xt7j9k45tc05 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j9k45tc05/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1915-01-14 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 16,  January 14, 1915 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 16,  January 14, 1915 1915 1915-01-14 2015 true xt7j9k45tc05 section xt7j9k45tc05 ’ ‘¥
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Y- ______________. .... -...,.....--.----,..-.-......--...._-.,__..,.....; .........,..,..,_..___,_________
\N l Illllll Slllllll WIIIS 'HEIIHY BMV Ellllllilllll Illlll BASKET 8All 'IIASHIIIG Ellllllll "[IHAHl[Y’S M|lIl"
1 p ’
r, . I ___ ___ l
14* ——— '   1  
{ Winning Team Selected to   DL Tuthm Conducts Com' Teams Under Direction oflstlidgllt r[A}§3ri§;i03l E;_€I}(¢i of geason to be Feature at the
Meet Georgetown msmorstwn Cs"°m°m°s Coaches Prepare for | d 5atr° fm ar Vemng Swry Of may
at Cemeter Cha 1 an ast 0 Charact.ers—All Ready
M3I'Ch   y pe ' COIlt€StS. For Cu]•tain_
‘ WREATHS FROM WEST •·•·•··•·•·••·•••··•·••••••·•·•·•·••·•·.·•·•··•·•·•··•··•·•··•·•
i The Union Literary Society was       e •
in completely victorious in the debate Dunne vsnsueny an unusual honor ____ • PLAYERS •
  with the P¤!\¤'¤¤¤ S°¤l°$Y» dsf°¤d*¤8 came to the University in connection Under direction ot Coach Brumage 4 •
J *-hs ¤¤°sU°¤· "R°s°“'°d· 1*::- U: Mg': with {hs ¤b¤erv¤¤¤¤ of ¤ 0°¤W*'! °‘ aud Captain Morgan basket ball prac- O Lord Fsncourt Bsbberley ......................... Lee sanumarm Q
E *‘°° D°°¤’*¤° ss°°*d ”°i ms" °”° · wm with Greet Britain- At the nm nee has been Menon Once more • usa c¤••¤•y .................... . ............. Leon M•¤c¤¤•k•y •
is Wh¢¤ N ¤¤¢¢¤¤d°d *¤ Ys: 8 P°"ms‘ hour on Christmas Eve, 1914. wreaths with the www of __8·m,, Tum. •|» Gnu-ley Wykehsm .............. . ............... James MCCOHHCII Q
Y ¤¤¤¢ r>°¤¤°¤¤*°¤ °* *h° °’ **8 °“¥’ P"` of evergreen from 0r¤s¤¤ MM wm • llr Francis Chaney ............................... Emery rmt., •
Q ssstsd by Psssidsst Bs"k°"· sud in Dl¤<*¢d 0¤ 016 tombs 0f H¤¤¤'Y Cl¤Y» of from me mph ju S 8 wmmt in O 8t•ph•n 8p•ttl¤u• ......................... ~ ..... Wllllam Shlrmlek •
‘ ¤¤¤f¤r ·¤ three ¤f M ¤¤¤¤ <>¤ sw Albert Gallatin ln New York mc or W·•¢ V*r•i¤¤· •·¤ ¤·· ¤¤¤ ¤•¤ •·=·-·¢ • amen ........................... . ................. John Marsh •
B varsity debating team which Will G0- John Quincy Adams, ln Quincy. Pro- practise except Jlmmle Park, Who II 0 Donna Luela d'AIvsdor•: ...................... Katherine Mitchell 0
NM with G•°¥'8°*°"'¤ C°“°$° s°m° lessor W. A. Dunning. of Columbia out of me nm, {cr gh, uqou on ec. O Els Dshhsy ................................... Adella wlmamsen O
\ time is Much mr the chsmpmusmp U¤iV9|’¤lY·Y. Wi! iii CNU'89 of W9 09N* mug; of mjurgd ghqumqr rgqgivgd in O Kfffy Vlfdvll .................................. . . .Reb•c¢a Smith Q
{ s' ”‘**'°*Y- ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ i¤ New York while Mr- W- C- me Purdue gms. , • Amy spmnque ..................................... Allee 4;.-.,,.,, •
. The man chosen for the   Ford. a nom   and wruzn The   glmo of th°_·m°¤’ umd • ' •
, Wim ***6 C- W- Bs"°Y· S- S- C°mbs· presided at Quincy. and Profclwr gm- me ugh with cmcmuau, wu 0 0 O O O ·|· ·|· ·|• O Q + 0 4- + 0 O + O 0 ·I· O O O 0 ·• O Q Q 4 0 ·|» 0 Q
NW Y- N- P¤`¥¤°"· Wm! J•·°°s 8- ssh Edward Tuthill was ln charge at Lex- neuen nn The mst sane of me .
IGY, of tha PGNYBOD team. as “"·9rnBt°· ingt0n_ The press of the country, sewn   be   s·turd·y     I Hergwish is   the cm M
l The loving cup was presented to the especially the metropolitan jen.-nds. wmt Maryvmo Colle"' in. the Ah lwill prut on The St.rollers' latest and
two socletles two years ago with the ennteined notices of this mph, ee.-°.Im°"· The mn gum wm than _ {greatest play, "Charley’s Aunt," at th•
· n
5 understanding that It was to belong to meny_ be with Umvsnny of Lmnnmo on nl. I Ben All Theater. Friday evening, Jan-
’| the one that could hold it two years Below is the addrus delivered et nm The schedule N yu I- m°°m_ . I- luary lo. under the stage direction ot
g ln s“°°•"i°¤· the Lexington cemetery chapel by Dr. nlete but nt but net mere men me l Hsrbsn G*'¤h¤·¤¤·
{ The }¤ds¢¤ who ¤•>¥¤¢¢¤d *110 Wi¤· Tuthm, same. wm ne seen en me heme seen *_‘"' "Chnrley’s Aunt" is an English com-
Q {nm! mm W°"° P"sf· T- T- J°s°s· "THE HIGHER FUNCTIONS The men ue rnnnmns into seen. UI11V€I`S1ty Receives Copy of edy with scenes laid at Oxford, and Is
PN!. C. R. MGIGDGT ¤¤GHP1‘0féJ0h;1 gp THE |·||§TQ§|AN" som and mould be in the pink of     Brownas uL0uiS_ the most successful college play ever
l M, E. Llgon,of Lexinzton igh choo. awe are asggmblgd today to pgy g condition for me Louisvme game. ville and Kentucky·,, produced. It had a run ot fourteen
while Prof. L. L. Dtutlléf. -711686 new tribute to {hg Mfg and seyvgcqg oy Some of the men who ue showing up hundred consecutive performances in
Ch|u}m9Y• Prof. P- P- Boyd. Doctor the mggtgr of Aghl3,¤d_ At 3, moment won are Cnptnus Morgan, Ireland and     LOHGOD when lt. HPBE CIIDQ out. "Ch8.l’·
Terrell and the Rev. T. C.dE;t¢;; che: when Eu,-one is in [hg uu-06, or the Kiume at forwards, Zuma and Server ley`s Aunt" is a scream from start to
{hs Wim mst s W s s W most calamitous war that ever visited at center, and gmt;. Tuttle, Gumban Among the books recently received mush-
G°°rg°t°wn' this 8l°b°· Ws css ssssmbls t° °°m‘ and Schrader at guards, Ou [hg sac. by State University School ot Journal- The amusing situations in the play
msm°*`s·ts*‘¤°s s° cslsbrsts ss hss ond string Hopkins, Schwan; Sgudllul ism, is "L0ulsville and Kentucky/’ arise from the predicament in which
s s H M    b¤¤¤ h<>P¤d··¢h¤ °°¤¤I>\°¤°¤ of ¤ h¤¤· sauer, Draffln and Bama; are shaw. edited by Robert W. Brown, managing Jack and Charley Hnd themselves
. dred Yssrs °Y Psscs with the sums ing good material, editor ot the Louisville Times. after inviting their very best girls,
I branch ot the English speaking race. The schedule up to due includes the The boar, a typographical beauty, Kitty and Amy, to visit them to meet
na   S   "Snch an occasion is not only rare following senses; lg a small volume or 116 pages, pro· Charley's aunt, Donna Lucia, from
s land, therefore, historic in itself, bull January 23. University of L0uisyme·fugely illustrated, and contains manyiBr‘&Zil. The aunt. fails to arrive on
· —··—— lit provides the occasion for historical at Lexlngt0n_ `lmer-eating tact; not only about the l time and the boys torce the unwilling
Emlnent Soprano to Ent‘er':"°s°cu°“ sud "isd°m· Usf°"““st°1y| February 5 and 6, University orlactual city and State, but about Ken- Lord Fancourt to don female apparel
talll N6Xt OH Lyceum lhlswrlcel Wisd°m °¤¤¤°* °<1“*P Us s°*' Knoxville at Knoxville, tucky people who have become ta- and impersonate the aunt.
C0urgg_ im lhs Pmblsms 0* lhs f¤°¤"°· but “'° February 12 and 13, Vanderbilt Uni- mous in the nations history as states- Both Sir Francis Chesney, rather ot
  __* _ f  f _ ____ _____ _ _ __________ ` ,
;- (Continued on Page Fivcj versity at Lexington. (Continued on Page. Six') Jack, and old bpetugue, the mild vil-
D'· Aims W°°““"` P°"°“· ’°°"““°·|  February 19 and 20. University ot -—————;—————————— lain or the play, tau an love with the
will be the next entertainer ln thel ~·· A. ’.··· Tennessee at Lextnntnng __  n_  { e;_ :·y_ ·   vast nuns of ..cOin.. the Donna is sup_
Eywum °°u:°' ·'pp°°rm8 in Scam; » K: ·` ‘— » I"0b|'¤¤!'Y 26. U¤iV6|'¤i!Y of Lollil-  __~-··  .. - posed to have. and propose marrlage
n nlverslty ,hapel Saturday GVGD 118.} WU We _ , _ · ville at Louisville.   V     .` A to the false Lucia.
JBDUUY l6· M¤·d81¤6 Powell combines] ’?‘Q_ W - 1- , March 5 and 6, Vanderbilt Univer-  _;e__-it ., The plot is further complicated by
s· lecture Ou "M“si° as s· Humsnl s . `~J    __ sity at Nashville.   `   · the arrival of the real aunt and her
Need" with u musical Dl‘08l‘¤¤1. U1 *·· i wt GI;-I•’ Iaeket lall.   .`· V ward, Bla Delahay, with whom Bab-
Wmch sss 1¤¤•¤r•t·¤ the °°""°°s mssic xs   Prospects for g|rls' baslet ball look s · berley is ln love. Brasset, the cynical
'·° sPP°s·l s° ms "s·"i°“s sypss sf mind _ very bright this year. With Doctor `   lbutler, has a very ettective part.
The chsrscssrlsuc music °t ms dm"` * * * Tlgert as coach practice has been go- ‘ ` 'l`he play is interspersed throu
_ . · . ghout
sm ssssms °f ms w¤r1¤ is sssd by M lng on steadily since school re-opened. ni _ -· ti `_ [with beautiful loves scenes, in which
Msduss P°w°u W ¤1¤¤tr¤¤¤ sbs dm"' n Q-·   _·-_, Five ot last years’ regulars, Captain _ it s gg; . the members of the cast show especial
°¤°° in ncsu Vim- `   Hughes, Misses Heller, Wood, lnnls ' ' proficiency. The tinal curtain unda
D'- P°Wsus 1°°'·“’° ir tssss {mm     and Taul are out tor practice, so the   nearly everybody agreeing to "uve
ms ulssis which sbs submistss *·° C°' _ V _ team must needs be at least as strong -· e ` happily ever after; and not to try any
mmm! U¤1'°""·Y· She ss"'. is hss _ s`  as last year. Misses Bastln, Engels, ` ,,,·____ {more deoelt,
U 1¤¤t¤r¤ mss music is s ’sm°dY for ' T`; Geisel, Williams. Robinson and a num-  ·'_;__:.— - W n I Leo Sandmauu, who plays the lead
nerve diI1\l!‘b¤·¤¢0¤. il I D¤'6¤0¤'V6d of U ber ot others are showing up well.     liu this performance, has been a Strol-
, 010 !I0\1lU6|. Nd tbl! is hu I <1¤¤¤1t¤ rn ‘ ` The Hrst game comes 08 Saturday. U l ler since the formation of the organiza-
plaoe in the scheme of 86¤0l’¤-I 0d¤¢8· _’ . January 23rd. The Louisville quintet ls Q Itlon. He was lu "'l`he Vlrglnla," "Tha
mm- “\‘¤¤° P°W•u» isms sm! hs? has always been of the tirst class and - "’ Y | Lost l’uardlse," and has been lu Keith
i¤WU9°W|I \°m°'sm•¤'·s· is sud W · It is reported stronger than ever this - ` lvaudeville as a regular pertormer, He
be ·         wu     so the game   got   M H.   i“'uS slug`, luavuugar of ‘•’[‘hB  
(cgnugugd gn pq, gu,) °°"d° ‘•°U¤! N! ¤•¤¤| i¤¤•|’¤•¢- G¤¤*‘d· |Widow" last ye3,r_ ms interpretation
S UTI 7 7 QT! 1- C
‘CIrI `A t`Frd N htB Al 25 1
Cl By dy Q ·. ., .

Q ,
2 T H E ID E A
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures Go Where the G0’s Go.
“°°‘ IHE ORPHEUM IHEA I RE °"""'°"“
Mc At Admission l0c
FIROT-c\.Ass IN EVERY APPOINTMENT J. H. STAMPER. Jr., Own•r and Mana r. OPIN 10 A. M. to 11 P. H.
of the purr of the pseudo-aunt ls lsugh·i BEN ALI THEATRE T0! mlnlng, ls dlrector of the lnstltuto. I
able ln the extreme. "llswled out" by, 1-T T Prof. H. D. Easton, of the Colima!
AD A M   me- two boys who got hlm Into the! 'mhh “‘ Vogel! Mmstrels wm be {of Mines and Metallurgy st Kentucky
scrape, proposed to by two ardent old T II" numcuon Saturday mstmm and State University, ls ln charge of the
    s:•·uH<·men. kissed by everybody clse’s_°`"`"i"g‘ (rm"` °m`°° thm th" i°!9prlngfl¢·ld District or the institute.   I R I S
ulrl, and made the confldant of theimgt hvmmhm mp bam mmstml (ml Prof. Tsshof also vlslted the labors-
lzullvs, Lord Pom-ourt nal»l¤>r1¤·y has n ` H"` "”"l’ Mr" v°g°I hu Md wm° °x`,tor1•·¤ at the University of llllnols. for every Occ°·i°n•
2       lively stage existence. llslrmwe   pleiimg American °u`?z0Ing through the assay and oro dress- fiolgr f¤::’;g\;amn'
‘ _ ¤nem·es e en re program s new~m laboratories gg gg 3 QQ Qfy,
T Miss Katherine Mltm hell as the real Y rz . n
3 ·- 8lIOW8 DAILY - · 3 mm with E wm of humor, »..... the and wm be ·¤···¤*¤¤ ··· MH -¤ •·¤*¤*·! _........-. "I¤¤i¤¢ <>¤ A¤‘¤W·
lpart most suited to her genius. She mimng‘ lR. A.     up
  ,.mlc..my¤ 0m·mr· lll her comedy _ T‘I""" “· ‘;"“°‘ ‘“ ** '“'°"“‘ “'“°““l RECEIVES BURNS mm Pubody E Cm Tm mlm
Inc MATINEE I00 Tsvenes mm nouns. Mm Mno1lo11,am1 ‘° we l’°°p °· I R A Mm! nm ha tm th | ' ’ '
1 , _ I , _
unc NIGHT 200 No me Sm****· as Km *****6 *···* 2} "°`“§`;§,'§,“"“°°‘ ““’ “°°‘ ”"°’ “"“"lU.M..ty c..}'Le..m {QT .JL..t, LMI l ‘——-—-——-—‘ _" " —l—_
—. tt tl T d_.:»cto . . ·T
;i··¤·<“ HQT W; sm; gm   pm yi »ml..r.l ...r life mt Mm, m..,,,,CALAGIS 8: CO,
Wm A ISS km B ove scenes wt     and was seriously bumed while at-I 8“°°°”°" *° SARR" ‘ cc-
UMNT [NWO'! NUV *|”|lI•m•M Jack show to her great advantage. t H t T t n T hl k l   W Main  
l empngopu ouaren swor- . .
. Louis l\lac(`loskey and James Mc- l         shop in the Main Building. EE". EODA FOUNTATN TN TH.
  Connell, as the amorous youths who "**' CITY, FIN; ¢AND|||
gm in Wh mum Over the msu student. in ··n.qoap.s·· um wm be Mr- Milllsan WM Mono in hi¤ ¤h¤¤ —-—-—-—-...-TT-
·   lrlvnl of the aunt, gives excellent por·| A"l9”°d *° w°"k N•“ when 8 CB: of W"' Imcz wu;     V
on a , ,
5 Q lnrayuls of the manner ln which young} Semootcr. m gut; Ov: Over my MM gulmm • . ‘
\ Q _ _ . ,
¤'a· Ms men act when they are afflicted wlth -—- 8 _ng eu Oordon kn; rh n   P
;.`·j wz.   love. Loule has one of the few gen- That °"€"Y student takin! KYm¤“‘ guns Oven B an Jac 9 mug t re I
  / "/ uine English moustsches an mo um- ium work will be required to learn to “"d h" "' b“°l’ °‘"“°° °“ "‘° "igm of
   T' It wmty. and rms will also be on ex- Mm ¤¤ order ¤¤ ¤¤¢¤i¤ ¤ v¤¤¤i¤s h“;‘: ;‘“‘L“": T: °‘: “f° "im '“'°‘ K
·<¤$és.T{/ mm. nom they and wmlam sms- grade. wasthe ¤¤¤¤¤¤¢¤m¤¤t made by °‘ ‘ ‘ W" "" °“" ’“'° entucky I
’   "‘°"’ “""° "‘“’“ S"°°"‘“°· “‘° ‘““"" ”" “° "‘ "“" °’”°“ '“°‘ "°°‘° “"“‘  ZT h'YHI.Y°'°.§"°$"”tf'Z'”§`° osrm me tuition in all depart-
 ‘ ian of thetwo gms, have been ln otherllhe ¤¤¢¤l¤s ¤f Mw ¤¤¤¢ ¤¢¤¤¤¤t¤r in '"' ""` "K ° ,“ “ p" °“ ° ° '°
  |Stroller plays. ,F¤¤r¤¤rv. ¤11 . r¤s¤1¤r s>·r¤¤¤¤i¤m L" ly ;m"“°"B“ ;'°"‘"‘5 Xi"; ;h°"` ments to the g r a d u s, t e s
Q · , an s. amos . yous u o own
·°·~ 1 Emery   ed M* ·~¤· “*¤¤°"¤‘”°"‘ “‘" "° "' °°°“ "““°"· ‘“‘° ‘" from th., bum,. ooo., ....¤ put out 0* K¤¤*¤¢kv Hivh S¤¤¤¤¤· WM
land Williamson are new members of T men in the classes will be assigned to
lane orgamzauoo, but lf their work con- w¤rk in swimming. bcxlns. wrwlins, ""’ °'° °“ °h° °°°" with “ "““° °'° we Prepared to €¤t€¥' UN F¤‘•|h·
` [l[]uPS on t]]B   plane   have as- track and hand-ba". €x‘t&u8\§::1°r. ' b t   {    
; sumed, they will be seen ln several fu- Th6 W0¥‘k hl ¤Wlm¤1i¤8 Wm U6 A r` gan S uma wom ma n
O l I I me pl,,ys_ especially emphasized rms sprang and “‘° "““‘“°°“ °'“°° °°" *’° “° °“°" E¤¢h <=¤¤¤tY in tiw Shu il
Come and bring that girl. Brmglonlv those physically disabled will be w"°“ °°k°“ t° m' b°“‘°‘ entitled to send FREE of tui_
,myb(,d,·S gm but d0n’t_ ml to botoxousoo from mss cms. Freshmen T*‘° b“"‘“ °"° “°"’°““· “‘° ‘“°“*
xbm. The stmsmxpm every .ma‘-·m be required to swam wo mas. ’°°°"° ”°'° “‘°‘ M'- M““¤°“ W twn. m¤tr¤¢¤1¤t¤<>n. 1¤b¤r•t¤ry
{bodied student to be at the show, and and members or the Sophomore "°“u“$ °“Y· and other fees one or mon ·p_
lzuaranteo an evening roploto with ` classes 200 yards, ln order to obuin g       O ’
;laughs. ··chor1oy·¤ Aunt" will be up nnssins grade in sym. D01¤t¢¢¤·
{to the stronor standard. ` Students desirins tc take advanced SATURDAY, JAN 16· Necessary expenses modern.
< T _j__•_______ Twork will be taught the more dlttlcult ";t · .
O iq- •|» 4- 4- 9 ·|» 9 4 4 4. + •|» 4 4 Qistrokes and will be given instruction _ The third cad? Imp that was   F0! full 1Df0l‘!D8t10l1 1‘8[|td·
, _ _ nounced for last aturday, will be he d
  HoNo::sI:§N|N;:R;LEN\;MAN :|:r;;;;:€w;?'; t;;*°u·:*i)*:*‘;dd§:nl; saturday afternoon, January T6, in mg appointees, courses of Ihldy,
, 1 l I I l Buell Armory. t fb d t 1
Everything Reauccd 1+ ..t •|»‘made of canvuc and weighing approx- COS 0 OB! , G C., spp y to
To- Translated from umm by ·•·|i¤¤at<~1y 50 pounds. This will be (_Chm*"°'°"`Jm8s coms but Once E yearn H_ S_ BARKER’
And af Prices that Count \·I· M. Plsgah. ·I·,lhr0wn into the water, and a student ' l President,
l .  
4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. ja 4. 4. 4. 4 4 4. 4. 4. wlll dive in, grasp the dummy with _ _ I
l l Sl1l°l`•:l` t*Xl.l`€lll8 |)l€3Slll`t* Ul. llll.€I`·Tb0th hands and swim to the end of       Inxmgwm Ky.
° *· ···"·· V ··——*·r—•———;···-   
S °t O t vlmx of Hon. Mr. Sandman, the Lead the Uillk. This iB 0¤€ of lh0 IMBSC ;"‘_ "·—···   ·· ·
U1 S, VC1`CO& S, _ _ _ _ | -—-————— s
muy ot t llarlay s Aunt, eaogllsll pro-I¤¤¤<~th<>ds of teaching the stroke with FOR PENS D PENCH-S The College Boys
o q ll()l1llC#*l Hon Mr. Sandman telllilw i'€¤l UDIY. BD l¤t6¤‘6¤U¤8 variation •
    lstory or me as well as no remember it.‘<>f which is Bwimminz UN l6¤Ktb 0f TABLET5 AND FINE   _
  l¥•· say he been born at early age aud I the ltlllk With B. lighted Candle ln each   '
    I   fin boy condition. "My ambition wereghiwd-   C
1 9 ` to become a 1aoy,·· no report with spec-. Owing to lack of equipment. no at- JO!-lNS’l'0N’S CANDY T
ltgplp pyprpggignl "and it jg about now T Iélllpt Wll be l118d6 to [Ill'!) Out 8 BW1HI·  
C E to no realized? Using law tor-m, ··1¤ ming team, but merely to instruct the ` _   Es  ___   “
aps, tC• tact, it will be realized Friday mghtflstudents in the rudlmeuts of this srt. Wm, E,   • •
[ When ask who is best actor in play! ln addition to the speclfled 100·ys,rd 309 Wu! Maln Strut   | 0
Prices marked Way dOW¤Y`sl1(>\\‘ he announce with expresslve\8.lld 200-yard BWUDB. i¤BU'¤0U0¤ WUI  
look at fl1€ wink0= S 33 YOU`snarl, "Modesty t'orpids." Hoo Saud-ibv given in swimming on side and ' _`—"`   " '
pass, Tnlunl ;=uyMwl;ln :1;+1111 looks   §1;1lyibH€k Mid in ¤lml·•l6 dwlnli-     I   ` T
Trnva s . au e (ams, an on. er-\ *‘—"‘•*""_"
--3-* ¤l¤¤¤- _ l He also vlsltod uuuou Mine amos O.
L2xi")gt0n igar On YANG HANG· station at Springfield. The state 00¤· 1 cry or td `
lncorpontod l -.-,.-. ,,.,...-._-,. n ‘l a °‘
, . trols the mine rescue work and at the
Msnufscwrsrs 0, T lloms to the guy who flrst tnvented
. ‘ station instructions are given ln tlrst _
    ESIWD. alal und rescue work. llllnols is far T • •
  l ) l   - ' E lll u(lV&l.ll(‘(r‘ of HIOHI BIKIBB lll l.hlB work        
Us WEST MATN STREET ~l utfulllzé OUT AdV0l’IlS€l‘S.l r_ l ‘
__ ________r M _ - l Ihe lllnois Miners and Mechanics   _
. . Institute uses a room at the Rescue
U“"°'“’*Y L}'“°*‘s 2*** d mz. J. D. KISER \S.m.,.. for educating me mlm. an .   . l
cn". •x°|“;v;y mu fu eqn   EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT the ordinary school branches of learn-     A   *
uw Flcuny ° uu mnffnf G, sPGEc|A;`I$TO d lim: as well as minlg practice. Mr.|
-_ · IIIGI TOUR 0 I' GT. _ _
A. B  P- I Tj Mcc,,,,.,,d EuHd|,,s_ IR- Y- W"““'“*’· l‘°'*dq“*"°"’ “ Um'} ]24·]28 North Llm€§t0l\C LOXil‘\[t0I\, K]. ~ '
gon. •. umurroua AND COLFAX omg. •>h¤¤• oszx n••w•n¤• nmx "*'***'Y °' “'*¤°**· °¤°°’ °•P•·”¤¤°¤*~ ’ _
.__._‘___ Jl

 Best Copy Available
T u E 1 0 E A I
I I ’
` !••AGS••   HECS97 MEETlthl¤ mason and followers are eager? pall and get acqualntd
• , SATURDAY NIGHT l '° ¤*’* “ ""‘* "" """' °'°"“" '*"°'“"’”· l wnth our advertisers.
J J     J J ‘ ._..... I Maryvllle ln reported tn have a stron: ~—————— —— --e——~~ ~  
i Thorn was no me-etlng of the Agri-§qu|n“_L (ymwh nmmnga Sum Iam {  
nulutrnl Sm-lvty Monday nlzht. ltl
 .........;  `nlght that the llnenp would probably
wlll bn hold at Patterson Hall Satur-{he: Morgan, captain, Zeno"' mp    
I   MY mgm ““d wm b° “ j°'"° ""’°u"“ l wards; Server, center; Tuttle and At L••n•rd Haul '
'nh "‘° H°"“’ E°°“°'"*°" m“b· the Scott, guards. With the exception nfl NON! IQTTIR
» { l>‘¤····¤ *•¤*•· 0* *¤*¤¤ wm *·• me Server these m all lm year vtrsltyl ¤¤¤•w¤¤-L •¤¤•-. v·r•¤»¤•••··•
l e   Alf Bllllll Ilfllllllll MADE EBUIIIIMIIIS HEMI       = “ ‘
A squad of men have been prac- • •
‘ ECONOMICS ASSOCIANON tlclng daily, and should be ln gondl The Sanitary Grocer
IS Awarded Second Place in Kentucky Assoclatoln Holds ghgpa hy Saturday nlght. ()th€I‘
National Contest   Meeting- and Re-€l€ctS The Kentucky Home Economics As· games whlch State has scheduled for C r 8 Llmgstlggglinzzgl IM. Av-.
in west   ·ni8   r soclatlon held its regular meeting in this your are with ('lnclnnatl, Louis- ° ‘ ‘ rg
gl ° ce s` the Education Building Saturday, Jan- ville. Vanderbilt and T9¤¤€¤BG9· ';'"`_`“_—“—‘_"_l;
¤ TUTTLE HEADS LIST ’rl»·» Kentucky Asmlautm of Home nw 9-l Quite}? ¤¤;¤¤¤r }¤f *;<>¤1¤ (mmf me m———g€_tc0ncm wdmm  
.—..... Economlcs new na semi-annual meet- *‘··°°“°'“ °“ "’“° ""‘ '°‘“ "" “° °°“ in Mm mn amended W,
_ over the State were present at the EVM men K A
The apple judging team returned mg Saturday, ln the Education Build ti nd man im Mmm hues mmm of Evan Wmmms at the Ben   L T.   _
Monday from Morsenwwn. W- Va-. mg or state untvemny, me meeting ***9** ng B Y P P AH Tueqduy evening and heard the _
where they won second place in the lasting from 11 0·c|0ck unul 4_ of the work W¤!'¤ di¤¢u¤¤¢d· Old fmgomes Bmw by me famous 127 Ch¢dp81d¢ y
'ntuu 'ml an other mama mnt The meeting was called to Order by A delightful luncheon wu served to tenor ln a brilliant manner. The con- H°“” 8 “·m· m 8 °·m‘ Ph°"° Bu'!
·N°°b ins mm by New J°"°" MM Mary H Sw°°"ey' WM wu "` the member, of the association, by cert wm for the- benerlt of the Assc>·. —V—-—-— ——————--—
As BUN ¥‘¤¤k¤d mth l¤¤¢ YM? ¤¤d elected president ot the asoclatlon, me H°m° E'°°“°'m°' U’“b °' the Um' vmmd Churmes of this city. l
KOMUGNY ls not known M 8 wide? in the other offlcers, also reelected, were "’““Y· / I
|v!•|0 8Y0Wi¤8· it WM <=0¤¤*d0¤’¤d ¤¤ Julla Johnson, Covlngtnu, v1ce·presi~ TM “"’“ m°°u“$ °f me A"°°*°u°° Mm. Madison Csweiu, of Louisville. DO You Know
KQIQM shbiving f0I' thé Mlm- dent, and Miss Bertha Torrent, L0\1i¤- wm be held in Louisville during the widow of the dlstinguishéd D0€*· who gnu be" il none ‘°° 'ood
Maryland and Delaware followed the A report was made by the teachers _'—INlN‘ T NOT` ES muh Tuesday afternoon in u program! graph? Be on the ah dd.
l Kentucky team in the order named. committee concerning the standard of! M ° Or gong; and readings from the w0rk¤ l uid we
· Y ***9 ¤¤¤m ”¤¤ °°mP°¤°d °* W- P- requirements for home economicsi Bruce Hagel-, of me class or *12, In or Ml-. cawem. sue was enthunlutl-K
'fuwe, R. L. Blerbeum bud B. W. teachers and the text book commltteelgonege gf Mme; and Metallurgy, was cally recelved by an audience lhet,     S  
HND- 'I`¤m¢ WM Mah mw f°" K°¤‘ submitted u list of wit b<>0k¤ which ln town tor • tow days last week. taxed the capacity ot the Arte Club i Peng
Wd? Md uw mst mm in the °°“t”t WHS ¤DD¥‘0V€d- iliager was • favorite while in school Audltorlum. This ls the tlrst of al 3]] W, Mgin Sqgg,
to Mmm J“d8i¤K· The members of thi? Home E¤0¤0• and all uf the fellows lu the mining series ot recitals which Mrs. Caweinl The Student,. Phowinpha
NQW JN"? w¤¤‘b¤¢h nm and ¤°°‘|miC8 Club ¤91'V¢d 3 luncheon Y0? the department were glad no shake hands wlll give ln various cities. She will E
end on individual excellence in judz- members of the association at 1:30. wm] mm ggyg, appear before the Cameo Club of NG" l f__... __ _
***8- In ¤M¤¤d¤·¤¢‘¢ Wéféf Mis! I'! Sc°¤· Alber his graduation Hager went York next week and later before the B•nkart I Fotsch, Pnprlngn
l A9 um ’“'*" °f tm' °°m°"~· 'mwh B€¢¤Y M¤di¤0¤» B¤Wu¤5 G!'¤€¤i M!'·Iwlth the W. G. Duncan Coal Company New Century Club ln Philadelphia Ea lc Ba er  0
WM held Bt iM ¤¤S8¤¤i|0¤ ef U1¤'Frazler, Superintendent Home Econo- in Muhlenberg County, when he re- ;_. g p
*9** '*"!*¤*• C°"°!'° °* ·*¢’*°“l*¤’°Imic¤. Louisville: Mrs. Clarence Mar- mgiugd Ulu] August, 1913, Hq mt The Horace Mum Literary Society 0p;g:nE°;•;;‘ IL-,:';‘::::”r}°::[•;:“_ _
wmlout the universities being in any [in, Misses Mary Hahn, Clara Sachs, tm, wmpmy on account of ulnegg and enjoyed a Bret Harte program at NS Lcxlngtorn Ky_ I
mn °f °’8°""°u°°· ° p°m'°'°°“° Y-•°¤’¤Vm¤¢ F°'¤¤°i¤ Hvvvlow. mdk went to his homeln Owenboro when meeting Thursday night, January 7. FIRS1-_cLA8s WQRK GUARANTEl¤  
“lO¢g'uo was formed to D!‘0m0i9 work of mend; Lila Booker, Richmond; Alllll hg lg at present logged, He is acting Professor G. M. BBKBF S¤V¤ ¤¤ intel"   g
th" son It is t° be k“°Wn “ th° Mw J°h¤¤· Aubyu Chmn- Clin WYm°· business manager ot the Owensboro eating sketch of the life of Bret Harte, MQN MG After ul! GIIDO It G
¤•¤*°*`*‘ ‘m°"°°“°$*°“’ I""“" J“d8"“$ MM? E- $W0¤¤¤Y. Rub! B¤¤h!¤l¤» Inquirer, or which his rather, the Hon. telling of his parentage. the exper- M   '
146*8**9- P"°f· A· H· A‘d°"m““· °' M¤’8lP€¢ O`D¤·7· C¤U¤°¥'|¤° Ch¥'i¤U•·¤· S. W. Hager, formerly State Treas- lences of his lite and lntroduclng ln a. C
M0¥'8¤¤Y0W¤· W- V8-. WN €l6¢Y0d D|‘0¤· I Lols Bartlett, Jessie Acktr, Julia Van um;-_ lg Owner and editor, few Words. two ot H¤’¥·•`¤ stories. when gl] ig Wd] md GQQU,
ldent, and Prof. F. W. Hofmsn. who Arsdoll, mate speck, Elizabeth Farm., Bruce says that as gqqu u he has "Tne Luck of Roaring Camp" wdl
vvlched Nw SUM ¢¤¤¤¤· WM ¤l>D¤i¤Wd‘Mary Burner. Brllla Lloyd and Lolia gufflclggnly recovered from hh; tunes; ··M1gg1e¤," which were read by Mar- I HN Ch¤¢¤|•¢•. Cllldy INI INI
- chairman of u. committee to draft e. t mult, he expect; to ge; bgck mw me mining gnret Cassidy and ina D¤¤‘¤¤U· I
constitution and by-laws. I ____.,,.,..._.. uma "Th¢ Luck of Roarlng Camp" is the DL   Edward Gordon
` -—’file lrindsome cup won by the Newl FA|wmn|· WIEK A succnll ______,_____ story that mule Br•t Harte fsm0u¤.\ DENTIST
*QY¢'9€?'·$•i¤ Ms to be vm rum >·¤•r¤l ..... • * *• • • • • * • ‘• • * * * * * * and ··Mlggtes·· ls his most artistic, MCC _ _
ln ¤‘*°°“"°“ *0 b°°°m° tm p°’m“' F‘urmers' Week was quite a success °•     •‘ story. d Budd"',
nent property of any team' H1 the Home Economics Department • • • • • • • • • · · * · * • • • 1 Th0 Horace MMIII will IDBGI BKIIJD G0 To
“ '“ ‘*°°"’°" ‘° °"°‘”‘° °“°" ‘°““‘ 0* the U¤**¤¤‘¤*¤¥- The lecture mm Some or the students of me new de ‘°'"‘m‘ johns’ Dru Store
T: 6|!tr¤c0df:0 sf $3.00. ::6 l;I;¢;?€; was filled wlth a responsive and BD- partmont Ol journalism are developing] pHI AN. Next to P°“%mc• »
u secure 0 e used n
8 preclatlve audience at each session. gradually mw acme newspwm. wl The regular meeting of the Phm} For Prescriptions Stationery Soda V
` !¤i¤0l' DPil•¤· Mags Sweeny was quite mrtunate in porter. and correspondents with smb hi mt r Societ was new • •
* —- —~—— —•—•~ ~ ~·- securing as one ot the members on trying mmm Marcus C Redwmo Sopt aguy Giziig at _: 30 in the wauro cutlery: Pipes md ugus
Y V . _ _ · · yes er ’ . 1 . .......—._........ -
he always laugh ut the teachers joke. the program Dr. Mathews, head of the has become a regular correspondent recreation han of Patterson Haul All ~ W
t No matter what they be; department or Home Economics at for one of me Mg cm, dunes in me th numbers of me program were t ' """" '"" .,  """ J
' ‘ l ° .•. 1::::t ;;;;;w,     ·.
N°‘ ”°°“““‘* "‘°’ “'° '“““’ “"°"° |*’“""“°· A" ""° "°°"“ “’· M“"‘°‘"‘ comme new and h¤¤ received tW°itgken what- from nl-owning or from ‘ 3g` yy il " L.   »l"
But because its policy. —Ex. were delighted with her address. mommy checks for work done for mslmla Wheeler Wilcox. _A-1 _ it :3     , ffl 1
paper. Mr. Redwino ls a. Junior in Col·| The young women on the program ·· r M *‘· · ‘
' l ` ‘*• L _ , B. S leg? of Ans and Science and with °x'|were Miss Lois Brown, Miss Ina Da.r—
X ¢X¤¤!t°¤¤ ¤88¢¤t t¤¤‘¢ \¤¤·‘*¤¤¤€ M ¢¤**¤* 0* the m¤¤¤·*v we null and Miss Natura wood. At the   Have SMB IZ
{ - t , licatlon of the Eastern Kentucky State next meeting an election wm be h8ld_
UI I5 Il Normal School, ls doing Junior work   By Walking OD t8(!k€¤
;· —--< l • · • · us. He soles when we SEV
* f l     B in journalism with good resu   } , ,
' P   I u       tg specializing ln court reporting, us-         _ A th€lI OH f0l‘ the 88.mf
` I     I { lng the Fayette Clrcult. Court as his iu ,__ L- .._   Q [)l‘lC€. Work d0l\€ whnle,
I °$?@tl(j‘" •·\   S  laboratory sem. #       YOU Willi.
  \ l , ¤
. \, · \ _>
  t I MV A· D· S°h°"““°*g*’l· *’· student pi-? ‘ `,            
{   ` ’·“· i the College of Mines was i “• t
l*»¤%>·;»+<#¤¤y,,9 ‘““‘ ’°‘" " ‘ U·R» . t- NEXT. 113 South Broadway
' · F I. Now In Pr¤sr••• i lt in the clt durin the holl- K-——   `W · t X .1........i. I
  Wl$,_v?,;gKq‘ I a v s or y g   ‘§$ . · - `
yy  I days. Mr. Schoenseigel is now e. stu- e & .
Etc l·*·‘•   9 • ldeht at the Colorado School or Mines.     S     . Klnkead Coal CO,
, i;~~»»·4 :,\ ' Young Men s Sunts, Ovcrcoats 1 { t mmsm ¤.~·-— — »—> _ _ _
,§g§"l,H‘.'&i)t O He was u. ll16mbBl‘ of thé VETB ly 00 · ’   Anthraclte and Bltumlnoul
,,.5 H   " and R§||\¢0[t| and Qu _be.ll team at that lnstltutlon last fall, _   Q   I O ‘
· J¢l»é!-;l‘w.% F _ h, t whlch team won the Rocky Mountain   sibmlly ,,9mAm__`  2;    
'    __, —, UYDIS mf} DOW R championshm --- ·~~ Lexington, _ Kentucky
N "‘ *' 3....   ‘“— “`·’ * · rr ·———·—·——·——
l ` w' IS"  M Th M k former State ' ' ' " " ' ' """""'°"’°°’
` ,` X? ks I'. OIDIB 8.I' B. 8.
ll ey   BIG RED UC TI ON S student. mw ... the U..·m.m M L.M.LA1L JACK DUNN
°°§`·‘~€‘; '    Michigan, was in the city durins lhv
` I   "!}?`~‘ \ Christmas holiday!
`· W}- • • • ’ ‘ •
i-gy; ing, Thu as a Great Savmg T.mc __ Phggn px Habgydaghgyv
I   For Y0 J. ll. Turner, graduate manager of, ‘ ’
'   u athletics, has announced a. basket ball· SU` 93 fl? CO Iégc Men
* Fu- l
i V Ima - V , game with Maryville (`ollege, of Mary-l and
_ ·‘ A           ville, Tenn., Saturday night. The Makers of Enghsh Chltheq
‘ ` I game wlll be played in the gymnasium, [
\ · - . .
· . • $14-sw Wet: Main *m·u ;"°“‘““""‘ “‘ “ °°'°°"‘ _ *’*·¤•··¤ H¤*•* ¤*¤¢*· L•¤¤¤:•¤¤. Ky \
_ c¤'dmums__w,W  Mm i Thls wlll he the States first same •___________ _________ __ ______ _____ ____ ________•••••••
ia- .
O · r

.·' I
{it ·r n m ID m A
,______._._ .,._ _,.,-,...- -........—-.-·~-—~ -——-•—-— *··*'***"Y*'* · •—•4¤ — _s¤• .••··;——¤ 
  ', S `   Some mlslnformed persons who saw
» '1 HE IDEA   .. ..
- •r¤• 15 on the front of the Nat-
Pnlllahed every Thursday throughout the College year by the student bod! ural Sclence Bulldlng In The IDIA W   S  
of the lute Unlverslty of Kentucky, for the benefit of the u¤d•r·   y   e
graduates, alumnl and faculty of the lnstltutlon. plctulgullmt ';°k rm 'mziw :n°'
  .-.- . -?e—-—-T-»·»—-————~———-»T-   Whv ¤ ¤I 0- WH ¤ I ¤*¤
THE IDEA ls the ofllclal newspaper of the University. lt ls issued with flrst. I
‘tI• View of furnlahlng to its subscribers all the college news of Kertuckyi UWIANUNQ
maglmma gzlesgsf items of interest concerning the unlvers tlee 0 Some of th. om ,.¤_“·,, mnt an __
 47;W__n;_ g V  _g p   :1 ;;__;_  I _ r :t__:;_T_:_________:_. Chu-tm·· Mud", in Mun mg mm, Swearing destroys your sense of reverence, lt weakens your beet prin-
gunecmrrlou, out DOLLAR Pin v|:AR. FIVE CENT! PIR GOPY lmprevements or the Unlnmty in ¤|vl•• it lov•rs all of your standards and compromlees your ideas et rlgnt .
K. lingered at Lexington Post Otflce as second clan mall mlt\•r. Dum,. much me nm, mum". unt and wrong,
 ====‘·——*’——·"""e;ei=-==;—**———-S “*‘***~‘-::"";’*”’:= · Swearing ls so hurtful that the man wh h t GUARANTEE IVIIRY
aononm. enrr, 1•1+1•1¤. ""' ’°"' "‘°“‘°°" '"' °°”° °‘°* STATEMENT HE MAKE wl ° °° ° i
OLYDI P TAYLOR mlm! In four 0,- ny, yur, md .0 O", w S TH AN OATH, ls regarded nowadays as n man
J   e.e..e.ee..•e...•............e.·......g.;|;£LLt                 1
· * ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘'''‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘'°''‘''‘`°'‘‘‘' of me hot wlm. ,;,0,,,, um ww, Put lt on the lowest plane——what lt makes others think ot you. lake S
~' Aseoclete Edltore. tu, hn been c°mpl,t“_ your friends believe what you say, BECAUSE YOU SAY IT, NOT BICAUSI 1
  JIANETTE BELL .... Patterson Hall J. E. BULLING ...... Mech. and Elec. ______ you gwgg; ]·|·_
—_ A, I, LIIBOVITZ ........... Athletics G. C. ROGERS .....-.-.---