xt7j9k45s13w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7j9k45s13w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1957 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs University of Kentucky vs. Xavier University, November 16, 1957 text University of Kentucky vs. Xavier University, November 16, 1957 1957 1957 2014 true xt7j9k45s13w section xt7j9k45s13w   I I I OFFICIAL PROGRAM ·  I     TWENTY-FIVE CENTS I _   ·..K
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A Athletics at Kentucky
Kentucky’s athletics program is organized under bring night football into new popularity, mammoth
the Department of Athletics and a corporation Memorial Coliseum constructed, new practice Ea-
knowu as the University of Kentucky Athletics cilities and two modern living units (i~Vildcat
Association. Manor and Kitten Lodge) provided for the grid-
A ftrm believer in sports and sportsmanship, Dr. iron teams.
Leo M. Chamberlain, Vice-President of the Univer- Maintaining over-all control of U.K. athletics
sity, has general supervision over the Department affairs is the Board of Directors of the Athletics
and also serves as vice chairman of the Board of Association, composed of the President of the Uni-
Directors of the Association. versity and lO other directors appointed by him.
Former UK football player and one-time \\’ild- including hve members of the faculty of the Uni-
cat coach, Dr. A. D. Kirwan, acts as secretary to the versity. the president of the Student Government
Association. He also is the school`s faculty repre- Association, an alumnus of the school, a member of
seutative to the Southeastern Conference. the UK. Board of Trustees, and two others. Frank
Supervising the steady growth and balanced cle- l). Peterson, University Vice President of Business
velopment of one of the uation’s top athletic pro- Administration, serves the board as treasurer.
grams as Director of Athletics is Bernie A. Shively. The current Board of Directors consists of:
The former lllinois All-America footballer has D F k G D k b
. I ) x 7 . , A _' V _ . r. ran . ic ey, Dr. Leo M. Cham erlain.
guided thc dcvelopuient of Kentucky as a nation- Clmmmn Vice Chairman
allv-respected power in malor sports since l93S and Dr. AA DA Kirwan, Secretary Robert Hobson
·' · . . · .` - - · Dr. Ralph An<>‘elueei Alfred L Crabb
rained wide iesture tln ucl · lz 1r- ninded 2 - e ‘ ‘ ‘
P P A 0 A i A I _1 _ _ ip lames B. Allen Patil Oberst
proach to many problems. Under his d1rect10n, George K, Brady David llavencraft (student)
the seating capacity of Mclsean Stadium has been AUbT€Y JA BYOWU H— D· P¤lm0Y€
I bl d Y I 1 1. lt. . .y _ { H 1 Thomas Clark D. V. Terrell
t ou e , power u igi ing equipment insta et to Lyman Ginger William A_ Tolman

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ALBERT B. cHAr~1¤LEn   i*»·‘·     ,  »
Governor of KENTUCKY   — A      V_ V
The University of Kentucky today is one of the in the longterm gain to be derived by the citizens
* fastest growing institutions in the world, thanks in of Kentucky from this medical school. Construction
5 great measure to the patronizing far-sightedness of on the first part of this center, the Medical Sciences
_ Governor Albert Benjamin Chandler. building, will begin very soon and is due to be hn-
i Tremendous strides have been taken, under his ished by mid—1959.
; policy direction and with his constant interest in Education in general has greatly benefited during
Y the future of the state universit , and even reater the Chandler administration. On recommendation
Y g
~ progress is anticipated. of the Governor, the 1956 legislature completely
l At the request of Governor Chandler (LLB. ’24, Hnanced the budget requests of U.K. and the Hve
LL.D. ’37, the 1956 General Assembli ranted an state colle es; and a ro riated $54,785,500 to
> S P P .
appropriation of $5,000,000 to start a $25 million finance the Foundation Program in full. This pro-
Medical Center that promises to be one of the very gram insures at least S80 a year in state aid for
finest in the country. Another $6,000,000 has been each enrolled pupil, a nine-month school year.
pledged and is expected to be granted by the 1958 higher teachers pay, more buildings, and better
General Assembly, which like the Governor believes transportation among other benefits.

 Laundry Dry Cleaning
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 5 ® 3
MacGregor Co, of Cincinnati, Ohio, sup- `
plied U. of K. athletic teams the following .
equipment; M
FOOTBALL -—— Game Jerse s and Pants· A
Y , .
Warmup Jackets; Sideline Capes; Absorblo `
Shoulder Pads, Knee Pads, and Hip Pods;
. \
Colored Leather Belts; Football Stockings. ·
BASEBALL -— Uniforms, Shoes, Caps, ond  
#97 Baseballs; Catchers' Mitts, Protection   V
Pads, and Masks; First Basemen's Mitts; "”°"°”
Phone N0. TOS .
A Mixcakzsok msTRisuTOR Fok THIRTY-SlX Yams
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lust one year ago, Frank G. Dickey accepted the challenge of guiding the Univer—
sity of Kentucky through years which many observers think will {ind it in its
period of maximum physical-plant and student expansion. Enrollment during
his "freshman season" in the presidency-8,125, an all—time high for the 92-year-
old institution; the anticipated 12,000 to 15,000 students by 1965; and the plans
for additional structures single out U.K. as one of the nation`s lastest growing
institutions. Although young in years, the University’s Hfth chief executive is
recognized as an outstanding educator in the Held of higher learning. Born in
\=Vagoner, Oklahoma, Dr. Dickey received most of his education in Lexington.
He was graduated from Henry Clay High School, and later was awarded the
AB. degree with highest honors by Transylvania College, and the Master of Arts
and Doctor of Education degrees by the University. He also has taken post»
doctoral work at Harvard. ln 1949, Dr. Dickey was named to head U.K.'s Bureau
ol School Services and six months later was appointed as Dean of the College of
Education—the post he held until his election to the presidency. The president,
an avid follower of U.K. teams, strongly favors the continuance of University
athletics on their current high plane and in balance with the academic program.

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A • Home—cooked Food Main at Midland • Dining Room Service

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4 .»`. _   V ‘ ` _ . _ Mnssussappn ..,............ Sep!. 28  
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_. — · » A . .. ‘ » *Ge¤rgi¤ ................ I Oct. 26  
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_ `"~I pl Auburn .................. Oct. I2 gil?
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