xt7j9k45tc6p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j9k45tc6p/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2005-06 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, June 2005 text GLSO News, June 2005 2005 2005-06 2019 true xt7j9k45tc6p section xt7j9k45tc6p " ' GAY d
an ’\o , _ ‘ *
. 7 Less.“ . , A ._ NEWS
Lexington, Kentucky J une 2 005
A Publication of the flexinyton Guy and Eesbian Services Urganizatitm
Volume 20 Number6
The first Pride Event in June will be The 'mPeha' 00”” 0f Kentucky Wt“
the exciting secondary round of the Pride host Coronation 24 June 3-6 in Lexrngton.
Idol Contest. Twenty-one preliminary Empress 23 Lady Marmalade and Regent
winners will be competing on Thursday, Emperor Donnie EV Royse W'" wrap up
June 2 at the Kentucky Theater State another successful year of fundraismg by .
side The contest begins at9pm ' the organization with a weekend of events
Tickets for the event are $5 in culminating in the Coronation Ball “A Night
advance and are available at the KY at the Juke Joint” in the Grand Ballroom of
theater or at the GLSO Pride Center. At the Rgd'ffon l:laza Hotel.N rthA . 'II
the door, tickets willbe $10. Threejudges d 0: iers L"°‘T‘ aft—OS: o mlencawrt
will select 12 finalists who then go to the miss; t3]: mafia/g] (310$ tfigngat 0:12;:
final competition to be held at this year's I g '. ‘ h" '
Pride Picnic on Sunday June 12 ( page Showandthe Nine Inch Males Revrew.Atthe .
3) Everyone at the pichic will have the Coronation Ball members of the Kentucky
opportunity to listen to and vote for Pride ICourtvhllFelect ”TRW mhnalir’lchs ft: Reign 2:“ .
Idol 2005 mpena nnce . oyae I e amey a a
,The winner will have the title of Phoenix Gaye erI appear on the ballot for
LeXington's Pride Idol, and will receive a Emgesjwlanguhmtgjpaggmg; Paging;
trophy, a gift certificate from Disc Jockey Pass orts to all events pare .3560 (a $10
in Lexington Green, and studio time at savinps) and can be urchased b callin
Groves Professional Recording Studio to M' hg l t 859 25892997 y 'I' g
duce locopies ofatwo song CD .IC ae a ' .' . or emai mg
pro ' michaelthompsoni @msrghtbbcom.
In addition to coronation activities, the
VolunteerAwards Banquet Court will be hosting The International
Pride Month will come to a Court Council during the weekend. The
celebratory end with the Volunteer International Court ”continued he)“ page
Awards Banquet on Sunday, June 26. It ,
will be held at the Unitarian Universalist - -
Church, 3564 Clays Mill Rd. GLSO Rambow Sponsor
We need your nominations for the .
. Wasson Award (individual) and the ‘ I c rt {Ky
Rainbow Community Service Award mpmA 0“ 0
(group) byJune10. Who do you think ,
has done the most for the GLBT cormat‘m" XXIV
community through volunteerism overthe
...continued next page lune 3 - 6
Pride Picnic June 12 see pages 00 - 0’0

 ~__. , Volunteer Awards Banquet ...continued
,___ GAY and past year or years? Send in your nomination to
LESBIAN Iexingtongiso@yahoo.com or call Bill at the Pride
SERVICES Center253-3233. ,
ORGANIZAHON During the week ofJune 13 -18, anyone may
Lexington, Kentucky come by the Pride Centerto read the nominations
and vote during office hours M-F, 10 - 3, Tuesday
6'“. NM and Thursday evenings between 6 and 8, or
Saturday 18th between 11 and 2.
Vol. 20 No.6 in addition, every organization is invited to
Published Monthly by: choose and present their volunteer of the yearwith
an award for their contribution to that
GLSO organization's work . Even though volunteers do
RO.Box 1172 Lex., KY 40588 not do the work to get an award, the public
www.lexingtongiso@yahoo.com recognition of their contribution is nevertheless
WWW-websPawneT-Com/UserS/glsoqxnet important. Please choose a recipient and ask your
——-f- members to attend the banquet. It is a wonderful
News Edltor way to honor our volunteers and strengthen our
Mary Crone community. it is Pride in action.
—-—-———— The banquet is also an opportunity to
financially support the ongoing existence of the
GLSO Board Pride Center. Tickets for the banquet will be
Thomas Collins, president available at the Pride Center for $25. The winner of
Sarah Martin, Vice Pres. the Pride Idol Contest Will be performing. Call the
Pride Centerto reserve a place by Wed. June 22.
Ben Salyers, Secretary
Joan Brannon Imperial Court Coronation ...continued
Tom Collins Council is the governing body of the International
Mary Crone Court System. The imperial Court of Kentucky was
Lindsay Mattingly named “Court of Distinction” by the International
. Council at ceremonies in Boston in November.
Terry Mullins As part of the activities at the Coronation Ball,
Pride Center Office Manager the Henry Faulkner Community Service Award .will
Bill Chandler be presented. Nominees include Thomas Collins,
Mary Crone, Scotty Saltsman and Mary Ellen
Slone. Eligible voters will also elect three new
GLSO MOMMI'SMP alld members of the board of directors. Candidates
Newsletter: include Bill Chandler, Stephen Foster, Michael
individuals or Couples $20. Purvis, Donnie Royse and Robin Vlfiiliamson. The
For One Year Subscription. three new members will join returning board
members John Ridener, Daryl Royse, Larry Stanley
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News are and Bart Steam.
those “1;“; amhoghangggté’ecemfl’y Proceeds from Coronation 24 will benefit the
ggbfnsiggionsoigcoeive: after 3762:2037 e] which charities of the Court including Moveabie Feast
is the 15th ofeach month, maybecutornot Lexington, The Gay & LeSbian serVices
pn'ntedwhen space is limited. The staff Organization (including the Pride Center of the
reserves the fl'ghl‘ 1‘0 edit orreiectsubmiSSions Bluegrass), AIDS Volunteers of Lexington, and the
and adve’t’sements Kentucky Fairness Alliance. ‘

o Trtde Month events
Tride gallery flirt Opening ANOTHER NOTE PRESENTS
5 On Saturday, June 4 at 4 pm the
y Pride Center will host a new art show Another Note, a men's choral
)r featuring the works of artists that are ensemble, will present a benefit concert
children ofGLBT parents or are members for Movable Feast, on Saturday, June 4, at
o of the Gay StraightAlliance for Youth. A 8 pm. at Woodland Christian Church, 530
h reception by GLSO will provide festive East High Street in Lexington. A $12
it food and drink to celebrate the creativity suggested donation atthedooris asked.
0 of'burchildrenfl ' “Let's face it, the fifties were
0 Rainbow Families of Lexington, the fabulous," says artistic director Steve
5 GLBT parenting group, will proudly Johnson. "The concert will be chock full of
II‘ display works by their children. This will familiar tunes made famous by some 0f .
ll be an opportunity to visit with Jen and the great performing artists Of our time
ir Cheryl the coordinators ofthis group. including EiViS Preeieyi Patsy Cline, The
Teens who participate in our Gay Platters, Little Anthony and the lmperials
0 Straight Alliance and some that have and BillyJoel.”
e GLBT parents will also have works in the And what WOUid a concert from
6 show' Come see what the next Another Note be Without a little
,f generation hasto offer. Broadway? The Fabulous Fifties features
e a beautiful medley from three of the most
Unitarian Pride Service popular Broadway musicals of the decade
My Fair Lady, The Sound of Music and
l of ngigibriltaihiji?e:rei::::llset ghtihreZlIr WesLSDIIdenS’éorgy. information call Steve
IS Pride Service on Sunday, June 5 at 10 Johnson, (859)233 1730'
3| am. Please stay as guests for our first BOWiiHS for FAiY‘HCSS
Sunday brunch following the service. 7m Annual Tournament
II, The church is located at 3564 Clays Mill
ill Rd,justsouth ofMan O'War. In celebration of June Pride Month,
5, lntervveave, our GLBT and friends the Bluegrass Chapter of the KFA is
in group, also invites you to the Pride again sponsoring the Lucky Seven
w Readingatthechurch on Saturday,June Annual Rainbow City Bowling
is 18 in the Fellowship House beside the Competition. Thetournament will be held
el church. (see page 6) on Saturday, June 11, at Collins
e The Unitarian Universalist Church is Southland Lanes, 205 Southland Drive,
'd enriched by our GLBT members and Lexington. The entry fee is $15 per
iy friends. The Unitarian Universalist person. Registration will begin at 1:30
Association was recently honored by the with bowling at 2. Bowling should be
e Religious Coalition for Freedom to Marry completed by 4.
st for “outstanding leadership in helping This is a benefit fundraiser for the
as gay and lesbian couples attain and Bluegrass Chapter, anditis ourhope that
e preserve their civil right to marry.” On t [it . . .
ie both the local and national level, PndePICIuC ‘
Unltarians are activists in the pursuit of Sunday )fifie 12“ 12 ‘ 4
equal rightsforGLBTpersons. ”3:, See pagesfli- 17 ,.
GLSO Pages

 a number of organizations will sponsor Qulrk Cafe & Coffee
a team of four bowlers. Last year we
had a very positive response, and we Quirk Café presents The Bats at the
hope to do even betterthis year. Wlth Thoroughbred Theater, Railroad St, in
everything thatis going on this year, we Midway KY» 0" TUGSday. June 14- The Bats
betterll are a highly acclaimed and popular
Pledge sheets can be downloaded women’s singing groun who play to packed
as pdf files from our website houses around Kentucky.
bluegrassfairness.org. Ask your Join us between 5 and 7forwinetasting
friends to sponsor you as a Bowler for at Bacchus Fine Wlnes (right next 0'00")
Fairness. Each Bowler that brings in a The concert will be between 7 and 10. Quirk,
minimum of $50 in pledges will bowl for adjacent to the Thoroughbred Theater, will
free. And this is only the first of five be serving until 7 pm. The cost is $14 with
ways you oryourteam can win! dessert and coffee included. Reservations a
The organization that brings in the highly recommended. Call 859 846-4688
most sponsorship money will receive a forinformation, reservations and seating.
special prize. Quirk café is a new GLSO News
Abowler can win a special prize by sponsor. Watch fortheir ad next month also.
getting a strike when the colored pin is
inthe head in osition. .
We wilralsFo be offering a fifty \fifty More Pnde Events... page 6
raffle. So, if your bowling is not quite . . .
up to par, you still have a chance to win Prlde PICTIIC ...page 16 _ 17
some money.
The name of the winning team, ,
and its sponsor will be added to the j '
traveling trophy as the winner of the *-
. .. l) _
2003 bowling competltlon. s an“ '-
ln a No-tap Monte Carlo event, , . 2 ~ ‘3 ' X I -
knocking down nine pins (as opposed , ,I' C \‘ _ l ..
to ten) is scored as a strike. .{ l .
Periodically a colored pin will appear in y \I‘. ' \ ,-
the head pin position. If you bowl a ,' - ‘ . ¥
true strike (not a no-tap) you will win a . .
special prize. erk cart 51‘0“” bring you v‘
An established average is NOT .
required and NO experience in bowling The 3+5 i
is necessary. If you are not a member .
of a team, we will assign you to a team. ,
All you need to do is bring yourself and 12;“ Eflggf’xmmefi‘: .
have a good time bowling. . ma a);
Remember if you bring in $50 in , Tuesday, June 14 .
donations you will bowl forfree. WW3 W8 313mm?“ ““6 ' 5‘7 PM
For further information, call -Jim ‘ Defgx‘éoge‘iggfl .
Dickinson at 252-5801 (e-mail ‘ ‘$t4oerpergon .
JLD50ALJ@qx.net) or Shawn Fritz at ' (Sail for infonnation, reservatiom a; seating
859.351.4650. We look forward to (859) 8464688 j
seeing you on Saturday, June 11 at Quirk are 3 COM Wm “930408
130 pm mt“ 7:00 DJ“. show time
GLSO Page 4

 ‘ The .,
.2 litigant , ,
: Ci. an at Remus-kw ,
Regent Empne ror 23 Coronatlon 24 Empress 23
Donnie EV Royse
Lady Marmalade
"A Night atthe Juke Joint"
Sunday,..,}une 5, 2005,16 p.m.
Radisson PlazaiGrand Ballroom
Coronation Week Events
ln-Town-Show: Friday,.June.3,,8:30 p.m., Club 141, $5
- Featuring the talent of the imperial Court of Kentucky, including Empress JD Vaughn,
‘1} Empress Nicole Diamond, Empress Natalie Gaye. and many others!
if State Dinner: ',S_,at.l, June'ili, 5:00ipifm‘quadisson, $25
3‘ Reserirationevnequired." "S'ee'Club '14‘11'stafffor details.
;, Out-oi-Tourn shew: sai.','_,.lune 4, 8;30;p.m;, Club 141, $5
f Featuring theitalent ofthelntemationél Imperial Co’urt System!
: Nine Inch Male Review: Séti, JUne 4, 11:00 p.m., Club 141, $5
. Victory Brunch, Monday, June 5, 1.1ioOIa.m.- Radisson, $20
‘i A fundraiser to benefit the designated charities of
l j The Imperial Court of Kentucky
t f Moveable Feast, AVOL, Kentucky Fairness , GLSO Pride Center of the
— #
GLSO Page 5

 m MW sound technicians, promoters, etc. There
' are great historic clips of Meg Christian,
. - Linda Tillary, Holly Near, Mary Watkins,

croggmgg Pride Partg Cris Williamson, and Edwina Lee Tyler.

On Saturday, June 11! Crossings is But it doesn’t Stop there: There are
having a party tobenefit Aids Volunteers clips from several music festivals, great
of Lexington. There will be some great interviews, and music by some 01' OUF
raffle items and entertainment. Crossings young musicians such as Tribe Eight, Ahi
is located at 117 N. Limestone. Th are is Di Franco, and BttCh andAnimal.
also a Country Western Night on Sat. Thisfilmwilltakeyou backand move
June 25 with prizes forthe Best Outfit_ you forward. Let’s celebrate our musical

' . culture together. - .
Club Liquid , '

On Friday, June 17 Club quUId _ - _' _ . '
presents a fashion Show sponsored by The Phde Reading '5 being-hosted
Mac Cosmetics and General Essentrics. by. Interweave at the Unitarian
Participants will takepart in a survey . Universallstchurch,3564 Clay’s Mill-Rd.”
nominating their favorite local artists, M” be on-Saturdayfllune 18318 pmlnthe
fashion designers, etc. Therewill also be Fellowship House (The _farm house
qualification offered for a Miami trip beSlde the church). ' _
giveaway. . We encourage you to read (-or Sing)

. On Wednesday,June 22,the clubwlll anythmg you haveiwntteni Poetry, short
hosta Pride TurnABout Party where roles fiction, part Of your novel, music,
are reversed forthe evening. Acomplete whatever. The event is open to all- you
listing of Club Liquid events can be found can certainly come lUSt to listen.
on page 15. . Refreshments will be available. There is

GLSO thanks Club Liquid for no admission but donations accepted to
becoming 3.2005 Pride Month Sponsor.- coverthe costofthe tOOd- ' -

Radwal Harman”! Men ofAII Colors Together

Radical Harmonies . is an award
winning documentary produced by Dee MACT is a chapter 0f the National
Mosbascher, aboutthe evolution of lesbian Association Of Black and White Men
music over the last 35' years. It will be Together. We have social get-togethers
shown at the Pride Center on Saturday, regularly. Our June Meeting Wt“ be on
June 18 at noon. Some brunch food will Saturday, June 18 at Charles' in
be provided and you are also welcome to Lexington. ' Refreshments and a main
bringsomefoodtoshare. course will be provided. Please RSVP

In addition to winning Best to,MACTKY@aol.com and email for more
Documentary at the San Francisco information, directions or ride share.
Lesbian and Gay Film Festival, this film The National Association Of Black
also won best Soundtrack at the OutFest and White Men Together is pleased to
L.A.GLBT Film Festival. Andthe musicis announce its 25th annual convention,
definitely great. "Building Bridges... in Our Communities

Starting in the early 70’s, we see how andin Our Lives," to be held July 6'912005
the sexist policies in the music business of 'h Pittsburgh Pa. -
that time pushed women into learning how
to be their own producers and managers,, MORE PRIDE MONTH EVENTS PAGE 10


 our Pride Month Snonsors [or 2005
Real Estate Service With
if: nEsun's m '
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1 Scott Ackerman ”En'cnno“
Voice Mail: 859-294-2055
. Office: 859-269-7331 Serving Lexington
: E-Mail: SAcker4224@ao|.com &
‘ All of Central Kentucky
é Call me With all our Real Estate Needs
c Lu; Ll; w v
2 2331 Woodhill Dr. 266-0911
' , 31111635 mm 099% 1111155 «may»
2 JUNE I7 mam: snow
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 (" ,
.- Pmrm Pride (renter
Metre ' 000 Wallertlve. 050 253-3233 0100. - in. 10:00 - 0:00
7’ . Volunteers help us keep the Center open after 3 and on Saturdays.
h‘ I K ( ‘ Call ahead to be sure someone 13 here.
Save The Pride center campaign DISCUSSION GROUP
The Discussion Group meets every
As we reported in the '35t ”9W5'ette": Wednesday night at 7 pm at the Pride Center
GLSO has had “355 money coming in thts and is open to all. We strive to make this a
yea r. a? h ave ma ny ” ° ”'prot't safe space where you can be yourself. If you
9r9a_”'zat'°”s- We do have money commg enjoy lively discussions, please join us. For
In this month as well as some saved In a more information contact Jane at
Certificate of Deposite (CD). ladyjaneky@yahoo.com.
Nevertheless we can look ahead and see
that we will be in trouble by the end of this
year. It costs us about $1,250 a month to GLSO needs new Board members
pay our rent and utilities, including security Help us with grant writing, youth
andmsurance' . . group advising, fundraising, etc.
We have started this campaign to let
the community know in advance that we Step Up and Become a Leader
are in need of support. We have just sent ‘
out a letter requesting donations but there
are “harmingsyw ca” d°t° he'P- Pl'ille center Lilil‘fll‘il iiitiniitims: »
What can you do to help save GLBT History
the Pride Center? ‘ By Jane Minder
1. Attend the Awards Banquet. See ‘
Pride in Action. call 253-3233 for tickets. During Pride Month we have the
(See page 1)This year’s events should be chance to focus on our lives as GLBT
a lot of fun. The MC is Dan Bernit, a persons but our pride is not just ours.
member of our youth group and a talented Our pride has been built on the lives of
~ writer and performer. (See page 17) those that have come before us and who
2. Volunteer Time during Pride Month (we knew form our Proud history-
need help the day ofthe picnic and to keep You expect to find history in books at
the Pride Centeropen on Saturdays). the library but so often you won't find
4. Buy and/or Sell raffle tickets for our GLBT htStOW 0“ the shelves. Well at the
$500 cash prize. Pride Center Library you can discover
3. Subscribe to this Newsletter, please, , our stories from the beginning 0t human
subscription form on next page) exrstence through today. Learn about
4. Bring your friend to the Pride Center t:::eli\::20h::::eat:le;:r: 83050:? :2)":
:TISLZZtediyrsgtgfg:tt:sse|lon ebay. may findIthat these true stories Of. the
6.00 a Fundraiser for GLSO.» This could foadsgyére 1::treafsizgp:”;?ngfingugm:
be a donation of services, a dinner party, a GLBT history you willfind:
yard sale, or another creative event.
All Donations and Tax Deductible ...Continued on page 10
GLSO page 8

 Please Subscribe to our newsletter. It helps us get advertising
it brings in money, and it helps unite our community.
GLSO operates the Pride Center which cost $1,250 a month
including rent and utilities. We need your financial support to keep the
Center open and to continue these community based projects.
Pride Ubrary ActOul Theatre Group Pride Month
The Gay Straight Alliance for Youth The Dress & Gender Alliance
The Speakers Bureau GLSO Discussion Group The Pink Pages
Name : Phone:
City: State: Zip:
[ ] 820 -l year Membership & Newsletter for Individuals or Coup/es
[ ]/ would like the newsletter at this reduced rate $
[ ]/ am enclosing an additional contribution of S
Please mail to: GISO News PO Box 1172 Lexington, KY 40588 1172
Richa r Hazza rd
' mmmwmfiwmamuwmm
Game and Experience
Lee ,1 it * Mustang =' “ * " " . .
, . (y: ' whee > ‘ . . '
Good W Bad" Credit Gfimmnw‘fgl/
. No credit Bankruptcy We , ereditApprmi
assess-3370 ueflor.1.-BOMOI-‘03-GR
.. r, f2 ' .,,p- .- m .. mu
_' I I GLSOPage9

 . » Pride Library.. Continued from page 8
ACtOUT Presents. 5;"._.’f_';i~7.‘..:',’;x Before Stonewall: The Making of a Gay
Last Sunday In June (“fig and Lesbian Community by Andrea Weiss
- “’ & Greta Schiller (Callnumber: HQ?6.8.U5W43)

T0 ”mg ”"39 Month ‘0 a Close Bisexuality in‘ the Ancient World by Eva

éotOdUT I’T‘ilieaterdCrotug bprelsents TLa:t Cantarella (Call#: : HQ 76.2.R60361)

un a n une irec e omer ra y ,

and written by Jonathan TolilnsTolins also Boots Of Leather, Slippers Of 60/31" The
wrote “Twilight of the Golds” which History Of a Lesbian Community .by
ActOUT produced several years ago. All Elizabeth Lapovsky Kennedy & Madeline
shows will be at the downtown Central D‘DaV'S (ca"#”HQ75'6'K47B725)

Library Theater. Free parking is available Coming OUt Under Fire [Videocassette]
behindthe library. > (Call#: VlDEOComi)

There are five opportunities for you to Gay 500k 0f Days by Martin Greif (Call #1

see this play. The last weekend in June: “975'2'673G824)
Friday, June 24 and Saturday June 25 at 8 Hidden From History: Reclaiming the Gay
pm and Sunday, June 25 at 2 pm. The andLesbian Pastedited by Martha Vicinus
nextweekend: Friday,July1 and Sat.,July & Martin Duberman (Call numberr‘ HQ
2 at8 pm.Admission is $10. . 76‘25'H527)

"Last Sunday In June" takes place in Hiding My Candy: The Autobiography Of
an apartment on Christopher Street, the Grand Empress 0f Savannah, The
Greenwich Village, New York City where a Lady Chablis by Lady Chablis (Call number:
group of friends gather to watch the Pride PN2287‘L4A3) .

Parade. Michael (Marc Roland) and Tom OUt Of A” Time: A Gay and Lesbian
(Brian Rollins) are the happy, couple History by Terry Boughner C(a“ # : HQ
whose apartment serves as a meeting 752368094) . _

place fortheirfriends Out of the Closets: Voices of Gay

Their friends are mu|ti_generafiona| Liberation, 20th ANN/versary ed. edlted by
which helps to give perspective on the gay Karla Jay & Allen Young (Call #: HQ 76.8.U5
community including how time has 088) _
changed us as individua|s and changed QueerStreet: Rise and FallofanAmerican
our community. We get to know these Culture, 7947-1985 by James MCCOUF"
men and their problems, as they watch the “33'”: HQ763~U5M131 0388)
cross—section of gay life parading by. The These and many other b00k5 and
friends are played by Darrell Maines, Ken videos can be check out from the Pride
Waibel, Bill Chandler, Nathan Henegan, Center Library. The Pride Center at 389
and Bradford Spears. There is one WallerAvenue, is open Monday-Saturday
female character, Susan (Heather 10-3
Adkins), who gives her own perspective. -' .

This play is about being gay within a ,' 'Keep the love you find,
community that is becoming more main w Get the loveyouwant!"
stream every day. The various characters '
have a range of opinions on the state of Jessica Bollinger LCSW
our community. Some are celebrating, _7 _ .
another is tired of the baggage that goes Imago RGIatIOI'IShlp Therapist
along with being gay . . EMDR Trauma Work

This play has received great revuews ’ ' couples, Family, Individual ,
and ActOUT Will do another excellent JOb imagoconnection com 859-6533
ofpresenting it for our enjoyment. , '

40+ Club Pride. Plans on pg‘l 5 I

 The Imperial Court of Kentucky......................252-3914
A Charity Organization
2005 rams MUN!!! SPBNSBBS:

Scott Ackerman.

For all your real estate needs......... ( voice) 294-2055 (mobile) 338-8483
Club Liquid

2331 Woodhill Drrve2660911


SisterSound 2430243
Diverse music for all women

Richardson Vision Center

1757 Alexandria Drive Gardenside...............................................278-4201
Ernesto Scorsone

Attorney At Law 2545766
Unitarian Universalist Church

Seeking a Diverse Congregation................................................223-1448
Kentucky Fairness Alliance -
Bluegrass Chapter8064114
Windy Knoll Farm

Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding......................................299-7410
Laura Wigglesworth
Long Term Care Insurance specialist................1 866 582-2426 ext 4212
Quirk Café & Coffee 859 846-3688
Railroad St. Midway KY.
Debra Hensley lnsurance..............................................................276-3244
1513 Nicholasville Roa


 “u. “mung. G'Iendflf To schedule events at the Pride Center, call Bill at 253-3233 ..._.
J u N E 2 oo 5 Visit us on the web at; www.webspawner.comiuserslgisoqxnet ,\ ‘ . .
‘ Sunda Manda Tuesda Wednesda Thursda Frida Saiurday \ ‘
7p GLSO Discussion Pride Center open til 6pm 7:30 p Gay/Lesbian AA fifth“: F832? Kids
More information about many of the events are Grou .pc 9p Pride idol Semi-Finale (call for place) ecep °" .
in this newsletter. You may want to call or email 8p Mgtep Study (call) @ the Kentucky Theater. 3:30p Imperial Court 3P Another Note 50 s WOO“, Aeflviliu:
. the group to confirm the date and time, see the In-Town-Show @ Club 141. gzzzzzngfizgland
directory on back Page. ? 3530p i.C.K. Out-of-Town Mondays:
Pride Center may be abbreviated - PC m V - Show @ CM’ 141 8‘ at 8pm _ AA
Ca" for Place m be abbreviated- Ca" 11pm Nine Inch Males Discu33lon/Speaker[Co/l for
; . y , , , - ... . . . . . ,.. Location]
. ' ' _ I _ . 9 F ‘ Tuesdays:
10a U.U. Church Pride 8p AA Open 7p GSA (call for place 7p GLSO Discussion Pride Center open in 6pm ‘ .30 p Gay/Lesbian AA a rontrunnerleaikers _ ,
. . 7pm GSA [Gay Straight
Service Discus3lon/Speakers 266-5904) Group.pc call for place) @ Arboretum All‘
2p Women 40+ Club-PC (call for place) 8p Gay/Lesbian AA (cell) 2i3 KFA BOWling for lance)
6p Imperial Court Fairness @ Soutiand Lane Wednesdays:
Coronation XXIV @ the 7pm - GLSO Discussion
Radisson 1 Pride Party @ Crossings to Group
SoulForce (call Jamie 230- y i benefit AVOL- 8pm _ Gay/Lesbian AA (CO/l
L_i_.~___aaw__#_______# ,_#_#___#_________._L_______________ for Location)
‘ . | , ? 9pm - Rainbow Bowling
108 UU Church 6p Bluegrass Fairness-PC 7p GSA (call for place Newsletter Dead-line Pride Center open til 6pm 7:30 p Gay/Lesbian AA 9a Frontrunners/waikers League Southiond Lanes
10:30 aSt Michel's 8p Lexington Lyons-PC 266-5904) 7p GLSO Discussion “a“ WWW) Arbmetum F 'd °
11:30a 12th Annual Pride 8p AA Open 1 12" Free Film @ pg " “YS- .
Picnic Wind Knoll - » Flag Day Gr°“P'PC ‘ - - 8pm - Gay/Lesbian AA
@ y Discu35lon/Speakers 8 - l Radical Harmonies .
. Farm featuring 2005 Pride (can for place) p Gay/LeSb'an AA 8p Pride Reading @ u_ [CO/l for LOCOTIOD}
Idol Finals - Saturdays:
. . , Church Fellowship
4P Integr'ty @ St- M‘Chaels i House ‘ Qam‘ - Fronlrunners/Walkers @
i UK Arboretum
l _ ‘- _ ‘ 1 Sundays:
Happy Fathers Day 7:30 p GLSO 30mg “0- 7p GSA (call for place 7p GLSO Discussion Pride Center open til 6pm N780 p Gay/Lesbian AA 9a Frontrunnerslwaikers 9:1 5 & i lam - UU Church
108 W Church I 8p AA Open 256-5904). Group-PC i033” for place) 8p ActOut presents Worship Services.
10:30 a 3} Mychai s Discussion/Speakers Summer Begins , . 8p ActOut presents Last Last Sunday in June i 0:30 - Mass, St. Mychal The
6p imperial Court Mtg-PC (call for place) . Sunday In June @ @ Public Library Martyr
SoulForce (call Jamie 230- i Public Libra . ' .
5625) i ry 6pm — SisterSound Rehearsal
l 00""th Western @ Landsdowne Presby. ,
Night @ Crossings Church.
, ‘ 7pm - LMC Rehearsal @ Si.
103 UU ChUTCh 8p AA Open 7p GSA (call for place 7p GLSO Discussion 1 MiChoeIIS EpiCOpOI ChurCh.
10130 a St- MYCha' Discussion/Speakers 266-5904) Group-PC .
2p ActOut presents Last (call for place) - 1 I II-woakly:
Sunday in June @‘ . ‘. 6pm - The Imperial Court
Public Library l SoulForce _
I Call Jamie 230-5625
Monthly Aeliviliu:
Mondays: 'I'uesdays: Wednesdays: Thursdays: Fridays: Saturdays: Sundays:
7pm - GLSO Board Mtg. [3rd Mon.) 8pm- LexDGA[1st. Sat.) 2pm -Women 40+[2nd. Sun}
7:30pm - Fairness [2nd Mon. ] 4pm- Integrity [2nd Sun)
8pm- Lexington Lyons [2nd Mon-Every 3 months]
GLSO Page 12 GLSO Page 13

 In. fairness Alliance WHY ADOPTION MATTERS f9
HII‘BS NEW community III‘flflIIIZEI‘S For All Ost 6
, , By Shannon Stuart-Smith u
Ky Fairness has hired two new staff h
people. Colmon Elridge '5 KFAS new This year conservative groups will be
Eastern and Central Kentucky Organizer working to introduce legislation in c
and has set up h's Office at the. Pride Kentucky to repeal the right of LGBT c
Center, S89 Waller Ave. In Lexmgton. peopleto adopt. MostGLBTpeople know c
Coimon '5, a native 0t Cynthiana, KY' and that gays should be allowed to adopt. I:
and now lives t” R'ChmOhd' He received'a There is little need to discuss the pros and
Bachlors Degree from Transylvania cons of gay adoption among ourselves,
University _ and a Masters tn PUbt'C for example, whether gays make good .
Administration from Eastern Kentucky parents or whether children raised by
University. ’ -
gays are psychologically harmed, etc.
C°tm°n served as head °t the The more difficultissueforthe LGBT
College DemocratsofKentucky, aswell as community is whether or how much we
chaired the Minority Caucus of College should all “care” about the legal right to
Democrats ofAmerica. He also worked as adopt Forthose ofus who want to adopt
aspecial assistantto House SpeakerJody (or have adopted) the answer is easy “of
higher-ah”: and other KY Democrats over course!” But for the rest of us who will
yOurt new Western Kentucky neveradopt, isthis an issue worth fighting
Organizer is Casey Willits who has moved ggTWehg Theme adoption matter for a_l/
here from Arkansas for this job. Casey Arguatiiy adoption is not the real
te'he us havmg worked lextenswely on issue and that's precisely why it does
LGBT and HIV-related issues. as the matter. The real issue is aboutsomething
leader ofPRIDE, astudent organization at that we all “knoW’ to be true and at the
the Uhtvete'ty of Arkansas. and as the same time it is about something we don't
founden of the first h'gh school “know.” We “knoW’ things consciously
Gay/Straight Alliance in the state of and we may say to ourselves “Whether
Arkansas at Fayetteville High School. He gays have the right to adopt does not
hee organized actions such as a Day of directly impact my life andtherefore I don't
Silence, pride parades, Scouting for All have to care about ado tion ,,
rallies and inter-collegiate conferences. and in that sense we may even behight ' _
Both Casey and Colmon are deeply But there is another sense that
committed to the grassroots organizmg adoption does matter that we all also
work that KFA has pioneered overthe 12 know, deeply know, intuitively know that
years of our eXistence and are passmnate makes us both uneasy and painfully
about working fora broad vision of social aware and why we do have to care
Justice .connecting issues of sexual Adoption matters, gay marriage matters,
orientation and gender identity to the gay rights matter, all thethings that every
struggles 0t people Of color, poor people, gay person does matters, in the sense
the idifferently-abled, women, youth, thatweare,andforever,connectedto one
immigrants and others. another.
KFAWIII accompIISh a IOt With these Human beings are social animaIs'
strong leaders 0” Staff They can be We enjoy complex social arrangements,
reached at: such as language, culture, politics,
Colmon: celridge@kentuckyfairnessorg government, laws, rules, rights, society,
Casey: cwiiiits@kentuckyfairness.org. ...Continued on next page 15

 etc. These are a special set of social Coronaflon Schedule
facts that as social animals we cannot
escape. They bind us to one another in a Friday, June 3
unique social way that we all both benefit In-Town Show 8:30 pm, Club 141, $5 ,
from and sufferfrom,'collectively. Saturday, June 4
Directly and indirectly. To ignore the State Dinner, 5 pm, Radisson Plaza
collective impact of these somal facts on Hotel $25
our indiVidual lives is much like a child Out-of—Town Show 8:30, Club 141) $5
covering their own eyes in the mistaken N' ‘ ,
beliefthat others will notseethem. iri1e11nc$h5Males ReView 11pm, CIUb
C|gb Liquid Sunda