xt7j9k45td90 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j9k45td90/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1933 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, September 1933 Vol.5 No.4 text The Kentucky Press, September 1933 Vol.5 No.4 1933 1933 2019 true xt7j9k45td90 section xt7j9k45td90 111 _.
3 1 11:1 11:1
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T 1 Ofificia] Publication of the Kentucky Press Assoczatzon 1 11: 111111111
1 1111:1549
1 ‘ . _____________,__,__——_______———-—-—————-—-——'—"—- 1 111 '11:; 1%1I‘1'iz
‘ ' f n a '1 1311‘ :1 1
. ‘Volume V SEPTEMBER, 193;» Number 4 1 1 11 111.1
/————-_———————— : 11 1 1
1 /’ To Publishers of Daily and Weekly 1' 11‘; 1.11:1 11
11 ' v t. Newspapers Having Job Shops, and ‘ 111' 1:1. 1'1 3
1 _ 1 . . - 111 i 1'
i. 1 R d 1 h A to Excluswe CommerCial Printers, 1 111 11,1, ,1
) 1 , ea Thus, 1‘ en 0 . 1 1.1 K111111111. 1 1 1111
' 11., Fellow Publishsers and Printers: 1 1'1 11
1 Washington, D1 C11 Aug?“ 501 19°°- _ 1 I have received numerous letters :1 '11'?1§1'1
Administrator Johnson tonight authorized substitutions Presrdents from Kentucky Publisher-Printers ask— 1 11 11 1111
'11 re—employment agreement for members National Editoiial Associaéion ing when the N. E. A. code proposed 1 111 1111 1
' d coo eratin and affiliated state and regional associa. ions, accor 1mg 1_ 1 , 01 n 1 .1 11: 1.1.1
' an alimouncgement by officers of the National Editorial Association. 135‘”. “96k at Chicago may b- “sea as 31 ‘1 1 111 1 1
0 an . - 1 s 1 bans for compliance With N. R. A. re- 1 1' .111 1- 311,1
‘ It is now possmle for such publishers and printqr members to obtain 1 , ~ ' ' 1 51’ 11 1.1111
5- Blue Eagle by putting these substitutions into effect and adding state- employment legulatlonsiand Obtain the 1 1111 111.111
ment at end of agreement reading : “To the extent of N. R. A. consent Blue Eagle. I hope this Will be pos— 1 11 11:1 1
1 as announced we have complied with the President’s agreement by com- sible before this message reaches you. ' 11 1) {1.1
1 , plying with the substituted provision of the code submitted for the non- Your delegates to the Chicago N. E. 1 11 111 11 E1.
1, metropolitan publishing-printing and printing industry" to standard A. convent-ion have been delaying 11 11 11 1 E1.
1 _ statement of compliance. Full text of prolV'iSioais of agreement was i'e— sending their report to you concerning 1 11 11 1 11111
1 ' leased tonight to all newspapers carrying ease Wire repor s. 11 et' 0, ho - to be ble to senl 1' 11 :{‘ 1, 11.1 1
' ' ° HARRY RUTLEDGE' 1w'i't3hmiet 1:1? leagtnga tempoarary agree: 1? '11 1 1" E51
. KENTUCKY PUBLISHERS-PRINTERS NOTICE inent between N. E. A. and N. R. A., ‘11 11,111 i, 1
. 1 . _ , under which you might sign up by ac- 1 ' 111 1 1_
'1 Following the above telegram, publisher-printers and printers who cepting regulations which apparently 11. >1 1,; 11 11111
1 1'1“ write ‘1' .11. “51:32:23“: 25:23:13: 2:331:33; 1.. 1 1 1.1 1
1 pying or e ue ave an iv Oar-e - 1 1 . g 1 c. _ 1 11 11111111 (.1
~' embraced in the NBA :3on as hereinbefore set out, may now proceed by piiudent :- reflinglfilimelgt tggief??t1 1 11 1 111 g 1
signing the President’s Agreement with the following reservations ap- am $11.“? ' a e a 101-3 CCOVf 1 1'1 j1'1'1 ? '
pended thereto: ery administration does not expect you 1 111 1; 11
‘ “This agreement is signed in accordance with the provisions of a to Sign the PTBSIdent’S agreement Wlth- 1 111 1 E
1 code for the non—metropolitan publishing-printing and printing in- out reservations, at least comparable ;1 “11.. 11 1-;
’ dustry, approved as a substitute for the provisions of the President’s to the terms of the A. N. P. A. code. I '1 11111 E3 1
9 Agreement by the National Recovery administration on August 30, am also sure that you are not expect— 1 111:. 1131
' 1933- ed at Washington to sign an N. R. A. 1 111 ‘11 1' 1'1
1 B ‘ld'MaiIL the Izlilgreement to the Department of Commerce, Federal agreement while negotiations are in 11 1 1 111
1“ mg, 0“}5“ e. . . . . (r progress for a code applying to your 1 1‘. 1' ‘1";
'1 1111113221 garganeate of Compliance should be Signed With the f0“0\Vlnb specific case. I have just talked with 1 11 11E
'1 “To the 'extent of NRA consent as announced we have complied Prentiss Terry, Department Of Com— 1 "1; .1 1 11
1 with the President’s Agreement by complying with the substituted merce, LouiSVIIIe, who thinks. that it ' 1 111 111'
1 provisions of the code submitted for the non-metropolitan publish— would be well for you to wait a few 1 1:11 ’1‘ 1 1
'1 ing-printing and printing industry.” days in antic1pation of an agreement 1111‘ 1 {11 1
1 ' upon an N. E. A. code before applying 11 i 1. 1
" 1 IMPORTANT—KPA ATTENTION for your Blue Eagle. If you wish to 1 1'1? 11 11
1 The following resolutions was passed by the Executive Committee _ proceed at once he says the formula 1 11111111 '
1 ' of the KPA at Louisville, September 2: first hereinafter outlined appears to 11:15 11 1111 1 1
' 1 Resolved, That the chairman of the executive committee ap- him to be correct. If you wait for the I 1: ' 11 11
1 '1 point a committee of the association to receive and, either approve N. E: A. code, then proceed to get your 12 1'1 1
1 1 or reject, applications for exemptions or stays under the Pres1dent’s Blue Eagle as suggested in the last 111. 11 111
1 1 Reemployment agreement, or the substitute agreement, or same pro- two paragraphs of this letter. 11 1,1 11 11:
1 2 posed by the NEA and approved by the NBA, on August 30, 1933. If t 1 the 1 1 111111 111
1 These applications when approved by said committee, to be forward- you mus 51%“ _ 1.. PI‘BSIdent S 11 1 131
ed to the NE A for approval agreement before hearing from the N. 3‘ 11
1 -~ Accordingly, all KPA or NEA members desiring to make applications E. A. committee now in conference .1 111‘. 11'
1 for exemptions or a stay to that sectionl of the code covering the maxi- with N. R. A. officials, I would attach 1 j11_.‘ 1 11 j
- 1 mum working hours, due to lack of skilled extra labor in the town, or to it a signed statement setting out 1 1‘ 11 1‘11
1 any other valid reason, will forward said application immediately to the “great and unavoidable hardships” im— 1 111 11 '1 1
11 1 committee for action. Said applications must be accompanied by sufli- posed by paragraphs 4 and 5 and stat- 1 111 1 1111»
1 cient proof of the contentions and by an afiidaVIt, or affidavits, Mail ing that I Was substituting for these 1 11,11 11,11
1 1 said applications to Prof. Victor R. Portmann, University of Kentucky, paragraphs the W es and hours m_ 1 1 1111' '1
'1 1 Lexington, chairman of the committee. Other members of the com- , . t . dag 11 d f 11:1 1 1 1 111 1111
11 mittee are J. Curtis Alcock, Danville, and D. M. Hutton, Harrodsburg. ggggztiigglalgeo mt hae 0013:1013, hi W 1 111
1‘ is ng- 1 11 I" ’1‘?
'1 1 ' NON-MEMBERS AND PRINTERS, NOTICE! Printing and Printing Sub-Divisions 1 3 1 11
' ' ” - 1 ' ”1
1 1 As the above privilege to apply for exemptions or stays pertains only 0:1 gheuirifllfisfifis Evita? 21:30:: 1 '1 11 1.1
‘ _ 1 110 members of the NEA or of a state organization, according to NRA e y , 1 g,' _ g ' ' ' 111 .11:
F' 1 ruling, non-member publisher-printers and printers of the KPA must 119d Industries held In (13111013301 Aug- 1 11 11:1
1 1 make their applications to the NRA direct. As it is obvious that such list 17-131 1933» now Dendmg before the 1 ' 1, 11
t 1 ' - National Recovery administration, and 1 1 1 1 111'
. . 1 " ' (Please tum m Page Two) would abide by' whatever terms may 1 1‘ '1'"
' V —--_._-_____——————-——‘———————'—’ (PleaSe turn to Page TWo) ' . 1 1 ' 1:1
l 11 .' 1 111
E' l g' 1, ' 1'
11‘; 11 '-

 I I I I
II : iI: '. I I I=II
. II "I III:
‘in, .', III I , Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS September, 1933 I" —
I; II ;I ‘ ‘ —-—————————————_—*‘ ‘I
".I QII II I. I . such as having janitors exempted from I :1:
.II _.I I I . . I
II: III I ‘ applications must await their turn for action, such action will be neces- the .‘g’igfsmg hours and rates Of p ay I I
II II. x}. " sarily delayed for an indefinite length of time. However, any publisher- pr0v1 ‘ . :5 as
IIII‘ ”I III I I printer or printer in Kentucky not at present a member of the KPA, Study the code carefully and you Will I to.
I, 1. EEI III 'I will be extended the same privileges as members, if they make applica- see that Ipractlcally everyone can con- in
III I III . I . tion for such membership in the KPA to Secretary J. Curtis Alcock, Dan- form to It, except some of the smaller
I'I'I III III" ‘ I ville, accompanied by the $10 membership fee. publishers and printers, as to working I .
I'IIII-I‘ II I I I F T POS CARDS AT ONCE' hours, and if you are honest about it I .
I‘ Ii. I I I I ILL 0” T - a stay can be obtained on this. There .
[II I III E I Secretary Alcock has sent out an explanatory letter and return post are ObVlOUS benefits in the code. The
III I: I III I “ card to every publisher-printer in the state. It is extremely important cut-throat price chisler will be done I
:iI I! II II . that every recipient fill Iout this card and return it on the next mail. away with when means are provided
I. I II I' I I DON’T DELAY! The KPA and NEA must have this information so as for enforcement of fair trade practices.
I ‘ II I I I to make a good showing on the substitute agreement in the final action. Uniform prices and cost finding W111 . T
I I‘ II III I . flIi'lIll this 02;? out. cmnypletely: mhetlherfic: nott tion havte filled out gilt: help us all, as will many of the other I ‘
I; I“. I I I III sgmhfige lonna‘re“ 0“ mlg a 50 0“ e ques “’m‘a‘m a e provisions. Your delegates felt that all f
I 'II I I II ' of us want to do all we can to make er
‘I III" III II I I I ACTION! ACTION! It is to the advantage of every publisher-print- the N- R. A. a SUCCESS, as it seems that I Q?
III III. 'I I .I I; er and printer in the state to follow the above regulations at once. The the future of the country lies largely I “I
III III I i I future of community journalism is in the balance. Get busy! in its success, so we felt that all of us K
I'. III I ‘I I - I' were willing to make some additional I q
I“; II III 1. I I. sacrifices to secure the benefits held I i.
‘I'I III II ; I E I (Continued from Page One) announced we have complied with the out. * . '
III ISII II ' I I II he finally approved by the N. R. A. Iliasident’s agreement by complying We have delayed this report as all I m
:3 I I. ; I .. II I would make affidavit to the accu- with the substituted provisions of the if you want to know how to sign up ,
III I}; I i i IIII racy of statements made herein, then code submitted for Publisher-Printers right now and get your Blue Eagle, -. (3‘
I16: I ‘I g I II mail the document to the district of— by the National Editorial Association.” The Kentucky delegation, when the ’r p.
IIIjI II I I II; fice of the Department of Commerce LAWRENCE W. HAGER, convention was closing, introduced a I ai
I: II. ‘E .‘I !. I; in Louisville. President Kentucky Press Association. motion to have the N. E. A. get the m
’ I, I I I III II Make copy of the exceptions you set ———————— code approved as a temporary excep- I aI
III II" a I II forth in the statement you attach to To the Publisher-Printers and Print- tion to the “blanket code” so we all I 11
{3 II I I I II the blanket code in triplicate; swear ers of Kentucky: could sign right now, but so far we 0:
III I I ‘ I to each copy; send one to N. R. A., Enclosed are copies of the basic code have not heard anything from the N. I w
a II I 3 :.;I.I . Washington, and one to Secretary at the Chicago convention last week E. A. on this. As soon as we do hear, u
If, 5.“ I II Curtis Alcock, Danville, Ky., for K. P. for the entire Graphic Arts industry a special bulletin will be sent out with, p
I II I : III II A. file. . , ‘ , 7 . and the divisional code for the pub- instructions as to just what to do. U
IIIIIEI E II I Then sign certificate of compliance fishing-printing and printing industry. Also, we will have to wait for further 1‘!
:“III I,‘I II. II with the following rider attached: “To Your delegates feel that these codes . instructions .9“. the state set.-,ups_be-_ ti
III 1;. I . II .. . the extentwf—‘provisiens—corgtanred—m’ are about as good as could’bé obtained fore we can tell you exactly about the I
I II I15 II: I'-‘I a code for Printer-Publishers now under the circumstances. The Ken- ‘stays and how to get them, but those I o
II'I'IIUII; ‘II If 13 pending before N. R. A. submitted by tucky delegation led a fight the first who know they will have to have a . p
I" III .1'. II : I I the National Editorial Association we day for the insertion of a 48 or at least stay can be preparing the data now. P
II II; II ’ III :‘I ‘. have complied with the Fmesident‘s a 44 hour week, but it was plainly ap- We would suggest that you show not vs
IIIIEII :I’ 3 agreement, and, upon announcement parent that this would never be ac- only that competent help is not avail- .I
II I II, If I I I by N. R. A. of the terms finally approv- cepted at Washington and the major— able for part time employment in your I” d
I:-II III I ed will immediately conform thereto." ity sentiment of the convention was community, but by facts and figures S
I I I I i', II Present this to your postmaster and in favor of adopting hours that would that you are not financially able to . l:
I _ : I II . receive Blue Eagle. be acceptable to the National Recov- import a man on a full time basis. It I
I 'I S I. 1. I (The N. E. A. code mechanical hours ery Administration. will probably be necessary to prove I t'
'I i‘ I fiI i III II are 40 per week, overtime to be used So the next day the Kentucky dele- that fact. I t
I I; I ff , III when necessary, but to be taken out gation led a fight for a qualifying However, we feel that most of us u
III 'II, "I II later so no employe worksmore than clause, known at the convention as can operate under the code, as YOU (
I. III .I III ~. II 1040 hours in any six months. Office the “Kentucky Amendment,” which we will notice that it does not limit the ‘ t
I- I II III .I ;I help, 48 hours per week. Reporters’ believe will protect the smaller pub- men to 8 hours in any one day or to a
1.I III 1‘ ‘ I hours are not limited. Minimum pay Iishers and printers. This was put in 40 hours in any one WEEK if there 15
I ‘1 III I‘ .I . I II' for mechanical 40c male, and 300 fe- the divisional code. If you will read an emergency, but only to 1,040 hours I i‘
‘ I II I: I I '2 male, except janitors and apprentices. Article 3, Working Hours, you will in six months—which is an average of . l
. II. . ‘I II I {I For clerical help in towns under 5,000 see that the very last sentence pro- 40 hourse per week for that pollOd- 0f t
I I III . lI I I population increase wages that are vides that a stay of the working hours course we do not know that this DI‘O- t
I :I I; I. : III I I under $12 per week 20%, not to exceed provisions can be obtained by applica- vision Will go through, but we hope it i
I I III II _ ..III I $12). ticn to the K. P. A. and the N. E. A. will. We have no assurance that any
I .II I ;._ . ‘n I If you receive announcement of N. Of course these stays will have to be 0f the 00616 Will be accepted by the N I c
:I I . ’-I . I . I I R. A. approval of NE. A. code before approved later by the N. R. A., but we R. A” bUt it seemed to the delegates t t
I I 3‘ I ‘ II 1:3. taklng the above indicated action and think that bonafide cases, where a a fair code under which to operate. 5: t
‘ I .aI p j I} III do not wish to file any exceptions strong case can be mad-e out, will be You Will notice that it reserves 0111‘ I l
I II, I I I " II thereto, simply sign the President's approved. constitutional rightSI so that there Win 1
I . ,gI L.‘ I II agreement and attach to the follOW- Then the Kentucky delegation led never be any license system set 11D i
.: I III ‘I I ,I I I. I lng: “This agreement is-signed in ac- a fight which resulted in the complete Wlth newspapers. We cons1dered that I . I (
I III I II I I II cordance with the provisions of the rewriting of Section B or Article 4, re— very 1mportant. With the reSDOHSlbfl' _ I (
I IIIII ‘: , j I III Publisher-Printers code approved as a lating to wages of clerical and edito- lty 0f drawmg Up a national code for J
I II I II - . . - j I; substitute for the President’s agree— rial help. As it originally stood even all the 48 states, and with all the 6011- I. I
.G‘II I :II .-' f j 3‘95 ment by the National Recovery Admin- the smallest paper would have had to flicting interests at play, your dele- .
1.1%: I ‘ :‘II 1'5 I III istration." Then file the certificate of pay their office girl nearly $15 a week, gates consider that the convention did I
i I. 2 {If II compliance with your postmaster with but as we had it changed the pay will a fairly creditable lOb- We hope that . ' I 1
.‘lI a‘ I I; ‘I '.~I.‘ I .‘I‘I . the following rider attached: be more in line with actual conditions. you approve 0f the stands WE t0°k at .I
III: I : I I 3 '«. 1‘: ‘ “To the extent 0f N. R. A. consent We also had a part in other changes, the convention, and if we were mt I
-:-.: IggIIII, I I. ‘ II II .‘ .
If} SI; ”1' I _ .
- I: III! I "I I I : ‘
Isa-MIA cl =-= “II , I.

 33 3 333333 3 3 . _ 3 3 _3_ ”3:“ 33333333233- .--.--.---- “”3...,.,_.,...,.;.;,i.«-.-.:3. ~-.--.~-:.;--:-:-‘\'- .-= . .'».-‘."~ -" ‘ *= , -. - ‘ 33 3 33 _- -:__,: 3
, _, 3 .. .
I I 33'I
- a l -
September, 1933 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three 33 ‘I _3
I —————————————-—————-—-—-—-————— I .3 1.3
_ ‘ able to get all you wanted us to get, ing of a code. The N. E. A. advises “Jody" Gozder will entertain-{his cor— 333 333 iI‘I3
m I remember that was impossible. that “All associations should keep in respondents as a fish fry at him sum- 33 .3 33 .3333,
ay ‘ Further information will be supplied mind that the administration costs of mer home, Laurel Crest, on _Green 333 333.333
:5 as it is received from the National Edi— a code for this branch of the industry river, September 9. This event is now 33 :3 31,3
ill 3 torial Associatioin at Chicago or Wash- will be much less if set up through the an annual affair and Jody says that it 3-3 31 3
n- ington. Sincerely yours, N. E. A. and state organizations than does much to build up the esprit de 333:, 333 ..
I’er LAWRENCE W. HAGER, if same should have to come through corps of his regular contributors to the 33333 33.3. 33 33 3
mg .35 3 President K. P. A. the United Typothetae of America or success of the News-Journal. An inter- 33. ,3 3
it ' ' A. ROBBINS, the American Newspaper Publishers esting program has been prepared. I3‘3I 35;: 3‘33 13‘s
3'3 chm. Executive Com. Association.” _.____———————— I II‘ I} I' »§'_-‘
he KEEN JOHNSON. , Information from the N. E. A. Wash- 3 333‘ 33;)» ,I‘ 3.13
ne . ington office is to the effect “that cost ‘1 3313‘ ; ’31
ed SOME MORE SUGGESTIONS of administration under the U. T. of """LINOTYPEW' 333 3333 3333 3,333
es. __ A. of a code, for the smaller news- 3 3 3,
Fm - To Publisher-Printers and Commer— papers, Will be around $10 to $20 a 3'3 ‘53; .3
ier [I cial Printers: month.” ,3 3‘3 333 33
a-ll ‘ In addition to the information and The N. E. A. is alert to the Situation '1 I‘3 Ifi 3"
ke 3 suggestions made by the K. P. A. dele- and the K. P. A. is also “on the .1013.” I I, Iii-II II
at , gates to the national N. R. A. conven- President Hager and the N. R. A. com- 33 33., 33 33.3
31y I tion at chicago, the secretary of the mittee, A. Robbins and Keen Johnson, 3 3333 33,333 33
us 3 K. P. A. desires to pass on some more and the K. P. A. secretary, will look 33 33.- 33,;- 3 3.3 3
13.1 suggestions just received frOm the N. after the interests of the Kentucky I 333 3{-3.1I 33.3
31d : E. A. relative to the Publishing—Print- publishers and printers. Therefore, .t 33 I3; I: E]
I ing Code. is suggested that all members of the ‘3‘ J IE‘ E3
5‘“ ‘ A bulletin just received, says: K. P. A. in arrears with dues pay up ‘ I I; “ 3.3
up ' “The codes adopted at the Chicago promptly and those not members 33 3:3 133 3 33,3
:Ie. ; convention last week will be definitely should make application for member— ‘33 I . 3»'."
he 3' presented to Mr. Kemp of the Nation- ship at once. It is not necessary to 11- 31 ‘33 3 333 333-3 .
a I a1 Recovery Administration’s depart- join the association, but our advice is 33 3, 3333 33-33
he I ment, who will hear the printing codes to join both the National Editorial As- 3 3 33.3 33,3 II 3
513- at 10330 a. m. Saturday, August 26. sociation and the Kentucky Press As- {3 3 13 35-3 .,
all 3 Immediately following the presentation sociation. This will help to keep the I I ‘ I: II] If; ’
we I of the codes, we are advised meetings costs of administration down. Non- I I III I3 I
N- 3 will be held between the National Edi- members will have to pay pro rata gi I" II I"
,3"- torial Association, the American News- costs of the administration only. 1‘. 3I'3 It? 3‘? I; ‘-
‘th- paper Publishers Association, and the Quick Action Is Needed _ ‘. 33 3g; 33. 37:.- 1
:10. United Typothetae of America, to cor- If you desire to cooperate with the 3 313' {‘3 Es
1er relate and develop lines .of demarca- National Editorial Association and the . ~ ~ i III :1; I‘. Ii.‘
’8‘- tio’n between the three codes. Kentucky Press Association, here’s I III ‘73 I {I
he .. A petition asking for substitution something you should do at once. 3 I II ,5: I233
ise » of certain sections of the publishing- Send a wire (preferably) or write the ‘3 I333 ‘13", 3' 33
a 3‘ printing and printing code for the National Editorial Association, Hotel ‘3 “,3 33", 3 I333
)w. 5 President’s Re-employment Agreement Sherman, Chicago, 111., your desire for . “1‘ 086 I 33, 333 33 3,3
13013 3 will also be presented immediately. administration under this code by the ' ' I I I?“
11- 3 The N. E. A. hopes to have an imme- National Editorial Association, through I 33 f, j 3%
)ur ‘ diate answer on this question and to your State organization. I 3‘3 I HI"-
‘95 send definite information to you not This is very important and we hone . 1. I I ‘3
to - later than Monday, August 28. YOU Will act promptly. I 33% I3 7.;
I” I “Information from Washington is If you did not fill out the question— 3 I3 I I2} I
we ‘3 that hearings on the various codes for more. sent you a short time age. ask— ‘3 I. I; ,
the Printing Industry will be sched- me“ for information and date on your . I, I} I- III
“3 uled starting the last of next week. establishment, please fill out same and mot e 3,‘I :3
’0” 3 Concrete and definite information will mail it to the National Editorial As— yp I? - I II.-
;he be forwarded to you from the N. E. A. sociation at once. If YOU have mis- ' 3' {v '.
to as fast as available. placed the blank, write Secretary J. I‘3I §I
ls ”If the code for our branch of the C. AICOCk, Danville, Ky., for another 3‘ 3'3 33‘ 3‘3.
"5 ,K industry, as is being presented in CODY» “-‘I 33 I33
or ‘ Washington, is approved by the Na- The N. E. A. advises f‘not to sign up 3 ,‘3: 3’3‘ 3,.
Of tional Recovery Administration and With other organizations who Will ad- I I III“
“F the President, same will become ef— minister a code on them. If this is 3 I: II. ‘33
it 3 fectjve at a very early date.” . done they may find themselves bound 3 , , II ' 53
my 3 The above from the N. E. A. is to work under a code (UTA) which is 590mm 14-41301nt 3 I; I ‘I ;
31; I quoted to show the activity of the na- being opposed _by the N. E- A- 33nd Slug composition I I; I €11“
33 ti-onal publisher—printers organization. state organizations, and under Whmh S‘ 1 I Ii II III
”59- i The Kentucky Press Association is they cannot operate their plants.“ mg etypes I ' ‘:I- “I
13131313 I keeping in close touch with the N. E. If certain provisions in the publish- Space and base 3 3 333; 3.3!,-
A. and members of the state associa- ing-printing code can be accepted by I 3, 3‘ {3
up tion and all publisher-printers and the N. R. A. to be substituted in the Rules and borders I 1 a. i.
rat - . commercial printers not members, but President’s Re—employment Agreement Universal aligm'fle“t 3 33
“1'_ ‘ desiring to cooperate with the N. E. so that publishers and printers may 3 i ‘3? 3:3
3:: Afitan: K. P. A. will be given the ben- :eceivelithe Blufo Eiiglleéttlgizeinforma- MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE C0. 3 3;:- 3:3
\- e » 0 our services. 10“ W1 come - » ‘ - Il f 1 III
33:; Financial and other cooperation of Yours for N- R- A., . BROOKLYN’ NEW YORK 3 3“ i»: ‘
3333333 all is necessary in connection with the J- CURTIS ALCOCK, . 3 3
at . , further development and administer- SecretaryK. P. A. 3 3» ‘ 133.
not I - 3i 333-, T g":-
, 3I g‘ ‘I
I 33 II 33
. . II ]l V

 :Ffl'fi".3"z§ 23133 ‘ ‘7 V ....-.,._ 7' i V E N I 7 AA L l V E ' M.» ‘
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EEE- E 33E Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS September, 19333 :,
:3 :3 .. : _____________——————————————————————~ 3 '
. -. .E ‘l 3 1
EE EE EEE: E "covers” the community, does not feel ting in a bracket of poplilation between 3 l
EEEEE EE EEE E ‘ K611111101“; press riously considered by those who will 5,000 and 2?,000 population, 3 3' 3
LEN EE l'E3 E E ___._—_—-_4___— ious metropolitan press, but continues The Press conglatulntes oui dele- ,
E. li- EE EEE3 E E, j OIhr-lal Publication of THE KENTUCKY to serve and exert an influence in ru— gates for their able lepiesentation, and .5
3:333 E. El. E E . PRESS ASSOCIATION ral America that far exceeds the the KPA for their active and valuable ' E
3333 3' 3E . E, —-—3 3—-—3 3———’—*—‘3-—' vaunted metropolitan press. Regard- membership. 3
3333333 E33 33 3 3 \llzl‘liR l\. loknuxx Luimr less of what Mr. Mencken, and others i. a: r:
E, E' E lE E, fihfid on 'l'ln: lilauxul. PRizss, Depal‘t- of his calibl‘e,33 5333“ the community THE N; R. A. AND THE h
',~ '! EE. EE IllCll[ of Journalism, University of 13185:. 0f Am-ellca is Itself and ‘mt a COUNTRY PRESS 3,
EE 2: ‘ EE E‘ KC,,,,,Ck,.3 Lexington stereotyped pattern of newspaper pro- .
3, 33.33 33 33'. E 3 _'73__3'____ duction that claims 3much and ofiers By A. Robbins, Chairman, Exeeu- 3
33 33333.3» 333 E 3 PRESS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS little: The opportunity for the com- five Committee
3‘; E E E“ E E —— 3 munlty press 15 greater 3today th‘lh When Vic Portmann wrote and ask— 3
E' ‘E E 3 33 Lzulrenee W. Hagci‘ I’rcstdcni‘, ever before. The opportunity of great- ed me to write an editorial on the N. 3
,3 ‘€ ,1! 333 3 ‘ Messenger-lnquirer, Owensboro (331‘ SBI‘VICB t30 county, state, and natl'oh R. A. situation as I saw it, I didn't t
3 EE E‘.3'3 3E E- 3 3‘ 3 George r'\. Joplin, Jr. I'ice«Prcszdmit 1n forwardingeducathh. 13113313011. Cltl‘ know exactly what to write, as my 3E
.3,3E:3.3, 33- 33. 3 3 3 commonwcnlih, Sonlel‘seE zonship.3high ideals, hotter livmg con- feelings aboth the N. R. A. are a bit
3 E33 ‘3' 3' 3 3 3]. Curtis Alcock Secretary I rcasurer ditions, is the heritage of the commu- jumbled. However, I have come to the E
3.13, ,, 3 E 3 ;" Messenger, Danville ntity nll‘ess, angmttrre thanbits horrific conviction in the past few days that ,
,3 =' -‘ 3' 3 .3 ,3 3 3 _ ..3.3. 1 S 350 emn 0 lgalon 1n ringing .e the N. R. A. movement MUST suc-
EEE. E' E E E E 3 EE‘ME‘CUHVE COMMEFELE‘ nation Wt 0f the chaos Of the past ceed, or we are in for the biggest bust E
3,33 33E 3i 3 E f E ‘ 333 3 333 —— 3 3_ 3 3 _3 few years. Forward, the community that we have ever seen.
,3 33333 EE 3 3 33 . . l\(l))lllS .3...33I3iltt 3Dlslrla, C iailman press of America! 3 3 With that thought in mind, I be- 3
E.‘ -EE. E - E E E EE I I Br'llllcfiounm’ HECEEEEESEZEZOMI Di'x‘lrz'rl lieve that it is up to all Of us to MAKE
3.33 33 -, '. 3 3333-3 . - '- ' 1333.3c3'3n'3'3'c' '1'3333'33'3333C33CC ‘ ‘ " COST SYSTEM IN THE CODE the N. R. A. a success, even though we
:33 EE ‘,, 3 E E 3 3330 R3333 f, E ' ’ [.333 . 3. '— _ have to make some personal sacrifices
Er 3 33 3 3 33' 3, ~ 41003} . T3112 District One of the ploVISlons in the code to do so. The Country press has shown ,
3 E 3 , 3 33333 3 1' (3 3 3 fllmcs, Glasgolh 33 D3 33 now waiting of1fic1a13 sanction, as pub- Eremarkable courage and leadership
3 33,3 :33 3 3 33,3, .3 3 3]. . {5:53:31 ..3..3.3. .C. .. 3o3i3ii33i33 isliict lqlsgllijdidfi the Pless,31nc1udess that each during the trying years of the depres-
333 3.33 ,3 3 l 3‘ ‘ ‘3, E'33'3EOEEEEE‘E’ amp )6 .5” c , _. “S a ‘53 ment covered by the code shall sion. We are now on the road out. I E
3 3333 3 3 3 3 .3 3 lil.llnnl(3 1 ‘EEE {WEE/l Disiiicl maintain an approved cost finding sys- thought we could “make the grade" 3
.3 333 33 E 3 3 3 33 3 (.Olll‘lCr-Jolll‘nill, Loulswlle 3 3 tern or use an3approved price list based without the N. R. A. as we might have.
33 33 3 3 . 3 3 , l\€llll H. Hood Sixth District on a cost finding system. One Lexing- but now I see clearly that with the N.
333 333 33 33 33,33 T 3 )Denloelni, Bedfold 3 3 ton printer made a suggestion when R. A_ movement started we cannot suc-
333 333.33 33.3 33 3 3 om Ln3d3crwood S-(fvt’llll/l District discnssmg the code that seems entirely ceed without it is successful. If it .
.E: E, .E a" El R 3 33333l3he Herald, Lexington 3 3 feasrble which would cover the iabove flops3 we are more than likely to firm 3:3
3,3,3E ,3, 33 3.3 33 . .. a 3\lll Eight/i Dis/mi piov1s10n.3 He said that the printers ourselves—right back into a worse De-
33 ' 3 33, 3 Central Record, Lancaster 3 3 and publishers could not do better 1.3053 of depression than we have yet
'3 3E3 333 3 ,3 3 33 3. .._____,_.~_J_i.l£..CLi.iL(illo.I.3.;.~e. . . . 'A‘llllll‘L'Dlsl'Tlcl . than to adopt the Franklin Printing seen, if not into chaos. E,
,33 3E 33 :33 33 3 (333333 31 herllkmml .1t, CEnirhlmEa 3 33 fillice List 3215 tn: b51213 in3establls3heln3g These are my personal opinions, but 3,,
33 333333333 3. 3 33 . . . H 3.3.1. .h.:...3333(iilz Disllici HE'S Di‘OlEISIon. 335 e :F‘lahklin list is I believe they are backed by sound l‘
33 3333 3 3,. 33. 3 3 I (333 333 e3a c, alntsu e 3 3 ldiiwzlsda.‘ in. 1 s appiicatlon and is logic and shared by men who ought to
3 :,l3 El 3 33.3 , I Harlin]: Eleventh DISI]‘1L‘[ a330p e 3 as a standard by many pl‘lnt- know a dam Sight more about the
E3 ,3 3 333 3 3 lmes-Tnlmne, Corbin (2315. over the United States, this sugges— condition of the nation than I (303
Egi . 3 ‘ '. : 3 3 E. ——-=—-——— 3E0“ has much merit and ShOUEd be S?‘ The country press did show real 33
E' 3,2“. i :'. '1 3 SAFE AND SANE BASIS “OUSSE‘Y congl‘lered by “.1053 Who W1“ courage and leadership the past few
13 g. . = 3 E3 ' — put the code lhto operation. years, and we can best continue that ,
E3, 3; 33 The average small town will be the ‘ courage and leadership right now by ,E
E l '. j. 31 E . ‘ 3 the barbs and thrusts of the supercil- OUR CHICAGO DELEGATES backing the N. R. A. to the limit. Per- '3
3'3 3; 3'3; the last few years because the small — sonally, I intend to get into the fight 1‘
EEE t 3 EE : town did not share in the terrific in— The KPA can be proud of the com- with my own paper just as soon as I
EEEEEE _ 31333 ' E, flation that was so evident in the in- mittee that represented the associa- can sign the president’s agreement
EE: ‘ .3 3 3, I 3 dustrial centers. No little credit in this tion at the Chicago NRA meeting; and with the exceptions provided in the ‘
5. .3'3 ‘ 3' l‘ 3 , is due to the small town publisher who for the part that they took in formu- code for publisher-printers formed at
E33. ‘ 3 ,1? refused to be stampeded into the dis- lating‘ the codes adepted. Kentucky the convention in Chicago — which
,'.E-‘ E :. 3 ,' asti'ous inflation but carried on a safe was represented by Lawrence Hager. ought to be Published within a few t
:3’.'3E 3‘ E E 3.3 and sane basis. This is evidenced by GUS RObbinS. and Keen Johnson. days now. (I am writing this on Aug- -.
'_ E] '33 ‘ .3 3' the published statement that less than Keen Johnson was honored by being list 26lh>- I believe most of us can. E
3 l ‘.3 33. 3'3 3 one percent of the small town news- 3139011113861 as a member 0f the code operat