xt7j9k45tb9w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j9k45tb9w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1914-11-12 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 9, November 12, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 9, November 12, 1914 1914 1914-11-12 2015 true xt7j9k45tb9w section xt7j9k45tb9w 4* 0,%
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University of Kentucky
t I I |
’ l’°“"“"" MEN TAKE llllllll PHIZE GIVEN I ’°‘’’°‘’‘’°‘° l
I A feature ot the work ot the De-I !+ SPEAK IN CHAPEL *|‘
P partment of Journalism at State Unl-t °• •  
versity, ls court reporting. The de 0 President W. T. Foster, of O
3 · _ _ partment has arranged for two of lts _ * Ruud College. Puftlatld. Oregon. •|·
, . · · ·|»f lty fth Ul lt t-·I» · .
. to Observe -Work of “*’ ""“ ‘"°"‘ *° “‘° ¤°“°"“' °°““ ’°° for M€P1t0PlOUS Work “"“ " _ ° “'°” " ° Ltttle Trouble Defeatmg
t _ _ slons, which run continuously ln this _ _ * ¤t¤ht· at 8 0¤|0¢k. ln the chapel. 0
Curmg the Mmd. cn, lu V31`10uS W8YS· ·•· llls subject will be ··s¤h¤tarnnp • State; Score 40 to 0,
.i.... Already one of the students ln the —; + and Success ln Llfe." Doctor O . 
‘ department has attended the sessions SUMMARY OF AWARDS *|• Foster is making a trip through 0 , _
0       of an important case ln the clrcult •|· the mlddle-west and wlll also +      
  *‘ court, and reported the entire proceed- 9 ¤D€¤k to the Mlnnesots State O *
g The class in sociology of the Uni- ings. Another student has attended TM S°“*h°"¤ R'·""°°d °”°" ’· * T€¤€h€l'¤' A¤¤¢|¤tl¤¤· ¤t ludtaua O 0¤t·W€*8h€d aud 0ut·classed. the '
`wi ,,,,1,% t¤m·uct,d by DL Jun'. g;_ the sessions ot the Police Court, the cash prize of $1.000 to be awarded ln * Stutu U¤tV€l'¤ttY· ¤¤d tu the * Wildcats lost to Purdue last Saturday
A ruttnnt. mass the Eastern Kentucky ¤°“°"‘ ¤'°°°°*“°¤° °' "*“°*‘ *0° *0***0 the €¤ll¤s¤ ¤f Asrlculturs- Tha ¤r¤¤— I ;:‘°:‘°‘;;’ °' “"““““"°"“ ‘“"’ * by me score of to to 6. The an,.
_ u sv e. O
, Hospital on Fourth Street. last Mon- repomd ident of the University appoints the and Whltg eleven was Ougweighed
00 0- *000 ¤0¤·0·· 0* 000 0·¤·00¤··00 .,.,...,n..r, no ......t M grauua * * * * * * * * * * * * * t tt t
• ' B O
d"' . to give the students in the flrst two I u wen y pounds to Hm man' but
I The visit wu `mmo to num, the yur com-N the theory of me work, tlon, devote himself to_ agriculture for ;—°°'°; as usual gave a pretty exhibltldn or
ccaamoa or the mms and pmvtsteas whne the upper ,,t,,,m,n ,,1, stm, three years on some point sions the u   I-   urea f<>¤¤>¤l¤ and earned all that that
made by the State for cartng for practical work ln the general news- Suuthefu ¤Y¤t¤¤¤- • • Salued- The Purdue eleven ls well
these unfortunate;. The vlstt was paper lleld. Through the tnuuence of Henry Ioalanced and strong, and the Ken-
mmo In connection with mnmcuoul The pim wm be fcnowod through (jlgwg, of New York, the JQDQQQQQ tucklans were unable to pierce their
ta soctolosy and wu utumtnatlns but but the year and several of thu stu- S°°‘°‘Y °* N"' Y°"*· “"“'d' *100 *°‘ ‘*"f"““‘* f°" ““" °°“““"°“‘ ¥“’““·
It wu by no man. plenum to lwk dams no dom! work for the loc.] bg d|v|dgd In gum; of $75 gud $25 re.  '* The Boilermakers started the scor-
upou mon who hm nought such r°_ papal, Som, of tm. work is the N. spectlvely, for the best essays relat-I Falls Clty Team Has Taken mg In the flrst quarter when Pulte was
' lng to ,]gpg¤_ , _ _ SGH!. OVGT for two (.0\lChd0WI1S OI.1
y tuat to cou back classed mtaas to vvrtlns of ssnaral news hsvvsninsn. F h be th d I Brace and Wm GIVE Wld_ mmm woman T r d
un"- f°ym•y lug, of hunk ,whlle some of the advanced students °" t 6 st WP" °¤ ° °"° °P‘ · “ ne" ma 8 °¤°
l ment and origln of government instl- 80*11 but missed the other. making the
The mp,]-tmendem of the h0,p|¤l,are given practice in wrltlng dramatic C8 3. €l‘I`y Crap.
md hi. uluunu Ihowod marked and book review; tutions a prize of twenty dollars ls lscvrs 13 to 0. Only once did the
O t . given annually. This ls known as the Wilduutu show what they could do
* COUTIOIY to tht CIIII Wh0 MIB thi! ·· •·¢·•—————— I       '
mem. to uw". than for their Bennet prize. — · they getting the ball long enough to
helpful interest and in showing them • Pr°°ld°m Bark"` hn Sinn t° each ;’° mn Over a mst d°wn and gain uw
literary societies, Philoso-t Th td U t it { Yards toward another. Then a tor-
through me wndl sf W9 mu? _ e rejuvena e n vers y o
. z - ·
The condition of the bulldings was   $IA“$!p}'l°"’ P°‘“°"°°' H°r°'°° Mmm md Louisville team will furnish the at- ymlsass Tent wmng and the Speedy
fl»v0l'tbl0. Everything ¤DD6¤·|‘¤d to —— tltmom *25 to be given as prizes ac- traction at Stoll Fleld next Saturday .an an mercepted it and made
Not since 1910 has State Uulverslty· cording to the discretion of the socle- torty yards before being caught. The
be in NIU |t·|t¤ of sanitation. h°W· Iafternoon this being the flnal appear-
students had the ¤DD0¥'tu¤itY of ¤6¤i¤8 tleg, Tha pettereeh and Uhlen ln- ’ Itirst quarter ended with the ball on
°v°r· may wan w°r° °r°wd°d °° the Crimson warriors on Stoll Field. , Sauce at home of the Varslty this year. _
account of the inllux of variants la The All-Stars who meet Transylvania v°°t°d thm nm y°°" d°°°u°° in al since than- overwhelming uereat atlour {onward mw in Purdlms °°S°°S`
me an thru yum _ November 21, ter _e matinee perform- mvmg cup and debate for it Bveryltlne hands of the 'I`€¤¤€$¤€° ‘”¤"i°"S Shi;. me Se Gnd t St t d
ras new tubercular ward ts t val- ¤¤¤¤· ¤r¤ ¤¤¤¢¤ av ¤f ¤¤¤¤ v¤¤ i¤ ’°0“‘· U, C dl t h t t, d [ , ° °“0" " 0 0 000000
times past have fought as wearers of By the kindness or George W.I 9 pr na S ave a eu A won er u he ball on the twenty-yard line after
uabls annex to thu establishment- brace and are out tor the scalp ot the
tm Bl“° nd White- In 1909 Dick Crum a medal valued at $20 ls of- t Purdue pass had been dropped over
, This is said to have been built by Barbas made the only points scored [med to the but dcclaimar in the Wildcats. The Falls City team held me goal me and made Several ood
¤¤°¤¤Y saved {Yum ¤¤l>¤`0P¤‘t3tt¤¤ ¤¤¤d¤ against Central. Les Guyn in fall of I; Lit S I t   Wabash College to a 7 to 3 score. The rams a ami th B _1 k g
sy the state. 1911 uetqatea Central by a drop kick °“°”°¤ ml'? °¤ ¤ >'· Wabash mm was defeated by Purdue s S ¤ G ¤¤ arms ers. 0¤
The management I- to be consul. from the f0rty_yM_d mw and in spring president James K_ Patterson Opin; to 0 The Boilermakers than beat he thirty-tive yard line they held and
f1912btT I ll ft h h it d· ` ·· dh·b1l .
mated on this awp. Should may be o ea ransy vana n one 0 ers to t e student w o wr es an Ilhe Wildcat machine 40 to 6- That secure t e` a on a punt Abrell
the but l>¤¤¤b¤ll Games of that 'elivers the best oration a prize an-! uluda forty-five yards on two runs
BN9 to But uu i¤¤|'6¤¤0 of ¤DP¤`0D!'l¤·· J wht g t I of 'gives the Cardinals a shade on dope, ’
season ' to W"' cup a' D nually of $20 ln the form of a medal. I vlaclug the ball on the tive yard line
tl0¤ 6¤0u8h to build two lul'86 di¤i¤8 State College team in 1906, has fought Tl U 1 S I t H i H ry but in the game as lt ls played today. from whew (TBM d `
rooms. thus removing the dining many times for victory against Tran-I 18 nsw °°° Y ° Grs °’ Sm °' Idope Counts for uma d T su ma 8 a t°““h`
0 -0 \' . · ` ·
moms from me wards. mem would be eyl·t;hlg_ R des pl d thm years ;»r:ze, a Sliifzoldimedal to theistrctess l The Wildcats am not the least down- kg; Lad 0;rr:rd Vickie: goal.]! stats;
oc o aye e u compe or n an ora or ca con- r·· 1 an en, 0u z an
;:Qfj;f;" '°°‘“ ‘° °°'° "°“°' '°' “‘° with the wtldcm. ¤¤ wu hs mm en. t"";“‘“’ 0“j“ ***1;** ":"°:“f“‘u"“0““0 Abrell made long nn, t,n..gng the
. · r, o wor r r · n-
SLZSZ.? ‘·‘}`?.i“SZ1Z2§ZZl“EZ'2°gZ$l”§T A 000 000000 00 0000 000*00 00 00el§`t"tZ`Q.,"..t., eJZfTm.Tt é’mE.`Z§`Iu 000 00   00000   000 M
  . ; ‘s ' . ·
l' ` -1 t‘ lts missed a drop kick und State
Carson nam, Cmcinanm he pmctchmy nlon Society for the successtul con I _ b t hi th I u
      won the me for the Wildcats, The testant in declamation. mage ms een EM ng em swam srtvured the ball on the tncnty yttrtl
g ga new formations and they will spring _
T0     lnqulrer on the following mornlng The American Low Book Company _ lute. 'l`uttle made a nine—ynt·d run,
.. .. them it necessary. Our boys came _
____ gave the score. Doc Rodes 19. Cl¤· Otter-B as e prtze to the law Student mt of mt Purdue game in mr Shape but Abrell pncked up a futnblo on the
( ’ ,
M••tIng Tlme Flxsd at 8•cond and gilzzigtariiéd Egsthstggzlzplxillas :2 who makes the best general average qcouand Park being the only Ones not next play and recahed the tive yard
Fourth Mmd., In Enh Mmm. Old gndlmn days when than mus during the year, a set of CYC ln [ble to indulge in 8 spirited practice one betore being downed. vannken
mot Tranlylylnil in the annual strug. twelve volumes,   text ls 8. re' that Coach Brumaga   luouday llltldé 8 touchdohvu and TUTIIGT kicked
"""’ gle. Manager Lall, of the All-Stars, production of the text of the forty- afternoon Scott has a bud ankle and goal. The half ended shortly after
Thu PNS! Club of thu U¤tV¤¥‘¤ttY ls expecting one of the largest crowds { C ° ’ .; l th 1 ·—
v°l"m° °dm°° ° YO' Park lnjured his shoulder. Both ex- H ° °°°°r° mud °g‘ P`"°"° 3"
held its NWIU WWUY ¤\°°U¤8 M°¤· °f uw ""cm mr this °°nm°t° Callahan and Company offer to the State 0.
dn, - ......_...*. . I t d t [ th J 1 h pect to be in the game Saturday, how- In me [mm t C I B H
- aw s u en o e un or year w o quar er oact ‘m tt
t ‘ r , ‘ f h \Vild·
H°"b°"* G"•h¤m· P*`°¤*d°¤*- uf UW   makes the hlshsst general average a (jr 71:8:10 tczclgtgsit hg.- fuses has sent lu his whole second taatn against
club, ptelided. It was d€Cld0d to hold het of Andrews’ American Laws, con- ds.!   g tl in Us { g n th hl ‘l<‘ Wildcats. They scored a touch-
-1- · e o e
tha m¤6ti¤K¤ ln tha future uu thu ¤¤¢· The Freshman football team of the stating or two volumes and contain-‘ Hin fl; uidsiilel Cirdhms are tht down early in the half when they ea.
fe 0 ‘
0¤d Mid fourth Mondays of 6I¢h Unlverslty. defeated Somerset. Satur- lng a compendum of American laws. Uroivd that the mug and whim eleven ·ured a Kentucky fumble and pushed
month and to have u Dfulfllu uf- day, by the score of 70 to 0. Somer· The Tau Beta Pl fraternity o!!ers r omg to take it out on he ball over by straight football, on
il ‘ ·
ra¤89d fu? Nch ¤¤¢¤tt¤l· set, although out·welghed and out-Ia cash prlze ot $100 to the student of { g yr M 7* the next kick-off the Kentucky boys
Alth0u8h thu number Dfuluut It thi! classed. played the game for all that the engineering colleges who attains interest lu education by offering showed what they could do and
week’s meeting was small. the club there was in lt, They held the Fresh- the highest scholarship durlgn the prizes, and to such an extent that at tllnyed the Purdue scrubs oh' their
hal B much l¤!'I0|' ¤\¤¤lb•¤’¤hlD tht! men for downs several times. They Freshman and Sophomore years. sonto universities several students -t. A series of pretty fttruarti
Yau? thI¤ ul/uf before and by Cuttilll tackled hard, but were weak on the Prizes are also offered in athletlcslevery year earn their way by wlnnlng busses and runs brought the bull
thu number of ¤\•0tt¤I¤ in hu]! |¤¢ olfenslve, making only three flrsti These are the substantial recognl-iprlzes. The students of State Univer-! ·\~n to Purdue's twenty yttrd lim-
al‘l‘l¤8|¤I lu i¤t¤¤‘¤|tt¤I Dl‘0I¤‘\l¤ Y0? downs and two of these by forward] tlons of merit open to all the studentslsity are offered great lndut·emt·nts to} \ tktruard pass was uaught by Wright
each meeting. thu! hope to have Ill nasses. Tho Freshmen showed su- or the University. Men all over therztttaln etnlnence in various fields ofi 'Yvr three Purdue men and playtd
memb•I’I |>l’•I•¤t It Ol/QTY m•6t|¤l· Ipertor coaching and experience. Illnited States have manifested their I work. | l*il¤&·l>0¤8 With lt and he ran tive yards

2 T H E I D E A I I I
·—-·—•-——···-·-—·»-~———-—-•—-·--.-—-·-—;-·...—.-.·--—-.. -.3. .. . »---. ·-»·•..-—--•·---~ -  ·——•—-————·;•·· ·—-—•—-——4¤·•-1 ` I '
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures Go Where the Go’s Go. I ‘
“°°‘ IHE ORPHEUM IHEA I RE °"""'°"°° · I
Me At Admission l0c I I
Flite?-cLAes IN EVERY APPOINTMENT J. H. •TAMPIR. Jr., 0wn•r and Mana •r. OPIN 10 A. M. to 11 P. M. H.
. I *..1
wltll it for a touchdown. Tuttle l·‘ord ls small but makes u for this] ealln to all theatre- oers. The cut Pa °     =
. . D I D 8 I rk. I
‘mlssed goal. *rnl• was about all tor! by hls speed. ne also ls a drop- ll ¤¤¤¤¤ uv f¤‘¤¤¤ t¤¤ ¥¤¤¤l v·¤v¤• ¤f Mm R. L. Stout hn ntsrtsd • night It
An A M E   Imp State warrlors, although 'l‘uttleIklcker and his work wlll be watched I g‘:"_°II’°·HM:' L!:“'§':;;m·;i;°°h·:I:; °'“; “:th$’;'I“°'gI;“ bm;'] ;°"’°"'° ` ·  
I _ I 6 I . WM . W ss za et oore as · •
Iraught a forward pass with one handI ullll interest by the Louisville contln-I Hom, Monnon 'm be remembered Ind".  
  V  Innd made tlllrty yards directly sfterlgrnt here. by their work with the Strollers. Misses Ada and Edith Dean spent  
Illu- next klek-off, A Purdue man ln·I ..»- W-. _ IMlss Mitchell as Helen and Mr. Mor- the night with friends at the Hall, Sat-  
lprrepwd the next pass aaa on their “'°"*‘"· °“° °' *°“""“°° ‘°°"‘°'· "I riwn nn Richnrd. play • prominent urdsy night.  
2       nut ph, made B fortymve yard mn, lwlng boosted for an All-Western Job. part. Helen being ln love with Miss Jessie Arnold, from Parts, Ky., IEA
In the nm" quarter the Purdue vm,_ llln work ln Saturdays contest fuIlyIm¢hU'd· BBN! 00 BI-IG. 25¤ to $190- zgznt Stlfldly With Miss Mollie John-  
8 • •     ‘ ’ 3 shy team was sent back against the j"”°m°" n “ h° pm" ° g"’°t ”°m° in I O • O 0 • • 0 0 • • • Q 0 • • • NQ, Clyde Stout of Owensboro wm  
wllrlrats, who held them better than U"` [’°"°"“°k°"° mm Ie PA’I'l‘_ HALL NEWS O arrive Friday to vlslt llls nlaee, Mlaa  
      they had done ln the precedlng Jimmy Hedgg bmugm some menu 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 • 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Virginia Stout. ..5
perloda. 'rnelr only touchdown ln , I M1" I‘°‘"`° I*°° ·"““"°¤ "“ UW ;i¢
°       mls quarter was made by Pultz. Tar- ;;::`fn T:;(:i(:ld;p?:;:t;;?ur(;:), 3;;:* Miss Ruth Mcchesney, of Frank- gggztl °]§r;';vx°r8°'r°t Th°m°°°° °°  
"°" Hckmg g°°" TM g°m° W"' he brought down the spedey VanAken 3;:; 1::: v:l;k§:3t of mend. tt me M*¤¤°¤ A¤¤¤ L¤Wl¤ ¤¤d CNN Whit- A I p
about Over in HHS period` the `vnd. RHOT U18 P\ll‘dllG BIB? had Nlfl [hll'I)' Miss Mary Fllhek- in on the sick ust Worth W". spend the week in Inuit  
Under Ent|r•|y N•\V NIMQIMOM cats holding at crltlcal moments, al- V ' Ville.  4
yards through a broken fleld. Miss Helen Deana was the guest M A C ze , 
"‘°“¥h the }°“"d“° "l°"‘°" Md the _....T of relatives in Paris last week-end. I "' ' ' mbmd wm enmmnn ~ 
  ball moat of the tlme. The game The football season ls about over Mlsa Frances Jewell gave a delight- gftclhs Xi;h:réd¤z;£tg;m1 Lzdhsss; I ‘* 
I Imam wlth me ball on states mmy mr the Wlldcats. The unlvmny or ful and insnirins talk to the Y. W. C. DM·”_ I I
` Iyard line ln Purdue's possession. Loulsvllle game ls the last contest A‘Mg:;° i::;°yHl::h; has mwméd Miss Mary Hamilton will spend the I I
• ‘ l Tuttle, Wright and Park played star for the Wlldcats on the home grounds f 8 week-end in Winchester.
l rom Lebanon wrere she attended the Mi El I H I I
,4 game for the Wildcats. Park made this year, the Thanksgiving day game funeral of he, cousin. *8 “ e °l°’ 'V°m· tb° *°°k'
I, Ir some beautiful passes before being ln-. xslth Tennessee being played at Knox- Miss Elizabeth Eldridge vlslted out mgm: ;l;:":°TI;l;:':?r;;“t Sand., i I
fc .
lured and the other two md some vllle. l¤ the county this we<->k·end at thé n me
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
I! /` pretty work on the recelvlng end. “........•..-—-H h°;`;¤°fJx?éy§°;::‘ B em Sum!. Graves on Arlington Avenue.
\ The umm rm ray um may had *"*E'* "'E "*“-- wml Mm mom Gm I; mu " Mr. James McMurtry will be the I
I - new ¤¤<>¤ ¤¤ s<>¤<¤ ¤ ¢¤¤¤¤ f<>r thm After me ban lr mr, Ml. rlmaea 1.awl¤'w¤ the guest   °'“:'th':":‘;“M;: :‘“'° “°' ' •
I _ “ weight as the Wildcats.   After the break of dawn. of her slster, Mrs. Jackson, out ln Thgyéymu-pm; cl". otuthywuley
II Q Captain O’Bri€n• v,,nAk(.,,_ puny After the dancers leaving, town. House under the direction of K S U I
' Iand Abrell repeatedly pulled off long so ::3; 2`:a:::;s;mHi2?§ in me Wgsgix m;I;n°I~l?:":E:éi¤°:{°2:§ girls, gave a very enjoyable entertain-
In runs rar the Black and Gold team. “_mld,S www s0ng_hIt twenty years Mewl John and R L Summa mont Friday evening. The proceeds
“. P 0 W _ ’ ` of the entertainment are to go toward
hu Bl ck"- ho is bcmg boosted ago, and non ln this latter day the vlslted at the Hall Sunday. the mmm up of I. gymunmm n the
lfor an All-Western job this year, Photo Drama Company have taken Miss Elizabeth Booker has returned
‘ played 8, stm- game Qu the mm this theme and under Plerce Kings- from Louisville, where she was called Wesley H°u”`
I _, Misses Lois Bartlett and Elisabeth
I The Purdue team comes down to ey s dlrectlon produced a fllm play home on account of tre lllnes of her Farm t th k d ml M ·
that will sweep the country just as the brother. gpm ° wee `en W n'
;I’°xmgt°° next yur and wm battle song has done, and with handsome Mrs. W. M. Duncan was the guest LG;uE::Blg:;’:‘bE°;t§::xw°l::i Jo I
“"“h th'? Wildcats in their °“'“ back Herbert Kelcey and sweet wlnsome of her daughter, Misses Elizabeth and Acker wor th p t {Mi E3,
Iyard, and as a matter of courtesy. Efflce Shannon, lt ls to be expected. Florence, yesterday. both B ”°f manu ’;t rd'. n` `
Ishould be sem home with A scm-8 Never have those two favorite stars Mlss Eruestlne Perry vlslted Miss mg yo or mr' ·u ” oven-
. I t th l appeared to better advantage than Mary Burrler Monday night. ` _
.aga ns em they do ln "After the Bs.ll." It is Mlss Elizabeth Frohman was the Patterson Han gms were delightful
L?   I The Huewpt ‘ their flrst appearance ln a tllm pro- guest of her parents ln Fayette Park :1; Gzaergmncd with a amanda snub • ·
I*“·• _ ‘ Kentucky- P°sm°“· p“rd“°· ductlon and they will be seen only in Sunday. y ° g`
©R.B_&&-al, {Wright, Zerfoss..Stinchtleld, Eldridge the Photo Drama Company’s exclusive Misses Elizabeth Scott and Irene ,,_xBANK,,,Burr_D°¤,t mu It
I [left End_ productions. Thls, their tlrst offering, Crutcher, of Georgetown College, "   `
ICruIcherrrhompBOnmBl0ck€r’Buech¤er surpasses anything ever produced lntwere the guests of Miss Elizabeth is Omy °'° $xpl‘;°i°° in nw Fr°'hm"°
; America or any otller country. ItIFrohman, at her home ln Fayette Ch°mi¤U’Y lib-
    P I S I "°“ "`“°"‘°·C H P d abounds ln heart interest and .m¤,·
I etr e, mth ............ ec . rou defying Sensational Scenebk
I Left Guard. It will be shown at the Ben All   AM I    
Esmciauy CQLLEGE MEN,» nalley ....................... Mason Theatre.—next week. beginning Thurs- To
  Center. d8Y Bfternoon.
Find our Styles way above _____,_ .
lC0l'l’l, Petrie ........... Routh, Clllfk MUTT AND JEFF I     ‘    
I .
the   O O I O O OI     __ g p Y ‘
‘ ·· ·- . r l
|the lien All next Tuesday, matinee ‘;’_'_"“"-"‘* ""‘""···-·—·;‘—‘*-" .
Right Tackle.   O
______. Iand nlght. In every detall this offer- I ,
Isellrarlar `........ Turner. Rukestrak. mg ggllpgea el[h€·f‘ or the former pro- ·
Fall Clgthifjg I M0¤t$0l¤6l‘YIductlons under the same tltle, ln fact
I Right Em; Ilt ls blgger and better than both com- • • a       .
P k (C U. Cl k ·_'_' _Pun I Di yl blned, whlch is the manner ln which ·,
Hats, IHMQ ap U S gm Ipreas and publlc describe the play.    `
a gag ............. . .-·-—-·-- ¤¤I A car load of new and dazzling SCSU-, I _Q
Sh d I Quwmrback- {ery and electrical effects with thrlll           I .  
OCS an i Tuttle ·........ Abrell, Oxer. walter¤I and dramatic sltuatlons to match, glve , __ {  2,
I Len '[-[alt ’ ll lllé zest of li f`l'l€l0-dl"KIl’l8. 8.5 well 88             I  I
I I l Q `?~
lung ·z) f   Hi I_ _ _O»B I (C I. B ma hllarlously funny musical comedy. · . 1 I  
FUHIIS S ·r ¤=¤ te Rl mrsrit wt ¤¤·= Iwemy new mg hm with an mm Bncycles and REQBIIIS, Pemlants and losters, I  I
I 8 E ‘ number of magnificent costumes for FISIIIIIQ Tackle I I §1‘ 
NOW Ready `S"°“ ·········· v“Ake“· E“t· Hake the twenty-five really pretty chorus _ _ _ _ * `» 
I Fullback. Igirla who wear them, all go to make sP°°“l P"°•' °¤ GY¤\¤¤¤|¤* EQ¤P|¤•¤¥• E¤¤¤|¤ K0dlk’ · I 
____... I Referee—Gorden, Harvard. Umpire "MUU & Jen in Mexico" (luna the Und s“PPu“· TOUR   ·
I——P0rter, Cornell. Head Linesman— best thing Bee;} in mtmy ° day" Bet I , 
Gr < I X ISller, llllnola. Touchdowns-Pults 3, rr “°°`"° ”°° S °°w' H6·H6 WEST MAIN ST- LEXINGTON, KY. I I t
  O ,0'Brlen 1, VanAken 1. Bozell 1, ••8\.UMlERLAND." I I l  
IWright 1. Goals from Touchdown- ...... ________;_ jf ‘ jj · . F
as     `
& ( O Turner 3· Dim 1· scm bv ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ TM “‘““‘°“‘ °’“’“"°¤°°‘“· S‘“‘“‘   ·—· r ~
° ~—Purdue. ls.14-1.6. Kentucky, 0..».6.0_ *:*I¤¤:·" Wiillhlie r>rI¤::¤¢¤d F;I¤¤v gm:  
··············· I   W  me to WELSH & MURRAY  
K k q` '  " I I b Iurday. Probably no other amateur ui
Cgu r "“'“° Y *““° ”"”`“ U" B *0 G! show has even been attempted in IA,. 
The age Fcuows Shop Icongratulated upon the fighting teamI Lexington wlth the great cast aggre·  
    that represents thg university TheI SEND! b\l¤d!'6dI of people.   I   ( G.  
I ~ •• n `  
Lexington Clgar C0. . men from mlnglon, out-welgnec and' th"¤¤i¤¤¤I¤*¤t wt :¤¤·:=¤¤¤¤·¤:dTi¤:¤ M
*·•·'•°'•“‘ ?¤¤*··*m·* M stm ··· **··*¤*··   UIZZZ 3l‘L°'£JL£ all TZ.'Z.Zl..T ...3 "‘°°" """° .    
M'““f'°*'"°" °' ‘*“‘4“ Up and f°“gm *0 the mush with catchy, and the dancing will be a fea-   ·
HAND-MADE CIGARS a great determination. The lighting ture or me performances. The regu- , , , gf.
  splrlt of the Blue Grass eleven ls to IB? BPD All Th€¤U`€ Orchemn Wmt I          
138 WEST MAIN STREET be commended.—Purdue Exponent. may ul Uf uw musical °umb°r°· I ____ umu I LI 
———-—-—————-—-—·——-—-··—~—-   _ "Slumberland" la a college play, ap·I   if I
Unlverslty Lunch Stand The Cardinals are said to have a DRM J_ D_   I  
emr. •¤¤•u•lv•ly to ¤¤¤¤•¤¤• ,-(,ml.l.,. wonder ln rom, one of mar Eva Em ,,0,; ,,,,, THROAT 5 COLLEGE WORK A SPECIALTY .l`’  
Und F.°““¥ °' ·“" U“IV•"ny I hacks. He comes from Loulsvllle BPECIAUBT I i 
M I H, h S b L M t GIa•••• Ground to 0rd•r. ’·  I
A•   BARNETTIw:¤; clichsvscok Zmilln un;:y::I McCI•II|nd Iulldlng. I 124-128 North Lim€Bt0l\¢ L¢XiI\[t0I\, Ky.  
con. •. UMIBTONE AND ¤¤|-FAX ° ‘ omee m»¤¤• •sz.x n••la•M• T30-Xl   ' · li  
;l  ‘%
J  ‘ 
.  nsf

[ 4
•   • -———-—--——————-·—-———--  -— ——-—-——-——-—-;----- .........~ -.;.......3
  ·_ " " I * part and parcel of the problem ln S    4 4 4 4 4 4 4 g 5 4 g. 4 4 • • 4 •
·   at an CA ricultural at at Z3L'¥·'i$`“l`£ii“ »$l`2'l`fi.$5“'L‘1'?·T“ 1*5--Z SST-SS ‘““""‘°“ ‘ WANT °°*·UMN ‘
{ SS S S So·i•ty D•cId•• to Put a Tum ln°•`•*••°•`••`•••`•`••••'•
I · should not be any questlon but that A
  ~·....- r~.r ».L*..--a,_.-. _-.--.-.----..   .-   ..7-.....- Fl•Id and ska for Dates.  
{   the education of woman for her posi-, WANTED_Evm,, student In th. Und
I {I |)R_   GRAHAM Misses Pennlngton and Lewis gave Moo :“ FM h°m° *:1* ’°’ MV "°°“¥’““°“ The ;;dg,0n._y0u|,, gocgety ng Me. versity to read the Saturday Dna-
I     FIGHTING DISEASE n plane cluvt and Mr. Cobb a vlolln "*““"* “ **" ***8*** sd “ ¥’°”m°“ "° me (yhgnicgl Engjnggrg met Sg(urdgyI N0. ing Post and Country Gentleman.
;_ ,‘ I ____ solo. All the numbers were greatly ""“"“"°” °[ me b°Y for MS P°Sm‘·‘“ vpmbgr 7I gn the gem Engineering FRANK W. TUTTLII, Agent, 186 I.
¥`I “FQ°\ jnd MQ|,|\h" M|I|dy c|"| EX- enjoyed and the musicians responded HN EHQHIEGI', flrmer, tOBCh8r or Room, at Mechanical   About    
`     ’ p•r|m•nt Statlon Sclontlat to td the ,,,,,.0,-dd The atendunce was physlclan. IIIXU, members were present .
  Chlcago. good, about ddd hundred and twenty. Soclal servlce work ls today an or- Am", the bIIIIIn8IIs had been M_      
  •—··w Hyg Studgnfj bglng p|'9g€|‘|[_ gunizcd profession in every country tended U'), |[ wgg vgtgd   Ffelh- .
  Dr. Robert Graham, head of the De- , ,, , and n graduate ot Home Economics mm Machmicals Organize III football        
  partment of Veterinary Science, left The telephone system of the Ex- mum ull me pldcd dt head df It. nj S S '
I I • team. N. W. Frazier was elected 149 W dh
Monday nlght for Lhlcago, to begln a perlment Statlon ls to be extended to H- mud ddd,. people ud td bd taught Th II I U h Id SUI R S" °'* 8*-
· ’ m r.
I I thorough lnvestlgatlon of the scourge include all telephones of the Univer- md mal mcdtidd df md and are td be 8;:;:;:y emimgs gmsnycetgulg IZXI TS P E··::I::S;;:E You WAH
SSY of foot and mouth disease now raging slty as well as those of the Statlon S
CLS up““°d’ it °°"'°S°ly must b° d°°° Sn cept the Varsity), desires to play this  —-—-—...—.—
  ln llllnols and other states. He wlll and all Its branches. Thls wlll add B Bdidmmc wdy_ Mlm, dt me Ingo I It h Id M
Ski spend a week or ben days lnvestlgat- about twenty—tlve telephones to the (dues 88 New york and Chicago ds I;;mém;°TSnSser B Ou we mw  
Q lng condltlons ln all parts of lllluols Statlon switchboard. . S `
Ik well as some smaller cltles, are rea-I I _ I
* and possibly ln nelghbornlg states, ———-———•-•·•—;- _
  The work ofthe oepsnnen or Hor· “"“‘ “"’ ‘""’°"““°° °‘ S"' "““’ JOURNALISTS THANK an- I- T- 8|.ITO||
` . glvlng special attention to remedial mem        
" D tlculture and Botany wlll be consid- ` 127    
  measures and regulations. .. _ ¢dp81 2
I . Pmbly broadened during next summer lhere ls also a demand for sclentlfl .;.
,» As the disease has already appeared eddy trained wdmdd in mm, df md Through the columns of The IDEA, Hours 8 a.m. to 8 p.m, Phene 864-X
¤  in Bullitt C0“mY» K€mU€kY» W6 mon and following Seasons by an Overhead large mctdridl Soma of the mdndf the Department of Journallsm asks] _A i_________
I   drastic measures wlll have to be mgauon SyStSm that has been m` gem Of these large (mmm, have privilege to thank the Clvll Engineer-
' I adopted here, as in the other states *::1:Sd Iss;   S;';';?t (:tII€th:ar:Im;:k taken up problems of lunches for their lng students for the concrete walk      
’ . ¤l'f¤¢i9d· gn Oglexperimemslié mve or dispzovi dmpldyddd from 3 standpoint dt df, they bullt to the side entrance of the
Bullitt County was quarantined tl r (MCM val e S; ucl Im umm d,ddncy_ They furnish their dm_ Journallsm room. The walk ls a The but to none toc (ood
Monday by Commissioner cf Agricul-|q‘;;’m; I II m r:€I°mSd€I;erB S pldydds with ddd md mod, d dd, great convenience ln bad weather, and when it coma to • phob-
l ture J. W. Newman and a Federal ‘y‘ ° S S ` which had accomplished an dmhmb is thoroughly appreciated by all lflph? Bc¤nlh•||f•|Id•
quarantine agalnst the whole State of FOOT   able amount of good journalism students, and gg;
Kentucky ls expected to be put on vi I ._..._..•...T-
POSTPONES FAT STOCK SHOW A I`!. Root, lll New YOI'k, 18 Bt pI`€B·
i l T"°Sd°y‘ The will mSk° mt°°°' ____ ent proving a great success ln the\Y· M-   Y• W• C- A•        
' Sfstos under quarantina . l Apparently [h€l‘9 will be Il0 ll’ll,6l'Il8.· prgpgrguon and serving gf factory         W   , Su
· AS “° remedy mr the dSSS“S‘S h“S tional Fal- Stock Show this YGM'. b€· lunches. ln the lunch room the w'- S
’ The Y. M. C. A. and Y. Y. C. A. wllll Th p
‘ We" b°°¤ dl¤€°V€¥`€d· ¤l¤u8ht€*` of tho cause ot the widespread outbreak of quick gerviqg and the rggtful quiet or hold I1 joint meeting Sunday, in me ° student U Pb°t°I|’|I9h¢’
I anhnals is tSS€ only sufa measure' The foot Illlll lll0llUl (HSBBSG. Tll€ dil`€C· the room gpg gg much gpp]·gcig{_gd ggl recreation room of Patt   The A-
°¤*'°¤¤¤°¤ are d°¤U'°Y°d bY b°i¤8 tors ofthe show have sent out letters me carefully manned menu gud the exact hour will be announced later. Bsnkart A. Fotsch, Pp°py·|•g••·;
covered with qulckllme and buried. dnnduncmg the postponement of the Combination of the two has done Miss Anna J. Hamilton, Dean of E I B b  
The vaccine that was announced by dxhibmdd and it is reported an addr, IIIIICII for the I,M_mI_y and its 6m_ Women, wlll address thls gathering.   Q      
I an Eastern veterlnarlan some time wm bg made LO hold its arte.- ghrgst. IIlOyd€S_ TRACK MEET THURSDAY 0 10Z"So;1I:h énmoorong $1:-:} k
· _ I o • • o•n x 0
*180 RB li ¤‘€¤¤€dY Y0? thé foot ¤¤d mas. laven should this be attempted,I Many other nelds are opening tor Ngvgmggg 19, QN 31·0t_|_ F|5|_p pp uxlndwnl Ky_ • N
mouth diseaset was found to be a however, [ll€l'€ is UIUC Ch8.DC€ it COl1ld [hg {pinned Home Econgmjcg gtudgnh Th nl gg--T k t FIRST-CLASS WORK  
I _ f¤*¤¤*o· b€ mfldé 8 S¤€€6SS· so that the person not interested in Thm_;;;y“N0v€m:9rc E? Ogss wmesu  
_ One of tho WMS! Y€¤l“"**B of tho Breeders wlll not care to take the t,»,“·;,ing can sm; bg gf much bench; Students of the Umvcrém, who have MNC Mc After the Gunn at
uooblo lo illinois is lhs fw mst hos ensnee of getting men- nerds mrectedl not only to semen, but to all those not wen s K in athletics, The nn. M  
· €h0l€"¤ Serum made bY tw° big mms with this incurable disease and will ground hg; lowing events will be held: C
- U I ln the Union Stock Yards at Chicago thdrdfdrd not hayg their Steck on dis. 100-yard dash, 220-yard dash, 440- where dl i. wan md GOOD
was found to be infected with the foot play- I C    A   5;:: T3;. 818206zN; I';]-\:;`d!;29 311:; W32- °
I Md mouth dlsoeoo- Al¢ho¤8h $20900 This will be one or the biggest dls- EVENT OF AUTUMN high JIIIIIIII brogd jump Ima vIIIS:m’ Hot Chocolate, Candy and las
I worth of serum was dostrovoo. this appointments or the year to some or Th C II I II ·j;gu9II Amor Im d,,,c,,,,_  
step was too late to prevent the wide- . 8 S 9 Op y
the students ln the Agricultural Col I _ _ _ Entries must be handed ln on paper , , Waf or gn
Saturday atternoon from 3.30 to 6.00 I
» Svfood ¤¤o fo tho ¤<·>¤‘¤¤¤ lo mloolo Bod lege, ter they have worked reltnrully 0_cI0ck was me source of much Iew boforo 12 oclock. Thursday. Novem-
now the inspectors are vlsitlng every td wm places dn the judging mam um to me large number of Nugent! :>ne;‘n:9;:h Stzze name, events, depart- DENTIST
· CB . • •
rarm on which thls serum was used. that was to go to the big sh0w_ who attended- Dr. Anderson wm ba at tuck ,m°s_ Mcckuind Bmldmg
——————·••—-—- *“‘°*'°'_‘ "‘ day, Wednesday, Friday, from 3:00 to
··Ac.s·· AND zconouncs pAss we VALUE or •-toms TMS "S the Sm °’ SSS Six "°”“ 4:30. ¤0 T0
Jomr MEETING an ··Ac·· HALL scouowcs ·ro THE cnrv which "S “’ SS i“'°“ i" °S° “"“°"_ ____,,.._._ _|()hng’ Drug Stgre
I -——— -— SMB year and it S hoped that me Should the new uniform be bucked? Next to Post Offlco
_ 'l`he monthly joint meeting of the ln a recent discussion of the lm- others wlll prove as enjoyable as thelASk Frazier. For Pr I mms Stationery
Q g Agricultural Society and Home Econo- portance of teaching Home Economics llrst.   _   _ W ' ’
l Q mics Club was held Monday night in from the standpoint of the value to The chaperones were Lieutenant Ar- , _ _ _ at“• cutlery: HWS and uKu$
S the chapel. The feature of the even- the clty, the following points were thur Underwood, Dean Anna J. Ham-       _
k S  lng was by Dr. J. J. Tlgert, who gave emphasized: llton. Mrs. Henry Barker, Miss Mary · t       `'ll   S   SS`”`SS'"SS
  an illustrated talk about Oxford Unl- Home economics workers have al-,Flsher, Mrs. Alpha Brumage, Profes-   ° 0   · »4·I»;<;~;:{;· ;I _-- j _
. j versity, ways considered the housekeeper al sor and Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Under- This is a specialty that makes our ..       , I , , I ,;"' ·
  lw°°d_ tailoring Juotrlght. By studying your L. , jj   1l.`..;*.::· ;. . r'. -
I I; personality we are able to tallor lndl- ‘ ‘ ’ ` " `
» I; | ...%+...1-— vldurglty into your clothes, as we cut ‘ o ‘ ‘
‘ `, and t all garments on the premises
  Young M en`s F all Hats 'ALL STARS SSFSAT *0   ···°·=····‘¤ ·=   =·¤¤*·*·* we Why Have Sore Feet
I  *3 •
· » B walkm on t c
,L Z>  The All-Star team, from the Univer- yi h g a  
 II   ea _ Call and see our large display of lm- S0 CS, W Eli WG  
 I-. sity, defeated the s