xt7j9k45t749 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j9k45t749/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1964-06-12  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, June 12, 1964 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 12, 1964 1964 1964-06-12 2015 true xt7j9k45t749 section xt7j9k45t749 Authorities Still Search For Arsonist(s)
No Clues On Motive;

Extra Police Assigned
Kernel Staff Writer

University of Kentucky

Vol LV, No. 114




Losses Top Million
In Fires Since 1948

Four Pages

12, 1964




Kernel Staff Writer

Last weekend's fires brought the cost of damages the
University has suffered in fires in the last 18 years to over
one million dollars.
was the result of a bombing, alThe largest single loss was
though the charges were never

the Maintenance and
Operations Building fire in 1946.
Norwood Hall, which was located
just west of the Margaret I.
King Library, burned in 1948
with a loss of $200,000, the second highest total.
One of the most spectacular
fires In UK history was the Fraiee
Hall fire In 1956. It Is generally
believed that the $105,000 blaze

Enrollment High
For Indonesians
In Summer Term
The University has a record
of Indonesian
dents this summer.
William Buckner of UK's Indonesian program office said the
250 students from that country
more than
will be about
last summer's enrollment.
70 Indonesians
by plane last week to join the
contingent already on campus.
The majority of the students
have studied at the universities in
Bogor and Bandung, where UK
sponsors contract teams under
the Agency for International Development program.



The University's foreign students are invited to an open
house from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday
and again June 28 at the home of
Herman Kemball, 140 N. Upper.
There will be dancing and games.

Other fires swept through the
Building In 1947 with a loss of
$35,000, a dairy barn on the Experiment Station Farm in 1953
with a loss of $75,000, and Neville
Hall in 1961 with a loss of $69,000.
Last November flames struck
the Agricultural Experiment Station. Total damages in that fire
amounted to about $60,000.
Fires causing extensive damage
prior to 1946 hit the Experiment
Station In 1891 with a loss of
$4,000, the Stock Pavilion In 1926
with a loss of $25,000, and the
Men's Gym in 1928 with a loss
of $8,000.
Two days after the Neville
Hall Are in 1961, flames swept
through a dormitory room in
Jewell Hall. The room and Its
were completely destroyed.
The next day one of the three
coeds In the room admitted setting the fire. She said she did it
because it was her 18th birthday
and she felt "depressed."
Arsonists, spurred on by the
excitement caused by the two
fires, tried three times to set Are
to the Social Sciences Building.
Each of the fires was discovered
in time and extinguished, but the
attempts caused several professors in the building to move out
their belongings to safer places.
In the next few days pranksters phoned in bomb threats to
the women's dormitories, but
their only accomplishments were
a Kernel headline and a few
frightened coeds.


Lexington fire inspectors and campus police are looking
for an arsonist who set fires that damaged th.ee buildings on
the UK campus Sunday morning and who attempted to burn
down the Social Sciences Building Monday.




Oswald Will Present
UK Academic Analysis
President John VV. Oswald is expected to present an
academic analysis for the University to the Trustees this
staff, its future development, and

The academic analysis and
plan for the University's next decade has been in preparation for
more than a year and fills about
a hundred-pag- e
The volume, "Beginning the
Second Century," will be presented to the Faculty in September if it is officially endorsed by
the Trustees today.
The volume covers an analysis
of the University's curricula, Its

a discussion of the implementation of the plan.
During this morning's meeting,
the Board will also discuss the
selection of an external auditor
for University accounts for the
1963-6- 4
fiscal year which ends



report to the Trustees will
be made on the Somerset and
Hopkinsvllle Community
Both are scheduled to open
in the fall of 1965 but some work
will go on at each before that
The Trustees will discuss the
of a nationwide
research center tor tobacco and
health. The University, under a
bill still pending In Congress, may
receive a federal grant to establish the first nationwide center
to investigate the effects of tobacco and smoking on health.
Listed on the Trustees tentative agenda, as a discussion Item,
is the termination of the lease of
the University Book Store. The
present lease holders have indicated a desire to terminate their
lease and there are indications
that the University will operate
the store Itself.
The Trustees will meet at 10
o'clock this morning In the Board
Room in the Administration

Joint Meeting









Is There Any Other Way To Start A Semester?

unidentified University coed waits seemingly
for her turn with the man with the

class cards. The male student, however, seems
luus to get his hands on the class cards.

The Christian Churches (Disciples) and the Presbyterian
Westminster Fellowship will meet
Jointly during the summer session on Sunday evenings. The
first meeting will be at 5:30
Sunday In the Presbyterian Center at 412 Rose it. A light supper will be served.
The first meeting will feature
a reading of parts of "The Cup
a play baaed on
of Trembling,'
the life of Dietrich Bohnoeffer.
Students and staff members are
invited to attend.

Captain Lloyd Gregory of the
city fire department said that the
Investigators have no clues which
would point to a motive or to
the person who set the fires.
UK Security Chief Lloyd
has assigned extra men from
the University police force, and
the Lexington fire department
has assigned extra men to provide more than routine protection to the buildings on the campus.
Fire which broke out at about
1:15 a.m. Sunday In an abandoned cattle barn behind the UK
Medical Center leveled the structure and scorched two silos which
were attached to It.
About an hour later fire deannex to the
stroyed a
psychology department. The building was located
at 606 South Limestone Street.
A third fire was reported to
the city fire department at 5:10
Sunday morning at Memorial
Hall. Firemen found two piles of
trash In the lobby of the building and one In the basement
which they said had obviously
been placed there by someone and
set ablaze. Flames scorched woodwork and tile in the lobby. The
concrete basement floor buckled
when firemen sprayed cold water
on the flames.
UK vice president for business
affairs, Robert F. Kerley, said
that the losses sustained by the
University in the weekend fires
amounted to $68,850 in buildings
and equipment. Mr. Kerley added
that the replacement costs could
have been much more, but the
actual structures will not be rebuilt.
University police picked up
student shortly after the annex
fire for questioning but soon released him. Campus police and
Lexington fire officials are continuing to question people about
the fires, but they have reached
no solid conclusion as to who or
why the fires were set.
Dr. Frank Kodman, associate
professor of psychology, said
Tuesday that the UK Audiology
Clinic and Speech Center are
temporarily Inoperative because
of the Are. Kodman added that
persons scheduled to visit the
Audiology Clinic for examination or therapy should not report
until further notice. Both facilities will be reopened as quickly
as they can be reorganized and
relocated on the campus.

Rudd Acting Dean
Of Commerce College

Dr. Robert W. Rudd has been
appointed as acting dean of the
College of Commerce, effective
July 1, 1964.
Dr. Rudd, now professor of
economics at the
University, will temporarily succeed Dr. Cecil C. Carpenter, who
last January requested reassignment to teaching and research
duties. In requesting relief from
his administrative
duties, Dr.
Carpenter agreed to continue as
a successor was named.
dean until
President John W. Oswald, In
announcing the temporary apof Dr. Rudd, said
that it now appears that the
designation of a permanent successor to Dean Carpenter may
take somewhat longer than had
been anticipated.
"We have decided, therefore, to
honor Dean Carpenter's request
for reassignment at the earliest
practicable date, and have agreed
that July 1, the beginning of a
new fiscal year, Is an appropriate
Meanwhile, said President Oswald, a screening committee will
be actively seeking a permanent
dean for the commerce college.

� The Kentucky Kernel

Students Get Graded,
Why Not Instructors?

Regardless of what can be said
of a college or university, there is one

thing that should be evident. They
are businesses and as businesses they
should strive to achieve a degree of
efliciency and success.
Employes of a business must produce or else. There should be no difference with those employed by a
university or college.
It is easy to see that many students do not make th? grade. One
only has to check the "purged" freshmen each year to know this. Yet, it
seems that once one has been a student long enough to have received
a master's or doctor's degree he enters a sanction that makes him, in
most places, safe from criticism.
If the University, this or any other,
is to function smoothly and efficiently,
there obviously should be a way to
theck those employed. In many instances a professor or instructor is
hired, yet may in actuality be unsuitable at the time. In other cases, either
through senility or a false sense of
being "above" the level of a student,
a professor may be unsuitable. A

professor may be highly respected and
learned, but the classroom often
proves a different matter.
It is almost ridiculous to throw
students out and still keep professors
who are unsatisfactory. Of course
once a professor is hired, in very few
instances does the University know of
his procedures in the classroom.
The Kernel believes a system
could be worked out for the students
to evaluate instructors at the end of
the semesters. Of course, some students would probably turn in crackpot opinions but others would be sincere and a great deal could be learned
from this. It would not take five minutes out of the entire semester and
could prove worthwhile. Forms could
be given to each instructor and taken
up by a person whose name comes
first on the roll and the report would
then be unseen by the professor.
Professors may not agree with
this plan, but at least they would
know if they were meant to be teachers or misplacements like many of
the students who have gone through
their classrooms.

The Soulh's Outstanding College Daily
University of Kentucky

clasi matter under the Act of Mareh .1, 1879.
at thr port of tier at Leirington, Kentucky
Published four timet a week during the regular Khool year excel during holiday! and exami.
achool year; 10 centl
copy from file.
Sutncriptinn ratei: 7

Richard E. Stevenson,

Grant, Production Aide

Bunny Anderson, Advertising Manager

Would Discourage
Student Initiative


Many colleges and universities
throughout the country are initiating
the pass-fai- l
system. They are introducing to their respective institutions
of higher learning a system in which
grades do not count; a system in which
a student either passes or fails a subject. And they are initiating a system
that will lower the caliber of students
that they graduate.
Under the pass-fai- l
system a student does not receive an "A" to indicate that he has performed with

It Is 'Degree Or Bust, Isn 't It?

Why are you in college? To get
from home? Because your parents sent you? To avoid going out into
the cold, cruel world?
Of course not. You're here to get
an education. You want to learn. And
you want a degree, of course.
Why? Because you have to have a
degree to get ahead these days. That's
what everyone says. If you don't have
at least one degree and the more,
the merrier you really never will
amount to anything at all. No one
ever goes anywhere in life without
that little piece of paper; everybody
knows that.
After all, it isn't really what you
know that counts. So you get your degree in interior design and you want
to go into elementary-schoo- l
fine. As long as you have a degree.
Of course a degree is important.
Very important. We all know that.
If we didn't think so.we wouldn't be
here. Oh, there are a few of us who

come to college for the sake of pure
knowledge alone, but when you come
right down to it, most of us are pretty
hep on that degree, and on what's in
it for us.
So here we are in college, learning as hard as we can. Grades are the
big thing today. Of course, just having
a degree in itself is nice, but if you
really are planning on going places in
life, what you really must have are
those little phrases, "with distinction," or, better yet, "with high distinction" as decoration for your diploma.
And so we're under constant pressure, day in and day out, from family,
friends, and professors, to make that
grade. Of course, to be perfectly iair,
there are other things to growing up
besides graduating. But what's the
rush? You have all the rest of your life
for those.
The main thing now is to stop
wasting money and get through

school. You're pretty lucky, you know,
that you even have the chance to try.
So the least you could do would be to
make straight A's you know, to make
the investment worthwhile.
And too, if you don't succeed in
college, what earthly chance have you
of ever making it in the big, bad
world outside? You can't learn common sense in school, so it must not
be important. After all, if it were,
they'd give a course in it. There are
courses in everything else that's of any
consequence and even in a few things
that aren't.
So we really should stop and examine our goals. Be realistic if you're
here for any other reason than to get
a degree, then you're either fooling
yourself, or you're not mature enough
to realize what degrees mean to "The
People Who Count." Set your course
straight degree or bust. Because
nothing else is important. At least,
that's what we keep hearing.

UK Wood Utilization Center

Part Of Mrs. Johnson's Tour
Lyndon B. Johnson,
on her second trip to Kentucky in recent weeks, took "a
longer look a woman's look"
at the problems besetting
and left with words
of praise for what the people
of the region have done to
better their lives.
On tier latest trip she spent

most of her day In Jackson and
Breathitt County, visiting a
family of an unemployed
man, joining 24 school children
for a hot lunch In a
schoolhouse and dedicating
new gymnasium at the Breathitt
County High School.
Her day began early; she arrived at Lexington's Blue Grass
Field at 8:05 a.m. where she was
greeted by Oovernor and Mrs.
Edward T. Breathitt and University President John Oswald
among others.
Mrs. Johnson made her first
official stop at Warshoals Branch,
In Breathitt County, three miles

north of Jackson. There she
scorned the use of a school bus,
donned soft leather boots and
trekked nearly
a mile "up the holler" to meet
and talk with the family of Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Robinson.
On the porch of the three-rooRobinson home, the First
Lady posed for photographers
with the Robinsons and six of
their seven children Judy, 4;
Leslie, 6; Ray, 8; Eugene, 11;
Reed, 13; and Roy, 14. Ronnie 9,
is totally disabled and was absent
from the day's events.
She went Inside alone to talk
with the family, and emerged a
few minutes later to tour the
hilly farm where Robertson earns
about $300 a year from
of an acre of tobacco. He
supplements this Income with occasional part-timwork.
to Jackson, Mrs.
Johnson addressed nearly 5,000
people at dedication ceremonies
Breathitt County High
School's new gymnasium
Breathitt County Coliseum.
Before leaving Breathitt


Henry Rosenthal, Sports Editor
Tom Finnie, Circulation Manager
Kernel Staff:
Melinda Manning, Sandra Brock, Kenneth Cheen, Hal Kemp, Robert Lee, Len Cobb


County, Mrs. Johnson traveled to
Quicksand and the University's
new Wood Utilization
there. She was led through the
building by President Oswald;
Dr. William A. Seay, dean of the
University's College of Agriculture; and B. O. Greenlee, director
of the center, and was accompanied by Governor and Mrs.

excellence. Nor does a student receive
a "D" to show that he passed the
course with the minimum effort or
accomplishment. Instead, students in
both categories find themselves in the
same classification.
Perhaps the "A" students may at
thrive on knowing that they
learned more and worked harder than
the "D" students. For a while they
may continue to do superior work for
personal satisfaction. But eventually
they will become resentful; they will
search for a reason to do a good job
when others are rewarded equally
as well by doing a half-wajob.
There is also much in reward.

When initiative is gone at a university, students will gradually cease
to produce everything except the minimum effort. Many students who
might have been creative under a
competitive system are not creative
under a pass-fai- l
system. For an individual to produce, more than ability
is necessary. Drive and ambition must
also be present. There can be no drive
or ambition when what is desired is
not available. There can be no drive
to do "A" work when "A's" are not
A college must prepare an individual for the world. And the world does
not operate on a pass-fai- l
system. It
operates on a competitive system.
We have wisely avoided such a
here. Many of those who are
capable of producing with excellence
are doing so; and many of those who
have not been producing well are trying harder.






The First Lady, obviously lm.
pressed by the research program
to find new uses for Kentucky
timber, called the center "one of
the many steps being taken to
develop a future for Kentuckians
which is worthy of their Illustrious past.
"The dignity and Independence
of the people who live In the
mountains is known
throughout the nation," she said,
"yet circumstances have forced
some of them Into unemployment and dependence on government welfare. Now we have prospect of new jobs to be provided
through this center, as it helps
businessmen to make greater use
of Kentucky's valuable timber."




Governor Edward T. (Ned) Breathitt
stands with the First Lady,
Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson, as she greets the crowd at
the Unirerslty's
Wood Utilisation tenter at Quicksand.


Club Pro Says


'Hit It Long, Straight'
To Win National Open
Pro, Congressional Club, Washington
Written for AP Newsfeaturcs
not only got to hit it long,
but you've got to hit it straight to win the 19C4 National Open
golf championship. That is usually the case in an Open but
this year distance and accuracy could be more important.
oar 70 Con- The
inere are too many Dunners ana
gressional Country Club, located
In the rolling countryside
of there's too much rater for that
nearby Maryland, will be the
longest course ever used for the
open to be played June
And It may well be the most
picturesque, also. This is a very
beautiful course, with some fine
panoramic views. The 18th green,
surrounded on three sides by a
lake, will be one of the most
picturesque final holes of any
For the golfer, however, the
course will be a real challenge.
NOT only Is the course long, but
the fairways are narrow and
carefully trapped. The rough will
be high enough to give anybody
The greens will be firm and
clipped to 316ths of an inch, so
approach shots must be high and
precisely aimed. There won't be
any soft turf and high grass for
the backspin to grab hold.
The guy who hits the accurate
high ball on his second shot is
going to win. A shot with a low
trajectory is going to buy trouble.

kind of shooting.
Golfers like Arnold Palmer and
Jack Nlcklaus, who are long, accurate hitters, will do well at
Congressional. But anybody who
strays oil the fairway will be In
282 or 284 will win
I expect
the open. There are only two par
Ave holes, and neither will be
This is a different course than
the one at the Brookline Country
Club, where the Open was played
last year. That was an old course.
When it was built, they built golf
courses on hills.
Brookline was up and down,
with small greens and blind
Ours Is a long, gently rolling
course with large greens. The
greens average 7,200 square feet,
but can be made to play smaller
by pin placement.
In some places, the fairways
are only 30 yards wide.

Stevenson Named
Summer Kernel Head
Today's edition of the Kernel marks the start of the summer publication schedule of the
University newspaper. Richard E. Stevenson of Cadiz is editor of the summer
lication deadlines and a "cost

The Kernel's summer staff,
largest since the paper became a
daily seven years ago, numbers 15
students from three departments
of the University. Key positions
are held by journalism, English,
and psychology majors who have
completed two or more courses in
Communications Practicum.
William R. Grant of Winchester, who will be editor of the 1964-6- 5
Kernel, will be editorial and
production, aide to Stevenson for
the summer term.
Thomas Finnie of Pennsylvania
heads up the circulation department,
and Zona Anderson,
Louisville, will be advertising
manager. Henry Rosenthal
Winchester, 1964-6- 5 sports editor,
will handle that department for
the summer editions which will
be published Fridays through
July 24.
Others already working on the
summer staff are Melinda Manning, Sandra Brock, Ken Green,
Hal Kemp, Robert Lee, and Len
Cobb. Four additional students
are scheduled to Join the stall
Highlighting the summer publication program will be the
changeover of the Kernel from
letterpress to offset newspaper
Goss press Is
press. An
being installed In the Division of
Printing, replacing a
flatbed letterpress. The new press,
expected to be in operation next
week, will produce 10.000 papers
an hour. The equipment, costing
will be used
where possible In other University
The Kernel closed the rerular
academic year last month with a
balance of more than $15,000, a
record in the history of the Unistaff
versity. The
started the year July 1, 1963 with
$15.72. Kernel writers last year
received a record amount of
money In Hearst awards. Regional ratings have not been announced.
W. C. Caywood Jr, journalism
instructor and Kernel adviser for
the past year, attributed the
sound financial condition of the
paper to the exacting work of the
student staff In maintaining pub

awareness." Mechanical production costs dropped from $240.86
an issue in September, 1963, to
$144.06 in May.
Mr. Caywood, who is returning





Basketball Card Announced

Kentucky's defending Southeastern Conference basketball
card in 1901-0that
champions have scheduled a
calls for 16 league tests for the first time in history, Athletic
Director Bernie A. Shively announced last week.
Highlighting the stiff card ar

ranged for Coach Adolph Rupp's
35th season at the Wildcat helm
EEC schedwill be the
ule and a traditionally
group of contests
In the month of December including the 12th annual UK Invitational Tournament.
From the opening tipoff December 4 against Iowa to the
final horn three months later
following the last scheduled game
with Alabama, the Cats will be
in action on their home Memorial
Coliseum hardwood 14 times and
on the road for 11 tests. Shively
said home game starting times
will be 8 p.m., E.S.T. unless two
Saturday contests are shifted to
afternoon under possible conferences d e television arrangements.
Expansion of league engagee
ments to an
high of 16
resulted from a
made necessary by the resignation of Georgia Tech from the
SEC. Under. the new plan, Kentucky replaces Its two dates with
Tech by adding home and home

to professional newspaper work
late this summer, said that next
year's staffers have an understanding of the relationship between students and professional
printers, and that he felt the
Kernel workers could switch to
offset operations with a minimum
of difficulty.
Perry Ashley and Lewis
both former advisers to the
Kernel, will share faculty supervision, beginning in September,
Uniwhen a new student-facult- y
versity publications board will
oversee all production work.

Kentucky's fourth annual
Conference o n
Human Rights is set for 10
a.m., today at the Health
auditorium in
Keynote speaker at the

conference will be James
McBrtde Dabbs, Maysville, S. C,
past president of the Southern
Regional Council, Inc., Atlanta.
The council, a civil rights organisation formed some 30 years ago,
has affiliated Human Relations
Councils In 12 southern states,
Including Kentucky.
Dabbs Is the author of "The
Southern Heritage," a book on
race relations In the South published In 1958.
Governor Edward T. Breathitt will address the conferences
this afternoon. The gathering
has drawn attendance of 250 to
300 persons during the past few
The theme of this year's conference is "Challenges in 1964:
Federal, State and Local." Discussion topics during the morning session will include:
Developing support for



Creating a new city commission;
Strengthening the programs
of existing city commissions;
City enactment of enforceable ordinances.
In pointing out the importance
of the conference, Galen Martin,






Typewriters, Adding Machines



Repair Service, Adding Machines, New snd Utsd Portables,
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Mr. and Mrs. John Innss, Proprietors



No Added Cost!


Emergency Road Service"


executive director of the Kentucky Commission on Human
Rights, said, "The recent
amendments to the Federal
civil rights bill further emphasizes that State action will precede Federal enforcement procedures where State laws apply.
Kentucky will want to study
ways of taking advantage
these accented
State priority
of the amendprinciples. Copies
ments will be available at the
The Very Reverend Robert W.
Estill, commission chairman and
dean of Christ Church Cathedral,
Louisville, will preside during the

nTn'im'innrimsriff-gganever met before while Syracuse
comes on the schedule after an
loss to UK in the
1950 Sugar Bowl Tournament.
Competition with Iowa has been
in tournament play only.
The field for the Dec.
UKIT, in which host Kentucky
will be defending its seventh title,
includes West Virginia, Dayton
and Illinois. All three of the
visiting fives are tournament-wis- e
powers who have visited
here before West Virginia four
times and two titles, Dayton twice
and champs in 1955, and Illinois
a participant in 1956 and 1960.




arrangements with four schools
previously faced only once each
season. They are Alabama, Auburn, Georgia and Florida. The
round-robi- n
SEC schedule had been In effect since 1951
when tbe annual tournament
ceased to determine the champion.
December porThe eight-gam- e
tion of the schedule represents
an almost wholesale change from
the challenging assignment that
faced the Wildcats In 1963-6Only North Carolina and the annual Notre Dame battle at Louisville's mammoth Freedom Hall
survived the change that sees the
addition of the State University
of Iowa, Iowa State University,
Syracuse and a completely different field for the UKIT.
The colorful St. Louis Billikens
also move back to their former
location after serving last season as the wlndup attraction.
Dartmouth, slated for a Coliseum
return visit on Jan. 2, is the
lone other
Iowa State and Kentucky have

The Baptist Student Union will
hold Vesper services on Tuesday
and Thursday from 6:30 to 7 p.m.
A group of students from the Baptist Student Union will leave the
Center at 10
Saturday to
spend the day at Natural Bridge.
Those interested in going should
call or come by the BSU.

Complete Automotive


1964-6- 5
Dec. 4 Iowa
Dec. 7 North Carolina
Dec. 9 Iowa State
Dec. 12 Syracuse
UKIT (West Virginia,
Dec. 9
Dayton, Illinois and Kentucky)
Dec. 22 St. Louis
Dec. 29 Notre Dame at Louisville
Jan. 2 Dartmouth
Jan. 5 Vanderbilt
Jan. 9 Louisiana State .... away
11 Tulane
Jan. 16 Tennessee
Jan. 18 Auburn
Jan. 23 Florida
Jan. 25 Georgia
Jan. 30 Florida
Feb. 1 Georgia
Feb. 6 Mississippi
Feb. 8 Mississippi State .. home
Feb. 16 Vanderbilt
Feb. 20 Auburn
Feb. 22 Alabama
Feb. 27 Tennessee
Mar. 1 Alabama

Human Rights Conference
Set Today In Frankfort

State human rights

Editor of Summer Kernel

12, 1964- -3





265 Euclid Ave.
Next to Coliseum
1966 Harrodsburg Road
880 East High Street

Cash & Carry

� 4

-- THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday, June 12, 1964






A New






Press For The Kernel!

Workmen steady the second of two press units of
the Kernel's new Goss Community offset news- paper press as it was unloaded Monday. The third

The University of Kentucky is one of the first institutions
of higher learning in the United States to have its own on- rampus offset newspaper press.
Goss Community
press, capable of printing 10,000 papers an hour, is beinstalled In the Division of
Printing the basement room of
the Journalism Building. Factory
said the press
should be In operation by the
end of the week.
The new press was acquired
for students to learn the latest
methods of newspaper publication
In the small- - to medium-siz- e
newspaper fields. The Kernel, a
"laboratory operation" for those
interested In following writing or
as a
newspaper management
career, has published approximately 8,500 papers dally during
the past year.
University student who pays all publication
fees receives a copy of the Kernel. In addition, there are more
than 300 paid copies via malL
The Kernel has no "free subscribers.''
The new offset press, similar to
the type now being set up In
weekly and small dailies over the



University Press
Adds Offset Unit




unit, the folder, is still on the truck. The new press
The Kernel Is believed to be
the first college newspaper to have one.

nation, Is best noted for Its clear,

sharp printing, whereas the


terpress papers published In the
past had the appearance of being "faded." Accuracy In the reproduction of photographs highlights the offset system.
Bruce Denbo, director of the
University Press under whose department the Division of Printing operates, said the new press
was acquired primarily to Improve the printed appearance of
the Kernel and to furnish students with a firsthand knowledge
of the latest In newspaper production. Mr. Denbo said that it
has not yet been determined what
could be published on the Goss
The two-un- it
press which will
be adjusted to print eight pages
tabloid size can go as high as 12
or 16 pages tabloid size, or eight
pages standard size. On two-un- it
operations color work can be
The old press, a used model,
was acquired by the Kernel In
1929. Its capacity was 16 pages
tabloid at a rate of
copies an hour.


$90,000 In Grants Received

The University has recently
received over $90,000
grants. The grants, to various
University departments, are
for a wide-rangof activities.

total of 107 teachers from 42
have been
awarded summer scholarships by
hte College of Education, where
they will prepare to teach mentally and physically handicapped

Music Department
Sets Workshops
F or This Month
A workshop for elementary
school classroom teachers and
music specialists which ends
today is the first of three music workshops scheduled this
month at the University.
This week's workshop has been
directed by Miss Harriet Nord-holprofessor of music education at