xt7j9k45tc78 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j9k45tc78/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2008-02 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, February 2008 text GLSO News, February 2008 2008 2008-02 2019 true xt7j9k45tc78 section xt7j9k45tc78 .‘ .
7 Gag/and The GLSO NEWS
* Les Ian
‘ . 70?
Semces F’ElfitiflfiY 2008
/\ Pubhca'lton or the Lextngton Gay and Lesblan Servmes Organlzahon
Volume 23 Number2
Remember When .
. The Impenal Court
SisterSoumi Concert February 9
February Heats Up
Come join us for an evening of
ballads, salsa, swing, disco, and more. The imperial Court of Kentucky
“This concert will take you on a nostalgic heats up the cold winter nights with its
ride from romance to dance and back annual Miss Gay Valentine Pageant on
again. Join us at the UK Singletary Wednesday, February 13th. This year
Center’s Recital Hall on February 9 at 8 the pageant will be held at Main Street
pm. Tickets are available at Singletary Live, With doors opening at8230 pm and
Center for the Arts. Call 859 257-4329 or the pageant starting at 9:30 pm. Cover is
visit http://www.uky.edu/SCFA/ to a$5suggeSteddonationtothecourt.
purchase seatson line. Contestants will compete in
Valentine Presentation, Talent and
Boston M arriage Evening Wear. The entry fee is $10 and
interested applicants can contact
Boston Marriage opens at Actors Empress 26 Lawren LaMoore at
Guild of Lexington February 1. This play lawrenlamoore@insig htbb.com for an
focuses on a scandalous couple living on application.
the fringes of fashionable society circa Other e'Vents are being planned for
1900. The Show is directed by February, so look for flyers announcing
accomplished actor and director Jack upcoming events or visit the court’s
Parrish and stars Julieanne Pogue asAnna Myspace page at www. myspace.com
and Gina 399ti‘Lynau9ll as Claire- limperialcourtofkentucky. You don’t
, The writing .by DaV'd Mamet sparkles have to be a Myspace member to view
With tart, crisp dialogue as the characters thewebpage.
continued on next page continued on next page
9 O O lf‘rf'lfvvf’j‘, t' ’{g T 32;.
Wnslung Chau- Wmm ..
at The Pride Center sp°ns°r “the m°nth
Feb. 1 9 pm $10 Dr.Ted Richardson, O.D.
' 1757 Alexandria Dr. 3 .
",1? _ --.. a J ,2 a» _
g, M w ‘ . ES 278 4201

 Boston Marriage continued from page 1 Court News continued from page 1
seem to enjoy torturing each other. Begin looking for Upcoming notices
Anna has recently taken a wealthy lover regarding the annual Falsie Awards,
to support their luxurious lifestle. Claire WhiCh Will be held this yearin March atthe
has become infatuated with a young KentuckyTheater.
woman (perhaps in retaliation for Anna January was also a busy month for
takingalover) and wantsAnna to help her the Court. On January 9th, Kali Dupree
in her assignation. was crowned the 2008 Debutante of the
This is a show that is not to be Year at the 2nd Annual Debutante Ball.
missed. If you enjoy laughter, language, There were five Debutantes this year,
and - most importantly - love, come out and they raised over $1200 for the
and see Boston Marriage at Actors Guild Charities ofthe imperial Court.
of Lexington February 1“ through Other events held in January were
February 24'“. Call 859-225-0370 for Empress 26 Lawren’s Birthday Bash and
tickets. www.actorsguildoflexington.org Marquise Naomi Wilde’s Entertainer of
the Year show. And by the time you are
Claw Fundraiser Party reading this article, the Court will have
crowned the new Miss Big Bone Lick.
A-Titleholder Strip Nite will be held The camp pageant was held on February
on 10 pm. Saturday, Feb. 16, at 10 pm at 2nd at Bang Nightclub as a joint event
the BANG Nightclub, 117 N. Limestone with thelmperial Court of Cincinnati.
St.There will be a $5 cover. Leather and if YOU WOUid like to become more
Bear titleholders will be stripping involved with the Imperial Court of
forCharity and selling raffle tickets Kentucky, contact the Board of Directors
throughoutthe night. at MW.
Participants include: Slade .
Andrews--Mr Ky Leather 2008, Bill Bluegrass Falmess
Howard—Mr Ky Leather 2007 and Mr Ky
Bear 2003, Crisco Schiefer— Mr. Dixie Kentucky Equality Foundation
Belle Leather 2007 and Roy Smith, Mr
Midwest Bear 2003. Money raised will be February 12
donated 50% to CLAW (Cleveland
LeatherAlliance Weekend) and the other LOibbY and Rally Day
50% to be given to GLSO and Moveable see article on page 12 _13
"Keep the love you find. h GAY AND
_ . v3? Get the love yDU want! 3 ”ye" LESBIAN ,
3M, , ,
Imago ReiatlonShlP Therapist Publishes the GLSO News Monthly
EMDR WWW?" P.O. Box 1172 Lex., KY 40588
. Couples, Family, lndIVIdual www.GLSO.org
lmagoconnectlon.com 552-6533 , ,tg
Page 2

 C ty N
”ms/(enmity THE BANG NIGHTCll/B
TransKentucky is a support, social. Amateur Strip Night continues at the
and les°“l°egr°.“9‘ser?"“9 Lex'l‘gmn and BANG Nightclub on Feb. 7 at 10:30. The
Kentucky. Our mission '3 t,° prowde a safe final round will be held on Valentine's Day,
place for transgender InleIduaIS and February 14. A cash prize 0f$100 will be
others who do not fit the standard gender awarded to the winning contestant. There
norms. At meetings-we w'” support eac: will be drink specials offered: $1.50 draft
other, offering advuce. resources an and $4 for Skyy mixed drinks.Bring your
lnSlghtS from our own unique experiences. friends and join usforthis fun event.
This is not a therapy group.
Family, friends and supportive In This Issue
community members are invited to attend
to gain understanding of issues Valentine's Day Dinner— page 6
concerning gender presentation, identity,
and variance. We meet on the first ”(id-way to Wefit’ian patty
Saturday of each month at 7:30 pm in Come learn and celebrate The
Lexington. Meetings are free and you may , . . _
dress however you feel comfortable. For Women s Mus1c Festival page 6
info and meeting place email Lesbian Artists Slide Show - pg 6
Tra sK nt k mail.com
n_ e "C y@g fle/e/m f/mdéaskef— page 16
Scott Ackerman Real Estate Serwce With
‘ ’ nssuu's W
[’7 ’ INTEGRITY "mag IMS,
nEllIcA'I'ION " " "

. Eu'rnusulsm .
Moblle: 859 338-8483
Fax: 859 269-0065 Serving Lexington & '
E-mail: Ackermanteam@aol.com All of Central Kentucky Q

_ Call me with all your Real Estate Needs
Page 3

 I WANT MY GAY TV enloggéhopeople have expressed an interest
in .
ByAnthorry W‘ Smallwood You can change that by making your

V\flth all of the channels targeted for own'call. Call insight at 859 514-1400 or
different groups and ethnicities that are email at W‘ From the
available through Insight cable, lwondered home page go tothe HELP tab at the tOp
why there isn’t a channel for the GLBT ”gt,” and then one" on ,CONTACT US‘ I
community. I enjoy BET as much as the believe that If they receive enough calls,
next person although, being a white male, I lnsrght wrll consrder adding LOGO to what
am probably not their target audience. And, they offer.

I would probably enjoy Telemundo much
more if my Spanish speaking ability was lexinglon [VON leather/lad Club

There is a channel, however, that | The Lexington Lyons meetthe second
have previously enjoyed that is not offered Monday of each month. Join US on
in Lexington. The LOGO channel is February 11 at the Pride Center, at 7 pm.
available through many satellite cable The Lyons are a group of friends who
providers, but currently not through Insight. celebrate strength, unityi and diversity for
If you are not familiar with what they offer, those Who enjoy the Leather /Levi
check out www.logoonline.com. On this Lifestyle. For information VtSit
website you can see a complete schedule W

The shows that l have watched are not Art House Movies
only entertaining but also informative and
deal with daily issues of the GLBT Davina and Kathy have started an Art
community. Some examples: House Movie and Discussion Group

Noah’sArk,awonderful series through the Unitarian Universalist
about gay men ofcolor. Church. You do not have to be a church
Acomedy seriesfeaturing gay and member to join us for an evening of
lesbian comedians. independentfilm and discussion.
News programsthat focus on gay The group meets the first Thursday of
issues around the world. the month to view a film at approximately 7
“New, Now, Next" a musicvideo p.m. atthe Lexington Green Movies 8 orthe
showfeaturing gayartistsand Kentucky Theater. Aften/vards the group
musicforand from our culture. discusses the film at a nearby restaurant.
Sordid Lives is currently being made into Our next meeting is Thursday, February 7.
a series to be shown this fall. Many of the An e-mail listingthe movie, theater and
same actors will be in the series including meeting time is sent the Monday before the
Leslie Jordan who played “Brother Boy", group's meeting date. To be added to this

‘If you go to www,|ogoonline_com you notification list or for information, contact

can vote for your favorite gay themed films. Davina at artemis427@yahoo.com.

They keep a running list of the 50 top films

as rated by the viewers and then show the

favorites on theirchannel. Female Room-mate Needed - large four
I have called Insight to request that bedroom house with large backyard.

this channel be added to their list of Tates Creek area. Rent $350, share

channels available but they tell me that not utilities. Contact Lynn @ 859 519-0127


Page 4

 Dr. Ted M. Richardson, O.D.
The most thorough eye exam -
The highest standard of eye care
Immediate Appt. For Emergencies
‘_“—""“— Contact Lenses
Eye infections
Foreign Body Removal
General Practice
American Optometric Association
Gardensnde Plaza 278 _ 4201
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Mon. thru. Fri. 9 to 6 . Sat 9 to 12
Late Evening Hours By Appointment
Medical Cards Accepted
We will Complete Your Insurance Forms
____-___. Bluecross Blue Shield-Option 2000
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Medicaid. Medicare
Vision Service Plan
Page 5

 9 E r "i.
e '2‘]? i , i ‘2 "s 731'
G LSO P111 é. Zemltte i
389 Waiier Are. 859 253=5§i2333 lilirl-n iii ir. 33. l\llr. - ‘ll‘r I?" ~ 9", Sui,
. ' i. ' o 7' , ...'
Valmtme 3 Din; Dinner LUBblciD A1 llblb
The Sheraton Four Points will be the $11th l’l'cs‘cntzitiiln l’cb 21
site for a GLBT Valentine's Day gay-la
starting at 6:30 pm February 14. Meal On Thursday, Feb. 21, at 7:00pm at
prices will range from $19.50 for Chicken the Pride Center, Pat Choato will be
Marsala to $27.95 for Prime Rib. Drinks showing slides of work by lesbian visual
will be extra.Apercentage ofthe meal cost artists (with brief mention of a few writers
will be donated to the Gay & Lesbian and composers). She will talk about their
Services Organization (GLSO). lives and the times they lived in.
Tables will be set for couples as well Artists Rosa Bonheur, Romain Brooks
as groups, so you don't need to have that and Natalie Barney were part of a lesbian
"special someone" to come and celebrate enclave in Paris in the early 1900s in the
the day. CallMarsha at (859)219-8045 for United States, Charlotte Cushman
more information, or to reserve a seat. sponsoredanumberollesbian sculptors.
Moneywillneed to be paidin advance. Come hea r about a part of
herstory/history that is rarely available.
”(id—way f0 MCAiidfl Open to all (18 and over). lltlrere is interest
we can follow this up in March with a
party 57¢!” 7&5. 23 7pm documentary about Gertrude Stein, Alice
. B. Tolkes and others in the same time
p‘ude genie: 389 Wei/[er Hue. period. (Co—sponsored by lnterweave.
Attending the Michigan Women's Donationls to the Pride Center Will be
Music Festival is an experience that every acceptec,
lesbian should have at least once in their BiSCEESSE-tom (Stream
lives. I have been 21 times and plan on fl-
attending for as long as I am able. It is a Every \chncsdzly Night
week fiat of music, sgirituality, laughter i’riclc cum“. 7 to a)
intense iscussions an joy. . , ‘
lfyou love Mich Fest come share your A” A” dem“
experiences. If you have never been,
come hear whatyou have been missing. Eefibmgfirem HEBSQQQEE’E‘
The festival is sending me a video to . _ .
introduce the festival to women who have Lexrngton Inelght wrll meet for our
never attended. I plan to have pictures, regular potluck on the lust Friday,
festi-food a raffle a few games to play February 1 at 7 pm at the Pride Center.
and more]. lfyou have attended bring you We do not have an lnsightOUT activity ,
pictures, festi—wear or other memorabilia planned at this time. lfyou have an idea, ‘
to share. if anyone has an item to raffle call Dana at 859230-2428 or bring your ;
give meacallorbring it thatnight, (33$ from 'deaStOthe ['eb 1 ”“0“”9- ’
rafflewillgoto PrideCenter.) _ _ 2
Info: Mary 266-5904 Visrtt WWtitrglisemrg i
marycrone@insightbb.com ;
Page 6

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Page 7

 . N E w - I hardships of this immigration experience. I
, .. ‘ _ English subtitles. t
: "=32 -: i i 1 ‘ ; Junebug EV
' 3"“ “-1: 2 . "'1 Tuesday, February 19 7:30 '
' .2” ‘ ;- .""‘--t.".‘-~'~~-~«- Central Library Theater _
g- “I“ _ . ".13.: 75535 This critically-acclaimed comedy explores
:31“ 'i .- . ”it“: class tensionsthat emerge when ta newsly
2;- . ' ‘ g I” ' .2.“ married couple visit the groom's family in ‘
3 " » it 3,. . 1 ~» h it.” North Carolina where traditional values
.2»... . .;. ‘51-. ' {List-5“" g. “O'dswaY-
13:23.: 2:“ ':_:"__;..,... a;-,-,..;,-_-;-,§$ The Real Dirt on FarmerJohn
1:13.533: "-1 mgxgfiiggggigii Thursday, February 21 5and7:30 p.m.
5:11:25. . *- 35.5355531f‘121222 Kentucky Theater
' A fascinating portrait of farmere John
The One World Film Festival iS Peterson who transforms his farm into an
celebrating it's Tenth Anniversary Year. experimental haven for artists, hippies and
The movies are free with screening at other political radicals in the 19605. When
either the downtown Central Library this adventure dissolves, he changes it
Theater or at the Kentucky Theater. There again into an organic community-supported
is free parking at the Library and at the agriculture farm
police parking lot in the evenings. Banish ed
Please Vote For Me 55 min. Sunday, February 24, 2 pm '
Sunday, February 10, 2 and 4:30 Central Library Theater
Central Library Theater This documentary examines a shameful
A third grade class in a small province in and hidden part of our History by revisiting
China is having a democratic election. three of the communities that forcibly
Three students campaign for class expelled their entire African American
monitor. The film's director, Weijun Chen, populations in early 20th Century.
says the film .IS a microcosm of My Country, My Country
contemporary Chinese culture. Tuesday, February 26, 7:30 pm
Radiant City Lexington Public Library Theatre
Thursday, February14, 5and7:30 This documentary chronicles events
Ky Theatre leading to the January 2005 lraqi elections
This intriguing tongue-in—cheek and identifies the human cost of bringing
documentary explores the development of democracy to Iraq, English subtitles.
suburban life over the last 50 years and the C om pan eras
effect that urban sprawl has had on Thursday, February 28, 5and7:30 pm
our scolety. Funny and strange. Kentucky Theatre
The Golden Door This film profiles America's first all-female
Sunday, February 17, 2pm mariachi band: Mariachi Reyna de Los
Central Library Theatre, Angeles. The film alternates between heart-
The story oftheturn-of-the century voyage stirring performances and behind the
ofa poorfamilyfrom rural Sicilythrough the scenes band drama, The film's writer/
"golden door" of Ellis Island. An English director, Elizabeth Massie, will be our
woman attaches herself to the family and special guestforthe film showings.
together they face the confusion and
Page 8 ' ' '

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Page 9

 GLSO Newslefler c¢|endur To schedule events at the Pride Center, call Bill at 253-3233 .__ _ , .
W Visit us on the web at: www.GLSO.org \ ;
FEBRUARY ————————|
Sundu Manda - , ._ Wednesdu 'I'hursola Fridu Salurduy \I
- r I. .l 3" T 1 Lexln nlnsl ht CenterO en 12n-2 7
Our Thanks to This Month 3 Newsletter Sponsor ”’3‘ 1’1?- "pot.Lu‘f.Z pc 9 1p magma p
_ _ I . _ _ _ L ijfl‘fm , , 2; oontactl‘orplace: Weekly Adiviiies:
" ' " " ' ' ‘ " “ ’ Mam‘age "'3. “ K. ‘ Mondays-
. . . b David Mamet . f ‘ " ‘ ' .
1757 A"":;§;;"2}7)8"_‘12°0‘1;3"lemme Feyb 1 s’r-24th fl 5 k 8pm - Gay/ Lesbian AA
For Showtimes & Tickets 9P mm"! Chair Discussron/Speoker(Ca// for
_ ,, , _ _ , ,,, . I , _ _ call-'859225-0370 °°"°°"@°°"W Location] 278-7103
'_ ‘ L ' H ' H M A 7p GsA(caIi for place 7pGLSO Discussion 10:30pAmateursmp Night .
1105383 Still?“ . 266-5904) “ GrourrPc @TheBan-‘I cent” "P“n 12" 29 Tuesdays: . .
6:00p Sister'Sound Rehearsal I, 'L M 5m“, - 'y 89 Sisms‘mnd Oman 7pm - GSA (GOV Straight Alliance
., . x , ~- ' I “7.9 3.6% Remember-When 9pm - Karaoke Tunesday @
_ , _ ” F , 2a,; ' , 2%, 2t“: flit-wry Center The Bar Complex
' I: \/ , ‘"’ .,,5'; on e
" " 8p Gay/Lesbian AA .
' Call for place 948-3434 weaned“?- .
W I ,V ,, I , , , 7pm - GLSO Discussron Group
, _- _, ,, - ' 8 m -Ga /LesbianAA Call for
103933. Mychar-SI Fl ‘7p GSA (call for place 7p GLSO Discussion , flaw If; Center Open 120-29,, Lgcation] :78-7103 [
11a'UU ChUEChy:g::?}V IIiII "m 266-5904) I, » - Group-PC ktfig ’
aggémperlamourt ital/713 Lexington Lyons-PC 1 . aft-31'5”} ‘ f gglfglrllfifasgag4§g434 '00P GLSO Boa Mtg. Fridays:
6p SisterSountiIReheaisal ;‘ ‘1 ‘ I 7 - I 1% l 9p Imperial Court's £7 8pm - Gay/Lesbian AA
IIIIWI . , : , ' , €51” W Annual Miss Gay HAP VALENTINE; DAY ,, , (Call for Location] 273-7103
‘ 3656‘? [31“ , ‘1 , , Valentine @ Main Street 10'30pAmateur Strip Night ;, ‘
I” ;If.x ”.,,;gfifl ,, l . ,. ..L‘“ __ , , , , , mum "twang "M“"Mi'" “WNW“
' _ l ..,r,,___LI?‘ , {:5 ' :, _ _ ' ' . . 7pm Lesbian Artist ,
10:I3IQIaISt. MyIchIaijsIIWW _, . 7p GSA (call for place 7PAGLSO DISCUSSION Slide-Show Presenation Center Open “II-29
"aUUfChurchgitsilair: 12:21? ”I 266-5904) » Gimp-PC ‘1 , ‘ 5"““V5‘
WORSisierSoUnd:Benearsal ,' . ‘ ;.;.i5 , ’I'IIiiug-III I; amt k’? , ' ‘ 10:00 am - UU Church Worship
r 511-33157 a.” * V ' 61% l , Egg ‘ a! ‘ Services.
Iijj‘ I; I: I; ' . " j 4,; i , «g/EW F If , 10:30 - Mass, St. Myohal The Mar
'_ "WW-~- spGay/LesbianA'A' ‘1. ' 6pm -SisterSound Rehearsal @
* Call forplace 948-3434 3 he Prflébeii er Landsdowne Presby. Church.
1030aStMychals H 3 »~‘,»’_”‘_"" I": _‘ 7p GSA.(ca|| forplace 7p GLSO Discussion . , » I Bi-wegkly:
ita‘UU ghurch "if-é; j: 266-5904), , GNP-PC" III,“ ' " 6pm - The Imperial Court
5Mtoggémpeflal Court , M , .. $99 , SoulForce -Call Jamie 230-5625
. ,I / 5 I _ , is“? ‘ i '~_I£ _ ‘ " :3, 45,-. 3
6 S' t Sbtrnd'R h a l»- , i‘ = , i: - l _ , ,5”!
p Js er I r: 7:6 ersa H \ -" 'L - ‘fié‘ " 1E axngE/‘V ' ‘
'i‘i-riiéi'r-mum- _’" :3: _» : ‘ I g V “ r"""'~». L ’ 8p Gav/Lesbian AA’ _ , ,
XXV ., a , - u - _ ~ ‘ ' ‘ ' Call for place 948-3434
"0'“th Acliviiies: More information about many of the events are in this newsletter. You may want to call or
email the groupto confirm the date and time, lease see the drrecto for hone listin s.
Mondays: 7pm - Lexington Lyons (2nd Mon.) Thursday: 7:00pm - GLSO Board Mtg (2nd Thurs.) p w p 9
Friday: 7pm - Lexington Insight (1st Fri.) Suiurduy: 7:00p - TransKentucky (1 st Sat.) Pride Center may be abbreViated - PC Call for Place may be abbreviated— CFP
a , a _ . .._..__—__———————————

 ll ' 0 You can leave voice messages at 1-800- B
BFCK and KEF 33V, Leis Rally 372-7181. KEF and BFCK wish to make this tt
Bluegrass Fairness of Central the best legislative season to date, so come c
Kentucky and the Kentucky Equality out, and let's rally! 5
Federation recently joined forces to . .
create “Equality. Fairness. Nothing More; Legmlatlve Update: 2
Nothing Less.", a lobby/rally day in House Bill 55 would revoke public 0
Frankfort on February12‘". universities' ability to provide domestic l:
The day will begin in room 466 of the partner benefits. Richard Henderson of F
Capitol Building Annex at 8:30 am. with Jeffersonville and Ancel Smith of Leburn, a
some opening comments and lobby both Democratic representatives, proposed 5
training. People will be given packets of the bi” and werejoined by 15 co-sponsors. e
appropriate information so that they can While the bi” has yet to be sent to a
lobby their respective legislators on the committee, we hope to see it assrgned to f
issues of domestic partner benefits at the Health and Welfare committee. This v
public universities, the anti—bullying bill, committee allowed a similar bill to "die" last (
and the hospitaldesignee bill. year (it was never sent to the floor for _
The event will culminate in a rally in discussion or voted on). If assigned to this
the Rotunda from 1 to 2_ The rally will committee,there isagood chance that itwill
focus on the fight to maintain domestic be allowed to die again. lfnot, Gov. Beshear
partner benefits at universities and will has promised to veto it- We expect this bi"
feature various speakers, including to be our biggestfight.
SenatorScorsone. The House Education Committee
Organizers are preparing by doing unanimously approved a anti-bullying bill.
phone banks, researching issues and Senate president David Williams, R-
talking points, sending blast emails, and continued 0” Page 73
identifying people who will be willing to ‘
lobby their legislators in person.
'th Oiifiurieithisfdal, cannotta/kle place K E l T H D O NIP H A N
w: ou e ep 0 voun eers. e nee
people to make phone calls, to lobby, to E LSTON
provide transportation, and to pass out ATTORNEY AT LAW
flyers and brochures. For more info call
Bluegrass Fairness at 859-951-4450. a...
To keep in touch with our plans as g l
they develops, go to www.bgfair.org. To :2. W
sign up to participate in the lobby day, go - «‘Z"
to the Kentucky Equality Federation's »“
website at: www.kefaction. ” ' "’ 4‘ fit;
While KEF and BFCK are hoping to '1‘ 3%
get as many people to Frankfort as
[pressibltz ifhyou :aonnotcaettend it (goes nnodt E LSTO N L AW 0 PF] CE
an y u ave von . ou an se
letters to your legislators or leave phone (859) 225'2348
messages. To find out who your
representatives are orto gettheirvariousl 51 1A WEST SHORT STREET
addresses, go to http://www.|rc.ky.gov/. LEX'NGTON‘ KY 40507
sage 15

 '809‘ Burkesville, is leading the charge against hospital room access. Hospitals would no
“ms the bill by claiming that it could lead to gay longer be allowed to keep domestic
:ome curriculum taught in schools. We do not partners out of hospital rooms if the
see any correlation between legislation patient gives them access. We would
that makes schools create policies against hear no more horror stories of partners
. bullying and the teaching of homosexual sitting in the waiting room while their
ubllc . . . . .
estic curriculum. The bllldoes not even include loved ones die alone or With unwanted
n of language concerning sexual orientation blood relations.
)urn protections. While we find Williams' ISenator Scorsone, D-Lexington, in
)sed assertions absurd and homophobic, many conjunction With Rep. Stein, D-Lexington,
lrs. senators will agree with him and we do not and Rep. Marzian filed the statewide
to a expectthe billto get out ofthe Senate. Fairness Bill. We hope this bill will pass,
ed to Mary Lou Marzian, D-Louisville, pre- butwe expect itto sufferasimllarfate this
This filed the Hospital Designee Bill. This bill year as it has in all previous attempts. We
last would allow anyone 18 and older to Will focus our energies on House Bill 55
, for designate a non-blood relative as having becausewe believewe can defeat it.
this ———————————
2:22 Rellglous and Spll‘ltllal Resources
Sbi” /’ “s , , _ .
'L/“i'; Umtarlan Universalist Jubilee Fellowship
ttee \\\\ l/ Church of Lexmgton . _ _
bill. °”" www.1ublleefellowshlp.us
R- The Unitarian Universalist Church Jubi|ee Fellowship welcomes
13 community is a diverse group ofindividuals members of the GLBT community and
with beliefs that cover the spectrum of their friends to join us in growing as a
liberal religious theology. We welcome you community of believers in Christ. We are
to visit by attending a worship service or fanatical about loving people with God's
one of our many adult activities. We are unconditional love.
located at3564 Clays Mill Rd. We meet at St Mychal the Martyr
Our Sunday Worship service begins located at 1350 Eastland Dr, SUIte hi5 in
at 11 am. There is a Sunday morning Lexmgton. Eastland Dr. is offNew Clrcle
Buddhist sitting practice at 9 am and a Rd one black North ofVlfinchesteer.
Buddhist discussion rou S n a at 9:45 If you have questions about our
9 P( a g )

. fellowship, do not heSItate to contact
am, both in the Allen House next to. the Pastor Cori Wood a 859 514-5518 or
church. . There are also adult religious jfellowship@windstream.net. If you left
exploration classesonWednesdaynlghts. the church of your childhood church

Our U-U- Church is a welcoming because of its rejection ofGLBT people,,
Congregation. Unitarian Universalists have you may find hope and joy in celebrating
long called for the full inclusion of bisexual, with us. We have a big vision and a big
gay, lesbian, and transgender people in God.There is room foryou.
church and society. UUs believe that the
life experiences of GLBT people include . _
sacred stories that need to be heard and More Reilglous News
celebrated. Please pay us a visit and on page 18
share your stories with us.

Page 13

 African American History Month heritage, is considered to belone of her I,
greatest works. Poet and critic Adrienne 5
Add"! Lorde Rich said of The Black Unicorn: "refusing to a
Audre Lorde was born on February 18, 2:; :figgféfrfi: y I . . L
1934 in New York City. She was the Audre Lorde writes ,3 ~. U
daughter of Grenadian immigrants of West as a Black woman, I}; "w h
lndian descent who settled in Harlem. She a mother, {v if _ V; I El y
did not learn to speak until the age of 5 -- adaughter, » .. ,f We h
and learned to read at the same time. From a Lesbian, I”, , '_ .. - ' A
that beginning, she went on to become a afeminist, r' 5 ‘ a;
writer who's works have been translated avisionary; f” K
intoievzgforelgnfinguzgif.r Coll ge 'n poemsofelementahwildness and healing, 5
or graue ue e l -
1959, where she later held the prestigious mghtlir‘taergdeggnlutgidlgetry’ Lorde was a 2
33$?anTSQ'L‘SSST‘Cil‘Sl‘ilf 53353122 ”we”? ejsiylstfifmg is Pa'leU'arly o
r em re r ancer ourna s
herself by working odd jobs: factory worker, ($3180) em wh?ch m
ghost writer, social worker, X-ray technician, ’ . '
and medical clerk. She earned her master's fourteen year struggle wrth We?“ cancer.
degree in library science from Columbia Shewrote manyessays about beingablack
University in 1961. She worked as a woman "1th? feminist movement, including
librarian and married Edward Ashley the compilations wand &
Rollins with whom she had two children M' One Of her most W'dely used
Elizabeth and Johnathon before they .qu°t.at'°”s comesm’mthet't'e “an essay
divorced. ‘ in Sister OutSIder "The Master's Tools Vlfill
Lorde considered 1968 to be the Never Dismantle the Master's House": . a
turning point of her life. She left herjob as Lofrde corswlflronted t oppression .m “'th r
head librarian at the University ofNew York ;nan.yi erms. e wroe O rails?- m 3 E
to become a lecturer and creative writer. emm's movement, omop o [a an r
She receiveda National Endowmentforthe sexrsm among African Americans, and Of r
Arts grant, and accepted a poet-in- $8.ka common ground With all people f_
residence position at Tougaloo College in “'1ng to fight for Justice. She wrote for I
Jackson, Mississippi. While there, she met W°.me" who had no vorce ofthelr °Wl‘- She f
Frances Clayton, a white professor of believed that many people are terrified to s
psychology. They were partners until1989. speak their own truths because they were p
The civil rights movement was at its taught to respect fear more than “
height in 1968, creating an atmosphere that themselves. (See quotation next page) r
reinforced Lorde's commitment to being a Lorde wrote particularly for women 0f F
writer dedicated to using her skills in the colorthroughoutthe world because-she saw
many struggles against injustice. it was at that they did not have a public vmce. She I,
Tougaloo that Lorde published her first worked to provide avenues of expression r
volume ofpoetry' The FirstCities. for future generations of writers by 00- \
in 1976 a major book company founding (with Barbara Smith) Kitchen
published m which enabled Lorde to Table: Women of Color Press. She was at t
reach a larger audience. This was followed the center ofthe movement to preserve and E
in 1973 by The Black Unicorn.This volume, celebrate African American culture. She t
in which Lorde explored her African frequently spoke upfor GLBT rights. t
H _
Page 14

 er In 1979 she was one of the featured Audre Lorde is the voice of the eloquent
1e speakers atthe firstnational march forgay outsider who speaks in a language that
to and lesbian liberation in DC. can reach and touch people everywhere."
Lorde was partners with Gloria Joseph, Late in life, Audre Lorde was given
until her death from breast cancer on theAfrican name GambaAdisa, meaning