-
. .' , - _ . ports for tobacco farmers. cent tax on cigarettes and a new tax ‘ .
. .. _ "-~-'l"f‘“~t.\ JIM ‘d member Of a PO' helping prepare for a funeral for a 1‘0" blacks. Many 0’ them have been The vote was the first taken on a of about 2 cents on a tin or snuff or 3 But (hafee 53“] 5‘1"“ C05“ “Wld
. ._ , ' litt- 'tl.ill'\li trying to scatter the at- youngster killed in preViom vio- burned alive. . package of spending cuts and reve- threeounce package of chewing to- be minor compared ‘0 lht‘ losses In
', V. _ n. a-w: \ \dllt‘l‘t‘tl stab wounds before lence No explanation for the alleged Meanwhile. Nico Smith. a white nue increases designed to reduce the bacco, Those smokeless tobacco healthcare casts that are imposed
~ " . . _ 'lt ‘ltk'lit'll lll‘t‘. according to the po- shooting was given, minister Wh0 heads a bléKk COUSFC- federal budget deficit by $85.6 billion items are now exempt from any fed- on the government because ()f smokr
" f _, llt't‘ .ttt-otini 'l‘he policeman's race gation of the Dutch Reformed over the next three years. White eral tax The three taxes would ing. He cited estimates that medical
. i . . ._ ' utiviut rcpoited The other four deaths were report Church in Mamelodi outside Preto- House aides say they will recom- bring the government about $5 bil- costs associated Wllh cigarettes total
. f .. - ,' . . 1m 'v'i\ _.i .i L‘llnlt‘ in the sprawl- ed by police. Black mobs apparently ria. says he and five other church- mend that President Reagan veto “on over the next three years. 522 billion a year and that lost pm,
. '._ ,, . '. . m; l I‘rtssl'il;l(l> squatter camp east attacked and killed three blacks. men intend to talk to the African the bill because of the cigarette tax. ductivity due to smokingcaused lll‘
. ‘ , -, ' 0! \ dik‘ Wm Mild ”‘9." received and a policeman shot a black among National Congress 1“ Lusaka. Zam- which amounts to a tax increase. Sen. Wendell Ford, D-Ky.. said the "95595 cos“ 3mm” “3"”“0”
. ' 3 ' (“W-H "l 1“” “lad“ kllled by gun acrowd stoning the officer's home. PM. He did “0‘ say when the meet and several other provisions. proposed 24-cent cigarette tax would
r 5 V " I, ' - m" Ml"? ““1 the) could "0‘ con- ing would take 9‘8.“- The cigarette tax is due to drop to devastate the estimated 300,000 A 24~cent tax would prevent
.-: . , . ‘ hm. we report _ Black mobs have frequently killed Botha‘s office issued a statement 8 cents a pack after Nov. 14. But the farming families who are dependent 500.000 premature deaths, said Sen
.‘ ' .‘ \\ mosses iii Soweto. outside Jo blacks who are considered collabo- that said: “A continuation of these Finance Committee bill would keep on tobacco. Those farmers already Bill Bradley. [).NVJ__ especially by
- 4 a . hulilitNltul‘g said police shot dead a rators with the system where 5 mil- naive talks . . . would amount to a the ls-cent levy permanently and, to are making a big sacrifice by ac- discouraging many young people
t .. .- - i3 would youth who was at a home lion whits deny the vote to 24 mil- challenge to the state’s authority. gain st” from tobacco-state law- cepting the Iii-cent tax. Ford said. from starting tosmoke.
. J {.1 {1‘ ‘ , f"r. .11 1 .. 4 , . n -. at, - .‘c‘h' v.57 ‘
.- _ - . GENERAL cmEMA 5-3 5 1:1; . s -
. ' ‘ ‘ , » ,, - eAeGAiNMArmEEs-Evrnmv L" .‘ .'.,‘,‘; t-L'Ef’ffiw' I ’ 2‘ 1397-5-23)" '»‘..';. . 3 ..
A ‘- "' "' $2 50 “”5““ -' . it .'-»':.:t-‘.r‘-’- zifiiihilelvgiizsis » - - .
- » v 4‘ _ . screronM. ~. _ :v.'1,1;1,743,;11.ageless -I.}.:.1.1‘27-.~.~.‘ - '
. . ‘ . .' TURFLAND "All ‘ . El , '130 r“:- ‘_:?"‘ t ' "V‘." w "‘5 ' " . i .
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 v I V I l
KENTUCKY KERNEL WMy, W23, 1905 - 3
Avis Editor
ASSistomAitsfd'm l
-»:s:surf“.:..*:'«-?;'v-I::--.:r:r.-.:::..rat 1155's:"feiiiiigii’j v. =52»:lit-lug?'E-illélllgllllgfllV l l I ’ ' < / - -' ‘s 3%, h:
t? *"v“r9s¢m§>s¢w fit“ ' , , ' *M ,v A.» s- . .
'l' k St' Q t tbr'ng " '
Or'ental sound to UK tonight K. ‘ T
‘° ll GO ‘.‘l".l"; 'I
By LYN cyiuiisue i l i 1 i,_ ‘
Assistant Arts Editor I,‘ ' t .
Around the time many L'K stu~ I , 11‘ ':_ 5'}, fl" -'
dents were celebrating their fourth ‘\ -‘ '.,;’I- '/ I”, -I . ‘.
birthday. four men in Japan decided a. I I. .- g I III I,
to bring a little Beethoven to their * _ " \ ' It; '} I‘I ."
islands ~— ' _ ‘\.. , I, .~
Sixteen years later. the world re- ' V E. \_ \ ~3'I',I'I.I'-':'.I‘.' '5,’ .13
nowned ’l‘okyo String Quartet plays I Uri-f I "I; {1
their chamber music tor everyone. ‘ \I I , 'l
and tonight at 8 in the (enter tor the i ‘ "I E; a: i.','\
Arts (’oncei‘t Hall they‘ll be per— ; _' ’11/’. ‘I
torming for Lexington . ‘J. J " I k; I: . I'
But it's not Jtist tour men trom I § "‘ o. I . .‘il . :I.-:
Japan anymore Since 1981 (‘anadi~ . .. V‘I :_-‘-~r;_ _, I .. ,1 viii-‘35, , 73'”
an born. London-reared Peter ()und- WI ; -::::2.e::-..- ~ '. - _ v" - - Iifi'fi'v'. .‘u-L"
Jian has added his talent to the ‘ . Lu ’ ;=I-I";I’I'I;,I*I.'II‘I' [:3
group. replacmg the original first \’l~ , l" 32315;:
olinist ~ “it " , '.,"'?. .‘f7.'li'
His addition has probably been 3 - .. ». I .III k
“qmte good for the quartet.” ()undji- ’ , ’ ‘ . i‘ff A ‘II ’ of? y
aii said in a recent telephone inter- ff? >l I , ' V. ItrII-IIzItI-i'f
new "In the classical field it's not "" ‘ ._ I 'I. ;'I.IIiI;II.
easy to be tii'iental. espeCially .lapa- a ' ". .‘_I 1-. ’tI.'-II,I.‘,
new ” ' “ . 1; .1“ .2 ‘33“.
tiiiiidiiaii said he thinks the .lapa- .. fl \ "; ‘2, j . ‘;I "I ‘73.?
‘nt‘se haye been untairly stuck With a i “ :7 . - A NAIU RAL PART OF 1'. :3 .’ ~ a . l"-
stigiiia oi simply imitating their . ’ " ‘ / :‘ .' . A} '.I'_i
\Kesterii peers rather than truly ex- , 6;; " , t YOUR L'FE .I \I xI 3
pressing their music "It's very l - I “x . M ; ~‘I' ;_.‘
amusing. really. ‘he said I . t4 ' ’ V, . ‘"
(tundjian. second \iolinist Kikuei motocoufllSVOiCINflllOlYNlA"! _ \ ~/ ; ' . , I‘ "at."
lkeda. \‘iolist Kaluhide Isomura and .- ,~ . {7‘ .
cellist Sadat» llarada have received . - h . : .
The Tokyo String Quartet performs on campus at 8 10mg 1. _ _ . . _ . .- . - . ._ I I .
recognition world wide and played ' r H 'OCCUTrln ‘ , .I , ..
or latent-a it...“ mum t. m FAZGLO contains a combination of natu a VI . 9 ‘;-.‘:~-s=-
Yorkt'ity usual." he said. “is that they are a me want to play Violin." he said He digestive enzymes that work to split fats and OllS in your ; I I,I L . ’3
“The way an audience greets you collection of instruments owned by eventually studied with Perlman _ _ - - _ . _ ,'~ . It, 'I
can change your whole mood." said thet'orcoranGalleryofArt ” who was “a great impiration for bOdy. Wllh conllnued Use. one FAZGLO tablel after every I; {I _- -
()untljlan. who contessed that Hol» The gallery. in Washington. DC. me " - ' _ 2' . 1» >
land audiences ajuui s giy'e standing has loaned the instruments to them Though ()undjian also 15 the meal WI” help your compleXlOn Slay Clearer! more effeC .. . ; “.I II .
oyatioiis_ even ii the concert isn't His own \'l0lln is said to have been a youngest of the four. “they have fively than creams or cover-ups " : I II \.
pci'tect gift for Louis XI\' of France on his never made it an issue." he said. I‘ . j ‘ ;;
However. It s "almost impossible eighteenth birthday in 1658. “They The member closest in age is eight _ '- .'
10 9.0! “it: ('11) itutllf‘m't‘> l0 slt)“ are extremely beautiful examples of years his senior. which is the same ‘ ‘,-V I; _. a 7‘
down it's not like professional oldIuilianinstruments.“hesaid. space between tiundJian. the young» ». I ’~ ,- . . _ ;
“TO-“11ml." since classical mUsic oh» (if course tiundjian's past doesn't est of five‘and his closest brother AVAILABLE AI YOUR CAMPUS BOOKSTORE ‘I '- .
\iously doesn't have the fast pace hurt the exceptional quality of the All four members ll\‘€ in the New ._ ; 1 I »
they are used to hesaid group either His family always had York area and teach at Yale L'niver- 'I * I' " » ,I "
Perhaps one small lat-tor for the classical music playing. "I knew sity when not on tour Tonight they ' -
group receiying numerous awards clasical music from the day i was will disseminate a little of that I . " ,I ‘ , I,
‘lllClUtllnfi three (irammy nomi- born." said the musiCiani who re< knowledge usually reserved for Yale '. J . .‘
nations is their choice of instru- ceived his first record player at students to l'K musiCians during a rl e r r —- .' 1'. ’ - I;
meiits. which were created during agej masterclass .‘I. II I» .»
the 17th century by Italian luthier Because of the many London con‘ h gh l] f .t t. t . - _ ,‘I
\icolo Amati and feature a yer) certs Hundyian discovered two musir T 0 concert tom t w'i eature d \A’ k .‘r .. ' . 1‘ ;
mellow tone cal "heroes." he said He often went “MK" l3} Haydn. Schubert 311d De- an wrl e yaur o n '0 e ' -, I I' ,» 4"-
.»\ccording to tiuiidyian many mu; to hear y'iolinists ltzhak Perlman 0r blh-‘N “Ck?“ are $7 for StUdemS. ~ , ' , . , , ;.
sicians use old instruments. usually Pinchas Zukerman perform. “Those senior Citizens and children. $11 for ...-.-.-.-.-.-o-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.‘ I ', 'I -
from the early lToos "What is un were the two violinists who made thegeneralpublic. . . ,‘V ' '. I
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