xt7j9k45tf08 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j9k45tf08/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1991 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, June 1991 Vol.62 No.6 text The Kentucky Press, June 1991 Vol.62 No.6 1991 1991 2019 true xt7j9k45tf08 section xt7j9k45tf08 ’ MM 7'1. . Z
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//:/ Offic1al Publication of the Kentucky Press Serv1ce - Vol. 62, No. 6 - June 1991 £
v , , . I a; W 4
. , 0 ' O i.
V .. lfzc andfocus at KEP/‘Zl summer convention .,
“ ‘ , ‘ p .‘A heads not east or west other attractions, the Cincinnati Mu- iary. . talance
illicit” For the 1991 summer con— seum of Natural History and Members of the Legislative .
, .. me 20—22. The annual get Children’s Discovery Center. Task Force on Open Meetings and umfimm
:,-.-::2 limit resplaceatthe Drawbridge On the business side, there’s Open Records have been invited to mlflafim'rasxgm ,
‘,,."l.:.v.'.":»‘ , [a resort hotel off I-75 in Ft. also a wealth of opportunity for en— have their June meeting during the KPAmNABgardimW .
Mitcheli richment. KPA members will get the convention. KPNKPsboarumeetng ‘-
Onthe purely social side, par- chance to see the Democratic and Re— The convention culminates P‘mcatmmsmdm :
ticipants will do some river hopping. publican winners of the May state- with the 1991 Better Newspaper Con— CWWWWWS ,
Thursday evening features a picnic, wide gubematorialprimaryinthebrief test Awards Luncheon on Saturday. FW:M2‘
and a baseball game at Cincinnati’s lull before the campaigns take on the ‘ Members of the National mammmgm j
Riverfront Stadium with the Reds storm pitch of November’s general Newspaper Association board of di— WWWWW -.
against the Montreal Expos. election. That’ 8 Saturday at 9 am. rectors will meet with KPA members WW "
Back in the Bluegrass State, Friday’s schedule includes on Thursday foraluncheon, followed KWB’WWWM '
Friday’ soutings include golf at Boone sessions on ”Improving the Editorial by board meetings of each group. WWW ,
Links Country Club and anevening of Product,” led by Garrett Ray of Colo- Ifyou haven’t received a con— Watmmm f
' entertainment at Oldenberg Brewery. rado State University, and on ”Man- vention mailing, you’ve misplaced TM.WW.UWTW :
That afternoon, families can agement Ideas and Advertising Pro- yours or you just need a clarification, imtflimfimm
5—.” , opt for a trip back across the Ohio for motions” by Ken Blum, manager of call KPA at LBW-8664431. thzgkw A. .7
atourof the MuseumCenteratUniOn theWooster(Ohio)DailyRecord. Both Meet you at the Draw- B'lmfimm 2"
Terminal, which includes, among are columnists for Publishers Auxil- bridge an Inn: 20! zZEEEEEEEEEEEE:3235$???3EEEEEEEESiEEE555535352Esis!235.533EE5.55555git535:33.335555555.5555:;Ezflfgfsiif35315555'Elsi#2553533$3353535fi3335§§§§§5§35'
MSW d ONP ' '
an in KY, KPA study interprets
There's both good news and percent of all wastes disposed of in ‘ V
~ . . . . population centers, saysthestudy, do point, the study shows. The reason,
bad news in the study of mumcipal Kentucky landfills. That’s down four not support the voluminous dailies simply stated, is that there is little or ,-
_s°hd waste and newsprint recycling to 513‘ percentage pomts from the na- found in places such as New York, no marketinmostparts ofthe state for ,_
1n Kentucky, comrmssroned last fall tional average of nine percent and Miami and LOS Angeles. discard ed newspapers. Accessible and
by KPA' . . down dramaticallyfrom theestimates The glum news is that recy- adequate mills for deinking and re- .
The best news, according to bantied about by cutics of the news- cling of ONP in Kentucky is at a low See Frankllwn repafl— £59 16
the Kansas environmental consulting paper industry. . ' ' .
firm, Franklin Associates, is that Theprimaryreason,however, ' ' '
Kentucky’s per capita generation of has little to do with recycling efforts. High court sends Whitley dispute ?
old newspapers is significantly below Rather, the low figure of dumped ONP ' ' ' ' ,
the national average. derives from the fact that Kentucky baCk t0 Circuit court Of Origin 3
v Old newspapers, referred to papers are generally smaller in circu- n - u ‘1
as ONP, represent only about three lation and size. The state’s smaller Su reme Court calls Statute ambl OHS ,-
If it’s not over ’til it’ s over, largertotal Circulation,but geography ,
then it’ s not over. was a factor. Corbin sits in the north- - ~'
- - - - 'I'heKentuckySupremeCourt em comer of Whitley County, stretch-
Tidblts .from. the Frank'ln .Assocmtes Study in May refused to mediate the con- ing into both Knox and Laurel coun-
. Kentuckians dispose of 4.6 nullion tons of solid waste per year. trover over ”circulation” and 1e al ties .
About half of this is municipal solid waste and the other half is d msfy. g ' 711 R bl' , hin ed ;
industrial wastes construction debris sludges ash etc. a ve Singf . e epu man 5 case. g. ’
’ . ’ ’ ’ . . In its May 9 ruling, the state’s on the contention that the daily’s Clr- I
0 Each Kentuckian generates about 3.3 pounds of muniCipal h' . . ,
. . . . ighest court sent the case of the culation,whilelargeroverall,wasnot ‘
solid waste each day. (Franklin County’ 3 output is higher. Hmmm.) Wh'tl C R 111‘ Th lar r 'th' Whitl C Th -
O In a four-week sam lin of Lexin on/Fa ette Coun resi- . I ey bunt-y 3p“ ican versus 2 ge “.n m ey ounty. e f
P 3 8* Y W
dents all types of a r represented 24 percent of municipal solid Times-Tribune and the local county weekly, “5 attorneys argued, actually r
waste" four percent Iii/Snewspapers government back to circuit court. had the higher number of subscribers _
O The average generation of ONP in metropolitan areas of Ken- At the suit’s origin two years in.the county where the 1)“th ads .
tuckyisabout82 unds r rsonper ear withabout51poundsper ago, the then weekly Republican m originated. .
person per year 1:0 rural gauges y ’ Williamsburg challenged the Whitley Where the readers are is the . .
. Besides its use in 1 'ng more paper, ONP is used in animal Fiscal Court 3 awarding of its crux of the matter, according to the .
bed din h dro seed mulch cellulose insulation wallboard acoustic treasurer’s report advertismg to the high court. Do more Whitley ; .
we ’21 3’00! sh . . an'd r f. _ felts ' ' daily Times-Tribune inCorbin. Countians subscribetoTheRepublican ;
. " ' , eem' - ' Thedailyhadanundisputed Seewmloydspuiopage lo ,

 l f f , f' f i f N I l f f f , f h
if - '« _"~".'\'. TeX-R’s '0‘ 's's- .77 ' l:
Page 2, The Kentucky Press, June 1991 At Ct
“s We” " W’ W' “ " s x; ' h l
saimsass “as TeKentucky .
sait‘gfi“ sgsWWaW W :
a... - ‘wfi‘ W" “it‘rbwffix / . _)w $2; W) will} 3‘50: ff» ‘7‘sz “Wag Pre reCol't
iw‘fikggk $VN / ‘W‘irélff :‘Sfiy )Ifimdk W” ‘,%WW‘§§$ QMQ‘V’?‘ G legisl
' ”We; is ,. ‘9‘ . [5—5 We W§§§§w~ss“ .‘ Q ”1“ W ”fi‘a 1991 Officers g c
g. ‘ its 2.3%“ f_ . e (W esfis - W, ‘ is]? Presrdent ’ ti
Wes as; Wasssaas" ”‘f CeliaMcDonaId 0“
flexes ‘ is is assists Harlan Daily Enterprise Gene
" s assess WW President-Elect
WWaz "" 3“” ‘ - ’ aWsa‘iW'fiW ’1 its a? W agiui Mary Schurz the ta
' ”a W333”? ' f as W girl“? fig} Wfigfiw é’gfiw; gw§s§Q§ Danville Advocate Messenger _ 9 me
’W - . ’% a» War as {Weiss ~ fist a a. - -
sta‘wi‘iseae \ at“ .. as can, asagasa, its s3 .3 Past President l 1nclu¢
, WW"‘WWasasW;W W ”emf WW it §W§§§§*Wi,“a , ; , W Jerry Lyles, Benton Tribune-Courier a meet
sis s eases WW ~ We Trams 1 mar;
. ' - sefiiassm or Wis Districn - i see“
. s§s Emefiewsfs-w v , star William Mitchell, Fulton Leader '
W * “sf W Q s" if; District 2 _ , meeti
W M . . “i ‘§yasWW;s-W” £le -. Jed Dillingham ,. , ' orgar
. m " V as we“ ' _ W ' : ' sees ' Dawson 3 rin 5 Pro ress . ‘
" a fix . .- a em s g ' x is: i‘ W s W > > - «m 2 > ’ p g 9 . . verse
a? f Wfsfié W : figgfiswiigfim’ as ~ « 22:}: V‘sssmmvl If District 3 .
f a? i‘ , sigwt‘fiek WWW 33‘ \ e ”- f ‘ “ ‘ sW‘ I: °’ J‘s»: T R lett McLean Coun ’ News >
aw ,.-»-:~:3> 3's». . Wag; as“ sir-era, «eggs ’» , Wafgigi ~' s District 4 iv ~ eve"
_ fl . ,Waaasss‘ ks“ W , “ W , N Charlie ponmann, Franklin Favorite , supp
’3'}: Wife’s W W; “we “ District 5 l mouc‘
f ,., W " l- " was l: W” ' " M 7 Elizabethtown News Enterprise f jmove
. W 3 es i” ”ii District 6 from
_ n5.ii.::':;;1:1 .f . ‘ ' W 3? W; ”is , f ‘ " » Dorothy Abernathy, Oldham Era i to the
, . . . Kelley Warnick, Gallatin County News ,
Sendmg uni to Washmg‘ton District 8.9 3
‘ Karen Ballard’s expression says it all, as University of Kentucky journalism director David Dick presents Ken M912. Bath County News Outlook I
heracheck for$1,000 from the KentuckylournalismEducation Foundation.Ballard gother scholarship early Since W. 3:1"? r241! ‘ _ , g ( :11
. . . she’s spending the summer in Washington, DC, on the press staff of Vice PresidenthanQuayle.>One of the first Azfigfi be all" (linde "eh dent : r ”We“ :Wl
‘ assignments for the photojournalism major was to photograph Britain's Queen Elizabeth II during the royal v151t District 1 2 y p F“ >' ~' : By Io-
to Washington. Dick describes the student scholarship winner as ”an exceptional student of photojoumahsm,” Louise Hatmaker l West:
who ”will make us all very, very proud.” Scholarship winners at the other state schools will be recognized during - Jackson Tim es/Beattyville Enterprise .
KPA’s summer convention. . District 13 1. 13m 9‘
. Glenn Gray, Manchester Enterprise 1 '
' I ' , District 14 . out tl
, Publisher S klller Say What? Stuart Simpson, Pulaski Week { skills
sentenced to llfe Bill Kirby, Editorial Page Editor, Gwinnett Daily News (Georgia) 9'3"“ 15“ , , to leti
Th 1d . d th ffi . . ”0th I hid ~ Jun Green, Lexmgton Herald-Leader ; dent
A Marion teenager pleaded eo saying aroun enewspapero eels. er peop e e District 153 I
- th ' ' takes We rint ours ” . . . . . = symp<
Ma 13 to the 1990 murder of e“ nus ' .P . ' . _ , Guy Hatfield, Citizen Vonce 8r Times _
y ' h 11 f fr R1 h d
Paul E.- Mick, former publisher of The W‘th that in mind, .ere ‘5 a _St 0 newspaper errors om C ar State-At-Large ; d
Crittenden Press and past president of Lederer’s collection in Anguished English. Steve Lowery, Kentucky Standard _ an n«
KP A. *"The attorney general’s office said yesterday that an autopsy per- Jerry Lyles, Tribune-Courier . z symp
CameronTodd Davenport 18 formed on the headless body of a man found in Mason failed to determine the Jerlene Rose, Clay City Times f‘ 19191;”
’ ’ " Associates Division i ll 5
admitted to murder and first-d ee ““59 0‘ death . ‘ . .
burg] of th M' ck h degr *"Moby Dick; the great American classic by Herman Melvflle, Will be Gary LE‘hf- Keqtqdfv RECC =
ary e 1 ome an was . t k 'th et ct V' ct - th fifl 1 ” Advertismg Divmon i said A
. tenced to life im risonment. He seen again nex wee M v eran a or 1 or Jory m e e ro e. . . .
sen p *"A ted ch fdi derl conduct after he was ”“9 Tam" ""- S‘°"'"9 Adm“ * to W"
also pleaded guilty to charges of bur- man was arres on . arges 0 sor y . ' . News-Editorial Division 3 what
glarizing' another residence on the found nude m a car at a hotel parklng lot. A woman staying at the hotel said Russ Powell -, . . th
same night, Feb. 24, 1990, and to es- a man, wearing only a T-shirt, confronted her near her room. The woman told Ashland Daily Independent f th: 5:
caping from the Crittenden County police she chased the man, but he escaped.” ' Education Representative = kn l
jail. , *"Columbia, Tenn., which calls itself the World’s Largest Outdoor Jo-Ann Albers j lofw'
He entered the pleasin Union Mule Market, held a mule parade yesterday headed 'by the governor.” Western Kentucky University , 131
County Circuit Court. *"Ronald Reagan was accompanied on his tour by his friend Chuck KPA/KBG Ce _ '. :23 P
. , Davenport apparently Conners, television’s Memn’, who plugged Reagan every chance he got.” David T. remit: £23m Director, ! spit;
: stabbed the publisher to death during I » Srcebthe dISdosPlrel; about hls flanges, the usually ebulllent rep- Bonnie Howard, Business Manager ;
astru 1e after Mick chased the oun resentatlve as een unavat a e to reporters. v - Gloria DaYiS' Aannisinq Director ,
man giwn the stairs in his gimme; *"Gene' Autry is better after having been kicked by a horse.” Reba LeWIs. Administrative Assnstant Stfudel
. . Davenport had broken into the home 3”The ladies of the county medical society auxiliary plan to publish a gflgycflnmsscnk 3823:235an Ass'sm‘ Emilie"
and entered the bedroom of Mick and cookbook. Part Of the money WI“ 3° to the Samaritan Hospltal‘ to purchase a Pam Shingler, News Bureau Director & ; wha?
his wife, Nancy. Stomach pump.” , Editor, The Kentucky Press . , (1
Mick also a former president ,”’A grand jury has accused three women identified by the IRS as Th K Ck Pm “SN-00M l “13 ‘2
r _ . . ,, e entu y s 24) is ubli hed , e 9C (
of the Western Kentucky Press Asso- topless 3‘3 50' dancers 0f concealing the“ assets. ' _ ‘ . monthly and second class postage paidpat Frsank- i'
ciation became publisher of the . ” Citizens of Santa Barbara County are faced With a tax use. Most of ion, Kentucky 40601, and at additional mailing ; b
. ’ , - - - n - . officessiibsai lion ' ‘ $4 .P cm :‘ rou
Marlon paper 1n 1969 upon the death the mom? raised “’9?” be used for five f°°t policemen. ter: Send dieing]: Maggi: to nfifiafig . newsgj
of his father, Evers Mick. He headed (Fm Gw'g'“ Pm“ MW“ Ed’m’s Fm“) ' 332 CaPi‘"1 Avenue 5mm“, “may 40‘“ :
' KPA‘ during 1979. 5

 i 1 "1 ’ i
1 June 1991, The Kentucky Press, Page 3
: At convention, perhaps 7’ " "' " 7" 1
1 Open records next on task force agenda
- -———_————_—_— 1 1.
- Revision of Kentucky’ 8 Open “. . . the formation of public policy is public business and may not be sures from affeCted agendes- , 1
1 ; records law is the task at hand for the conducted in secret . . . even though open meetings may cause Inresponsetoaquesmnfiom ' 1
E legislative Task Force on Open Meei- inconvenience, embarrassment, or a loss of efficiency to public ReP- Little, Sheadel said that even if 117‘
1 ings and Open Records as it nears the officials. . .' From thestatement of purpose, Proposed Revision to Kentucky’s Open this part Of the bill were declared “I" 1
1 August deadline for drafting legisla- Meetings Law constitutional at some point, the rest J
. tion to be considered by the 1992 -———-—-——~-—-———-—-——— of the bill would remain in tact. ; f
1 General Assembly. That section reads, ”. . . the Fleischaker added that ”this Steve Dooley, director. of the 1
’ Only two of the legislators on formation of public policy is public law is not just for urban media. It’s for Department of Information Systems, 1'
1 the task force showed up for the May business and may notbe conducted in people across the commonwealth.” recommended that the group leave j -
1 . 9 meeting of the group which also secret and . . . the exceptions provided Attorney Phil Shepherd, who the section as it now is and "see what 1 .
includes representatives of the media, for by KRS 61:810 or otherwise pro- also represents KPA on this issue, said happens.” .5
1' attorney general’s office, state library Vided for by law shall be strictly mm the payment requirement ”may be an The task force is tentatively
i and state information systems. But the strued, even though open meetings incentive to open the process up.” scheduled to have its June meeting in g g?
' meeting, chaired by Rep. Clayton 1 may cause inconvenience, embarrass- , Again, the bill’s section on conjunction with KPA’s summer ,- .
7 Little, did manage to put a cap on ment, or a loss of efficiency to public quorums generated concern from the convention at the Drawbridge Motor
: 1 present revisions of the openmeetings officials or others.” task force members. Debate continues Inn. ‘ . 1
segment of the law. The task force members also — and will likely grow — on the feasi— KPA executive director David .{ L
? Much of the work of the May discussed the assignmentofcourtcosts bility of regulating the type of one-to- T. Thompson says this will give ”our 1
meeting fOCused on language and text in cases involving alleged open meet- one consensus building that skirts the members the opportunity to talk with ,3 ,
organization changes that do not ad- ings violations. Theyagreedtoletstand open meetings requirement for a the task force about the need to revise
versely affect the substance of the bill. the bill’s present provisions for the quorum of an agency’ 5 members. theOpenMeetings/ Open Records law ; j '
_ One significant change, how- violating agency to pay costs, with Scott Varland, the task force’s and to give you the opportunity to see ; g
’ ever, does indicate the task force’s court discretion. Legislative Research Commission a legislative committee in action.” 7" 1
1‘ support of the bill’s basic thrust. On a ”The (violating) agencies are representative, said he believes the Task force members present . g i .
1 motionfromassistantattomeygeneral notspendingtheirownmoney,they're courts would regard the bill’s present at the May meeting, in addition to , .
1 Ann Sheadel, the task force agreed to spending public money,” said KPA language "reasonably.” However, he those already mentioned, were Sen. ; 5 -
1: jmove the stated purpose of the bill attorney Jon Fleischaker. "This deep acknowledged the issue could hurt WalterBakerJamesNelsonofthestate 1 ‘
. from its burial near the end of the text pocket gMe is played regularly and the bill in the General Assembly as Archives and Library, Steve Lowery 1 ._
I to the front. stifles the pursuance of law.” legislators respond to lobbying pres- of The Kentucky Standard and Stan i j
z Macdonald of The Courier-Journal. f ‘
1 ———-—-———————-————-—-—_—-——_d 3‘
; 1 o o o e ' 1 1 1
, Getting the scoop on journalism educatlon , . -
" ' ~ 133' Io-Ann Huff Albers - Critics, proponents face Off at'NeW Orleans meeting” ' * and P'desfiors‘ ' j j‘ ‘ ’ '"1'" 1' - 1
1 Western Kentucky University "Visits of newspaper pro- ‘ ' 1',
:’ Lou Boccardi thinks journal— to expand mutual cooperation. In a and public relations. . .Itisbroadcast- fessionals to schools. (He raised eye- ? 1 1
'_ ism education is slipping. break from the past, SNPA did not ing and new electronic media and brows among the educators when he ' ‘ 1:
' ”Too many come to us with- limit attendance to educators from ac- media systems. And yes, without said visits would provide ”a nice day 1}
. out the kind of writing and editing credited schools. Instead, to ensure apology, journalism education is off for the instructors.” Educators i l
skills that a journalism degree ought diversity, a variety of journalism pro- communication theoryand'research.” would argue that such visits create 1 - 1
; to let us presume,” said the AP presi- gram heads were invited. The theorycourses integrated extra work for teachers of classes be- , 1
5 dent, keynote speaker for a two-day / Educators came from the with skills courses are what make a ing visited.) . 1i
* symposium on journalism education. University of Alabama, Florida A&M, journalism program professional, as *Tools. He said newspapers, .1 '1:
1‘ Cooperationbetween schools Howard, Kansas, Loyola-New Or- opposed to a trade school, he said. could provide stylebooks, policy 1
‘ and newspapers was the theme of the leans, North Florida, Southwest Texas Mullins said today’ s joumal- manuals, training videos, and market- 2 i ,
_ ; symposium held March 15-16 in New State, Tennessee-Chattanooga, Texas ism students emerge as broadly and ing knowledge, as well as attempt to f 1
; Orleans by the Southern Newspaper A&M, Texas Woman’s, Western Ken- reasonably deeply educated young explain the necessity of diversity in a ' Z ‘3 '
; Publishers Association Foundation. tucky, West Virginia and Xavier-New professionals. ”Except through sheer newsroom staff, stress management, 1 i
., Boccardi,thekeynote speaker, Orleans. 7 perversityand byrefusaltolearnfrom team building and ability to adapt to 1
1 said AP believes students don’t have Journalism program needs one’s experiences, it is impossible to- changing technology, ' 1 1
1 to write as much as they used to and from newspapers were sununarized day for a journalism major to avoid a ‘Print lab papers for schools. - f (3::
what they write isn’t reviewed with by Ed Mullins, dean at Alabama: liberal education.” ”Talk to high school and _ 1
1 the same copy desk intensity as was money, understanding what journal- Mullins urged newspapersto junior high school students to re- 1
the case in the past. While he ac- 15m education today IS, respect and offer more mternship/ employment cruit . urhalism ma' rs 3 J;
'- knowled es that the old Journalism a essive recruitment. o rtrmities to advertisin and ub— ’0 JO ' . . i-
-' g . ggr . .p0 g p a‘Get ress assocrations l i
‘ 101 professor who put an automatic F He‘beheves both newspaper 11c relations majors. . _ P , . 11.1;
’ on a paper for a misspelled word may employees and educators should drop Mike Pate, publisher of the involve? m helping SFhOOIS’ 1 l1
1 have been tOO extreme, "I wish his their defensive attitudes and thinks Myrtle Beach Sun~News, offered _ Provrde cntrquesof recent ‘ ‘ 1-5
‘ spirit survived more widely today.” newspapers should do more to sell several suggestions of what newspa- 8134111”? to 591‘0015 to identify short- 1 '1
: He wants educators to drill career benefits of newspaper work. pers can do for journalism programs: COMES m the“ education. j 1:
students more rigorouslyon thebasics Of understanding, Mullins » *Intemships. He cautioned , , Other symposium presenta- ,
' of news coverage and news writing said, "Joumalism education today is that many students apply too late for trons included a graphics update, ex-
and give them some understanding of far more than writing, editing, shoot- available internships. He suggests planation of newsroom action “3?“ . _ {>-
1 what the news business is like in ing, laying out, reporting, spelling, applying a year in advance. He en- and the Knight-Kidder 25/43 Project 1
1 ' today’s fragmented, diverse and grammar and punctuation, as impor- couraged schools to offer credit for and reflections 0“ the" journalism 2: f1
1 } electronic 389- tant as those things are. internships and newspapers to make education by recent graduates. i it;
1 1 The MS in New Ode-ans '10umn5misa130fibmlms internships available for Professors. ‘17.?
- -‘ brought together 13 educatorsand n andsciencesitisnewtechnology-Itis *Field trips, makingnews- Aft-Wm 1
- ; newspaperexecufiveswdiscussways mediammgmntltisadverfismg paper facilities availabletostudents 50215816235 1
r ; I5:3:32333255;53533;£32323;S33353253355EgigigEgEfgigigisigE535353352555535;E5E523332335E525555EEE553535355333212535352223E53553E5E3E3E5E5E3E325535;?5355555352555592 1 5‘3;
. - . -' )n g 3"
¥ “w T *W‘ MW" “ “ ‘—W“——_‘me

 Page 4, The Kentucky Press, June 1991 ‘ 1 r i
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KPA President CELIA Three staff members at The TODD RAINWATER has . Three former Clay City Times I; .
MCDONALD was appointed Messenger in Madisonville received been named general manager at The staff members were recognized at 7‘ i E
publisher/ editor of The Harlan Daily awards recently from the Kentucky Appalachian Aims-Express in the Lexington Heral d—L ea d er’s annual 1 mu
Enterprise on May 6. She had most Association of Extension 4—H Pikeville. He was formerly with The Service Awards Banquet in April. i :3:
recently served as special prOjects Agents. Reporter GARTH McDuffie Progress in Thomson, Ga., NORMAN WATSON, who started I“; 5-9;
editor for The Advocate-Messenger in GAMBLIN took first place honors Bastrop (La.) Daily Enterprise and in advertising at the Clay City paper :1 $12“;
Danville. ROBERT MCDONALD is for feature and news stories. Photog- The Hopewell (Va.) News. in 1964 and is now an applications a g
the paper’ 5 new general manager. rapher LOWELL MENDYK won the ZACHARY HARMON is specialist at the Herald—Leader, j. E E
The couple previously published The top prize in photography, and the new editor of The Mountain received the Publisher’ 5 Award for {5%
Lame County Herald News in SALLY SNYDER earned a first Citizen in Inez. He is a 1989 journal— outstanding performance. A150 : ; f—z’E
Hodgenville. Former Harlan editor place for personal column and ism graduate of the University of recognized were former Times’ i E:
JEFF PHILLIPS has assumed the second place for a feature story. Kentucky. staffers SHIRLEY NEAL ‘, m
title of executive editor. The paper (Snyder is the local county extension New advertising sales BOHRNSTEDT and CATHERINE “ ‘ 4 a;
has also added a new staff writer, agent for youth development.) representative at The Kentucky KANE. E
DANNY VANCVER, a Union Standard in Bardstown is WILLIE CREED C. BLACK, former ’ ; in};
College graduate and former teacher THOMASSEE: who hOIdS a degree publisher of the Lexington Herald- ‘ . 5 :33;
and coal company office manager. LUCY VANHOOK's i111! advifiifiefigggfirngcge Leader, he: been afnllardeg an b , 3%
’ ra er unusu hobb of fox hunt- mve ° onora octor 0 aws e ree Y ' 3, $2
ll WALT APPERSON’ P?!) inthwas inchilied inyan article on With The Murray State N 3‘03 and Davidsgll (N-Co) College. ng 48ft '5;
sher of The Murray Ledger 6r Times, 3 . _ . - . . ;
. - - hobbies of news a rexecutivesm Murray Ledger ‘5’ Times. Kentucky In 1988 to become presr— .,
- was honored recently as Citizen of _ P pe _ W AMES HOST ch . d f th Kni h F d . g
the Year by the Murray-Calloway the May lssue of presstlme maga- . J _ . l airman ent 0 e 3 t 0““ atron. 3;
_ zine. VanHook is advertisin man— and Chlef executive officer at KPA , . :- A
County County Chamber of Com . g A _ . _ Sprmgfl el d Sun feature x ;
' merce. A member of 10 local boards, ager for the Cynthlana Democrat. The ssocrate Host Communications, . 3
A - article oints out that she is fre- has been selected to head the writer, PEG TEACHEY’ has won ‘
pperson was characterized at the p - - r : 1 - f U 'ted two journalism scholarships at the
chamber banquet as a ”tireless quently asked to organize horse Wmner 5 Cer e campaign or _m . . . . l Asl
- Wa of the Blue ass. HIS role 15 to UNVEI'SltY 0f Kentucky for acadenuc r:
promoter” Of the area. shows for the Kentucky State Fox y 1 gr 1 'f th' ear 1991-92 She was resented the i to I
Recognized recently by his Hunters Assocration and Central promote arge persona 8‘ ts to 15 Dickerson and P hilli spawards at the - 1‘
. employer for 35 years of service was Kentucky FOX Hunters Association year’ 5 camp aign. annual Joe Creason {ecture in . ; feat
former KPA president DONALD and to assist With the National FOX . March . T text
TOWLES’ public affairs director at Hunters Association Field Trials. I rea¢
among properties of Landmark —-Community Service (all newspa- promoted to special projects man- 1 is- V, _ ,, ,, p“ 2- i our
Community Newspapers. pers): N eWS-E nterprise, first; ager and MARY KAY ROARK to T , 1w é sun
Winners from Kentucky Carrollton News-Democrat, third. membership manager. SALLY " : , San
, (semiweeklyl/ weekly listed first, —MostCreative Ad, Single Idea:(2) LOBOUGH—JACKSON and a ~ in; .
triweekly/daily, second): ' Joan Hardin, Kentucky Standard, NANCY WELL LOVETI‘ have been . : ; , daii
—News Writing: (1) Ninie first; Marcia Burris/ Kathy Helm, named major gifts coordinators. ,1 , “6’0”: «M 2 day
Glasscock, The Springfield Sun, News-Enterprise, second. e” a: mu
second place; John Roberts, Pioneer —Most Creative Ad Series: (1) Troy NANCY BARNETT is the .. fl "3; . l Ker
News, honorilble mention; (2) Terry McCracken, Shelbyville Sentinel- new business administrator for 3%,;ny 1 , i con
Boyd,TheKentuckySlandard,tlfird- News, second Landmark Web Press in Shelbyville. 2 0n;
-—-Feature Writing: (1) Ninie ——Ad Writing: (1) Ken Stone, Grant She has worked for Landmark - 1 v of I
Glasscock, first; KitMillay, Oldham County News, second; Cecile Target Media in Norfolk, Va., LCNI é
Era, third; (2) Laurie Ogle, The Ferrell, Oldham Era, third; Roberta in Shelbyville and The News-Enter- Elected , nev
N ews-Enterprise, first; Terry Boyd, Chesser, Sentinel-News, honorable prise in Elizabethtown. KP A Pre si d ent- e1 e ct Mary rerr
News-Enterprise, third. mention; (2) Bill Anderson, News- Schulz was recently elected to the ; loce
. —Sports Writing: (1) Chris Enterprise, first; Carmen Avrla, board ofdirectors ofAssociated Press. j
*- Hamilton, 14mm Enterprise, first: News-Enterwser sec‘?“d- Animal House? Schurz, publisher of The Advocate-
(.2) Darrell Bird, News-Enterprise, —BestClassrf1ed Sectéon:2(1)NLeba- The KP A News Bureau Messenger in Danville, is believed to f W01
first; Jeff D Alessro, News-Enter— non Enterprlse, thlr , ( ) ews- apologizes to the Kentucky House be the first Kentucky woman elected : dep
‘ pnse, second. Enterprise, first Kentucky Standard, of Representatives In Jlght of the to the board. The voting for directors -
‘ -Edit0rial Writing= (1) Stan thud- _ following Item under ‘News of the was based on membership bonds fror
. MdGnney.CentralKenmckyNeWS~ -Best5pecial Sech0n=(2)1